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The Doubleday Natúral History Press, publisher for The American Seth and Ruth Leacock
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of the
- A Study of an Afro-Brazilian Cult

Published for .:
The American Museum of Natural History
Doubleday Natural History Press
Garden City, New York
Si o Sai

ed coa
Preface 2

E 720003629 Chapter 1 A Batuque

| É Chapter II | The Setting

E | | a | - Chapter Ill | The Belief System
| : Chapter IV | The Believers
MUSEU NACICNAL | É Chapter V The Spirits
Chapter VI
Possession .
q Chapter VII | Organization
mres. [5424 i É Chapter VIII Curing
Chapter IX Ritual

Ê Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-178832 Chapter X Conclusions

Copyright O 1972 by Seth Leacock and Ruth Leacock Appe E] Songs of the Batu que
All rights reserved & “Appendix B Lifé History of a Batuque Medium
| Printed in the United States of America 5 (
| First Edition E dm
*& Glossary / = 375
7 Bibliography e 3816
Photographs by the authors EE Ind
ndex quo O)

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ip Ea
This book is intended to be a comprehensive description of the
Batuque, a contemporary non-Christian religious sect found in
Belém, Brazil. The Batuque is one of a large number of closely
related religious groups, all stressing spirit possession, that are
flourishing today in every urban center in Brazil and in many

parts of the interior. Usually referred to as “Afro-Brazilian,”
and sometimes studied as survivals of a religion brought from

Africa, these religious sects have in fact become well adapted


I to contemporary Brazilian culture/ This” book is consequently

not about some exotic religion of the past but is concerned
with a viable and prominent aspect of modern Brazilian religious
For the authors, respectively an anthropologist and a historian,
“the understanding of any religion requires some consideration of
its historical, sociological, and psycho al dimensions. This very
broad approach has led us first to explore the origins of Batuque
rituals and beliefs, to the extent that this is possible, and to
speculate about some of the processes involved in their develop-
ment. But we have also tried to identify the members of this
religion in terms of-class. affiliation, economic status, and other
social characteristics. And finally, where our book differs most ,
from earlier studies is in the emphasis we have placed on the
individual, his motivation in joining the sect, and especially the occasions. Our first debt, then, to those who helped make this(
benefits that he derives from participation. book possible, is to George Colman.
lhe book is based on research undertaken in Belém during Our second debt is to the National Science Esondadon; O
seven months in 1962-63 and two months in 1965. Traditional which furnished the funds for both trips to study the Batuque(
anthropological techniques of collecting data were employed. We (Grants G24065 and GS801). We are also indebted to the,
attended thirty-seven major public ceremonies, ten minor events, | University of Chicago for making it possible for the senior
and ten curing sessions. We attended ceremonies: in thirteen dif- : E author to remain in Brazil an extra three months in 1963. The!
cult centers, but we knew the personnel of only four centers” “º%f- Research Foundation of the University of Connecticut awarded(
fairly well. Observations of ceremonies contributed to our under- F E the senior author a grant to aid in paying publication costs and
standing of ritual and trance, facilitated contacts with rank-and- -: also provided for the typing of the manuscript. We would like
file members, and provided material for follow-up interviews. We to thank Mrs. Selma Wollman for doing the typing, Sol Wollman(
gave a short questionnaire to eighty-seven members and obtained of the University of Connecticut Photo Lab for printing our (
some kinds of information for about 150 members al - By photographs, and Raymond Blanchette for drawing the map.
far the greatest amount of data was collected during intensive, The initial phases of our study were greatly facilitated byl
open-ended interviews with known informants. All interviews several members of the staff of the Museu Paraense Emílio(
were carried out in the native language, Portuguese.? “Goeldi in Belém. Eduardo Galvão, head of the Division of Ant
The research situation was in most respects ideal. The people pology and at the time acting director of the museum, placed a
of Belém are noted nationally for their hospitality and friendli- number of the facilities of the museum at our disposal, introduced(
ness. Most of the leaders of the Batuque were literate, they us to a key informant, and throughout our research was a constant /
were aware that a number of books had been written about source of support. Other members of the staff shared their knowl-
the Afro-Brazilian sects in other cities, and they were extremely edge of Afro-Brazilian religions with us, especially Edson Diniz(
interested in co-operating in the production of a book about and Protásio Frikel. We had many helpful discussions with Pro-(
their own sect. Both they and their followers were eager to have. fessor Arthur Napoleão Figueiredo of the University of Pará, who,
- photographs .of themselves in. trance, and the several hundred has since carried out his own study of the Batuque.
photographs we took served both-as documentation of ceremonial We owe the greatest debt of all to “the Batuque members who(
activity and as entry into the good graces of the participants welcomed us so hospitably, treated us always with consideration,
We also gave our informants periodic presents of money, but and spent so many hours answering our questions. Among the |
never in a context suggesting that we were paying for information. many who contributed to our understanding of their religion,
During our first stay in Belém we rented a house where we were we would like especially to thank Maria de Aguiar, Raimunda(
sometimes visited. by our informants, but during the second trip Moreira Cardoso, Manoel Colaço, Conrada Ribeiro Cnh
we lived in a hotel and could only interview in our informants “José Ferreira, Apolônia Leonicio, Leontina Santos, Maria José
homes. j Paixão Santos, and Miguel Silva. We are aware that they will(
We saw our first Batuque ceremony in 1956 as guests of all be Kkeenly disappointed that we have not used their real,
George Colman, then: American Consul in Belém. We were pass- names in the text, but for obvious reasons we have used pseudo-
ing through the city on the way to study Indians in the interior, nyms throughout, except in a few cases of historical interest.
and Mr. Colman; who is still remembered with fondness and The city of Belém has changed considerably in the decade(
respect because of his interest in the local culture, made? a since 1962, as we discovered during a recent visit. There are.
point of inviting visiting Americans to attend Batuque ceremonies. many new buildings, many more cars in the streets, more tele-(
Recognizing our interest, Colman was our guide on two later vision sets in more homes, more stores stocked with a greater(
paae aa a ss


cruas. ATE E Va TE

variety of goods, and there are a great many more people. But
from all indications, the Batuque continues much as we have
described it. A few terreiros have closed, but many new ones

have opened. Without exception, our informants agreed that the

Batuque is: flourishing.

of the
Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
April, 1971 Deep

e ss
Chapter 1.

A Batuque


When the peoples of Africa were torn from their homes and
brought to the New World to serve as slaves, most of their(
cultural heritage was left behind them. But in some arts of,
the New World, especially in Latin America, the Africans man-
ed toto salvage their religious belicts from the wreckage of. their (
old wway of life ands clinging tenaciously to their gods, found (
them a source Of solace in a difficult, alien environment. AÍ-,
though the slaves came from many parts of Africa and brought
with them a variety of religious beliefs, it was those religions (
that stressed possession by supernatural beings that found most,
favor in the New World. Ji came to-be an article of faigh that
when the drums spoke and the proper so
- gods i in Africa could hear their children across the sea and came
swiftly-to possess them and participate in their ceremonies. S. (
To prevent officious interierence by their masters, the slaves
quickly provided their gods with “white masks” by identifying (
them with Catholic saints! Since the white man rationalized (
his treatment of human beings as chattel on the grounds that ,
the slaves were being made fit to enter the Christian heaven, *
he had to be at least nominally concerned with the religion(
practiced by the slaves. But as long as the saints were venerated,
pesar arms

the masters did not inquire too carefully into the details of the
rituals by which this was done.



Today, more than a hundred years since the last slave was
brought directly from Africa, in thousands of cult centers through-
out the West Indies and Brazil, drums still sound and the faithful
dance and sing and wait for the deities to possess them. In a
few instances the gods invoked are still African gods, and the
songs are still, at least ostensibly, in African languages. But
in most parts of the-New World the original African religions
have been greatly modified. The basic idea, that supernatural
beings come to carth and possess people, remains the central

belief, but conceptio: , what their

nature is, and what they can be expected to do ancs they have
taken possession of a human body have changed drastically. In
part, these changes can be attributed to the direct borrowing
of ideas from the Christian and indigenous Indian religions with
which the slaves came in contact. But the development of these
Afro-American religions has gone far beyond the mere borrow-
ing stage, and in each local area a coherent, integrated system
of belief has developed that is in some ways distinctive.
In the city of Belém, Brazil, port of entry to the vast Amazon. Drums and chegue-cheques (the elongated metal cylinders) provide the
“tiver básin, such an African-derived religion is flourishing. Almost rhythm for dancing during ceremonies.
every week, somewhere in the city, devotees gather to invite v

their spirits to possess them. These ceremonies, locally called


batuques, are open to the public and are usually well attended.
- The number of ceremonies held, the number of active partici- It is only a short step, once the presence of spirits is accepted,
pants, and the number of spectators who stay far into the night to seeking out one of the mediums in trance and asking the
to watch the proceedings all indicate that the cult in Belém supernatural being to solve some pressing personal problem.

represents a thriving religion. Those who come to the batugue to witness a spectacle often
Spectators at a batuque need not, however, actually be believers return as clients and some eventually become participants. It
in the religion. Their role at a ceremony is entirely passive. No is not surprising that enterprising leaders try to make the ceremony
attitude or act of worship is demanded nd most members as dramatic as possible.

Since the ceremonies are public, any visitor to Belém can


of the audience attend simply to be“entertained. Above all, a

batuque is a spectacle. There is music, dancing, color, excitement, attend a batuque and, in fact, will usually receive a warm welcome.
and mystery/ The mediums who court possession by supernatural Americans in particular have a reputation for being fascinated
beings appear to be engaged in dramatic and perhaps dangerous by the ceremonies. A stranger to the city who wishes to attend

activities, dancing on the edge of the unknown, entering mental . a ceremony hay have some difficulty, however, in locating a

states. that seem only slightly removed from md Even to terreiro, as the cult centers are called, since most terreiros
em eta e ion ass &

the skeptic the wild, uncontrolled behavior of somé mediums are located on back streets in the poorer, outlying neighborhoods,
while in trance provides compelling evidence that there is, indeed, where 1t 15 at night. The back streets
some direct participation by the supernatural in the proceedings. of Belém have neither street lights nor signposts and are not

only úiipaved, but sometimes also peter out completely in a. to earth and possess people. On most altars there is one image
tangle of overgrown weeds and tall grass that is impassable to larger than the others or situated in a prominent position—
all but foot traffic. In some cases the “street” is actually a this image symbolizes at one and the same time the patron saint,

sluggish creek or a marsh and even foot traffic is difficult. The so to s of the terreiro and the most important non-Christian
houses lining these watery thoroughfares are perched on. stilts spirit that the leader of the terreiro “receives.” a
and can be reached only by way of a narrow elevatéd board In addition to the images of saints, the altar also contains
walk, not always in perfect repair, that runs the length of the “a few figurines of Ameri » usually

crudely modeled
street. and garishly painted. It does not take much imagination to
If one has mastered the difficulties of locating

“a terreiro, it that these figurines represent spirits of the New World, another
is wise to arrive a half hour or so before the scheduled beginning addition to the original African pantheon.
of the ceremony. By the time the ceremony begins, usually around A glance under the altar, once-the ornate altar cloth has
9:00 P.M., the pavilion where the batuque is held is likely to been pushed aside, reveals a row of bowls containing stones of
varying sizes in liquids su

be solidly ringed with spectators and visibility limited. ix or the oil of
The pavilion (which i err is usually an open the dendê palm, Other bowls contain only beverages, oil, or
bui l ee sides. The roof is palm thatch food mixtures without the stones. The stones serve as the “seats”
of the principal spirits received in the terreiro, and the beverages

or tile, and the floor is beaten earth or cement, depending on

the resources of the cult leader. There is usually a railing around and foods.represe Q oblio gations;
on > ings,.to.the.sarame
ot.offerino de
the perimeter of the ceremonial area that separates the participants If the upper part of the altar-—the tiers of images with lighted

in the ceremony from most of the audience. In most terreiros candles placed in front-—has a very Catholic appearance, the

- there are benches -and chairs placed inside the railing for special lower part—the stones and offerings—suggests an African tribal
guests. The area inside the railing is sacred and spectators seated religion. As will become clear later, neither of these impressions
there may not smoke, cross either arms or legs, or engage in. is completely correct. Although the altar is no longer deliberately
any kind of disrespectful behavior. What goes on among the designed to mask the real beliefs of the participants in this
audience on the other side of the railing is rarely of concern, religion, it is still true that scrutiny of the symbols of the deities
as lónig as the ceremony is not disrupted. gives a quite erroneous notion of the nature of the modern pan-
Towards the back of the terreiro on the walled side of the, theon.
building are the drums, usually three in number, arranged on a. As a survey of the altar indicates, many fundamental changes
raised platform. Behind the drums is an enclosed room, or oc- have taken place in the religion that the slaves once practiced.
6 casionally simply a curtained alcove, that serves as a chapel. A visitor to a modern batugue should be prepared to witness
The chapel may be decorated with a variety of ritual objects a ceremony which has very little to do with the slaves or with
and sacred symbols and may include several small altars, but Africa. The cult, of which the batuque is the central ceremony,
its main altar invariably dominates the room. Here, arranged has become a Brazilian religion, practiced by Brazilians, and
on step tiers, stand images of Catholic saints. No longer simply dedicated to a group of supernatural beings most of whom- have
the “white masks” used by the slaves to disguise their deities, Brazilian names and speak only Portuguese. a
fas pao q
e a double meaning. In one sense they If a visitor were to attend a batuque at the terreiro of An-
stand for the saints they represent; the slaves accepted Catholic “tônio,? a well-known cult leader in the Pedreira section
of the
beliefs at a very early date, and the saints have been venerated city, there would be little difficulty in finding the center, which
ever since. But in addition, the images of the saints represent is located on a street that is passable to motor vehicle traffic.

the non-Christian supernatural beings that are thought to come Cult members. attribute the fact-that this-unpaved street is kept


in fair condition é their leader's “fame” and his influence with is one or two long strands of beads, with a crucifix, medallion enem
the political powers that be in the city.
or figa (a good luck amulet) atta
Ceremonies at Antônio's rarely begin on time. At 9:00 P.M,, The over-all effect of the costumes is one of unexpected
the scheduled hour, only the members of the audience are ready, opulence, considering the location of the terreiro and: the clothing
crowded around the pavilion. But shortly thereafter the prelimi- of the members of the audience. After one gets to-know some
nary activities to the main ceremony get under way. A young "of the participants, one discovers at what price they are able
woman enters the pavilion swinging a small charcoal brazier by to outfit themselves in such colorful fashion.
its long wire handle. Incense is scattered over” the smoldering

About 9:30 Antônio appears in the terreiro. Although he is
It is believed that
charcoal, yielding a thick fragrant o smoke. e the pai de santo (the title given male leaders), he is dressed just

RE af
this smoke ha operties and, as the as any other male participant except that he wears four long

ada ta
razler iS Carri terreiro, some members of the i- strands of beads, two over each: shoulder, crossed to the opposite
enc: smok: hip. On the whole Antônio -has -the harassed air of a leader sad-
their bodies, crisscrossins their extended arms over the brazier dled with incompetent followers who insist on doing things in-

ga ÍE ÇA
as After the chapel is also given a smoke purification, correctly as he rounds up the mediums and leads them into the
is carried back into the leader's house, which is chapel. At Antônio's terreiro the first public act of a batuque is

the brazier
located in front of the terreiro. a short Catholic prayer. The purpose of this prayer is not to ask
Three men who will serve as drummers seat themselves at the blessings of the Christian supernaturals on the ceremony to

io dp rien poipconpe
the drummers' bench and test the sound of the drums, tuning follow, since what follows is concerned exclusively with non-
them by tightening the clamps. that hold down the leather heads. Christian spirits, but is intended to petition the saints for blessings'
The drums, made of wood and often brightly painted, are beaten

in addition to those received from the non-Christian spirits. This

with the hands. is a good example of the way in which Christian and non-Christian

The mediums who will participate in the ceremony begin to elements tend to be combined into a unified system but are never
appear in the terreiro. In contrast to the drummers and the actually merged.


a «spectators the mediums -are stumed, Antônio has At the conclusion of the prayer, the pai de santo begins an
esignated blue and white as the colors to be won for this introductory song. As soon as he completes : the first stanza,

batugue. The female participants, who greatly outumber the the drums begin to sound, to continue with only brief pauses

wear white blouses with puffed short sleeves and full, for six or eight hours. Continuing to sing, the pai de santo


backs out of the chapel and moves in front of the drums,
light-blue skirts that reach to mid-calf, Most of the mediums

bending down and touching the floor in front of each drum :

“have obviously purchased their skirt material from the same


in a kind of salute. His actions are imitated by each of the

“shop, from the same bolt of cloth; it is a heavy satinlike material
mediums in turn. There are thirteen women /and two men, in
that shimmers in the light. The few men who take part have
addition to the pai de santo, participating in the opening phase
the colors reversed—white trousers and short-sleeved shirts made
of this batuque. When all of them have completed this part of
of the same light-blue material as the women's skirts. All partici- the ritual, the important business of the evening can begin—
pants wear open-heeled sandals; in a few cases the sandals have

the calling of the spirits. The drums pause. The pai de santo
been made to order of a blue leather to match the skirts. Some
sings: ae
of the mediums carry folded espadas, long scarves made of ex-
pensive material, often embroidered. The colors of these espadas Averekete da Caluna é rei do mar, Averekete of Caluna is king of the
vary according to the spirit that the individual is expected to
Averekete da Indá é rei do mar. Averekete of Indá is king of the
receive. The only other ornament worn by some of the mediums à o sea,
At the conclusion of the two-line stanza, the drums begin again
and the mediums sing the same lines as a chorus. All singing
takes this form, with one individual leading and the others sing-
ing as a chorus, often repeating the same one- or two-line
stanza sung by the leader.
In addition to the drums, the singing is accompanied by two
other instruments, both shaken by hand-—a gourd rattle (maracá).
and an elongated metal cylinder, partially fil ed with lead shot,
called a ganzã or cheque-cheque. Especially at the beginning
of the batuque, when the drummers and ganzá shaker are fresh,
the combined effect of all these percussion instruments is almost
overwhelming. This is particularly true if the visitor is occupying
a seat of honor, which is always placed close to the drums.
It is often impossible to distinguish the words as the singing
Averekete, nossa guia, é rei do mar, Averekete, our guide,yis king of the

asian pise
Averekete da Indá é rei do mar. Averekete of Indá is king of the sea.

penta cuançes
Together with the earlier lines, this comprises a complete song,
or “doctrine” (doutrina), to the spirit Averekete. Each doctrine
is usually sung for about two minutes (occasionally much-longer),

and three doctrines are -sung--for..each..spirit. Whatever the
wording, the song, in effect, invites the spirit to possess one of
theparticipants; If-no-oneris: possessed, “attention is turned to
another deity. It is a fairly closely followed tradition that no
doctrine is ever repeated during the same batuque (repetition
weak: e-doetrinez-it=is-believed), and if the ceremony lasts A typical batuque dance formation. Participants move in a counterclock-

six or eight hours, obviously a very large number of aifterem |

wise circle. (

songs are sung before the night is through. (

After completing three doctrines to Averekete, Antônio leads
three to another spirit named Sainha Barba, dé most terreiros fashion. They are either grouped in rough lines facing the drums (
in the city these two spirits, Averekete and Rainha Barba, are and dancing forwards and then back or grouped in a circle (
the first to be called. After they have been invited to descend, and moving in a counterclockwise direction. The dance formation
a variety of other spirits will be called, in no particular order, depends either upon the doctrine being sung or upon the explicit
depending on the whim or momentary inspiration of the cult direction of the song leader.
leader or whoever is leading the singing. Singing chorus after chorus, the mediums shuffle from one
While each doctrine is being sung to the accompaniment of dance into the next. On the dance floor the heat is suffocating.

the drums, the mediums dance in a dignified, somewhat sedate The closely packed bodies of the spectators ringing the pavilion (


“A less common formation, in which two lines of participants dance
one another. The boy seated between the drummers shakes gourd rattles.
The wall is decorated with paintings of spirits.

Shut off the evening breezes that normally bring relief from the
heat of the afternoon. Before half an hour has elapsed perspira-
tion is trickling down the fatés and necks of the participants;
the women's crisply starched blouses begin to wilt. The trapped
tropical night air, heavy with humidity, seems to inhibit the
normal outward ripple of the sound waves. The monotonous
boom of the drums, the rustle of the gourd ratíle, the metallic
chatter of the cheque-cheque, all seem held in oppressive sus-
A large white shawl called a toalha,is placed around the shoulders of a
» medium possessed by a higijranking spirit.
pension directly over the terreiro. Spectators and mediums alike 4
begin to acquire a glazed look. Two young children seated

“the benches within the terreiro railing doze off. Nothing, it seems,
by two mediums who have noted the signs of imminent trance
is at all likely to happen, when the pai de santo suddenly goes into
and moved directly behind' the pai de santo. After a final jerk
alteration of consciousness, stops backwards, Antônio lunges' forward and begins to dance in a
Antônio, who senses some
very animated manner, bending low with much knee action, then
singing, spins around to face the drums, closes his eyes tightly,
straightening up and whirling gracefully.
grimaces, and then pitches convulsively backwards. He is caught
A Batuque

After a minute or so of animated dancing Antônio stops the
E drums, by waving vaguely towards the drummers, and sings:

Cidade bonita de Taculumi, Beautiful city of Taculumi,
Estrada de prata por onde andei, Street of silver that 1 strolled along,
Chegou Dona Rosalina, Dona Rosalina has arrived,
Cobra Grande da Lagoa. Giant Snake of the Lake.

This song identifies the spirit who is now thought to be possess-

ing Antônio: Dona Rosalina. She has not actually been called
but has arrived anyway and must be made welcome, One medium

hurries into the chapel to get a large white embroidered shawl
called a toalha, which is reserved for spirits of high rank. The
toalha is fastened around Amtônio's waist as he continues to sing

the lead to the “Cidade bonita” doctrine.
There is then a brief pause in the singing and dancing as

participants line up to greet the spirit Dona Rosalina. The
ceremony of greeting a spirit is quite stylized and fairly intricate. A
Bowing or kneeling as he approaches the pai de santo, each (
medium crosses his extended arms and touches the floor in front /
of the pai de santo's feet. Antônio bends down, clasps hands
| with the kneeling medium, and raises him to a standing position.
The medium kisses'tHe back of the right hand of Antônio, and,
in the final act of the greeting ritual, the medium and Antônio,

still clasping hands, embrace by touching first their right shoulders
together and then their left shoulders.
Before all participants have greeted the spirit, the pai de santo (
starts a new song, and dancing resumes while the ceremony of
greeting continues. When this is completed, Antônio joins in the
dancing briefly, then, ordering someone else to “call Dom João,”

he walks off the floor, leaving the terreiro for his house to attend
to some unfinished preparations for the evening.
“» Dom João does not need a prolonged invitation. As the first
song to this spirit is being sung, an elderly woman goes into
trance, There is another pause, because Dom João needs not /

only a toalha but also requires that the head of the medium he
has possessed be tied up with a white kerchief. But after all of ( ny
the preparations, Dom João does not stay very long. His mediumi( |
dances briefly, greets a few fellow participants, then retires to|
the chapel, where she comes out of trance. After a few minutes”
E Ee |
Or the toalha may be fastened around the waist of the medium in trance.
4 Batuque 15



The med 1um im trance

AA e

sy of a formal greeting. The grasps the crossed hands of the greeter and helps
do O




5 E




o» 3

before the medium in trance. her to her feet



rest, the woman retórns to the floor, looking refreshed and quite
pleased with herself. RO
The pai de santo rejoins the dancing after a ten-minute in-
terval, singing the responses with the other participants. As soon .
as there is a lull, he takes over the lead again. While leading,
he abruptly reels backwards as the first supernatural who. pos- ”
sessed him leaves. But instead of returning to a “pure” o]
he enters a second trance. He jerks and struggles in the arms
of the mediums who hold him; then, yelling incoherently, pulls
himself free, whirls and dances wildly, eyes closed, in the center -
of the circle of dancers. When he pauses to allow a medium
to drape a new strand of beads around his neck, his body is
trembling violently, and when he leads a new song, his voice
appears to have been altered by the new possession; it is gruffer
and has a strained quality.

Cheguei, cheguei, I've come, Pve come,

Cheguei da beira do mar. Pve come from the edge of the sea.
Para vodunsi-ê, For mediums-ê,
Para vodunsi-á. For mediums-á.

All of the mediums- have been watching this new possession

very impassively, giving every indication of having witnessed it
all many times before. Although the doctrine sung by the new
“. Spirit mentions, no proper names, participants know as soon as

they hear it that the spirit Legua Bogi has descended; Legua
always sings this song first when possessing Antônio. Again the
ceremony of greeting the spirit is carried out, and this time some
members of the audience also go up to perform the ritual of
salutation. Actually, although Legua Bogi appears to be of lower .
rank than the first two spirits to descend—Dona Rosalina, and -
Dom João—and does not rate a toalha, he is a more im ortant,
spirit for this. teri ecause hei jor..“chiefs”.
of Antônio and is believed to be a very powerful..spirit sho...
“does iimpressive “work” while possessing the pai de santo.”
After leading a few more songs and again ordering someone Other participants continue singing and dancing as the salutation ritual
else to lead, Antônio leaves the terreiro a second time. He -will proceeds.
change his shirt, which is soaked with sweat, have a drink, and

then grant ek consltadions to participants and to members of
th e a audience e who wis o s possessing
iri - supposedly ossessi

It is now after 10:30, and the drummers begin to take rest

breaks. As a new drummer appears to take over, one of those
who has been beating goes to the house to have a cigarette
and a drink of cachaça (rum). A few drinks and the camaraderie
0f participation are the only payment drummers ordinarily receive
for their services. Cs
Thus far the pai de santo has been the centér of attention,
with other participants playing a supporting role. But once he
has disappeared, the mediums seem much less inhibited. One
young woman suddenly cries out, throws up her arms, and falls
backward hard on the floor before anyone can catch her. Helped
to her feet, she kicks off her sandals, pitches forward and begins
a frenzied dance in front of the drums, her arms pumping up
and dówn, her hands making tearing motions at her hair. An
older woman catches her arms and holds her while another
medium removes the bobby pins from the young woman's
" hair, Released again, the possessed woman again moves in front
of the drums and dances wildly, flopping her hair in front of
her face. Her head bobs up and down very rapidly in an obvi-
ously involuntary movement, giving the impression that she is
being held by the shoulders and shaken violently. After tossing
her head: in. .this .frenzied. way for approximately twenty-five A rather violent possession. The man standing behind the medium in trance
seconds, the medium appears calmer. The espada she has dropped is preparing to place a ritual scarf over her shoulders.
is thrown around her neck and the drums stop. All wait briefly
to see if the newly arrived spirit wants to sing, but when the
young woman simply staggers about looking foggy, an older One reason why the middle-aged woman has more prestige
woman starts another song. : than other participants soon becomes obvious. She has what cult
Several. other mediums go into trance in rapid succession in members admiringly speak of as “force,” i.e., the magnetic ability
the next! few minutes. A male participant stumbles and then tor induce other mediums to enter trance states. A number of
pirouettes as a spirit seizes him. No one pays much attention mediums who come forward to greet the woman's spirit reel
to him, /but when a stout, middle-aged woman is possessed, off into trance states as she embraces them. Another medium,
most of the participants and some members of the audience simply waiting in line to salute the spirit, crashes into a bench
go up tosgreet her spirit. She evidently has more prestige than of onlookers as his spirit suddenly descends. A pregnant woman
most of 'the other participants and, although in theory it is the sitting in the audience is possessed and is helped to the middle
spirit and not the medium who is granted the courtesy of a formal of the floor by her neighbors. Although she goes in for a bounding,
salutation, in practice cult members ration their demonstrations whirling style of dance and eventually falls down very hard on
of respect in accordance with the status of the medium.

the cement floor whem” her spirit unexpectedly abandons her,

no one appears worried that she might injure herself.

Not all spirits leave in so precipitous a fashion. Often they
clearly announce their intentions of departure. A medium pos-
sessed by a spirit about to depart takes a position in front of
the drums and leads one of various farewell songs: é

Adeus, terreiro, Ê Good-by, terreiro,

Eu já me vou. Pm leaving now. :

Adeus, terreiro, Good-by, terreiro, 2
Eu já me vou. Em leaving now,
Vocês são Mina, AU of you are Mina,
Eu sou Nagô. 1 am Nagô.

After singing the song through a few times, the medium stops
dancing and begins to revolve her torso from the waist. Finally

she falls backward into the waiting arms of other participants.
There is great variation in the behavior of mediumps while

in the trance state. Some dance with greater vigor and self-
assurance while in trance, but others only stagger about. Some
move with smooth grace and expertise, others more stifly and
awkwardly. Some mediums appear unconscious, oblivious to every-
thing around them except. the beat of the drums. Others, after
a brief initial period of what appear to be involuntary move-

ments, seem perfectly “normal,” interacting readily and cheerfully
with their fellow participants and with spectators. Some mediums
| in trance insist on taking over the. lead in the singing for long:
' periods, others are mute throughout their trance.
To a certain extent, some differences in behavior may be
É dictated by the rank or status of the spirit believed to be in
possession of the medium. For example, when mediums in trance
cave the pavilion for a rest break, those possessed- by the
higher status spirits usually go into the chapel. Here they kneel
before the altar and pray briefly and are then seated in chairs
- provided for them. A woman who serves as the chapel attendant
“brings them refreshments—a drink of water, beer, wine, or rum,

depending on the available supply and the preferençe of the spirit.
Mediums possessed by lower ranking spirits may “also enter the
chapel to make obeisance before the altar, but when this is The woman in the foreground sings a farewell song, signaling the imminent
completed they go into the pai de santo's house for their rest end of her trance, Two mediums move into position to catch her.

O €-
£ E
A Batuque 23
are about to be. invited to descend and dance. The audience
buzzes with uneasy excitement, and those standing outside the
pavilion strain to get a better view of the dance floor.
The mediums form two lines facing one another. The pai
santo, pacing back and forth between the two lines, starts a
song to Exu Tranca Rua.
Seu Tranca Rua disse Mr. Tranca Rua said
Que a sua banda é maior, That his band is larger,
E nós dizemos And we say
Que sua banda é de fé. That his band is one of faith.
Seu Tranca Rua ; “Mr. Tranca Rua
Com sua banda 'girando, Whirling with his band,
Oi, viva Pembá, oi, viva fé Oi, long live Pembá, oi, long live
faith +
Em Guiné. In Guinea. .
Mediums and some spectators supplement the drums by clapping
rhythmically. But nothing happens, no Exu descends, and the
pai de santo switches to a “stronger” song:

Exu, que. tem duas cabeças, Exu, who has two heads,
Ele faz sua gira com fé, gº Does his turning in faith,
Uma é Satanaz ao inferno, One is Satan from hell,
Outra é de Jesus Nazaré. The other is of Jesus Nazareth.

Às this song is sung the second time the Exus descend. A teen-age
girl in the audience cries out hoarsely and catapults into the

mediums standing in front of her. One of the mediums guides

Three mediums in trance retire to the terreiro's chapel for a rest and E her to the center of the pavilion where she begins to dance in
smoke. The woman seated at left, not in trance, is serving as chape! a contorted position. Her body is bent forward from the waist,
her arms held rigi i ehind her AS.
ti upwar: are wide open, staring blankly.
and refreshments. A medium who takes a rest break while A young man standing outside the! terreiro is also “seized” by
“pure,” i.e., not in trance, drinks nothing stronger than coffee. an Exu, He falls to the ground and /rolls in the mud before he
Shortly before midnight the pai de santo rejoins the RR can be brought into the pavilion. As he dances, he barks like
ties a scarf around his head, closes the door to the chape à a dog. The hand clapping, drumming, “and singing increase in
and turns off the two main lights in the terreiro. Only a small tempo. Then, as everyone appeared tó anticipate, one of t
bulb over the chapel door still burns. All of the mediums also drummers who has been taking a test break stumbles forward
tie scarves around their heads, and everyone who has been and begins to dance stiffly, .barely bending his knees. Another
sitting down, with the exception of the drummers, gets to õ song to Tranca Rua is sung. When it is concluded, the pai de santo
feet. Midnight is the hour of the Exus, the demons, and they steps up to the drummer, pours some gunpowder into the palm

A cult leader begins a midnight ceremony by receiving Rompe Mato, a | The pai de santo ignites the gunpower held in the b are hand of i
spirit who is believed to control Exu demons. possessed by a demon. a

of the drummer's left hand, then ignites it with the burning this time, everyone. claps loudly, and all of the Exus present
tip of a cigar. The drummer's hand will show no powder burns take their departure. The lights are turned on again and the
later. batugue resumes its normal course,
The Exu ceremony is concluded when the drummer is seated There is something of a let-down in the proceedings after
in a chair placed at the entrance to the pavilion. More gunpowder the Exu drama. Spectators yawn and begin to go home. Me-
is placed near his feet and then ignited. When the powder flares diums who have not :already done so go off on long rest breaks


to change 'their costumes. No definite color was prescribed for smoothly, Antônio is possessed by a new spirit and immediate
the second costume, and now, though the array of bright colors without the customary pause, switches to a new song:
is more profuse, the over-all effect is less striking. Only two Ha muito tempo que eu andava, Pve been traveling for a long time,
of the three drums aré being beaten by men; the other has.

Agora que vim chegando. I just got, here now.

been taken over by a young boy who is obviously learning. É Toi Joãozinho, ” It's Toi Joãozinho,
Another small boy shakes the maracá and a girl picks up the Venho do mar oceano. I come from the ocean sea.
ganzá when no adult spectators appear interested in: : operating Joãozinho is a gay, lighthearted spiri e greets
these instruments.

with smiles. Apparentiy bursting with energy, he reanimates

The pai de santo leads a song that is evidently. merely a
O e õ A -
the batuque by introducing a new dance form. He has the
“Eller”: mediums line up in two lines facing each other from opposite

Terra de Mina-Nagô. Land of Mina-Nagô. ends of the dance area. Following Antônio's lead, each line
crosses to the other end, the mediums taking long gliding steps

This one-line song is repeated over and over again. Then, whirling


and slowly passes the flame along the underside of his arms and under his
The medium, still in trance, waves lighted candles ... chin,


so emana eo ab emma noças

ã a
instead of-the short dance steps usually taken. They miss steps,
laugh and giggle, and bump into each other as they cross the
floor in the unfamiliar routine. When the drums stop, João-
e imuanpo se

zinho-Antônio cheerfully shouts, “Boa noite, minha gente” (Good'

evening, folks), to the audience and waltzes off to the house
to have a drink and joke with bystanders. «
One of the older women starts a song and is also possessed .
by a lighthearted spirit. After enthusiastically leading' the songs-
that identify her spirit, she also goes off into the house for a
drink. From this time until the end of the batuque, few solemn
spirits descend. The spirits that do put in an appearance are a
happy, playful lot, but since these gay spirits seem to be thirstier
than the dignifed ones and spend considerable time in the
pai de santo's house, the dancing activity in the pavilion often
drags and nearly falters. At one point only four mediums remain
ready to dance and none of them is prepared to lead. They
argue mildly over who should sing. One of the two remaining
drummers finally leads. But there are spurts of animated dancing
and singing as mediums possessed by the playful spirits return
periodically to join in the dancing. One woman returns wearing
two large hats, one on top of the other. She joins sedately in
the dancing, but when thê drums stop she does a series of

vigorous bumps and grinds to the great amusement of both
participants and spectators. Antônio returns, the exuberant spirits

of Joãozinho still“úndimmed, borrows an umbrellá from a specta- no mediums, possessed by carouser spirits, dance with their arms around
tor, and improvises a short dance usifg the umbrella as a cane. each other-—a departure from the customary dance style.

A slight diversion is created by a man in the audience who

has been leaning against the wall near the drums, evidently
in a drunken stupor. After suddenly swaying forward and then By four o'clock in the morning the mediums are yawning
back against the wall and then forward again, the force of gravity- and complaining that they are tired. Two have already left for
asserts itself and he crashes forward on his face. Members of. their homes. Antônio decides to close the batugue and persuades
the audience titter uncertainly, not sure whether the man has all of the remaining mediums to return to the dance floor.
been seized by a spirit or laid low by alcohol. The mediums Four mediums, still possessed by spirits, link arms, kneel down
ignore: the drunk for a while, dancing around his prone ;body,: in front of the drums, and sing a farewell song. At precisely
but, at a word from the pai de santo, two male participants the same time, at some imperceptible signal, all four keel over
pick up the drunk, carry him outside the terreiro and uncere- backward as their spirits leave them.
moniously dump him on the ground. The drunk sits up, rubs All participants again tie scarves around their heads and
his battered face thoughtfully, then slowly staggers off into the begin a circular dance as the pai de santo leads the closing
darkness. ; ENA songs. Bringing a long embroidered white scarf from the chapel,

Antônio then dances alone directly in front of the drums. As Chapter II.
the final chorus of a final doctrine is being sung, he drapes the
scarf over the drums; the drumming, the rattle of the cheque-.
Ee the singing all stop abruptly. | e penetrating predawn

c & tropics settles down on the terreiro as the spectators

depart for a few hours of sleep, and the spirits,
and Ei
saints, and demons either soar swiftly and silently into outer ) The Setting
spafs or sink noiselessly beneath the earth,


1. See Bastide (1960, p. 225).

2. All- names used for cult members are pseudonyms except in a few
cases of historical interest.
a -Although all of the African-derived cults now flourishing in Brazil
share some fundamental ideas and practices! the differences
among the cults practiced in different parts of the country are
r 4
so great that a cult member from one section would have some
TT AY. (
é ' £ j é is j x F
difficulty participating in a ceremony at a terreiro in another

4 o, o ; PAS ke ;
section. The spirits that are invoked, the songs, and the rituals
/+ LA, "o A
/ ; ; a A
/ / : é all differ from one region to another.

Ad do / 6 A E f o red ú CDA? ; “a A
/y > FAT, EUrUo Es ur a ain extent eae Tegional differences A refiect differ-
' DA 74) 2 , AA A À
LUAS 4 ff
parts of Brazil it is Dina for example, that more slaves from
>E Ea af 3 A-N a S!
aÊ eo
e AR! )
Dahomey were sent to the state of Maranhão than were sold in
El 2
/ the area around Rio de Janeiro. But in the long run, in view of

g : > Cs / SA, SE
Cs )
E A the mixture of slaves from many tribes in all sections of Brazil
A and in view of the rapid modification of the African religions once
“7 é ESA
He transplanted to the New World, the provenance of the slaves is
probably less important in explaining differences among these
cults than are the differences between regions of Brazil. In other
words, it is Brazilian history, rather than African, that helps ex-
plain the regional diversity of the cults today.
It should be pointed out that even today Brazil has nothing
like a nationwide road, railroad, radio, or telephone system or
network, and, until the development of short-wave radio as a
method of communication and the popularization of the airplane
Brazil were only
as a mode of transportation, vast stretches of BRAZIL

of the count ry by foot trail,
tenuously connected with other parts
canoe, and ship. Under such condi tions of geogr aphic isolation
be expec ted.
considerable cultural diversity is to
a predominant,
Isolation from the rest of'the country has been
ly forêsted,
characteristic of life in the north of Brazil, the heavi
ely populated Amazon Basin. The city of Belé m, the largest
. As a seaport and
city of the north, was the locale of our study
state, cónsiderably
as the capital of the state of Pará (a vast
cut off from national
larger than Texas), Belém was never às
ges of the interior,
influences as were the cities, towns, and villa
e from the other
but until recent decades even Belém was remot

tion of the city helps
urban centers of Brazil. The relative isola
relig ion to develop
explain the failure of any African-derived
Until the Batu que was
there until the comparatively recent past.
ieth centu ry, Belém,
Era introduced in the late nineteenth or early twent
probably had no
as opposed to other urban centers of Brazil, nt.
l African eleme

religious movement with any substantia
colony, the Amazon
From the start of its history as a Portuguese
Basin was recognized as an ar ca that
was quite distinct from,
| E
settlements in the areas
| lo and somewhat marginal to,-the colonial the
Northeast, Center, and South. For
o now known as Brazil's
|. Amazonia was more or
E first century after the discovery of Brazil, , and/
h, Dutch
E “> Jess ignored; but when it appeared that the Frenc
establish contr ol-ov er parts of the basin, the
or English might
of Spain) moved to
Portuguese (at the time subjects of the King
area. French forces were
€ establish permanent settlements in the
and in December of
driven from the Maranhão coast in 1615
São Luís, the principal
that year three ships were- dispatched from
to secure Portuguese control
settlement in Maranhão, with orders
of the lower Amazon. Scale of Miles
São Luís never reached
The force of 150 men sent out from

ed instead the complex of
the Amazon River proper, but enter
of the mouth of the 500 1000
waterways that converges to the south
lookout for hostile vessels,
Amazon. Hugging the coastline, on the the
Marajó and then
the three ships entered first the Bay of
are actually merely con-
narrower Bay of Guajará. These bays
h flow the Tocantins and a
tinuations of the Pará River, into whic
land mass of the island of
number of smaller rivers. “The large


The Setting 35
temporarily exiled to Belém due to the exigencies of employ-
Marajó separates these waterways from the mainstream of the
Amazon River. ment or business, complain bitterly that the city is not only hope-
lessly backward but also extremely dull. But viewed from the
On January 12, 1616, when the relatively high ground where
vantage point of the small Amazon river towns, Belém looks im-
the Guamá River empties into the Bay of Guajará had been
pressively up-to-date. It has air-conditioned cinemas, several sky-
reached, the commander, Francisco Caldeira de Castelo Branco,
decided that the party had gone far enough and that the location . scrapers, television and radio stations, imposing churches, paved
streets, and public utilities—telephone, water, electricity—that
was favorable for the establishment of a permanent military out-
serve as a base for further penetration of the . are usually functioning. Judged by the living standards of Am-
post that might
soon constrúcted and azonia, Belém is a splendid modern metropolis.
Amazon area. A fort and a chapel were
around the fort, then inhabited by still friendly It would be fairest, perhaps, to judge the city from the view-
all of the land
was placed under the protection of Nossa point of the Amazonian interior, for the development of the city
Tupinambá Indians,
(Our Lady of Bethlehem) (Varnhagen 1948, has from the start been closely Jinked-to the development of
Senhora de Belém
the whole river basin, and the river basin forms an economic
II, pp. 166-69, 196-98).
world set apart from the rest of Brazil, For three and a half
The frontier military post grew very slowly and somewhat fit-
of internal dissension, into a “ centuries the relative positions of the city and its vast hinter-
fully, with an extraordinary amount
land have remained unchanged. Belém has always, on the one
colonial village and then into a small city. By 1716, or a century
hand, served as the seat of the regional administrative bureauc-
after its founding, the city had so far surpassed its mother city,
wealth, and activity, that the Portu- racy.. The regional headquarters of various federal agencies as
São Luís, in population,
well as the principal organs of the state government are located
-. guese governors of the colony began to spend more time there
ds in the city. On the other hand, Belém has always served as the
“ than in the official capital of São Luís.
commercial center—the banker, exporter, importer-—for Am-
The distinction of outstripping São Luís, of course, was only
azonia. It is the place where products collected in the jungle are
an honor in a narrowly local sense, since both cities, if compared
south such as Recife, Salvador, or Rio exchanged for manufactured goods and food from the south of
to colonial cities to the
ed where metal currency Brazil or from other countries. The construction, in the late
way stations
-de Janeiro, were impoverish 1950s, of a highway linking Belém with the national capital,
was lacking and rolls of cloth and cocoa beans were the established
Brasília, over 1300 miles away, tremendously enhanced the im-
mediums of exchange (Calmon 1959-61, IV, pp. 1287-88). To
a gold rush was well underway by portance of Belém as commercial center and gateway to Am-
the south, in Minas Gerais,
azonia. The direct land route is much shorter than the sea route
€ 1716, but this had little effect on the colonial settlements in the
around the bulge of Brazil and less expensive than air transport.
Amazon area. In fact, the colony of Maranhão (later called Ma-
Like other urban areas;of Latin America, Belém has, in recent
ranhão e Grão Pará) was not administratively a part of the colony
decades, attracted large numbers of rural migrants. The popula-
of Brazil at all. Since adverse winds and ocean currents made it
tion has doubled in the last twenty years and continues to grow
more difficult for a ship to sail from São Luís to Salvador, then
rapidly. In an era when, the prices of manufactured goods are
the capital of Brazil, than to sail to Portugal across the Atlantic,
rising much more rapidly than the prices of raw materials, the
the Amazon colony was administered directly by the.gourt at Lis-
economic position of the producers or collectors of raw materials
bon rather than through the viceroy of Brazil.
obviously worsens. Everyayear hundreds of people who have been
Today, with a population of over 400,000,? Belém is the
eking out a meager subsistence in the interior collecting rubber,
seventh largest city in Brazil, but any judgment as to its signifi-
nuts, rosewood, resin, cocoa beans, cloves, or lumber give up
cance as a city still depends on the vantage point from which
centers of the south, the unequal struggle and make their way to Belém, or, if they
it is viewed. Brazilians from-the urban

be less “comradely” to smugglers. An even more serious
cc 2

cannot escape their debts, at least manage to send some of their blow to”
smuggling was the granting in 1968 of free-port s
surplus children to the city.

the capital city of the state of Amazonas, siri fi
Belém is hard pressed to absorb the impoverished, unskilled, E
the transshipment of contraband to southern Brazil continu

and functionally illiterate rural migrants. Even those Brazilian

es to
be profitable, Manaus rather than Belém will probably
cities with an expanding industrial base have difficulty providing á Besides its questionable reputation as former contrab
employment opportunities for their mushrooming populations, and ca E
ital, Belém has other distinctive features that set it apart
and Belém lacks an expanding industrial base. In spite of the other Brazilian cities? The oldest part of the city,
influx of raw materials into the city, no substantial Tegional in- Velha, has the narrow streets and cheek-by-jowl buildin
dustry ever developed. The existing light consumér industries gs of a

medieval European town. Portuguese architectural styles
(primarily food processing, furniture, leather goods, tobacco prod- inate and residents claim that the Cidade Velha is
predom- |

ucts), the service industries, and the commercial outlets provide more like
Lisbon than is“any other Brazilian city. Most of Belém'
few new jobs. Government agencies, city, state, and federal, are s larger

retail stores, business offices, wholesale
large employers, but bureaucracy cannot be expanded indefi- are concentrated in one section of the Cidade Velha.
outlets, and warehouses
nitely to provide jobs for all. In fact, the state and city govern- to this commercial section, along the Bay of Guajará,
ments often have great difficulty providing money for the jobs

is the
city's largest and most colorful open air market, Ver-o-pêso. This
already in existence, and the salaries of the police, the public market has a national. reputation as a picturesques and “un-”
school teachers, the street sweepers, and the garbage Collectors spoiled” reminder of an earlier Brazil when sailboat. canoe,

are frequently months in arrears. ox-
was undertaken, the cart, and the heads of porters and vendors were used o transp
At the time this study of the Batuque ort
goods to market and where, over a portable box stall, buyer
“one sector of the local economy that did demonstrate vitality and
seller confronted each other directly in an atmosphere highly
was the smuggling trade, Belém was, in fact, the acknowledged
smuggling capital of Brazil. American automobiles, appliances, charg ed with the pungent animal-veget able-
ical market. getable-fish aroma of a trop-
and cigarettes, Japanese radios and rubber sandals, Scotch
Outside of the Cidade Velha the streets of Belém are conside
whisky, and French perfumes were the leading items smuggled ably wider. During the late nineteenth and early twentie
r- : .
“into Belém in exchange for cash or for Brazilian products, espe- turies shade trees were planted along some of the princip
th cen- -
cially coffee. Various factors made" the city a natural smuggling al
thoroughfares, an unusual practice in Brazilian cities. À
center. The combination of a complex of waterways with dense qibei
of European architectural influences can be seen in the
jungle foliage made it easy to move smuggled goods into the area buildin :
dating back to the nineteenth century. A French
and to conceal them. The high tarifis imposed on legally im- example, prevailed during the height of the rubber boom
vogue for
ported foreign goods allowed a wide margin for profits even after E the |

turn of the century, when the Grande Hotel and à number
necessary bribes were paid or occasional lots of contraband con- À
private» mansions were constructed. A highly visible remind
fiscated. The fact that local police officials were not merely poorly this French “period” is the Caixa d'Agua, three water
er of |
paid, but irregularly paid, increased their vulnerability to bribes. built upon an elaborate iron scaffolding. The structure was
tanks |
Since 1964, however, Belém's contraband enterprise has ap- E not?
- only supposed to meet the water needs of the city, but
parently suffered a drastic decline. The military coup détat of E
was also |
to serve as Belém's “Eiffel Tower,”
that year was ostensibly directed against corruption as well as É ie., it would
iron work of art and a distinctive landmark that would
be a wrought- *: e
against Communism and resulted in the removal of both the over the urban landscape. The Caixa d'Agua was comple
governor of the state and the mayor of the city and the installa- ted in
1904, but due to serious engineering defects, was only
tion of a new state and local administration that was reputed to inter-
mittentiy and briefly“used to dispense the city's water. By 1930
all attempts to correct the defects had been abandoned. Today
the structure, overshadowed by the new skyscrapers, rusts away
serenely in the constantly high relative humidity.
After World War I the architecture of Belém became more
definitely Brazilian as buildings in Rio de J aneiro began to furnish
the models for the newer high-rise apartment buildings. and the
single family homes of the upper and middle. classes.
may be debatable, but the
aesthetic appeal of the skyscrapers
concrete, brick, and tile
private homes are generally attractive
set back some-
structures, equipped with modern conveniences,
or flower
what from the street behind a small walled-in patio
there is
As in every large city throughout the world, in Belém
of the well-to-do
a sharp contrast between the neighborhoods
class and
and midile-class citizens and those of the working

neighborhoods is,
indigent poor. The spatial distribution of these There Is à sharp contrast betwee ns treet s im the upper-class area: Ss and those

mo e
40 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Setting 41

however, different tróm that found in the United States. In Belém

it is the middle-class and upper-class neighborhoods that occupy
the central part of the city and line the main arteries of traffic
leading outward, while the neighborhoods of the poor sprawl out
around the central city, fill in the interstices between paved
streets, and spill into suburbs located outside the city limits. The
reasons for this particular spatial distribution are fairly obvious,
The land on which Belém is built is naturally low and swampy,
dissected by numerous creeks, with a limited amount of higher
ground that does not flood. The Cidade Velha and the roads
leading outward were constructed on the high and dry land and
the homes of the poor filled in the undesirable but inexpensive
semiflooded spaces. Some of the original marshes near the central
city have been drained and dikes constructed to keep the Guamá
River from overflowing, but Belém has grown into other flooded
areas. The combination of large areas of stagnant or sluggish
water with a large human carrier population has so far made it
impossible for federal health officials to eradicate the two main
. and, filarigsis. The incidence of
mosquito-borne diseases, malaria
these-diseases is especially high in the lower-class neighborhoods.
of the city.
The homes of the lower-class citizens have remained unafiected
by the fluctuations in architectural style. Today, as in centuries
past, the poor man's house is the barraca, a simple building with
faca agr des “ «mud. walls, «aroof «of palm--leaf thatch, and a floor either of
earth or róugh planks. The windows of a barraca, uncomplicated The two-year-old son of a medium plays happily on the earthen floor of his
by either glass or screens, can be closed by means of heavy
home . This ne-room barr aca
one-: is s om e whai t mor
ore d 1 la pidated than the hou: s es

board shutters. If the kitchen is an integral part of the house

rather than an open shed in the back, the kitchen walls stop
short of the roof, leaving an open space to facilitate the dispersa is less living space and the inhabitants worry more fiboui thieves
cooking. 'The
of smoke from the open charcoal fire used for and about being accosted on the streets at night by rowdies high
more pretentious barraca may have some or all walls of unpainted on“hashish. As in any small Amazon town, pigs land chickens
| boards, smooth wooden flooring, a tile roof, a butane-burning wander freely in the streets and vacant lots, picking over the
| ty
stove, perhaps even a refrigerator. Most barracas have electrici

É trash piles, competing with the indigenous scavengers;* the vul-

but lack plumbing. If there is no well in the backyard, all tures, for the choicer refuse. An occasional goat, ox, or horse can
must be carried from the nearest public faucet. also be seen, but these animals are usually tethêred. Women
In some respects the lower-class neighborhoods seem to be spread out clothes on the grass and weeds to dry. Naked infants
century or so behind the wealthie r sections of the city. They and small children, tended by slightly larger small girls, scream
differ from the small towns of the interior only in that and play in the streets. Small boys trudge along carrying wooden

The Setting 43

with only a few houses scattered along the principal roads. Today
the forest is a long way off, there are few vacant lots, and

barracas line even the creeks and marshes that are honored with
'street names.
K is from districts such as Pedreira and Guamá that the

Batuque derives most of its active membership. The cult predates

the current urban population explosion but does not, apparently,
date very far back in the history of the city. Cult members in-

sist that the first terreiro in Belém was founded only some sixty
or seventy years ago by the mãe de santo (female cult leader),
Dona Doca, who moved to Belém from Maranhão, bringing her
spirits with her. Before Dona Doca arrived, the older cult mem-
bers state, Belém

had only pajelança, the healing ceremonies

that are based primarily on Indian shamanism and are still held
today, both within and outside the Batuque cult. While it is true
that Dona Doca's personal success may have overshadowed

“earlier, shorter-lived terreiros, there seems to be no specific ref-

erence to the cult in the historical literature of the city.*
Elsewhere in Brazil similar African-derived religions developed

wherever a large Negro slave population was concentrated, and


The exterior of one of the larger and more prosperous terreiros in Belém. well-organized cult centers were in operation in the larger cities
Prosperity is attested by the tile roof. by the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries (Bastide
1960, p. 65). In Belém the institution of. slavery dates back to
.trays Of fruit or sweets on their heads, on their way to busier the founding of the city, but until the mid-eighteenth century

" streets to hawk their wares. Teén-age girls; carrying water írom practically all of the slaves were Indians, not Africans. The same
the nearest public faucet or supplies from the nearest outdoor “was true for the entire Amazon region, from Maranhão in the
market, pause to rest and giggle with friends before continuing east to the settlements on the Rio Negro and Madeira in the
home. Everywhere people stop to stare at strangers with the west. The Jesuit missionaries attempted but largely failed to
É “frank curiosity of isolated country folk unused to novelties. The check the practice of enslaving Indians. The Portuguese crown
'most-striking evidence of the mid-twentieth century in these back backed up the Jesuits” efforts by officially outlawing Indian
Wstreéts are the radios blaring away in many of the houses. slavery, but in the face of the bitter protests and open rebellion
y Towards evening the radios may be drowned out by a loud- of the colonists so many exceptions to the rule were allowed
4 speaker from some corner bar that broadcasts shouting commer- that the law prohibiting enslavement of Indians was meaningless.
| cials- interspersed with brief blasts of music. The alternative of importing African slaves to do the work, -
But, in spite of the somnolent small-town atmosphere, the successful elsewhere in Brazil, failed in seventeenth-century
à lower-class neighborhoods are dynamic in the sense that they Maranhão and Pará, for the simple reason that the colonists of
“are the most rapidly growing sections of the city. Only thirty Amazonia were too poor to pay for African slaves. Indian slaves
years ago, for example, the two large working-class districts might be less hardy and have less immunity to European diseases, "

known as Pedreira and Guamá were still primarily cut over forest but they were much cheaper. African slave traders preferred to
44 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Setting 45
take their cargoes to Lther ports in Brazil where higher prices estimated numbers of slaves introduced to other Brazilian states:
could be realized. By April 1, 1680, the Portuguese crown had Maranhão, 133,000; Rio de Janeiro, 146,000; Bahia, 147,000;
decided to subsidize the transportation of African slaves to the Minas Gerais, 168,000 (Reis 1942, p. 74; Ramos
1939, pp. 7-8).
Amazon territory (Biblioteca Nacional 1948, 1º Parte, pu: 52); Most of the black slaves brought to Pará were employed on
but the program never really got underway. When a private com- cofice and cocoa plantations near Belém and in domestic
pany was given a twenty-year monopoly of Maranhão trade in “o im the city itself. Even though concentrated in a relativ

ely small
exchange for a commitment to bring in five hundred “black slaves corner of the state, the slaves were probably too scatter
ed to

per year, a revolt promptly occurred in São Luís because of the maintain African religious rituals. In addition, the African
increase in the prices of imported goods and | the ;high-handed undoubtedly worked alongside the bondsmen of Indian
methods of the company (Calmon 1959-61, vol. 3, pp. 845-49). intermarried with them, and were soon influenced by what sur-
The private company was dissolved and the crown resorted to

vived of Indian culture. There is no record of any deep
direct subsidies of some shipments of slaves from the Guinea between the black and Indian siaves im Pará, unlike the situati

coast of Africa, but the results were not encouraging. The in some other Brazilian states. Certainly during the Cabana

colonists complained continually that the price of the slaves was an uprising against the white ruling class that began in Belém

too high and quarreled among themselves over the division of 1835, black slaves promptly made common cause with
the slave cargoes. Half of each shipment was supposed to be put Indians and lower-class mestiços involved. The rebellion,
up for sale in Belém, but the slave ships from Africá usually to a medieval peasant revolt in its haphazard violence and
stopped first in São Luís and disposed of most of their cargo of clear-cut objectives, spread deep into the interior of Amazon
there. Only a few hundred African slaves reached Belém before before it subsided in 1840 (Reis 1942, pp. 60-67; Smith
1750 (Biblioteca Nacional 1948, 1º Parte, pp. 146, 149-50, 155- pp. 69-75; Ramos 1939, p. 39), and by the time it was over

56, 167, 170, 227; Bibliotheca e Archivo Publico do Pará 1902, many slaveowners discovered that their slaves had disappeared
. 3, p. 209). into the interior.
e pia e: the Marquis of Pombal took control of the In Pará by 1900 the ex-slaves, the freedmen, and their de-

administration of Portugal as minister to the new king, José 1, scendants had probably been completely absorbed in the local
the" economy of Maranhão was transformed, Portuguese encour- lower-class culture that included Indian religious ideas as well
agement of cotton and rice production combined with the sub- as much of Indian material culture. It is unlikely that any reli-
sidized importation of African slaves on a large scale ended that gious cult that emphasized exclusively African traditions could
state's participation in the extractive-subsistence economy that have sucçeeded in Belém. But the cult, as it was introduced
characterized the rest of the Amazon territory. But in Pará from Maranhão, was one in which Indian beliefs and Brazilian
only a small area around and to the east of the city of Belém was folk Catholicism had already been incorporated.5
successfully converted to a settled commerciál agriculture that Today there are more than 140 cult centers registered with the
was based in large part on African slave labor. The rest of Pará authorities and functioning in Belém. A few of these centers were
and Amazonia continued as before to rely on the collection of organized by individuals trained by Dona Doca, the first mãe
forest products as the primary souce of income, and on the de santo in the city, but the majority were established by other
forced labor of Indians (Wagley 1953, PP. 37-38). immigrants from Maranhão or by natives of Pará who either
There are no incontrovertible figures om the number of African experienced some special “call” to become cult leaders or who
slaves brought to the state of Pará, but the total number ia successfully made a transition from simple pajelança (sha-
certainly less than 50,000 and probably not much over Ea manism) to Batuque,
The number, by any calculation, is small in comparison with the Basically, there are two types of cult centers in the Batuque

The Setting 47
building need be constructed; any fair-sized room in a private
home can be used for thé ritual in view of the limited dancing

A number of existing terreiros began as searas, with
the cult

leader adding the musical instruments and a pavilon as

gained fame and fortune as a leader. o
However, some searas are located in well-maintained, specially

constructed buildings with elaborate chapels and built-in seating

arrangements for an audience. Expense is clearly not the only
factor influencing the decision to open a seara. Some cult leaders

insist that they do not want drums because of all the “confus
a full-fledged batuque causes. The drumming and more exuber-
ant dancing performances in a-terreiro are much more likely

attract bored idlers and potential troublemakers from miles

around. Because of the resulting fights as: well as because of

noise, neighbors are more likely to protest to authorities and

petition for the closing of the center, A special police permit
is in fact needed for every evening ceremony if drums are used,
but no special permit, other than the annual license, is necessary
for ceremonies at a seara.

Some cult leaders object to the terreiros and the use of drums
At a seara (a cult center that has no musical instruments) mediums stand
on doctrinal grounds and insist that their seara represents an
in two lines and mark the beat by clapping hands. Only mediums in trance
entirely different religious sect than that of the terreiros, They
call their sect “Umbanda” and contrast it with the Mina or Mina-

Nagô that is practiced at the terreiros. In the Belém cult group,

the terreiro and the seara (also called tenda). Variations in ritual

these terms, “Umbanda,” “Mina,” and “Nagô,” are supposed

differentiate the two types, but the” Chief difference is whether or refer to distinct Afro-Brazilian sects, but all three terms are some-

not musical instruments are used in ceremonies. In a terreiro, what ambiguous. Actually, before being used to designate re-
as indicated in Chapter I, two to four drums provide the basic ligions, both “Mina” and “Nagô” were used to designate the
rhythm for dancing, supplemented by one or two ganzás (metal tribal origin of African slaves. Slaves brought from the Guinea

cannisters filled with lead shot) and a large gourd rattle coast of Africa were called “Minas” by the Portuguese colonists,
(maracá). In a seara no musical instruments are used. Rhythm a term also used more specifically to designate the Gold Coast,
is marked by hand clapping, and dancing is limited. At a seara which is one section of the Guinea coast. Since a number of
ceremony, the participants, all clapping their hands, are likely E African tribes furnished the slaves shipped from the ports of the
move in a sedate circle while awaiting possession or to mar Guinea coast, the slaves were often further identified as Minas-
time while standing in two rows facing each other; only those Gêges, Minas-Nagôs, Minas-Mahys, Minas-Cavallos, and Minas-
mediums who are in a trance engage in more Vigorons dancing. Fulupas (Eduardo 1948, pp. 7-16; Bastide 1960, pp. 59-65).
era Tan aene

Cost appears to be one factor in a cult leaders decision to aa Of these tribes, the Minas-Gêges, today identified as Dahome-
a seara rather than a terreiro. In the case of a seara, not only ans, and, to a lesser extent, the Minas-Nagôs, today identified
are there no musical instruments to purchase, but no separate as Yorubans, were especially important in the development of
48 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Setting 49

the Afro-Brãzilian sects & Maranhão. Although the actual num- who was interviewed by the team, named Satiro, briefly men-
ber of Dahomeans and Yorubans brought to that state rep- tioned Umbanda but apparently did not consider it established

resented only a small percentage of the slave population, their as a distinct sect in Belém (Alvarenga 1950a, p. 21). Today,
highly organized religious traditions were preserved, while those thirty years later, every cult leader in the city is acutely aware
of other tribes 'faded into oblivion (Eduardo 1948, pp. 104-5). of the lócal strength of Umbanda and usually-has strong feel-
In São Luís, the capital city of Maranhão, slaves and freedmen" ings, pro or con, about it.
Umbanda first appeared in Rio de Janeiro after World War 1.

of Dahomean and Yoruban origin probably practiced: their re-
K is the product of the combination of certain beliefs of the

ligious ceremonies, somewhat modified by Catholicism, from the .
Brazilian spiritualist movement (Kardecismo)
time African slaves were introduced to Maranhão in ;significant with the basic
ritual and concepts of macumba, the Afro-Brazilian cult domi-
numbers, i.e., the last half of the eighteenth century. The exist-
ing prestigious Gêge religious center in São Luís, the Casa das nant in Rio at the time. The spiritualist strain in Umbanda is
evident in various ways: an emphasis-on reincarnation and on
Minas, may have been founded as early as 1796 (Bastide 1960,

the idea that mediums might receive the spirits of the dead;
p. 65). A less celebrated Nagô center dates back to the mid-
nineteenth century (Eduardo 1948, p. 47). a stress on doing good or “practicing charity” rather than stress-
ing the utilization of supernatural contacts for one's own ends;
In terms of gaining proselytes, however, the most successful

a general tendency to develop a sophisticated cosmology and a
Afro-Brazilian sect of Maranhão is neither the traditional Casa
rationalistic theology, as evidenced in the production of the ex-
das Minas nor the old Nagô center, but the sect that Eduardo,
tensive literature devoted to explaining Umbanda. However, in
"- the foremost student of the Afro-Brazilian religion in Maranhão,
spite of the strength of spiritualist ideas, Afro-Brazilian religious
has termed “Yoruban-derived” (1948, pp. 48, 82-83). The
Yoruban-derived sect is characterized by a combination of both elements. are still apparent in the ritual, the organization of cult
Yoruban and Dahomean beliefs with a large admixture of centers, the preoccupation with undoing sorcery, and the exalta-
Indian shamanism, folk Catholicism, and local folklore. Tt was tion of African (Yoruban) deities and Indian spirits (Bastide
this highly syncretized Yoruban-derived cult that Dona Doca in- 1960, pp. 435-75; Camargo 1961; Kloppenburg 1961).
troduced to Belém some seventy years ago. Although some cult The Batuque in Belém today involves a synthesis of the older
“Téaders assert that their religion is “pure Nagô;” “most cult mem- “Yoruban-derived” cult with certain ideas and practices of Um-
banda. The “crossing” attempted by Dona Maria de Aguiar was
bers associated with terreiros use the-terms “Mina” and “Nagô”
interchangeably as names for the sect, with “Mina” perhaps used eminently successful and widely imitated. In spite of claims to
more frequently. the contrary by some cult leaders, no cult center we visited was
pure Mina-Nagô; all reflected some Umbanda influence, although
A majority of the cult members associated with SEGTAS, : on the
other hand, call their, religion “Umbanda” instead of Mina. the degree of influence varied from center to center. On the
Umbanda is a fairly recent religious import to Belém. The mãe other hand, there are reportedly some cult centers in the city
de santo Dona Maria de Aguiar is generally credited with first that are modeled entirely on the Umbanda of Rio de Janeiro to
introducing Umbanda” to the city. At some point in the mid- the total exclusion of local Mina-Nagô elements. We did not
1930s, Dona Maria, already established as a leader of a Mina- determine the number of such centers nor include them
terreiro, visited several centers of Umbanda in Rio de in our study.
Janeiro, and on her ireturn to Belém, “crossed” the “line” of Although we have called the Afro-Brazilian cult in Belém the
Umbanda with that of Mina-Nagô. In July 1938, when a research “Batuque,” it should be noted that this is not the usual term
team was sent to Belém by the Brazilian Department of Culture that cult members use as a name for their religion. Strictly speak-
to record folklore and the music of the cults, the pai de santo ing, as the word is used by cult members, batuque is synon-



ymous with tambor (te term used in Maranhão) and both Chapter III
mean the public ceremony when the spirits are invited to descend
and possess their devotees.
Fashions in names change. Thirty years ago when the De-
" Belém, theof
partment: Culture made its brief investigation of the cult in
researchers reported that outsiders called the cult
“Babassuê,” a name derived from one of
spirits in the cult Barba Sueira, or St. Barbara (Alvarenga 1950a,
the most important The Belief System
p. 21). Today this name is never used, and only one informant

mentioned that the cult used to be called that when she was a
child. Today outsiders may occasionally call the vei Batuque
but more frequently use the name “Macumba,” adopting the
term used in Rio de Janeiro for the Afro-Brazilian sects there.
In Belém, the term “Macumba” has a somewhat derogatory con-
notation, perhaps the equivalent of “voodoo” in English, and
cult members only employ the term when joking about them- The people who participate in the Batuque are for the most part
selves. When speaking more seriously, adherents call their religion: extremely poor and live difficult, sometimes desperate lives. Yet
either “Mina” or “Nagô” or “Umbanda.” In view of the actual the economic privations that they endure and the health problems
mixture of these elements, however, the use of a more neutral that they constantly face do not make them apathetic or even
and more general name, such as “Batuque,” seems desirable. fatalistic. Most of them struggle mightily with: their problems,
sustained in large part by “their religion. Batuque theology is
extremely supportive, with great stress on the idea that the super-
FOOTNOTES natural takes an active part in everyday life, aiding the members
of the religion in a variety of ways.
A great deal of the behavior of Batuque members is directed
p . 11-34). ; a
i 1961, in one way or another toward acquiring and maintaining the
a pç was 1402,170 in the 1960 census (Instituto Brasileiro support of the spirit world. In Chapter I the public ceremony was
de Geografia e Estatística, 1969).
described, in which individuals go into trance and are “possessed”
. See Tocantins (1963).
: E Figueiredo and Silva (1967, p. 102); Silva (1968). Rea by the spirits. Taking part in these ceremonies and “receiving”
ac e

5. A synthesis of African, Catholic, and Indian beliefs had been the spirits is the most important obligation that the Batuque
as well as in Maranhão . K is md E
in the Catimbó cult of the Northeast member has. It is believed that the spirit enjoys occupying the

t that approxim ately 500,000 Northeas terners aipedri !

significan medium's body and participating in the ceremony, and that the
E o
Amazonia between 1890 and 1913, many of them eventually
1 : ). spirit must be given the opportunity to do so on a regular basis.
Belém after the rubber boom collapsed (Furtado 1963, pp.
Already familiar with similar cults, the Northeasterners may
have been Although the public ceremony--does have some group aspects, it

important early supporters of the Batuque in Belém. is basically individualistic, in that each medium is primarily con-
cerned with fulfilling an obligation to a particular spirit. As will

be indicated later, there are other obligations that a Batuque

member has in addition to serving as a medium. But the central
52 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Belief System 53

feature of the Batuque feligion is a kind of contract between a earth or seas in their own special dwelling places called encan-
human being and a spirit—the human receives the spirit and tarias. The nature and location of the encantaria varies with
allows it to participate in ceremonies, and in return the spirit looks the type of encantado. American Indian encantados live in
out for the welfare of the human being. villages in the depths of virgin forests; water spirits have their

But what is the nature of these spirits that are thought to pos- encantarias under water in rivers, lakes, or thé sea; while still
sess people? In the first place, Batuqué spirits are seen as being other encantados live in elaborate cities that may be directly
quite distinct from the Christian deities, but as belonging to the under human cities. While they remain in their encaniarias, the
same supernatural universe. Batuque members accept Catholic encantados are thought to have bodies, but when they rise above :
teachings on most matters, and they certainly believe that, in some the earth they rise as spirits, invisible to man, and it is thus that (
remote and probably beautiful place called heaven, God, Our they enter human bodies. (
Lady, and Jesus live with the saints and angels. But they also According to cult beliefs, all of the supernatural beings in the /
believe that much closer to man, both physically and spiritually, cosmos—as well as certain inanimate-objects such as the stars, N
» there are many thousands of other spirits. Some of these are sun, and moon-—have power and influence over the lives of men. (
souls of the dead, drifting in space between heaven and earth. God is conceived of as the supreme arbiter and governor of the (
Even closer to man, living under the earth or in the seas and - universe. “No one is greater than God,” Batuque members are
rivers, are “another group of spirits, highly diverse in origin and e -fond of remarking. “No one gives orders tô Jesus.” Neverthe- (
nature, that form the core of the Batuque pantheon. These Aedo “Jêss, God's interest in. man às thought to be: se mephát limited, TA
RA the spirits that are thought to like to possess people... =. * God is terribly-remiote, high up. in. his. majentio 4
A variety of terms are used by cult members to designate .this” . he is préoceupied with the problems “of Supervising He a sas | f “5a
special class of' supernatural beings. In many of “the songs. he has little time for all-the petty troúbles “Of individual men (
sung during ceremonies, the terms vodun and orixá appear. These and women. The saints, who once lived on earth and who still (
are African (Dahomean and Yoruban, respectively) terms for derive nourishment from men's prayers, are much more inclined
“deity,” and are sometimes used in non-ceremonial contexts. to notice man's problems and to hear his voice crying for help. (
Other terms that frequently occur in everyday conversation are Informants cited numerous examples of how santa had helped (
- guia (guide); santo-- (literally,--saint), and invisivel Ra them through personal crises such às childbirth or iliness. But
one). But perhaps the most common-term is “ençantado. Lit- though the saints can be petitioned for help, their response is by
erally, this term can be translated as “enchanted one,” but since no means certain, for saints are so pure and “elevated” that (
the term in English suggests creatures held in some sort of tempo- they are more attuned to the celestial sphere than to the terres- (
rary magic spell that might be broken, the translation is inap- trial. Although much closer to man than is God or the Virgin, the
propriate. While it is true that some encantados are conceived of saints are never as accessible as the encantados. Rather than (
as iformér men and women, it is believed that their natural destiny appeal directly to their favorite saint for assistance, Batuque :
was somehow permanently altered and that under no circum- members often ask the saint to assist their encantado in produc-
stances will they ever revert to the human condition. Besides, ing whatever result they desire. Cr.
many encantados were born as such and never lived on earth as Not only are the encantados considered to be much more 2 (
mortals; and the origin of still others is quite unknown. The accessible than the saints, but their nature is considered to be (
encantados, cult members point out, are a mystery that humans much closer to human nature. While the saints are seen as vir- -
cannot understand, just as the Virgin Birth or the Holy Trinity tuous, elevated, and pure, the encantados are considered to have (
are mysteries incomprehensible to man. most of the characteristics, good and bad, of people. Some in- O
The encantados are thought to live below the surface of the formants insisted that there was hardly any difference at all: (

& (

The Belief System 5.


be, but that there were other encantados who were given to
drinking too much, and some who were downright immoral.
Even the most prestigious and honored encantados were admittedly

fond of wearing fancy costumes and dancing—vain and frivolous

behavior that would never be expected of a saint.

As the foregoing discussion indicates, the members of the

Batuque distinguish clearly between saint and encantado; the
two supernatural beings are not equated or syncretized as may
occur in some other African-derived religions.? Although the

term “santo” is sometimes used as a synonym for encantado, it

can more properly be translated as “spirit” or “guardian spirit” in
such a context, rather than “saint.” “Encantado é do fundo, mas
santo é do céu” (Encantados are of the deep, but saints are of
heaven) is a common way in which cult members explain the
distinction. Another basic difference is that saints are not expected
to possess people, except in a few exceptional cases.

Although evincing human predilections and failings, the en-


cantados are believed to possess a wide range of superhuman


powers. They can travel in the wind or catch a ride on an air-

plane if they so choose, reaching any place on earth quickly.
They can hear humans calling them regardless of where they
may be, and, if so inclined, come at once from great distances.
Regardless of their location, they are able to observe what is.
going on among their followers, and they are thus able to keep.
a constant lookout for the best interests of their devotees. The
encantados also know what is going to happen in the future, and
Images of saints, some nearly hidden by flowers, occupy the terreiro's main their ability to predict is one of their most valued attributes.
é altar. The image of the saint being feted (in this case, St. Benedict) is Of even greater importance is the supposed ability of the spirits.
placed at top center. to actively cause strangers to behave in ways that benefit their

devotees. Encantados are believed to induce rich people to make |

contributions to terreiros, to cause employers to offer jobs to the),
Drinking and smoking are contrary to Jesus. Ive drunk and smoked faithful, to force philandering husbands to return to their families /

— it's contrary to Jesus. But the encantados also smoke and drink
—in all cases, of course, without the coerced person recognizing;
and they have children. The saints don't do anything contrary to
God. They have no children. The nourishment of the saints is just that he is being manipulated. Several of our informants stated'
the prayers we pray to them and the light from the candles we quite explicitly that the reason we had come to them to find out; .
light to them. But the encantados eat and drink. about the Batuque, and in the process had provided them with”
Other Batuque members felt that their own encantados were financial assistance of various kinds, was because their en-
more charitable and prone to do good than most humans might cantados had brought us, all unknowing, to help them out in a
time of need. In general, almost any behavior of other people
The Belief System 57

vis-à-vis a Batuque member may be attributed to the intervention

of an encantado. | E
The encantados are also thought to be able to produce calam-
ities of various kinds, usually as a form of punishment for the
humans involved, but sometimes simply as a demonstration of
- power, They can hurt or even kill people by causing them to fall
in front of automobiles, by turning over their canoes, or by causing
many other types of accidents. They can close down a factory or
store causing general unemployment or force an individual to
lose his job through illness or some other cause. Some encantados,
but not all, can aid humans in working sorcery against their
fellows, as will be discussed in a later-chapter. By simply with-
drawing their shield of protection, encantados can expose those
who have lost their favor to dissension, sorcery, and disease.
Another kind of power is demonstrated when the encantados
descend and take possession of a person's body. It is believed
that the individuals own spirit is forced outside his body by the
encantado; it remains nearby, ready to re-enter when the encan-
" tado leaves. Oncerin full possession of a human body, the en-
- cantado may be expected to engage in 'a myriad of activíties of '
RE, FAÇA A E ; Pag O,

gº the type described earlier. He may dance, sing, drink, smoke,

joke with bystanders, give advice to those with problems, etc.
bg COCb ae EE, a PE Gp

In general, however, the encantado is expected to perform all

Dei ed Pg? o

of these acts more gracefully and with greater gusto than the per-
son would be capable of doing when in a “pure” or unpossessed

state. Some encantados are thought to be able to perform feats

A e

that would cause damage to the body of an unpossessed person.

2 Pd

They may burn gunpowder in the palm of the hand, slowly pass

the flames of candles along the skin of the arms and face, walk
on live coals, or wash the hands in boiling oil.

Some contact between man and these powerful supernatural

beings' is thought to be inevitable, since both must share the
same environment—the earth. It is the immortal encantados who
are thought of as the real owners of the earth, while men are only
transitory residents. It is believed that everything“in nature be-
longs to the encantados: all bodies of water, the forests, the ani-
mals of the jungle, the birds of the air. Even certain man-made
structures are pre-empted by these spirits. Vacant houses, for
example, are immediately claimed by the spirit owners of the real
58 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Belief System 59
estate on which the A was built. All streets, roads, paths, and but more commonly an appeal is made to a saint with a reputa-
trails, though made and maintained by human communities, really tion for solving special kinds of problems and of working miracles
belong to the demon encantados, the Exus. In Belém the most prominent santo milagroso is Nossa Senhora
The omnipresence of so many spirits in the immediate environ- de Nazaré (Our Lady of Nazareth), whose annual festival is
ment of course complicates human life. Unless properly handled the eligious evént of the year. Thousands of people accompany
and mollifed, the spirit owners of a house, piece of land, wooded the image of this saint through the streets, many walking bare-
area, creek, or well cause all manner of disturbances.. They. steal foot, most of them having promised to walk in the procession in
and hide human possessions, open and slam doors “or windows, return for being cured of illness.
rap loudly on house walls, whisper among themselves in the dead There are two special characteristics of this relationship between
of night, or, to properly frighten the unfiappable, appear visibly people and saints that should be stressed. In the first place, the rela-
as animal or human phantoms that melt into nothingness as one tionship is indeed dyadic, it is conceived of as pertaining to two
approaches. But if the presence of so many spirits makes life more specific partners only. No one elsepriest, relative, or other
complicated, the reverse is also true: the burden of human exist- supernatural-—is thought to be involved. And secondly there is
ence is considerably lightened by the possibility of enlisting super- almost complete freedom of choice on thé part of the human
natural aid in solving day-to-day problems. Since man can provide partner. If a person appeals to a particular saint and gets no
things that' the supernatural is thought to want, it is possible for response, he may and usually does direct his petition to a different
a mutally satisfactory arrangement to be worked out wHereby a saint the next time a similar occasion arises. The basic attitude
human and an encantado provide one:amother--with certain kinds is one of trial and error, and there is no stigma attached to shifts
of services. tres of allegiancê.
The relationship between a humanand an encantado is in The relationship that is expected to obtain between a medium
some ways similar to the relationship between an individual and and an encantado is like' the human-saint relationship in that it
(1961; 1963) has suggested that a useful way of is also dyadic. Ideally the contract is simple and direct: the
a saint. Foster
describing the man-saint relationship in Latin America is in terms human makes his body available periodically to the encantado
bt of a “dyadic contract.” The basic idea underlying this concep- so that the spirit may come to earth and také part in ceremonies
“tion is that there are only two parties involved" (thus the rela-
RENNES aan =p
and in return the spirit provides various kinds of assistance But
tionship is dyadic), and there is ah informal agreement between unlike the human-saint compact, there is very little choice Ea the
jo the parties to exchange services. The human partner performs part of a man as to which encantado he will serve. According to
| certain ritual acts, and in return the saint is expected to grant Batuque doctrine, it is the encantado who initiates the relation-
supernatural assistance of various kinds. Foster developed ship and not the human being. The medium is “seized” by the
it applies equally
model from a study of a Mexican village, but spirit, usually suddenly, and it is only by means of. this experience
well to the Catholics of Belém, including those who are that the contract is brought into being. No matter how much an
or several
Batuque members. Each person has a particular saint, individual may feel drawn to a particular encantado, or how much
saints, whom he is said to “adore.” In return for prayers, candles, he may want to be possessed by it, there is no way in which
and respect, each of these saints is expected to provide long-term this may come about except through the volition of the super-
and continuous surveillance over the well-being of his devotee. natural. If a person has been told by a pai de santo that an
a promessa (vow);
when a crisis arises, the devotee often makes encantado wants to possess him, he can try'to expedite matters
if the
he promises to carry out some special act of devotion by joining in the public ceremony and fulfilling other obligations
Sometimes the vow is made to one of But the belief is that there is no way to guarantee success. Every
saint grants his petition.
person has a long-term relationshi p, living human is thought to be a potential medium, and it is possible
the saints with whom the
60 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Belief System 61
through divination to discover which encantado is the potential range of ritual actions are appropriate. If a person is just be-
possessor of each person. But why some encantados insist on seiz- ginning as a medium, the pai de santo often explains what the
ing the body of their mediums even when resisted, and others proper obligations are for the encantado involved. There are only
refuse to appear even when urged to do so, is considered to be a few ritual regulations that are binding on all mediums. The
another mystery that man cannot hope to understand. individual must make his body fit for possession by having his
As will be discussed in the next chapter, there are many people” head “washed” by a cult leader, i.e., he must be baptized or ini-
who never become mediums, but who believe in the encantados tiated into the cult. He must also take ritual baths of purification
and seek their assistance. In some cases the attitude tóward the and observe the dietary and sexual restrictions that are in force
encantados exactly parallels the attitude toward the saints de- before each public ceremony. One dietary restriction that is
scribed earlier and is clearly the same approach applied to a stressed is the prohibition of alcoholic beverages on the day of
different supernatural. Promessas may be made, for example, in the ceremony. Sexual relations are prohibited for three days
which the petitioner promises to engage in some behavior pleasing preceding a batuque. Individuals who fail to observe these ritual
Po to the encantado if some request is granted. In most cases, how- prescriptions, or female mediums who are menstruating, have
j — ever, the petitioner approaches the encantado while it is incor- corpos sujos (unclean bodies) and may expect supernatural ret-
porated in à medium and asks it what kind of actions it would ribution for their audacity if they invite possession in such a
find pleasing. “Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that condition.
what is pleasing to the spirit is-also pleasing to the mediufn who a The most expensive obligation that the medium has is to provide
—sdelivers the message. The: “petitioner is usually given elaborate- cd himself with a number of ceremonial costumes, as well as ac-
instructions about herb baths-to take, candles to light, “and other * ” cessory regalia such as espadas (ritual scarves), beads, and san-
ritual activities to perform. He is also usually urged to contribute” dais. The purchase of the costumes represents a very large outlay
p money, cloth, or other valuable items to the medium, or in the of funds for most mediums. Cloth, like most manufactured goods,
E case of a Batuque leader, to the cult center. The contract be- is expensive in Brazil, and the fabric used for the ceremonial
a tween the petitioner and the spirit in these cases is not really skirts and shirts is of the more costly drapery quality. In some
dyadic, since the medium almost always is involved in one way other Afro-Brazilian sects a devotee need only provide one cos-
or another. | tume for his deity, since each deity has a specific costume of a
For men and women who become “mediums, the relationship certain color and design. In the Batuque, however, although the
with the encantados is seen as extremely intimate, especially with encantados are thought of as owning the costumes, the costumes
€ Pe spirit that is considered to be the person's cheje (chief). have no necessary relationship to any specific encantado. The
Terminologically, the relationship is equated with the parent- design and color of the costume is specified by the cult leader,
É child relationship, and the medium refers to the encantado as pai and for any given ceremony all mediums dress as much alike as
| EE (father) or mãe (mother), and to himself as the filho (son) possible. A medium who plans to participate in a ceremony must
| or filha (daughter) of the spirit. The medium thus becomes the wear the designated colors, and if she does not already own a:
earthly child of the encantado, and the spirit is expected to keep skirt of the appropriate color, she is expected to purchase a new
as close a watch over his devotee as a good human parent does one. Occasionally a cult leader may purchase cloth for a few

over his offspring, as long as the devotee keeps his part of the con- mediums who have contributed a great deal of work to the
tract and fulfills his ritual obligations. terreiro, but most mediums must provide their own costumes,
The obligations that a medium must assume, in addition to and it is a standing complaint of rank-and-file members that
receiving the encantado, are not standardized, since in most cases E leaders call for new costumes too often. Any medium who has
the encantado specifies what the obligations are to be, and a wide ; been active in the cult for any length of time has a trunk full of


62 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Belief System 63

ceremonial costumes that can be used for no
other purpose, When
a medium dies, his ceremonial clothes and other
regalia are sup-
posed to be thrown into some body of water.
Another obligation that most mediums have is the
of a shrine to their encantados in their homes

. The shrine may


be a simple shelf below a saint's picture or

a glass-enclosed case
with shelves. In other words, the shrine
may be no different
than that which any Brazilian might provi
de for his favorite
saints. On the other hand, the shrine may
be a small replica of
the altar found in terreiros, with saints
placed on the shelves
above and with stones in earthenware bowls
underneath the altar.

At this private shrine, at various “intervals, the medium must

furnish offerings of his encanitado”s preferred
beverage (rum, wine,

beer, or water) and light candles to the encantado

the and to
encantado's saint. On the anniversary of the

encantado's first pos-

session of the medium, or perhaps on the encan
tados saint's day,

the medium may have to prepare special offeri

ngs of food and
All of these obligations in the home are extre
mely variable;
the nature and extent of the private rituals
are determined by
every individual's own «encantados and privately
revealed to him.
The same encantado will require different
things of different
mediums. For example, as the chefe of: Zuzu,

the encantado
Tapinaré might demand a glass of rum every
Monday and an

anniversary feast once a year, but as the chefe

of Lourdes might
ask only for an offering of wine once a month, and
as Guillerme's
chefe only require regular contributions to the
upkeep of a ter-
reiro. Some mediums have separate obligations
for several of the
encantados they receive, others have obligation
s only to their
chief encantado. But most cult members - must furnish some
regular private offerings to their spirits, and for
most members
these offerings represent a financial buy den.
A medium poses before the private altar she maintains in her pia By becoming the devotee of an encantado the
average in-
emblem on top of the altar-Solomon's seal with a cross—is a Ca a dividual assumes duties that require/a 'tonsidera
ble outlay of
religious symbol used throughout Brazil. cash and an investment of time that cannot easily
be spared from

gainful occupations or from the unpaid and unend

ing duties of a
housewife with small children. In addition, belon

ging to an encan-
tado sometimes complicates family life, since spous
es or young

children occasionally demonstrate jealousy of

the encantados
64 SPIRITS OF THE D EEP The Belief System 65

who monopolize so much of the time of one's mate aa In baths, herbal teas, and cleansing fumigations

are not restricted
spite of these disadvantages, however, the majority o e iums to cult leaders or full-time Batuque curers. Proba
They ed bly most of the
feel their status as mediums is definitely worthwhile. “developed” or experienced mediums supplement

prai their incomes
proud to be the chosen instruments of powerful by occasionally engaging in similar activities.
When relatives,
beings and, as such, to be sought out by their neighbors a ad-. neighbors, or acquaintances of a medium have a
problem, they may
vice and assistance. Moreover, the devotee of an pare ado is first turn for help to the medium they know
personally before
assured a direct and continuing supernatural pi ad is per- trying the higher-priced services of a cult leader or
curer. Inês, for
sonal life, no matter how humble that life may az : ae example, primarily supports herself, her daughter,
l pro a retá and her foster
medium can have the same certainty of supernatura son by operating a small boardinghouse. Despit

E e irregular child-
Cult members readily cite examples of how their ar support payments from her husband, from whom
she is separated,

look after and guide them. In general it is the encanta a E Inês finds it difficult to make ends meet, especi
a ho . Ê ally since she is
are credited with maintaining the economic

determined that her daughter should receive a secon
E k dary school
houschold in the face of frequent financial ge education. She credits her chief encantado, Tabajara, with

washerwoman. whose husband died recently, is the E eta frequently coming to her aid by causing clients
ar pá to appear and
household that includes a somewhat promiscuou s then solving their problems. Inês herself makes
o pa R- no attempt to
ter with her four small children, three attract clients, since she does not consider hersel
f a curer, but she
are frequently out of work, two young foster chi dd gi is willing to ask her encantado to help those who
goes: o in ni É do appear. A
old friend who has a steady job as a cleaning teen-age boy in the neighborhood looked for work
gel E É E ae ma for months
school but whose salary is often a ai without success. His mother came to Inês for help.
a Inês placed
city finance. Clara sometimes w es up offerings of rum and beer on her altar for Tabajara
and lit a candie
izati the family has nothing to eat, the neighbc for him. He then “descended” and prescribed
nine baths, of
E pet E further credit until something E AR specific herbal ingredients, to be taken by the young
man on nine
on the bill, and the family valuables (gold chains ss Ea successive days. Inês prepared the infusions and gave
luck charm) a e them to her
the neck with a saint's medal or good neighbor. As soon as he had completed the last in
e ad E the series of
in the pawnshop. She then a baths, the boy found a good job; his mother gave Inês 5000
I don't have a cen 1 Ra Dr E cruzeiros (then approximately $7.00). Another recent
Seu Japetequara,
a fed client was
don't you help me?” Then lighting a candle referred to Inês by the proprietor of the neighborho
od grocery.
Japetequara's saint, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, o e The woman's husband was leaving her and had starte
arrange something 1 d to remove
ive Japetequara sufficient force to his personal possessions from the house. Inês instructed
a pap o the woman
e er fa to turn to bring her a pair of the man's socks. After making
her : saia aa an offering to
only the idea that Clara shou go to Tabajara, Inês recited a secret formula over the
socks. When the
women for whom she does washing, and reques em husband returned to his wife a few days later,
is expec Inês received
salary. In such a situation the encantado 2000 cruzeiros from the grateful woman. The sums
of money thus
pndos to advance the mid pre though Clara has gained were small in absolute terms, but they
gt pe represented very
borrowed her next two mon . significant additions to Inês* income.
ta way in which a iai e om Ea Devotees also credit their encantados with maintainin
pis á g them and
i istance is by performing servi their families in reasonably good health. Of
“passes course it is not
O to nte ne ai The practices of giving expected that perfect health can be maintained foreve
a good Iuele r, since pains,
(withdrawing evil influences), prescribing medicinal colds, fevers, and liver complaints are the natural
lot of humanity. -

e ms


But if an encantado is unable to prevent illness, he should show

special solicitude in caring for his devotee when ill. Justina, for
example, had a serious accident during a period when she was

recuperating from a major operation. Returning home from the


terreiro one dark night, she lost her footing, fell into a ditch, and,
tore open the operation. Infection at once set in, and Justina iwas
believed to be again near death. At this jucture Justiná's chief
encantado, Dona Rosalina, descended, and while possessing

the bedridden Justina left the message that Justina was: to take
two strong purgatives to clean out the infection. Justina followed
these instructions and was soon up and about again.
In addition to providing for the material and medical needs
of their devotees, encantados also meet the psychic need for
relaxation and recreation. “Cada vodunsa tem um farrista” (Each
has one carouser), one informant stated, as though it

were a law of nature. We met several mediums who had pever

received any farrista encantado and some who received more.

“than one, but, as a general rule, every “developed” medium had

E sanauim possessed by a carouser spirit named Mariana insists on having

at least one serious encantado, who served as the devotee's chief, er" picture taken. Bystanders appreciate Mariana's wit
and one more lighthearted hedonist. The happy carouser is thought

to leave most of the problems of providing for the medium's welfare


to the chief encantado and dedicates himself primarily to having ribbons. As a general rule, however, carouser encantados are genial,
a good time while possessing the devotee. E

ns who want to keep the party going rather than to

-——Fn their pursuit of pleasure, the carousers.may engage in behavio
does not engage in when in a pure, or According to cult theory, the medium is completely unconscious
that the medium himself

unpossessed, state. Few of the women cult members are habitual and devoid of sensation while in trance and therefore could not
smokers, but when possessed by a carouser they all smoke personally be enjoying himself while his carouser encantado is in
rettes or cigars. Few of the women drink anythin g stronger than possession of his body and enjoying itself. It is quite clear, how-
all of the carouse rs are un-
soft drinks, at least not publicly, but ever, that mediums derive considerable recreational bensit ftom
ing amounts of alcoholi c
abashed tipplers, often consuming astonish the symbiotic relationship with their carousers. Far from bein
of decoru m in their
beverages. Most women maintain a measure completely unconscious during the trance, most mediums can Ro
speech, especially in public, but even the most proper of them may ollect in fond detail the amusing antics of their farristas. In
gaily shout ribald vulgarities when possessed by her carouser addition, although the encantado may engage in behavior thatroda

A few of the farristas turn surly and mean as they pass a certain be considered improper in other contexts, there is no reason for the
point in their drinking and may insult or pick fights with medium to feel any guilt afterward, since he is not responsible for
or engage in other types of destructive or anti-social behavior. what the spirit does. In fact, in terms of cult belief, the medium ma
when ex-
carouser of one pai de santo, for example, was inclined, actually be rewarded later for enjoying himself during the tg
tremely drunk, to lock the doors and windows and then emony. Since the farrista is gratifed by having a human body
the clothes of the pai de santo into
furniture and dishes and slash
. (
The Belief System 69
available in which it can carry out its high jinks, the spirit can be
expected to reciprocate-by assisting its medium in time of need,
- The Batuque is one of the few religions in which individu
als are (
believed to derive supernatural blessings from enjoying hedonist
ic (
pleasures. .
The farristas sometimes possêss their devotees for hedonistie pur-
poses entirely outside any cult-connected ceremonial. For example
on one local holiday, Clara encountered a group of cult members
two of whom were possessed by their carousers, drinking beer in
a café. Clara joined the group, but refused, despite the urging of
the others, to join in the drinking. She had scarcely made her re-
fusal clear to her companions when her own farrista possessed her
and drank up everything in sight.
The alcoholic proclivities and generally loud and immodest be-
havior of carouser encantados may exacerbate family tensions.
Although outsiders may find the spectacle entertaining, spouses (
- and children may react with embarrassment and hostility to the
uninhibited behavior of the medium possessed by a carouser
Justina's daughter, a prim and proper eleven-year-old, confided
that she hated it when Bombeiro (her mother's farrista): “comes
and says dirty words,” Clara reported that her husband had
de- (
tested her farrista, the encantado Mariana, but had always
conversing with her serious encantado, Japetequara.
Considering the type of relationship that is thought to
exist (
between a medium and 'tthe encantado, it is inevitable that the
supernatural will come to play a very important and intimate
in the family of a medium. An experienced medium may
enter (
trance at any hour of the day or night and may receive any of

encantados. Obviously it'is impossible for the other member
s of
the household to ignore the presence of supernatural beings,
“some accommodation has Ito be made. A family crisis of
any kind
may lead to the prompt appearance of an encantado, who is

pected to resolve the difficulty. As an example of the
; :
kind of
pe complexities that can arise when several mediums become involved

ild spiri and a soft drink-ând suck their ia in a family crisis, the following domestic drama may be related.
Do a PRA io JRPA t We arrived at the homeaof Clara one afternoon to discover two
E other guests already present, The visitors were young cult members

whom we had never met before, named Zita and Nair, both girls

their early twenties. A short time after our arrival, Nazaré,

o da

The Belief System 71

mother of Nair, also appeared, greeted us and Clara, but refused to
speak to or look at her daughter or her daughter's friend. As it
developed, Nair, after numerous battles with her parents, had just
left home against their wishes and was now living with Zita. After
another ten minutes of strained conversation, Zita and Nair (com-
Plaihing sotto voce that her mother followed her everywhere) pre-
pared to depart. Their exit was forestalled when Zita, in the process
of crossing the room on the way to the front door, stopped, looked
sick, stumbled, threw up her arms, and pitched backward. She had,

with no apparent stimulus, fallen into trance and received her chief
encantado, Rompe Mato. Announcing that he had come to try to
resolve the family conflict, Rompe-Mato invited everyone into the
adjoining room where the altar was located to discuss the situation.
Nazaré had refused to speak to Zita but had no objection to speak-
ing to Rompe Mato. She and her daughter were soon locked in
indirect battle, not speaking to each other, but detailing their
ção pa

miitual grievances to Rompe Mato and all other adults present. As

it became clear that Rompe Mato would be unable to restore har-
mony between mother and daughter or even to end the on-going

combat, a second encantado arrived. The hostess, Clara, had been

seated near the altar, putting in a word now and then, trying to
moderate the dispute. Then she fell silent, began to grimace, closed
her eyes tightly, trembled, and went into trance. She sang the first
two lines of one of Japetequara's doctrines to make it clear which
of her spirits had descended. Her daughter at once brought a can-
dle, placed it on the altar, and lit it. Japetequara was not only of
higher rank than Rompe Mato, but he was also regarded as the
“owner” of the house, since he was Clara's chief encantado. J apete-
quara at once took charge of the situation. He offered words of con-
solation to Nazaré (who burst into tears when J apetequara greeted
her) but also urged her to accept the situation and let her daughter
“follow her own road.” The daughter, Nair, and her friend, Zita
(whose encantado, Rompe Mato, left her a short time after Clara
went into trance), were given short lectures by Japetequara, urged
to conduct themselves beyond reproach, and then sent on their
way. The American visitors were also dismissed, and thus peace
was restored to Clara's house.
and Damião, they may drink Cult members believe that their chief encantados are always
Or, in the case of the twin child spirits, Cosme
rum and act more like tipsy adults.
. .
concerned about maintaining harmony within their families and, if
BR SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Belief System 73
a possessing his body, direct communication between the medium
other tactics-fail, may lose patience and kill a ra
E and the encantado during" possession is precluded. But there are
member. Clara believes that it was Japetequara neo
husband, Nonato, who was always “half-unbelieving” abou : several indirect ways of getting the supernatural's views on à given
cult. Nonato never did anything for the encantados, pó: aj question. Most-commonly, perhaps, the medium lights a candle at
for any of them, mi REA his shrine or altar, then ouflines the problem and asks the encan-
chasing as much as a handkerchief
reled continually with Clara over her participation in the o À ; E tado to send a response. The answer sometimês comes in a dream,
or the encantado may possess the medium and leave à message with
of the terreiros. It is Claras opinion that Japetequara É E
thirty years to educate Nonato and reconcile him to o e some member of the medium's household. Children, especially
finally recognizing the futility of race o killed Non daughters, are the most likely intermediaries in such cases, and they

ile he was enjoying himself at a party. dutifully wait until their mothers have come out of trance and
ico the a herself may petition her pie E repeat the message the encantado has just given them. Another
take drastic action with a troublesome member of the is ie related technique is to provide the child with a query ahead of
the thirty-year-old daughter of the mãe de santo ro. E a so that when the mother becomes possessed the child is ready
ler E 7 : present the question to the encantado.
been a source of embarrassment, pain, and disgust to
Ione has many faults, but the most serious is her habit E ne E There is a more direct way of communicating with an encantado.
off on drunken sprees. Marina's anger with her daughter : : Although it has perhaps not been made explicit, more than
conduct reached the breaking point at the time of a pd or a individual may receive the same encantado. Not at the
same time,
John the Baptist. Since St. John is the favorite saint of cp of course, since the encantados are conceived of as being
chief encantado, Dom João, this festival is the largest and m divisible, but on different occasions. Tt is consequently feasible
important of the year for Marina. Throughout the morning óf- the. à devotee of the encantado Nfiriena, for example, to seek out
saint's day Marina was busy supervising the decoration of the e another medium who recéjves this spirit, and after the medium has
reiro, the cooking of the food to be served to participants e become possessed by Mariana, to speak to the encantado directly.
selected guests, and other last-minute preparations. About noo Although it might seem that this would be the simplest way
Ione was carried in, drunk, covered with mud, and wearing
shorts contacting one's encantado, in fact this approach is not popular,
(felt to be extremely immodest apparel for a mature ua Tt seems to be used only when the two mediums are good friends,
Marina was so angry that she went into the chapel, lit a a
: or at least trust one another, and this rarely occurs. As
will be

and prayed to Dom João and to all the encantados to a e pointed out later, there is often a great deal of jealousy and suspi-
daughter from her. Within one year, she prayed, she o E cion manifested between mediums who receive the same encantado,
crying over her daughter's corpse. If Dom João and the a va to the point that one medium may even attempt to cast doubt

cantados were unwilling to take her daughter, she requeste su the authenticity of the possession of the other. Where such hostility
they take her, since she could not bear to live any longer wi occurs, messagés from the supernatural via one medium would
urden. be given much credence by the other.
pm hr are the encantados expected to be dominant ad in A consideration of the ways in which the encantados are
the kind of dramatic situation we have. been pa So to intervene in-the daily lives of their devotees would be incomplete
are also expected to be involved in mundane, day-to-day La without a discussion of supernatural punishment. As has
been in-
Ordinarily a medium does not take a trip, make any a e dicated, Batuque members interpret many of the fortunat
e things
purchase, sponsor a ceremony, have the house repaired, or a E that happen to them as being due to the solicitous care of
thing else of significance, without first consulting an AA a supernatural guardians. The logical obverse of such a belief is
“Since the medium is supposed ly unconsci ous while the spiri idea that many of the unfortunate things that happen to them are
e The Belief System 75
s. in ad- generally ridiculed, but is not regarded as a crime that merits
punishment inilicted by the same supernatural being

consider E e e societal intervention. “I don't know if'it is a sin or a sickness,”

versity strikes, cult members are inclined to first commented one informant. In general the feeling in the cult seemed
sibility that they have in SE bj offended their encantados an
to be that homosexuality, like alcoholism, contained within itself
uently being punished.
its own chastisement. Nor is prostitution regarded by cult members
prog ae sm E Soli pude are thought to punish are E
to follow the e as either a crime or clearly sinful; rather it is viewed for the most
marily connected with obligations or the failure part as a particularly unpleasant and difficult method of earning a
the a Le
of the cult. Except in unusual circumstances, living. As will be indicated in the next chapter, both homosexuals
moral co E o: A e
are expected to be indifferent to infractions of the and prostitutes are active cult members, recognized as the chosen
and incest hi
larger society. Robbery, theft, murder, assault, instruments of important encantados. Homosexuals are always
merit impr ison ment or e q ai
garded as major crimes that subject to an undercurrent of ridicule, but no particular hostility
punished by E
tion by civil authorities, and that will also be is expressed toward prostitutes if-they-obey the rules of the sect.
falsc hood, disho nesty , quarr
Christian supernaturals. Malicious Owners of brothels are rather admired as self-made, successful
friendship with
someness, disrespect to parents, neglect of children, business women; they and smugglers figure prominently among the
n of alcoh ol-—a ll e re-
bad companions, excessive consumptio more prosperous supporters of terreiros.
and are genera lly con-
garded as serious personal shortcomings Although encantados are generally believed to be interested only
is thoug ht to Ego
demned. However, none of these activities inthe ritual behavior of their mediums, not all Batuque members
the secon d list, t E E
punishment by the encantados. In the case of are willing to accept this idea, and even those who do sometimes
are believe d to
quite reasonable, since many of ps e show a certain amount of ambivalence. In one of the numerous
ore of these same shortcomings.
behavior are interviews we had with women who were in trance, we asked our
| e aciinies 6ê Batuque members toward sexual informant Justina if the spirits would punish a medium who was
n e nao
typical of lower-class Brazilians. Chastity in wome immoral. Justina, speaking as the encantado Dona Rosalina, an-
is usua Mpe g
is highly regarded, but the loss of virginity sered, “The private lives of the mediums do not interest us.” But
explaine a E
rather philosophically. One cult member calmly
e pi : when we asked if she would accept a thief as a filho, Dona Rosalina
would very-much like to have a photograph of her, » = said she would not, because it would reflect on her reputation.
daughter in her confirmation dress'as a “bride When pressed, most members
be entitled to E of the Batuque will agree, as did
the girl did marry she would probably no longer Justina. that the encantados do disapprove of major human delicts
little social disap prova l unless their
in white. Unwed mothers face and will probably manifest their displeasure in some way. To the
ous casual affairs rather nm NE
fpregnancy is the result of numer degree that cult centers are influenced by ideas from Umbanda,
ry is conde mned as ai e y
fairly long-term one. Similarly adulte there is an increasing emphasis on the close association of encan-
a -man and woma n pe o
if the relationship is a casual one. If is tados and Christian morality. Some cult leaders, for example, may
of time, their relati ons E
gether monogamously for any length interrúpt ceremonies to deliver long exhortations
h unsan ction ed oba in which the
regarded as thoroughly respectable, thoug Christian ideals of faith, hope, and charity are stressed. But when
duals e ai
or church. If the relationship between the indivi formal statements of beliefs and inspirational generalizations are
it is regar e A
fairly stable, even bigamy is accepted, although ignored, and one considers the stories that mediums tell to illustrate
ing cult E o
inherently ridiculous. One case of bigamy involv supernatural retribution, the connection between the Batuque
house hold for the
where the husband did not maintain a separate spirits and morals appears to be very tenuous.
as both hilari ous
second wife, but all lived together, de In these stories the encantados seem to ignore infractions of the
i or taste, but not as partic ularly sinful.
deplored and moral code of society but are swift to punish violations of the law
a sexual behavior such'as homosexuality is
of the Batuque. This law is neither learned nor taught as a coherent
body of regulations but is always presented piecemeal as the moral
of specific stories. Each developed medium seems to have his own
stories, some based on personal experiences, others derived from
the accounts of others. Whenever questions of doctrine arise, the
stories that have bearing on the issue are recalled and told, usually
at length—many of our informants could go on for hours: In the
examples that appear below, it should be pointed out that it is
highly unlikely that any of the events recounted happened in
exactly the way they are described. All of these stories have been
adapted to illustrate a point of doctrine, and the facts have un-
doubtedly often suffered in the process.
The methods used by encantados to punish cult members are
varied. The simplest and most straightforward is corporal punish-
ment. The disciplining encantado possesses the offending medium
and forces him to kneel and repeatedly beat his hands on the
special punishment stone that some terreiros have for this purpose
or, lacking a stone, on the floor of the terreiro near the drums.
When forced to punish themselves in this fashion, mediums do not
simply go through the motions of smacking the floor; Justina - -
showed us a crooked finger that she had broken years before while
hitting the punishment stone. This form of punishment may also
take place in the home. Clara reported that she was often forced
“to kneel and beat the floor by the encantado José Tupinambá,
The spirits sometimes
her in line
who often took it upon himself to keep he : “throw” their: mediums when taki leave. Her
Another form of corporal punishment attributed to the encan- a possessed by the mermaid spirit Jamaína, dances serenely di
here the Ê act of being thrown a (
tados is the jogada ((literally, thrown,
é econds later falls flat 4
€ down). When entering or leaving trance, mediums often fall down. departs. at on her face on the cement floor as Jamaína
This is interpreted as a deliberate act on the part of the encantado,

who “throws” the medium down. There are two kinds of jogadas.
In the less serious type, the encantado throws the medium on the
floor or against hard objects, often with such violence that the
medium is bruised. In the more serious type of jogada, the encan-
tado not only throws his devotee down but leaves him in a coma.
In other words, in cult theory, the medium's own spirit, for some
reason, does not re-enter his body nor does any other encantado
take possession, and the body is left without a spirit.
The first type of jogada may sometimes be attributed to the fact
that the spirit did not “get a good hold” on the medium's body.
The Belief System 79

78 SPIRITS-OF THE pÉEP not be the medium who is at fault at all. However, encantados can
the gre E Pee
lack of development on also be provoked into one of their fits by a medium”s misconduct.
This might be due to à tion. in à ne om
plete some ritual obliga Isolda, for example, began to neglect her obligations to her chief
or perhaps a failure to com peramen
ered to be by nature tem encantado, Goiabeira, when she became interested in cultivating the
certain spirits are consid mediums.
oy throwing down their good will of another encantado, Tranca Rua. As punishment for the
malicious and simply enj m of punish- ..
be thrown down as à for to desert her, and he
But the medium might also very a neglect, Goiabeira caused Isolda's husband
e, one year violated the himself withdrew, refusing to possess her. Very much upset, Isolda
ment. Clara, for exampl fest ivi les E E
in carnaval (the three-day asked the help of another devotee of Goiabeira, who, on behalf of
rule against participation may jom a E
à mask. Cult members Isolda, petitioned Goiabeira to return, possess Isolda, and explain
to Lent) while wearing air e
et groups or may dance what must be done to make amends. The petition was granted and
dancing of impromptu stre enc ant ado s do ja : a
zed sam ba gro ups , providing their Goiabeira descended to possess Isolda. While in possession he
org ani ra spo E E
no tim e may the medium wear a mask. Cla ranted and raved about how he-had-been neglected, but finally
But at É s s ' a
she ign ore d this rule and went out dancing m promised to bring the wandering husband back home. In a final
- one yea r later, e e E
large nose. A few days burst of peevishness and resentment, Goiabeira then threw Isolda
wearing a mask with a s o E
St. Lazarus and the mm down, leaving her in a coma. It was very difficult to rouse her, but
ipating in a festa honoring her an: eu
ado, Japetequara, seized she was restored to her senses shortly before her husband returned.
Sapata, her own, encant Her er a
was knocked unconscious. Goiabeira had kept his promise.
down so hard that she dis cov ere d that she
n she came to Clara Some encantados are hypersensitive about their dignity and might
struck a drum, and whe ticipa nts said the
her forehead. Other par deem simple corporal punishment insufficient chastisement for
- had a large bump on ed that Jap ete - -.
n's beak, but Clara realiz mediums who have personally insulted them in some way. The
bump looked like a chicke ing Fo ,
false nose she had worm dur misfortunes of Tito illustrate the somewhat indirect but drastic |
quara had duplicated the de san to Ant ôni o was Da
as a sign of his displeasure.
The pai
anua ei punitive measures that an offended encantado might resort to.
Joãozinho threw him down Tito was first prepared in Belém years ago, but then went to Rio
relating how his encantado Bofe À n E
offended because the day de Janeiro, where he had all of his Belém encantados “taken out
first. The encantado was r Rr =
sta cke d sev era l cas es of beer destined for a secula of his head” and replaced by other encantados from southern
had y e oo
s violating the rule that onl Brazil. When he finally returned to Belém, Tito spoke scornfully
the floor of the terreiro, thu ught o pe
int end ed for cer emonial use should be bro of the local encantados, in particular stating that his former chefe,
era ges E E
suddenly be thrown down
É terreiro . A med ium may also
rel wi E Jarina, had the face of a monkey. Jarina soon took revenge by
ado out sid e à cer emo nia l setting. After a bitter quar possessing Tito and going on a three-day drinking spree, during
encant oana announce
ticipation in the cult, J which time she did not allow Tito to sleep or to eat and forced
her husband. over her par wit h the a
ado's clothes and finish visit the homes of female cult members, remove his clothes,
she would burn her encant the costumes a
barely gathered together and parade around nude. At the end of the third day, Jarina, still
once and for all. She had ew her pas
when he seized her and thr possessing Tito, “borrowed” a radio from the home of an acquaint-
her encantado, Averekete, aga ins t the wall.
that she cracked her head ance. The theft landed Tito in jail.
the room with such force left lyin g o
, when the medium is Instead of directly administering the punishment while possess-
The other type of jogada on the par o Ê
to a fit of explosive rage ing the offending medium, as in the above examples, encantados
coma, is usually ascribed to be EM
encantados are thought can, it is believed, cause other things to happen that will make the
encantado involved. Some tem per tan tru m simp da
may have a medium suffer. An encantado might move someone else to beat up
ously temperamental and the a) ;
the oth er par tic ipa nts in a ceremony fail to smg his devotee instead of forcing the medium to beat the punishment
cau se antado. Ht may
proper deference to the enc
correctly or fail to show
The Beliej System 81
by one of her are told by cult members. They clearly consider the stories proofs
badly beaten up
stone. Rosa, a prostitute, was Ens nibá
or of the great power, living presence, and ready intervention of
the error of dancing a a
customers after she committed tÍs Ão ES encantados in the affairs of man. No informant scored the unfair-
i ) with i out first ge ttingds the p
festa (a regii onal fo Ik festival stop o ness of the spirits, even when punishment fell on some innocent
Edna decided to
of her encantado, Ubiri ajara. a o person rather than on the offending individual. It would appear
livi ng with a man
batugues when she began E Epe o that fairness and loving kindness are simply not attributes to be
pped fulfilling her a
participation. Ever since she sto A expected of the encantados.
is sick half the time, an
life has been miserable. She ma But irascible and arbitrary as the encantados may be, they are
up. |
ives with frequently beats her as still conceived of as open to argument. One can reason with them,
feel, is perhaps a
' Edna's offense, cult members as attempt to dissuade them from following a certain course of action,
-—the re fusal to continue nt working dp
medium i can commitit— cleara o Sig or persuade them to follow an alternate course. The medium who
after rece ivin g some D
or the refusal to develop as one mens wishes to stop receiving his spirits without suffering supernatural
has been chosen by
the supernatural sphere t hat one are punishment can often personally negotiate permission to stop or can
i ness, inso nia,, desertion by family m
Unemployment, sick ieng E y pair go to a cult leader for help. The cult leader will perform a cere-
y be arra
lovers, acciideidents, even sud den death may mony to withdraw the spirits. The encantados involved may not
to “close
ibutiion for a me dium's decision
dos as retribut a always consent to withdraw, in which case the medium will suffer
several Fa ni
a every cult member could cite of sudd en : if he ignores his obligations to the spirits. The encantados may at
i s an d acquaint laintance s,
i e of relative
isi own circl or who was, - first consent to withdraw but later change their minds and return.
as à med ium ,
Pe someone who refused to continue gifts: Thu mns - This happened to Lourdes, whose father is a curer in a country vil-
le to it ip mistice
for some reason, unab

y o lage near Belém. Lourdes began receiving spirits at the-age of five
i recalls that when she was a
child, her
Mimimi np ds or six and worked with her father at his curing sessions. As she
possessed by an
fifteen, was one day dramatically grew older, Lourdes became dissatisfied and unhappy with her role
Cath olic ,” refused to allow him E E os
aperta who were “very Raa at curing sessions, primarily because “boys don't like mediums.”
short time later, though he
: terreiro to be prepared. A a When she was sixteen she petitioned her encantados for permission
was assumed that the
been ill, he suddenly died; it s to stop receiving them, and her father performed a ritual to
a parallel .case, Conceição s youn
had carried away his spirit. In lescent ; facilitate the withdrawal of the spirits. All went well for the next
ble blii ndness when, as an ado
sister was stricken with incura to lo
develop six years (except that Lourdes did not find a husband). At age
but was not allowed E
she was possessed by an encantado : :
a par o A twenty-two she suddenly lost her good health and had one ailment
n Justina a
as a medium by their mother. Whe that she E noo oê
was. after another. Her father and other curers in the area diagnosed
, 5 ann oun ced
mother, an experii enced me dium dal her difficulty as disturbance by the encantados who had changed
i the cult. Two days later ter,, she dropped dead o à
their minds and wanted Lourdes to serve as a medium again. Since
elf suff ered a ea £ at er
i Justina
i repor ts that she hers participation in curing sessions did not seem to help Lourdes, her
e Tep ]
s young and rebellious and mad of de father decided her spirits wanted her to work in a terreiro and
a gesture
to stop
=. p ap g her spirits. On one occasion, im
recee brought Lourdes to Belém to be treated by a Batuque cult leader.
belonging, Anto
. t



the ceremonialÊ

fiance, Justina burned all of ; ag o Instead of refusing to receive his encantados entirely, a medium

in a short ai

her chief, Dona Rosalina. With a may wish to limit the trances to certain times and places. Bargains
,T, had to sell or paw

a factory, was deserted by her lover

PRAEE oiid

are sometimes made -between encantado and devotee providing for

noth ing more than aa clothes O
possessions, and was left with possession only within the privacy of the home. Mediums may also
o to be trifled with. ns
back. Rosalina is not an encantad | find it necessary to regulate the behavior of their carouser encan-
sm and satisfaction
Tt is striking with what enthusia

or behave in an exceptionally
tados if these spirits drink excessively
such a case the medium may
boisterous or improper manner. In
for advice and help in controlling
- negotiate with his chief encantado
advice of a cult leader that the
the carouser, or he may accept the

tamed. Carousers subjected to

"carouser be “baptized” and thus
rate their drinking (except for
these pressures may obligingly mode
refuse to possess the nomedium
occassional backsliding), or they may
uently negotiated between cult
* One type of bargain that is freq
minor children. As a general
members and encantados involves
their children to become active
rule, most parents do not want
to adulthood, since working
mediums until they are adult or close
suming and interferes with the
with the encantados is time-con
mediums are often difficult for
child's education. In addition, child
belongs to a supernatural being
parents to manage, since the child
over parental wishes, and the
whose desires must take precedence
by the possessed child himself.
encantado's commands are revealed
tivity to the call of the drums,
K children showigns of unusual sensi
attending ceremonies. Should
parents may .try to keep them from parents
precautions, the
an encantado “seize” a child in spite of
ion the encantado for a respi te. The spirit will be asked
can still petit
period of time, perhaps five or
to let the child alone. for a specific
up. In exchange, the parents
ten years, to allow the child to grow food, drink,
Very few children are mediums. This eleven-year-old girl, possessed by
ssary offerings of
promise-tosthemselvos-fesnish the nece
-Pena Verde; is an excention.
s to such a contract, the child is

and candles. If the encantado agree the spirit

of close affinity with
expected to show no further evidence religion that is quite distinct from Catholicism. One of these is João
world until the contract term has expir the
the president of the newly organized Federation of Afro Brazilian
relig ious life is directed toward Cults, who chided fellow cult leader Marina for ordering a mass
Although most of their s, the
than toward the Christian supernatural for St. Benedict when she was going to fête the encantado Averekete
encantados rather
great majority of cult members in Belém consider themselves to You should not be ordering masses,” João told her. “We are a
of course, that the beliefs of the Catholics.” Marina, whose attitude is more typical, reported that
be Roman Catholics. Most realize,
Batuque do not coincide exactly with Catholic theology, but few she was deeply shocked and replied that João and the rest of the
ilable contradictions. They
cult members see any basic or irreconc federation could do as they liked, but she would continue in the
their beliefs about the encan-
know that the priests do not accept way she was brought up. “The saints help us and deséive masses
in this respect the priests are
tados, but they are convinced that and ladainhas,” Marina observed. “The encantados take care of us
of the Batuque represents
simply mistaken. For most, the theology and they have their batuques.”
osed on basic Christian truths;
an additional set of beliefs superimp The extent of actual participation by cult members in the estab-
it does not replace or negate those lished ritual of the Catholic Church varies greatly. A few stated
memb ers belie ve that the Batuque represents a
Only a few cult
The Belief System 85
84 SPIRITS OF THE “DEEP Though never heard criticizing Catholic doctrine, cult members
d to go once

e claime occasionally do express somé hostility to the clergy as officials of
least once a week, mor
they attended mass at twice a year, and
they went only once or the Church. “I don't like priests” was usually the only explanation
a month, others reported wen t'inside ; a chu rch except for
bserved that they never a given for infrequent attendance at mass. The Brazilian motion
of the aa E ç
and funerals. Nor are all

picture Pagador de Promessas (released in the United States under
abria ion Catholic tatn,
most ..
igi instruct in the
och ial the title The Given Word), which portrays a priest who is unsym-
oollss rather tha n in F par
te publicic schschoo
lled in thee stadias pai pathetic to the Afro-Brazilian cults, was cited by cult members as
insist on the a of
not always evidence of how some priests “fight” the Batuque. One informant
ioolE and parents do y are, torm y

girl s in a family, however, usuall insisted that neither St. Barbara nor St. George were recognized as
cedia: The ati on for co nfirmation lea
i urch, and in i preparati saints by the priests (this was some years before the Vatican pro-
nfirm omit this sacram ent .
o catechism i , but boys O fte n nouncement questioning these and other saints). “St. Barbara and
eome of the mbers appear E

onl y Cat hol ic sa crament that cul t me St. George are ours,” she stated with much the same kind of pride
ã Th e infants are
ament of baptism. AU with which Brazilians announce that the country's petroleum re-
as necessary is the sacr rch to be Ponte E ”
e dur ing the ir firs t year to a chu p sources belong to them rather than to foreign exploiters. Other
some tim for a secon
Som eti mes bab ies are taken to a terreiro ate im' cult members reported that priests sometimes ask whether the
priest incarn
h a €
cult lea der off ici ati ng and with encantados images of saints they have been asked to bless are going to be used
tism wit ro de
the godparents. Gen in macumba, implying that they could not be blessed for use in
cult members serving as es À
encant antaado accompani the cult. Those mediums who did take their own or the terreiro's
er whoási possessed by an the se cas es the pri est
to ser ve as godparent. In images to a church for a priest's blessing regarded such clerical sus-
ia ah, Ih partie. :
ms the cer emo ny is not informed that one of the picion as amusing and apparently invariably gave noncommittal or
«who perfor dm A
evasive replies; no one reported any difficulty in obtaining the de-
ipants is in trance. ch the encantado
tism in church in whi sired blessing. Not all cult members felt that such a priestly blessing
“We witnessed one bap ap Rs

father to the infant a was at all necessary, since they believed that some of the more “ele-
Japetequara served as god beioore the par ty à
jum,,: Clara, bef vated” encantados were capable of bestowing a blessing on the
ara- possessed hisi medium

been foreseen E Da
de lie Certain complications had as the : E E o
images that was as good as that of a priest.
pure state, was to serve The Catholicism of Batuque members is a folk Catholicism that
for. Clara herself, in her understan d ho
ld not be expected to is largely independent of the official Church. As far as Batuque

mother. The priest cou mot her E ar a pe are honored
son cou ld be bot h god father and god members are concerned, the Christian supernaturals
per a dise a
rse , wou ld he be be, likely ; tote accept in the terreiros, and the believer need not have recourse to churches
nor, Of cou ghbor man
To avoidj con flict, x a nei to fulfill most of his obligations as a Christian. The official clergy
as godparent anyway. wen t ae pé
as god fat her . The ceremony are not really necessary for Catholic devotions. The lengthy
to id in o pr ps
ies wer e bei ng bap tized at the DE sa prayers that precede the major festas in a terreiro are occasionally
other bab
ic d the broa roa:d grins O led by the cult leader, but more frequently by some neighborhood
i t officiati
ries ating never notice a
the fier ce sco wls of Cla ra (J apetequara said ie woman who has a local reputation for knowledge of the prayers
pois or s Ri iq and skill in leading them. Fairly elaborate processions through
rches). The Ep
that he did not like chu ;

Ê but as fa a k
on the baptis i mal certififcate icate as go dfather, ther was Japet eduar é
Z :
the streets of the neighborhood in honor of a saint are organized
, the rea 1 godfather by cult leaders without clerical assistance or prior consent.
and Clara were concerned fro m whi ch it was suffering a Mediums must, as individuals, honor the saint who is adored by
dvysentery qe
HE the baby survives the encan- theiraachief encantado, and,
- indicated- above, usually place an
nfancy, it will grow up with an
as well as other hazards ofi

tado as godfather.

86 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Belief System 87
image or picturê of this saint on the private shrines in their homes. get her husband out of jail, vowing to hold a ladainha for him on
However, they are also free to venerate any other saints that they his day, January 20, if he would do so. St. Sebastian soon heeded
particularly like, to pray to them, and to enter into contracts with her request, her husband was freed, and she has kept her vow
them. Thus, when Mauvina's husband was jailed after being in- every year since that date. This has involved considerable ex-
volved in a fight, she prayed for aid to St. Sebastian, a saint she has pense, since everyone who attends the service in her home must

always been fond of, rather than to St. George, the saint favored be served refreshments after the prayers are concluded. In a simi-

by her encantado, Rompe Mato. Mauvina asked St. abashai to lar case, when Zuzu was having a difficult time in childbirth, she
turned to St. Benedict for help rather than to Our Lady of Con-

hs si
A medium's twelve-year-old daughter, who has just received first communion ception, the saint preferred by her chief female encantado, Na-
in a Catholic church, poses in front of the religious shrine that is actually véroaim. Zuzu became convinced, as her labor became more and
much more important in her life—her mother's altar. The door in the wood- more prolonged, that both she and the unborn baby would die,
work below provides access to the bowls containing the sacred stones of the She asked the midwife attending her to place St. Benedict's image
on her abdomen, and she prayed to him to help her, vowing that
the baby would be named after the saint and be taught to adore

him. A few minutes after her prayer, her son was born.
The Catholic saints, as these stories demonstrate, are expected to
respond to direct petitions of the laity without any clerical inter-
cession. They are also expected to grant assistance without regard
to the individuals participation or non-participation in the rites
and sacraments of the Church.
The indifference shown by cult members to the sacraments of
the Church is undoubtedly connected with a lack of interest within
the cult in what has been the central concern of Christianity—the
salvation of souls from eternal damnation. As a religion, the
Batuque, like the other Afro-Brazilian cults, is not notably other-
worldly. It is primarily concerned with coping with the problems
that beset the living: the possible trials and tribulations of the dead
excite little speculation.
There is no consensus of opinion among cult members about
the afterlife. All agree that the souls of the dead can harass the
living and that the souls of deceased infants and very young chil-
dren go to be with the angels, but beyond these two beliefs there is
little agreement about what precisely happens to the soul after
death. Three different views on the subject werédiscernible in dis-
cussions with individual cult members.
The cult members who have been most influenced by the doc-
trines of Umbanda are inclined to accept what might be called
the spiritualist conception of eternity. In their view, hell does not
exist and access to heaven is virtually impossible. After death all
The Belief System 89

period, pending ne they have no influence with St, Michael or with Jesus. Nor can they
souls rise into space for an indefinite saintly e rescue a medium's soul from space and take it with them to an
ment. Only a tiny fraction of the most elevated and encantaria. The only humans ever admitted to an encantaria are
and the angels. Those aqu
win access to heaven to live with God the those who are taken there while still alive, “body and all.” This
l mino rity) who have, on
(in greater number but still a smal ty and . is thought to happen sometimes. A person suddenly vanishes and
, pract icing chari
whole, lived good lives while on earth cd E though a search is made for years, no trace of him is ever dis-
awarded the
showing love for their fellow men, are E ai covered. He has been carried off to an encantaria and after living
enca ntad os in t
accompanying the hosts of “guides” and t E aa p= there for seven years will be able to appear on earth as an encan-
forces of eum
about the universe as they fight the pés es emo tado, but under a new name. However, if the body of the person
ts of light
and on other planets. These afe the “spiri rs who disappeared is ever found, one can be sure that he simply died
, e an
at spiritualist séances to give treatments and was not carried off, for the encantados, as living beings who

far the great majo rity of souls o not q raid
to the living. But by have never died, will have nothing to do with dead souls.
in drifting im pera
for this honor. Instead they must rema The third opinion about the afterworld insists on the continued
they are reincarnate 5 e
“suffering pain, cold, loneliness, until close association of encantados and their human devotees after
bom again into E ha
assigned to a newborn infant and thus the pu death. According to cult members who subscribed to this view,
tunities that are
to again face: the hazards and oppor and, the souls of deceased mediums are taken by their encantado owners
n 18 repeated over
mortal flesh. The process of reincarnatio to the encantarias beneath the surface of the earth and sea. Here
eligib ility to be a spirit of light.
“until the soul finally attains they must remain for a minimum of five years, after which they
was expl icit y rejected by ess
This belief in reincarnation might be permitted to rise and return to earth as encantados under

who were inclined to a more : aa
members, probably a majority, a E new names. During the period in the encantaria, the medium's soul
ting that
cally Christian view of the afterlife. Insis e a is punished for the sins it committed as a person on earth. If the
never an old one,
are given a completely new soul by God,

pretation seg medium's life was very sinful, he might never be allowed to leave
members who accept the Christian inter . E the encantaria. Little is known about the forms of punishment

children never volunteer any O used in the encantaria, for the encantados never tell and very few
- The ordinary destiny: of the «soul afte ngiao hell. mediums who are taken to see an encantaria ever return. But a
o either
second school of thought, is assignment-t o few mediums claim to have had this experience. Isabel, for ex-

is material and a soul whic

“We all have a body which
on dies, the soul e ample, was taken by Rompe Mato in a dream to visit the encan-
spirit,” explained Zuzu. “When a pers de e taria of Japetequara. There she saw Joana Pipiri, a recently de-
St. Michael ve
body here and goes into space. There do ceased medium, taking care of the many small children of the
h has been noted
Everything the person has'done on eart
a note of ever ythi ng done-—every single E encantados; the task was apparently her punishment. Isabel also
heaven. Jesus takes E observed Laurinho, the son of a former cult leader, sitting quite
if she good de be
thing! St. Michael weighs the soul to see s qr ! still in a chair. He reported that he had not stirred out of that chair
soul's good work
done weighs more than the bad.” If a E since he had died four years previously. The unpleasant immobility
if the reverse is true, It :
its evil, it is admitted to heaven; stay 1 was his punishment for his unfortunately numerous sins.
to hell. Should the good and evil balance, the soul must

space that come ia E Only the souls of mediums, however, go to encantarias.
space indefinitely. Tt'is these souls from

and in heaven never E = “Catholics do not go there,” said Clara, “nor do Protestants.
spiritualist séances. The souls in hell Only those who have an encantado to carry them can get there.”
os have no pow SA
According to this viewpoint, the encantad The destiny of all the souls of non-mediums is uncertain. Perhaps
died. They cannot inter
all over human beings once they have -- Some might reach heaven, though few get that .
them -admitted to heaven;
to save their mediums from heli 'or get
The Belief System 91
batuques, in fact, often have a deep aversion to the souls of the
far. Perhaps some go to hell, if there is a hell. A | da dead and consider possession by them to be highly undesirable.
“I think hell is here in this W E
exists,” commented Clara. On the other hand, it is taken

vor qu
as a matter of course that some
They say : E
because when a person does evil, he pays here. encantados will appear at séances, apparently not sharing the
because he

cores vice
belicis it
hell is the place of the Exus, a I a aversion to association with the dead that some Of their mediums
e Exus are there down below. .
i evince,

about reincarnation, the aee e “of
; O ir ear Some of the souls who appear at séances are those of people
of encantados over the dead, thê three
hell, and the power who have recently died and who wish to leave messages of com-
attaining are
schools of thought do agree on the difficulty of

Ejeçé copo
fort and reassurance to the friends and relatives they have left
cult or the e
No one felt that membership in the behind. But the greatest number of spirits that appear belong
guara ntee of ei ide
the status of a developed medium was any to the category called the “suffering souls,” the unhappy ghosts
that the establishe
heaven or eternal bliss. But no one felt that drift through space pending-reincarnation or some other
passport to a
Christian Churches could provide any certam final disposition. If one of these suffering souls takes possession
prescribed E E
either. Fulfillment of all of the good works of a living person outside of a séance, it is thought to create

n. Pedro
Church might fail to prepare a soul for heave all manner of difficulties, but when they descend in séances, the
Catho lic” durin g her | suffering souls are simply a nuisance. They usually sob uncon-
told of his aunt who was “very
she devot ed all the pi trollably instead of answering questions put to them by the
she went to mass every day and
ies and e e
money she could spare to church-sponsored charit president of the séance and have to be ordered repeatedly to go
after she E in peace to outer space before they heed the command.
maintenance of the church itself. But some months
that ERA was gm - At some terreiros, especially those where ideas from Umbanda
her spirit descended at a spiritualist séance
suffering im E have caught on, more stress,is placed on receiving benefits from
ing, possessing another medium at the table as a
certain e the souls of the dead. The souls called the “spirits of light” are
that moaned and sobbed a great deal. To make
ata ! : E encouraged to appear. As indicated above, these spirits are
was actually the spirit of his aunt, Pedro first
asked why she, who ad lec thought to be the souls of saintly individuals who during their
spirit about family details. Then he
d be suffer ing e lifetime were dedicated to the service of suffering humanity.
“such an exemplary Christian life, shoul
“everything I did was Some of them were physicians, teachers, religious or political
death. “Ah,” sighed the spirit of his aunt, leaders, or old servants or slaves who were learned in folk
- it was not from the heart.”
are the medicine, The high point of the séance occurs after a number
cn ie of the supernatural ladder, so to speak,
idea that the of these spirits have arrived and possessed their mediums. The
souls of the dead. Batuque members accept the mediums then give passes to
since the souls ri members of the audience, L.e.,
souls of the dead can contact the living, but mediums make wiping motions, which are thought to withdraw
, they are not a E E
thought to have little or no power evil influences.
souls of the ea o
very important. The proper place for the However, spectators who attend séances to obtain passes often
tismo Ee
make their appearance is at a mesa de espiri show greater desire to -receive them from the encantados that
terreiros a séance is held every week, the Eni
séance). In some have descended than from the spirits of light. Informants stated
ss an
being that if the souls have a chance to expre that the encantados who appeared at spiritualist séances were
try to pos E
periodically, they will not harass the living or “working in the star current” (corrente astral), an area of opera-
n are equatty
mediums at other ceremonies. A few men and wome tion quite distinct from that of batugues and curing sessions,
dead and pe
at home receiving encantados or souls of the and one which all encantados did not find congenial.
o, but mos
participate in both batugues and mesas de espiritism Asked to explain the difference between the souls of the dead
who dance in
mediums do either one or the other. Those
; PS
ema DP
Ei in
92 Chapter
Zuzu appeared struck Ds Exoliied «They
and the encantad s em otli conceptual
are not dead,
question. «The encantados en-
o 2,
The distinction is a crucial did about the
are living!
scheme of the
Batuque there is an dnof the O ther superna

The Believers
not shared by any tus that aregis-
creatures with a sensory appara

: ure, boredom, 2
ions that humans have, the ão than the saints or
ters pain,
“ other
understanding pt Their support is all the
more inintimate
ematurals could possibly have.
other sup
more to be valued.

“Most studies of the African-derived religions in the New World
Caboclo jo of
lack specific detail about the ordinary believers who support,
ndo: mblésé de
used the deities in Ca nei ro 193 7, 1961; rather than direct, the religious centers. For several reasons in-
. This term rtheast '(Car
the e sae culiht of the No vestigators have spent'most research time with cult leaders. The
AM and in of the
o n that in alt leaders are not only' more knowledgeable about doctrine and
55 3- 54 ) took the positi wit h the
o ue, es no “identified”
ere ritual, but also much móre approachable, since they are accus-
on s the
t Af rii can É citie wev e
er, is rarely
a Ea E re na tu re Of t is pe
a dis cus-" tomed to dealing with strangers. Followers tend to be more re-
a ints. The exact stide (19 0, P
Ê| served, if not excessively timid, and, even after some of the social
era tur e. E See Ba
the lit É

spelleda mOi : e É barriers are breached, often prove to be rather inarticulate about
the issues involv
sion of some of
their religious beliefs.
The leaders of the Batuque, however, were not in all respects
ideal informants, since they were occupationally given to magni-
fying their personal role in ritual activities and grossly exaggerat-
ing both the numbers and the submissiveness of their followers.
In addition, the leaders were likely to have read books about

African-derived religions elsewhere in Brazil and were strongly
inclined to substitute the ideal for the reality when explaining

the Batuque to literate outside investigators. From the beginning
of our study, therefore, we made an effort to get to know
rank-and-file members of the Batugue and to check what the
leaders said about doctrine against what the followers appeared
to actually believe, just as we checked what leaders said about
ritual by repeated observation of ceremonies.

94 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Believers 95


One idea that É d followers cons istently agreed upon
ha leaders*an One method of supporting the religion is to attend the public

Batuque in Belém had pia pen de ceremonies regularly. Cult leaders definitely welcome an audience
was that the
ined new adherents. E It is vePç À and for major festivals may even send out printed invitations
recent years and daily i gaine
i such an impre ssion an to determine jus ie or advertise the ceremony on the radio, in the newspapers, or

however, to verify a
g to the Batuque. Tf ria o over the loudspéaker at the nearest bar or shopping area. Partic-
many individuals do belon
Cc “ipating mediums are invariably appreciative of a large turnout
ins” in terms of active participation in

less regular trance exper ience s, the ps A of irao of spectators, and one way of ridiculing a rival cult center
other hand, d, we inclu de as is to suggest that few spectators attend its ceremonies. A batuque
is i y small. If, on the
in the encantados, the number of is primarily designed to enable mediums to receive their spirits,
de e share beliefs
, but it is also definitely a public performance. The descent of
jevers in the city is considerable. a
documents that a immortal spirits into the world would lose poignancy if no ordi-
a are no public
i ates of mem bershipin
p. The
ho Ga
Afro- fe
Brazi s
lian Us nary mortal witnessed the event” >
ords or even estim
gniz ed as comprising Although their physical presence at a ceremony may contribute
“are not reco
us author iti
ities, and all members are listed in censusU data dia something to sustaining the cult, not all spectators are believers.
pen Undoubtedly at every ceremony there are some spectators who
pa (Willems 1966, p. 207). Since the ee
der themse ei ao have come simply to see a free show, to watch .the dancing
ity of Batuque believers do, in fact, consi .
of censu s ofiicia and the gyrations of mediums as they fall into trance states.
good Catholics, the classification practices E Other spectators come to ceremonies primarily for social reasons,
not unwarranted. of
be a recor d to exchange greetings and gossip with acquaintances, or, in the
It is possible that eventually there will
-Brazilian Cults (de- case of the young, to flirt with the opposite sex.
“ cult members. A local Federation of “Afro
organized in ep But irrespective of postible social and recreational inducements
scribed in more detail in Chapter VIL) was o
a asas ig for attendance, the majority of spectators clearly share most of
1964 and undertook the task of registering 5 ;
i ity. One year after its foun the beliefs of the dancers, watch possessions with apparent in-
ca . Belém,(O
itedne not. .all..o! f Gu curers and cult leaders in terest, comment knowledgeably on procedures, and. ohey the rules
quem yo revis
their dues and completed for spectators without admonition. These rules are simple. Smoking
the municipal. district had as yet paid
rank-and-file members had is prohibited inside the pavilion but permissible in the chapel
their registrations, and relatively few Ed
i pie or outside the side railing of the pavilion. Everyone in the audience
registered. However, if the federation E who has a seat must stand during the opening and closing cere-

i serviices offered its

social i mem bership, it is possi
the active cult mem: monies and during the Exu céremony at midnight. All specta-
will eventually include a higher proportion of

: tors, whether seated or standing, must carefully | refraim from

ers in the city.

E In the absence of any offici al data one can a em crossing either legs or arms throughout the ceremony.
€ E :
i vers through ac tual observation of Nothing else is ever asked of members of the audience; they

numbers of belie
The most readily identiifiable cu lt members are, of course,HA
ily ident are never exhorted to make any declaration of, faith or to
who wear costumes, dance, am d enter
trancece states; anao « participate in any communal ritual. Occasionally,/if the supply
gi below. In addition to su an : is plentiful, select members of the audience are invited to partake
of theiri number isis given
the Batuque is sustained by an inde
a in ritual “obligations,” when sacred foods or beverâges are com-
i d
committe i vers,
demonstrate the: À munally consumed by cult members. All spectators are welcome
nate number of more passiive be. lievers who
witho ut themselves ever ex: to join in the religious processions for the saints and the ladainhas
in the existence of the encantados
(a prayer and hymn service to a saint) that are sometimes held
periencing a trance.
“96 SPIRITS OF THE gi The Believers 97

before a batuque begins. Participation in the prayers or proces- serving as a drummer or other musician or by acting as general

sions is entirely voluntary; the audience is never exhorted to factotum around the terreiro during ceremonies. Drumming re-

“join in. Occasionally a medium in trance will be inspired to quires some skill or natural aptitude, but little musical ability is
take up a general collection, and spectators may donate small needed to shake the maracá or the ganzá. In addition, there are
sums of money toward the expenses of the center (or of the many other sinall chores to be done duringa ceremony. Coffee

medium), but at most centers the audience is not ordinarily and other refreshments must be prepared and served, dishes

emceigidpemgtd eo
solicited for funds. : : washed, ritual paraphernalia brought out at the proper moment,
A more active way of participating in the Batuque is to and someone is needed in the chapel to assist mediums who
consult one of the encantados about some personal problem. enter there while in trance for the purpose of resting or giving con-
The number of people in Belém who have taken their problems sultations. Every terreiro seems to have a number of hangers-on
to the encantados probably cannot compare with those who have who are ready to assist in any way necessary under the direction
taken their problems to the saints, but the number must still be of the mãe or pai de santo. The muúsicians and other hangers-on
considerable. At every ceremony there are clients about, either usually appear to be quite informed about cult matters, occasion-
“ consulting the cult leader or searching out individuals who receive ally lead the singing, and are clearly believers in cult doctrine.
encantados from whom they have received help before. The -They receive no compensation for their labors except a few
clients” role in the Batuque is obviously important, since their drinks, and they do not necessarily expect benefits in the form
financial contributions or payments for services are the printipal of the special protection of the encantados.
source .of iricome. fgr- 1most:g leaders. A client may come to the Spectators, clients, musicians, hangers-on, all are believers and

terreiro as:a spectatór and"consult the encantados after they have contribute something to maintaining the Batuque. However, the

arrived during the ceremony, or he may visit the center at any most important members of the sect are those individuals who

other time to consult the leader more privately or to purchase his are believed to receive the spirits. In Belém those who enter
prepared medicinal baths and 'teas. trance states are called filha de santo (daughter of the saint)
The extent to which the Batuque's paying customers are believers “if female, and filho de santo (son of the saint) if male. These
in the cult doctrines varies. Many of the clients are themselves are general terms referring to persons who receive any super-
“mediums or the close relatives of mediums and, as such, cón-

natural being. More specifically the individual may be referred
vinced believers. Other clients may have faith only “in certain to as the devotee of a particular spirit, as filha da Jurema,

aspects of cult doctrine, in two or three encantados, or in the for example. Occasionally the Dahomean term vodunsa is used

a rd a
sorcery powers of certain cult leaders. Some customers may be as a synonym for filha de santo by older cult members, but

generally skeptical, but are trying cult remedies simply because this is rare. The term médium, obviously borrowed from spiritual-
other tactics have failed. The encantado, for these skeptics, is the ism, is much more frequently used as a synonym. In Bahia and
last resort; personal effort, patent medicines, relatives, doctors, in other sections of Brazil, the term cavalo (horse) is commonly

and the saints have failed, and, without much confidence in the used to designate a medium. This designation is rarely employed

Seo ide
probable outcome, the skeptic decides to try macumba. If the: in Belém, but a similar equestrian concept is evidently present,
encantado consulted gives advice leading to the amelioration of since a devotee is often spoken of-as “carrying” an encantado,
a chronic illness, or the return of an errant husband, or the e.g., “Ela carrega Dom João” (She carries, or receives, Dom João).
procurement of employment, the skeptic may become a con- “In Belém in indirect address the cult member is more likely to
firmed believer. be referred to as the aparelha (apparatus) used by the spirits
The third way in which one might demonstrate faith in the rather than as their horse. “Apparatus” as a synonym for “me-
Batuque without personally being possessed by the spirits is by dium” is also borrowed from spiritualism.


The Believers 99
E à

SPIRITS OF THE DEEP oNin É <a je were ss of terreiros or searas. Seven of


of the number of me- o supported themselves and their d

urate record
Although there is no acc te of their
to make a rough estima E É religious activities, with minor financial aid from ai
. +“ . .,. . ”

Bel ém, it is pos sib le n

diums in ords of the Federatio

ording to the rec à É ia ra ta One mãe de santo earned very tie

numbers. In 1965, acc reiros in opera-
Cul ts, the re were twenty-nine ter a and was supported by her son. Th e other who di

of Afr o-B raz ili an terreiros that ..

city and its nea r suburbs. The four abade a living from the Batuque was financially elas
tion in the ng that this
mediums each. Assumi

thi rty e ne from inherited property. This financially independent

we studie d had abo ut the
the same in the other rd e owned her own automobile, a home in a fashionable

app rox ima tel y

number is ated with some
870 me diums in Belém affili go Epa e city, as well as the terreiro property and another

city, the re wou ld be musical instru-

e cult cen ters that do not “use a E e working class Pedreira neighborhood. Her social
terreiro. Sea ras
! erous. In 1965 the
re were at least Pp ate E nie exceptional that she appeared to puzzle
mor e num
ments) are mu ch about fifteen me-
ming à membership of ants, who frequently commented i
110 in operation. Assu the s ix we visited), iticizing de fado
h (th e ave rag e membership of wealth and generally refrai ned from criticizing her religi
“diums for eac additional sixty-
ras would be 1650. An niques and personal life, É a restraiaint definitel ct j gtai
the total mediums in sea tion as practitioners the case of other mães d. e santo. She was, ih o short, ça
treated wi wi
istered with the federa
six mediums were reg ited by law, the pat shown to upper-class patrons. Four iba
Since curing is prohib see
of Jurema or healers. ” is used to deseribe gde a O ra the cult, although they were not
in the linha de Jurema
euphemism “working iders. “these four were ogans, a or caretaker s of ter-
curing practices. in 1965, approxi- reiros, and one supported herself by fortunetelling and A
estimates, there Were,
- According to these considered them- A ' Aria
men and women in Belém who medicinal baths.
mat ely 260 0 regularly entered
t is, they more or less a of the women stated that they were housewives
selves to be mediums-—tha sion by the super-
whi ch wer e interpreted as posses a «lara ar E and were supported by their husbands
tra nce sta tes igion. Tt should be
bei ngs rec ogn ize d by the Batuque rel s in the
A ildren. In : twenty-two enty-four cases t
of the twem
figure. All of the center
nat ura l employed in a low ag
nimal sa End sue in the family was
strossed- that. this is. à mi in Chapter
h the Federation. AS indicated -status job such as laborer, s cabdrive , Street vend : al

city are not reg ist ere d wit consider their

ber of searasin the city clerk, butcher, ; painter, , Or
or carpenter. id exceptio
The two metia
II, an undetermined num n o crossing, OL
rit ual to be pure Umbanda with accountant
ev and a high-salari
g jed mechanicic ini the Brazilian ár
metian Air
doctrine and on with the
h Mi na -N ag ô and therefore shun affiliati t
mixture, must als o be stressed tha
eration.! Tt women took in washing. Eleven
Mina-Nagô dominated fed not all Rd a the ge
te of 260 0 rep res ent s the religious elite and were self-supporting or the principal
the estima number of
par tic ipa nts in the fBatugue. W the i
in their families, g while the other eight washedpeclothe
of the act ive e added to
and isteady clients wer

reg ula r spe cta tor s, com- of supplementing family income. ERR
med ium s, the tot al number of convinced and tainly The occupations of the remaining thirty-one women were:
that of the ém -in 1965 would cer
Batuque in Bel
mitted believers in the

a 7 schoolgirls, living with parents

10,000. erived
be greater than
the igase in other Atrican-d
4 domestic servants (housemaids)
As has been found to be the great majority of the active 3 dressmakers
religions in the New
3 factory workers (Brazil -nut packagi
er socioeconomic
Bat uqu e come from the low 3 prostitutes PRE
members of the about the occupatio
nal status of 2 food vendors
ranks. Information was secured
women and 33 mei.
120 members—87
“a The Believers 101
100 SPIRITS OF THE ranked above lower class. It is possible, however, that if a dif-
2 office clerks ferent selection of cult centers to be studied intensively had been
: à
1 manicurist made, the proportion of middle-class mediums might have been
im à public school
1 cleaning woman somewhat higher. A few searas were criticized by some of our
ll boardinghouse
1 operator of sma “informants as being “for rich people only.” Very likely, at these
erated by sons) supported d «
1 bus owner (op nty years : old, was
of whom, over seventy centers for the “rich,” middle-class mediums are in the majority.
o , dept, age ninet een,tedlivedby with amp qu
iblilings an d was Another informant, himself lower-middle-class, was fond of ob-
Ê y her sib

ty- one , was sup por E :
the third, age for
e Of alcoholism serving that “the Batuque used to be all lower-class [classe média
le bec aus
unemployab [gente da primeira] are
occupation: pará baixo] but now upper-class people
-t hr ee m ale cul t members for whom the elevenem in it.”
Of the thir ty to. Six of 1
were paisi de san
eleven Although the middle-class component-of the active membership
their pras E
r e
em ses an d their dependents by ad a! o: might be somewhat higher than our data indicate, at present the
E pported of in i s
i come beside
d oth er so ur ce s overwhelming majority of active participants are from the lower
ities. Five ha rtment, one à
a post office depa in an optic a class. Upper- and middle-class believers in the cult are more
aone “was head E of cian 10
ts. one a techniician
t the pub i
lic ma rk ets, a ds likely to take part as the clients and patrons of important cult
há off ice clerk, and one lived on " Teadérs. It should not be assumed, however, that the ideology of
ba : one rmer occupations
r m de t tha t he owned. The fo the Batuque is such that better educated, more sophisticated in-
santo were: dividuals are automatically repelled by it. Our contacts with mid-
full-time pais de
“dle- and upper-class Brazilians were relatively limited, but we did
1 elementary school encounter a number of individuals from middle-class backgrounds
1 street vendor who were willing to accept many of the basic ideas of this re-

cooks (in houses
of prostitution) ligion. For example, at the home of Milton, à lower-middle-class
2 às
ng fro m the cult, two medium, we once encountered a high official of the Conselho
additional men .earned. their livi
Four Aa Nacional de Pesquisas (National Research Council). The official
and two as Curers. n were had come to Belém on business, had heard of the elaborate pri-
other eighteen me
he occupations Of the vate shrines to the encantados maintained by Milton, and was
paying a visit to see them. After telling us something about the
office clerks
Afro-Brazilian cults in Rio de Janeiro, the official began relating
3 factory workers
2 stevedores some of his personal experiences with spiritualism. He reported
of an import firm that his sister-in-law was a medium, and it became quite clear
1 department he ad
zil ian Air Force
1 mechanic in Bra that he“was personally convinced that the dead communicate with
1 carpenter the living at spiritualist sessions. On another occasion we met an
truck driver
sr “ex-doctor turned cattle rancher who was a convinced believer in
1 hairdresser
1 nurse “the reality of the encantados and their ability to possess mediums.
1 waiter He had traveled widely throughout Brazil and professed to be
1 bus conductor deeply impressed by the fact that, though the same spirit de-
1 street vendor ) scended in different sections of Brazil under different names, it
se of prostitution
1 porter (in a hou
d income, perhaps always sang the same song; this was impressive, he felt, because
the st an dp oi nt of oe upationa 1 status an above could be “most 'mediums were lower-class-illiterates who -neither-traveled
“From of the women six
n and
eleven of the me

The Believers 103


o É ds br .
. io de
her parents decided to start her in a terreiro, although they felt she
rancher had received


nor read boo ks. The d a was still rather young.


ne for a numbe
i and had practij ced me: dici ned medium There were two other very young girls in this group, one aged
several stories of untrai
O us. with enthusiasm, e mir ten, the other eleven, but both were already developed mediums.
plex surgery while in dep

successfully performing com


& na One, the daughter of a mãe de santo, is said to have been first
on the age or approxima
-- We compiled data cá o possessed by Pena Verde at the age of six. The other, her close
abo ve
s, the 120 mentioned
active Batuque member rel igi ous - s e c t s , friend and the granddaughter of the ogan of the terreiro, was
Table 1). As in most “seized” by the encantado Zezinho a year later, when she also was
tional members (see

six. As noted earlier, other Batuque members are somewhat
1. Age of Active Batuque
TABLE critical of the practice of allowing such young children to partic-
Female Male ipate regularly in ceremonies; ordinarily, parents ask the en-
11 50 cantados to postpone possession until the children are at least
: 10-19 teen-agers and “know what they are doing.” Nevertheless, age
( 20-29 22
] ; 33 18] seven is the traditional or ideal age for the first manifestation
30-39 9
( - 40-49 41 , that a person is a medium. Many cult members insist that they
“50-59 18 were first possessed at age seven, but then their “owner” did not
5d ion 60-69 7
0 return again until they were teen-agers.
( a and over 2
( a] 46
The two filhas over age seventy rarely dance anymore. Lasting
Totals 134 as it does from nine in the evening until dawn the next morning,
à RSA 8 -
eo x a batugue is strenuous physical activity, and it strikes the ob-
membership is adult, over
majority of th e active o e sua server as remarkable that' elderly women in their sixties can
s qe age
thirty. Five of the eleven girl O our study,
Ea dance for hours without showing signs of fatigue. During the
exp erii enc e i
at the time three- or four-day celebrations that are sometimes held for the
| had a tran ce
wanted them li it
Petas a Oi regularly because their parents in a family tradi ps ae patron encantado of a terreiro, very few of the age group over
receive the spirits, either to

their fifty will appear every night as do the younger mediums.

wer e born mediums and
it was felt that the girls e more a da Table 1 also indicates that in Belém there are three times as
by encantados would take plac many women participants as men. This same predominance of
irls were prepared. One of these 8” E a e of two.
nho at the ag Si
women has been noted in Maranhão and Bahia. In her survey,
eveáied a filha of the encantado Joãozi
as “World Distribution and Patterns of Possession States,” Bourgui-
Carolina was very “ll and appeared to a na Ra to a cult gnon (1968, p. 20) found that a predominance of women was
EN . o
y could do nothing for her, and her parents y that Joãozinho characteristic of possession religions in many parts of Africa. To
illness as a sign
| The healer diagnosed the a certain extent, then, this predominance in Brazilian cults may
The healer gave the baby
Rc her as his future med .
pare Carolina represent the survival of a tradition. Various other hypotheses to
s they would have to pre
passes and told her parent 8
explain the imbalance have been advanced. Herskovits (1955,
pp. 512-13) suggested that there is a simple economic ex-
nt o é
t been" possessed againi by

planation: the men, who are the principal breadwinners for their
beh avi or. Instead of playing
Bajo a his espristordiáip in her ferring to families, cannot as easily spare the time for the lengthy initia-
Carolina was a tom boy, pre
quietly with ;other little girls,
qu ally prone to tions. Pierson (1967, p. 285), on the other hand, suggested that
: boys, and she was especi

run around the. streets with er, men in Bahia have wider social contacts than women do and
her. Puz zled as to how to cope with-h

figh t with her olde r brot

The Believers 105

lo pg 2 É na, spirit may carry or wear earrings and may attempt to ap-
! than
therefore are more a ne ANGIHISD pear feminine in facial expressions and certain gestures. One
i re closely to African traditions. o pai de santo would go on for hours as the female encantado
Es there is no leng thy init iation in
dim er Jarina, wearing a turban and mincing about the floor. His be-
ns to speak of. Carni É
and there are no African traditio ; É havior extreme that it often provoked derisive comments
predominance of women re
pp. 272-73) explained the rd from the audience. On the other hand, in most cases a man in
es associated pao
ing out that most of the duti a pire of É E trance does not act very feminine, and it is usually impossible to
sacred foods, taking
terreiro—cooking É tell if a man is supposed to be possessed by a male or a female
women s work. E po
and decorating the pavilion—are med by : E ei e di encantado. It would appear that the immoderate behavior of the

s are per
ever, most of these routine task , e em few makes a stronger impression on spectators than the unex-
with the assistance ç
own family or by the ogan

ily med ium ceptional conduct of the majority.
not necessar

that is, by individuals who are In part, the mere fact of participation in the public ceremony
in calis a man's masculinity into question. In Brazil, the macho
bit the participation of men
a fiel Dt does clearly inhi the (ideal male) is supposed to be virile, dashing, and oversexed.
belief, both withithiin and outside ide
ceremonies is the widespread al cos tum es and dan ce A man who takes part in a batuque, wearing a costume, dancing
wear ritu
Batuque religion, that men who or, pinta
im pa sedately with a group of women, and waiting for a spirit to pos-
ceremonies are either effeminate
in public fact—s sess him, is clearly not conforming to the masculine ideal. The
, this belief is based on
active homosexuais. To part this topi c e
was not situation is somewhat different with the pai de santo, who in his
xu als. Although
of the men are indeed homose go roç d je position of leadership is clearly manifesting part of the masculine
ussed with na ne
one that could be readily disc EE dE 5 role and who, if he is dynamic and forceful enough, can largely
ity a among our informants, both ma
was often unanimimity Wi e avoid the ridicule that ordinary male mediums are subjected to.
hat some male medium i s lived with other men
E pager The argument most frequently advanced by our female inform-
proved impossible, however,
a sexual relations. Tt O dê peça ants against male participation was simply that'it looked “ugly” for
were homosexual. Some
exactly how many men a Russos large numbers of men to take part in ceremonies. They also
lier in-assuring US pd
“informants were quite cava ning
ing, T, stressed that their husbands did not like it when men participated
sexual. 1. - -Closer question
in the reliigigion were homo no PE R E in ceremonies, not because of jealousy, but because the husbands
Vá to e Corittaioi that the evidence si ;
, in assumed that all male mediums were homosexuals and did not
the forty-six men listed
nly fourteen cases out of de e a a want their wives -associating with such immoral types. In spite of
several ai e
do fourteen homosexuais, d, sever a r these objections, often made with considerable vehemence, in
i ty-two men W ere concerne
as the other thir otficis,
hete rose xual ,1 , W eas several o
wher actual ceremonies women usually accepted male mediums as full
and seemed to be exclusivi ely ed for thei
criticiz r.
Ir, participants, interacted with them freely, and showed concern
includinig one pai i de santo, were Oiften of this group, over their behavior only when it became too blatantly effeminate.
ium s. For most
cai among the female med E j It is clear that the attitude toward male participation is am-
simply inconclusive.
however, the evidence was 1] omo-'
ome extent, then, t he beli
ef thattmmale mediums fare“h bivalent. On the one hand, male mediums are held up to ridicule
belief is firmly held by man as safado (immoral) or efeminado (effeminate), and there is
a is based on fact. But the ve ge a always concern that-the terreiro will become a recognized gather-
and who are
who do not know the facts e pe st e ing place for homosexuals and thus liable to public opprobrium
some male mediums
consideration of the way RE o ad and persecution by the police. All of the leaders whom we inter-
a certain
ceremonies. There is, for example, viewed, both male and female, were: defensive about the number
ess y
impersonation. A man who -supposedly is poss


The Believers 107


asserted podia quéria in Belém no men at all were allowed to par-

r terreiros and invariably
of men associated “with thei part in e drama This was an unusual terreiro, however, in
one or two filhos who took

that there were at most only eful leaders

Goma Rg o set by the mãe de santo but by her goi
hand, some of the most forc
ceremonies. On the other sant o to a mãe de o MRadad e, Ep ue the terreiro. The son was not a
prefer a pai de
are men, and many; women eved that, a op very strongly that only women should

In addition, sinc e it is beli

santo as head of a terreiro. unt hin kab le that a
supernatural, it is e : :

mediums are chosen by the to serv e as its terreiro, EE if a a rca. ni GRE E o

by am encantado
man who has been selected duri ng ' mi ca ejected from the premises. ama

ed from receiving that spir it

“apparatus” should be prohibit E a with another terreiro was watching a

ceremonies. a dis- lia o e suddenly went into trance, presumably pos-

lict is resolved is by making
One way in which this conf E e] gs Mariana. He was immediately seized by

nie s fro m the

who take part in ceremo
tinction between those men hav e ent ere d E e ee de santo and brought out of trance by
participate only after they
beginning and those who pro mis e, à e aro a with what was obviously more than
to this widely accepted com

a trance state. According poss ess him,

n if the spirits desire to
man must fulfill his missio even those of our Ro A ali à na o

sti gma att ach ed to pos ses sion itself.

and there is consequently no Or dance in ingly of male participation in oefeirioniea wie o diagree go
does not wear a costume
A “real” man, however, es as = e ma young medium had been nais Fo =
sits in the audience, or serv
front of the drums. He simply

sts itself. mn 42 e is terreiro was often referred to with respect

ry, until the spirit manife
drummer or other functiona ada, leads the agindo E : cy of prohibiting male participation.
trance he is“given an esp
— After he has entered relatively es rprrgiurs iros in Belém had several male mediums, al-
dance briefly, but he spends
appropriate songs and may in Table 1, Re ee considerably. At the terreiro of Dona
Of the forty-six men listed
little time in public view. For those E a se of men who lined up in front of the drums at
to this ideal pattern.
eleven more or less conformed are either alleged ea pts ceremonies often equaled the number of women
who wea r cos tum es an d dance, and who uque RE REM poi comments, upon unfavorably in Batuque cicles,
ctrine accepted-byr most Bat
... men
or actual homosexuals; the”do

igations and de e ri men made up a small minority of the

they carry out their obl
leaders is that as long as be of no ig a a Rá e the initial phases of the ceremony.
nies, their sex life should
show respect during ceremo else. ao ao in able 1 that the number of active women
low members or to anyone
concern either to their fel to hav e bee n solved
ticipation seems
The problem of male par Umb and a idea s pre- E
men, however, E aee e dififferent. ia Ei
; ara It would seem
the searas where
more simply in Some of
dominate. /According to
Umbanda beliefs, no
, and any ridicule
the coco seios into ne le fioage, GUand
RR CEE ta beredo Eepai
most of these become
attached to a male medium husbands and eia - ER the pressures against male are
ply ignored. Quite often
larger community is sim s, which greatly UE on dE RE The pai de santo receives respect
in Umbanda ceremonie
wives participate together ian ce. In ad- o a and is shown at least some deference by his
accusations of sexual dev
reduces the possibility of ile d to the E Ed es on that sustains him in the face of other crit-
can be more easily reconc
dition, thé macho ideal seara, whe re cos- o out the status of the pai de santo either abandon
an Umbanda oriented
ceremonial activities in osi te sides a e ga a a grow older or, more commonly,
and women line up on opp
tumes are less colorful, men bef ore the ma a Se a and do -not themselves
is little dancing by anyone

of the room, and there

state has been achieved. '
o Rc
The Believers 109

108 the North American system. There are always at least three
ers as well as in rank-and
Women outnumber men as cult lead A E categories: branco (white), preto (black), and the mixed seg-
file membership, but the disp roportion is not as great. Of ment of the population that is designated by a variety of terms.
federation in the summer of
cult centers registered with the . Wo Women The official census designation for this segment is pardo (brown),
women, forty-seven by men.
ninety-two were headed by r men . Tn the linha de but this term is never used in conversation. In Belém individuals
roughly a two-to-one margini ove of mixed ancestry are usually referred to as moreno (brunette)
n was three-to- to one; fifttyy women
Jurer eg
ma, oracuriding, the proportiioon and may be further distinguished as moreno escuro (dark bru-
as Pp ract itio ners of Jurema.
i en men were regii stered
ixte Euro pean, and Bra- nette) or moreno claro (light brunette). These terms are applied
ng American,
NEIt has been traditional amo to cons ider the study to all individuals of visibly mixed parentage, regardless of
ved religions
zilian students of African-deri stud y of the “Negro. whether they are descended from African-European, Indian-Eu-
mous with the
of these religions as synony app rop riate, since ropean, or African-Indian crosses. Since intermarriage between
might have been
In the past this approach ld by Afri cans and members of these three racial stocks has been going on for at
to the New Wor
these religions were brought and the n the descend- least three hundred years, it is not surprising that most individ-
ticed exclusively by slaves y other ; uals have long since lost track of their racial backgrounds. There
today, howeve ev r, and in man
ants of slaves. In Belém
e is no interest in tracing exact ancestry, and people are classified
ved religions draw their member
parts of Brazil, the African-deri regardless of race. simply according to their physical appearance. Someone who is
ship generall y from the lower classes, E gi very dark is classified as preto. A person who has -a medium...
the population is the result
In Belém, where most of , wit o ac dark complexion is called moreno. A very light individual is a
m Europe and Africa
marriage between peoples fro In o : “branco; Hair form and facial features may also play a part in
the indigenous American
stantial contribution from ely O a assigning individuals to,-particular categories, but skin color is
Batuque are also larg
well, the members of the elab ora by far the most important criterion. Since the inheritance of skin
a much broadened and
origin. Just as the cult is is also color is quite complex, it often happens that children are lighter
can religion, the membership
version of an originally Afri of racial than one or both of their parents, and when this happens parent
“individuals of à variety
" “much êxpanded"and- includes quite unjustified to consider the “and"child may be classified as belonging to different categories.

backgrounds. Tt is therefore E de Even brothers and sisters may end up in different: categories. It
à study of the “Negro”
study of the Batuque as E is obvious that in such a situation a racial classification is not
liation of Batuque mem ae

In discussing the racial affi or E going to be very meaningful, and in fact will be as much an
ilian categories than to ea
more reasonable to use Braz o exercise in arbitrary decisions as anything else.
To North Americans Di
American or European usage.? 1. w S According to the official census, the majority of the population
s of people in no
ans there are two basic kind

known a of Belém falls into the moreno category (see Table 2). The
“colored” individual W
and colored. Usually any di figures given in Table 2 must be accepted as only rough ap-
classified as "Negro ; | that
visible African ancestry is

es proximations, however, for the reasons discussed above. There is
viduals of mixed Ft
.- category includes all indi /racia one other consideration that sometimes influences racial classi-
the proportion of the two
e ancestry, regardless of the adv ant age of neat- fication and that is social status. A wealthy person is much more
sification has
involved. This system of clas lence to the facts likely to be classified as branco than a poor man with the same
it does considerable vio
ness and simplicity, but physical characteristics. Since practically all cult members were
of biology. ewhat E relatively poor, this source of distortion would not be significant
of racial types differs som
In Brazil the classification ons have in qi for our study.
different regions, but what-all of the classificati in - Aceepting the fact -that- no attempt -to -classify the. people of
biological realíties than 18 foun
mon is a greater respect for


The Believers

“110 with skin color and facial features. A range of six shades of skin
(County) of Belém
2. 1950 Census of Município

TaptE pigmentation was set up, from a very light “1” to a very dark “6.”
Color Number In Table 3 two hair-form categories were used: kinky-very curly

ma E as one category. and curly-wavy-straight as the other. In Table 4

- Pardo (brown) e -an individual was classified as having “African” features if (1)
popa |
Branco (white) em ê

: 11,6 the nose was relatively broad and flat, and/or (2) the lips were
Preto (black) É
201 especially prominent. The most salient American Indian facial
Amarelo (yellow)

100.0 ; feature, the epicanthic eye fold, is also found in the Belém cult
group, but was ignored in this classification.

Geografia e ástiica, Enciciclopédia dos

i ilei icípio It is our contention that a Brazilian census taker would prob-
populatioC n in the mun

| 302. Total
brasileiros, : A p. r. of ably classify about thirty-three of the individuals listed in the
picípiod s not classified as to colo
o QU

434 indi vidu als were evidentiy

a SAM d within the city itsel f. tables as preto—those with shade 6 skin color (fifteen) and those

but 29,0 00 live

the total population all with shade 5 skin color and African features (eighteen). About
es some a sixty-five would be classified as branco—those with shade 1 skin
y satisfactory, it is air

te com ple tel

Bel ém will
the me mbers of the Bat
uquedo a tias - (thirty-four) and those with shade 2 skin and curly-wavy-

icance to kno w whe the r straight hair (thirty-one). The remaining eighty-two would be
ncos. In an attempt a
marily i pretos, morenos, : or bra j e ; 1 8 0 1 8 0 mE classified as pardo (moreno). In terms of percentages, moreno
€ tassified the
is i , however crudely, we
question ics : skin color, 46 per cent, branco 36 per cent, and preto 18 per cent.
terms of three characterist

E à di Table Lin u gments were H mad e on the If these figures are compared with the census figures given in
E i mir ia] features. Our jud Tab les 3Á Table 2, it will be seen:that the percentage of pretos is con-
ation. Our results
are given in siderably higher in the Batugue than in the general population.
eof vis ual dfig
obs or erv le
asis hair form, Tab

g with skin color and


In part this is due to the fact that the Batuque members are
it 4, 2 Table 3 dealin
primarily from the lower class, and in Belém most individuals
Por-a eme
Tama 3. Phyoital Charatiêrati
with dark skins are in the lower socioeconomic brackets. In any

! olor:
n"C ; j Totals case, our general point is made: the members of the Batuque are
Hairi form mixed in racial composition and there are, in fact, twice as many
24 15 85 brancos as pretos. There is clearly no reason to consider the
1 3 6 13 2
Kinky-very curly Batuque as a religion of “Negroes.”

Nor does leadership in the cult seem to be obviously related
Curly-=wavy— 9 2 0

20 to skin color. Twenty-seven of the 180 cult members described


33 31

15 1 above were cult leaders. Of these, three were preto, twelve were

35 26

34 37 33
Totals moreno, and twelve were branco. The color distribution of the

Features cult leadership appears to be roughly proportional to that of the

TABLE 4. Physical Cha membership as a whole. si,

; : Totals
Skin color In his comprehensive study, Les religions africaines au Brésil,
Facial 4
1 2. 3
features Roger Bastide (1960, pp. 519-58) has suggested that increased
vid 16 18 14
African 0 Dei racial discrimination and exploitation, related to the stresses of
19 8 1 1 18 industrialization, are the important underlying factors in the
European qa4 35,
36" 450 “180 recent proliferation -of the non-traditional .African-derived sects
M 3% 8 35

The Believers

SPIRITS OF THE DEEP darker than he was. In both cases the women were young and
112 E
Bas tid e ter ms the rapidly ms arts poor, and their social inferiority was probably at least as im-
in Brazil. the

and considers their “superiors” to treat


skin color in inspiring


portant as their
“sects of imitation
. E]
. .

ss, even pano

an cla Racial discrimination is simply not a burning

and for , a colored proletari o them shabbily..-
sda dership. Ea
mi gh t hav e mulatto or white lea oa “ social issue in northern Brazil.
ae ues, às outlets
simultaneously, he arg The active members of the Batuque are recruited primarily

of imitation” serve or uns
and caboclos [Indians from the ranks of the poor, but only a small minority of the poor
racial protest of blacks pe

a e a E
ed ancestry] against become active in the religion. For every person who becomes a
backwoodsmen of mix 525), and as pi E r a
whi te mod els ” (p. convinced believer, for every woman who becomes a medium,
culturally by aciously
(who have clung ten there are other individuals, similarly situated on the socioeco-
assimilation of blacks society. tic
Brazilian multiracial nomic scale, with similar needs .and-.aspirations, who remain in-
traditions) into modern dO aa
little relevance aa the different or antagonistic toward the cult. Why do only certain
Such an analysis has E
mem bershiip p is1 no individuals become active Batuque members? Are there any in-
demonstrated above, the à a Ear
duals with dark skin dividual experiences that believers had in common before they
Hack Even if indivi meaningiu O sâniio
ina te int
in the rel igion, on, ità WO uld nott 1 be
igi di s
became believers?
dom or tra
is interests, attitudes, ” It has been suggested that migration from rural to urban areas
istinc hi ght er- com plexioned fellow
r fer
a ent fro m E those of the ir
em e may be an important factor in the increase in membership in
na ntl y not
er s. Da rk -s ki nned individuals do religions such as the Batugue. Migration from country to city

cult me mb their ho - me s, of
Belém. Their : dialect, increased in tempo after World War II, roughly the same time

: arate racial caste in are ide nti cal mm
that marked the take-ofi point in the rapid expansion of the

fac t,
ire culture, m
and dress, their ent neither sp y
neighbors. They are African-derived and other possession religions in Brazil, Camargo

se esa:
their lig hte r-s kin ned x
mas 4 (1961, pp. xii-xiii, 65-69, 96-97) and Willems (1966, pp. 224-
ally segregated. hei S u

uping im 25) argue that mediumistic religions have spread so rapidly in
a guificást social gro E be e
ide nti ty tha t the average cult «member a Brazil because they are particularly suited to helping the in-
race. Th e

the poor, dividual adjust to the urban environment. Rural migrants would
of the large class-of
of is that he is one
«yh ite .” The cla ss of the ne e “lie; presumably be more in need of the type of direct supernatural
“colored, ” “bl ack ,” or ce pi
pos sib le skin shades, hair support offered by mediumistic religions than would native-born
go, matide
of all

E Era

rac ial di sc ei ni na no &

? T o sh or ia residents who had been conditioned from birth to cope with the
features, and
plaints. Unemployme
nt, hi es, : pressures and insecurity of urban life. In addition, lost in the

ne PA a
are the problems
using—thesempar Fe , impersonal city, migrants could perhaps find in the religious
quate hothe
of poor. Co ed to “he magnit
t h e 1 ud e O group a substitute for the rural primary groups that had always
that/ exists against the very
E light iscrimination cult a a jon
Dê ed ordered their lives.
irritation. Only.two Judging from our data, however, rural-urban migration does
skinned is a minor a e ui é
affecting their ee not appear to be a major factor in inducing individuals to join
racial prejudice as ado
D les
a cen auto mis É
en she as
was an the Batuque. Admittedly, Belém is not as impersonalized or ur-
complaini ed that wh mper
nt had been seriously ha money but refusing ais
banized as are the southern Brazilian cities, and an individual
her along, taking
her moving to the city from the rural interior would not have as
O STA case, Clara, W
or.” In the other sband's rel-o difficult an adjustment problem as the rural migrant to São Paulo
ia “because Of my col related - t that her hu
s given i
in Ap pe nddi
ix B,
was muc :“ or Rio'de Janeiro. However, economic -hardship and health prob-..
his ma rr ia ge to her because she
od app

o The Believers 115

of the southern cities. curers. Two of the remaining nine adolescent-adult migrants from
as in any

lems are as great in Belém Pentecostalism as well rural areas were also mediums and, in a sense, cult members
religions (spiritu alism Eaand
; o em
before their arrival in the city. Both had developed as mediums
Mediumistic Belém as in the so
as the Batuque) are rapidly growing im sses in the pajelança (shamanism) found throughout rural Amazonia.
ps e RO
Such religious movements mayour represent

aq For only seven out of the hundred members, then, was the
data suggest tha

: i but urban
lowerclass populátion
of rapid social change, ol e. experience of moving from a stable rural environment into a
ive- -born ;
igi ons attract the nat ive
religi depersonalized, insecure urban environment a possible factor in


tha n rec ent rur al mig rants. A majority ofpri the decision to become an active participant in the Batuque.
EA natives |
s we investigated were
the Batuque whose origin t up 2 In this inquiry into some of the characteristics of cult mem-
hundred medium i s, six - tWO wertre born and brough :
ixtyty- bers, there is another question to be answered. Are the elect
ran ts are sum
rty-eight mig
The origins of the thi

a mo di of the Batuque, the mediums, primarily converts or were most

marized in Table 5. born into the religion, following the example of their mothers
or other close relatives and developing as mediums as a matter

Members of Non-local
TAB LE 5. Batuque of course? Several factors complicate the question and make a
after age 10
age 10 Came to Belém simple answer impossible. In the first place, exposure to the
Came to Belém before
Number Batuque from infancy does not mean that an individual will

Origin Number automatically become a medium. There is some feeling that a
8 Interior of Pará daughter, or at least one of the daughters, should follow her
Interior of Pará

. Rural areas Of mother into the cult, and often a daughter in time comes to
Rural areas of other states receive the same spirits that her mother received. To a certain
other states 6
Other cities
extent it is believed that'the ability to be possessed can be in-
Others cities
(e.g., .B., SãoDÃO Luís 2 herited, and those mediums whose parents were active in the

(e.g., São Luís, Fortaleza, Batuque often speak proudly of their own talents as being
ommvaaareo o Manaus)... “brought from the cradle,” On the other hand, it is also be-
aaa 23 lieved that mediums are divinely selected without regard to

15 -.— Total
family traditions or laws of heredity. Consequently no medium
who were to Belém as
brought expects all of his or her children to be equally interested in the
fifteen cult members

The not be considereidered cult. A few cases were encountered where several brothers and
children, before age ten, should probably E ad
were undoubtedly gradually conditione sisters were active participants, but, more commonly, among
rural migrants. They in the a city.
life sin
i ce the y com ple ted theirir m maturation several children, only one was an active member. In distinguish-
to urban fin

O ing anembers who are “born” into the Batuque, then, the intent
ree individuals ata
Fourteen of the twenty-th a o E is to indicate those individuals who from birth have intimate
er cities and therefore
age ten came from oth E IL contact with someone who is an active medium; it is not being
of the fourteen
E migrants either. Ten tha n E Res suggested that membership is in any real sense considered he-
smaller city
which is a considerably o Dio reditary.
of the very similar D
were already members

a ad A convert, on the other hand, is someone who has no close

moved; they did not
São Luís before they

: o a relative in the Batuque, and who, according to his own testimony,

adjusting to à larger
response to problems of u e had little contact with the religion as a child. Considering how
smaller than Belém,
ame from Manaus, also by widespread the knowledge of cult ideology is, however, it is prob- .

kin g out tre atm ent

e of see
E the express purpos
The Believers 117
que the born member and the convert with respect to (1) the age
converts were an
able that few if any of the beca a at which the individual became an active participant and (2)
i or ceremo nies before they rte
Batuque doctrine the awareness of being personally “troubled” (perturbado) at
i rested in
inte gion. Many of them repo
i the reliigi the time of the first trance experience. About 78 per cent of those

o aclipe
of the Batuque, but
families did not approve there se ishave. “born into the cult had their first trance experience and became
Protes tant families,
of a few converts from and ceremo eianr active members before the age of twenty. In the convert group
tac t with cult members
been few cases when con con
only about 26 per cent became mediums before age twenty.
ibi ed. The in individuals classified as Those individuals born into the Batuque are also less likely than
as actually prohibit the Bat uqu e E Eis
Tile 6 di had less contact with are the converts to report that they were suffering from mys-
obv iou sly .

the religion, but this

. .

terious ailments or had other serious personal problems at the


listed as being born into


time they first were “seized” by a spirit. Fewer than 20 per cent
matter of degree. gs between
Table 6 indicates that
there are significant diffe rence of the born group recalled such difficulties, but 57 per cent of the
converts insisted that they were much “persecuted” by the spirits

of Converts and Born Cult Members shortly before their first trance or before 'their decision to pre-
TaBLE 6. Comparison
pare to be mediums.

"The likelihood that the daughter or son of a medium will also
Number reporting
personal problem
become a medium appears to decline sharply after age twenty-
at time of . joining five. All five of the individuals in the twenty to twenty-nine born
pacti ve membera member age group were in their early twenties at the time of

Before age 20
32 their first trance. But occasionally the first trance experience
E comes much later in life, as in the case of Arnaldo. Both of
: Arnaldo's maternal grandparents, his mother, an uncle, an aunt,

30-39. and his wife were all mediums. Arnaldo was familiar with cult
Ds ideology and ritual from infancy on but was never much inter-
: ested in it. He attended many Batuque ceremonies but never
50 and over “felt” anything. After he grew up, spiritualism interested him

Totals more than Batuque, and he attended more spiritualist sessions
than Batuque ceremonies. However, he occasionally accom-
panied his wife to the terreiro with which she was affiliated. At
Number reporting
À E age thirty-four, while sitting placidly in the audience one eve-
personal problem
h é at time of- joining
ning, Arnaldo was suddenly possessed, without any type of ad-
aactive memaber vance warning at all, His “time” had simply arrived, according
12 to cult members.
Before age 20. a
- : 14 Zélia's case was similar, though her time arrived considerably
14 E later in life. Her father had been a Batuque curer, but Zélia
30:39 had never been much interested in the encantados. Like Arnaldo,
6 she found “pure” spiritualism more interesting than Batuque.
1 - However, when she became seriously ill at age fifty-six, the
50 and over spiritualist leaders were unable to help her. A curing ceremony
47 |

The Believers 119

borhood did seem to chapter, if such signs appear, special “contracts” regulating the
run by a young pai de santo in the neigh child's religious development may be worked out between the
the ceremonies at his
help, and Zélia began to attend all of - parent and the child's spirits. Only in rare cases is the child of
a batuque there, the encantado Avere
terreiro. While watching
markedly as Zélia a medium considered a “born” medium before he gives any
kete “seized” her. Her health improved indication of having such talents. Edson, for example, was dedi-
to the encan tados . o a ma
learned to dance and sing

É Ehriascy é

may, as in Zélia's cated to the encantados even before he was conceived. Dona
Mediums who were born into the religion Irene, Edson's mother, grew up in Soares, a small town near
or their peace, f mind
case, recall that their health was bad

new status as the Belém. At age seventeen, while being treated by her uncle, the

achie ving their

troubled immediately before local pajé (curer), for some ailment, Irene fell into a trance.
more typically the born
chosen apparatus of an encantado, but, Since she definitely did not want to follow through and develop
nal difficulties prior to his
member recalls no particular perso her spiritual powers, Irene begged her uncle to try to remove
exper ience comes almost
first trance. For many the first trance the spirits who claimed her. The pajé succeeded in persuading
For examp le, Mauvina as
as an extension of childhood play.
neigh borho od children a them to withdraw, but the encantados did so on the condition
a child played batuque with other that Irene would dedicate her first male 'child to them. Irene
her aunt belonged. Like
the pavilion of the terreiro to which kept her vow. When Edson was one year old he was formally
d and sang, but pretended
the other children, she not only dance teen, be- dedicated to the encantados, and a rededication was held on
sixtee n or seven
that she was possessed. Later, at age each succeeding birthday. Edson finally “fell” after his fifteenth
dressi ng up, Mauvina
cause she enjoyed singing, dancing, and costu mes birthday and developed very rapidly as a medium. At age nine-
ng the prope r
began dancing as a filha de terreiro, weari At age teen he opensd his own center.
of a medi um.
and following all of the ritual prescriptions trance The first trance experience was apparently often a very dramatic
fell,” i.e., went into
nineteen, during a batuque, she “really
when she was whirl ed by another medium event in the lives of thê converts, who did not have the kind
for the first time, of contact with the cult that the children of mediums had. Some
of gradual entry into
who was also in trance. Another example converts stated that their first-contact with terreiros was when
age twelve he began filling
the cult is the case of Carlito. At they visited one in search of a solution to a personal problem
in océásionaliy as a drumimer at a terreiro, shen.the adult drum-
to's mother and father such as a stubborn ailment that doctors were unable to cure.
mers were taking a break. Both Carii Mundane ailments such as liver trouble, skin diseases, and chills
began his informal apprentice-
were filhos of the terreiro where he
fourteen, Carlito was e and fever were occasionally mentioned as the problems bringing
ship as drummer. By the time he was A few weeks the outsider to a cult center, but more frequently the illnesses
cepted as one of the regular musicians of the center.
during a batuque, the encantado mentioned were of a “nervous” nature with symptoms such as
after his fourteenth birthday,
came over to the musicians persistent headaches, insomnia, nausea, loss of appetite, generalized
Jarina (possessing the pai de santo) anxiety, an inability to stop crying, and difficulty in grasping
have a surprise that day.
bench and told the boy he would anything with the hands. Sometimes the catalogue of symptoms
that someone was going
Carlito interpreted the remark to mean suggests some severe mental illness. Chica, for example, began
J arina' s true meaning when
to give him a present. He understood di to be very disturbed when she was about thirty-two years old,
in the ceremony.
she possessed him a short time later ood p a just after the birth of her third child. Although she became very
ms have childh
Perhaps most of the children of mediu be ci anxious and fearful when left alone, she could not get along
na, but, ú must
experiences similar to those of Mauvi with other people. According to her pai de santo, Chica nearly
to be mediums, nor do Ei
again, by no means do all turn out murdered her husband in one of her rages. She could not sit
ren are watched for ra y
members expect this-to happen. Child still or stay in the house. “I felt like getting out in the street
as discussed in the preceding
signs of mediumistic gifts, and,
The Believers 121

her teeth taken care of. All went well for some months, but

d just running,i running, ”
ing,” she recalis. She would take a then her headache began again, and her nervousness, insomnia,
d not bear to stay on the o
E o direi to shop, but coul and inability to eat returned. Three years ago she “went out of

o RE a SR a Ri RO
she would have to get gd
for more than a few minutes; her mind” a second time. There is a two-year period of which
ed had any effect. is de
walk. Nothing the doctors prescrib he she remembers” nothing except the pain in her head. During
so e in
resembled a pharmacy, there were He ; this time her family brought her to a terreiro for treatment
Chica went| to a cult leader in i her neigighborhood. instead of taking her back to the hospital. Under the treatment
e: who a E Pi |
she was a medium, persecuted : of the pai de santo, Maria José began receiving Rompe Mato
lop inin c er.
hishis cent
her, and persuaded her to deve a pe alice in trance and reports that she no longer has headaches. She
the encantado Barão de pi
pen ter believes that her guardian, Rompe Mato, has driven back the
ives four additional encantad os.
evil spirits persecuting her.
ess diminished. However, ie
nc emêd UH her extreme nervousn as Illness, physical or mental, is”hot the only type of personal
irradicated. a
bellicosity has not been entirely | ec problem that brings outsiders to terreiros as clients and leads to
then joine d
ith her first pai j de santo and their active participation as mediums. Matital difficulties, espe-
rival in the neig hbor hood . After a little gado ne
ec to cially desertion and philandering spouses, are often interpreted
nd leader and returne
year she fought with the seco this type at. almo st as due to supernatural causes. The ministrations of a mãe de santo
switches of
first. She has been repeating may not lead to the return of the wandering husband, but if
they lead to a mew life as the chosen medium of powerful
the incomplete nat
naturally blames the other for supernaturals, the pain of the desertion is likely to be forgotten.
cure. to Long-term unemployment is another type of personal problem
felt by the local population
Mental illness of any type A mac umb eir os, smc e that induces outsiders to «try the services of Batugue leaders.
e nce of the
be particularly within the compet ni e Manoel, who had an ailing wife and four young children to
im derangements are seen as myst gi support, was unemployed for two years. He states that the only
1 cult lead ers ; prou a
of supernatural origigiin. Al sc e of who m Te ga thing that prevented him from committing suicide was the fact
zy people) they have-cur
Tàz) . ed, som
of loucos (cra hims elf been a drn Pp os that his sister helped him out with a little money from time to
j . One cu lt lead er had
as filhos de terreiro rien ce a ; time. Finally, Manoel and his wife went to consult a cult leader.
ye d relating his expe

i and enjo iove
i a mental hospital
in pers ecut ion yDY She gave them a charm to be left at a crossroads. The: next
O f£ extreme

l i ity ity isà regarded as a form
insan a week Manoel found a steady job. He is now a believer and
bears no Eq
cg is for which the individual ) his wife is a medium. In a similar case, Cláudio, well-educated
i ma
i cular stig is
i atta c hed. to the condition,
ility. parti
no "part o via by Belém standards, was unable to find any white-collar employ-
of loucura
died freely of their bouts

Ee ears ment and finally went to consult Dona Ana. In a trance as
about seven yes
ia Josés breakdown started the encantado Jarina, the mãe de santo assured Cláudio that
Tt bega n with a pg
a ca twenty-one years old. Go she would help him find a job. Within a week not only was
For rir gs si o
that nothing would relieve. egan Cláudio employed by a bank, but his sister also found a good
as she
doctor to no availi . Then, clerical position at the American consulate. Grateful for the en-
time, she was admi tted to a mental
= reality for periods of cantado's assistance, Cláudio financed a batuque, then was bap-
The treatments seemed t o
hospital and given shock treatments. . tized, and is now a filho de terreiro.
and she felt normal for a time
help, her headache disappeared, treatments ra a Many other stories such as those of Chica, Maria José, Manoel,
convinced that the
But she became to have - and Cláudio could be Ielated. By concentrating on such recol-
to leave the hospital
teeth. She requested “permission

The Believers 123
could develop the impression
Estao in a. trance state for the first or second time does
lections of past tribulations, one id Sogra muscular control to dance or even to stand up
y the mentally deranged, the
that the Batuque attracts primaril imply staggers about. a In these cases, or ifi for some re
ated. It would not be at all
neurotic, or the economically defe the cult leader
since the Batuque in some ways
does not choose to allow unknown da
surprising if this were the case, “dance, the individual is led into the chapel, seated, and brought
people in trouble. But there is
seems almost tailor-made for “sick”
-e Eou Epare As soon as iti can be seen that consciousness is
not all mediums ar
plenty of evidence to suggest that
lems at the time they join the ia E the outsider is promptly abandoned by those who were
or even faced with serious prob E A im. The person usually sits for a while looking ex
comes from their own accounts.
religion. One kind of evidence
group, as well as 80 per cent a and confused, then shakily gets up and leaves
Over 40 per cent of the convert iro. No one corners him to attem pt to persuade hi
ted that they were not “disturbed”
of the born member group, insis to a ee become a member of the cult. The cido
n receiving spirits.
in any way when they first bega a ; ci é at once that this is the proper course of action
joining the Batuque were of-
A variety of explanations for E a characteristically goes home to think it over and does
. Three women reported they
fered by non-disturbed converts ii a to Re an active participant until he has been
cult centers simply because they
had first joined as filhas of
beautiful. Two men stated that second time or has had some oth i
thought the ceremonies were very V:
warning from the world of th e supernatural (sucha asnr
they became convinced of the
they became active because ment o or illness) that it is da ngerougerous to refuse to worke a
ed to share in the good work with
truth of cult doctrines and want me
the others appear to have beco
done by the mediums. Most of In some cases Ein or rn the trance state, appears to be the
cing a trance.
active participants after experien
from a cult center, completely apart argument in any internal debate b i
the trance occurred far' th and disbelief that may y hahave been going i on withidi qu indivi indo
for example, was in good heal
from any ceremony. Benedita, us on à stre et The experience of actu ally having i e
been possessed ioby a a a iri
fell down unconscio
and good spirits when she
to explain such an attack, she gi E a such an overwhelming one that any Ea a
corner. Since she was unable
estion that-it.must have:been ividual
ual 17may have had about the reali ty of the encan
was ready to accept"a friend's sugg experience was even more ordica desirability of being a medium, are swept away a
possession by an encantado.
by occupation and one day blacked Na summarize, we find that Batuque mediums tend to be
unusual. He is a truck driver s. E a o female, of varied physical characteristics, and
of the city's main thoroughiare
out while driving down one ory gate ap o the city. About half were born into the religion and
was driving into the fact
He regained his senses as he ousness : pi converts. However, no combination of such sociological
Feeling that his loss of consci
on the opposite side of town. ving pecifications will automatically produce a Batuque member. There
and that possession whil dri
was possession by a spirit pre par ed
dangerous, he decided to be
id gd idos women of mixed ancestry, Belém-born and
a truck could be extremely ) Eee
- + Whose mothers are mediums, » who
Who never join
joi the Batuque
properly as a medium. the informant deh, » + employment, or marital problems. . I In a reli igi
occurred while
Most of the unexpected trances t cases the in- EE the individual must perform in trance—a kind of gen
was watching a Bat uque ceremony, and in mos
eational di E Edge congenial to all persons—it is impossible to
ceremony primarily for recr
dividual had come to the he embership strictly in terms of sociologi i
ogical variables.
. Suddenly, without warning,
reasons, to watch a free show spectacle. The psychological factors which must also be taken into E
t and became a part of the
lost his spectator's detachmen ce are usua lly allowed count are discussed in Chapter VI. E
fall into tran
Mem bers of the audience w ho Often, however,
shoes have been removed.
to dance after their
Chapter V o

? t"3



a o
. Ros f
The q irits
. .
ss j
large group of mediums a

in addi tion , anot her à
1. There is, of the“ dead . Al-
specialize in receiving souls
the spiritualist centers that ,
hold spiri tuali st séan ces; (mesas de
Tegu larly
though some Batuque centers spiritualist centers,
and have won over some mediums from the
espi riti smo)
om the supe rnat ural
t pantntheorheon) Ê
encantados fr
spiritualism (which excludes blis hed spiri tualist
zilian religion and the esta
á not identified as an Afro-Bra E .
federation. :
centers belong to a separate , see Wagley
For exte nded disc ussi ons of Brazilian racial categories
2. 7).
to Pierson (196
(1965) and the introduction
aeb errar

Considering the nature of the Batugue,it is not surprising that

beings that make up its pantheon should be

“E the ia
exceedinply numerous and of highly diverse origins. In a religion
“in which individuals in a trance state identify the spirit supposedly
E possessing them, the possibilities for the creation of new and

il » E exotic supernaturals would seem to be almost limitless. Indeed,
to the uninitiated, the first impression of the Batuque pantheon
is one of boundless confusion. Almost any member of the religion
can offer a list of:forty or fifty encantados, but none of the
lists are exactly alike. Moreover, it soon becomes apparent that
the same spirit may have several names and may, it is believed,
possess people under different guises.

Patient inquiry reveals, however, that there are some under-
lying principles of. organization with respect to the pantheon.
Most of the enca tados . are grouped either into “families” or

into “lines.” Morelêver there is a definite consensus about what
the general families and lines of spirits are, and although the
identity or family 'assignment of some encantados may be dis-

puted, the position of'.most of them is generally accepted by
cult members. One discovers also that the number of spirits is
not infinite, and 'that the number is relatively constant. Al-
though new spirits are introduced from time to time, older ones
lose their popularity and are forgotten. The creation of new
spirits is restricted by a number of factors to be discussed below.

Favor não fazer anotações ou gritos
à tinta ou lápis nesta publicação

The Spirits 127
Of these saints, St. Barbara is the most important. She is
ts seems clear enough, and
The origin of many of the spiri a very popular saint in Brazilian folk Catholicism and is co
short of amazing. Supernatural
the eclecticism displayed is little , sidered by many cult members in both Belém and Maranhão
from American Indian religions,
beings from African religions, with figur es fro m to be the special patron saint of the Afro-Brazilian cults. In
and from Catholicism have been

one song St. Barbara is definitely urged to come to earth

n hist ory and folklore into a large but
Portuguese and Brazilia sumably to possess someone. dl
Some of the complexities involved
fairly homogeneous pantheon.

spelled out in detail as the Solo:

in this wholesale borrowing will be Minha divina Santa Barbara, My divine St. Barbara,
description of the pantheon proc Venha ver seu mundo. Come see your world.
the encantados are “conceived

As we noted in Chapter TIL, Chorus:

supernatural universe as God
of as being part of the same e céu! Ai—ai, heaven!

iderably lower status. Ordi nari ly

the saints but as occupying à cons
a ver seu mundo. -—Come see your world.
and an
between a Catholic saint olo:
a sharp distinction is made and

ange ls
heaven with God and the Venha, venha na carreira, Come, come down the trail,
encantado: the saints live in an beings as Venha ver seu mundo. Come see your world.
never descend to earth to take possession of hum

the encantados do.
ection between each encantado
a céu! Ai—ai, heaven!
There is, however, a close conn

enha ver seu mundo. Come see your world

after the
relationship being modeled
and a particular saint, this

been Solo:
and saints. As has already
relationship between people olic s Pecador adora santo, Sinners adore saints,
Latin America -generally, Cath

pointed out, in Belém, as in

E santo adora Deus. And saints adore God,
the saints to whom they dire
usually have favorites among greatest
Chorus: É
from whom they expect the a cm céu! Ai—ai, heaven!
ice: . 1 .

most of their petitions and


expressed as “adoring” a part enha ver seu mundo, Come see your world
assistance. The relationship is antado
ados are concerned, each enc

“saint. As far as the encant

ar saint. Ehe--devotee of the Maria Barba, did vou come to see?

is also said to “adore” “à” particul .same saint and to manifest
Maria Barba, vinha vendo?

Jesus Cristo perguntou. Jesus Christ asked.

encantado is expected to adore the

a small altar where candles Chorus:

this adoration by maintaining
AL ai cênl a
rvin g the sain f's day o = céu! Ai—ai, heaven!
e and by obse
be lighted to the saint's imag

imag e enha ver seu mundo. Come see your world.

or some othe r ritua l. The
with special prayers, fasting,

sain t itsel f and the Solo:

esent both the
of the saint comes to repr (or less Onde vai a Barba Virgem? Where is Virgin Barba going?

represented only by a more


encantado (who otherwis e is Vai no mundo dos pecadores. Into the world of sinners.
honoring the encantado are
stone), and ceremonies Chorus:
nondescript rising,
saint it adores. It is not surp
Ai-ai ; sê

often held on the day of the

i—ai, céu! Ai-—ai, heaven!
at times

e is
e association, that ther . Venha ver seu mundo. Come see your world.
then; considering this clos s of sain t and
the distinctive trait
a certain ambiguity as to

d beli ever s.
e of the less sophisticate Venha, venha, venha, Mãe, Come, come, come, Mother,
encantado in the minds of som

thre e case s Venha olhar seu mundo. Come watch your world.
able to determine, in only
But, as far as we were gene rall y
of saint and encantado Chorus:

were the separate identities n, and Ai-—ai, céu! Ai—ai, heaven!

s of St. Barbara, st. Sebastia
confused or blurred: the case

Venha ver seu mundo. Come see your world.

the twins saints Cosmas and
Pas *

ns À
The Spirits 129
into a trance after drnroie mea nomenclature on the part of cult members
Barbara's devotees falis
HW one of St. icipants re regarded as extremely important; to i
, the less sophisticated part
the singing of this doctrine possessed knowledge of all of the names of a spiri Meio é
Barbara came down and
are Hkely to say that st. members will certain intimacy or familiarity with the ita. ud o fit
however, most Batuque
her medium. TÉ pressed, is also eis ia a power «over that supernatural force. To properly
antado Rainha Barba, who
agree that it is really the enc in Umbanda, who y: E e uninitiated, it is believed that encantados are likely
Sueira and known as Inhaçan
called Barba e. oa opt nicknames or even to change their names completel
actual saint.
possesses people and not the sain t in Braz il. Because especially when “working” in curing sessions. ii
St. Sebastian is another very he was do plurality of names for the same spirit, then, is accepted
(according to martyr legends,
his image features arrows Sebastian has a philosophically by cult members, but it does contribute g
death with arrows), St.
sentenced to be shot to has a per e emeriA confusion to the pantheon, since a name pia
such as the Batuque that
special appeal in a religion ng that he ced by one medium in france may not be accepted
w motif. Tt is not surprisi
strong Indian bow-and-arro ly invo lved in cult other devotees of the spirit. Confusion abou E des
be more personal
should be . considered to cult mem ber s con fus ed the are and how to deal with them would be E res É o
saints. A few
ceremonies than other (who is dis- practice of grouping spirits into families and lines had not
namesake, Rei Sebastião
saint with his encantado Oxo ssi , an Um- developed. The participant in a ceremony may not recogni
ers equated him with
cussed below), while “oth uqu e pantheon. the personal name announced by a fellow medium in fiiioe,
recently added to the Bat

banda encantado only confused but if the family connection is made clear, he knows hor bo
and Damian are generally
The twin saints Cosmas treat the spirit who has descended. Considering the number of

Acc ord ing to
bear the same names.
with two encantados who bot h phy sic ians, the encantados and their multiple names, the amount of agree-
mas and Damian were
Catholic hagiography, Cos

mar tyr ed in the ment about the major spirit families is really quit iki
able work, who were
famous for their charit Cos me genealogies given below might not be ipi seio jo

ado s
Batuque leaders, the encant
Near East. According to ers of Bahia agia cult member in Belém, but objections would be restricted
ants, thrown into the wat

and. Damião .were, as inf the
were saved” from death by to details and the placing of relatively unimportant encantados
by their earthly mother, but who raised them as her foster It seems likely that the grouping of the encantados into flios
encantado queen, Rainha ntifications is traceable ultimately to an African tradition and is derived

ant ari a ben eat h the sea. These t wo ide
sons in her enc ber s, and
minds of many cult mem directly from the Casa das Minas in Maranhão (Eduardo 1948
have become merged in the

in Bat uque
ieved to descend regularly As E gnt The Batugue's debt to the Casa das Minas is olticis
Cosme and Damião are bel unc hil dli ke
child encantados (with am of | E aa but prestigious encantado family of

no ii
ceremonies as gay, playful, saints, they are
the same time, like the
thirst for rum), but at and mas ter healers.
believed to be experienced distinction ) Averekete= (wife unknown)

ins tan ces , the
these three
With the exception of h considerable
wee n sain t and enc ant ado is usually made wit p fe á Avereketino
emphasis and without ambigu
Princesa d'Alva (foster daughter)

St. Barbara has three
associated with a
Just as the encantado Barba, Barba a is identified in Belém as the “saint of the night” or
four alt ern ate nam es— Rainha Barba, Maria
or The multiplicity nr E di e the night.” He adores St. Benedict, a black
many other encantados.
Sueira, Inhaçan—So do the var ious traditions a : : of the most popular Catholic saints in the Amazon
is due in part to the merging of
of names
anda-—but it is also due to an in- ca. In most terreiros, batuques begin by calling first Averekete

—Catholic, Mina-Nagô, Umb


130 SPIRITS OF THE PEEP The Spirits 131

then Rainha Barba. According to Eduardo (1948,

p. 84), in - E.

all terreir os de |—&

Maranhão it is believed that St. Barbara founded E
guide the cere- Fm —

Mina and installed Averekete as her delegate to

never sugges ted 's
monies. This idea of Averekete's position was

unable to |
by anyone in Belém, and in fact, cult leaders were

explain why they called Averekete first.

of the few encantados who is clearly of

Averekete is one
African origin. He is the Dahomean deity Averekete or Verekete,


youngest member of the Kevioso (Badé) family

(Eduardo 1948, o> ua ig
not appear as BESREE
p. 79). In the Batuque, however, Averekete does - SO FR

st member of
a young, fun-loving trickster, as does the younge 10

Dahom ean panthe on. In Belém,

each family in the traditional ' AS 55555

as an old, dignifi ed senhor.

Averekete invariably appears ER) EEREE
the member-
With a few exceptions, such as that of Averekete,
familie s is no longer African,
ship of most -of the encantado

of Rei Turquia
Africa n traditi on in any way
nor are any other features of an

ados in the Batuqu e is
prominent. The largest family of encant
called Seu

that of Rei Turquia (King Turkey), more commonly


Mr.). The mem-

Turquia (Seu is an abbreviated form of senhor,

Noxinina (Bela Cigana)

(Turks ), a term that
bers of this family are all called turcos

1. Family
Middle East and 5ú E!
is used in Brazil to apply to. anyone from the
” The family of
was formerly used as a synonym for “Moor.
SJo Ss ua E
mm Ss

Princesa” Flora
member s, the most 5 E “o
Seu Turquia is said to have two hundred AE & AA
is typical

family Eoss Suas
important of which Table 1. The

not the

Goiabeira (Mosê do Sangue), Principe d'Italia

of encantado families in that the father is
being S5ãs dis
mothér and in that the names are highly diverse
, some BÁZS- DBÊ

(various wives)
Indian langua ges,
Portuguese names, some being names from

Caboclo Nobre (son of Pedro Angaço)

ra is the guava
and some being the names of things (e.g., goiabei

of Seu Tur- 2.
According to a Batuque tradition, the members Si

defeated the encan- BEE
quia's family are all great warriors and have

(foster daughter)
some of these
tados of many other nations. Once defeated,
as foster children

Rei Turquia
foreign encantados joined the Turquia family

Mensageiro da Roma
Nilo Fama
parents as peace
or were given to Seu Turquia by their. own E)

relatives were

and: his Italian
pledges. Thus, after Goiabeira Ê II

Pindaié (Tata)
wife gave up their

“* Joaquimzinho
defeated by Seu Turquia, Goiabe ira" and his o o) S

an encant ado Dom ciçEão q É

own kinfolk and became Turks. The Brazili




also defeat ed in battle by SE DRoOBESE
Pedro Angaço and his family were



place d in the forest of | y
Seu Turquia. Dom Pedro wa s then ENZOVODES
The Spirits 133

132 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP (Cascudo 1956, p. 297; Alvarenga 1950b, pp. 50-54). The
the spirits there as a lieu- Turquia family of encantados is probably based on the Moorish
Codó in Maranhão to govern over sons,
Turks. One of Dom Pedro's contingent of the mouriscas. This interpretation is strengthened
tenant of the King of the at this sea
to Seu Turq uia “by the presence of a Muslim princess named Floripes in one
Caboclo Nobre, was handed over o E
North American ao
a defeated “of the traditional Portuguese mouriscas (Cascudo 1962, p. 251).
It is said that there is also Yan e
enrolled as a foste r son of Seu Turquia, but as yet this K will be noted in the genealogy given in Table 1 that this is
has no
spirit has not possessed anyone in Belém, or at least- the name of Seu Turquia's sister.
i imself. An important difference between the turcos of the Batuque
about the physical po min cult and those of the mouriscas, however, is that in the cult
EA no general agreement rap os
from the paintings of the turcos are conceptualized as conquering warriors, not as de-
of the encantados. Judging ers, some devo tees
that have been made to orde
r for some memb feated spirits. In the dramas of the mouriscas, the Moors were in-
picture their turcos as Nort h American Indians. One doct variably defeated and then baptized. It has been suggested that the
Turks, makes such an iden tifi ca- Portuguese adaptation of the Song of Roland, titled Carlos Magno
which can be sung by any of the the turc os and some
s to equate
tion explicit, or at least it seem
e os doze pares de França, is the ultimate source of the
Moorish theme in Brazilian folklore (Alvarenga 1948, pp. 5-6).
kind of Indian:
É 4 It is true that in this medieval epic the Moors defeat and mas-
Solo: I'm.a Moor, Pm a Moor! sacre the outnumbered Christian rear-guard forces, but the Moors
Eu sou mouro, eu sou mouro!
are essentially portrayed in an unsympathetic fashion even in
He's an Indian, their victory, and in the finale Charlemagne exacts vengeance.

NÉ 4
E Only by a creative reinterpretation of some kind could the Moors -

Solo: a Turk 1 am be transformed into the heroes of the drama. A possible ex-
eu sou! Em a Turk,
Eu sou turco, turco planation is that the African slaves and freedmen in Brazil, who

usually participated in these dramas, secretly identified with the
He's an Indian.
CA Moors, the opponents of their European masters. In the publicly
include. references to ger staged dramas, the European Christians won, but in the privacy
Other songs to the Turks q dr a
nalia of Indian culture. of cult ceremonies the victorious Moors were honored.
feathers, and other parapher ado s were pe
the turc o enc ant Although some of these “Turkish” encantados appear to have
asked specificially whether

(whites) e
that they were brancos become good Christians, others are regarded as unbaptized pa-
most informants insisted
forest. As invisible spirits capa gans. One informant insisted that the entire family of Seu

Turkey, not Indians from the antados
it is believed that the enc " - Turquia is still pagan and worships a golden lion. (“O leão de
of assuming various guises, tees.
erent ways to different devo “ouro é o santo dêles.”) Other cult members, however, rejected
can reveal themselves in diff na
is possible for each Batuque this version and insisted that their own turcos were baptized

Within very wide limits, it e of his enc ant ado 15,
appearanc Christians who adored the saints.
to decide for himself what the
ri ate revela tions.
iS“ppriv In Belém the most popular member of the Turquia family is
dependinig upon his“ can a
The E of the turcos in the Batuque re E
Mariana, who is definitely a Christian, dedicated to Nossa Sen-
once were à popular part of hora de Batalha (Our Lady of Battle). Mariana is not only
traced to the mouriscas that ris cas were moc
Brazil! The mou the most popular of the turcos, she is, in fact, the most popular
festivals in both Portugal and al crusades of Christia ns
commemorated the mediev
of all the encantados known in Belém of any family. An un-
battles which a. In Bra zil the Moors
i the Iberian
ors in i peninsul
i usually complex set of attributes has been attached to this en-
i than mouros
peinPu la ed
e rstaga battleswere often called tur cos rather

The Spirits 135

as rd e te are clearly the most prominent of
and the many in-
undoubtedly due to her popularity

cantado, r ious attributes, there does not seem to b e an

have had the opportunity to
dividuals who, as her devotees, of the songs pe reason why she should be included in the Turquia
spirit . In sever al

contribute to the lore about this al protector of a = E fact, this point can be made with reference to ali of
as the speci
directed to her, Mariana is identified thou ght to spend amilies—they serve as a means of orgânizing the spirits
and she is
sailors and of the Brazilian Navy, same time sshe is “ but the specific encantados included ih each family often seem
sea. At the
much of her time with the fleet at inot her and . fortuitous.
who guide s both
considered to be a skilléd midwife, , atten ding and : a twin brother, Mariano, is not identified with an
is also a nurse
child through the birth crisis. She at helpi ng peop le er spirit and is not particularly popular in Belém, although
is very good
soothing the sick. In addition she a Cupi d, adept at pi said to E more prominent in Maranhão. The second most
something of
find employment, and is also

many prost itute s ar member of the Turquia family y isi Tapinar inaré
latter attribute,
arranging lovers. Because of this encantado identified with the onga pintada asa ad a
regard Mariana as their special portant spirit in Amazonian shamanism.
rema rked that “Mariana is so cherished a
The informant who x RP who ranks third in popularity in the Turquia
” might have had any of the
because she does so much good of pa a not clearly identified with any animal spirit. Like his
but was probably thinking
foregoing attributes in mind, res prom - er Tapinaré and his sister Mariana, Guapi ia à

Mariana often figu

Mariana's role in curing disease. sidered to be a powerful healer who works sá in a a E
duri ng which she is identified, as curing sessions
inently in curing ceremonies, pita a is According to some
as “the queen of the curers.” rn nt
the following doctrine indicates, ives his own name in curing sessions b
exaggerates the role and im-
Such an identification- somewhat she does have à himself “Tango do Pará.”. Other er “i “informants, plena.
however Ne d
curing, but
portance of Mariana in Batuque . unaware of any identification of Tango. go do Paráá with l Guapindai
a great curer
reputation among believers as and thought of the two as distinç t personalities. iti To compli it
She's here, the arara songstress matters, when he descends in curin g sessions, i Tango do Pará o
Chegou, arara cantadeira, the arara songs tress ,
She's here, sings a song in which he says that his “real”1º name isi M
. Chegou, arara, cantadeira,
Shé'sheresthecqueen of curers.
Chegou, a rainha das curandeiras.

, a—ê, Belamino. : Whether or not he can be equated És with Guapindai ed

She is the arara, is the arara
Ela é arara, é arara, a—ê, , a. Eat do Pará is another very prominent and popular Pnad
She is the arara, is the arara
Ela é arara, é arara, a—. : E E curing. K seems probable that the tangaru-pará, a song-
rine Mariana is equated with o at figures in several Amazonian Indian legends (Oliveira
It will be noted that in this doct is a

of the parrot family). This ao a E a 1962, p. 726), was the prototype of

the arara (the macaw, à bird of idea s de-
n into the Batu que id riá ough our infor mants never explicitly ic made
clear instance of the incorporatio n. In the first
shamanistic traditio
rived from the Amazonian
nis m) th e spirits are often animals or ne to Batuque legends, Seu Turquia did not bring up
place, in pajelança (shama -
a special signific ance in shaman a a his children. Some were adopted by other families and now
birds. Secondly, the arara has of this
of the long red tail feathers Ra appear in ceremonies when their foster parents are being
istic curing in that a bun dle ng rite.
shaman as part of the curi : a rather than when Seu Turquia or their own brothers and
bird is manipulated by th e same
ish princess who is at the E E are called. For example, the Princesa d'Alva listed above
We thus have in Mariana a Turk t of sail ors. At ong a Oster daughter of Averekete* usually “descends” early in
guardian spiri
time an animal spirit and the ived Mar ian a ceremonies when the doctrines to Averekete are sung, but she
de santo who rece
ceremony we attended, a pai his arm. is actually, our informants pointed out, one of Seu Turquia's
am arara perched on
woré a sailor suit and carried
The Spirits 137
in cur- the collection of the royal “fifths,” the area was closed to free-
daughiers. Basilio Bom (who uses the name “Guillerme” lance miners in 1734. All mining rights were turned over to a
by foster parents rather than
ing ceremonies) was also b rought up single contractor. The contractor holding the monopoly from 1759
adopted by another highly
by his father, Seu Turquia. Basilio was to 1771 (when the contract system was abandoned) was João
respected encantado, Dom João Sueir Fernandes de Oliveira. João was the son and heir of the pre-
Dom João Sueira=Fina Joia vious contractor, and he greatly increased the family wealth by
his efficient exploitation of the concession. He had over 3600
Menino Agudui
slaves, and his mistress, Chica da Silva, was a former slave.
Conceição Sueira
João de Ouro
João maintained Chica and her children in ostentatious luxury;
Joãozinho Sueira her house in Tijuco was celebrated as the most splendid in Minas
Leovergio Sueira Gerais (Calmon 1959-61, vol. II, pp. 1032-33; Boxer 1962, pp.
Basilio Bom (foster son) 219-23). Ae
who tamed the Exus” and It is possible that João Fernandes de Oliveira and Chica da
Dom João is said to be the “noble
ban god of war, Ogun, as Silva are the historical antecedents for Dom João and Fina Joia
is sometimes identified as the Yoru
(the name “Fina Joia” means “precious jewel”). Batuque mem-
illustrated in. the following song:
bers today seem quite unaware of this episode in Brazilian his-
King Dom João,
Rei Dom João,
the greatest king. | tory, but the story of Chica da Silva is still popular in other
Êle é rei maior. He is
He is king of every [mine?], sections of Brazil, as is shown by its adoption as a theme by a
£lle é rei de cada mi-a,
He is the greatest Ogun. samba group in Rio de Janeiro in the 1963 carnaval. It should
Êle é Ogun maior. .
Ogun mada-zê-bê, be stressed that this reconstruction
of the origin of Dom João is
Ogun mada-zê-bê,
Look, king of every [mine]!
Olha, rei de cada mi-a! a hypothesis which can “obviously never be completely verified,
Ogun-ô, j
Ogun-ô, [mine]! K is presented as an example of how some of the encantados
Look, king of every
Olha, rei de cada mi-a! may have acquired names. Most new encantados are named by
Ogun-ô. Ogun-ô.
we bave an encantado cult leaders, either while in a trance state or while interpreting
“ Tt seems Nkély that in Dom João Sueira e in REA the trance behavior of others. The leaders have not simply given
whose name derives from a relatively. obscure figur the first name that occurred to them, but have usually chosen
is colloquial for “suleira (south-
history. The term “sueira”
ed a name from a limited number of sources. In many cases the
erner), and in fact Dom João's name is occasionally pronounc
the names have been chosen from the pantheon of other religions,
| “Suleira” (Alvarenga 1948, p. 35). Another song identifies folklore, and in a number
from: but sometimes the source has been
| part.of southern Brazil that Dom João hails of cases the names refer to real persons prominent in history.
Dom João, Dom João
mw The case of the encantado Rei Sebastião illustrates the adoption
É de Mina.
Dom João
of a historical figure into the Batuque spirit pantheon by way of
Dom João,
É mineiro. folklore. Rei Sebastião (who, as mentioned above, is equated
with St. Sebastian by many cult members) heads a small, pres
second line means that Dom João
é Cult members stated that the mean s that tigious spirit family:
, but the four th line
"a member of the. cult of Mina
state of Mina s Gerais.
he comes from the Rei Sebastião (Xapanan) = (wife unknown)
an area rich in diam onds was discovered around
Around 1725
of Minas Gerais. In order to Sebastino
the city of Tijuco in the province
, and in order to insure Jarina
limit production and” thus maintain prices
is the name
name of Xapan an, which
He is given the alternate e oth er African-
and skin diseases in som
of the deity of sm alipox anh ão, however,
. In Bel ém and Mar
derived cults in Brazil ociated wit h ski n diseases
Akossi- Sapata, is ass He is:
another encantado, h ail men ts.
nothing to do with suc
and Rei Sebastião has te:
low ing tw o doctrines indica
a warrior king as the fol
iro militar, King Sebastian, military
Rei Sebastião, guerre Seb ast ian , mili tary “warrior,
Kin g
Rei Seb ast ião , gue rre iro militar,
O Xapanan,
O Xapanan» eiro.
He is father of the terr
file é pai de terreiro. He is a warrior
Ble é guerreiro In this imperial war.
Nesta guerra imperial.
King, King; warrior
Rei, Rei, Rei guerreador! King, King , war rio r King!
Rei, Rei, Rei “guerreador! He comes collecting
, . %
Ble vem tirando esmola But not because of need
é por care cêr. alms,
Mas não He comes collecting

Êlle vem tirando esmola

e of need .
But not becaus
Mas não é por carecêr.
ly Eu-
Seb ast ião 's his tor ica l ori gin is clear- cut and entire the age
Rei g Sebastian who died
ropean.He is the Portuguese Kin on
in Morocco

in the battle of Alcazar-Kebir

of twenty four Moroccan civil
g Sebastia n's intervention in
— Avgust 4, 1578. Kin idel by his

feg ard ed as ach o crusade against the inf

strife was young
believe that their galiant

ny of the m cou ld not alive

subjects. Ma
and felt that he must still be

had act ual ly bee n kil led cue Por-

king nt to res
some opp ortune mome
and would reappear at e went on, the legend
dev eloped
. As tim

tugal from Spa ni: sh rule

been enchanted some-
and his army had all
that King Sebastia pn spell was broken.
y reappear when the
where and could onl g's family and his
cult members, the kin
According to Batuque in Maranhão. If one

ted on Lençol Beach

warriors are all enchan ht one can hear
this enc han ted beach on a dark nig
walks on roosters crowing.
chi ldr en crying and enchan ted
the enc han ted ch on nights when
ast ian him s el walks along this bea
King Seb of a large bl ack bull
nli gh t. He takes the form
there is no moo courage to approach
a wo m an who will have the
and loo ks for e he meets such
à goo d ki ck instead of fleeing. Onc
and give him still held on the
kin g W dt fre e all of the encantados
a woman the l rise to the sur- 1 pirit named Jarina
The-carouser-spiri i is quite i
this mo me nt all of the encantados wil in trance as Jarina leads a lively o PS A
beach. At
140 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Spirits 141

face of thé-earth and alí of the humans in São Luís and its TABLE 2. Family of Dom Pedro Angaço
vicinity will sink into the lower depths of the encant

Dom Pedro Angaço = Rainha Rosa |
ião, his son Sebast ino, and his
At present only Rei Sebast
freedo m of movem ent as other Esmeralda Edite
daughter Jarina have the same -. Moça da Guia
popula r of the three in Belém.
encantados. Jarina is the most Angacino
playful spirit-
She appears in Batuque ceremonies as a very gay, Bombeiro
name sugges ts an. animistic
who is usually a heavy drinker. Her Floriano
tree. Accord ing" to legend,
origin—the jarina is the ivory palm Pedro Estrelo

Beaçh by her
Jarina was imprisoned in a stone wall at Lençol
Legua Bogi da Trinidade = (wife unknown)
a family who

father, the king, and it was Mariana of the Turqui Codóensa Boa da Trinidade
of the Brazil ian Navy and
landed at the beach with a squadron Folha Seca
“disenchanted,” or liberated, Jarina. Joãozinho Boa da Trinidade

Another encantado who may be based on a historical per- Joaquimzinho Boa da Trinidade

Pedro Angaço, but we were unable to discover José Raimundo Boa da Trinidade
sonage is Dom
members are con- Manoelzinho Boa da Trinidade
any clues as to his origin. As far as Batuque Miguelzinho Boa da Trinidade
a, governing
cerned, Dom Pedro is the licutenant of Seu Turqui
Cult members the Trinity, In addition, the saints they adore are not the
the forest of Codó in Maranhão for the king.
to regard Dom
who have come to Belém from Maranhão tend Santissima Trinidade (Holy Trinity—locally thought of as one
as their special
Pedro's spirit family as native to Maranhão and distinct saint since it is represented by one image) but vary with
a certain amount the encantado. Legua Bogi adores St. Expeditus,
property. This possessive attitude has led to Joãozinho
native to Pará
of resentment on the part of mediums who are adores St. John, Miguelzinho adores St. Michael,

stilo Manoel-
ed to receive Dom
and who feel that they aré as fully qualif zinho has never revealed that he adores any particular saint
is quite popular in
Pedro's family as anyone else. The family All of the encantados mentioned thus far are believed to come
from areas outside the state of Pará and thus distant from Belém.

"Belém (see Table 2).
for short) is the
““Legua Bogi da Trinidade (called “Seu Legua” His
There are spirits, however, that are regarded as having a local
most popular member of the family -and the most puzzling. origin. One such group is the family or tribe of Japetequara:
Dahomean deities

name suggests that he is à combination of two
Bogi—as well as Japetequara = (wife unknown)
from the Casa das Minas—Legba and Podi-
tian Trinity. Legba
being associated in some way with the Chris Dona: Rosalina

the equiv alent of the Yoruban
is the Dahomean trickster deity, Cabocla Tartaruga da Amazonas
Minas is a son of Akosa-Sapata
Exu. Podi-Bogi in the Casa das Caboélo Pemba
rdo 1948, p. 78). In Belém,
of the Dã or Danbira family (Edua Curupira (Surupira)

the chara cter traits that
Legua Bogi does not appear to have
appea rs as a seriou s spirit , Curupira Chica Baiana
might mark him as a trickster; he Curupira Piriri
to drink a lot. However, his “brother
although he is inclined Guerreiro

of as playful, mis-
Bombeiro and all of his sons are conceived Itapaduara
sent some carry-OVer of
chievous encantados, which may repre Itaquara
family display any
the African tradition. None of Legua Bogi's Itaquari
association with
saintly characteristics that might explain their
o,” is identified by bis
Japetequara, also called “Caboclo Velh encantaria in the forest
devotees as an Indian king living in an
In addition to being a “pure”
of Ararí on the island of Marajó. jacaré (alligator). Very se-
an, he is also identified as the
Indi at a
a king, Japetequara's arrival
rious and dignified, as befits of
al for a number of possessions:
batuque invariably is the sign by othe r Indi an en-
or subjects,
mediums by his own children.
by enca ntad os of the Turquia family. Prom-
cantados, and often g-
are the Curupiras, easily reco
inent in these mass possessions uall y wild and
ing, which is unus
nized by their manner of danc
ency to yelp or bark while dancing.
abandoned, and their tend s)
Surupira by some cult member
The Curupiras (pronounced of Japete-
d, black-skinned children
are believed to be untame the sacupema,
st in thorn trees or in
quara who live in dense fore the tropical
the great elevated root masses of various trees of
ne possessed by à Curupira
rain forest. It is stated that anyo incl ined to
ing pain. Curupiras are
climb thorn trees without feel g into
tricks on anyone venturin
be mischievous and to play causing
ent. They particularly enjoy
the forest without their cons form,
the forest by assuming human : ini :
people to lose their way in the
A group of mediums posse Curupira spirits dance with hair
luring the traveler away from down. ssed by
pointing out short cuts, and
trul y
upiras are not thought to be
established trails. However, Cur win
ly mischievous. It is casy to
malicious spirits; they are simp and honey. lieved in Belém that the Giant Snake that lives in Lake Utinga
m gifts .of rum, tobacco,
= “their good wilkby leaving the (the lake supplying the drinking water for the city) decided e
Curupiras as resembling African
Some cult members picture their night to cross over to the Guamá River. The next ae é
Pygmies, but the Curupiras' origin is ultimately Indian-—they wide trail was discovered through the forest that separates E
folklore from some of the Tupí-speaking two bodies of water; the Giant Snake had snapped off the
came into Brazilian
ent in Amazonian folk beliefs
tribes. They are still quite promin enormous trees as easily as if they were toothpicks. There are
(Galvão 1955, pp- 99-102). ing member of this
many jother=stories in the same vein that attest to the imme
After Japetequara himself, the highest rank nde
size ahd often voracious appetite of the Cobra Grande gia
is identified as the Cobra Gra
family is Dona Rosalina, who snak es, like the
Despite the frightening image of the Giant Snake in local
the Lake). Giant
da Lagoa (Giant Snake of the me in Am-
egend, the encantado associated with the -monster, Dona Rosa-
ent, well-established lina, appears in cult ceremonies as a dignified “refinéd lad
Curupiras, constitute an anci pp.
, pp. 98-99; Moraes 1960,
azonian folklore (Galvão 1955 ana con das
She simokes a pipe if it is available and will accept a cup of a
es are monster-sized
75-80). These legendary snak and
but she rejects all alcoholic beverages. This is another illustrati ;
River and its tributary rivers
thought to inhabit the Amazon hs only
of the highly selective manner in which only some comido
rge from the watery dept
lakes. Since they ordinarily eme ally
dice over when a figure is transferred from one tradition
rarely seen by man, but occasion
in the dead of night, they are . It is widely be-
other. There seems to be no general principle which will
their presence
they leave unmistakable traces of
144 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The Spirits, 145
depend ulti- 1955, pp. 91-97). It is thus again somewhat .surprising that in
account for thê connotatiois chosen—this seems to
associations and Batuque ceremonies the dolphins appear as relatively tame and
mately on the individuals who first made the
and gradu- gentle spirits. One informant who received both turcos and bôtos
on subsequent mediums who received the same spirit
ally modified the original conception. à . stated that, compared to the turcos, the bôtos are “almost saints.”
encant ados though t of as native to Pará is Mediums who are possessed by dolphins usually dance barefoot,
Another group of
hop about a great deal, and lead songs about their origin:
the Falange de Bôtos (Phalanx of Dolphins).

Bôto Araçu Eu sou paraense, I am paraense,
Bôto Branco Eu sou do Pará. Em from Pará.
Bôto Castanho i
Eu sou do Pará, Fm from Pará, Sul
Bôto Preto Eu não sou de Mina. Em not from Mina.
Bôto Tucuxí Meu pai se chama My father's name is
Bôto Vermelho O mestre João da Lima. Master João da Lima.
Dona Dada = ?
There are a number of small families of encantados, which
Belo Encanto may be considered together. Ê
Dur Encanto
Dona Ina Dom José (Rei Floriano) = (wife unknown)
João da Lima 3 Pe: | “
Parazito - ? Zezinho
Rainha Eowa = (husband unknown)
is dolphin group is not organized as one family as in the
ed that pe
Ga nad ds ed been considering. It is believ Toia Navéroaim - - :
an encant ado father and mother an
dolphin encantado has Priricipe de Espanha = (wife unknown)
own; but with the except ion of a
probably children of its
ants were unable to give detai s Pequenino
Dada and her two sons, inform Barão de Goré = (wife unknown)
are native
about dolphin families. All of the dolphin encantados | à
“to Pará: The 'Bôto Tucuxí, the most popular: dolphin the city Gorézinho
thought to live in the Guamá River, which forms one João da Mata (Rei da Bandeira) = (wife unknown)
beache s of Mosque iro, à large
limits of Belém. At one of the
makes its home. Almos t any Dorina
island near Belém, the Bóto Branco

n, mermai d, Tanbacê |
river, lake, or creek is thought to have either a dolphi

or snake encantado “taking charge” of it. E The first three families of this group are considered to have
the larger
The fresh-water dolphins, which are common im

royal rank. Of these three, Dom José and his son Zezinho at
have always impressed present have the most devotees in Belém. Nonê of our informants
rivers and lakes of the Amazon Basin,

imbued with super- could offer any explanation as to the significance or origin of
the human inhabitants of the region as being
natural power, most of it of an evil nature. The Brazilians Dom José's alternate name of King Floriano. «Rainha Eowa
and have adores St. Ann, the mother of the Virgin Mary, ând may have
have elaborated on the original Indian conceptions
animal. Dolph ins
come to fear the dolphin more than any other once been identified as St. Ann. At present; however, an en-
d habits of
are dreaded and avoided because of their allege cantado named Nana Burocô is: more frequently spoken of as
qe being associated with a Velha
seducing young girls, overturning canoes, and casting (the Old Lady), as St. Amn is

displeasure (Galvão referred to. Neither Rainha Eowa
spells over those humans who attract their nor her daughter Navéroaim
The Spirits 147
146 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP TABLE 3. Encantados Grouped into “Lines”
ent in Belém; both were appa
have many devotees at pres son of the The Exus Jurema “Ogun Oxossi
on ago. Pequenino, the
much more popular a generati spon sibl e,
uques as a somewhat irre Biranan . Seu Jurema Ogun Oxossi
Prince of Spain, appears in bat at pres ent Ogun Beira-Mar Dora da Mata
t, has several devotees Exu-Caveiro Jurema Velha
fun-loving farrista, or, at leas e Exu-mirim “ Jureminha Ogun de Ronda (Pena Verde)
who receive him in this guise. João : da Cibiru Mirací Ogun-iara (Sete Flechas)
her Barão de Goré nor
Informants stated that neit Inambé Dom Carlos Ogun-megê
actually “nobles” in spite “of Cabocla Roxa Ogun Sete Ondas
Mata (Rei da Bandeira) are
Pomba Gira
to two
of the banner.” According Sete Encruzilhados Capingueiro (Rompe Mata)
titles of “baron” and “king tuba rão in
é is actually a shark, Tiriri da Jurema
informants, the Barão de Gor elf
his name in order to pass hims
Tranca Rua Flecheiro
Portuguese, who slyly shortened was
the uninitiated. João da Mata

off as a noble and to mystify nd mins trel

Junqueira E
being, a carefree vagabo Juremé Es
once an ordinary human and
place with his guitar, singing Juremeia
who traveled from place to because
been named João da Mata
playing for his keep. He had Matha. Paraguaçu
8, the day of St. John of
he was born “on February into enc ant ado . His (Pena Verde)
ed from human
Somehow João was transform tran sfor mati on. He is (Rompe Mata)
altered by the (Sete Flechas)
basic personality was little danc e and affe cts
likes to drink and
still a happy carouser who wit hst and ing thei r
costume. But, not
outsized hats as-a-part of his Bar ão de Gor é the head of this line. Jurema Velha and Seu Jurema are the
natures, both the mother and father, and there are at least five children in the
lowly origins and boisterous ant
d powerful curers and import
and João da Mata are considere family. Their real names are not “Jurema” at all, but most
encantados. of encantados, members of the family have not revealed their real names. Only
above mentioned families
to the “one of the daughters, Jureminha, and one of the sons, Mirací
froquently mentioned in Belém:
In addition
“ “Four different “lines” of spiriis are si, and the Exus (Table 3). have given their true names. The others are simply addressed as
of Jurema, Ogun, Oxos “Dona” or “Seu” Jurema.
the lines of the
cation reflects the influence
The line method of classifi re the vast All are called Jurema because the family and the entire line
iro and São Paulo, whe
Umbanda sects of Rio de Jane Eac h line is regard the jurema tree (Pithecolobium diversifolium Bent.) as a
anized into seven lines.
pantheon of “guides” are org a sup rem e sacred tree. When soaked in water, the roots and bark of the
like a family. Each has Jurema apparently yield a vision-inducing narcotic that was ab-
more like an army than divided
of operation, and each is sub [originally used in religious ceremonies by various Tupí tribes. It
commander, a defined area
ded by subordinate officers.
into a number of legions hea cation Iwas later adopted in the Catimbó cult of the Northeast and in
tic detail of the line classifi
As yet, little of the schema Jurema, pthe Candomblé de caboclo of Bahia as a method of encouraging
most popular line is that of
has caught on in Belém. The, are from Rio / possession (Cascudo 1962, p. 408; 1956, pp. 512-14; Bastide
ascribed to this line
but not all of the encantadós ears to have come 1960, pp. 243-54). In the Batuque the leaves of the jurema
de Janeiro's Umb anda. Part of the group app According gare used in ritual baths and burned in some of the ritual fumiga-
cult of northeastern Brazil.
to Belém from the Catimbó well as her hus ban d, Seu tions, Some cult leaders make a tea of the flowers, leaves, and
to our informants, Jurema herself (as in the bark of the jurema and leave it in a bowl underneath the” altar
her encantaria is located
Jurema) is from Ceará, and
of Juremas at to be drunk by the encantados, either in their invisible, dis-
is-a biological family
neighboring waters. There
a medium. Few of the
embodied state or after they have possessed
the jurema infusion.
encantados, however, are thought to drink
unknown in Belém.
The narcotic properties of the tree are
age might have to the
Informants ascribed any “kick” the bever
be used in preparing
fact that rum rather than water might of.
Only extremely disreputable terreiros (shunned,
the tea.
by our informants) would use such a “medicine”. to
induce trance in the mediums. *
Jurema, máâny other
In addition to the biological family of
the Jurem a line. One of the
encantados have become affiliated with

da Mata, Dom Carlos
best known is Dom Carlos. Like João
disti nguis hed only as
was once just an ordinary human being,

a drunk en stupo r under a
a heavy drinker. One day he fell into
and three nights , and
jurema tree.. He slept there for three days .
to pract ice curing
when he woke up he was an encantado, ready
A song gives his history:
Old Carlos is an excellent curer,
Carlos Velho é bom mestre,
He learned without any teaching.

Aprendeu sem se ensinar.
After three days he woke up, lying
Tres dias amanhece, caido
de uma jurema. Underneath a jurema tree.
Em baixo
ness for alcohol has per-

Another song suggests that Carlos” weak


Amigo, me da um. gole,. .....m, Friend, give me à swigs
Eu também sou bebedor. Pm a'drinker too.
Thelittle fask 1 was carrying
A garrafinha que eu trazia
Fell on a stone and broke.
Caiu na pedra e quebrou.
doctrines was collected
A slightly different version of Dom Carlos”
p. 129). Dom Carlos is
in Belém in 1938 (Alvarenga 1950a,

but other encantados
definitely not a newcomer to the Batuque, are
as Capingueiro, Juremeia, and Flecheiro,
in the line, such
recent arrivals in the city.
Jurema is merely
In the Umbanda cult of southern Brazil,
line of Oxossi, the African god
one of seven subchieftains in the
of hunting and of the forest (Camargo 1961, p. 38;
is conside red a newcom er and
1953, p. 136). Im Belém, Oxossi
a number of other
as yet is not very popular. There are already E o SO E Verde was set up at one terreiro, with a life-sized
is not likely to be accepted
hunting and forest spirits, and Oxossi e spirit. The headdress
h and
and skirt on the ima ge feature feathers
cult membe rs are already of the blue macaw, the bird the spirit is identified with. The mãe de santo
as the superior of Japetequara. Since who' hadHora
gi this Ene
image made t o order .visualized
isuali Pena Verde as having

at the head of
familiar with Jurema, the tendency is to put her
s coming to Belém from Umb
all of the new forest encantado 's subo rdi-
ider Oxossi to be Jurema
Some cult members even cons y.
that he is an African deit
nate, and only a few realize the.
to the “line” assignment of
There is no agreement as he is
Some cult members insist that
popular spirit Pena Verde. rate
and thus a member of“a sepa
the son of Rei Pena Real, Jur ema or the Oxos si
either the
family with no affiliations with mac aw (wh ich for
ed with the blue
group. Pena Verde is identifi aw,
the arara verde, or green mac
some reason is often called l sha man -
probably originated in loca
in the Amazon region) and
ism rather than in Umbanda. as à
is not very popular in Belém
The Umbanda line of Ogun to be
s, Rompe Mato, appears
group, but. one of its member i.e.;
larity among cult members,
second only to Mariana in popu m to rece ive her.
iums who clai
only Mariana has more med from
that Rompe Mato was “brought
Older informants reported pe Mat o's
y. years ago. Actually, Rom
Rio” only twenty-five-or thirt m. He
somewhat uncertain in Belé
identification as an Ogun is Ogun s,
t of most of the Umbanda
adores St. George, the sain the chief
in Belém, Rompe Mato is
but for most cult members of Ogun.
of Jurema and appears in her line, not in that
vof-an Exu. but since he was
To is Dolevea "that he is“ the- son
E pie
ORE TR sem
as.her foster son, Rompe Mat
adopted and brought up by Jurema
the Exus.
lost the demonic qualities of le in
seems to be the most acceptab
The part of Umbanda that Some A medium possessed by Ogun-iara emits a war whoop.
the demon spirits, the Exus.*
Belém is the emphasis on
pment and state that in the jold
cult members deplore this develo rua (man -.
no one ever sou ght pos session by an homem da ELá E i o There comes my father, Badé,
days ted but
called. The Exus were respec
age j ; ae EA comes mother, Navé.
of the street) as an Exu is ever y cere-
ous to cultivate. Before
regarded as much too danger still are, by A-ba-lô-a-ê, Nagô. A-ba-ló-a-ê, Nagô.
” of course, às they
mony they were “dispatched, le. The n. aire singing this song all mediums left the floor for refreshments
gunpowder, and a cand
being given an offering of rum, este d in : rest. Dancing did not resume until one o'clock.
ceremony was formally requ
their permission to hold the ight, É E present . hour break is rarely observed, and at most
s (see Appendix A). At midn
a series of introductory song and a iros a gira dos Exus (turn of the Exus) i et i
l, the ceremony stopped
the hour reserved for the devi ter- as described in Chapter I. « At At midnight the olights ne turn ed off
are EUR
salvar o terreiro (salute the
special doctrine was sung to all spectators stand up, the mediums cover their heads with
At most centers the Exus are invited to descend at midnight. Here a medium
invited to possess mediums.
At some terreiros the demon Exus are never in trance as Exu Tranca Rua ignites the gunpowder he holds in his bare
-sin a:
ging - . song.
Densa (Uno seg, ato ta
= Midnight'is marked »by kneeling-and hand.

may possess with most mediums, and this new feature of the ritual
scarves, and the Exus are called. The demon spirits

partic ipatin g mediums. probably be continued.'
members of the audience as well as the Although the Exus are identified as demons, their devotees
very wildly , a.
People possessed by Exus usually dance

insist that if they are handled properly the Exus can do good

wide open : e
yelling, yelping, and often holding their eyes as well as evil. Tranca Rua, the Exu with the most devotees in
and the lights
unfocused vacant stare. After gunpowder is burned

leave, a any Belém, is regarded as more “elevated” and tractable than others
turned back on, all of the Exus are expected to in the line.
as quick e
individual still possessed is brought out of trance Some Batuque leadersjconsider St. Anthony the patron saint of
to-hold the E
possible. Most cult members say it is necessary the Exus. They place a small image of this saint in the Exu

these powe Em
ceremony not only as a mark of respect for

taminate ae shrine (which is usually located in a small shed near the pavilion)
spirits, but also to descarregar o terreiro (decon and hold ceremonies to honor the Exus on St. Anthony's day,
the e Et
terreiro) and remove any ill feeling stirred up by June 13. It is hard to account for the connection of St. Anthony
appears - E
might otherwise lead “to fights. The gira dos Exus and the Exus. St. Anthony is one of the most esteemed saints of
as well
quite popular with the.regular spectators of batuques

The Spirits 155

Ogun is believed to have some authority over the Exus, and it

may have been in this indirect way that St. Anthony came to be
the patron saint of the demon spirits.
In the Umbanda-oriented centers another category, or fifth
line, of spirits is frequently mentioned: the line of the Pretos
“Velhos (Old Blacks). The Pretos Velhos are supposedly gifted
curers, but the group as a whole is not very popular in Belém,
and only a few Preto Velho spirits actually put in an appearance
at Umbanda curing sessions: Pai Benedito, Pai Tomas (identified
as the Uncle Tom of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's

As soon as the midnight ceremony is concluded, all mediums possessed by

Exus are forced out of trance by others pressing their heads and, if neces-
sary, blowing into their ears. à

lly dance with their eyes open in

Mediums possessed by other Exus typica
an unfocused stare.

comradely saint who is

both Portugal and Brazil, an amiable,
ging marriages. His
adept at finding lost articles and at arran
ct. In his study Os
connection with devils must be very indire (1947,
santos de junho no folclore brasílico, Bettencourt
Afro-Brazilian pr
pp. 68-71) reports that in some of the early
Ogun, the Yoruban war god.
St. Anthony was identified with
n was made because St. An-
Bettencourt suggests this associatio armies.
Povo -thony was the favorite saint-of the soldiers in the
pia meme msm 0 Gb ro o

a: The Spirits 157
TABLE 4. Unaffiliated Encantados
Ana. All of the Pretos Velhos
Cabin), Pai Jeronimo, and Senhora
le spirits who once lived SENHORES
are conceptualized as very old, humb
on this earth. All the hatred Male ' Female
and suffered a great deal as slaves
their masters and their fate

Oxalá ia Nana Burocê
and resentment they felt against
course of their difficult exist- Xangô (Badé) Rainha Barba (Inhaçan)
was purged from their souls in the José Tupinambá Imanjá
cheek and now. represent
ence. They learned to turn the other Dom Luiz Jamaína
be formally praised, but
“pure charity.” Such goodness must Rei Toi Aduçu Oxum
preference for more mili-
Batuque cult members show a decided Akossi-Sapata Princesa Sinha Bê

' Ben Boçu da Cana Verde
tant spirits.
the Batuque are considered Rei de Nagô

Although most of the encantados in Rei Noé
family or associated with a
to be members of some specific

Rei Salomão
solitary spirits who, in the
definite group, there are a number of Rei Taculumi

without relatives” e 4). (see Tabl Urubatan Jesus
words of informants, “live alone
be divided into two groups
These unaffiliated encantados can

e considered to qbe of
according to their social standing. Thos E : CABOCLOS
senhores, brancos, or orixás.
high status are called interchangeably Male Female
not have noble rank or who

The lower-status encantados, who do Antonio Luiz Corre-Beirado Herondina
time than in working, are
seem more interested in having a good
Boiadeiro da Visaura Indaiê

Ê Caboclo Brabo | Iracemã
called caboclos. of un- Caboclo Luar “qu Maria Minei 7
Oxalá, who heads the roster
For most cult members, Caboclo de Olha Dagua Preta da a ra
supreme spirit-deity, the

affiliated senhores, is a very remote Cidalino
in the spirit world approxi-
“father” of everyone, whose position
Constantino (Bahiano Grande)
the -saints andangels. He
mates that of God in the sphere -of
Seu Gavião R

, a lawgiver, and mora lly- inco rruptible, but he is very Juruparí
is powerful
nary press of encantados.
“aistant from man and from the ordi remote
Nana Burocô is his female equivalent, a powerful but Mestre Marajó
to have any
“mother” of everyone, but she is not considered Pombo do Ar
Oxalá and Nana Burocô Ricardino
family relationship with Oxalá. Both is Seu Risca
“obligations” to them, but it
have devotees who maintain Tubian
to possess anyone. Some cult
believed that they rarely descend
two very “elevated” spirits never
members iá fact insist that these special circum- used in the older Mina-Nagô doctrines and Xangô in the newer
descend to'earthat all, but others feel that ss certain carefully Umbanda songs. Xangô-Badé is believed to be an austere, dom-
might descend briefly to posse inating spirit who rarely condescends to possess anvone. É is
stances they
of Yoruban derivation and are
chosen mediums: Both spirits are important to the cult, however, because he is thought to be the
rs that stress Umbanda.
more emphasized in the cult cente provider of the stones that serve as the “seats” of the spirits
for the deity of thunder and
Xangô is the Yoruban name Whenever possible, the stone used as the seat of an encantado
name for the same spirit. Both
- lightning; Badé. is the Dahomean “Às a prehistoric stone axhead. These axheads, which were made
with Badé more frequently
names are used in the Batuque,

THE DBEP The Spirits 159

settlements, take place in Belém. One obvious explanation may be that
by the Indians and are found near former Indian
n Basin. Ignori ng their Belém is not on the ocean, and transportation to the nearest
are fairly common throughout the Amazo
consid er the axheads beach on the island of Mosqueiro is somewhat difficult. But
true origin, the inhabitants of the area often
of lightni ng struck probably of greater importance, in Belém attention is focused En
to be “lightning stones,” formed when a bolt
seven meters . Over a the rivers as thé major bodies of water, and the rivers are already
the ground and penetrated to a depth of
its way to the “full of supernatural beings—dolphins, the Cobra Grande, other
period of seven years the stone slowly works

these basi- snakes, giant turtles, and certain fish. At least at present there is
surface. The members of the Batuque have adopted
the belief that it is not much interest in an additional encantado associated with
cally folk-European ideas and have added
noted, however, water.
Xangô who sends the lightning bolt. It should be
go around, José Tupinambá has more devotees in Belém than any other
that since there are not enough prehistoric axheads to
l stone found encantado in the unaffiliated group. His name, Tupinambá, is
most cult members settle for any kind of unusua
the name given by the early Portuguese to a large HumEE of
under conditions that suggest supernatural intervention.
ed to have Indian tribes, most of them cannibalistic, who inhabited the
Rainha Barba-Inhaçan (St. Barbara) is also believ
ic hagiog- Brazilian coast from Belém to Rio de Janeiro. José is con-
power over thunder and lightning. According to Cathol
raphy, St. Barbara 's pagan father was struck dead by lightning ceptualized as an Indian and is believed to reside in his ancestral
after he murdered his Christian daughter. Those cult leaders |
home at the beach of São José Ribamar in São Luís. He shows
one of the none of the ferocity of his namesakes, and in ceremonies he
most influenced by Umbanda argue that Inhaçan is |
cult member s reject this theory. For usually appears as a dignified old gentleman who is often in-
wives of Xangô, but many |

virgin queen with no family clined to deliver moralistic exhortations.

them Rainha Barba is a solitary
rules over and sends the encantados to dance in the Dom Luiz is identified as King Louis XVI of France, the
ties, who
Badé, Nana king executed during the French Revolution. Louis XVI would
terreiros. She is much more approachable than Xangô-
descend s to possess her devotees. seem a most unlikely candidate for metamorphósis into an Ama-
Burocô, or Oxalá, and frequently
in other parts of Brazil, zonian supernatural. Unlike the other historical figures who have
Compared to African-derived cults
empha sis on the merma ids been turned into encantados, Louis is neither Portuguese nor
- in the Batuque there is relatively little.
merma ids have songs Brazilian, and although São Luís in Maranhão was founded by
and the “mothers” of waters. Only three
devotees in the the French, there was no lasting imprint of French culture. In
more or less regularly sung to them and a few
is the most popular addition, the character and life story of Louis do not exactly
city: Imanjá, Jamaína, and Oxun. Jamaína
water. Both
of the three. She js considered a mermaid of salt
make him the stuff out of which folk heroes are molded. In this
ion. Oxun case, however, we do not have to guess about the origin of Dom
Imanjá and Oxun are African deities of Yoruban derivat
and many cult Luiz; the facts are known. He was introduced into the Batuque
appears to be a fairly new arrival in Belém, by Dona Maria de Aguiar, the mãe de santo who is credited
r” of. Some
members do not know just what she is the “mothe

ig aen=- a
as Jamaín a is with first “crossing” Umbanda and Mina-Nagô. Doná Maria
suggest that she is the mother of fresh water states that she first began to receive Dom Luiz some thirty-five
ity of names,
of salt water, while others, because of the similar years ago while-visiting the city of São Luís. When she returned
with the Exus and consid er her a female
have confused Oxun to Belém, Dom Luiz became her chief “guide” and the pro-
in general and
Exu. Imanjá is considered the mother of water
spirit. Most terreiros tector of her terreiro. Since Dona Maria believes that in a pre-
is thought to be the highest ranking water
with running water. vious incarnation her soul inhabited the body of Queen Marie
have a special shrine to Imanjá, sometimes
of feting and taking presents to Antoinette, she was not particularly surprised to receive the spirit
But the elaborate ceremonies
and Rio de Janeiro do not of the queen's husband while visiting a city dedicated to Louis IX
Imanjá that are so popular in Bahia
The Spirits 161
there is no reason why Dom Luiz should not become a perma-
nent member of the Batuque pantheon. It would appear, then,
that at least in the case of prominent cult leaders, it is possible
to range somewhat further afield in search of likely figures to
convert into new encantados. If the cult leader's reputation is
“great enough, his identification will tend to be accepted.
Akossi-Sapata, Rei Toi Aduçu, Rei Noé, and Ben Boçu da
Cana Verde were undoubtedly all borrowed from the Dahomean-
oriented Casa das Minas in São Luís (Eduardo 1948, pp.
76-79; Pereira 1947, pp. 33-34). Akossi-Sapata is the deity of
skin diseases and therefore a dangerous encantado to receive,
since it is believed that the medium who receives him must be
handled correctly or he will fall ill with some serious skin dis-
order. Akossi-Sapata is feted and invited to descend only once
a year, during the festival for the saint he adores, St. Lazarus,
on February 11. At present only one terreiro in the city holds

a festival for St. Lazarus. Informants stated that the saint and
Akossi-Sapata were much more popular in the terreiros of

Maranhão than in Belém. ;

The festival for St. Lazarus in the Batugue is patterned on
an Amazonian traditional «celebration that antedates any Afro-
Brazilian sect (Monteiro 1961). A unique feature of the St.
Lazarus festival, whether in the Batuque or outside the cult,

is a feast for dogs, during which at least eleven dogs are seated
around a table and hand-fed various delicacies. Although the of-

ficial St. Lazarus is the brother of Mary and Martha whom Jesus

raised from the dead, in one of the parables of Jesus there is
A medium, possessed by the senhor Rei Toi Aduçu, insisted on wearing
e a story of a beggar named Lazarus, whose body was covered
elaborate brocade shawl instead of a toalha. Rei Toi Aduçu is thoug t with sores and who was befriended by dogs that came and licked

very slowly; as a result, dancing has
of as a very old spirit who moves his sores (Luke 16:19-31). The two men named Lazarus are
almost come to a standstill. fused as one saint in folk religion and representatives of the
caniné species are appropriately honored at his feast.
(St. Louis), the ancestor of Louis XVI. Not all cult members There is very little that can be said as far as identifying the
* share Dona Maria's belief in reincarnation, but her reputation a unaffiliated caboclos is concerned. Two of them, Boiadeiro da
a cult leader is such that Dom Luiz has been generally accepted Visaura (Cowboy of Visaura) and Constantino, also called
as an important encantado, although no one else has as yet Chapeu de Couro (Leather Hat), are identified as natives of
received him. Since he is now widely known, it is probably only the state of Bahia. One cult leader suggested that both might
a matter of time until some other medium will claim to have be sons of Lampião, a famous outlaw leader who terrorized the

been possessed by him. IE those who receive him tend to prosper, back country of the Northeast, from Ceará to Bahia, in the.
Perhaps this iden-
period 1920-38 (Cascudo 1962, pp. 416-18).
g. Herondina, the
tification represents a new myth in the makin
caboclos, probably
most popular female spirit of these unaffiliated
spirits. A Rei Heron
came to Belém with the Jurema group of
panth eon of the Catim bó cult (Cascudo
is a prominent figure in the
). In Belém today,
1951, p. 155; Andrade 1963, pp. 58, 82-83
conne ction s have been forgotten.
however, Herondina's family
sessions, but
All of the unaffiliated caboclos “work” in curing
Antonio Luiz Corre -Beir ado and Mestr e Marajó
two of them,
appear in the public
descend exclusively in cura and never
be greatly ex-
The above list of unaffiliated caboclos could
of spirits who descend
“panded by listing the names of the legion
sessio ns. Such transient
very briefly or “make a passage” in curing
natur al power and are
spirits, however, have little fame or super
us to have services
rarely sought out by Batuque clients anxio
performed by the encantados.
in the Batuque
As has been noted in the course of this chapter, -mem-
encantados: by
“there are two methods of organizing the
and by classification
bership in a family, tribal group, or line,
os. The emphasis
into the two categories of senhores or cabocl
probably reflects the
on the family organization of encantados
Casa das Minas of São Luís, where
influence of the Dahomean
there are various
“all voduns are members of some family. While ,
ips in the roster of Yoruban deities in Bahia
family relationsh
the family pattern is not as emphasized.
a holdover of
Although the basis of organization may be
are modeled directly
African tradition, the families of encantados
the family patterns of
on Brazilian society, and especially on qj E
ideal; all of the :
Amazonia. The patriarchal family is definitely the
iasti al
tically as she re receives her, cabocla carouser,
A mãe nde santo whirl s enthusiastic
the exception
with of that of Rainh a Eowa, are qa
spirit families,
cult members
headed by male encantados. The fact that some in common with his foster family than with his real family. These
are broug ht up primarily by
are themselves born out of wedlock, conceptions are faithfully reproduced from the human relation-
father s in no way diminishes
their mothers, and never know their ships of the Amazon region (Wagley 1953, pp. 179-84).
custo m of both freely giving
the patriarchal ideal. The Amazonian The other principle of organization, that of classifying the en-
reflec ted in the vario us
away and readily adopting children is cantados as senhores or as caboclos, is also derived from the
encan tado famili es.
foster child-foster parent relationships in these Brazilian social system, and clearly reflects the division of the
daughter are care-
While the real parents of the foster son or society into two basic classes—the wealthy, prestigious, upper-
expected to have more
fully stipulated, the adopted encantado is
| The Spirits 165
is based on the general usage of the term in the Amazon Basin.
le, lower-class caboclos. = do
class senhores and the poor, humb A caboclo is a backwoodsman, or someone whose immediate
concerned, the members o no
as the classes of encantados are É gi forebears came from the backwoods, an individual, usually of
upper-status group red to as brancos or de
are refer
is a social rather mixed Indian and European ancestry, who is rough, uneducated,
(white) im this a
senhores. Branco Mo much . and lacking in sophistication and good manners. His tastes are
is a synonym to r senho r. Orixá a , used
cial term and É ir simple and rather crudely physical rather than refined or culti-
simply the Yoruban word for * deit y
di Eua is vated. As used by middle- and upper-class Brazilians, the term
Another term that is some aiii
no relation to the class situation. has definite perjorative connotations—the caboclo is considered
os, gente fina, is again à ni
used for the prestigious encantad lazy, lacking in ambition, content to live like an animal rather
r classes to refer A
that is used by members of the lowe euts than to exert himself (Wagley 1953, pp. 140-41). As -the term
and Silva 1967, p. :
of the upper crust (Figueiredo ca r os E is used by cult members to apply to encantados, the connotations
classification of encantados as senhores or
The the of laziness and shiftlessness areabsent. In other respects the
of families included im
across family lines, with most heads as caboc los. image is the same, except that the qualities ascribed to the
children class ified
“ senhor category and many of their Ol
S é “ 2
caboclo are, to a certain extent, admired rather than consistently
like “Rei” (king),
All of the encantados with titles denigrated. The caboclos lack of polish and elegance is compen-
are included in the Ed -
(queen), or “Dom” (a titled noble) a: sated for by his forthright vigor, frankness, and intuitive under-
titles are also im E
category, but many of those without a standing of nature. ERRA
Dona (one
José Tupinambá, Japetequara, and a a As far as cult members are concerned, the encantados who
and Dom João.
senhores, as well as Rei Turquia o ip assume the guise of the rough-and-ready backwoodsman do not
common characteristics shared by
not seem to be any jar db merit the deference shown to spirits who come as ladies and
as such
upper-status encantados, and their designation ape gentlemen—they deserve tobe relegated to a lower status. Never-
encantados me
be quite arbitrary. In addition, certain theless, it is believed that the caboclo encantados are likely to
as either a caboclo or as a senho À nos
capable of descending enjoy themselves more than are the senhores. Some of the cabo-
received Mariana = .
pai de santo Carlos, for example, clos are farristas and obviously motivated by a search for pleasure.
same spirit was , ee
Turquia family as a senhora, but the

of the same fa e Others are more serious and dedicated to working, but even the
caboclo carouser. The encantado Guapindaia, tu serious caboclos are inclined to drink and smoke, to enjoy vig-
was received by Emesto as a E orous dancing, and to speak bluntly, brusquely, and perhaps too
indaia was Sara's senhor and chefe. loudly. In fact, caboclo encantados probably behave a great deal
most commonly
e Afro-Brazilian religions, caboclo seems like the mediums themselves might behave at home, when not
the term has two meanings.
to mean “Indian.” In the Batuque o putting on their company manners. Assuming the role of a cabo-
mean “Indian,” as when J apetequara,
Sometimes it does
in the forest, 1s Ei clo supernatural is probably less of a strain on the medium than
ceptualized as an Indian chief living assuming the role of a dignified senhor, and cult members” im-
However, the term is a a
“Caboclo Velho” (Old Man Indian). pressions that caboclos have a better time are undoubtedly jus-
and when used in a
used to mean any lower-status encantado, tified. ao
to any ethnic or ari
way caboclo does not necessarily refer The lists of spirits given above cannot of course be considered
called caboclos, as are e
characteristics. The dolphins are
In this second sense of E e either closed or complete. Almost forgotten encantados might re-
“Turkish” children of Seu Turquia. appear in Belém, gain new devotees and become more popular.
but a senhor—a high-status
term, Japetequara is not à caboclo, Entirely new spirits might appear at any moment and have to
encantado. be added to one category or another. All cult members ac-
tatus encantados
This usage of caboclo to refer to the lower-s
F PN pa



have açel e ganized than in Belém. Cult leaders from Maranhão who have
knowledge that any family cÉ encantados might
pes apo
children living in the encantaria beneath the earth or moved to Belém to open terreiros stress their origin as a proof
ob of doctrinal superiority. Leaders native to Pará often claim to
at present known. Human beings can no
aaa then mi have been initiated into the cult and prepared for leadership by
until they decide to first rise as invisible prio
i.e., sing e some ancient mãe or pai de santo from Maranhão who died some
to possess some human “apparatus” and speak,”
song that identifies the family connections and the natas time ago.

a a o ga me However, in spite of the influence of Maranhão on the Batuque,

eory apar mediums from Maranhão newly resident in Belém complain
Actually, though new encantados can in

ng roster, all indica tions are that t ape e that the local mediums are singing the doctrines wrong and are
infinitum to the existi

of new spirits occurs at a slow rate. Only epa singing strange new doctrines taken from phonograph records and
y have won the respec t of their fe o o books instead of the old unwritten, unrecorded, true doctrines.
standing who alread

ne a In addition, the Maranhão migrarits express dislike of the mid-

members are likely to successfully introduce new mg
e ER Gm

they are alread y respec ted a e ur night Exu ceremony and disapproval of the new encantados from
the Batuque, but since
have much incent ive to intro a pro Umbanda. These criticisms indicate that the' batugues of Belém
they receive, they do not
sed for the first time invaria ! =! E are no longer as close to the tambores of Maranhão as once
ties. People becoming posses
spirit is posses sing a a p may have been the case, and that cult members of Belém have
told by some cult leader what
and theref ore e moved more rapidly than those of Maranhão to accept new ideas

leader usually picks some fairly well- known

are pac
encantado. Inexperienced mediums or young people emanating from the urban centers of southern Brazil. In fact,
feel encou raged to be cre a for those cult members who identify themselves as “pure” Um-
too critically by older mediums to
A successful mãe de sárito such" as: Dona Maria de Aguiar bandistas, it is Rio de Janeiro that is the fount of religious au-
able to introduce King Louis XVI of France to the e thority, the place where things are done properly. This group,
the relativ e. y : ig e still a minority within the cult, tends to disparage Maranhão
in one episode that we witnessed, when
was im as a backward place: where little of Umbanda
rienced Ione claimed to be receiving Oxalá, she is known and to
or an Exu giving a rank it below Pará in religious development.
that her encantado was really a Curupira
ceremo ny a Vê In reviewing the names and the identifying
false name. The other participants in the lore of the non-
Ione e Christian Batuque spirits, it is fairly easy to
sing the responses to the Oxalá doctrinés that isolate the three
lead and generally refused to believe that her possess distinct traditions that have contributed to the Batuque: Euro-
pean or Luso-Brazilian, indigenous Amerindian, and African.
e a
AR of the new encantados that appear in the Batuqu The array of princes, nobles, and Turks, and some of the curer-
ga go e carousers such as Dom Carlos and João da Mata, are all obviously
not actually new but are merely
a ixo
other part of Brazil to Belém by some specific ai derived from European or Brazilian folklore and history. Most
Ra E of the Batuque's Indian encantados are of similar origin. Figures
recent past the neighboring state of Maranhão has
cipal source of new religio us ideas for the cult in Be a such as José Tupinambá, Flecheiro, or Sete Flechas represent
most of the o a Brazilian idealizations of the original inhabitants of the land; they
cording to our .informants,
e au e neither represent survivals of Indian religions nor reflect the actual
in the terreiros were brought to Pará from Maranhão.
still speak of Maran hão as E history of Amazonian Indian tribes. Cult members are dedicated
ity of cult members in Belém

of so many voduns , the apso a to an Indian mystique, and many of them had some Indian an-
of “Holy Land,” the home

all terreir os are much better cestors, but they are poorly informed about the actual history
true Mina-Nagô doctrine, where
The Spirits 169
the Ba- it is sim
cad still impossible
p to o predict
predi the ultimate
i fate of the other
ans. The Indian image in
and culture of Brazilian Indi S. “We stern”
principally from U.
tuque appears to be drawn
ular press.
movies and the Brazilian pop -
Indian contribution to the Batu
There is, however, à genuine the rost er Of.
of animal spirits to FOOTNOTES
que and that is the addition ary
mys terious dolphins, the Jegend
anthropomorphic deities. The (Ta pin aré ),
petequara), the jaguar
Giant Snake, the alligator (Ja Ama zon as) ,
the turtle (Tartaruga da
the hawk (Seu Gavião), k (Ba rão 1.
Although theh ceremony y isi no longer staged in north i
(Tango do Pará), the shar

the tangaru-pará songbird
cu ça occasionally held in other ssel e
na and Pena
macaw encantados (Maria Ê : ascudo , 54, pp. 90-91, 5 256-57, É 409; ; 1956, p.
de Goré), and the two

l shamanism and probably

era nO Ra (1959); Willems (1952, p. 240). ENE A
Verde) are derived from loca small bla ck peo ple E & a a Es ao pi in the Catimbó cult under the names “Ritango
Tupí tribes. The
nated in the religions of the

0). » p. 155) and “Tangaru-pará” (Andrade 1963, p.
nitely an Amerindian con-
of the forest, the Curupiras, are defi Jurema,
and the tree spirits, Jarina, 1
3. Princesa d'Alva means “Pririncess of the Dawn.” Th i
tribution to the Batuque,
an Amerindian origin. of the
assaint of the night
g i
adopting isi
and raising e
the princess pidawn might
of the
and Goiabeira, may also have eived
e of the mediums who «rec
Tt should be noted that non the a slight ly diff
versi: on of this legend, see Cascudo (1962,
ed as animal spirits imitated
p. 4.748). ghtly
encantados that were identifi In the
resented when in trance.
animals their encantados rep mpt to
5. In an earlier article (Leacock 1964b, p. 106), João da Mata was er» *
“Tupí tribes the shamans atte
curing ceremonies of some
roneously equated with John the Baptist.- -
ements and sounds of their 6. Many cult members jn Belém pronounce the name of the a
imitate the characteristic mov
vão 1949, pp. 110-18). We

ini: “e
ation used in Rio de SJane iro
spirit helpers (Wagley and' Gal Similany the Tema njá ofof no the pronunci
d “Imanjá” p PR n
s. In Rio is pronounce
ation in Batuque ceremonie : já and Iansan is give
observed any attempt at imit
ation “Inh açan .”
and pronunci
always local spelling
cantado with animal was

fact the identification of -en of ani mal spir its ap-

most devotees
somewhat ambiguous since form .

y in hum an
r spirit s-exclusivel
eared to conceptualize thei Afr ica -mi nde d, 1.e.,
are not very
Most cult members in Belém er-
in that continent or its peoples. Nev
they have little interest ent al debt to blac k
owes à fundam
theless the Batuque obviously e bee n

African religiou s the mes hav
Africa. Although the original elements areevident,
identifiable African

considerably diluted, influx of
deities have survived the
and a number of African an deit ies stand
ian spirits. Dahome
European, Brazilian, and Ind ed fro m Ma-
the voduns import
out most prominently among Boçu,
Badé;” Ben
Akossi-Sapata, Averekete,
ranhão: Aduçu, m the
rect effect of borrowing fro
Legua Bogi, Noé. An indi uct ion or re-
has been the introd
Umbanda of Rio de Janeiro Ogu n, Oxo ssi,
ved orixás such as

emphasis of Yoruban-deri ear s to be
njá, and Exu. Exu app
Oxun, Inhaçan, Xangô, Ima Bad é, but
seems to have replaced
firmly established and Xangô

Possession 171

to be possessed.. As was pointed out in Chapter IV, a few of

Chapter VI our informants described what seemed to be psychotic episodes

in their past, and it seems quite likely that mediums sometimes

pretend to be possessed when they really do not believe that they
“are. What we will argue, however, is that it is not necessary for
a man or woman to be abnormal psychologically in order to be

a successful medium and that no medium pretends all of the

Possession time. Becoming a medium does require a certain aptitude, but
this aptitude is probably not too different from that needed by
a good hypnotic subject in American society. Before we can
develop this argument further, however, it is necessary to look
much more closely at the nature of the behavior we have been

calling “possession.”?
In the foregoing chapters many instances of possession have
been described. These examples have demonstrated that pos-
a session occurs in many different contexts: in the public ceremony
gre at terreiros, in the home, on the street, in a church, in a café.
place in the Batuque,
Of the varied activities that take , io In each of these varied circumstances, it is hoped that one aspect
interpreted as possession
important are those that are centers ui re of the behavior described has been made clear. That is, that
belief system
natural beings. Since the whole = when possessed, a medium usually acts in a relatively controlled
of receiving the pena
concept of possession, the act E qi manner and engages in Vety complex activities. This is not always
For the im Ri
final validation of Batuque cosmology. really do E the case, of course, and sometimes people do fall down or lose
that the encantados
session is the ultimate proof gives the Eca control in other ways. But ideally the behavior of a medium
“To the .outsider it is the trance that when possessed is not too different from his behavior when
This is wha fa e
many, “its fascination.



exotic aura, and for “pure,” except that when possessed he acts as .though he were an
and -inevitably attracts aid
large crowds to the terreiros o = encantado.
it is the sometimes
herents. At the same time, a pi It is necessary to stress this point because the misconception
wild gyrations, the
behavior of the mediums—the o a persists that possession is a state of frenzy or ecstasy and that it
uninformed Sar
the staring eyes—that gives the e a is typifed by extreme and largely uncontrolled behavior. This
members of other re E
suspecting the worst. Zealous may be the case in some religions, but it is not true in the
are likely to view the p E is
whether Catholic or Protestant, Batuque and probably not true in any of the other Afro-Brazilian
to see in it the jdirect interv
of possession with horror and but religions. Although in the early moments of the trance there may
strong religious convictions
of the Devil. Skeptics without be some uncontrolled movements, the medium must quickly gain
gy may be inclined to pity the
with some knowledge of psycholo s. control if his or her activity is to be interpreted as representing
or other psychological disorder
mediums as victims of hysteria ;in many case s the possession by a supernatural being. It is certainly not enough to
critic is likely to suggest that

i for fall on the floor and thrash around, or stagger about, or make
e :
acto rs W ho are puttihg on a show
gmediumis are consummat incoherent sounds, or give other evidence of having some kind

the sake of money and attentio are of unusual psychological experience. The meaning of this kind
It is not our intentio n to argu e. that all Batuque members

ever pre ten ds of behavior is ambiguous in terms of Batuque beliefs. It may

perfectly normal psychologicaliy or that no medium
O Pi
Possession 173

controlled trance behavior would be the most convincing, since

it would prove that the individual was really possessed. But

Batuque members judge the validity of the presence of the en-
cantado not by the gyrations that the medium goes through, but

by what the encantado says and does. Since the encantados are
conceived of as being very close to the human condition, their
behavior is expected to be much like human behavior. The
medium must act accordingly if his possession is to be accepted as

The members of the Batuque believe that the ability to control
oneself during trance and to behave properly as an encantado is

learned. The expression they use is “development.” When a per-

son is possessed for the first time, it is expected that he will fall
on the floor, stagger about, and be unable to sing. As he “de-
velops,” however, the medium gains “control” and is able to
dance, sing, and speak as the encantado. In order to facilitate
“this development, most mediums go through some kind of training
program. In the larger and more traditional terreiros, the medium .

may have an opportunity to go into trance only during the public
ceremonies held every few weeks. But in some terreiros and in

many of the small searas, a regular session is held once or twice
a week that has the explicit purpose of enabling the mediums

to practice going into trance. All of the mediums, especially the
novices, are urged to attend regularly and are encouraged by the

leader: to receive their: encantados during the session. As the
mediums have more and more trance experiences, their perform-
a violent
. t

subject to

. e.

enter trance they are ance as the encantado is expected to improve steadily.
when some mediums

shaking of the torso. We are convinced that the Batuque members are right and that
learning plays a very important part in the career of the medium.

In analyzing the situation, it is useful to consider the roles that

din en e or o dali RE
mão al pr, e um mom do, e 1
t the mediums learn to take. As was

1 indicated above, individuals
erson is drunk must |behave in appropriate ways in order to prove that they
are possessed. These appropriate ways constitute a “role,” i.e.,
no a a group “of behaviors associated with a particular position in a
o ui tbocpiih manher. The bens social system. In this case the position is that of possessed me-
Ras to the outside diumy'a person possessed by a supernatural being. A careful
ad pa aa
E DE consideration of the behavior that occurs during trance states
to er this suggests that there are actually at least two roles involved, and
E Et be admitted that it took us some time that these roles vary in specificity. One role, the general role,
viole nt and um-
idea, We had naively supposed that the most
a SD

Possession 175

medium be proficient in a.number of roles, he must at least

be competent in the general role if he is to be accepted as a
full-fledged medium.
By introducing the concept of role, we do not mean to imply
that individuals who take the role of the encantado are only
play-acting or that they consciously pretend to be a supernatural
being. Informants occasionally hinted that sometimes other me-
diums feigned possession, which suggests that on occasion they
may have had the experience themselves. But most of their
comments indicated a calm certainty about the uniqueness of the
trance experience and, moreover, a conviction that when they
were possessed they behaved quite differently than when they
were “pure.” They not only maintained, but seemed to believe,
that when possessed they could dance all: night without feeling
tired, drink heavily and have no hangover, undergo ordeals and
feel no pain. They took it for granted that they sang and danced
with much greater skill when in trance and also assumed that
their appearance must change when an encantado was present,
especially their facial expression. When shown photographs of
themselves in trance, mediums invariably exclaimed that people
in trance certainly looked different, although to the outside ob-
server the difference might seem minimal.
Our data, then, suggest that Batuque mediums have unusual
subjective experiences when-in trance. Our basic assumption is
that most of the behavior interpreted as possession occurs while
the mediums are in trance. It is likely that their perception of
the roles they are. expected to take as encantados, and perhaps
the actual process of learning the roles, are different when they
R = pEa ê E are in trance than when they are not. This does not alter the fact
ê , anA experience d ne ijum dancesadin that the roles do exist and that they are learned.?
After early frenzied body movemeênts
in trance whirls expertly, her The major components of the general role of “the possessed
a controlled manner. Here a medium
billowing, her espada flying. Ê medium” were described in Chapter I and need be reviewed only
briefly here. There is an appropriate way to enter and leave
anyone who is possessed. trance. In both cases the medium keels over backward but should
consists of those behaviors expectéd of to never actually fall to the floor. If there is no one nearby to catch
howe ver, that relate
There are also a number of -subroles, the medium as he falls, he should manage to regain his balance.
of encantados. This distinc-
particular encant ados or categories Once in trance, the medium usually dances vigorously for a few
tion is important, because, as will be pointed out, some minutes and should then lead a song that indicates which en-
to g o furthe r and
can master the general role but are unable the cantado has arrived. He accepts the embrace of the other me-
it is desir able that
perform as speci fic encantados. Although

Possession 177
a the upper-status. senhores,. conceived of as serious and dignified,
encantado. After e giga
diums who come to greet the that the enc:
mc and the lower-status caboclos, many of whom are expected to be
i , the medium
of time i leads a song imindicating'g th playful and ready for a good time. A medium receiving an en-
kward, again without hitting the
is about to leave, falls over bac cantado of either type should be able to act appropriately. Since
floor, and returns to normal. most mediums receive at least one senhor and one carouser
ess for the first time EE can .
Very few individuals who are poss caboclo, the ability to take these two subroles is expected of
neophyte often e io
art even these simple-actions. The almost every developed medium.
wildly with arms and. egs E =
on the cold cement floor, thrashes In most cases these two subroles are not defined very precisely.
mute when expected to e
being helped to his feet, stands can Almost any senhor, for example, is expected to act much the
years before the general role
usually months and sometimes same, regardless of sex, origin, or associated characteristics. As
be adequately handled.

to was pointed out in the last chapter, Barba Sueira, Averekete, and
that a medium is expected
The most important subroles As Dom Pedro Angaço are three quite "diverse encantados, yet an

rent categories of encantad os.

master are related to the diffe os, observer watching a medium possessed by one of them would
are two basic kinds of encantad
was noted in Chapter V, there

ordinarily have no clue as to which one was supposed to be
present. The sober, dignified demeanor of the medium would
suggest only that one of the senhores had arrived, and unless the
arches over backwards as she is “seized” by É spirit, observer knew the medium well enough to know which senhor
e A medium suddenly
She will recover her balance.
he was likely to receive, he would not recognize the personal
touches that in fact might provide some indication of the en-
cantado's identity. Ra :
In addition to the twe basic subroles of senhor and carouser

caboclo, there are others that are appropriate only for mediums
who receive encantados of certain special.categories. A medium

who receives a dolphin encantado, for example, is expected to
dance in a particular way—there is a great deal of hopping
involved. A woman who receives a mermaid should let her hair

grow long and swirl it about as she dances. Curupiras are ex-
pected to bark like dogs, while an Exu should dance in a frenzied
manner with the medium's face contorted in a frozen, eyes-open

stare. In a few cases individual encantados have certain char-
acteristics that identify them. Mediums who receive Rompe
Mato are expected to affect the open-eyed stare, apparently in
keeping with this spirit's relationship with the Exus. João da

Mata is thought to have a special penchant for hats, and the
medium expecting him to descend should have a hat available
for him to wear. For the great majority of encantados, however,

there are no special actions or costumes that identify them. The
individual has a considerable amount of leeway in developing

the characteristic behavior of the encantado, as long as the gen-



Possession 179

with Ata nother center, another medium

i i
receives Rompe Mato in a similar man-
e in trance. The woman (center)
Most of the mediums in this group ar Mato, à spirit be-

raised, is posses se d by Romp

her eyes'open, her hand
stance while dancing.
lieved to often effect this particular
Possession 181
180 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP minimum. At the beginning of trance the leader may tremble,
basic distinction between
eral role is performed properly and the or perspire heavily, or give other evidence that he is having an
senhor and carouser is maintained. unusual experience, but this stage quickly passes. From time to
Batuque, it would prob-
In a religion as individualistic as the time the demeanor of the leader may change dramatically (at
the encantados to be defined
ably be impossible for the roles of least for a few-minutes) as he is thought to” receive different
loped mediums personalize
very precisely. As it is, most deve encantados. During most of the ceremony, however, the behavior
a certain extent, addihg
each of their important encantados to of the leader appears so normal that not only an outside observer,
ume until their arder siço
behavior patterns and bits of cost e but even the intimates of the leader, may not be sure at any
In some cases this is car
often becomes quite distinctive. a aa e given moment whether the leader is still in trance or has become
thoug ht of as
the point that am encantado ordinarily

“pure.” The degree of control thus demonstrated by the leader
Or vice versa. Such 5 tam
a basic
may become a carouser, is greatly admired.

by a leader or a gi a
role could probably only be instigated One aspect Of role-taking that-is expected of a leader but is
apparently happened oíten
of considerable reputation, but it has not necessarily expected of all mediums is the ability to give

al encantados can be re-
“enough in the past that today sever consultations as an encantado. When people approach a pos-
at the discretion of the
ceived either as serious or gay, largely sessed medium and make known their desiré to speak to the en-
as noted in the last chapter.
medium. Mariana is a good example,

cantado, their intent is almost always to get advice of some kind.
-drinking cabocla, but
Most people receive Mariana as à hard ra. In
The response that the encantado makes, speaking through the
other mediums she is a senho
“for Carlos and several medium, may be more or less complex. It is sometimes possible
ined as a choice by the
Batuque theology, this variation is expla for the spirit to give a “yes” or “no” answer, or to prescribe
r as a senhor or a
encantado... It.may choose to descend eithe a standard kind of herbal infusion that might be expected to be
ted that any je E o
caboclo. Although it has come to be accep useful in the resolution
«of a number of kinds of problems. In
l practice none ç E
may be received in either guise, in actua either case, the medium would not have to attend too closely
ved as carousers, and O y
most important senhores are ever recei to the problem of the petitioner. Usually, however, the medium
turn up às someone's
a few of the notorious carousers ever must listen carefully to the presentation of a specific, personal
É r. problem and make a cogent reply. This is obviously a kind of
becomes a a -
o expected that when an individual role Ot
behavior on a quite different level of complexity than dancing
learn the general
the Batuque, he or she will quickly RO
or singing a song. It is not surprising that it usually takes a
the subroles PE
possessed medium, and in time will learn =
number of years of experience before a medium can handle
recei ved. The ideal to pis
to the specific encantados o
consultations with any facility and that relatively few mediums
ior of the a
diums aspire is exemplified by the behav j
become really expert in this aspect of the role of the possessed.
enter trançe at v
mãe or pai de santo. Most leaders can For the mãe or pai de santo, of course, consultation is one of the
ease, and while in trance engage in à arge
any subrole with most' important activities associated with their position as leader.
. During ce
number of complex activities without strain ng, “con a
K is evident during any public ceremony that there is a great
leads the singi
the leader directs the dancing, per :
range of proficiency with which the roles and subroles associated
indiv iduals who have
rituals, supervises the handling of with possession are enacted. Some participants equal the mães
and welcomes e ant
trance experiences, and watches for t e pai
and pais de santo in the easy way in which they enter trance,
ntad o posse sses
guests. When an especially popular enca give con-
behave as the encantado, and even give consultations. Other
tempo raril y and
de santo, he may leave the ceremony activ ity
participants, after entering trance, seem unable to do more than
ng most of this
sultations to a long line of clients. Duri to the
stând around looking foggy. As has been indicated, much of the
state are redu ced
the overt manifestations of the-trance
Possession 183
of trance o istic séances before unexpectedly being seized by an encantado
difference can be attributed to the amount o
is à great deal at their first visit to a batuque. In any case, although our data
that an individual has had. However, there
rs who have had are not completely satisfactory, they do indicate that converts
variability in behavior even among those membe
of trance exper ience . One factor that has bear- to the Batuque had significantly less experience with trance be-
the same amount
the individuals have havior, and also-had a more difficult time learning the role of the
“ing on this variability is the extent to which
trance um possessed medium, than those members who grew up in the
been involved in the Batuque before their first
rs who E religion.
It might be expected that those Batuque membe
from infan cy with family members I is difficult to find out about the career of the developing
the religion by interaction
mediums would be much more proficient in trance medium becayse one cannot accept at face value the accounts
who were
who grow Es that the accomplished mediums provide. Their stories are all
than others. This is generally the case. For those
ies during mei very much alike and have clearly been modified to conforim to a
in the religion, there are frequent opportunit
in trance behav ior. The children E standard versión. According to the standard story, the medium
to observe relatives engaged is possessed for the first time at the age of seven, begins to
ve their mothe rs in trance in the
Batuque members may obser
g publi c cerem onies the children receive encantados on a regular basis during the late teens, and
“home several times a week. Durin by the early twenties is receiving a number of spirits without
here nearb y and carry on
of the mediums often gather somew difficulty. However, considering the experiences of the many me-
sing and dance and a to
their own mock ceremony. They diúms we knew who were still developing, it would appear that
teens often join their a ers
be possessed. Girls in their early a very few people find the process this simple. It is possible, for
a costu me, and
in the public ceremony, if they can afford e example, that some mediums who had grown up in the religion
aspect of the tota a
skilled in singing and dancing. The only
occurs for the did sing the first time they were possessed, but this would be
then remaining is thê trance state. This usually exceptional. More commonly the first trance experience, and of-
that teen-age ae
first time in the late teens. It is not surprising ten many of the succeeding ones, does not include any behavior
often show a
and girls who have grown up in the Batuque
during their firs other than a relatively uncontrolled entry into trance and perhaps
mastery of the role of the encantado. Even some clumsy dancing. The encantado is mute, and there is even
able to sing and dance
trance experience some of “them may be
n. At least, some claimed that they a wideiy held convention that the encantado never speaks for six

in a quite accep table fashio

actual cases were observed. months (some say a year) after it first possesses its devotee.
had been able to do so; no

exposure to

difficult to ascertain how much In a few cases we were able to observe the beginning phases
It was extremely
the other half of Batuque members had had, of a medium's career. The first case was that of a girl in her late
trance behavior
religion. Considering teens, whose name we never learned. She was observed first at
those members who had not grown up in the

, and cs ESA a ceremony on September 26, 1962, when she went into a trance
the widespread interest in possession in Belém
er in Ea while standing in the audience. She was led into the ceremonial
opportunities to witness trance behavior, wheth
s, it is : º area, where she stood stiff-legged, her head down, her eyes
ceremonies, curing sessions, Or spiritualistic séance
any length o e closed, her arms rigid, and her fists clenched. Periodically she
to imagine that anyone residing in the city for -
expectations e reeled this way and that but seemed quite unable .to dance.
could be completely ignorant of some of the
a spirit. All of our After she had been in trance for several minutes, the pai de santo
ing the behavior of someone possessed by
first -hand obser vation of trance passed through, saw that she was a stranger and unable to control
informants reported at least some

behavior before they themselves had the experience, although a her movements, seized her by the arm, and led her into the
ded only spiritual-

chapel. Once in the chapel, the girl had her head squeezed
a few cases individuals claimed to have atten
184 SPIRITS OF THE, DEEP Possession 185
not seem to master the relatively simple dance step. She stayed
by one of the'-inediums ana readily came out of trance, in a
few minutes looking “normal if somewhat confused,” according
on the floor most of the night, and finally at 1:40 AM. she
went into trance. Over-all, her performance was not as successful
to our notes.
Since we were never able to interview this girl, it is not known as on the previous occasion. She moved about fairly well, but
she kept bumping into people and dropping hêr espada. After
if she had ever been in trance before.:Considering her behavior,
it would seem likely that she had had very little experience. ten minutes she reeled stifly backward and fell flat on the floor.
Three days later, in another ceremony at the same terreiro, She was helped to her feet, still in trance, and continued to stagger

she went into trance again and behaved in exactly the “same about. When some annoyance was expressed that she kept getting
in people's way and could neither dance nor sing, one of the
way. The next night, during a third ceremony, she went into
trance while:sitting on a bench in the audience. She was helped mediums took her part, telling the others, “Let her alone, the

to her feet and stood stifly, as before, but she had learned poor thing doesn't know how yet.” Finally, after the girl had
that she should kick off her sandals when possessed, and she been in trance for fifteen minutes-and-continued to fall down,
the pai de santo pressed her head and blew in her ears, and
now danced barefoot. On this occasion no one forced her out

she returned to normal. She sat down on a bench and was fanned
Of trance, although one medium complained that she could neither

sing nor dance, and after twenty-five minutes she staggered and
by one of the other mediums, looking “somewhat dull but not
came out of trance without apparent stimulus. One of the me- particularly confused.”
diums helped her to a bench where she sat for some time “look- There is some reason to believe that the behavior of this girl

ing dazed.” Ê É reflected a rather unusual lack of co-ordination. On another
occasion when we observed someone dancing for reportedly the
A month later the girls performance was much improved.
This-time she went into trance when embraced by a possessed first time, there was much less difficulty, at least with the dancing.
" medium (she had been standing near the ceremonial area). This This young woman, about twenty-five, entered a trance state
was a correct response since possession is often induced in this within ten minutes of the start of the ceremony, in fact, shortly
way. Our notes indicate that we were much impressed by the after the first possession of the evening. She did not dance very
change in her behavior, particularly the extent to which she now gracefully, doing a considerable amount of hopping (very com-
“* foved about-the floor-and -whirled from time-to time, however mon among inexperienced girls), but she also did some whirling.
stifly. Her arms were still rigid, however;-her fists clenched, and After about ten minutes she stopped, held her head for a while,
her eyes closed. In addition to entering trance on cue, she now sat down, and returned to normal. When she was possessed
also left trance on cue. Several other mediums were about to go again twenty minutes later she danced in a more acceptable
out of trance and had gathered in front of the drums. The girl manner, with one arm raised. This trance also lasted about ten
joined them, and as they keeled over backward, she staggered and minutes, at the end of which time she sat down with a pained
returned to normal. p e expression. An hour later she went up to greet a newly arrived
The last occasion on which we saw this girl was two months encantado and, after the embrace from the possessed medium,
after our first observation of her. She had now joined the immediately went into trance. This time she was enough under
terreiro as a filha de santo and took part in the ceremony from control that she at least held still while someone came to welcome
the beginning, wearing a costume and carrying an espada (ritual her encantado (never identified). Assuming that this really was
scarf). It was soon obvious that she still had a great deal to this woman's first experience dancing in a ceremony, she behaved
learn. She made no attempt to sing the songs but concentrated in a much more acceptable manner than the first girl. In part
on dancing. Yet, in spite of carefully watching the feet of the this seemed to be due simply to her better muscular co-ordination,
other participants and trying to copy their movements, she could although other factors may have been significant as well (e.g,,

Possession 187


ugh e Sara became an established hanger-on at Antônio's terreiro
tranc e experiences, even tho
she had probably had previous ). | e regularly helped in the preparations for ceremonies d
in a public ceremony
this was her first appearance | during the ceremony she was usually to be found in the o
g girls go into trance while
We observed many othe youn r
as | administering to the needs of the mediums in trance pe
most of them behaved much
spectators at ceremonies, and ants trea ted to her own testimony, during her long experience in Esqui
Since the other particip
the two cases just described. t she had never “felt anything” before 1963.
s reas onable to assume that in mos
them as beginners, it seem “alt houg h esmo we returned to Belém in 1965 we found that Sara had
experience in trance,
cases they had had very lxtle

fy this assumption. One” difficulty come an accomplished performer, receiving Guapindaia

it was rarely possible to veri
to encounter was an uficertainty her senhor and Jaguarema as a caboclo (and ferida
that some of these' girls seemed s
they should have on their face a Ra she had become possessed
as to what sort of expression an E Ê :
ntado. After all, what does
when possessed by am enca in
an especially difficul t question later that her encantado en e e sl
encantado look like? This is o she
is not certain which encantad followed, Sara had apparently mastered all aspects of Hi ene dl
the beginning when the girl ous. As an exam ple, role of the possessed, for when we saw her go into ic o
d-—gay or seri
is receiving'or even W hat kin
about twenty, who was observed

two occasions she gave every indication of being a veteran a

the following notes refer to à girl
% former. She seemed to have some difficulty entering trance pé

only once:
once in trance she danced a sedate, arm-pumping doe; led
d, She was
in the audience was possesse

At about 1:40 a young girl she had also obviously a in a loud clear voice, manipulated her espada expesily
of the filha s, but
obviously known by some e and did a pino mediums came up to greet her encantado, and came
did-not know how to danc

had little experience. She


, almo st like skip ping in place. She ut O trance smoothly. Her many years of intimate acquaintanc
lot of hopping up and down her face.
possessed and kept changing with others in trance had apparently provided her with the bs
did not know how to look she twist ed her mouth,
d but open ,
She kept her eyes squinche for a rapid learning of the appropriate behavior. Even so, it

tongue. All of this was done
sometimes she stuck out her g embraces shenie be noted that it was a year before her encantado denied

ily. She went arou nd givin

.. great energy and very clums the toúnis of the audience, himsclf, i.e. before she was able to sing while in trance
to all the other dancers, then madê
She was largely ignored.
Sri Once the medium has mastered the major features of the role

woman whose of the possessed, he or she discovers that there are a numb
cases, an older
In contrast to the foregoing

time showed à of other activities that are expected of the really adompliahed
over a pe riod of
career we were able to follow possessed. This medium. There is, for example, the matter of being possessed
the role of the

much greater facility in learning involved in the on cue, i.e., entering a trance at a given moment. There are
surprising, however, since
she had been
was not in 1962 she many occasions when a medium is expected to enter trance in
met Sara
Batuque since childho od. When we
Tesponse to certain stimuli, whether these are songs askin
was much in evidence around

was forty-four years She

ol d.
but seem ed never to dance, and when a particular encantado to descend or requests that an paca
Antônio's - terreiro amo ng the med ium s ad a eee The ability to enter trance on the spot
and her m any friends
inquired, both she tere st in y fora mãe or pai d i

er been possesse d. Her in

assured qis. that she had nev
alth ough no one of the rituals that they conduct must pó e immed E toe
the Batuque had developed at an early age,
mother sometimes encantados. For other mediums there is more leewa a E
in her family was an active me dium. Her
home but refused to take part dividuals who occasionally fail to enter trance les Eis ds
went into trance states at ame med ium s, expected are not unduly criticized. Within fairly wide limits,
's four siblings bec

public ceremonies. None of Sara

E 2
Possession 189
cted to enter trance with and the rapid entry into trance of six, eight, or even a dozen
however, a competent medium is expe mediums is one of the most exciting features of any Batuque
ate cues.
regularity in response to the appropri ceremony. At the first line of Japetequara's first song, an ai
es all medi ums enter trance on cue
Ideally, during ceremoni of expectancy is clearly evident among the mediums. This fist
” the encantado. However,
— the cue being the song used to “call song, however; is long and draggy and is often repeated several
and only under, certain
this ideal is not taken very seriously, times. No one becomes possessed—this first doctrine essentiall
cted to lead automatically
circumstances is a specific doctrine expe sets the stage. In dramatic contrast, the second song and e
o. When a major festival
to the arrival of a specific encantad succeeding ones are rapid, rhythmic, and apparently compellin
that spirit is “called, the
is being held for an encantado and Mediums begin keeling over on all sides, and members of a
spirit is almost always pos-
medium who regularly receives the audience are often caught up as well. The Curupiras are ex-
any ceremony, as the senhores
sessed. During the early hours of pected to dance very wildly, with a great deal of head-bobbing
enjoys the status of being
are being invoked, the medium who and to bark and yelp like degs—With eight or ten women
of the senhores often be-
considered an expert devotee of one going through the initial stages of trance at once, their arms
doctrines are sung. But not
comes possessed as the appropriate o ud mo bobbing and hair flying, the esremony takes
s nothing,” and after a few
always. Sometimes the medium “feel an nã
a o f frenzy that isi st present under other
tion is turned to other spirits.
songs are sung without effect, atten
mediums frequently become
Throughout any ceremony, however, Our informant Clara was the most successful Japetequara that
the one being called àt that
possessed by spirits other than we encountered. Her singing of the cycle invariably led to nu-
may be no close connection
particular moment. Although there merous possessions; on one occasion fifteen women went into
the one that arrives, at least
between the spirit being called and
gory of-encantado. Thus. trance within about sixteen- minutes..A man whom we observed
they should belong to the same cate inappropriate for a only once was almost as effective, inducing six possessions within
is quite
if a senhor is being invoked, it quite as bad for as many minutes. Two other women who received Japetequara
It is not
medium to receive a gay “caboclo. is directed to were much less galvanic, and their singing of the same songs pro-
the singi ng
mediums to receive senhores when time during the duced little response. One thing that these differences istrato is
appear at any
“caboclos,so that a senhor may the complexity of the cues that initiate the trance state. It is not
ceremony. just the Japetequara cycle of songs that prompts mass possessions
in songs may initiate trance
There are occasions when certa but a combination of the songs and the reputation of the Em
at the same time. During
states in a number of mediums who sings them. If the medium has a reputation for having a
ums involved are all believed
these mass possessions, the medi the standard great deal of “force,” as Clara did, her singing of the songs vil
os. One of
to be possessed by different encantad is when the“encantado initiate a number of trance states. Otherwise exactly e same
occasion s when this is expected to occur .
cycl e of songs! Tt is taken for songs may have no effect.
Japetequara arrives and sings his In addition to songs, other kinds of activities may serve as
ums who regularly receive one
granted that at least those medi the immediate stimulus for the trance state. When a medium
d during these songs, since
of the Curupiras will be possesse who is not in trance goes up to greet an encantado in a possessed
are a large number) are part
the Curupiras (of which there

happens, however, that many medium, contact with the possessed person often leads to a
of Japetequara's “tribe.” It usually trance state in the unpossessed medium. If the encantado in
g the Japetequara songs, and
other mediums go into trance durin question is the chief of the medium doing the greeting, it is
have no relationship at all to
many of the encantados involved expected that the medium will show signs of incipient possession

and sometimes the encantado is thought to pass from oné me-
singing of his cycle of songs,
The arrival of Japetequara, the

190 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Possession 191

dium to the other—the gréêter goes into trance and the greeted quara songs. The most impressive display of this kind of force
becomes normal. What kind of signal may pass from one in- that we witnessed occurred 'at the terreiro of Dona Marina:
dividual to the other in order to effect this change is an in- During the singing to Averekete, Marina became possessed. As the
triguing question, but on occasion the signal is missed and both filhas de santo came up for the greeting, Marina whirled each one.
mediums remain in trance. Since it is thought to be impossible first to the right, then to the left. She did this With considerable
for two people to be possessed by the same encantado simul- force, and the muscles in her arms stood out prominently. This
kind of whirling is often awkward, because the arms get tangled up
taneously, one of the two mediums involved may be led to the and in the present case Marina's short stature complicated things
chapel and brought out of trance. If this is not done“and two further. Some of the filhas looked confused or even embarrassed as
or more mediums appear to be possessed by the same ençantado, they tried to whirl as directed. But without exception they ended
cult members argue that only the first medium to enter trance up in trance. Some were possessed only briefly, others for longer

really “has” the spirit. The other devotees who are apparently
periods. But twelve women went forward, were whirled, and became
encantado or possessed. After that we lost count.
possessed are only sombriado (shaded) by the
in a state of halfway possession. According to one informant, One point to note in the foregoing description is that some
“ each encantado has seven shadows, and thus as many as eight of the trance states induced by whirling do not last very long,
individuals might appear to be possessed by the same spirit at only a minute or two in some cases. Some of the trances occur-
one time. E ring during the Japetequara songs are equally short, and it is
More commonly, the medium who performs the ritual of salúta-

probably a safe generalization that possessions brought on by

tion is not a devotee of the encantado believed to be present. such special cues have a shorter duration than those that occur
E he is stimulated to go into trance by contact with the possessed

under normal circumstances.

person, he is expected to“receivea different encantado, one of In the discussion thus far of some of the stimuli that seem
those that he usually receives, and no embarrassing questions to be the direct antecedents of trance behavior, the situations
as to which medium really “has” the encantado arise. considered have been those in which a certain leeway is allowed

Although a person in trance is usually relatively passive during the medium as to whether or not he will. enter trance. There
"the greeting, sometimes he takes a more active role. Rather than are also occasions when the medium has no choice and must
simply accepting the greeting of the other mediums,“he takes the enter trance at once. The mãe or pai de santo must often
oceasion to attempt to induce trance invanyone he can get his receive certain encantados before particular ceremonies can be
hands on. The greeting embrace ordinarily ends with a final carried out. When baptisms are held, the godparents are usually
clasping of the hands, but a medium attempting to induce trance encantados, and the mediums who receive the appropriate spirits
in another person holds on to the other's hands, raises his arms are expected to produce them at the prescribed time. Women
above his head, and forces him to revolve, first in one direction, who give consultations in their homes have appointed times,
then in the other. This is usually done quite forcefully, the usually once a week, when clients can be assured that the en-

person being whirled co-operating because of the pressure on cantado will be present. For the accomplished medium, entering
his hands and his desire to placate the encantado. Of the many trance at a desired time is usually simply a matter of “concentra-
factors that play a part in determining whether the person who tion,” as they explain it, and they rarely have any difficulty.

is whirled goes into trance, the most important is again the If the less accomplished medium “feels nothing” when trance
reputation of the possessed medium. Given a reputation of having is expected but the appearance of the encantado is not crucial,
force, a medium who is thought to be possessed by a prestigious he may readily pass off the situation by remarking that the
encantado can sometimes produce a series of trances in rapid- spirit must have been busy elsewhere (“I can't imagine where

fire order that rival the mass possessions induced by the Japete- he could have been,” one informant said casually after she had
Possession 193

honor of her encantado). trance was not easy. She stood in front of the altar while the drums
failed to go into trance at a ceremony in

beat and the mediums sang. Carlos first popped his espada close
is Ceire to be apnaaA
But if the presence of the encantado behind her. This had no effect. He then hit her about the neck

into ;
i us techniqu
vario i es are used to force the medium and shoulders with his bundie of arara feathers. She swayed from
ed to the base of the neck side to side, her head down, but made no further move until Carlos
The most common is pressure appli
light pai to this area with the edge | rang a small bell close beside her head. She then jerked a few times,
in back, or sometimes time to stepped out of her slippers, and then just stood there. A bottle con-
of the hand. Sometime i s one ot f tl the arm s is jerked in| taining a herb infusion was brought and her head and hands were
to the back of. a E
the drums while pressure is applied r e n a =
rubbed with the liquid. Carlos took his espada, wrapped it around
variety of othe
If these measures are not effective, a cide nt:
Madalena's waist, and pulled it as tight as he could. No response.
d in the followin g'in
are used, às most of which are illustrate
Finally he put his forehead against the back of her head, wrapped
his espada around both their heads, and pulled it tight. This did the
o a =
Carlos, the pai de santo, now sys ) irem
trick. Madalena did a few violent head-bobs, jerked all over,
He did this deh
receive e her encantado Mariai na. ( dd Og
waved one arm, and a few minutes-later-led a song as Mariana. The
Do O beenpel feelin
had not
explained the next day, because Madalena whole episode lasted about ten minutes.
ht being posse ssed by ari
d he thoug
d her.) Getting Madalena to enter ,
pisa Er the evil influences aroun
Successful, he turns away a few moments later. The medium, now in trance,
ingi g à bell in
i m to enter trance by ringin has kicked off her slippers and unfurled her espada. The woman on the
A pai de santo seeks to induc ar mediu the song he has led.
in a
singin g À
the chorus to right is also in trance.
nr ear, while she joins
194 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Possession 195
Ê f
his head and pulling him toward her. When he became possessed
Less systematic efforts “to induce trance are quite common, she smiled gaily and seemed quite pleased with herself.
and mediums very often encourage one another to go into trance
during ceremonies. The basic idea is simply that being possessed hm most of the cases of trance just described, it is possible
is a good thing, everyone is at the ceremony to be possessed, to pinpoint some specific stimulus that seemed to provide the
and anyone who seems to be having some difficulty entering trance final impetus for entry into the trance state. This selection of
should be helped to do so. The mediums usually watch .one cases may in fact give the impression that the observer can
another fairly closely, and. when a woman is seen to be near predict when most possessions will occur. This is definitely not
trance, the others often gather around and sing loudiy in her During any public ceremony, probably a majority of
ear. Sometimes a medium touches another on the back of the the mediums go into trance in response to cues that are not at
neck or, if possessed, may dance with an arm around an un- all obvious. The songs being sung may have no particular signif-
possessed person until he succumbs. This is all done with good icance for the medium, there may be no physical contact with
humor, often with broad smiles on all sides. Very rarely is any others, the drums continue their moriotonous beat. Suddenly the
resentment shown by the person being aided to enter trance, person goes into trance, It seems likely that in some cases the
although they sometimes seem to be having a somewhat painful immediate cue for trance is not consciously recognized by the
experience. In the following incident, which illustrates several medium either, since there is often an element of surprise mani-
of the points: just made, the women were seated because they fested by a person entering trance.
were at a session of “development” rather than at a public As far as coming out of trance is concerned, it is even more

ceremony. difficult in most cases to specify the immediate stimulus that leads
The next woman to go into trance was Anita. She was sitting on a
a medium to return to normal. After a variable period-—a
bench next to Raimunda, and began to look even more unhappy minute or two or an hour or two—the medium moves in front

than usual. Raimunda seemed to take this as a sign of imminent of the drums and the eúcantado “goes away.” As in the case
possession and began to sing very loudly and clap close to Anita's of entry into trance, many of the cues leading to coming out
ear. Anita began to make faces, most of which seemed to indicate
of trance seem to be internal,
that she was having very unpleasant sensations. She might have
just drunk a large shot of raw liquor or been dazzled by a very
In some cases, however, the stimuli involved in coming out

bright light. She looked desperate, as if she might suddenly be sick of trance are fairly obvious. As was noted earlier, the standard
or burst into tears. So acutely did she seem to be suffering that it leave-taking procedure is for a medium to sing a song indicating
seemed quite incongruous that she continued to sit there—one that the encantado is about to leave. The songs usually say, in

expected her to jump up and run away, or at least to scream at a variety of ways, “I am going away.” Moving to the area in
Raimunda to stop the torture. But she made no move, and although
she seemed to be struggling against what was about to happen to
front of the drums, «a woman usually stands in one spot and
her, this impression was probably due simply to her rigid arms rotates her upper torsô and arms around and around, the circles
and the awful faces she was making. Raimunda smiled and con- becoming gradually larger. Suddenly she keels over backward
tinued singing and clapping. Suddenly Anita closed her eyes, heaved into the waiting farms of the other mediums. She then immediately
up and back, slammed against the wall so violently that she knocked
a plank loose, staggered into the dance area, got her balance,
opens her eyes, looks around with a more or less startled expres-
and began to dance vigorously. Within a few minutes she was dash- sion, and is out of: trance. Sometimes the revolving from the
ing around the room cracking jokes and being extremely extro- waist occurs while the medium is kneeling rather than standing,
vertish, the very antithesis of the placid, almost forlorn woman and under certain circumstances the drumming becomes more
who had come to the session. Her long blond hair, usually worn in and more rapid as the leave-taking dance continues, but the

a demure bun, now flew wildly about her head ... Anita later
induced possession in à young man by putting her espada behind
result is the same-—the medium falls backward and comes out

of trance. It is most impressive when two or more mediums,

usually women, go through this routine together and keel over
at precisely the same instant. Since the women have their eyes |O EA 1) SEMA TREO

closed, do not necessarily touch one another, and may be rotat-


ing out of phase, their sudden and perfectly timed lurch backward
is quite dramatic. Although the co-brdination of movements must -
mean that some kinds of signals are exchanged between the
women, the nature of these signals is obscure. a
As usual, there are many variations on the above themes.
Instead of coming out of trance, the medium may simply change
encantados after going over backward and continue in trance
as soon as he has regained his balance. It sometimes happens
that when two or three mediums go through the leave-taking
routine together, one will miss the signal, whatever it is, and
remain in trance. Often the mediums about to come out of
trance together link arms or put their arms around one another's
shoulders, which makes their co-ordinated behavior sortewhat
easier to explain. In all of these cases, it should be noted,
of the mediums are stimulated to come out of trance by the
others. There is a cue being provided, and appropriate behavior«-. A
A situation in which the “stimulus for coming out of trance
is even more obvious is when the individual is forced out
of trance. In the incidents described earlier, several examples
were-piven” of=occasions whem forcing-a medium-out of “trance
is deemed appropriate. Most commoniy, mediums are forcibly
brought out of trance if they cannot control their movements
properly. The techniques used include squeezing the head (one
hand on the forehead, the other hand on the back of the head),
blowing in the ears, and, in extreme cases, striking the forehead
sharply with the heel of the hand. It should be stressed, however
that there is considerablé compunction about forcing people out
of trance. This seems to arise out of consideration for the person
rather than any fear of displeasing the supernatural. A medium
who is having trouble maintaining his balance is allowed to
stagger about for some time, and often to fall repeatedly, before Two mediums who were singin g a farewell song together both come
1 ou
is trance at precisely the same moment. pr
measures are taken to bring him out of trance. Then it
only the mãe or pai de santo, or one of the older and respected
mediums, who takes it upon themselves to squeeze the person's
RD o

198 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Possession 199

head. The usual justification given for this action is that the ums—and these only when they are thought to be possessed by

medium will harm himself by falling, either because he is not very important encantados. But many mediums go into trance in

yet developed enough to have control or because the encantado the privacy of their homes and are consulted by members of the
is attempting to throw him on the floor. family, neighbors, and also by strangers who have heard of their

- The strongly held belief that everyone has the right to be prowess at contacting the supernatural. Ê
possessed, when and where and as long as he or she likes, “is The activities that occur during consultation will be discussed
sometimes overridden by ritual considerations. At Antônio's ter- in detail in Chapter VIII. The behavior involved is extremely
reiro it was common practice to encourage mediums to come out complex, and the person in trance must not only take the role

of trance before the Exu ceremony held at midnight. This encour- of an encantado, but also must interact in very intimate ways

agement was often quite overt. It took the form of herding the with a variety of individuals. Problems of a very specific nature
possessed mediums up in front of the drums and singing a

must be dealt with, and reasonable solutions often involve an ex-

going-away song. The mediums usually took the cue and began tensive knowledge of the petitiorer's circumstances and back-

to revolve, and most of them returned to normal. Those who ground. In short, all of the medium's faculties must be operating,
“failed to come out of trance were shut up in the chapel during and he must at the same time be impressive as a supernatural
the following ceremony. It might be noted, however, that this being. To the observer, the behavior of the medium appears
somewhat highhanded treatment was afforded only the relatiyely largely normal, and even the perspiration and flushed appear-
unsophisticated and inexperienced mediums. The older mediums ance can be directly related to the considerable energy that goes
would have been highly indignant at such interference and usually into a good performance. Entry into trance may be quite
left the dance floor of their own volition until the Exu ceremony simple—the medium sits and concentrates, his eyes closed, and
was over. pe after a few minutes he breathes deepiy a few times, jerks and
The only other time that mediums are expected to come out trembles, and goes into trance. Coming out of trance is equally
of trance on cue is at the end of the public ceremony. At some unspectacular. In terms of stimuli that induce trance, in the case
terreiros there is a standard closing ritual that includes an of consultation there are no external stimuli at all. There are no
opportunity for all of those in trance to return to normal. Even drums, usually no singing, no bodily contact. Consultation, the
where the end of the ceremony is more informal, the possessed most complex kind of trance behavior, is in some ways the
mediums are usually given some warning that the ceremony is simplest and the least impressive.
about to close. In either case, there are almost always some Thus far we have considered possession as a role that individ-
mediums who remain in trance after the drums have become uals enact while in a trance state. It has been suggested that
silent. Since the encantados that remain are invariably carousers, this role is learned and that individuals who have been in the
“the mediums may continue to carry on around the terreiro, or, religion the longest show most proficiency in taking the role.
if the night is still relatively young, may set out in search of There would thus seem to be clear similarities between the role
another terreiro where a ceremony is still in progress. of possessed medium and other roles in the society. However,
In time, given the proper motivation and sufficient aptitude, there are also striking differences. Whereas any normal individual
* "most men and women in the Batuque are able to enter and leave might be expected to learn almost any role in his society, given
“trance without difficulty, at least on most occasions. It is very enough time and motivation, this is not true of the roles in the
difficult to estimate how many of them go on to become pro- Batuque. There is a very great range of variation in the extent
ficient in consultation, the most complicated aspect of trance to which individuals are able to master the role of the possessed
behavior. During public ceremonies only a few mediums are con- medium. Although the performance of most médiums does im-
sulted—the mãe or pai de santo and a few of the older medi- prove as they have more trance experiences, the degree and rate
Possession 201
of improvement varies greatly. Ina few cases, the whole role cult for him to receive). This comment refers most often to men
whose infrequent trance experiences are probably directly re-
of medium is precluded because individuals cannot enter a trance

lated to the opprobrium attached to being a male medium. There
state. In other cases a person may be able to enter trance, but is
are also women, however, who find entering trance difficult, and
unable to dance or sing. Some people can perform the general

who may dance many hours, with several partiál successes, be-
role of possessed medium but cannot master the subroles. And
all mediums, even the most experienced and the fore they have a satisfactory trance experience.
finally, almost
There are a surprising number of mediums who enter trance
most skilled, occasionally have some difficulty in behaving ap-
easily, can dance fairly well, but who never sing or speak as the
propriately as an encantado. It seems clear that, in takihg the

encantado. Some of these people have been participating in
role of possessed médium, a great many factors are involved

Batuque ceremonies for ten or fifteen years. Often their diffi-
other than the simple leaming of the appropriate behavior.
Of the many kinds of difficulties that individuals encounter in
taking the role of the possessed, the most extreme is the in-

ability to enter a trance state. A striking case we encountered was Other participants watch critically to see whether the woman whirling will
successfully enter trance. '
“that of Lulu, a woman of about forty who had been trying for
twenty years to have a trance experience, but without success.

Lulu had grown up in the Batuque and as a child had had
several experiences that suggested that she was a potential
medium. Her mother was an accomplished medium, and from
adolescence Lulu participated actively in public ceremonies,
wearing a costume and often dancing from beginning to end. At-
least once during each ceremony, and sometimes several times,
Lulu would give every indicatión that she was about to go into
trance. But she somehow never made it. The following excerpt
from our notes describes a typical performance:
“At about 11:50 Lulu had one of the seizures that some of the
other mediums call aquela tontura (that fit of dizziness). She shows
all of the proper signs of incipient possession—makes faces,
perspires, presses her forehead. Then she closes her eyes and begins
to whirl. It is not a controlled whirling but a blind reeling stagger.
It appears certain that she will fall at each-revolution, but she some-
how manages to retain her balance at the last split second. She
seems to be almost unconscious,! falling into the audience and
bumping into other dancers, but there is some control, since she
stays within the ceremonial area and never falls on the floor. Just
when it seems that she will enter a. typical trance state, she
suddenly opens her eyes, looks around wildly, makes terrible faces,
and returns at once to normal.

Unlike Lulu, most Batuque members are able at least to go

into trance, but sometimes only with great effort. An expression
often heard is “Custa muito para êle receber” (It is very diffi-


202 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Possession 203

culty is explained as being due to the fact that, eee e usually a carouser caboclo (or worse, an Exu), and
the medium
ficient preparation, they are only sombriado (shade E E is thus prevented from receiving his chefe or

the other high-

encantado rather than fully possessed. In such cases, even Em - status encantados who are his major protectors.
Isabel was an
the medium never identifies the possessing encantado, E idem E accomplished medium in her fifties. We observed
her enter trance
fourteen times, and every time but one the encant

fication is made by the mãe or pai de santo. The medium i ado was the
accepted as a full-fledged member of the religion but is a same—Manoelzinho. It was easy to recognize the
arrival of this
regarded with sympathy and treated with some condescension y encantado because Isabel had a quite unusual
way of dancing
illful mediums. and singing when receiving him. On a few occasi
ons Isabel had

na common difficulty is the inability to enact spo some difficulty getting into the routine, and it seeme
d possible
that some other spirit might be about to appear
cific roles, even though the general role is performed e . But in the end

the doctrine
petently. Mariazinha, in her early twenties, was the daug sie beginning “Sou

eu Manoel” (I am Manoel) made

one of the leading mães de santo in the city. She was = É it clear who had arrived. Both Isábel and her friend Clara were

groomed to take over the terreiro when her ps ga? e much concerned with the disappearance of Isabel's other en-
an saped pe cantados. Manoelzinho was a gay, outgoing

Although she had been participatin g in ceremonies caboclo who liked to

drink, and Isabel obviously enjoyed taking

to trance since her early teens, Mariazinha was somewha E this role, but it was

ward as far as her skill in taking specific roles was ne E feared that Isabel's chefe, Basilio Bom, and some of
her other:
encantados might resent their long exclusion and punish

well, and sang ca e


She went into trance easily, danced herein

indicated the presence of at least three different ni a = some way. ers ER TR cr aa

the same, vetE e E It is even more serious when a mãe or pai de

But her behavior was always exactly santo has this

cantado was supposed to be present. The major o es problem, since much of the leader's appeal is
based on the

a ability to receive a variety of encantados. It was


her performance was its violent nature. She danced wi said of Antônio
up an em that he was becoming more and more dominated
long hair flying, her rigid arms swinging vigorously by one of his

caboclo spirits, and it was common gossip that


her face contorted, giving inarticulate yells from time to a Mãe Mira re-
A ceived only an Exu, who sometimes. gave the name
On those occasions when the spirit was supposed to be an

of another
“her perormance was applauded as exactly fitting the demonic encantado to create confusion. Although these stories
may have

character of the supernatural. On other-dccasions, however, ns been inspired by malice, as such stories often
are, they were
behavior was clearly not appropriate. When shown a a based on behavior by the two leaders that was

clearly con-
of herself in action, during a ceremony when she was a E sidered to be both inappropriate and unfortunate
by those who
to be possessed by a somewhat sedate and prestigious é ma, wished to consult more prestigious encantados.
sa s dum As it turned out, almost every Batuque member had

Mariazinh a was appalled. After exclaiming at how one prob-

at once that from her appearanc e one woul un lem or another in taking the role of the possessed,
she said at least on
that she were possessed by an Exu. It seems likely that E ne some occasions. This was one of the most .puzzl
ing aspects of

Mariazinha will learn to modify her behavior to po E E trance behavior that we encountered. Why should
a woman who

cantado, but for the present she still falls short s a ordinarily goes into trance easily and takes the role
O cão VR qa

of many en-
medium, much less a promising mãe és eim cantados with facility suddenly fall on the floor, or
accomplished become ex-
It sometimes happens with older mediums who re a E a tremely belligerent, or destroy her ceremonial costum
es? The

years of experience in the Batuque that one eo E answer in a few cases was simple enough: alcohol
. Although
that the medium a relatively large amounts of rum or beer could be
monopolize all of the trance states drunk during
This is considered to be a calamity, since the encantado is. trance without producing perceptible signs of intoxic
ation, really
SPIRITS OF THE ea Possession 205

individual collapse for no apparent reason. It is not just neophytes who
excessive amounts often“had clear-cut effects. The
acted just like have this experience but also women like Mauvina who have
ceased to behave as an encantado should and
or inappr opri- been in the Batuque for years, mediums who have much greater
a sore-headed drunk. But most cases of divergent
be accoun ted for skill than Mauvina, and even on occasion
ate behavior by usually skilled mediums cannot
the mãe and pai de
to offer. santo. As was “indicated in Chapter III, sometimes the sudden
in this way, and in fact we have no good explanation
case that we were able to follow over time, collapse is followed by a coma-like condition from which it is

In one interesting
first. observed difficult to rouse the medium, but ordinarily the jogada is less
there was a major loss of acquired skills. We
Mauvina in 1962 and considered her to be a fairly accomp severe. The following example, which occurred during a public
úp in the ceremony, involved a young man wh o aspired i to become j
medium. She was a woman of, thirty-five, had grown
first trance experi ence at the age of de santo. : sr
Batuque, and had had her
tado Rompe
nineteen. She most frequently received the encan Ernesto was dancing sedately, from time to time puffing on a long-
spirits expect ed to act in a specific
Mato, who is one of the few stemmed pipe. He was in trance, but the encantado was Rca
this spirit is suppo sed to dance
manner. Anyone possessed by identified, Suddenly he looked up wildly, his eyes bulging, threw out
unfocu sed gaze direct ed upward. his arms (in the process throwing away the pipe and fan he was
with the eyes open and the
trance while we were present holding), took a quick step backward, and fell full length on the
During 1962 Mauvina went into cement floor. He was helped out. When he returned a few minutes
time she perfo rmed well
on a number of occasions, and each - later he was still in trance, b ut apparentl :
possessed by another
e she moved around the E pparently
as Rompe Mato. After the first seizur encantado.
obbing , then crossi ng her
floor alternately doing a violent head-b
upward in proper Another jogada we witnessed was during a curing session. The
arms sedately over her chest and staring
had happened, and pai de santo, Haroldo, had been receiving a long series E én-
Rompe Mato fashion. In 1965 something
On three occasions she cantados, and he now knelt in front of a small altar and weaved
Mauvina could no longer dance properly.
to do more than back and forth. Suddenly he pitched forward on his face, strik-
went into a trance state buf could not seem ing his head violently against several bottles. standing in front of
recogn ized that she
stagger around. Each time other mediums

chapel , where she the altar, then rolled over on his back
- could not gain control and led her into the
and remained inert. His
to normal. The accepted explanation among Wife and one of the experienced mediums helped him to a sit-
quickly returned
that she had not ting position, the medium shaking a maracá close to his head
Mauvina's friends for her loss of control was
by her pai de santo. After about thirty seconds Haroldo began to show signs of life,
had certain rituals performed on her behalf
religi ous nature may and shortly thereafter he carried on as another encantado AI
It is also possible that problems not of a
out of work and one though we never witnessed a jogada in which the e re-
have had some effect-her husband was
was ill. At- any rate, there had been a clear mained unconscious for a long period, we were told of a number
of her children
encantado. of such cases, usually involving individuals with long experience
regression in her mastery of the role of the

led into the chapel in trance.
On the second occasion when Mauvina was
took charge of her As was pointed out earlier, in terms of Batuque beliefs the
and brought out of trance, the woman who had
why she jogada is thought to represent an expression of anger on the
was our informant Clara..When we asked Clara she had
ina continue in trance , she replie d that part of the encantado and is often considered to be punishment
not let Mauv
w Mauvina down.” Since most mediums expect to be punished at one time or aa
realized that Rompe Mato was about to “thro
tado is said to throw other, the jogada is accepted as a normal part of the life of the
The idea of the jogada, when the encan

bly devel oped as a way Of ex- medium. At the same time, the jogada is considered to be dan-
the medium on the floor, proba
imes suddenly * gerous and is greatly feared. Mediums ordinarily avoid entering
plaining the fact that individuals in trance somet
trance unless-there is someone around who knows how to take

care of them if something goes wrong. It is largely for this reason

that mediums who engage in curing always have an assistant
and that mediums do not like to live alone or travel alone. It
would seem, then, that from the perspective of the participant

the trance state is not a simple and innocuous experience. Re-

gardless of how easily trance may be entered, or how: similar
trance behavior is to normal behavior, for almost all tnediums
there seem to be occasions when they lose control and engage

in behavior which, if not really dangerous, is at least frightening.

It would be possible to give many other instances of actions by
accomplished mediums that are less dramatic than the jogada but
still demonstrate loss of control. Most often, perhaps, the me-
dium simply seems to lose contact with the external environ-
ment, and for brief periods ceases to interact with the other
participants in the ceremony. The medium may tremble violently,
make terrible faces, and keep his eyes tightly closed. Sometimes
there are few signs that anything is amiss, but suddenly the me-
dium begins to do some simple act in an exaggerated manner.
“The mãe de santo Marina once begara ritual in which she was
supposed to thrust a dagger into the ground. She uttered an
invocation, stabbed the ground, stabbed again, then seemed to
be carried away in a frenzy of stabbing and hacking. One of the
“mediums rushed over, seized her arms, took the dagger away
from her, and led her away. at once
Marina recovered and
carried on with the ceremony in a completely controlled way.
Lapses of these types are sprinkled through the performances of
cult leaders, and as far as could be determined were not
produced for effect but were genuine losses of control.
Thus far the discussion has dealt with possession from the
observer's point of view. But what are the subjective experiences
of those who enter trance and carry on as an encantado? What
is it like to be possessed? This is a difficult subject to investigate,
since there is a strong convention among Batuque members that
they have complete amnesia for the trance experience. This
attitude may be changing at the present time because of the
influence of Umbanda, where a distinction is made between “con- Mediums sometimes visibly show signs of dissociation when in trance,
scious” and “unconscious” mediums, but there is still almost com- as does this woman possessed by the spirit Maria Mineira de Luz ...
plete unanimity among older Batuque members that they remem-
ber nothing. Although all of our informants were willing to accept
the idea that some mediums were vaguely aware of what was
going on during trance, only five would admit that they them-
selves had such an awareness, And four of these insisted that '
it was only at certain times, with certain encantados, that they
became foggily conscious, and that most of the time ey were
completely unconscious.
It became obvious early in our research that a faixly is
proportion of those mediums whom we interviewed about their
participation in public ceremonies had good recall for their ac-
tivities while in trance. Almost everyone who participated in the
ceremony, and especially the mãe or pai de santo, was usually
quite eager to discuss the rituals that had been performed and to
“discuss unusual possessions about which we had questions. Since
the individuals with-whom we discussed these matters had been
in trance themselves and supposedly remembered nothing of the
proceedings, the fiction was always maintained that they had Been
told by their friends what had taken place. However, it was
often easy to elicit details about which their friends could have
known nothing or even to discuss matters to which only we and
the medium were privy, e.g, topics dealt with during consul-
tation. Although it was never possible to determine how much a
medium remembered, there was no question that. most mediums
did remember some of their experiences while in trance. and this medium engaging in a hopping style of dancin g whilwhile possessed
There were other kinds of evidence'as well that this was the by a dolphin spirit, Bôto Tucuxí.
case. The mãe and pai de santo, antthe more experienced

mediums, are often caught in the dilemma of wanting to impress
people with their supernatural experiences, and yet not wanting Clara was more aware of the problem, and she usually included
to admit that they remember what happens during trance when in her stories explicit statements to the effect that from time to

most of these experiences occur. Sometimes the problem is simply time the possessing encantado left her long enough for her to

ignored. “Thank God I am an unconscious medium,” Antônio realize what was going on, then possessed her again. But Clara,
told us. “Otherwise I would never be able to endure what goes like most of the others, insisted that when

she was possessed
on/ "while I am possessed.” He then told us story after story of her mind was a complete blank.

his/adventures while possessed by the encantado Joãozinho—how All mediums talk freely about their sensations just prior to «x

the spirit had thrown him down a well, taken him to the hospital entering trance. There is such close agreement, however, that
to See a friend, taken him to the barber to have his head shaved. this may be another case of an accepted convention. Almost
Antônio was such a good storyteller that presumably few among everyone listed cold hands and feet, a rapidly beating heart,
his listeners were much concerned with how he could have shortness of breath, and dizziness as the major concomitants of
learned so much about his exploits while possessed. Our friend the imminent trance, Two mediums said that they felt blows on
weight on her
and Clara said she felt
the back of the neck, on her back.
encantado was settling

shoulders as though the varied in in-

ent that the sensations
There was general agreem

y were much
the encantado and that the
tensity with the nature of
senhor was about to arrive.
stronger when a prestigious some
itted that they remembered
Of the five mediums who adm

s of long
three were Batuque member
of their trance experiences, erienc e, and

imately two years of exp

standing, one had approx a few time s.
had only been possessed

one was a novice who m Umband a.

some extent by ideas fro
All were influenced to that she remembered
, a wom an in her thirties, said
The nov ice me acting.”
g that wen t On, “but I know that it is not
eve ryt hin was also à
ted ly inf luenced by her sister, who

She was und oub had had a

con sci ent e (co nsc ious medium) and who

méd ium ualism.

in Umbanda and in spirit
great deal of experience tra nce experiences,
had had many

The three mediums who


ms. In the beginning

in very similar ter
all men, described trance ute s in tra nce they
But after a few min
everything was à blank. e doi ng. One man
re of what they wer

began to be vaguely awa ant ado


t the enc
people came up to gree
said that he knew when n his eyes , he did
sincé he could not ope
possessing him, but that was said by eith er
did he know what

not know who it was, nor ed that he did

er person. He also stress
the encantado Or, the oth that thete-was some “force”
not know why he behasahe


trance to two
three men--compared
moving him about. All nk. They also
g and being dead dru

normal activities—dreamin som trance €x-

y remembered parts of
all agreed that they onl

occasions they did not

remember any-
periences, and on some whatever pre-
ous in maintaining that

thing. They were unanim all of them also

ht engage in, most or
tense other mediums mig
r trance experiences.
had some recall for thei are almost €X-
es of these three men
The subjective experienc e on the basis of.
e inferred them to b

actly what we would hav when individuals -

seem to be many cases
our observations. There

come out of trance,

briefly as encantados,
go into trance, behave More commonly,

inv olv ed.

for the period
tota l amn esi a
and hav e outside stimuli
the med ium see ms largely unaware of
howeve r, s aware of Ana medi sua j come out of trance presses her head and looks
trance, but rapidly become
has just
the- init ial pha ses of etimes takes a few minutes to regain complete consciousness
during an ebb and ]
y likely there is often

that is occ urr ing . Ver

Possession 213
which leaders or even other mediums assisted a person to enter
flow of awareness, with the medium sometimes in contact with trance. Even when: no operator is involved, there is often a
the events around him and sometimes aware only of internal standard set of cues that form a kind of induction procedure.
sensations. When the medium comes out of trance, he remem- A person who receives a particular encantado knows that when
bers a variable amount of what went on. It is also quite likely the songs for that encantado are sung, he should go into trance.
that the amount of awareness and the amount of recall varies Being whirled by a medium in trance or hearing the Japetequara
with the occasion, the encantado supposedly present, and a num-: - song cycle are other occasions that should lead to trance.
ber of other unknown factors. Considering the incomplete nature - It must be admitted, however, that there are an irreducible
of our data, this reconstruction of the subjective aspects of the number of instances when there is obviously no operator of any
trance should be considered a series of conjectures that deserve kind. Many times mediums go into trance during ceremonies
further investigation. when there seem to be no cues except the drums. And"in many
Although our knowledge of the subjective sensations of Batu- cases mediums go into trance outside the ceremonial context
que mediums is not completely satisfactory, the over-all picture without observable cues. They simply “concentrate,” according to
of the medium in trance is relatively complete. Since the be- their own reports. What would seem to be involved in these
havior in question is not normal behavior, the question may be cases is some form of self-hypnosis. This kind 'of hypnotic induc-
raised as to whether or not it is in some sense pathological. tion has not been studied intensively, but the validity of the
As was noted at the beginning of the chapter, there is still some procedure seems to be generally accepted (London 1967, pp.
tendency to see trance as evidence of mental instability. 49-50; Marcuse 1959, pp. 200-2). Good hypnotic subjects with
If trance behavior as it occurs in the Batuque is compared with some experience can apparently enter a hypnotic state at will,
behavior considered to be psychologically abnormal in American and self-hypnosis is taught as a part of some therapeutic programs,
society, it is apparent that the Batuque medium does not behave especially in the case of allergies (Le Cron 1961).
in ways that are characteristic of people who are psychotic. For The idea that people who' are hypnotized should act sleepy
one thing, the behavior of the medium in trance is basically and lethargic may have arisen simply because hypnosis was
rational in terms of Batuque beliefs, and secondly, the medium originally thought to be a form of sleep (Gill and Brenman 1959,
usually communicates efiectively with other people. A person -.pp. 221-36). In modern studies of hypnotic phenomena, in-
who is psychotic is not rational and usually cannot communicate.
duction is still usually found to be most effective when the subject
Among the neuroses, some forms of hystéfia show some simi- is comfortable and relaxed. On the other hand, once the subject

larities with trance, but the major difference is again the much has entered the hypnotic state, he is able to behave very ac-
greater rational interaction with other people that occurs. in tively without coming out of trance. The fact that lethargy is
trance. not a necessary part of the hypnotic state is perhaps best il-
Turning to behavior that is considered psychologically unusual, lustrated by the cases in which hypnotized subjects were told
rather. than abnormal, there are a number of striking similarities to act as though they were not in a hypnotic state. In some cases
between Batuque trance behavior and behavior that typically oc- their behavior appeared so normal that experienced hypnotists

curs during hypnosis. At first glance these similarities may be were unable to tell whether they were hypnotized or not (Gill
obscured by what may seem two outstanding differences. In and Brenman 1959, pp. 38-39). In the Batuque, behavior during
trance there is no hypnotist, and people in trance do not act trance is certainly not relaxed or lethargic. On the contrary, espe-
relaxed or sleepy as hypnotized subjects usually do. Neither of cially when taking the roles of carouser caboclos, mediums are
these differences is really as great as it appears. In the first place, hyperactive. On the several occasions when mediums who were
in the Batuque there sometimes is an “operator,” as the hyp- leaving trance managed to fall on top of one of us, it was sur-
notist is often called. Several cases were described earlier in


214 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Possession 215

prising how rigid and tense-(rather than limp and relaxed) their category as “usually involving suspension of voluntary action,”

he clearly was not referring-to the type of possession found in the

bodies were. Entry into trance is also often quite hectic, although
Batuque. We would place Batuque trance behavior in the same
in the case of the medium sitting and concentrating, the situation
category as that of the hypnotic subject, or at the most between
is quite similar to some forms of hypnotic induction. There are
clearly considerable differences between the typical hypnotic hypnotic subject and hysterical fugue. 4
state and a typical Batuque trance in the degree to which they . There are many minor aspects of trance behavior in the Batu-
resemble sleep. But in other respects it would appear that there is que that resemble hypnosis. Amnesia has already been discussed.
a considerable amount of overlap. eg . Some mediums do seem to have partial amnesia for the trance
, both the hypnotic experience, but it would be very difficult to determine how ex-
From the perspective of the participants
tensive this is. As
subject and the Batuque medium have a basic sensation in com- far as anesthesia is concerned, our data are
inconclusive. Mediums claim that when they are in a trance state
mon. They feel that they are being manipulated. Hypnotic sub-
they can walk on glowing coals or broken glass, put their hands
jects often report that they accept commands and carry them out
in boiling oil, or burn gunpowder in the palm of the hand with-
without the feeling of volition on their part. Batuque members
- say they feel coerced by an outside force, which of course they out feeling pain. On a number of occasions we observed the
burning of gunpowder in the unprotected hands of mediums in
identify as the encantado. One of our informants reported a
change in body image (one of her feet seemed to increase greatly trance, but it is not clear how painful this would be under
ordinary circumstances. Two men regularly danced with lighted
in size), a type of phenomena very common during hypmotic
candles, slowly passing the flame under the chin and along the
- induction (Hilgard 1965, pp. 25-26).
underside of the arms without flinching. On one occasion An-
From the observers point of view, the most striking similarity
“between hypnosis and trance is that in both cases individuals in
“tônio, possessed by one of his more flamboyant encantados,

cautiously placed his bare heel on a small mound of glowing

altered psychological states enact specifically defined roles. pe
coals that he had called for. He seemed clearly to feel some-
hypnotic subject takes the role of the hypnotized person, the

thing and had an assistant immediately wash the foot. On two

Batuque member takes the role of a person possessed by a super-
occasions cult leaders appeared to have doubts about the physical
natural being. In both cases the individual attempts as best he
“can to: conform to certain conceptions he has: of what the role stamina of mediums whom they did not know well and refused
to permit them to put their anesthesia to the test. In one incident
entails. In both cases learning is very. important, since the in-
a young woman, whose possession by José Tupinambá was ques-
dividual must know what behaviors are expected before he can
tioned (another medium was already possessed by the spirit)
carry them out. In addition, individual capabilities are crucial,
called loudly for glowing coals to prove the possession. She was
since it is clear that some people can learn and perform the roles
“ê simply ignored by the cult leader, In the other incident, a
much more readily than others.
of role enactm ent has been woman possessed by an Exu demanded that gunpowder be
The analysis of hypnosis in terms
1954; Sarbin and Ander- burned in her hand. Carlos, the pai de santo involved, reluc-
developed primarily by Sarbin (1950;
sen 1967). In addition to discussing hypnosi s in this context, tantly yielded to her request, but placed several thicknesses of
a paper under the powder.
Sarbin (1954, pp. 233-34) has suggested that there is really
everyda y: eo playing There was a time when students of hypnosis debated the
continuum in role enactment from simple
to dramatic acting, to hypnosis, to hysteria, to ecstasy. As one question as to whether subjects in a hypnotic state would engage
moves from casual role playing to ecstasy, there'is more and in immoral or immodest acts. Although the problem was never
Sarbin places resolved, the evidence seemed to indicate that under most cir-
involvement of the “total organism.” In this scheme
possession in the category of “ecstasy,” but since he defines this cumstances they would not (Marcuse 1959, pp. 107-14). As
Possession 217
most mediums, learning the role alone is not enough. Simply be-
far as concernedy this conclusion is borne out by our
ing“able to enter trance is also not enough. The essence of
observations of Batuque mediums in trance. No matter what
possession in the Batuque is enacting a role while in a psycho-
gyrations the women went through, they almost always managed
logical condition very similar to the hypnotic state.
to avoid exposing more of their legs than was considered proper.
Ordinarily this is not much of a problem when a woman is
wearing a ceremonial costume, since the long full skirt keeps the
legs well covered no matter how vigorously the woman may
dance or whirl. But on many occasions young girls were possessed
while in the audience and were led out on the floor to dance
wearing an ordinary skirt (at the time of our research, skirts
1. We use the term “possession” to mean any behavior that members of
were worn about knee length). It was quite striking how careful the Batuque interpret as indicating the presence in the human body of a
the girls were about their skirts, no matter what behavior they
supernatural being. “Trance,” as we-use-the term, refers to an altered

engaged in. They might dance with their eyes tightly closed, psychological state. It probably resembles the hypnotic state, but our data
-Ieaping and whirling in a relatively uncontrolled way, but they do not allow a more precise description or definition.

always seemed to be aware of the position of their skirts. IÉ
2. Ribeiro (1959) has also discussed possession in the Xangô cult of
Recife as role enactment, but with a different emphasis.
necessary, they held one or both hands at their sides to keep their 3. See Hilgard (1965, p. 80) for a summary of recent studies.


skirts from rising. 2
In these various ways, then, the Batuque trance seems to be
quite closely related to hypnosis . If this is the case, then one of
the issues raised at the beginnin g of the chapter is resolved.
Since the ability to be hypnotized is not páthological (some 80
per cent of American college students can perform to some de-
gree as a hypnotized subject), there is no reason to suppose that

Batuque mediums are necessarily psychologically abnormal. Our
. impression, freely. granting. that we are not experts in the matter
of mental health, was that many of the mediums that we knew

well were relatively well-adjusted individuals.
The other question, whether mediums consciously and delib-
erately pretend to be possessed, is more difficult. It can safely
be assumed that some mediums pretend some of the time. But

it seems highly doubtful that any of them pretend all of the time.
If a medium did not at some time have subjective sensations
that proved to him that he was indeed possessed, there would
be no reason for him to undergo the sacrifice and hardship that
being a medium entails. Moreover;- the jogada and other signs of
loss of control that the most experienced mediums display on oc-
casion suggest that even those most polished performers still have
strong trance experiences. Although there is a clear-cut role of
the encantado that is learned in fairly straightforward fashion by


Organization 219
RN =

a different conception of terreiro organization. Each leader saw

Chapter VI his own terreiro as a tightly knit group of friendly and faithful

followers who were organized in a quite formal way. It be-

came clear that there was an ideal of terreiro organization that
leaders attempted to realize but invariably fell short of, at least

in the estimation of their followers. A closer look at the ideal

picture will provide a good beginning for a realistic assessment
Organization of the complaints of Inês and others.
In the ideal terreiro, the leader is truly the mãe (mother) or

pai (father) of the filhas (daughters) and filhos (sons). Since
the leader assumes not only the title but the status of parent, he
or she is obeyed and shown respect. The lives of the mediums
center around the terreiro, where much of their time is devoted
to tasks associated with preparations for the next public cere-
mony. Their loyalty to the leader and to the terreiro is founded
on the fact that it was here that they were first possessed by an
. 2

gion, but it's very disugited,
encantado, and it was the mãe or pai de santo who prepared
“The Batuque is à beautiful reli

a them to be mediums and performed the rituals initiating them
wistfully. She went on E
Inês once commented, somewhat

a into the religion. To be loyal to the terreiro means to appear

“that Batuque leaders ne
ton us that we would find rat when summoned for ceremonies, to make any sacrifice necessary
ritual, but that there was a a
disagreed about doctrine and to obtain the costumes prescribed by the leader, and not to take
AS t

She was most pap i E pr

times open hostility between them.

terre iro to w a T part in the ceremonies “of any other center without the express
within the
ever, by the lack of comradeship permission of one's own leader.

were the othe r mediums not very frien cm

belonged. Not only E The ideal terreiro has three officers in addition to the mãe or
clearly exploiting

but her mãe de santo, Dona Ana, was Inês pai de santo. . There is a second-in-command, almost always a
aring them.
b charging very high prices for“pfor“prep

diums by

had woman, who is called the mãe pequena (literally, little mother).
she had become llusioned that she
so - disi
aged that É The major responsibility of the mãe pequena is to take charge

the pai de santo E

taken several recent problems to e ot her during ceremonies when the leader is occupied with non-cere-
ing to take advantag
to find that he was just as will monial matters. It is necessary for. someone to fill in, since the

E ;
was Dona Ana. by ap leader is often busy giving consultations, greeting guests, or
r E!

as being permeate d
Inês! conception of the Batuque sometimes conducting secret rituals. The direction of the singing
prob ably colored by the fact tha

ness, deceit, and conflict was


ofÉ and dancing then passes to the mãe pequena. It is sometimes

Dona à Ana, undoubtedly one
she belonged; to the terrei iro of

info rm expected that the mãe pequena will become the leader of the
rsonal terreiros im Belé m. However, other
the more impe ; E s; . terreiro in the event of the death of the existing leader, but, as
E sam terms about other terreiro

ants complained in much the will be pointed out later, this usually happens only under special

and hangers-on frequently com

and other leaders. Even clients

o circumstances and is rarely taken for granted.

discord that characterized
mented on the jealousy and Another officer is the ogan, who may be either male or female,

way in which most of the cu

terreiros and on the slipshod and who is not necessarily a medium. Usually living at the center,

groups were organized. the ogan is the general caretaker of the terreiro. He or she sees
however, always elicited quite
Interviews with Batuque leaders,
am *

Organization 221
RR that she would not, in any case, care to work that closely with
pavilion and chapel, runs
to the upkeép of the daneé epiua Antônio, since she considered his ritual erroneous, his direction
e Do pi epi
all kinds during ceremonies, 7 of the terreiro too slipshod, and she did not get along with his
i ition that is of some im carouser encantado. If she only had the funds, Zuzu continued,
kno ws the prop er id a
ga Ei und be a man who she would prefer to open her own terreiro.
may be sung during iii
m any any of the songs that nie s whe nev er ! Ee The attitudes underlying Zuzu's remarks are quite typical of
to attend cer emo
a ia is able and willing inte developed mediums. Such attitudes go a long way toward explain-
rs observe the same pon
ER be held. Ideally, drumme “q ing the loose organization of most terreiros and the problem that
and the head qm
mediums prior to a ceremony, most leaders face in trying to control their followers. Far from

serve as dru mme rs h é
to see to it that the men who , in exhibiting the desired traits of loyalty and docility, most experi-
sexual taboos. But, 5 if fact

i i S ietar
i y and
s to may take a turn at enced mediums tend to manifest an air of independence and to
] almo Ast ageanyone wh ote care

most terreiros
a y unreasonable bl to expect theo make a show of their ritual knowledge. They freely criticize their
rums, and it would be on leaders (at least behind
the condition of each
their backs) and, in most respects, con-
Da dna PIE to inquEai ire into a

sider themselves their equals. Zuzu's last remark is especially note-
inarily this ideal is simply ignored. o worthy. Many mediums appear to cherish aspirations of someday,
er list of terreiro
dee al de santo gave us a long somehow, having a terreiro of their own. Although for most

pos iti ons a ua
through all of the
insisted that he had passed dios mediums
However, his experience (
this remains an unattainable dream, it is one that seems
in his own progress to the top.

and no one e = E never to be completely abandoned.
Rd in Maranhão, not in Belém, ao ge t As was pointed out in the last chapter, the beginning medium
wards off so prbnid
E mentioned an ogan who ; is quite dependent on the cult leader for the identification of-
ts agreed, ;
i es. All1 of our aà inf an orm

sacrific ad aga E E the possessing encantado and instruction in the necessary obliga-
e officers described

reto should have the thre E tions. However, it is not uhcommon for even a beginning medium
as being run with me
ceived of the ideal terreiro- = dec o to decide, at an early period in his indoctrination, that the leader
pai de santo, ably assiste
iron hand by the mãe or an industri ouso 0g4A ,
fi eg under whose direction he is developing is not satisfactory. Some
consci mãeã pequ ena,
and of our informants had tried three or four different leaders before
ritually “alert head drummer.-

" expected to be obedient, they found one whose personality and religious knowledge were
people, k-and-file mediums were
the ran !
qe ins wholly to their liking. Then, as mediums gain more expertise, it
tive, and steadfast. is Tare iy is quite common for them to visit other terreiros, in spite of the
this ideal organization
RE goal world, however, o objections of their current mãe or pai de santo, and if they find
mãe pequena, e
lized. Some terreiros do not have a e É pe
à clearly designat a terreiro where their talents seem better appreciated, they may
a Si and in only a few is there an a, readily change allegiance.
The duties that shouldbe performed
iai a A few of the older, experienced mediums deliberately main-
casual fashion by pg
are carried out in a very a Da tain an independent status and do not belong to any terreiro.
n of the
under the immediate directio This can be a very satisfactory arrangement, assuming that the
might fail to
ety ofireasons why a ger !
Zuzu told us. medium has the proper reputation. Our friend Clara, whose knowl-
ne case li ndida! es are not interested. mãe
asked her to serve as edge, verve, and ability to induce trance in others were well
a Edo De saio Aitônio had nds that
the rounds 1a known, was much in demand. She received invitations almost
i had promptly refused on
asa connected with Antônio's every week to participate in ceremonies in terreiros all over
no one would a Ni artçis
ma ob boss. Zuzu then confided
to be the Belém. When it came time for her to hold the annual ceremony
terreiro, she said, wanted


Organization 223
222 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP borhood group was still largely intact. Of the thirty mediums, two
ed that
tequara, it O ften happen
for her major encantado, Jape had died, one had' moved away from Belém, three had na to

for the right to hold the
several terreiros would vie other neighborhoods, and two had abandoned the cult or at least
her populari ty and her independ-
Clara was quite proud of both could had stopped participating in ceremonies. The remaining twenty-
she had no pai de sant o and
ence, frequently boasting that two mediums were still in fairly close contact with one another

do as she pleased. Half of them continued to identify with Antônio's terreiro hope-
ever, most mediums are identified"
At any given moment, how santo. fully awaiting his return. The other half had become afiiliated
a particular mãe or pai-de
with a particular terreiro and ut and the unc ert ain ” stat us of a E new iara that opened in the neighborhood in 1964,
in spite of the moving abo seeme ido aie E that most of the first group would soon

And «are stead- as it es

always some mediums who
some members, there are anc e and devoting
er changing allegi even at
fast over long periods, nev eno ugh stabil- Not all mediums become part of the fellowship group,
. There is consequently ap-
themselves to one terreiro ber s to have a neighborhood terreiro such as Antônio's. Some sriediums
terreiros for the mem pear only for the major ceremonies, fulfill their obligation to ir
ity of membership in all

mem ber shi p

of a congregation. If the encantados by being possessed, then disappear until the next
some sense of being part y

orh ood , man

from the immediate neighb ceremony. There is nothing in Batugue theology that requires fel-
of the terreiro is derived as suc h may

neighbors and friends and


of the womén may be of the women lowship with other mediums. There are also terreiros where very
side the terreiro. Most little in-group feeling develops, even among mediums who par-
have regular contacts out

within a few
eiro, for example, lived ticipate regularly. Such was the case at the terreiro of Dona Ana
attached to Antônio's terr been to-
center. Many of them had where our friend Inês found the atmosphere so cold and Ni
minutes walk of the cult ber of the
s, having earlier been mem friendly. A number of factors contributed to the low morale of
gether for a number of year

de santo.
until the death of that pai this terreiro, but one of the most important was simply that the
terreiro of José Ubiratan every day to
t by the terreiro almost

Some of the women wen ead the word mediums were not neighbors. Dona Ana was so famous that she
sip with friends, or to spr attracted mediums from all over Belém. Most members of the
chat with Antônio, to gos women fre-
in cloth for costumes. The terreiro bad no contact at all except for relatively infrequent
about available bargains visited
fo « one..another's. children,

tly ser véd as" god mot her s céremonies, and it was not uncommon for them to be ignorant
““quen operated with

occurred, and always co-


the r whe n illn ess of one another's names. e

one ano messages from
was thought desirable to get Even within the most tightly knit terreiro group there is always

ano the r wh en it
one involved, the
r enc ant ado s. For some of the women some hostility between mediums. This hostility is ordinarily quite
of thei to which they

ro gro up was the mos t important social unit low-keyed, and it is rarely manifested during public ceremonies
terrei .
their immediate family fiendiy

in a warm and
belonged, outside of believers may when mediums almost always interact
neighborhood groups of way. Only by being present in mediums' homes when they are
The membership of such terreiro affili-

ugh the mediums cha nge

remain con sta nt eve n tho
(sixteen women, discússing one another can the outsider acquire some conception

fied twenty mediums


ation. In 1962 we identi who were members of the jealousy and rivalry that permeates- their interpersonal re-
with Antônio's terreiro are often crit-

four men) associated ten mediums (all lationships. In these, surroundings, fellow mediums
group. An additional icized because they “do not know anything,” either about ritual
of a neighborhood in- of the same

par t
the neighborhood were or the encantados. It may be suggested that, since the other
women) who lived in at Antônio's
many of the ceremomes

group, participated in or had the status medium was prepared incorrectly by the cult leader, his ignorance
bers of other terreiros may not be entirely his own fault (a way of criticizing two
terreiro, but were mem to the city three

s. When we returned fellow cult members at once). Perhaps the most cutting allega-
of independent medium eiro, but the nei gh-
moved to Rio de Jan

years later, Antônio had

Organization 225

sation that a person pretends other mediums possessed by this encantado, Clara looked down
; tion, aside from the ultimate accu her nose and said! she would believe it only if she saw it herself.
a medium has been possessed

to be possessed, is to insist that One of her friends supposedly received Japetequara, she said,
the one supposedly present. This
by an encantado other than but she knew very well that it was a Curupira giving Japetequara's
cially by experienced mediums
is a common charge, made espe name. If an encantado is very popular, a medium does not dare
behavior of younger or less ex-
who wish to discredit the trance also receive it. However, the medium
generally believed that encanta- “claim that others do not

perienced colleagues. Since it is always watches with jealous interest when others are possessed
when they descend, this is not
dos sometimes give false -names by the spirit, ever ready to claim a mistaken identification if the

s of Batuque beliefs, and it can-
an unteasonable allegation in term behavior of the medium in trance does not conform to the es-
implies that the person, who has
not effectively be refuted. It tablished pattern.
know which encantado has pos-

been duped is too ignorant to The antagonism illustrated by these kinds of behavior is best
ng the charge is shown to have
sessed him, while the person maki understood as:the direct result of competition for both prestige
de santo in recognizing encanta-
as much skill as a mãe or pai and income. As far as prestige is concerned, it was noted in

inuously in the homes previous chapters that mediums strive for recognition by their
this kind of gossip goes on cont

said between peers of their ability to receive important supernatural beings.
of cult members, there is one occasion when
ums Once a medium has established this reputation, he can often

public. This is when two medi
. mediums is also expressed in at the same time . convert it into income by performing services for clients. Since
same encantado

claim to be possessed by the impo ssib le, it is every medium is a potential seller of services, and since there is
is thought to be
Since simultaneous possession endi ng or, more a limited number of clients, some of the competition among
is either pret
assumed that one of the mediums “mediums would seem ultimately to be based on economic factors.
a different encantado nie is

esse d by
“ commonly, is really poss a On the other hand, it is usually impossible to disentangle eco-
the mediums involved in such

giving a false name. Tf one of mar ily forc ed nomic motives from other kinds, and it would be a mistake to
confrontation is a beginner; he or she is usually sum
is solved. But if both of the assume that all mediums are equally involved in the quest for
out of trance and the problem settled by clients. A medium begins by performing small services for rela-
enced, the confrontation is ideally

mediums are experi
ediums “Handie-live coals or put . tives, friends; and neighbors, and probably a majority of me-
“am ordeal. tis said that both'm and-the one who is really pos- diums never go beyond this small and usually impoverished circle.
their hands in boiling dendê oil, Our Economic return looms large only for those mediums whose repu-
question suffers no ill effects.
sessed by the encantado in ed boil ing tation brings clients ftom a wider area.
one occasion she pour
informant Clara claimed that on enca ntad o Al mediums compete for prestige, however, regardless of
e the presence of the
dendé oil over her head to prov vouc h for whether or not they ever compete very hard for clients. In every
d an ordeal, we cannot
Mariana. Having never witnesse in terreiro there is a rough but perceptible ranking of the members,
. In our experience, however,

the accuracy of these accounts and-this ranking is manifested fairly clearly during ceremonies.
| most cases of simultaneous possession one medium simply with- go largely
When some mediums go into trance the. event may
j drew, or the cult leader might even close the ceremony to avoid o unremarked. Others receive almost as much deference as the
a : il
“ an embarrassing showdown. essi ng mãe or pai de santo, with the other participants literally stariding
over the true identity of poss
“Much of the controversy nta in in line to greet the newly arrived encantado. The status hierarchy
ed mediums often try to mai
spirits arises because experienc icu- also becomes apparent when the leader is absent from the pa-
that they alone receive a part
their exclusiveness by claiming in vilion and disputes arise over who will lead the singing. The
that she was the only medium
tar encantado. Clara insisted ng seen drummers and most of the mediums follow the lead of the most
ara. When we reported havi
Belém who received Japetequ

Thi is salutatia on has ial signi Ra e, for she
trance, other participants Aa e Red
who enjoys high status enters É belicrês she is E n senhor.
a medium ;
x n
. Whe En
her encantado.
literally stand in line to greet
228 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Organization 229
ct and obvious Rg second-in-command of a terreiro and more or less to inherit it
prestigious 'member present. Dire ned upon, ho
moni es 1 frow when the leader dies. We learned the history of eight terreiros and
tween mediums during public cere
occasionally does a medium
ever, and does not often occur. Only his
discovered one case in which this kind of succession had occurred.
i tran ithi n reach i an à! ttempt to prove
b anyone withi in That it does not occur more often is due to several circum-
even does aa
less often

induce :trance
to a in others, and stances. In the first place, the ownership of the land on which the
% bility
another for some ritual in
E iius medium sharply reprove “terreiro is built passes to the family of the dead leader, and unless
a pm e the mãe pequena or contra-guia (as the infrequent male second-
fraction. status initially
titio n for
Mediums become involved in compe a pa a
in-command is called) is a close relative, the transfer of owner-
deri ve from their
because of the satisfactions they ge o E
ship often presents insurmountable problems, Consequently, the
. Info rman ts
intermediaries with the supernatural Fes E
continuation of the terreiro as a physical plant rarely occurs, and
ity to tell us of inci dents during whic there is some scattering of the mediums in the process of moving
the opportun co pe
the admi ring
formance in trance had prompted a
the terreiro to'a new location. Ordinarily the mediums who find
e Pd Es se the new leader congenial stay with him, while those who do not
knowledgeable observers. o
facial expressions of those in trance Ç is
have no compunction about going elsewhere.
. For Er ypa
pleasure with the deference paid them n: R o
The other obstacle standing between a mãe pequena and a
ible an enha routine assumption of leadership when her chief dies is the fact
the role of an encantado makes poss -rea liza tion . n-
i on their self-esteem. and self that the mãe pequena usually does not have the personality of a
A o
O o be minimally successful in their per potential leader. What seems to happen is that the mãe or pai
ity or the good go Sa
perhaps partially dependent on char ec de ag
de santo chooses a woman for mãe pequena who is loyal above
gain the resp
class patrons, can sometimes not only in a e o
all else, Such a choice is apparently prompted by a fear on
may even be
tion of their fellow mediums, but rnat ura a
the part of the leader that his second-in-command may try to
orming supe
dispense charity themselves by perf usurp his position, Needless to say, none of the leaders gave us
be supp osed , howe ver, that every a this explanation. It is based on several beliefs and stories that
gratis. It should not oi E e
g an agent of e
derives equal satisfaction from bein indicate a good deal of hostility between Batuque leaders and
at the 1 E ga
In every hierarchy there must be someone burst into 1 ia
their followers. In some cases the stories are quite explicit. One
several occasions we saw women in mãe de santo, for example, was said to have killed her daughter
indi ffer ence by the other participa and driven her granddaughter crazy to prevent them from threat-
they were treated with
ening her position as leader of the terreiro. In other cases, hos-
acquired a modest se ge
ia individual has tility can be inferred from certain beliefs, such as those center-
for do pg Si
medium and begins to do ema 1 q
ing around a practice called the trocar de cabeças (exchange of
itums may or may not become heads).º It is believed that ifja mãe or pai de santo is threatened
ete the a
Ds das the individual is. Those who comp with death and is forewarned, one of the mediums of the terreiro
ons of becoming a mãe
are those who have serious aspirati can be substituted to die in the leader's place. Those leaders who
i l live to an advanced age are thought to have managed to live so
de santo. :
lk vaguely abônt somesm--
As was noted above, many mi long only by causing the death of a number of their followers.
a very few make a oa e
day having à terreiro, but only The final set of ideas that fifS this theme relates to the manipu-
There are two routes by
to turn this dream into a reality. lation of supernatural power, especially in the practice of sorcery.
of leader. It is sometimes possi-
a medium may attain the status It is a common complaint, heard in all terreiros, that leaders
, to gain recognition as the
ble, by being a faithful follower never teach their followers anything, or at least not very much.

SPIRITS OF THE Rar Organization 231
a e E E are oriented toward the Umbanda of Rio de Janeiro and have
The usual explanation is that the leader is essentially no applicability to the Batuque. The best way of learn-
i a bout sorcery, Ê
e taught hisi followers anything ing about the encantados is thought to be by interacting with
a aa that they would try out their newly acquired them, that is, by interacting with experienced mediums in trance.
him, with fatal results. The aspiring leader may struggle for years to attract a follow-
and the attitu des they Pa it a a
ir this set of ideas,
pequena ig s gs ing. In reminiscing about this time of trial, most leaders like to
surprising that a leader would choose a mãe stress how difficult it was and how only the aid of their encantados
the dynam ic qualities O a o Ns
safe rather than a woman with made it possible for them to survive. Dona Jorgina maintained
one of the eight irão E a
tial leader. In any case, only that she began with an altar set up on an empty kerosene can
mãe peq uena. Dona a, W e
studied had; a prominent i 1)
gre and decorated with strips of wrapping paper. Dona Ana insisted
ing her adopt ed daugh ter to
well along ini years, was grooming that she treated the sick for many years free of charge before her
pliabl e, howev er, O info s
successor. Thisis girl gi was sog placi d and

In the o E o encantados finally gave her permission-to accept presents. Her

clearly presented no threa t to her Ç mother.
was a compe tent, EIF husband abandoned her and their three small children,
“that had such an officer, the mãe pequena h health was poor. During this period she supported herself and
and her
who was SO Ee
dustrious, and completely loyal woman mãe the children by doing sewing, a skill she said was taught her by
is hard to imagi ne her becom ing a succe

charisma that it

am her chief encantado in dreams. The spirit also discovered dress-

santo. f
to take the pi making customers for her and sent them to her home,
really ambitious medium is not likely

ge After the medium has begun to attract a clientele, the next

route to a leadership position, sin =
p equenas a(orlongcontr perio d a)of complete subordination, and the Er
step is to start holding small ceremonies in the home. As the
—Tequire: E young mãe de santo Magda explained the process, some people
o fa
are uncertain. Anyone. with the drive and

his Ag e who came to her with problems became possessed by a spirit

likely to strike out on

to be a successful leader isis likel


pm while she was treating them. They were obviously potential

in hishi religi
in igi ous career. Accor ding to their own accounts,
indep enden t e course o mediums who had to develop their powers,. and they begged
Batuque leaders embarke d on an
ere . very. accomplished o mect CDDea r Magda to help them. She was thus obliged “to open,” that is,
NS ara qem qe ep rt e -they-could have .heen, consididered
ju she let it be known that ceremonies for the development of me-
other religions, potential lea ers in

i diums would be held in her home once a week. Such ceremonies

of “call” to enter the compe titio n for a
vá ab rerê some sort are usually held in the varanda, a large room toward the rear
si ca
O URtE and several of our informants explained of the house that is used primarily as a dining room. Depending
as a respo nse to explic it orde:
a attempt to become a leader

upon the leader's success in helping would-be mediums develop

great encan
A their outlay tadosof. capital is needed to make E a their skills, additional prospects may appear for the varanda
o nes ceremonies. There seem to be a considerable number of people
would-be leader usually begins, like Ea in Belém who believe that they have mediumistic gifts and are
ors, an â cantos ;
servicices es inin hishi home forio) friends, neighb

ing interested in developing them, but who are intimidated by the

Ds While he is Ethus bu Fi ds likely to

cos, he Eis rd impersonality of a large terreiro or seara and the necessity
dós gratis. performing in front of a large audience. The varanda sessions of
ipating in the ceremonies at various O| E rt

i uously partic
be assid icipati
a beginning leader offer a more intimate, friendly atmosphere.
. A great deal must still i be learned, especially aboi

Epa É e Em The leader is much more solicitous of the new medium than is
EE the aficiens of the asas
i est tablish ed lea: ; a well-established mãe or pai de santo, and there
duct ritual
i isi by observing is no audi-
every books tore ence except other prospective mediums
ce e on Umbanda that are available in and a client or two. It
in such
that mediums who develop
should be noted in passing othe r Bat uque
ly low status among
circumstances have à relative es with the
as important intermediari
members. To be recognized part of a
must eventually become
supernatural, such mediums
rs in public.
group where possession OCCu er
of the typical Batuque lead
The next step in the career ding line
a. There is no sharp divi
would be the opening of a sear a seara
in the varanda and opening
between holding ceremonies ster with
the cult leader may regi
except that in the latter case grou p. By
of an organized religious
the police as the operator the fact
leader not only advertises
applying for a license, the iums,
of at least semideveloped med
that he now has a following impo r-
celebrate some of the more
but also that he intends to has an
calendar. Unless his house
tant rituals of the ceremonial som e
leader is usually forced to do
unusually large varanda, the buil d-
space. Sometimes a separate,
remodeling to provide more ives , Bat uqu e mem bers
seara surv
ing is constructed. If the new ead of
a mãe or pai de santo inst
will begin to call the leader s.
applied to individual practitioner
curandeiro (curer), the term eiro in
a differs from a terr
As was indicated earlier, a sear used in a seara,
that no drums or other musical instruments are in
chapel are usually more modest
and the ceremonial room and e most infl uenc ed by
leaders, thos
size and appointment. Some cult
rom . sou the rn Brazil, oppose the conver-
“the Umbanda-ideology-f on doctrinal grounds. For most
sion Of a seara into a terreiro is no
clients, there
however, and for most
Batuque members, ed when
a cult center is greatly enhanc
question that the prestige of
The chapel of thi st erreiro 1s lar, B e enou £! h so that all partici p ants Ss can kneel
cons truc ts à terreiro
adds drums and

the mãe, or pai de santo usua lly requ ires
seara into a terreiro
proper. The conversion of a is a mea sur e of the
, and this in itself varanda; tao hpe to mãeã or pai de santo of a
a considerable outlay of cash able to prov ide rá of a seara,
es that he has been

success of a leader. It prov o here : many years. Most of the people who begin

Ra Oa So er
nts with money, usually to the
satisfactory services for clie h his reli gious
himself entirely throug
of being able to support n hold other |
on the*other hand, ofte
activities. Leaders of searas, ly mem ber s. tal problems of their neighbors de pia E aa
gainfully employed fami
jobs or are supported by a typi cal cult Those
E who
çho finally succeed
succeed, such 1 as Das
Dona Ana, Mãeo De Décia E
the development of
The foregoing description of cult lead er- Ed pu are individuals with strong personalities, Eree
most difficult route to
leader represents the longest, r and pro- E e, and fierce determination. In addition they are the
ium in a terreiro, to cure
ship. From beginning med ions in the possessors = several talents that a leader must have: a certain
services, to leader of sess
vider of small supernatural


At thi :
l curtained alcove and this seara, the chapel is an even smaller alcove
eiro, the chapel is a smal

At a less prosperous terr icip atin g in the prayers must

s of the audience part
the mediums and member santo, fanning himself,

ng the ialcove. The pai de

stand in the pavilion faci

is not participating. :
No à
4 strong,
that at least is loud and
Eua a e
man i
stage presence, à singing voice
ability to commjuUnicate a
p interest in others. Not all um with a good singi i
and some ary qualities. Milton, for fa o me dantes and he had quite
leadership have these ne cess
a sepuiation
aspirants for terreiro; cult Eres

ning his own A rnesto's abrasive personality, his complete

example, occasiona lly tal
ked of ope
on t his subject agreed that he a tee nt a and his aggressive,

êxp and brusque manner

r d him

ber s who hea

mem but they were gl DA Os to alienate prospective mediums.
the kno wle dge and the resources to “open, * He had
had a 1 oto-
s for success because he was
a well, mostly financial, but in any case he did
dubious about his chance, o, à muc h you nger lkely prospect to become a successful pai de santo.
another case, Ernest

riously poor singer. I n

A /
A /
Organization 237
to the si Rana had DRA first as street cleaner and then as cook
individuals to take short cuts
It is sometimes possible for dire ctio n of the seara Ee Eb prostitution,
fe á his position as s pai pai de santo gave him a
took over the
top. Carlos, for example, zed the probably any other oc i
n the man who had organi
where he was developing whe hou gh Carl os had only In contrast ; to Carlos, , AntôniAntônio tended toa ditado
stress the d raw
ther city. Alt
seara suddenly moved to ano his cha risma of being a pai de santo rather than its advantages. This ara
for a few months, such was
been active as a medium ed him as their new in perspective was undoubtedly due to Antônio's having formerly
the seara accept
that the other mediums in os . a a primary school teacher. He felt that he had come down
er. Wit hin thre e year s the seara was So successful that Carl
lead elf full time to being a na o a Ro a cult leader, not up. For a time
gave up his outside job and devoted hims red by ned, he had tried to teach school icipate
an even easier time. Bolste
religious leader. Edson had her had dedi cated in the Batuque aatt the same time, ti but he had lena
ofte bol E
n healer (his mot
the reputation of being a bor in Cha pte r IV) Ge oi arriving at school still possessed by his na
re birth, as described
him to the encantados befo ope ned a sear a pi a and had finally been-forced to give up teaching. What
and relatives, he
and supported by his parents e job in 1965 , e EE to Cn Antônio the most was that as a pai de santo
still held a full-tim
at the age of nineteen. He ber of E a t o a a of anyone with a problem—the sick
attracted a respectable num
six years later, but he had sel f fro m his , tue.
the financially destitute People came to him for
ly have supported him
mediums and could probab é a pn o a es and he did not feel oEa
so desired.
religious activity if he had ng a way. ough in fact he often did
achieved the goal of becomi
Once a man or woman has and pro ble ms Ra away and was extremely callous with others, he bed
there are headaches
leader, it is soon evident that far as rew ard s el guilty if he did not make some effort to help everyone
ted with the position. As
““as well as rewards connec d of acc ura te -who sought his aid.-This obligation he felt as a great-burden: The
ossible to acquire any kin
are concerned, it proved imp income a E é pai de santo, he was fond of saying, “is a life of sacrifice.”
Of the eight leaders whose
information about income. a Ana , had pone Rn problems associated with the role of the
, probably only one, Don

we could at least estimate man aged ; e complaints of leaders
ass income. Dona Ana had

the equivalent of a middle-cl her dec lin ing value, j the most onerous problem they have is simply the cont
sonable comfort, and in
to raise a large family in rea visi on, and E their followers. At one time or another, all ta a a
such as a refrigerator, tele
years she enjoyed luxuries She also new well complained of how safado their mediums were—how
than any of her mediums.
much better medical care least once à - inconstant, undependable, frivolous, and undisciplined. In specific
ng to Rio de Janeiro at
traveled a great deal, fiyi

comfortable Cora aa se accused of not carrying out their obligations
ders liv ed somewhat more
year. All of the other lea dif ference was not encantados, not appearing for ceremonies, i not bei
followers, but often the
lives than most of their possessed at the proper time, , no not knowing i i
ritual, not singi a
very striking. leader. For || Ea simply no obeying the orders of the Ee or o
associa ted with being a
There are other rewards weighed the . These complaints, 4 often legitimate enough, acquire i
that other considerations out
Carlos, it was quite clear independence | added bitterness because there were few if any o um
own testimony, it was his
economic. According to his oyed and, 3 = nadar on apply to keep his followers in line. The leader
sense he was nOW self-empl
that pleased him most. In a in the morning when he felt like it | equired to maintain a very delicate balance between being
get up
as he said, he could ce of mind and Ǽ authoritarian in the interest of the terreiro and, at the same time
pleased. He reported a pea bei ad 2

and generally do as he
Carlos” house eing permissive enough not to offend the developed mediums
lin g of sec uri ty nev er known before. Although
a fee ilion on the Some discipline must be maintained in any terreiro if it is to de-
pos ses sio ns wer e of the simplest, and his pav Y 3 é
and à third-grade educa- elop a good reputation. Mediums must be motivated to come for
verge of collapse; for a man who had only

238 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Organization 239

ceremonies;'to purchase few costumes, to patiently wait during varies according to the reputation that the leader” has already
long, involved rituals before they go into trance, and, above all, to been able to establish. Dona Julia, whose terreiro wás only a
mediumistic skills rapidly. Where such discipline year old in 1965, spent most of each ceremony overseeing the
develop their
is maintained, large, relatively orderly audiences can be expected possession experiences of her filhas. Rarely possessed hérself, she
ceremonies, and, ultimately, new converts and clients spent the evening helping people in and out Of trance, showing
at public
great respect for those possessed by important spirits, and smiling
will be attracted. However, a leader must be very chary about
putting too much pressure. on his followers. The young mediums, fondly at those who had reached the carousing stage. Dona
who feel dependent on the leader until they develop -more ex- Julia's motives seemed clear enough. She hoped to make her
pertise, will put up with quite a bit of bullying before they terreiro so attractive that a number of developed mediums who
decide to go elsewhere. But, as was noted earlier, the developed were participating on a temporary basis would become permanent
mediums have a quite different attitude. Even if they are not in members.

fact looking for an excuse to break with their leader, they are “Dona

Ana, on the other hand; with her reputation, had no

easily offended and will not accept very many reprimands. I need to go out of her way to be nice to her mediums. In fact,
they do become fed up and decide to leave the terreiro, there is she seemed quite indifferent to them, to a degree that was unique

nothing the leader can do about it. Since each individual makes among the leaders whom we knew. She completely dominated
his own contract with the supernatural, there is no such ENE as ceremonies, often being possessed by three or four encantados in
unication in the Batuque. rapid succession, carrying out a series of tituals, and then abruptly
— As sometimes lecture their followers about their short- closing the ceremony because she was tired. If other mediums
comings during a public ceremony. The leader first enters trance, did manage to enter trance, they were often ignored, or some-
Dona times even led into the chapel and brought out of trance to clear
=" thus adding the authority of his encantado to his criticisms.
Ana often stopped a ceremony altogether and harangu ed the the floor for another ritual. It was a common complaint that
mediums at length about the inappropriateness of their behavior . Dona Ana never taught her mediums anything and that she
Almost any of her encantados was likely to engage in this kind charged outrageous prices for preparing them. It is not surprising,
of instruction. Antônio, on the other hand, was brusquely author under the circumstances, that developed mediums rarely remained
“itarian when possessed by soniêencântados and "extremely per- at her terreiro very long. Of the seven developed mediums at-
we tached to her terreiro, four were members of her family, and the
missive when possessed by others. -On one occasion that
witnessed, Antônio, possessed by Ubiratan, sent instructions that other three participated only infrequently in ceremonies. Even so,
the mediums should leave the ceremony in progress and come such was Dona Ana's reputation that new mediums “still came to
by one. As each woman entered the house, - be prepared, clients continued to appear, and large crowds packed
bim in the house one
she was told to hold out her hand. She was then given a sharp her pavilion for ceremonies. She could afford to treat her mediums
slap with a palmatória, a small paddle that is used to punish chil- in a highhanded manner. a
dren, and told by Antônio-Ubiratan that this was punishment Anóther problem that every cult leader faces is how to finance
for her many acts of disobedience during the year. When pos- the activities of the seara or terreiro. It is one thing to hold
sessed by his playful encantado, however, Antônio was always .- private ceremonies in a varanda, but quite a different utdertaking
very indulgent with his followers. He often engaged im pranks “to hold a yearly cycle of public ceremonies. For any major
with them that certainly did not enhance the reputation of ceremony the pavilion should be refurbished, the altat redecorated,
terreiro as a place where serious interact ion with the supernat ural and often a loud-speaker rented, complete with technician. Re-
was the rule. A] ; freshments must be provided, not only for the mediums, but also
The extent to which a leader must be solicito us of the medium s for all important guests. In a terreiro an important item of
DEEP Organization 241
expense is liquor for the drummers. Since the drums are beate included a procession through the streets (without a band), the
take a turn use of a loud-speaker (provided free), and a complete Fepaintini
for such long periods, six or eight men may each
a few drinks. of the inside of the pavilion. According to Carlos, the greatest
during the ceremony, and each of them expects

of the terreir os last at least two days, expense was food and drink. The mediums had several meals
The major ceremonies
expense is con- a the terreiro, “and there were several out-of-town visitors who
and sometimes four or five, so that the over-all
A were given hospitality.
to find out exactly how: much was The most expensive ceremony that we attended was a five-
J proved to be impossible
spent by cult leaders on ceremonies. In most cases they did day affair for St. Expeditus held at Antônio's terreiro. There were
a figure readily four days of Batuque ceremonies, a secular dance, a procession
not keep records, and although they would give
might differ widely on successive complete with band and fireworks, and a loud-speaker. All this
enough if asked, the figure
the sums given should be cost 78,000 cruzeiros ($109.00) according to Antônio, but this
days. In the examples that follow,
estimate is probably a little high. “The procession cost almost
taken as suggestive only.
g Belém to
I was not uncommon for afiluent tourists visitin
10,000 cruzeiros (over 6000 for the band and 3000 for the
ny. The tourist s, who were fireworks). Decorating the altar was almost as expensive, since
order and pay for a Batuque ceremo
name and ad-
usually Americans, might be provided with the
flowers cost 6000 cruzeiros and candles almost 3000. The cost
of the hotels of the loud-speaker, which was in operation for at least two
dress of à Batuque leader by employees of one
arrang ed fof tourists days, was not determined. The remainder of the expense, by
or by a tourist or travel agency. Ceremonies
any special prepar ation far the largest proportion, was again for food and liquor. Dugng
were impromptu affairs, not requiring
tourist s left. The usual the five days an entire pig was eaten (it had been fattened at
and usually ending early, as soon as the
cruzeiros (about $7.00). Carlos was the terreiro for some time before being slaughtered for the cere-
payment in 1962 was 5000

and he seemed
usually ready to hold a ceremony of this type,
mony), plus a dozen ducks, four chickens, and a huge pot of
, 5000 cruzeiros, maniçoba (a dish made of manioc leaves and, in this case
well satisfied with the payment. The same amount
ersary ” ceremony.
was charged by some terreiros for an “anniv
thirty pounds of meat). Most of this food was consumed as
sponso r such a cere- the mediums, hangers-on, and a few visitors from out of town
Ideally, each developed medium should
occasion on
mony every year. It is intended to celebrate the
In spite of the large amount of food provided, several importa
which the medium was first possessed by his major encant
guests who had contributed toward the expense of the ceremony
but those
ceremony, E esa to complain that they had received very little in
Not many mediums 'can afford to hold this
night, or sometimes e way of refreshments. Thi i
who can in effect hire the terreiro for the
is held at their around Antônio's terreiro. SR RR nn
two nights, and a regular public ceremony
Ana charged 20,000 There are several ways that leaders defray the expense of
expense. It was widely rumored that Dona
($28.00) for such a ceremony, but we were unable ceremonies. In the poorer terreiros, the mediums are sometimes
sum. At the time of assessed a modest sum, and Carlos said he asked 500 cruzeiros
to find anyone who had paid such a large
y income of 20,000 (less than a dollar) from each of his filhas before a ceremony.
our study very few mediums had a monthl
less. If a medium's husband has an unusually large income, he often
cruzeiros, and most lived on much
ar of a terreiro makes a contribution much greater than the usual amount. In
Most of the ceremonies on the ritual calend
responsibility of the some terreiros, a number of juizes (judges) are named who agree
are not paid for by a medium, but are the
major ceremony to sponsor the ceremony. This practice is taken directly from
mãe or pai de santo. Carlos told us that his
for St. Barbara, cost between 15,000 and 40,000 folk Catholicism, in which “judges” are appointed to play major
of the year,
mony that
. - cruze iros ($21.00-$56.00): This was a three-day cere Toles in festivals held on saints' days. In the Batuque, the service


Organization 243
242 qu dge of the
The “ju detail in the next chapter. Here it need only be pointed out
be juizz ISi clearly spec ified. urbishing of the
i ed by each jui
provid that in return for the activities of their encantados on behalf
e toward the ref of the client, the mãe or pai de santo is given presents. These
ta expected to contribut provide Rn E
ar: the “ju dge of the fireworks” should am may be in the form of money, or clothing, or sometimes expensive
alt a juiz is an hon or,
the procession. Be
ing asked to be festival,” É po “items of household furniture such as;stoves or refrigerators. The
st hon or is acc ord ed the “judge of the Bar higher standard of living of most leaders is due more to these
greate St.
pal spo nso r. “In Carlos ceremony for à loud- gifts than to any propensity to spend money on themselves.
the pri nci : l had access-to
ned ear lie
i r, the jud
j ge of the festiviva rge . He With this income the leader supports himself and his family, pays
tio free of cha
wh ic h he ma de available to Carlos for the upkeep of the terreiro, and contributes to the cost of
ros. Most leaders have small families, but there are often
Iso contributed 5000 cruzei or the judges ceremonies.
ions by the mediums

the con tri but de other people living at the terreiro. There is the ogan (the care-
ed Sa esreinanã. A lead
: Lá cas es,
vid e suf fic ien t fu nd s taker), and there are usually residentguests as well, such as pa-
do not pro catreateo
are currently being

come from clii ents who a continuimngs tients undergoing treatment or visiting friends or relatives from out
e bee n hel ped i
in the past an d maintain ir of town. Some of these family members and guests are gainfully
who hav ions may also be su

Aeee in the ter rei ro. Con tri but

or good w as employed, and it is very difficult to estimate how much of
hop e to gai n the future support their support is derived from the mãe or pai de santo or how
dividuals wh o ctions W
local and national ele

2, wh en much they contribute toward the expenses of the household.


the cult leader . In 196 a n

source of funds. Ee

à In any case, a cult leader ordinarily spends most of his income


being held, politicians in an PR Ea
to the city council put on ceremonies, the upkeep of the terreiro, and the support of
campaigning for re-election we. attended.
one ceremony that his dependents, and relatively little on his own comforts. This
at Carlos terreiro during ostentati ly presen
ous ted
time, but somewhat allocation of income is' actually not a matter of choice—it is a
stayed only à short bef ore he left. Dur ing pa grsr i
Carlos with 100 0 cru zei ros cultiv q necessity, especiallyfor: younger leaders. A poor, run-down ter-
ate for a sea t in the state legislature is obviously one where there are no important supernaturals
campaigi, a candid suDo- reiro

what seishet repGob ed noas Gi

OD OR Ê of Do na Ana by making O att end ing intervening on man's behalf, while a large, well-maintained ter-
the and by
for terreiro expenses

stantial contributions . reiro provides concrete evidencé of supernatural support. Prospec-

ies regularly. the n the mãe tive clients know that a prosperous terreiro is the result of

ds is sufficient,
EE o these sources of fun ference. It was never contributions by satisfied customers. In some cases clients seek
to mus t make up the dif out smaller terreiros to avoid publicity, but ordinarily the larger
or pai de san leader contributed,
erm ine exactly how much the the terreiro, the more clients jit attracts. It is clearly in the best
pos sib le to det d à considerable
saf e to ass ume that h e usually adde i ress ion
imp interest of the mãe or pai de sanio to have bigger ceremonies
but it is
ceremony. It was our

all y for a major j and, a more elaborate terreirg) than' anyone else.
amount , esp eci ic hum fa
der s put eve ry cen t they artes scrape a The reputation of a terreiro does not depend entirely on its
that lea to TIS maci
To do less would be size and ornateness, however. Another important factor is the
bigi annual festivi al. i . Much of the Krep uta i n
tio E
arisons wit i h oth er ter reiros
rit of“the maj number of developed mediums “who participate in ceremonies
e, duration, and spi and receive important encantados. The presence of such mediums
eat depends on the siz ma ke an imp i res sive
and eve ry eff ort isi made to and their encantados is whatigives the terreiro the reputation of
showing. from the clients for
4 being forte (strong). For the mãe or pai de santo, the problem
in co me O £ cul t leaders comes hav e 1 of acquiring developed mediums can be handled in various ways.
The major which we
m ser vic e s. These services, for in The simplest procedure, of course, is to inspire the neophytes
whom they pe rf or l be dis isc s ed
ter m cura (curing), wil
adopted the Batuque
Organization 245
244 SPIRITS OF THE, DEEP pai de santo showed up with only a few of his experienced
El of the experienced
who come for development to acquire the skills mediums, and sometimes the visiting group joined the spectators
ility is to invite instead of participating in the dancing.
medium as quickly as possible. Another possib
attend mp
developed mediums who are independent to We also encountered one case where two leaders had entered
is to offer to ho
A common way of attracting these mediums Or,
into a long-term co-operative arrangement. Antônio and Dona
of the terrei ro.
their “anniversary” ceremony at the expense Ana at one time agreed that they would not hold ceremonies
mediums away «from “on the same dates, the idea being to avoid competition for crowds
finally, it is sometimes possible to entice
y by makin g them feel that their talents and attention. This deal lasted only as long as the two leaders
other terreiros simpl
aa maintained a friendly relationship. A quarrel over a client soon
ore appreciated in the new setting.
leader s are in direct compe titio n vim led to a collapse of the agreement.
fa Bi SEE Batuque
as they compete for On only one occasion during our research did we witness a
one another for developed mediums, just
mstances, leaders
clients. As might be expected under such circu public display of naked antipathy between Batuque leaders. In
had an interview
are often hostile to one another. We rarely this instance ône pai de santo”threatened to kill another by
in which some dispa raging remarks means of sorcery. The universal condemnation of this action made
with a mãe or pai de santo
were not made, although such remarks it clear that the pai de santo making the'threat had gone far
about other leaders
most commonly criti- beyond the bounds of propriety. Whatever leaders may say
were never very heated. Rival leaders were
the compl ete na ritual, about one another in private, they are expected to maintain
cized for not having gone through
n for their lack of knówledge some show of friendliness in public. Ordinarily each leader has
and this was given as the reaso a
and of prope r ritual, one or two fellow leaders with whom he interacts more or less
and their failure to have a comm
ive drink ing that agi regularly and at least one implacable enemy whom he avoids |.
was frequent reference to the excess
of fights that broke
in other terreiros, as well as the number at all costs. sia ia
ros might be referred to as Whether the leaders ate «friendly or not, all terreiros are com-
out in the audience. Certain terrei
being fraco (weak), which meant that few of the a pletely independent of one another. This was the case at
that did per
came possessed during ceremonies and those also a
least until 1964, when a Federation -of Afro-Brazilian Cults
unimportant encantados. Derogatory comments might was established in Belém. As it was constituted a year later,
Ee o his ineffectu when we visited the city in 1965, the federation was more of
“made about a rival's personal morality, ps
or his exploitation of clients. Ear a mutual-aid society than it was an ecclesiastical body. The
t sorcery,
ue leader s e
Cod o of bio incessant criticisms, Batuq founders of the federation, Manoel Colaço and João Cardoso,
toget her they usuall y had modeled it after federations in existence in Recife and
one another to ceremonies, and when iro
When a new terre Rio de Janeiro. In return for monthly dues, the member was
interact in a reasonably friendly way. “o
strang er, à local pai de santo is pe entitled to the services of a lawyer retained by the federation
is opened by a visit the
s regula rly
augurate the dance pavilion. Younger leader by
and a burial payment. The organizers of the federation hoped
leaders, sometimes to build a small hospital and emergency clinic to which members
ceremonies held by the more established
It is commonly sup-
invitation, sometimes of their own accord. would have access. Bonds were being sold to provide funds for
is to learn the secrets
posed that the main purpose of these visits
the construction of these facilities, and a concerted attempt
but the visitor is usually invited to take was made to induce every medium in Belém to obtain a mem-
of the veteran leader,
ate the proceedings bership card. By August of 1965 over 500 mediums had signed
part in the ceremony and may in fact domin "
annual ga up and paid an initiation fee. Included in this figure were more
for long periods. At the time of his major a
rs to attend witl than 150 cult leaders, who had no recourse but to join. The
leader is likely to invite several other leade
that we obser ved, the mãe or
of their followers. In the cases


Organization 247


no ies to to handle the of orthodoxy by Batuque leaders, each claiming to have the true
anizi ers-.had arranged ng ” with i the civivil authorit beliefs and the próper rituals. As was noted earlier, a common
ds bb
and licensing of all Pt

einen ia criticism of rival terreiros is that the ritual followed there is all
eiro w
Whereas formerly the leader O
f a terr
wrong. It should be noted, however, that in order to make
i the polic e befo re holding a ceremony tt such
ing sá pm criticisms a fairly precise knowledge of what goes on in other
rea a city ordinance prohibit

: E from SA eder: terreiros is necessary. In fact, all leaders keep a sharp eye on
be obta ined
mo ), the permit now had to their rivals, and while some practices are condemned, others are
ri e copied. The result is that beliefs and rituals tend to be quite
to have
Mb founders of the federation seem the similar everywhere. Even newcomers from Maranhão, who sup-
attempt to redu ce
organization would make some

- posedly come from the land of the true faith, quickly modify
A Ritu al Council was set up, composed
within the Batuque. ent med ium s, whos
ger e their ceremonies to conform to local practice.
several prominent lea ders and independ Another force for conservatism are the independent mediums.
conf lict s and prod uce some standa:
pres “cbpis resolve These men ánd women, who regularly attend ceremonies at sev-
in Belém in 1965 a
ton of ritual. While we were A E a eral terreiros, are usually highly critical of innovations. Not only
ltaneous possession,
was considering a case of simu its mm É Pad do they tend to participate in those terreiros where they feel the
cil went “o
hearted way in which the coun in tu s ritual is conservative, but they also openly express their dis-
for the resolutii on of simi imi lar conflict: icts
abou t ars pleasure if events during a ceremony do not conform to their
ng federation officials
Mio e also some talk amo ainsi niotions of orthodoxy. In an earlier chapter, an incident was
ence before issuing
leaders tests of ritual compet the bitt er described in which a medium claiming to receive Oxalá was ef-
and, in re
no such tests had been given y. e . fectively challenged by the other mediums who refused to sing
i al detail,i none seem ed likel
ts over ritu do ge o E the choral responses. Our friend Clara, who was present on this
“4 ps after its founding, the ar occasion, led the rebufi, simply by standing mute and staring
on Wº
all group of people whose motivati Ea disdainfully at the unfortunate girl who claimed to receive Oxalá.
By gaining cont rol of the De
= holy ia ethe fe j On another occasion, at Antônio's terreiro,.a visiting pai de santo
aders to , join
ú re able to force Batuque le e pai departed from the established pattern of the midnight Exu ritual
with suspicion
e leaders regarded- the. federation EE to run out into the street and there kill two sacrificial chickens
the majo rity will po
disdain It seems likely that 7 by biting their throats. The gory incident appeared to titillate
but otherwise will hay
for their licenses and permits, a spectators, but several experienced mediums abruptly left the
j federation. a pavilion, changed clothes, and went home, denouncing Antônio
conflict and
a ra chapter has dealt with dam ai : for permitting such “buffoonery” in his terreiro.
earlier chap ter, Pl a
yet, as was indicated in an s o The most innovative “of the Batuque leaders was Dona Maria
In1! part, at least,
relajútively homogeneous. etit ion 5 An individual de Aguiar. In earlier - chapters it was pointed out how this
so much comp
due to the fact that there is Batuque mãe de santo “eróssed” Umbanda with Mina-Nagô and how she
must prov e that he knows
who wishes to be a leader se, by introduced King Louis XVI into the Batuque pantheon. In one
else. He does this, of cour
theology better than anyone reli gion of ram pant | instance, however/ Dona Maria's attempt to innovate was a com-
g more orth odox than anyone else. In this
rel atively few individualis
ts, or at least - Plete failure. She announced, for reasons that remain obscure,
ther e are
indi vidu alis m,
i vate to some extetent,
inno nt,e butque] 7É that the encantado Mariana had withdrawn from mankind and
innovators. All leaders s do would no longer possess people. Since Mariana is one of the
hed a reputation for
E after they have establis discussion most popular encantados in Belém, this pronouncement could
things. There is interminable
E gare

traditional way of doing

Organization 249

mediums. The lence that characterizes most of the interpersonal relationships in
not fail-to be of interest to a large number of

some puzzle ment, and then almost this religion. Mediums do love one another, or at least some do,
reaction was 'some indignation,
mediu ms did avoid posses sior by even as they compete for prestige. Mediums are often devoted
universal indifference. Most
ceremo nies at Dona Maria 's ter- to their leader, and at the same time they resent his lack of
Mariana when participating in

an embarr assing situat ion. At interest in them and fear his exploitation. Some leaders do
reiro, but this was simply to avoid
a devote e of Maria na receiv ed honestly want to help their followers attain success with the.
one ceremony that we attended,
on. Mariana supernatural, but the leader is in an exceedingly difficult position,
the spirit as soon as Dona Maria had left the pavili

ce, but discre etly went away attempting to control an often rebellious following with no real
loudly called attention to her presen

ny. It seems clear that sanctions at his disposal, and his frustration is bound to spill
before Dona Maria rejoined the ceremo
shing a popula r encantado over periodically. In a religion where supernatural power is
this particular kind of innovation—bani
that only Dona Maria available to everyone, where every individual makes his own
— would be doomed from the start, and

was so secure, howeve r, contract with the spirits, and where prestige and solvent clients
would have attempted it. Her reputation
erent to what other are in short supply, some conflict-among the members is inevita-
that she could afford to be relatively indiff
her. ble.
leaders or the independent mediums thought of
e. Older me-

The major sanction against innovation is ridicul

leader s scoff at
diums sneer at younger mediums, established FOOTNOTES
des would have
newcomers. It might be supposed that such attitu
individual has his own contract with a Í. There is thus a marked difference between the ogan of the Batuque
little effect, since each

to be

spirit and might behave quite autonomously. But it seems
and the ogan of the Candomblé of Bahia. In the Candomblé the ogan is a

medium without patron or sponsor of the terreiro, usually a person of prestige or wealth,
quite impossible for anyone to carry on as à who is always given a seat of honor and treated with great respect,
Individuals do
the support and approbation of other mediums. (Ramos 1951, pp. 62-64). .
enough to
not seem to find their trance experiences compelling 2. We found similar continuity in the case of Carlos” terreiro, which
tado speaks,
sustain them in aberrant behavior. When am encan attracted mediums from the surrounding streets in the Guamá district. In
set up an entirel y
it could presumably say anything, and it might
1962 we identified fifteen mediums (thirteen women, two men) as members
the fact is that of the terreiro and of a neighborhood in-group. Three years later one of
different code of behavior for its medium. But the fifteen had died. Two had switched to other terreiros in the same
all other
“when an encantado 'speaks; it says pretty much- what

neighborhood, but all fourteen survivors were still friends.
m is never
encantados say. If it does not, apparently the mediu 3. The same expression is used in Bahia to refer to a curing technique in
roval of his
so far in trance that he is not aware of the disapp which disease is transferred from the patient to an animal (Bastide 1961,
atural utter-
fellow mediums. And in most cases the next supern
p. 67; cf. Ramos 1951, p. 180).
4. The founding of the federation seems to be related to the reorganiza-
ance is more in keeping with accepted beliefs. tion of the Belém city government that followed the military coup of March...
admit that the
It might be well, in closing this chapter, to 1964. The mayor of Belém was removed from office on grounds of cor- -
of reality. We
interpretation presented may be a slight distortion ruption and replaced by a career military man. We were told that the new
and not given
may have overstressed the conflict in the Batuque government had been unsympathetic to the Batuque until Manoel Colaço
account 1s
enough space to comradeship and solidarity. If our persuaded the chief of police that a federation would maintain greater har-
most of our informants were upward- mony and order within the religion. We did not discuss the matter with.
distorted, it is because city officials and do not know how accurate this account is. j :
the more humble,
striving people. Had we spent more time with 5. Ribeiro (1952, pp. 115-20) made the same point with respect to the
mediums, our account
the less ambitious, and the less articulate Afro-Brazilian cults in Recife: competition and rivalry among cult'mem-
ight very well be somewhat different. bers actually served as “elements of integration” and reinforced orthodoxy.
a there can be no question about the basic ambiva The idea has been further developed by Bastide (1960, pp. 326-33).

Curing 251
modern cities. Batuque curing is in all essential respects identical
Chapter VII with pajelança, the shamanistic tradition that has thrived in the
Amazon Basin since the arrival of the first Europeans. Pajelança
developed when curers among the European colonists borrowed
a number of ideas and procedures from the indigenous Indian
shamans, especially those of the Tupí-speaking tribes.! Today

the Batuque curer shakes a rattle and blows smoke on his patient
just as the Tupí pajé has done from time immemorial. In
absorbing pajelança into the Batuque, the only major change
necessary has been the substitution of the encantados for the
animal spirit helpers of the Amazonian shaman.
Whereas most Batuque mediums engage in cura to some ex-
tent, not all mediums are considered to be equally prepared in
what is considered to be a highly specialized activity. As a matter
of fact, it is commonly asserted that there 'are actually two basic
kinds of mediums in the Batuque-—those prepared in the linha
UR E de tambores (line of the public ceremonies), and those prepared
ard manipulating the
Bat que is oriented tow re in the linha de cura (line of curing). In the former case, the
ends. For Batuque membe
ie nl inment of human nirvana, but the = p= medium maintains his contract with the encantados by participat--
judo je salvation, immortality, Or
mortal man is heir to on tt a” E ing in ceremonies and carrying out other obligations, but he does
Upa E ulties that unskille dad not necessarily help other people. Only a medium prepared
so be of the Batuque are poor, specifically in the linha'de cura should carry out curing rituals.
j ode

of the a
ar ednestêd, many- - This distinction is carried over into conceptions about the super-
i e

li Ed environment, they ne natural. As was noted in an earlier chapter, encantados often

o gore a
eases...Since there are Tew give different names in curing rituals. Moreover, the attitude of

e eatE ciasvariety fodeof dis

Ia” tô à”pr
“— vulneráble cd
iduals are extremely de- the spirits toward the two activities is thought to be different.
nie ao and family RN “The encantados descend in tambores to have fun,” one woman
A agredido observed, “but they come in cura to work.”

E believe en E
Batuque members
a as tando, o In actual practice almost all mediums, at least those with some
by appealing
A Pando any of these problems E a experience, consider themselves to be competent to some extent
sei any of these problems
nd attempts to resolve in both lines. Certainly most mediums give consultations of some
Pão, a (curing). po a
term, cur
a iéte red to by the same eai x type in which they deal with problems presented by clients. But
£ the English tra nsl ation of this term is misl
Mr dá ain emp loy men de working in the line of curing is a matter of degree, and several
that an attempt to obt

Old Dé tréated E E ui types of curing rituals are recognized and given separate names.
ú CT the aff ections of a amp The simplest form is the chamada (call or summons). Many
isease. |
atment of
à part of cura as the tre developed mediums make a regular practice of preparing for a

eder bs o curers derive chamada on a given day once a week. In a sense the day is
emo o O a ne considered sacred to the
urban poor in medium's chief encantado, and the
mo o És of the
a ore the appeara medium may fast, fumigate the house, and place new offerings
rio a itself dates back long bef

Curing 253 (
252 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP The medium was already in trance when we arrived, and from
the family C
altar. Tí à clie cars, or “ifi a member O f£ to à her serious and deliberate manner it was clear that she was
on the himself wants the ans wer (
has a problem, or if the
ei »» oes into
iv à possessed by her senhor. She led all of the clients into the living (
uestion, the encantado is “called, No Er O ori, the room, where we were seated more or less in a circle. Also present
nos E
and a regular
consultation id dit adiion to his a»chief,
cantados in à
during the consultation were a friend of the medium and various
but the number 1s limited. members of the medium's family. Speaking as the encantado, the (
medium may MES e
seems a tea medium opened the session by telling us that our relative was (
o Hlent a o Eço problem o very ill but would not die. He was in the hospital and was
E] trance. ne
a the medium going into E a | being treated well, receiving “baths of light,” which were pro-
Têm appears without bemg
the encantado suddenly
pi loiça dci with unusual violence, and leaves à e moting his recovery. Various of the other clients agreed with the
em TN encantados prognosis, remarking that in the United States medi-
about some Li e
mad À des cal science was very advanced. ê (
and ope After this brief but generai discussion of our problem,
dh und de OB, relatives, the (
e ica l per for man ce of the pedir is E woman whose husband was ill went forward and knelt in front
a pi o is the typ
n às an esp of the medium in order to consult with the encantado in private.
a rnb to establish a reputatio
supernatural. no ain She whispered to the medium, who whispered back. Meanwhile
o ful intervener with the the ro Ahe widow, who was sitting nearby, leaned over to listen, then
we attended, we took (
a po chamada that ply observingi . ii E ” e Eça
invited asked the woman a question. In a short time the three were dis-
ms rat her tha n i
sim a:
ith proble a
inform ants rd cussing the woman's problems in a normal
hammada by one of our
tone, and it was not
to att
gr o end the cha j long before all of the clients joined in the conversation.
our relative When
e ER fin tião and we RE the encantado told the woman to have her husband avoid certain (
a no Er a dim ep foods and drink a presctibed herb tea, several people commented
ad Re our relative was (we O :
e o on the appropriateness of these suggestions. The remainder of f
ias on the cin e Ee the consultations followed this same pattern. Beginning as a more
ge a E medinaiá (
or less private discussion between the .client and the medium, (
-"appointed -day;- wewellfound. five other clients alr notae above de rt
ne lati ely dressed and clearly à s as ET A it quickly turned into a general conversation in which anyone
cation. One wa
Pi pedi poa in income and edu d in É Ee
who was interested felt free to make comments. At times the
having been injure
pe ea Air Force who, r. his health and E
conversation among the clients was so lively that the medium (,
w sought both to recove in a a had to make an effort to regain the attention of her audience.
and pension, His wife, who
o a dis cha rge a This type of free exchange between medium and audience, and
proceedings than he pe
pesa : a interested in the a E a between members of the audience even to the exclusion of the
s com pla int , but she was a n ôvice medium, is characteristic not only of the chamada but also of (
p a
it entailed. The
a by trance and all d, who had various
the other curing rituals. The encantado is always shown respect,
a you ng wo man, rec ently widowe usbbaand. but its pronouncements are usually liable to discussion and are (
cli ent was
o he her deceased hus
cted with debts owedit ent s WE
E rarely accepted as dictums from on high. However, a great deal
son was with i her. J he other two cli E depends on the medium, and some attempt to be more authoritar-
Her -vear-old
en der
ea neighborhood and. had more prosaic E na (
ian when in trance than others.
whose husband was 1ll à
iddle-aged woman The problems of the sergeant were not discussed during the (
Fei to the hospital that
a ai E vifo had been taken carly part of the chamada, since the sergeant had indicated that e
Ee o e
Curing 255
254 SPIRITS OF, THE DEEP The medium next considered the problems of the last client,
of the medium's encantados.
he wished'to consult afother o de a a pe oi
the man whose wife was ill, then began to tell a long series of
sang a song
about an hour the medium : e O stories. Apparently intended to entertain, the stories dealt with
said good-by
was ready to leave. Everyone ia Rr e
the experiences of the medium wbile possessed by Mariana on
a her face briefly, her e previous occasions. Told with an unflagging excitement and verve,
medium This s
encantada tado.
and everyone greeted the new most of the stóries were amusing or somewhat ribald. However,

E acte r
In keeping with the char “ her clients quickly became satiated with this part of the perform-
ceived as a carouser caboclo.

e a! no pá
ium now mad
” a carouser spirit, the med

jo ance, in part undoubtedly because they could no longer partici-

i , an d she seem ed del; i p s
not only amusing, j but shocking pate, and by the time the encantado finally announced that it

en t. She began by accu qç õe

try to embarrass ever yone pres was leaving, most of the audience seemed to be half asleep.
daug hter o! E g
ni y and her; unwed

son of haviing lost hisis virg no After coming out of trance, the medium bid her clients good night
cont rol hers eli,
regnant again.
i She then urged the wi dow to in a very subdued way, looking pale and very tired. She had

a man to sleep with, because

E how much she longed to have ested been performing as an encant forado
almost three hours and had
money. When the sergeant sugg

men would now be after her the every right to be exhausted.

so as not to embarrass

that Mariana tone down her At this particular chamada no presents were given to the
ium cheerfully accused the lady
American lady present, the med in medium in return for the aid of her encantados, but the subject
to talk about the homosexuals
in question of always wanting to expl ain the came up several times. At one point the widow promised to sew
American clients
the cult. She then asked her a blouse for Mariana. The encantado then asked the sergeant
four-let ter word that she had often heard
meaning of an Engla ish Ê : ecifically with the why she had not received a skirt he had promised her. In a per-
used by American sailors. Dealing more tospdress shabbily anil fectly complacent tone he replied that at the moment he was short
urged her
widow's problems, the medium of cash. At a later chamada, however, the sergeant promised |
wou ld make it easier for her to
not make up her face—this Ego pi to buy a butane stove for the medium's kitchen if he received
debtors. To do
play on the sympathy of her his discharge. Two of the other clients had already made con-

i described several O e
i e, the medium
ness of thisi techniqu tributions to the medium's welfare. We had paid for several of
in the third person. In eac
i ces, speaking of herself in her ceremonial costumes, and the other man present was in the

experien pos
ium's “behavior turned pes to
E incidentê"deseribed, “the med bem g. process of remodeling her house in return for past favors he
since these stories were
been somewhat immoral, but cept pted as amus-
accredited to Mariana.
um, they were acce

a encantado about the medi

the The sessão (session) is a larger gathering than a chamada,
nts of the medium's a
E rather than as real indictme o po amis
involving a cult leader and several mediums, and it is held in an
manic sa
on in a somewhat established center rather than in a private home. It might
After carrying a be

t and as m
the medium
i finally turned to the sergean see the considered the chamada of a leader, since it is held on a set
i to Rio de Janeiro to

luck he had had on a recent vaim, day each week and the leader receives only one or two en-
that the trip had been in
i Force doctors. When told cantados. In this setting, however,

E not only the leader but most

ai promised the sergeant that she ares
of the mediums go into trance. The clients who attend the session
sergean t asked, E: wi
he must be patiient. When the ver from his Es
injur ies, Usually present their problems to the encantado of the leader,
e, if1 he wou ld ever reco
in hishi volcice, but the presence of encantados in the other mediums is said to

entreaty in She warne aa ;

i assured him i emphatici ally t hat he would. “Bive force” to the leader's curing activities. It is recognized by
signed to some further suffering

that the all involved that the sessão has another purpose in addition to
e He should real ize too
lems qwere Ep solvei the treatment of clients. It provides mediums with the opportunity

Il of his prob e
d on his beha lf
with him even as they struggle
se ,

e O
o O

e O
Ed pteor, of disease by Batuque curers in which medicines are prescribed
in am earlieor cha
to gai n trance
ai exp eri ence, and as was noted is punishable by law as the practice of medicine without a license.
a idered
in some terreirosthisi functiion on isi consk Although this law is not often enforced, newspapers do fairly
often carry stories of “sorcerers” who have been arrested.2 There
à : neighbors, andE are two kinds of curing rituals that may be raided, the passagem

their mediums,
. ... asses to
and cura proper.
nfs Dr E ing on of hands that 1s undoubtediy e " The passagem (literally, passage), from the point of view
clients. The passe is a ique used i n the Batuque.
of those who participate in it, is really quite innocuous, but since
most common therape útic q
techni f givin; a blessing, the passe
i Es the police are not likely to recognize the difference between
t e e Ei pajelança. niaper this
Tite and cura proper, it is usually held behind closed doors. In the
de ma t han ha d o
nn the pat ient, usually with the pen ca passagem, as in cura, a medium may receive between ten and one
ade given w
uque, passes may be hundred
gr poli Tn the Bat co mm on ty the ai a encantados (usually about thirty), one right after the
a ed or not , but most is E other. Each encantado identifies Ttself by singing a song, then is
e ado that 6
tho ught to be the encant o = replaced by another. It is believed that if a medium who special-
a a on the dy = a pin
a Th. a mi place his hands piÍg imo» izes in curing does not allow his many spirits to possess his body
hea d whi le rec iti ng the prayer, Or ls periodically (some say every two weeks) he will become ill.
aa his thers or an es, D
client with bundle of arara fea wi
The primary purpose of the passagem is to allow the encantados
clearly symbolizing the
to “pass through,” so to speak. Sometimes there are not even any
tions are E involved, to be good for any mal
ady, and they
Pas ses are tho ugh t e or to clients present when the passagem
influences. tiojon n aga 28 ins t future misfortun
is held, but ordinarily there
sou ght as a pre cau io o are a few members of the audience who present minor problems
may also be
in some undertaking. do é ir for the consideration of some of the encantados. No one else
ie a Ei by Carlos usually wh becomes possessed, all attention being focused on the curer.
sessão wer e ex!
en a Jarina) at his weekly a long A passagem may be held in the late afternoon or early evening,
ssão that We attended, but cura proper is always held at night and-some effort is made
pri of cbiláren, appesees
e a to keep the proceedings secret. Some curers prefer not to take
nes metho
kind of assembly-line
a a abel out a across the ter reiro, ee a chance on being raided by the police, holding all of their
S á dh le lineipiup
eopthe ent s, whi ski ng the ba c fi a sessions in secluded locations outside the city limits. Others seem
passes He e Hi rec
much less concerned, and we attended one ceremony held by a
while Do - os
E y E E Fálo of arara feathers well known pai de santo where no one even bothered to close
neck of each the door. In none of the curing sessions that we were able to
a E
ae attend,

copit, Ee This mass however, was there a seriously ill client. It is when the
the air several times.
é ao client is in danger of dying or when sorcery is being performed
a , da
person g
| or counteracted that the most intense security measures are
tive 1 E Had taken. One Batuque leader, who frequently undertook such cases,
passe as P
i al attention. to be q maintained a house outside the city where she could work in
i sidere d
oth er e
form di curing ritual Eare con ugh t to be private, and this seems to have been more common in the
The They are tho
fer ent fro m the ch am ada eo be ha rm ed past when the Batuque was more intensely persecuted.
dif curer ma y
one thing, eca a the It should be noted that there are a number of curers in Belém
more dangerous, for ful supernatural beim8s.
exc eptionally Pp who are said to be prepared only in the linha de cura. Some
by his con tac t wit h
law . Any treatment
s are prohib ited by
In- addition, these ritual

Curing 259
in Batuque ceremonies and encountered encantados that spoke in verse, at least for brief
of these curandeiros neveí take part periods. Of the motley assortment of spirits that puts in an a
They are often referred to
are not associated with any terreiro. Siri only a few are expected to engage in the work A
as practitioners of pajelança,
condescendingly by Batuque leaders typical, their e problems, and it is only to these that requests are made
curandeiros that we observed were
but if the two
that of a mãe or pai de lost of the spirits in the procession make no apparent co
curing ritual is indistinguishable from
same spirits, sang the same tribution to the purposes of the ceremony, although their Ei
santo. They received essentially the a number suggests the great supernatural resources available to the
of treatment.
songs, and used the same techniques ro or
of a curândei curer.
In terms of role-taking, the performance
is extremely demanding. For one thing, he always mi Moi Ro begins, a number of preparations are
Batuque curer
assistant is always present, H . Special offerings are made to some of the encantados
has a highly critical audience. An
do not operate alone for fear the ones expected to take an active part in the ritual, and offer-
since, as was noted earlier, curers
in a coma. The independent ings are also made to the Exus to induce them to “es awa
their encantados may leave them
who is sometimes an under- from the Proceedings, just as im a public ceremony k table,
curandeiro has a regular assistant,
or pai de santo is holding a covered with a white cloth, is placed next to the chair eia lifch
study learning the craft. If a mãe

mediums of the terreiro stands the curer will operate. On the table the 'curer's paraphernalia
curing session, one or more of the
almost always other mediums are laid out-—a gourd rattle, a bundle of arara feathers, several
by to assist. -In addition, there are espadas (scarves), cigars, and one or two large clgarettos mad
to be resolved. The clients,
present who have some problem
had prior experience with with a wrapping of tauari bark. Refreshments for the ex echvd
usually half a dozen or so, have often
to be chronic and they try encantados are also placed on the table: bottles of nr
other curers, since their problems tend
e y at a curing session thus perhaps a bottle of guaraná (a soft drink) for the child spiriis
one curer after another. The aud!dienc
will recognize many of the that may appear. The premises are thoroughly fumigated b
tends to be well versed in curing lore,
ce, and may join in singing burning certain dried herbs and incense; some curers then ae
encantados that put in an appearan
being a ceremony designed to everyone attending the ceremony to walk over the purifyin,
some of the songs. Far from
ritual is a performance before smoke by straddling the small brazier that is placed in the e
mystify the uninitiated, a curing

.. co ms of the room. One curer blew smoke from a tauari cigarette into
a knowledgeable and- critical .audience.
the. curer is how to clearly a glass of rum and then went around the room dipping his finger
The second challenge faced by.
rent encantados that are ex- in the rum and marking crosses on the foreheads, hands, and od
differentiate the thirty or forty diffe

ession. It is not enough simply H ee present. Cura is very “delicate,” informants assured
pected to possess him in rapid succ
some change in behavior is also e spectators must co-operate in taking certain precau-
to sing a different song for each;
own repertoire of encantados,

expected. Each curer develops his

ar way, demand a diflerent Most of the paraphernalia as well as the preliminary rituals
each of which may dance in a particul

speech or behavioral character- of Batuque curing have been taken over unchanged from tra-
beverage, or have some unusual

ous encantados and some care- ditional pajelança. The white-covered table, the gourd rattle, the
istic. There are always some seri
and others that use crude bundle of arara feathers, the tauari cigarette, the provision of
free ones, some that speak properly

the audience and some insist

that rum, the preliminary fumigation of the premises—all are found
expressions, some that ignore

that are warm and friendly in pajelança. All that is new in the preparations undertaken b
on greeting everyone present, some

and imperious. Some encantados the Batuque curer is the provision of several espadas and É
and others that act withdrawn
ome speak in unrecognizable lan- beverages other than rum for the spirits, plus the preliminary
stutter, some use baby talk, s

at all. On two occasions we

offerings that are made, especially the offering made to placate

guages, and some do not speak
260 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Curing 261
pajé did not have to e jisginadação
and send away the ExusZ The that the spirit remembers an earlier meeting with one of the
were apparently less finicky im
Exus, and his familiar spirits clients. At one curing session that we attended, the pai de santo,
eir drinking tastes. usually goes ei
speaking as the encantado Antonio Luiz Corre-Beirado, said to a
a aci dressed in a Batuque costume, ! E client, “I saw you in Recife.” The client became very excited,
ing a series of esqui
trance 'seated by the table, sing o O ad A it shouting to all-present that in fact he had coónsulted the same
his ear.
and shaking the rattle close by (rege
“encantado recently in Recife, but of course incorporated in a
i ent, but the begiinning nning of subsequ
somewhat viol encaintado sings different medium. The pai de santo, who obviously had some in-
would often pass unnotice i d excep t that each new ; enca a side source of information, then asked several questions about
the curer ars o
an identifying song. Essentially, the business deal that the client had been concerned with in the
several hours, whili e a processi
jonon O of spirits is thou Recife consultation. The client was clearly very much impressed,
Many a iam Ea
his body in rapid succession. : o exclaiming several times that his faith in the encantados had
one song, then eac h gives way
enough to singi
stay s very
' long, been confirmed. However, as might-be expected, this technique
i k of rum or a cigar i . Non e is not often used, since the curer ordinarily does not have any
ask for a drin
kno wn to be the most adept at curing may return
those who are o
knowledge of prior consultations and references to such consul-
veral times during the session. tations by clients may be highly embarrassing. Later in the same

ession of a io SU
a As the seemingly endless proc the drama ti E curing session, another client reminded the encantado Mariana
curer may attempt in i varii ous ways to enhance that she had not kept a promise made to him at another terreiro.

ting à heav y-fo oted,
of the sais Some curers dance, adop In this instance the pai de santo brazened out the situation by
that is rarely seen im publ ic cere-
arm-revolving kind o £ whirling brav ado activ ities as maintaining that the man must be mistaken—perhaps he thought
ged in such
monies. One pai de santo enga witith his teeth
he had spoken to Mariana, but it must have been a different
an unopened bottle of rum

i encantado. More commonly, in these circumstances, the curer

curer put
a io coa lá onto his bare foot. Another
d stepping on live All makes a noncommittal remark and changes the subject as quickly
ted end on his tong ue.
a e goi by rubbing the é ligh sum pti
on of o
ai as possible.
the con
- curers are expected to drink liquor; o When one of the encantados arrives that is expected to do work
tra nce is tho ught to RE er
“beer after te: curer enters

seem i 1 for the clients, the pace of the ritual slows and a regular con-
vities. The amoun t of dri
nking would
to hisi actiiviti eu ic * sultation is held. The encantado listens to problems and prescribes
rs that we observed in
considerably. Of the five cure drank sev remedies. In addition, certain kinds of treatments are given on
of rum in an hour, one
drank most of a bottle E Eis a the spot, such as the passe described earlier. The passe is often
a large o
| bottles of beer, one drank dra: ad followed by a smoke treatment. Soon after entering trance, the
i -tasting
i herb infu
i i , ant
sion two
curer lights either a cigar or a tauari cigarette and smokes off
/| be an evil rum that was offer
i not drin k the
À7 thing. A mãeã de santo did
anythi ankles and on throughout the ritual. To treat a client with smoke, the
bed it on her wrists and

h! cmo Eta time to time, but rub curi ng sess ions curer' puts the lighted end of his cigar or cigarette in his mouth
nking occurs during
It seems likely that more dri and blows. The thick stream of smoke thus produced is directed

first down the front of the patient's body, then down the back.. -
We attended were nO
"us that the sessions The belief that tobacco smoke has sacred and therapeutic prop-
à drinking was concerned. in the in- erties was of course widespread among American Indians, both
is some times used to mainta
“Another technique that h of clients, in North and South America, and the use of tobacco in
well as to increase the fait
terest of the audience, as encantado, pajelança and in the Batuque is derived from this source. Un-
r, spe aking as a specific
is an assertion by the cure like the Indian shaman, however, the Batuque curer does not
performance, nor does he
smoke very much during his ce stat e. On only
to enhance his tran
rely on tobacco narcosis w tob acc o smoke
e a curer swallo
one occasion did we observ man ist ic fash ion.?
it) im typical sha
(in contrast to inhaling diff eren t enc ant ados
in the-sense that
Smoking is used as a prop; à puff -of the
prefer a cigar,
are identifiable by whether they a kind of treatment. Blowing
and as
tauari cigarette, or a pipe, emonies,
e common during public cer
smoke on clients is also quit t mem bers of
ke cigars and may trea
when the caboclos often smo
of the ceremonial area.
the audience in the middle treatment.
e flamboyant means of
Curers may also use mor on the back
suspension of the patient
One such is the momentary back to
about by the two standing
of the medium—brought then levering
locked at the elbow, and the medium
arms rather
one occasion we witnessed a
the client off the floor. On ce quite easily lift and hold
in tran
slight, middle-aged woman taller
hus ky you ng man who was considerably
on her back a cont act
to be a unique form of
than she was. What seemed one her
ng girl medium. She positi
“had been devised by a you head low-
stand with leg s apart and
client carefully, having him d and butted
runs, she bounded forwar
ered. After several trial apparently
siderable force. This was
his head with hers with con t had
to be a kind of passe,but we never lea med wha
- intended
se = resas
inspired “this unusual-technique. other kinds of treatment, the
RE pda Rei

Tn addition to passes and these banho (bath).

prescription for either a
client is usually given a dic ine ) to be taken
appl ied exte rnal ly or à remedio (me
to be r, and
from infusing herbs in wate spiri Et
internally. Both are derived
A medium: possessed b y a caboclo pirit blows smoke from his cigar on the
be coll ected ars
dilin qro: SET peStátoE
that can
are common plants
iiy most cases the herbs Sinc e each pre-
sed in the markets.”
locally or readily purcha clie nts are ofte n
e or four ingredients,

scription usually has thre n. Ban hos are pc rar sa Jo him while he was taking the medicine
paper to note them dow
provided with pencil and rtion, or any Ee a ems of a client are diagnosed"
gn as
as d due to harassment
s of unemployment, dese

« usually indicated in case ibe d for illness. by tl » à quite different resolution is su d i
the remedios are prescr
“kind of bad luck, while ed by à list is given1 instructions for the preparation i of a uepresent for thesé
icine is always accompani
RE. Any prescription of med a REAR may be simple, consisting of ia

the foods pro-

restrictions, and often

of resguardos, Or dietary curing session o n, or a box of matches, 3 or thr ee black

mon foods eaten. At one
scribed are the most com b tea, and at ig E it may be very complex, including plates and silver-
e her ailing husband a her
a woman was told to giv ns, and , bowls of food, and bottles of wine and beer. Whatever its
ne d that manioc flour, bea
the same time she was war
SPIRITS OF THEge Curing 265
midnight to quite clearly that the medium was only the passive instrument
contents, the present must be left at a crossroads at

spirits are expect ed to of this myriad of spirits who came and went as they pleased.
ensure that the Exus will find it. The
they have been causin g. Some curers charge a flat fee for a curing ceremony, whereas
respond by ceasing whatever trouble
ms are due to his others expect presents from their clients. It is not uncommon
Jf it is suspected that the client's proble for the medium-in trance to remind individuals of earlier prom-
to begin his
resisting becoming a medium, then he is urged
no treatment is ises of assistance, as occurred in the chamada described above,
“development.” He may be given a passe, but
earlier, it is or to suggest the kind of present that would be appreciated in
expected to have any lasting effect. As was noted the future. In all cases, presents are considered to be given to
aw or e i
sometimes possible to persuade the encantado to withdr
is beligv ed to be the encantado that provides the service rather than to the me-
stop trying to possess the person's body, but this
dium. If the medium is a woman, her encantados are most
easier in the case of a child than an adult. -commonly promised cloth for ceremonial costumes, especially the
an alterna-
As a curing ceremony continues, there is usually
that provide expensive material needed for skirts-The sex of the encantado
tion of working encantados with more playful ones involved makes no difference. A male encantado is thought to
rs of the
comic relief. The latter encantados joke with membe be gratifed by a gift of skirt material if the medium who re-
tell amus-
audience, often chiding them for various shortcomings,
os or curers, ceives him is a woman. A pai de santo also welcomes fancy
ing anecdotes about the curer, slander other terreir
encantado of cloth, which he can have made into shirts. Items of household
or sing lively songs. In some cases the carouser * furniture, such as stoves and refrigerators, are also given in the
the curer is considered to be adept at as but most Serious
name of an encantado. When money is given as a present, it
are treated by serious encantados.
is usually understood that it will be spent in some specific way,
ed clients avo been taken care of, the curer begins to
This is ea either to take care of some need..of the medium, or of the
sing going-away songs and comes out of trance.

occasi on there may be comp. a terreiro if the medium is a mãe or pai de santo. Once the me-
a simple procedure, but on
he ha dium has the money, he of course spends it as he sees fit, but he
tions. At the end of one curing session, during which usually makes some effort to indicate to the donor that the en-
sang several
received thirty-eight different encantados, a curer cantado named as recipient will be pleased by the way the money
d to go to sleep sitting up. His
closing songs and then seeme is used. ao
name, blew in his cars, patted e
assistant began to shout his The idea that gifts are always given to specific encantados
ously . “The curer stirre d, opene
forchead, and shook him vigor sometimes leads to the conception that there is competition be-
expression. Everyone
his eyes, and looked about with a puzzled tween a medium's encantados. It somehow always worked out
OVer, when suddenly the curer
assumed that the session was that our gifts to our friend Clara were defined as being given
to sing another song. e
closed his eyes again and began to her senhor, Japetequara. This was the source of some acrimony
sa Flora and complaine:
encantado identified herself as Prince when Clara's carouser, Mariana, put in an appearance. Mariana
earlie r procee dings. The me-
that she had been left out of the never» complained directly to us about being neglected, but we
of trance for good. Since me
dium then gave a jerk and came out were frequently given reports that she expressed her displeasure
[know if this added fillip
never saw this curer again, we do not
e or whether E in no uncertain terms when we were not present.
at the end was a standard feature of his routin it difficu t Several characteristics of the clients who bring problems to
he found
had gone on so long being encantados that' Batuque curers should have emerged from the preceding de-
r, curers sometimes
to stop. As was noted in an earlier chapte scriptions of actual rituals. For one thing, clients take their prob-
rouse after a long per-
become unconscious and are difficult to lems to specific encantados, either because they have been helped
of Prince sa Ea
formance. In any case, the unexpected arrival by the spirit on previous occasions or because they have heard
served to demon strate
was a very effective piece of dramatics. It


Curing 267
266 SPIRITS OF ia Rene
Ena e did not often meet the businessmen who consulted
others. But clients are equally
of the prowess of the spirit from s im private abóut the probabl
receives the spirit; everyone
choosy about the medium who

business ventures, á but a number of i our informant a

n encantado is more effective in
tacitly acknowledges that a give ns e such consultations were commonplace. pr ds
There are a number of situatio
some mediums than in others. from the a Loro cases the businessmen who consult-Batuque mediums

à consultation, rang ing

in which a client may seek pl Po gd
-fle dged cura ritual. As a general rule; na but several cult leaders had smug
public ceremony to à full ; ng their clients. Like other busi inessmen, smuggler ;
resources attend the-chamadas
clients with minor problems or few
sessões of the beginning leader, sometimes turned to the encantados for advice on E ni
of developed mediums or the
ous problems and ;can afford e dg certain business contacts. More often, the smuggler
whereas those who have more seri ane ; e Ra

contraband that had been acizeia by

. ú

it take their problems to famous . Since the mediums had no knowledge of icali
ts bring to the encantados have
Some of the problems that clien

ortion of these are related in ds

ties, their ES
aoencantados could not really-give i smu
e gelers legal advice. i
already been noted. A large prop
and family relationships. Young ppened was that the smuggler
one way or another to marriage of action, a which the leader, , Ini trance, either a or di ac
the approved
even simply pining over the
girls in search of a husband or
seek supernatural assistance proved. In one case described t o us by 'the leader involved
der: fuirdvod
indifference .of a boy friend may
“Older women, especially those E ae ma et to retain legal counsel and contest
from a neighborhood medium.
much more serious cóncerns. re of his goods. This he did, successful
with young children, often have im- ful that he contributed a sum large enough toDE PR c
of common-law marriage, the
“*»Because of the prevalence terreiro for the pai de sant o handling the case.grata I
of legal sanctions against i mai
poss ibility of divorc e, and the lack circum- instance ; a man was advised not to get involved i in À a
women often find themselves in desperate
“desertion, He decided not to take thi is advice, hired a lawyer, 1en
they are living begin to wander. i i
stances if the men with whom , and ended up a pauper ê The mãemã de santo whose E e d
cases, the women want their husbands or lovers back
In most stic unio ns. At warned him to beware told thi s story with i considerablfara
and some mediums specialize in preserving dome
a woman whose husband Smugglers are not the only people ini risk i
- one curing session that we wasdr en
determ ined to have look to the Batuque leadersers fcfor assistance, i tor did
i Prostitutes and owners
had deserted her and taken the ch ifferent about their father. a brothels are also often clients. Prostitutes do not have to
quite "ind
the children returned but was
the dese rting and on one occasion a man Éai ul much about the authorities, since they are rarely
Men do not always do eight al Ei : Mui concerned about the other uncertainties
his “companion” (and their
who did not want to leave of her infid elity , ofession. A woman is always in d i
an was boasting
children), even though the wom Anot her com mon looks, becoming thin and unattractive, ia or sometimes es au simply losi osin
g her affections.
petitioned for help in regainin king e sea Poa for no apparent reason. In afete here
to Bat uque curers is excessive drin
domestic problem taken ef that prostitution is subject t ignant à
lly the husband.
by some family member, usua ng fluences of an unspeci pecified nature than ; most aother occupations. i ne
minent in any type of curi
Another set of problems pro

mpl oye d are To protect themselves from any or all of these nina
People who are une
session is basically economic. that prostitutes obtain banhos from a terreiro or from aaisdiura sho
e are many other situations

frequent petitioners, but ther tion . We E privately. These banhos, which the woman pours over
to supernatural interven
are thought to be amenable

a fami ly sd o parti bathing, e expected to both ensure good luck in

wanted to be awarded
encountered one man who

as the Ea ustomers an | to provide i protection i i

against evilli in-
red a promotion, as well
allotment, another who desi

harge from the Air Force
sergeant who sought a disc
TenE E:

Curing 269
bt id i mãe or may very well do both. It should not be supposed that Batuque
Owners of brothels sometimes engage aire ai Ea entire curing is regardéd as being in competition with, or serving as a
ae qa ir Iacol
pai de santo to carry out periodic quiet
É i is especially
substitute for, doctors and hospitals. On the contrary, a medium
One amo
establishment. ting Hat À und this attracts theasun- in trance may very well recommend that a patient be taken to a
isi figh i ng cus tomers ç doctor, just as. a medium may recommend that'a smuggler consult
ct of the cle
a o of the police, and one effe unab le a lawyer. Batuque curing is seen as supplementary to other
viole nce. We were
iocted to be a reduction of
ritual Eis expe i t receive medical techniques, except that it is thought to be necessary in
tioni à cult leader migh
to determine what remunera mta cases where diseases have supernatural rather than natural causes.
was probably substantial is
for this service, but that it rs for his s fim Since we were never able to attend a curing session held
E m etition that sometimes occu cam e to E outside the city, we never saw a seriously ill patient being
and Antônio
E e o nisgoliio of Dona Ana pat ron age treated. The people with physical ills who came to the curing
o secured the
ee d, for example, when Antôni o sessions we attended complained of. such things as persistent
Don a Ana's customer for
ari a ywner who had been of a lead er, headaches, liver trouble, fainting fits, pains in the joints, in-
lar customer
up IE of a brothel is the regu the sam e somnia, difficulty in breathing, or skin infections. In the many
hos from
all of her girlns are likely to purchase their ban i nl
omy stories of successful
: though the price i of a banho in 1962 was E cures that we were told, there was great
e variation in the kinds of claims made. One pai de santo insisted
Ri de (14 cents), the .total income from a largo brot that he did not treat physical ailments at all, but only diseases
Í dio
bably considerable. "of the mind. Others claimed that they had cured people of
ndo money from ic E r: o tai
o s sais cancer, advanced gangrene, and paralysis. Several patients de-
it should be pointed out
em rather sordid, scribed as louco (insane) were being treated during our stay, and
a the
ai people in the Batuque neither of these encult leaders, all curers considered insanity to be within their competence.
É : i most
ido to be much a different Several of our informants who seemed to have had severe
and smugglers are no
te bes peroêia
RE e a 7:
neurotic or even psychotic symptoms before becoming mediums
successful businessmen. “The

ea che $ told us that they had been advised by their doctors to seek “other
ted money in the Batug
pot “dirty” -The.only tain means” of treatment, which they had interpreted as meaning a
d out below.
sorcery, as will be pointe marital Batuque curer. In any case, insanity is a condition often treated,
seekiningg supernatural a help for
clie nts n
In addition to the ra a E and curers boast about their successes.
ther e are alw ays
economic problems, Insanity is considered to be especially amenable to treatment
ill health. All kinds,
r A whose major complaint is by Batuque curers because it is thought to be due to the in-
n ,
, h Y
trusion of evil spirits into the body of the patient. A number of
examples have been given in earlier chapters of other kinds
of problems that are attributed to supernatural causes, and it
in U e
accordanc should be clear that almost anything may be blamed on the
patent or herb medicines
with purgatives encantados or other spirits. Clients are often told that their
e of joia folk “medicine, which stresses íties

Re ctiv misfortunes arise from the persecution of a spirit that wishes to

(the nc of ipi
and resguardos Ea possess them. When it is a medium who is in trouble, some
à celence). Ss Ttis o
s or convalesc
edies that a E ne infraction of ritual law is immediately suspected. Encantados
E a to standard home rem aid. o E = that cause people to suffer are usually thought to have good
e medical
o aa considers seeking outsid 5 reason to do so—few of them are conceived of as simply sadistic.
may go to à Batuque
ps then go to a doctor, he
Curing 271
270 SPIRITS OF THE-ÓEEP special category, quite distinct from other supernatural causes
Exus, E
y evil spirits, such as the
But there are other basicall cause pre E
of trouble. In the case of sorcery, it is believed, the forces acting
ed evil influences that may
other vaguely conceptualiz d a e on the individual and producing his problems are supernatural
virtuous. Souls of the dea
lems for even the most an ig forces, but they are being marshaled and directed by a human
without any provocation, being. Since a human agent is involved, the treatment of sorcery
harass the living, again ery, sup ern atu ra. spo
sorcery. In sorc “must begin with the identification of the person practicing the
is able to the threat of directe by
heir own volition, but are
do not act against man of.t e sorcery or, more commonly, paying to have it done. Once the
human beings. ber s do not sorcerer is known, it may be possible to counteract the super-
ever, that Bat uqu e mem to
It should be stressed, how natural attack. According to most accounts, the best way
treat sorcery cases is to' send the sorcery back to its instigator
i equally well be due to
ay o or, in other words, to turn it around so that the initiator himself,
kind s. Une mpl oyment may be
Em e ce a all
t a É o rather than thé intended victim, fcels-the effects of his nefarious
ng. Desertion may ref lec
laziness or too much drinki ind ivi dua ls p a work.
unfaithfulness. É an Batuque members know that sorcery is prohibited by law and
nature of the wife or her there is no reason a
causes, then that sorcerers are liable to criminal prosecution by civil au-
lems arise from such e - E ço
alcoholic must simply giv thorities. In addition, as a deliberate attempt to harm another
supernatural relief. The gr a io : E
deserted woman reform
, the ill human being by aliying oneself with demonic forces, sorcery is
not do any harm to
e it does of ea clearly a sin that may be punished by the Christian supernaturals.
spirits are capable
The Consequently, although most of our informants were obviously

str hand.
dm or inje e
special efficacy to drugs fascinated by the subject, they always preferred to describe
one's will power Or Biving natura causes,
believed to be due to

But if a misfortune is A person who the activities of others, usually in a disapproving way, rather
s “natural remedies first. than discuss their own experiences. We were thus able to obtain a
the Batuque member seek has no rea son to suspect
ill goes to a doctor ifi he p o he isis number of stories, mostly of an overtly slanderous nature, but
doctors . do not hel
-. supernatural
DR Ear intervent ion. Ifem a his se a iagnos
we were never invited to attend a ritual in which sorcery was
mis take--ia
Dr mp
mad no
he can be
occur there

i decide that actually practiced. That such rituals

needed all along. doubt. Every leader that we interviewed remarked that he was
a a Batuque curer was
od that m the symptoms
ossible to determine fro often sought out by clients who wanted him to work sorcery
Et it is ordinarily imp ural or super-
his problems are of nat against someone. Every leader denied that he ever gave in and
of the patient whether ered necessary
m of divination is consid “did evil,” as they all expressed it, but each accused all of the
natural origin, some for simply describes
t commonly a patient “Sorcery is in great demand,” said one leader in an
to decide the issue. Mos à Ra RG others.
pro ble m to an enc antado, that is, to e unguarded moment, “and every pai de santo has his trabalhos
his at onc
the omn isc ien t spir it is believed to know [works of black' magic].” This was the same leader who once
and aaa pis
Curers sometimes use mentioned with an embarrassed air that it was best not to have
cause of the trouble is. but this 1s n
diagnosing illness, all of the saints; images belonging to the terreiro blessed, since
playing cards as aids in “us ed, however, as à
of the se tec hni que s are frequently rita some were needed for trabalhos.
of lea rni i ng abo ut fu ture events. According tosthe stories we were told, all of the renowned
means qi a
cur er det erm ine s, thr ough some process of Batuque leaders were willing to perform sorcery for a price, and
HW a cery, the gi ne
rce of his clie nt's misfortune 18 sor most of them had reputedly used sorcery for their own benefit.
that the sou than any O
be somewhat different A prominent pai de santo, for example, was said to have killed
he will prescribe may Sorcery is con ered sid to be in à.
thu s far de scr ibe d.
techni ques
Curing 273
272 Brazil preaching against Umbanda issued a challenge to the cult
in another
n he became interested
is wife through sor cery whe ral of our inf ormant leaders of Belém to try their utmost to attack him through sorcery
cribed by seve
E One mãe de santo, des e rp (Kloppenburg 1961, pp. 144-46). His challenge was promptly
Belém, was said to
as the leading sorcerer of iai accepted by several Batuque leaders, who published a letter in a'
rio di E pg É gi a
people below ground,” , the n, newspaper threatening the priest in the name of a host of.
ing the death of her dau Exus with unspecified disaster “within a short time.” A few days
rning o muc h, a
e hr granddaughter was lea E na later, however, another pai de santo, one of the most respected
up” all of the girl's encan
she somehow managed to “tie t sa ada Batuque leaders in Belém, also wrote to the newspaper to
the granddaughter wen
able to receive her spirits, Ei repudiate and ridicule the letter of his younger colleagues. Priests
story was cited by in dm
noted in the last chapter, this fo were respected by Batuque members as ministers of God, the
mes attack those of their
lustrate how leaders someti a da older leader's letter asserted, and therefore were not likely targets
their position.
seem predisposed to usurp gi E. for a trabalho. Besides, the proposed sorcery of the other leaders
similar stories, E
Considering these and in cons de r Ha was nonsense since the others had, in their ignorance, invoked
i ressio
imp i n that rank-a n d-file members livedved
-“an à the aid of nonexistent Exus instead of thê real ones.
e lead ers. This is far
the occult powers of Batuqu er see ms to hav During our study we encountered only one cult leader who
case. A era of being a successful sorcer boasted in public of his prowess as a sorcerer. This was also a
way à lead er is treated by 2
no obvious bearing on the ir rather unusual situation, since the man no longer lived in Belém
Most leaders never flaunt the
outsiders or his followers. generally and may have felt somewhat less inhibited as a visitor. On the
and even though it may be
edge of sorcery techniques, i e to dn i a pesare "other hand, this leader was the only pai de santo who deliber-
sorcery: from tim
assumed that they practice pes od “ ately set out to present as frightening an image as possible. One'
ers as being particularly
not seen by their follow e of his standard routines' was to dance with both hands filled
that most : mediums are quit á
Moreover, it is assumed tan ce, the paz
de sant “with burning candles, passing the flames so close to his face that
mse lve s. In one ins
take care of the ompplete Do the prei para ation of his hair sometimes caught fire. Since on these occasions he was
ant to com
Antôniôni o seemed to be reluct : E thought to be possessed by an Exu, it was only appropriate that
Célia, a young woman “wh whoo” was saiid to have a a he should make grotesque faces, and his large staring eyes and
e ça
and one-day
o Geiiendo quarreled, : snarling mouth gave him quite a demonic look, especially when
inence an
at he considered her impert ER DO toe seen through the candle flames. Another act clearly intended to
story pa
ig her. According to the ê s produce cold chills in his audience was the manner in which he
éli a then
i , Céli E tene
diums of the terreiro “swa llow ” Ant ôni o, à sacrificed chickens to the Exu possessing him, as described in
one more thing, she | the last chapter. After killing the chicken by biting its throat,.
sorcery. surprising that
It is not
common way of threatening develop- | the pai de santo then ran about with the body dangling' from:
in Célia's further
thereafter lost all interest his bloody mouth. His behavior was thought to be quite bizarre
sinful, it eis by other leaders and by many mediums, but it did of Course
illegal but also considered
o ince sorcery is not only sorcer y cas es are trea ol attract. large crowds. It also undoubtedly enhanced the pai de
E A in secret. Sometimessai the
instigati santo's reputation as a potential sorcerer. Ee
s, but ord ina ril y bot h
in regular curing ceremonie only á Other behavior of this pai de santo detracted considêrably
Of sor cer y pr during special rituals. Not from this image, however. When he became possessed by female
and treatm ent - |
s ord ina ril y den y havi ng à nything to do wit| h
leader boast pi pç encantados, his behavior was at times so effeminate that he was
pt for those few who
né they profess contem st who was derided by members of the audience.? At one ceremony that
unusual case, a prie
prowess in public. In one

Curing 275
to some of the Rs out of conflict, usually overt, and often the instigator is
the pai de santo took exception
we attended, ought to be attempting to get even for a previous injury. The
ped the ceremony, and made a
insults being shouted at him, stop sorcery that is often ordered against a wandering spouse for
he boasted that he had caused
long speéch. Among other things, example, or the spouse's lover, is seen as retaliation. In game
ased Batugue leaders and that
the death; of five recently dece cases sorcery may be attributed to envy, but this is less common
, whom he named. Although
he was about to do away with a sixth e audience,“it was
Considering the amount of competition that was described "
this speech little effect on his immediat
had the last chapter, accusations of sorcery by one medium against
santo whose life was threatened.
taken seriously by the pai de ke the protection sun are remarkably rare. Those mediums who practice sorcery
The next day he held a special ceremony to invo
TUMOIS, filed “a complaint -
ost always do so on behalf of a client, and since most clients
of his encantados and, according to the house where the come from outside the Batuque, most sorcery is directed outward
with the police. His son-in-law appeared at When sorcery does occur between Batuque members, it most ei
ing, meaning to fight him, but
self-proclaimed sorcerer was stay monly reflects the conflict between teader and follower described
until things calmed down.
the sorcerer stayed out of sight earlier. But on occasion two mediums may quarrel, and the up-
event show how flexible beliefs
The varied interpretations of this the shot may be an accusation of sorcery by one or both. Our Friend
one with whom we discussed
about sorcery tend to be. No as to Zuzu, for example, was being treated for sorcery during our first
We raised the question
matter took the boasts seriously. ths—was it the spirit
visit to Belém. She had come from her home in São Luís
who had claimed credit for the five dea specifically to be treated. As she explained her case, it all began
was it the man himself? At the
possessing the pai de santo or essed with a quarrel between herself and a close friend gith whom am
de santo was supposedly poss
time of the speech, the pai conc eiva ble that had been living. Shortly after the quarrel, Zuzu's health began
na. While it was
“by his carouser encantado, Jari ider ed like ly. to deteriorate. She lost her voice for a time and developed ape
ery, it was not cons
Jarina might be involved in sorc Was the pai de ble pain in one shoulder. Recognizing the danger she was in, Zuzu
such a grand scale.
that she would practice it on ? abandoned her house and possessions and went to Belém (her
the Exu that he frequently received
santo really possessed by howe ver, said home town) to be treated. Her ten-year-old son elected not to
possibility. Antônio,
This was considered a likely ““accompany her but remained in São Luís with the friend, who
“Flatly that the má “was not poss essed at-ail.. After throwing his was the boy's godmother. Às far as Zuzu was i, 1
the man had been merely drun
cowrie shells, he divined that
ats and boasts in his own righ t. friend had ruined her health, alienated the edicao Pes doi
and that he had made the thre and dispossessed her of her property, all through sorcery.
it was all simply alcoholic bra-
Therefore, in Antônio's opinion, In Belém, Zuzu was treated by at least four curers. The onl
tation possible, boasting in pub-
vado. With this latitude of interpre treatment of which we learned the details was that of oo,
g one's reputation as à
lic is hardly the best way of enhancin what counts are results, " His diagnosis was that through sorcery, Zuzu's friend had broken
sorcerer. As in so much of the the conta in Zuzu's shoulder. A conta is a small beadlike object
not empty claims. sorcery that some mediums are given during the course of their develop-
important in the diagnosis of
p One factor that is always no obvious ment. It is swallowed by the initiate and is believed to remain
described, there was
is the motive. In the case just killed the five leaders
permanently in some part of the medium's body. The indicated
reasón why the pai de santo should have treatment in Zuzu's case, the removal of the broken conta, was q
reasonable that he might
“he named as his victims, but it seemed accomplished through suction, according to witnesses. After suck-
atened, since they were old enemies.
attack the sixth as he thre leader who ing out the pieces, Antônio presented them to Zuzu in a glass of
ed by Kloppenburg, the Batuque
In the incident report cult mem ber had an water. Zuzu, who was herself a curer, complained that to complete
at felt that no
repudiated the sorcery thre y is beli eved to the cure Antônio should have replaced the broken conta with a
g a priest. Sorcer
adequate motive for attackin
Curing 277
victim, a lock of his hair, or an article of his clothing might serve
new one, “but she eventually admitted that the treatment the same purpose. In addition, the despacho might be left at
and she brought her son to
efficacious. Her health improved, the intersection nearest to the victim's house, or even on his
live with her in Belém. doorstep. The crucial factor in this type of sorcery is knowing
Zuzu did not know what type of sorcery her ex-friend had the right combination of items that are to be left in a despacho
employed. There are three basic kinds. The simplest involve "- and the correct formula to recite as the despacho is set up.
various herbs or other substances used as poisons . Inform ants
Only a cult leader or curer, inspired by his own spirits, is
insisted that these substaríces are innocuous without the áppropr likely to come up with a “recipe” that will work.
his food, in a cup of
spell. They may be given to the victim in There was some disagreement among our informants as to
coffee, or even added to his (or her) perfume. In the second
whether encantados other than the Exus might be willing to
type of sorcery, stress is on imitative magic. After writing carry out sorcery. Most agreed that many encantados, especially
name of the victim on a piece of paper, the sorcere r then puts
the senhores, were too “elevated” to-harm anyone intentionally,
the paper in an unpleasant environment with the expectation that except as punishment for infractions of the law of the sect.
the victim will be affected. If the paper is put under the drums Some of our more cynical informants, however, felt that almost
during a ceremony, the victim will suffer from an excruciating
any encantado, irrespective of rank, might be induced to attack
headache. If the paper is put in the mouth of a frog, and

an innocent victim, since encantados, like men, are vain and open
frog's mouth sewed up, the victim will die when the frog to bribery. There was general agreement that many of the lower-

In either of the foregoing types of sorcery, the encantado echelon encantados, especially the wild sons of Legua Bogi and
the sorcerer is thought to be intimately involved. The encanta some of the hard-drinking, unbaptized caboclos, were just as
must prescribe the ingredi ents for poison and give instruct ions
adept at sorcery as the Exus, muito E Dadas
can be
about the proper incantations. In addition, the encantado

It is because of the involvement of the spirits in sorcery that
tural power to ensure that the desired
expected to use its superna it is so difficult to treat. When a curer undertakes to send
in the third type of SOrCEIy, the most
result will occur. But sorcery back to the instigator, he sees himself as bucking a
upon to attack the victim directly . Most
feared, a spirit is called complex system of forces and beings. The initiator of the sorcery

often the. spirit appealed to is an Exu, whose demonic has engaged the services of a mãe or pai de santo, or a curandeiro,
Se Ajrcdeç
singula rly suited to carry out nefario us
and pagan status make it to attack the victim. The cult leader setting up the sorcery is
Exu is given an ofiering, called a despacho, as an
acts. The personally always shielded by his own spirits and has enlisted
inducement. Batuque leaders make a sharp distinction between the aid of an Exu or of one of his unregenerate caboclos to
offerings left
present for the Exus and a despacho. Both are carry out the attack. When the curer attempts to send the sorcery
the present 1 left to placate
at crossroads or in cemeteries, but back to the initiator, he must not only discover who has per-
d to, incite the demons to
the Exus, while a despacho is designe formed the trabalho, but he must also overcome the determined

A present for an Exu consists of new, unused
attack someone. efforts of the spirits involved to complete their work. If these
food served
things—black ribbon, a box of matches, or, prepared spirits happen to be especially powerful ones, it is thought that
are old or broken
on new dishes. In a despacho the utensils the curer may be in danger of being overcome himself. One

ple, .à despach o might
and food offerings are uncooked. For exam curer told us how ill she had become, nearly dying, after
and undrawn , with
include the body of a black rooster, unplucked neutralizing a despacho that had been left on a client's doorstep.
an old cuia (gourd
the rooster's severed head and its blood in In spite of the danger, most curers are quite willing to handle
o, it is probabl y
bowl). If there is any prepared food in a despach sorcery cases, and a number of special techniques are available.
to direct the
a portion of the intended victim's lunch and is offered

One pai de santo explained how his chief encantado sometimes
raph of the
malevolence of the Exus toward the victim. A photog

Curing 279
santo who had set up the en harassment by spirits or even to accident than to sorcery.
seized the soul of the pá de a It is possible that the incidence of sorcery accusations in the
undo the sorcery.
and forced the man's soul to E plo Batuque may increase; this would be a likely consequence of
nder was asleep, an
was only possible when the offe na dafei the greater importance given the Exus in recent years. As was
up until after
pais de santo deliberately stayed º
, this technique cou B pointed out in Chapter V, until relatively recently the basic
having their souls spirited away attitude of cult members toward the Exu demons was emphatically
and His 16 = ha negative. The Exus were recognized as important supernaturals
ie sorcery is sent back to its origin,
r. However, it is the-perso who might be manipulated by certain encantados, but their evil
result in the death of its initiato mowho
ium s
c ted to die,anotrthe med
Ru nature required that human beings avoid them at all costs.
paidí for the sorcery who isi expe Offerings to the Exus were designed to keep them away from
irits. ypiclal sto:ry
In one typica
inv ked the spiri
with a variety of ceremonies, and no one would consider seeking possession by
returned, 2 a woman came to a pai de santo
y s one of them.: Not only is it now common for the Exus to be
her c hildr called at midnight during public ceremonies, but there is a growing
and she could not control
Rompe Mato, diagnosed E ao interest in a set of beliefs distinguishing those Exus that are
possessed by the encantado nd as E as implacably evil from another group that can be induced to do
as sorcery and identified her treatments, good. Considering the intimate role that Exus have in sorcery,
a ser tes of
The pai ; dede : santo then undertook
public ceremony im honor of Rompe pd it seems possible that as they increase in popularity, it will be
a colado ps
ended at 2 AM. Se assumed that they are increasingly being invoked to attack people.
for by the patient. The ceremony a Rá Throughout this discussion of misfortune, its causes and treat-
last drumbeat sounded, the Rompe aa s - ment, and especially when disease was the topic, it may have
i to the pai | dedé santo, his encantado
cording pende ag ] seemed that the description must relate to some isolated com-
d managed to return
by a host of slave Exus, ha tal results. munity far from modern hospitals and medical technology. In
are no such fatal
In most cases, however, there We gre actual fact, of course, the citizens of Belém are quite familiar
earlier, the curer
the story of Zuzu given and neither 8 a with modern medicine. Everyone has had some experience with
ictim inin relatively tine ways,
routine ways, “0.
sorcery victim another case, x kum doctors and hospitals, directly or indirectly, and many have some
of sorcery dies. In
nor ai instigator ia
of her husband, who was E conception of the germ theory of disease, at least in broad outline.
sought to regain the attentions the diagn Under these circumstances, the appeal of Batuque curing is more
mistress. Although
more and more time with his é dio
difficult to explain than would be the case if the people in-
the mist ress was payi ng someone to use
was that
cure was a series O volved were members of a society where scientific medicine was
attract the man, the proposed woman's unknown and only supernatural explanations of disease existed.
the mistress hold on the
designed simply to' break ig Where this is the case, the efficiency of the curer is measured
usband. he
o aig in terms of how many patients recover after treatment. Since the
not seem to be as a
! All in all, sorcery does
be expected to be, and in ongoing cases the results curer usually treats all ailments-—colds, stomach-ache, and sprains
gathered from listening to med as well as serious conditions—most of his patients recover regard-
nearly as baleftl as. might be d of the a
pa Batuque less of what he does for them, and since he gets credit for the
talk about cases in in the past. From the viewpo :
that sorcery apparent cures, his rate of success is quite high.
urer, there is.5. no questiionon
rs tend not to pr The Batuque curer, however, ordinarily does not treat simple
ins But in our experience, cure
and treatment. They are m ailments. The complaints that he must struggle with are often
potential source of diagnosis being due to
ly to dia gno se the pro blems of their clients as chronic and may have already proved refractory to' home reme-
Curing 281
280 SPIRITS OF THE E Eid or rir does seem to result in improved
diagnosis (
perhaps even expert medical
dies, patent medicines, and ati c cond itio ns, it
a . This rcmay a be the.result he spont
of the spontaneous remission
is i of
ion of psychosom
and treatment. With the except man y dra matic
» Or it may be the outcome of th (
e curer effects very
seems unlikely that the Batuqu to the Bat uque
ro that most patients tak e to theiri health pd cartao
the patients who go visiting a pai j de santo, ; a patient
addition to visitin ie is lik ely to o
cures. W we assume that effe ctiv enes s and
ison between his (
curer make a rational compar iou s that they a remedies, take patent medicines, pray to a a go E
then it would seem obv
the effectiveness of doctors, a rena a penicillin injection, and visit a doctor (
doctor. Yet cura flourishes.
could not fail to choose the on this
e actual
ctual curative effect of am y Of these actions jons,
erations that have beafing
There are a number of consid 61, pp. 33- if he has a firm belief in the encantados, he is likely to cs
place, as Erasmus (19 that the pai de santo was the effective cause of his cure? (
apparent paradox. In the first ial fact or in i
ctively argued, one cruc si increase their chances of success by carefully avoiding
56) and others have efle bene fiti ng (
unity the individual has of
such situations is the opport ly has E : ni of, immediate eures. In all of the curing ceremonies
In Belém the poor man rare EA e Emo the curer promised to help the patient, but (
fully from scientific medicine. of scie ntific
y assess the é ffectiveness
the opportunity to accuratel to all of its indefinite time in the future. The pati (
not have complete access not to expect too much, ; and patience i ]"and perseverance
te a wer
medicine because he does a visi t to a
facets. Even if Batuque mem
bers are able to afford
tor emphasized, as well as faith. Although the patient was rod (
the doc
to buy the medicines that “that he would attain his ultimate desires, he was warned that (
doctor, they may be unable msélves with
ble to provide the
prescribes, and they are quite unag-term therapy. Secondly, even pd must be prepared for a further period of suffering and trial (
special diets or undertake lon medicine
e E is poi on the curer's side, and if there is an nprovement (
nces the effect of scientific
under the best of circumsta from which
e Pêpatient's health seneven after a relati vely long period
i of
since many of the diseases qi it is always possible to credit the eat given à (
may be merely palliative, the sal-
filariasis, malaria, leprosy,
the people of Belêm suffer-— infections of
p E isposition to expéct help from the supernatural
monella infections, amoebi
asis, tuberculosis, fungus ; ego then, the successful cures of a Batuque curer (
t to treat or cannot be on the part of his patients to (
all kinds—are very difficul ..goes to a
iate a De
d. Con seq uen tly , even . when a Batuque member : y good thing that happens to the i
- - eure
completely satisfactory. - (
doctor the result may not be not obtain
by the encantados.
, ê For À medi iums, whose awarenessEof the super-
Batuque curer also may natural is constantly reinforced by their trance experiences auch (
A patient who goes to à patient,
from the perspective of the
any very striking results. But a cure r, even % the interpretations become second nature, For non-mediums the initial (
ached to seeing
there are compensations att For one thing, Ria to a Batuque curer may be prompted by desperation
patient's health does not
immediately improv e.
sed as Ed Ee a clients who repeatedly take their problems ê (
pro ble m is “cau
ent at once if his s indicates that non-mediums often c ome to h
the curer can tell the pati ther e is ino poin t in
this is the case, kof expectations as mediums. The ease with which so ,
by supernatural agents. If ral has bee n pla-
s until the supernatu
spending money on doctor from a a e is related to the traditional conception of Ç
patient is in fact suffering ioand his world that at isi shared by most of the inhabitants
cated. In cases where the e eure r revives of (
ase, à visit to a Batuqu
“chronic or incurable dise sis offe red by
exception to the progno sa we noted earlier, Batuque cura is essentially pajelança
hope for a miraculous k in trad e, and the
acles are a curer's stoc no curing tradition of the Amazonian shaman. From the Deus
scientific medicine. Mir only cured other people
cure r has not ng, Europeans in the Amazon Basin accepted the Indian con- (
patient has heard that the of unemploy-
has also “cured” them ceptions of the unending forest as being inhabited by a myriad
of similar diseases, but rep eated visits
( .

And finally, sometimes

ment and marital problems.
282 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Curing 283
pitiful humans
of spirits, mostly evil, ever ready to attack the few
de 3. See Wagley (1943) for a graphic
hi: description
ipti of the use of tobacco by
and the
who daréd enter their domain. Although the Church Ram qe market in the city, Ver-o-pêso, is famous for its stocks of
tion, man's best hope was the
saints might give some protec ú e herbs, plants, roots, bark, and preserved animal tissues that might
posses sed by some of the forest
pajé, the man who, by being c goias bi in pajelança. Cf. Tocantins (1963, pp. 291-93)
others. Although
- spirits, was able to counteract the mischief of the Ei medici
ledicine of Amazoniaia isis discussed
di by Wagley (1953, pp.
es as sterilit y or panema (per-
- the pajé might treat-such maladi “ Plena
6. Duarte (1960-61)
luck), his major role was as a curer of -disease. aiguçnã, describes a similar
simi inci
incident i i
involving apparently
sistent bad
“curers have
In the process of absorbing pajelança, Batuque

PCÊ. Ribeiro (1956, pp. 111-12).

some of which have made
made several significant modifications, am a di a pace of the Maué Indians, who live near the
the presen t day. For one
, it better adapted to the conditions of abou miles above Belém, we found that the
ts that

many minor ailmen a remarkably high ãpercentage of a; pparent cures.

a thing, modern curers no longer treat a Duringi the ani ao
efficie ntly, but concen trate E so person died, out of several hundred patio A Ra
ho doctors can clearly handle more 4 a ieban (1967, pp. 86-96) suggests that-many of the same factors are
is still effecti vely
instead on those cases where medical science gnificant in the success of the folk curer in the Philippines.

is now no longer
Nº E helpless. More significantly, the Batuque curer
cases of desertion
primarily a healer. Curers probably treat more
e leaders have
and unemployment than of disease, and Batuqu
and que
Ny expanded their clientele to include businessmen
e curer has little

Eesti - Much more versatile than the pajé, the Batuqu

from modern medicine since he is rarely in direct
by to fear
FEL. " competition with it.
curing is
Ra. In spite of these modifications, however, Batuque many of

still based the idea that man is beset by spirits,

of the forests and |
them evil. Whether these are animal spirits Legua |
wild sons of
7 rivers or whether they are the Exus and the
maakes differe nce. As long as .misfo rtune is explained .
Ec grato Bog an
a demand for



in supernatural terms, there will

bi a the Batuque
in manipulating supernatural forces, and
curer will thrive, as the pajé did before him.

A ="

(1955, pp. 118-47) for

1. See Wagley (1953, pp. 224-33) aúd Galvão
sã interior of Pará. E
accounts of pajelança as practiced in the
2. Egg, Folha do Norte, July 20, 1962; December 5, 1962. Jornal do
q Kloppenbur g (1961, pp. 180-85)
Dia, August 29, 1962; December 5, 1962.
deirismo” takes place throughout
complains bitterly that the “crime of curan
Brazil without police interference.
Ritual 285
have African names and are thought to have permanent residences
Chapter IX in Africa, and all of the .songs the faithful sing are in what

are supposedly African languages. Another characteristic shared
by these three sects is a stress on ritual. Not only are many
ritual acts observed, but great attention is paid to the correct
“performance of each act, with a resultant need for long periods
of training for both leaders and rank-and-file members. Many
Ritual of the rituals center around elaborate initiation rites, including
the isolation of the neophyte and the sacrifice of animals. Another
striking feature of these groups, especially when seen from the
perspective of the Batuque, is the authority of the leaders and
the hierarchy into which the members are organized.
The overwhelming effect of formalized ritual prescription is
seen even in possession. The trance states of participants in

public ceremonies are rarely if ever spontaneous; rather, me-
diums! always go into trance on cue, they dance together as

less African and im the deities, then they come out of trance together. In the
As the Afro-Brazilian sects have beco

“ua Candomblé and the Casa das Minas, the deities are called in
p-oriented and fa
Brazilian, they have become less grou a prescribed order. After all of the mediums have. gone into
one extreme of this pe e
dividualístic. The Batuque represents e go trance, the ceremony is stopped temporarily while the mediums
have stressed

ment, and in previous chapters we É ar E Er are taken into adjoining rooms and dressed in elaborate cos-
is r d
ways in which this individualism me ur à tumes appropriate to the possessing spirit. Returning to the
of the individual
is concerned, the relative freedom Ran E g" ceremonial area, the possessed mediums dance as the deity
encantado and to
make a direct contract with an effec É pra for long periods—in the Casa das Minas for two or three
santo has had less
nendent of his mãe or pai de es ri e hours. Coming out of trance is somewhat. different in the two
s are less elaborate
might be expected. Batuque ritual cases, but again it occurs on cue. In the Casa das Minas, the
here are fewer of : em. Fm
in the more conservative sects, an-t medium lies down and is covered with a cloth; as soon as she
al feature of the religion,
the public ceremony is still a centr sd is uncovered the trance ends. In the Candomblé the mediums
observed as well.
a number of lesser rituals are e o come out of trance one by one as songs of farewell are sung in
ue, as well as
The ritual system of the, Batuq Es the reverse order of the songs calling the spirits2 (Eduardo
cam best be apre
individualism that it reflects, TO- 1948, pp. 86-95; Bastide 1961, pp. 21-31).
more conservative
trasting the Batuque with the The pattern of possession in the Xangô is equally formalized,
t he E most African. All Astudents
sects, those that have remaiined o although in these groups all of the mediums are not possessed
rvative sects remain! a
would agree that the most Conse y E e at once, nor are they dressed in special costumes after entering
s in Bahia qm
are some of the Candomblé group trance. The deities are called one at a time, in a prescribed
ô groups in Recife, pri
city of Salvador), some of the “Xang some s order, and those mediums who are dedicated to a particular
there are
Casa das Minas in São Luis. Although deity go into trance when their spirit is called. These mediums
i elief f in1 these sects, muin all all ofol them
in ritual and belie then perform as the spirits, while those dedicated to other spirits
A can derivatiloon,
] mate Afri
O rai ins a strong sense oi£ an ulti
remaas look on. Then, at a signal from the leader, the mediums in .
. The deities
and the members try to maintain African traditions
Ritual 287
by having their of the terreiro continues, and the medium is expected to remain
trance aré led out and” forced out of trance obedient to the mãe or santo. The filho or filha usually
After all have
ears blown into or being given water to drink. becomes responsible for some important terreiro function, such
the sequence is called,
been brought out of trance, the next deity in as caring for the stones that represent the deities, cooking the
are possessed, dance, and return to normal, and
its devotees foods used in offerings, or leading the singing during cere-
limited pantheon (Ribeiro 1952, «
so on through the relatively monies (Bastide 1961, pp. 58-59; Herskovits 1955).
that public In the Xangô of Recife, initiation is similar, although it usually
TA be clear, even from these brief sketches, does not last as long. Some of the stages found in Bahia do not
more - group-ori-
ceremonies in the conservative cults are much occur, such as the “sale” of the initiate, but the seclusion, the
ugh the individuals who
ented than are Batuque ceremonies. Altho sacrifices, the anointing with blood all occur. In various ways
t many Of the same
make their bodies available to the spirits expec the initiate is more closely tied to the terreiro than in Bahia,
does, their behav ior while possessed
rewards as a Batuque member since in the Xangô the stone representing the medium's spirit
remen ts of a quite ea
is much more restricted by the requi is kept permanently in the terreiro, and the medium must go
report s, with the exception pele
choreography. According to all E there to make the weekly offering. Even so, the Xangô leader
to enter tranc e on cue,
few mediums who may not be able idu seems to have problems in controlling his followers, as he is said
ted patter n. The indiv
ceremonies always follow the expec to sometimes beat them and may attack them with sorcery if
of the group rite, one
must subordinate himself to the demands they attempt to leave his terreiro, either to join another or to
all of the spirits on
of the major purposes of which is to honor establish a terreiro of their own (Ribeiro 1952, pp. 67-74,
of the whole terreiro. 114-18).
in the pub
E self-d iscipline necessary to participate properly Initiation has effectively ceased in the Casa das Minas; when
g a long and paes
lic ceremony is instilled in the medium durin Eduardo studied it in 1943-44 there had been no initiations
betwe en three montl s
initiation. In the Candomblé this may last terreiro in thirty years. However, as'described, the initiation was apparently
te lives in the
and a year. During this time the initia pesé i relatively complex. What set the Casa das Minas off from the
s invol ving the
and undergoes a long succession of ritual other conservative cults was its exclusiveness. Since it was the
springs, being ea
“of the head, taking baths in sacred only Dahomean terreiro in São Luís, the members had developed
animais, eating ne
“repeatedly with the blóod ot sacrificed the idea that their deities would only possess members of the
washed with- a .
foods, and having the head painted and te : group, and only children of members were candidates for initia-
in an elaborate costume, the newly initia
banhos. Finally, clad
c ceremony with grea tion (Eduardo 1948, pp. 71-73).
filha or filho is presented at à publi Divination plays a very important role in the conservative
of female initiates, there may
pomp and celebration. In the case groups, and representing as it does one of the more obvious
the filha is “sold” to her
be yet another major ritual in which carry-overs of an African tradition, it has been studied intensively.
isis marrie ied, , and her initiation
rents or to her husband ifi she In these groups, although the deities are thought to speak at
feito (literally, made) and
E complete. She is now said to be 1961, times when possessing a medium, the primary way of obtaining
of the terreiro (Bastide
becomes a full-fledged member messages from the supernatural is by means of mechanical forms
pp. 41-58; Herskovits 1953). of divination. The most common and widéspread is the use of
After seven years a filho or filha de santo in the Candomblé
4 cowrie shells, usually sixteen in number. In Recife and Bahia
assumes a higher status within the groups. The medium E e
the shell is altered so that there is an artificial opening opposite
allowed to set up a shrine in the home where offerings to
the natural opening. When the shells are thrown on a flat
spirit are made on a given day each week. Although the medium
ic ipation in all the ceremonies | surface, either the artificial opening or the natural opening remains
theoretically is now a free agent, part
Ritual 289
ortions of “open” ai stone representing the deity to whom the offering is being made,
uppermost, and it is the different prop and sometimes parts of the-animal's body are placed in bowls
(natural opening e
opening uppermost) or “closed” before the altar. The remainder of the body is cut up, cooked,
acco rding to one set O qa
that are interpreted. For example,
e, if the shelis turn up e and, after being handled in various ritual ways, is eaten by the
pretations given to Ribeiro in Recif e assembled members of the terreiro. In the Casa das Minas, the
Xangô promises à Pq
twelve open and four closed, the deity head drummer carries out the matança (act of killing), whereas
. Six shells open and a
outcome if given certain sacrifices ÇA E in the Xangô and the Candomblé only the cult leader or an
us iliness from the
closed indicates a warning of serio a the Re o appointed official can carry out the act (Eduardo 1948, pp. 69,
period in Bahi
shala. Apparently at an earlier and, the forme r 98-99; Ribeiro 1952, pp. 66-67; Bastide 1961, pp. 20-22).
of cult leade r,
diviner was separate from that ion to a Since under normal circumstances a member of any of these
divination in addit
specialist used other techniques of groups must offer sacrifices to his deity at least once a year on
these speci alist s seem to have dipippeno
Today, however, the anniversary of his initiation and in time of difficulty can
1961, pp. 139-53; Carneiro
(Ribeiro 1952, pp. 84-97; Bastide ; only obtain the help of the deity or regain its favor by offering
« 147-50).
l occa sion s, and e additional sacrifices, it behooves any member to maintain a
Er O india occurs on all ritua
during a cere mony to make good relationship with his terreiro and his mãe or pai de santo.
cowrie shells are thrown repeatedly the p o As the foregoing description makes clear, the conservative cults
cach step of
sure that the deities approve of cate d ti there “are organized in such a way that the individual must toe the
become dedi
The deity to whom one should a medi um) is line, at least for many years after entering the religion. The
to become
is some sign that one is: destined medi ums of long, expensive initiation, the stress on divination, the need for
over, if any of the
determined in the same way. More
, they go” at once to the mãe a sacrifices -all combine. to produce a filho or filha de santo with
the terreiro have problems characteristics that a Batuque leader would consider ideal. The
divination whether their spiri
pai de santo to discover through | subordination of the individual is neatly reflected in some beliefs
offering they should make
is punishing them, and if so, what a EE about the expected relationship between a medium and the
to what extent e
to regain its favor. It is not clear e E
believed to deliver messages thro ugh the spoken word. single deity to which he is dedicated in the conservative sects.
itm speaks in a a : y A member -of- the. Xangô, for example, is expected-“to have
least, the spirit in a possessed med de santo , the same personality traits as his deity. The filho of Ogun is
edby the mãe or pai
African language that is translat 1952 , | expected to be industrious, the filho of Xangô brash and ad-
through gestures (Ribeiro
or the spirit may communicate ! venturesome, the filho of Oxun vain and inconstant. Ideally,
. 63, 78). the supernatural is marriages are arranged so that the deities of the spouses are
communication with
fact that most
of one of the conservative | congenial. A filha of Xangô should marry a filho of Inhaçan,
through divination means that a member or pai de ips nie since in mythology these two deities are married. Although few
his mãe

groups is greatly dependent upon E marriages follow the ideal pattern, some attempt is made through
wishes of the deities. a
alone has the ability to learn the mi divination to gain the approval of the spirits to any proposed
ssity of offering
source Of dependence is the nece all of the union (Ribeiro 1952, pp. 125-27). These beliefs can be con-
the spirits, since sacrifice is a dg r basi s as
t well. trasted with the Batuque notion that some mediums receive an
oups sacrifices are offered on gula
i encantado as a dignified senhor while others receive the same
, ducks, and e
DEN civis. Birds, especially chickens
sheep, goats , and, rarely, ne encantado as a carousing caboclo. In the Xangô the individual is
are offered most frequently, but of pe E expected to conform to the personality and assigned characteristics
ompanimen t
are also sacrificed. To the acc on
is poured of the deity he receives, while in the Batuque the encantados are
some of its blood
singing, the animal is killed,
decide for him-
e so loosely conceptualized that the individual can
| self which characteristics of the spirit to empha
ritual act that occur s in the Batuque there is
In almost every
have just described.
( | some vague echo of the ritual systems we
attempt to call the
| In Batuque ceremonies there is at least some
in the sense that the
| encantados in a prescribed order, if only
called. later. Some
' senhores are called first and the caboclos are
some sacrifice chickens, and some devise
leaders divine,
elaborate initiation rituals on occasion.
just imper fect copies of those
But Batuque rituals are not
of their charac terist ics arise
a held in the conservative sects. Many ation
ion, but from an orient
[e not from a failure to continue a tradit
very dependent on the
a ; : toward a membership that is no longer
with group ends. Moreover,
cult leader and that is little concerned
rities should exist
( although it' might seem obvious that simila
ve sects, since thg Batu-
between the Batuque and the conservati
like the Xangô, the
que probably developed out of a sect much
this. Some Batuque
situation is actually more complicated than citing,
we have been
== Teaders have read the very books that
introduce ideas
Pi and there have been several recent attempts to Candomblé. A
from the more conservative cults, especially of
le, had a number
( : new terreiro that opened in 1964, for examp
that supposedly
exteri or shrines and an internal arrangement |
diro. <The- mãe-de.-santo attempted
UT 7 AS q a À Agra mimo Via pes irdo
Candombiléé terre
t :
“a” mb


ican” languages, and the

( to teach her filhas to sing songs in “Afr
the drums rather than
drummers were urged to use sticks to beat 1
, one or two of the
UA their hands. At some of the ceremonies
elaborate costumes after
EA mediums were led out and dressed in
s were an immediate
E entering trance. None oí these innovation
of them might catch on.
success, but it is conceivable that some
( very risky indeed to try
Under the circumstances, it would be
que that represent “sur-
(e to distinguish those features in the Batu
those that are of relatively
E vivals” of traditional forms from
; recent introduction.
take place, in connection
Most of the ritual acts in the Batuque
of them have already been
with the public ceremony, and many ê
that was not mentioned
described in Chapter I. One ritual
day on which the public
occurs during the afternoon of the
by SE On rare occasions, mediums are dressed in elaborate costumes after en-
is an offering to the Exus, made chief spirit, Juremeia,
| ceremony 18 held. This tering trance. This pai de santo has-provided his
with red velvet pantaloons and a matching cap.
Ritual 293
expected to arrive at any time, regardless of the song being
ng usually of rum, certain pi
“the mãe or pai de santo, consisti na Mi ne sung at that moment, the great majority of spirits arriving during
to induce the
and lighted candles, intended in
i n whic e the early part of the evening are senhores or the more serious
iros s
from the ceremony. In those stay gs both caboclos, and only rarely does a carousing caboclo put in
are still urged to
are colei at midnight, they this o po an early appearance. a
appearance.. K
befóre and after their brief During public ceremonies the proceedings are often halted
not take place, it is feared t
despacho* of the Exus does si temporarily while special rituals of one kind or another are
by causing fights:
spirits will disrupt the “proceedings cer emo ny w carried out. Many of these rituals are sponsored by individuals
Chapter 1, the
In the batugue described in E orla ; and are considered to be the fulfillment of an obrigação (ob-
a defumação, à smoke purification
preceded by ligation) to a particular encantado. It was noted in Chapter III
er, the use of smoke
and enviirons. As was noted im that every Batuque medium has a number of obligations to
i pajej lança, bu t since burning
agent isi common im
ifving Europe an a his encantado, the most common being the provision of offerings,
dei e same intent is such an ancient e = usually ordinary foods or beverages, which are placed in the
mpt to pinpoint the orig in
it would be pointless to atte appear to shrine at the medium's home. But mediums have other obligations
1962, pp. 271-72). It does not

defumação (Cascudo as well, and one of the most common is-to provide a special
on in the conservative cults.

food or beverage, not for the encantado, but for the other
a short ae in the
“he ceremony described opened with own members of the terreiro. The beverage provided most frequently
o. Each leader designs his

chapel led by the pai de sant with under these circumstances is afurá, a mildly fermented drink
ing i l, but most beginbegin
version of the “correct”; open

made of coconut milk, rice flour, and sugar. This is served from
s. Before important ceremonies,
some sort of: prayer : to the saintE a large earthenware jar and drunk from a cuia, the gourd bowl
s € apel; An important feature
ladainha is held in the terreiro a sm that is used to dispense ritual beverages of all kinds. In some

is a series
of “Folk Catholicism, a ladainha E respects the drinking of ajurá resembles a form of communion,
ch ch lastssaat least hali an
chanted and some sung, “whi
whi and everyone maintains a very serious demeanor. There is

h lad
. ghEacthe i ha is im tended to honorr a par
Ex aiai n muc altger
sainht, lon hou prayers may address the ne E | usually some special dancing about by the two mediums carrying

the earthenware jug. A large lighted candle stands beside the
etimes hold ladainhas
various other saints. Mediums som

r encantados. person delegated to serve, who is sometimes in trance, some-
al “obligation to thei
homes as part of their annu n times not. To the accompaniment of drumming and singing,
s have been honored, attentio

Once the Christian supernatural so, a db GE those who partake always kneel, often in a line, and pass the

os. Before
“turns to calling the encantad Exus, g cuia from one person to the next, each drinking in tum. On
s directed to the
ber of leaders sing several song appa rent ly an old some occasions only the mediums may be served, but, more
in peace.” This is

“them to leave the ceremony to 7 commonly, important guests are invited to take part, and in
App end ix A). Following the songs
tradition in Belém (see ough on spec ial someuterreiros large numbers of children are served first.
i to Avere kete, alth
the Exus, most leaders sing e There are several other drinks that are offered less frequently
Badé, Ogun, or som e O ther spiri
i am as an obrigação, as well as several foods. At Carlos” terreiro

ci first. After Averekete, it is customary to call we once observed the ritual sharing of a food called maijá. Ay

to be called early in
The only other spirit certain Carlos led the singing and an overenthusiastic filha kept swing-
I e is being held. Otherwise
:s the one in whose honor the bat ing the incense burner until the terreiro was thick with smoke,
order, except a E:
de in are called in no particular AS the other twelve mediums present knelt around a white cloth
and the caboclos later.
senhores tend to be called first may se placed on the floor. As the singing continued, Carlos began to
h almost any encantado
noted in Chapter VI, "althoug

LN à

Ritual 295
and began to dance around the cloth. At a signal from Carlos,

a large espada (scarf) was" brought out and held extended over
the bowl of maijá and over the large candle that had been

placed beside it. Ducking under the espada, Carlos picked up the

bowl, a medium joined him to take the candle, and still under

-cover of the espada they carried the bowl and candle into the
chapel. The ceremony had lasted almost an hour.
Although the maijá ceremony just described was clearly a
complex group activity, it was defined as an obrigação offered
by one of the mediums for her encantado, Dona Rosalina. It
was assumed that Dona Rosalina would be pleased with this
ritual because. everyone knew was in the encantado's
honor. An obrigação such as the provision of afurá or maijá
may be a standing obligation, to be carried out every year, or it
may be imposed on a medium by the encantado at short notice
for some special occasion.
“The leaders have obligations just like everyone else, and the
rituals they sponsor tend to be the most elaborate of those held.
At the terreiro of Antônio there were sometimes as many as
eight or ten different food offerings placed in dishes in front of
the altar at important ceremonies. Some of these foods were
of the everyday variety; others were sweets or foods usually
prepared for holidays. In all cases, each food was thought to
be especially appreciated by a particular encantado. At the
five-day festa held for St. Expeditus in 1962, which Antônio
held as the major event of the year, the food offerings were
especially numerous. In addition, Antônio offered afurá as an
Mediums maintain a solemn demeanor while partaking of afurá, a sacred
obrigação to Oxalá, and a drink made of wine and bread, called
bela de pão, to Inhaçan. He killed five roosters for Badé in
return for past favors. Another ritual was planned to honor
Legua Bogi, but due to unexpected developments this was post-
He was
tremble and was possessed by his senhora, Mariana. poned. If the mãe or pai de santo has fewer resources, then of
of maijá, a thick, gelatin ous porridg e, course the offerings he can afford are considerably less impressive.
then given a large bowl
portion s into the cupped hands of the Carlos, for example, at his big ceremony for the encantado
and began to ladle out
mediums. Before she had finished eating, one of the women Zezinho, had only glasses filled with beverages before the altar.
sagged slowly forward onto the floor in trance; she was He had a very elaborate afurá ceremony, but no animal sacri-
began trembli ng violentl y, fices.
helped to her feet. Another woman
woman became possess ed
but she remained on her knees. A third As in the conservative sects, animal sacrifices are not public
stood up
and stood up abruptiy. When everyone had eaten, all acts in the Batuque. They usually occur prior to the public
The sacrifice of a rooster in the chapel of a terreiro. The rooster's blood is
Mediums kneel while waiting
The communal sharing of another sacred food.

dripping on the sacred stone that serves as the “seat” of the spirit being
their turns. honored. a

while a ceremony there is a general consensus that blood should never be offered
ceremony or in the chapel with the door closed to the Exus. The murder of a pai de santo a few years ago
to witnes s only two matanças,
is in progress. We were able was “attributed to the fact o had accustomed the Exus to
commo nly than we are
and it is possible that they occur more receiving blood, and when the; sacrifices stopped they took his
all of our informants
aware of. From all reports, however, and blood as a substitute. poa

sacrifice is very in-
talked freely about such matters, animal
are noted for their refusal ever to The usual sacrifice is a rooster. It is offered to a specific
frequent. Some leaders
others who insisted they were well
a encantado, its throat is cut, and its blood is allowed to run
practice it, whereas
rarely to actually carry out the Eae on the stone that serves as the “seat” of the encantado. The
the techniques seemed
that too much blood is bad, an head, wings, and feet are put in a bowl and placed before the
There is a widespread feelmg


altar, while. the body otfhe rooster is cut up and cooked. The
cooked pieces are also placed before the altar for a brief period,
then are eaten by the members of the terreiro.
In the last chapter an incident was mentioned in which a
pai de santo sacrificed chickens by biting their throats. This man,
who was atypical in so many ways, stressed sacrifice to an un-
usual degree. At one initiation ceremony we attended, he killed
nine chickens, two ducks, one guinea hen, and two “doves. No
other pai de santo of our acquaintance mentioned sacrificing
more than five chickens at one time. Several leaders Stated with
some pride that they also knew how to sacrifice sheep, but no
instance of such a sacrifice came to our attention.
Another ritual of a different kind that may occur during a
public ceremony is the baptism of infants. This rite is a fairly
close replica of baptism in the Catholic Church, with the mãe
or pai de .santo officiating. The major difference is that en-
cantados serve as godparents but, as pointed out in Chapter III,
sometimes encantados are godparents in Church baptisms as well.
The ritual in a terreiro is also considerably less formal. There is A pai de santo begins a new song as he prepares to baptize the baby
he holds in his arms.
often exuberant dancing and singing as the infant is passed from
the pai de santo to the godparents. and back again. The pai de
santo recites the Christian formula: “I baptize you in the name When a festa lasts several days, the important rituals that
are planned are usually scheduled to take place on the first
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” and everyone
few days. The festa for St. Expeditus mentioned earlier began
present shouts, “Baptized, baptizedl” Infants are only baptized
on Saturday night with a-typical public ceremony. Dancing
in the-terreiro-if-it is felt that. because of-illness or some other
began at 9 P.M. and lasted until dawn, with half an hour out
problem they are especially in need of the protection of en-
cantado godparents. for the afurá ceremony. On the second day the major event
was a procession in honor of the saint. In this instance the
Infants may become the center of attention on other occasions,
procession left the terreiro about 4:30 P.M. and made a circuit
when mediums in trance dance with them as a way of giving
amounts to a passe. During one batuque, a woman through the neighborhood, returning to the terreiro at 6:15. It
them what
was composed of most of the mediums of the terreiro, in some
possessed by a carousing encantado seized an infant from the
cases with their families, a number of hangers-on, and a five-piece
lap of its mother and danced away with it. The mother watched
band. A large image of the saint, two and a half feet high,
placidly as the baby was taken to the front of the terreiro,
mounted on a carrying frame with poles projecting front and
held upside down, and had its face rubbed lightly on each of
rear, was carried on the shoulders of four women. Following
the drums. Screaming lustily, the infant was brought back to its
and half thrown in her lap, whereupon it calmed down immediately behind the saint was the band, which played popular
melodies when not accompanying the hymns that were sung
immediately. Sometimes the baby is simply turned upside down
or kissed, but the basic idea is that being handled by the
from time to time. Several hundred yards in front, a man fired
encantado is beneficial. rockets into the air in a steady series of explosions. The large
house, the medium, dressed in a
As the saint's image is brought to his
res to receive it. The young .-.
Batuque costume and holding up 'a toalha, prepa
swingi ng a small charco al brazier on which in-
man in the foreground is
the premis es.
cense and herbs are being burned to purify

arranged in
numbers of children that. were thus. attracted were
side, girls on the other, to form long
two lines, boys on one
through the residential É small procession through neighborhood streets in honor of St. Expeditus
advance columns. As the procession moved a and as organized by one medium as part of his anniversary celebration for his
householders came out to watch it go by,
streets, a few chief encantado, Guapindaia.
honored, but no one
few passers-by asked what saint was being
s of this type are
showed more than casual interest. Procession Antônio did not accompany the procession, but was waiting
ored either by terreiros
not unusual in the streets of Belém, spons in the street when itreturned. As expected, when the image of the
or, more commonly, by lay Catholic organ saint was carried into the |terreiro, Antônio was possessed by
hold at least one proce ssion a year, usually
Most terreiros his chief encantado, Leguá Bogi, who 'adores St. Expeditus
image of the saint is
during the major festa. In some cases the and was the co-recipient of the festa. After receiving the greeting
is ordered in-the saint's
taken first to a church where a mass of many of those present, Antônio went into the chapel and
to the terreiro. Often
honor, then the image is carried back held consultations for half an hour. Not until the consultations
expense, but fireworks of
the band is omitted because o f the ended did Antônio, still possessed by Legua Bogi assemble
fireworks always figure
some sort are considered a necessity, since the mediums and start a regular batuque. At 9 P.M. the dancing
in any saints” day celebration.

302 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Ritual 303

was interrupted for a ladainha in honor of St. Expeditus. This Some of these saints” days are also observed by other religious
was followed by the obrigação featuring the drink called bela de or secular groups in Belém. However, the days of John of Matha,

pão. 'Then a man and woman had their heads washed (a purifying George, Cosmas and Damian, Jerome, and Barbara are unlikely
ritual, not a baptism), after which dancing resumed and the to be celebrated by any group other than an Afro-Brazilian
batugue continued until 2 A.M. E cult center. The celebration of St. Cosmas and St. Damian's
The third day a secular dance was held, again to honor the day at terreiros'is well known by the general public. The day
saint. A loud speaker was set up, and when the dance music of the twin saints is dedicated to children, and any terreiro
began teen-agers came from all over the neighborhood. Dancing
occurred only in Antônio's house, not in the pavilion. Most of.
the mediums, as well as Antônio, took advantage of the occasion The feast day of St. Cosmas and St. Damian is dedicated to children. At
this terreiro, a crowd of children wait for the mãe de santo to begin dis-
to catch up on their sleep. tribution of the candy, cakes, and balloons that have been prepared for them.
We did not attend the fourth day of the ceremony. On the fifth
and final day only a few mediums showed up, and those who
did appear were obviously very tired. As frequently happens on
the last day of a long festa, visitors—mediums from other
terreiros who came by to watch and then joined the dancing—
took an active part in the ceremony and at times completely
dominated the proceedings. On this night no special rituals were
held. Antônio, looking haggard and bleary-eyed, brought the
marathon to a halt at 2:20 A.M.
The ritual calendar of each terreiro is somewhat different from
all others, and within any given terreiro vagaries of finance and
other circumstances make the list of dates celebrated highly
variable from year to year. In most terreiros in Belém, however, .
the following saints' days are considered the most important,
and at least several terreiros can be expected to hold a public
are CURE

ceremony on or near the date given*:”


Date Saint Encantado |

January 20 St. Sebastian Rei Sebastião, Oxossi
February 8 St. John of Matha João da Mata -

March 19 St. Joseph Dom José ;

April 23 St. George Rompe Mato, Ogun

June 24 St. John the Baptist Dom João

June 29 St. Peter Dom Pedro Angaço
St. Ann Rainha Eowa,:Nana Burocô
July 26

August 23 St. Benedict Averekete

September 27 St. Cosmas and St. Damian Cosme and: Damião
September 30 St. Jerome Xangô (Badé)
December 4 St. Barbara Rainha Barba (Inhaçan)
December 8 Our Lady of Conception Imanjá, Navéroaim
Ritual 305
candy, cake, and the individual. The rituals connected with cura were described
holding a:!batugue on Áis day distributes in detail in the last chapter and need not be considered further.
r and wait patiently

balloons to the hordes of children who appea The rites associated with the “development” of the individual
for the windfall. correspond to the initiation carried out in the conservative sects.
the foregoing dates,
In addition to commemorating several of As was pointed out earlier, in the latter groups there is con-
cerem ony each year for two or three
every leader holds a major siderable stress on passing through the initiation ritual before
receives. These cere-
of the more important encantados that he being accepted as a full member of the religion. Our investigation
to be obliga tions, and they are
monies are usually considered of initiation in the Batuque was considerably complicated by
ersary of.the day on
held not on a saint's day but on the anniv our knowledge of the Candomblé and the Casa das Minas and
by the encantado involved.
which the leader was first possessed
bút Antônio our expectation that initiation would have the same importance
The feast day of St. Expeditus comes in April,

Novem ber, since it was on in the Batuque. The Batuque leaders with whom we first dis-
held the festa just described in cussed the topic all agreed that only someone who had been
by Legua Bogi. The
November 17 that he was first possessed initiated could properly initiate”others, and they were often
the mediums who

any of
terreiro is also made available to
ony for their chief en- openly scornful of other leaders who were not feito. Our con-
wish to hold an “anniversary” cerem fusion can be imagined, then, when we later learned that several
are able to pay for one.
cantados, assuming of course that they of these same leaders had never been “made” themselves. When
helps with the expense
Occasionally the mãe or pai de santo we asked. Dona Ana about her initiation, she calmly said that
cerem ony 18 provided
of such a ceremony, and sometimes a God .had “made” her and that she had been taught everything
n whose presence
for an independent medium of some renow Another she needed to know by her encantados. Carlos was somewhat
compe nsate d.
at the major festas of the year is thus chôro more defensive, but readily admitted that he had never been
is a tambo r de
ceremony that must be held periodically er “prepared” properly. We never questioned Dona Jorgina about
the death of a memb
(ceremony of mourning), which is held at these matters, but one “of her filhos told us that he had been
of the terreiro. &
warned by one of Jorgina's encantados, while it was possessing
A number of religi ous holid ays during the year may serve as
many terreiros, for example, Jorgina, that she was not feito and could not perform the nec-
the occasion for a batuque. In
Year's Eve, and on essary rituals for him.
“batiquesare held onChristmas Eve, New For a few leaders, and aspiring leaders, initiation did seem to ;
A number of terreiros
Holy Saturday (the eve of Easter). be of considerable significance, at least to judge from the stories
occasion of the Círio, the
hold a ceremony in October on the they told us. Of the four leaders who claimed to have passed
Lady of Nazareth.
major local religious festival honoring Our the full initiation ritual, one said she had been “made”
VII, in some terreiros through
In addition, as was noted in Chapter by a local mãe de santo, two claimed to have been initiated in
tourists, if the price is
ceremonies may be held on request for São Luís, and one told an elaborate story of having gone through
frequently are criti-
right. Terreiros where ceremonies occur too a typical Candomblé initiation in Bahia. One curandeira told us
that their mediums
cized as being frivolous, but leaders are aware
or four weeks, and a quite similar story about having once visited Bahia and having
become restive if no ceremony occurs for three
n to bring out the been initiated there. Three other mediums indicated that their
it is usually possible to find some legitimate reaso initiation had taken place in Belém, but that the ritual had
drums at least that often, o
the Batuque take place outside been carried out by a pai de santo from São Luís or Bahia,
The other rituals that occur in
of them occur in private sessions who hid remained only briefly in Belém and then returned to
the public ceremony, and most his native city. In two of these latter cases, the mediums later
with only other Batuque members or clients present. These rituals
the spiritual development of changed their stories, and there were other indications that most
are related either to curing or to
Ritual 307
enhance the In most cases, but not all, at the same time that the encantado
of these accounts were fabrications intended to
is “put in the medium's head,” it is also baptized. Most of the
reputation of the medium involved. mediums considered to be relatively developed had at least one
members of the Batuque, however, as
For most rank-and-file of their encantados baptized, usually their senhor. It is sometimes
tion rites are
for the leaders mentioned earlier, elaborate initia necessary to baptize carousing caboclos, but only if they are
desira ble. Every-
not considered to be particularly significant or so wild that they continually cause trouble. The Exus should also
of isolation,
one is aware that being feito involves a period be baptized, since they are considered to be pagan. The baptismal

erable expense,
ideally a week but at least several days, and consid ceremony is again copied from the Catholic rite, with the god-
time “or money.
and few mediums are willing to spend either the parents being encantados rather than people. Holding a candle,
membership fairly
In the four terreiros where we knew the the medium (either man or woman) possessed by the encantado
more than two or three mediums who had been
well, none had who is the godfather stands on one side of the neophyte, while
initiation ritual. Rather than talk about
through the complete the medium whose encantado is godmother stands on the other.
mediums usually spoke of the serviços (services)
being “made,” The mãe or pai de santo officiates, reciting the same Cath-
that had been done for them in the course of their olic formula that is used to baptize infants. Although the bap-
out, although given different names, these serviços
As it turned tism is very explicitly of the encantado in-the medium's head,
were everywhere essentially the same. the medium is not necessarily in trance during the proceed-
with a
The basic serviço involves washing the medium's head ings. Moreover, the godparents are construed as being the god-
is a próminent
special herb infusion. As was noted earlier, this parents of the initiate, not of the encantado. To a large ex-
vative cults, where the infusion
feature of initiation in the conser tent this baptism of the encantado has taken the place of the
rdo 1948, p. 72; Bastid e 1961,
is called amast or amasin (Edua more elaborate initiation ritual that occurs in the conservative
p. 353). Some Batuque leadérs-use the same term. The act
mean different cults; it is often the only rite observed in the Batuque.*
of washing the medium's head, however, may Once a medium has been through the initial head-washing,
and before carrying out
things under different circumstances, . subsequent rituals of the same kind may have somewhat different
expec ted to specif y what
the act the mãe or pai de santo is meanings attached to them. In some terreiros all of the mediums
rite is intended to do, Sometimes intent
the ago of the à leaderE
. the 4%
sure have their heads washed at least once a year, usually on the
not at all

is not made clear, and some of our informants Were


occasion of the major ceremony. The: basic idea, according

how far their development had progressed. to Antônio, was to ritually cleanse his mediums. On one occasion

For the beginning medium who has had a trance experience

the head is Antônio washed the head of a filha in order to improve her health,
and whose encantado has been identified, washing but we did not observe this use of the ritual elsewhere.
It strengthens
intended to confirm an already existing situation.

“encantado in the There is some resistance to the idea that all encantados can or
the relationship between the medium and the should be baptized. Clara, who had had her head washed but
more securely
sense that the spirit is now said to be established had never been through the baptism ritual, argued that her
incipient possession
in the medium's head.” If a person has had chief encantado, Dom João, was a dignified senhor and it would
but the encantado has not been identified, the mãe
experiences, be absurd to baptize him. Carlos was indignant that Dona Marina
is involved. This
or pai de santo must first determine which spirit would hold a ceremony in which she attempted to baptize
shells or, more
is done either through divination with “cowrie Oxalá, since, as the most prestigious of all orixás, Oxalá could
the encant ádo of the leader. Once
commonly, simply by asking not properly be baptized by mortal man. There is also opposition
the leader is then said to “put the
the encantado is identified, to the idea of baptizing Exus, since it is maintained that this
all goes well, the
spirit in the head” of the individual, and if act “breaks the power” of the demon.
person becomes the medium of that encant ado.

SPIRITS OF ese DEEP Ritual 309
agreed, however, that a mãe or pai de santo related—she was the woman who tried for many years to enter
K is generally

” of someone or can withdraw trance but never succeeded. Her basic difficulty, according to
can “put an encantado in the head
arily, of course, à leader
an encantado already present. Ordin Clara, was that the pai de santo who had prepared Lulu had
o in anyone's head unless
would not attempt to put an encantad identified her encantado incorrectly. To compound his error, he
ient medium. But some

the person showed signs of being an had then perforined a service to withdraw the Original encuitado
the conc eption of possible Te- and replace it with another—this attempt had also failed. In the
leaders have chosen to broaden
an enca ntado in the head”
cipients, and they are willing to “put meantime, the encantado Tapinaré had possessed a relative of
sometime s explained to her Lulu and stated unequivocally that he was Lulu's encantado
of anyone, for a fee. Dona Ana if they had an
surely chan ge
clients that their bad luck would ng, she would
Lulu's problems would be solved, Clara contended, if she gui
If they are willi allow the mãe de santo Julia to baptize Tapinaré “in her head.”
encantado looking out for them. f, telling them
on their behal Both Lulu and Julia were agrecable, and the rite would soon be
hold a complete baptismal ritual shoul d observe,
ations they
who their encantado was, what oblig of the people
performed. When we returned to Belém, Clara promised, Lulu
were. Some
and who their baptismal godparents cipat e in the
would be “receiving” as well as anyone.
began to parti
who went through this ritual then but most did
Carlos claimed that he had yet another :kind of control over
to be posse ssed,
ceremonies.of the terreiro, hoping an enca ntado
the encantados of his filhos. If one put rum in the banho with
they now had
not. It was apparently enough that was quite open
which the head of a medium was washed, he said, the encantado
. Dona Ana
serving as a kind of guardian angel and alth ough
being baptized would demand rum when it possessed the me-
about holding these baptisms of terre iro,
dium. If the pai de santo used wine instead, the encantado
baptism in any other
we did not encounter this type of ably enga ged
. would refuse hard liquor. Carlos claimed that he had “cut the
leaders prob
the practice was remunerative and other wide spre ad
drink” of all of his mediums by using this technique and that
howevêr, how
in it. We cannot say with any certainty, none of them drank rum. when possessed. We were unable to
this practice was.. check this somewhat astonishing claim, since we did not learn
Dona Ana baptizing a bus ot it until very late in our study. Although .it was impossible to
On one occasion, we witnessed
of her clients. Perhaps this particular miss the smell of rum when being embraced by some of the
"that belonged to one in the nature of a
ceremony could have been construed' more mêédiums at Carlos” terreiro, it is at least conceivable that all |
Dona Ana, possessed by
blessing than a true baptism, althoúgh those who drank had not yet been baptized. If the claim were
baptismal formula and splash a
João da Mata, did pronounce the true, it would mean that Carlos” terreiro was unique among the
. The implication was that
bucket of water on the vehicle's hood terreiros we knew,
João da Mata as its guardian
the bus would henceforth have % In all of the cases just described, the mãe or pai de santo
that, in view of the vehicle's
spirit. One could not help feeling is seen .as having some control over the encantados of their me-
of the city streets, it was Very
advanced age and the condition diums. "But only, it will be noted, during the early stages of the
St. Christopher.
wise not to rely exclusively on medium's development. In many cases, especially if an individual
to have the power of putting
Since Batuque leaders are believed has grown up in the religion, there is never any question as to
ums as well as withdrawing
encantados in the heads=of medi which, encantado the individual is receiving, and the only role of
when a medium fails to develop
them, the leader is often blamed the leader is to wash the medium's head to validate the relation-
santo performs a serviço for a
normally. If à mãe or pai de ship. Even if the encantado does not identify itself right away
improvement in the medium's
medium and there is no obvious and the leader determines its identity, once the encantado has
is assumed that the leader has
ability to receive. the spirits, it been baptized, the leader has no further role to play. It is only
VI the sad story of Lulu was

botched the job. In Chapter in exceptional cases, when the medium is unable to be possessed


manipulation occur.

properly, that the various attempts at

ls about the rituals
We were unable to obtain very many detai
period observed by those
that may occur during the isolation

Our assumption s
is that this mean
few mediums who are feito.
we were not told about
that not much goes on, but possibly
g to the accounts we

rituals considered to be secret. Accordin

three days to a «week lying
were given, the medium spends from
at the terreiro). At the

down in the camarinha (a small room

zed as described earlier.
end of this period the encantado is bapti the
The expense connecte d with initiation comes primarily at

ted medium is expected

end of the isolation period when the inita
mony celebrating his new

to sponsor and pay for a public cere

sects, the date that is com-
In the conservative Afro-Brazilian

medium is the date of initiation. In the

memorated by every
date when

a much more important date is the

Batuque, however,
a particular encantado. It is
the medium was first possessed by
um makes special offerings
on this date every year that the medi
a batuque. Sometimes it is
“to the spirit or, if possible, pays for ge the date
encantado's permission, to chan
with the

whom the spirit adores,
to correspond with the day of the saint
rs. This makes it possible
and this is sometimes done by the leade

terreiro's ritual calen-

to incorporate their anniversary into the ssion, not the.
dar. But fór most mediums, the date of first posse
behalf, is the date from
date of any serviço performed ontheir
spirit has been “in their head.”
which they count the years that a
and the conservative sects
This contrast between the Batuque din
Medi dn i
for the closing of a batuque by tying scarves around
of the reorientation that has
can serve as the final example
ara « Fatigue shows in the faces of the participants and the few
have seen, in every instance g spectators. The pai de santo sings the solo of the closing song
taken place in the Batuque. As we
er freedom of the individual.
the change has been toward great
é or the Xangô, where the
Unlike the situation in the Candombl
to obtain a message from the
medium must seek help even enter trance to
feito is of little importance to anyone. Those aspiring leaders wh
the /Batuque medium need only
supernatural, feel compelled to impress their clients need only make fa
consultation. Sacrifices are not
make the encantado available for | story about having taken a trip to São Luís or to Bahia and bei ;
que, and each medium is quite
considered necessary in the Batu initiated there. That so few leaders bother to tell such dica
y offerings for his spirit. Con-
capable of providing the necessar ao how Jittle importance is attached to initiation. With divi-
not dependent on his mãe or
sequently a developed medium is lion, sacrifice, and initiation of little significance in the Bat
cally necessary only for those
pai de santo. Initiation is theoreti que, many of the occasions for ritual no longer occur. E
a leader, but in practice being
who have aspirations of becoming


The drummers switch to the proper rapid, mufiled, closing beat and con- the leader places a shawl over the drums.
tinue until...

It should not be supposed, however, that this increased fin encantados whenever they can aflord it. Moreover, they give
dividualism means that all group rituals will soon GIsAppeAS or every “indication of appreciating well-organized and elaborate
that the Batuque is likely to become just another form” of rites, and they often speak approvingly of terreiros in which
pajelança, with each medium performing separately. In spito) of: decorum and self-discipline are displayed. Needless to say, once

their independence, mediums accept the basic obligation of their * the important rituals of the evening have been carried out,
contract with the encantado to receive the spirit in a public .set- everyone enjoys the partylike atmosphere that characterizes the
ting, they believe that their spiritual development depends on closing phases of the public ceremony. There are some mediums
being regularly possessed in public, and they recognize the re- who show impatience during long rituals, and some who will not
sponsibility of sponsoring rituals or entire batugues to honor their wait but go into trance when this is quite inappropriate, and of
C) 314 SPIRITS OF. THE DEEP Ritual 315
course thêre are no lho sanctions against such behavior. 3. As was noted in Chapter. II, the Batuque as a distinct Afro-Brazilian
sect began in São Luís. The imrnediate source of the Batuque was not the
( But the great majority of mediums seem committed to an orderly..
Casa das Minas, however, but several modified Yoruban groups similar to
public ceremony as the central ritual act of the Batuque, in the Xangô.
spité of the lack of controls of the type found in the conservative 4. For the various meanings of despacho see the Glossary.
O; sects. 5. Exu is called first in both the Candomblé (Bastide 1961, pp. 23-25)
/ Batuque leaders and aspirants for leadership positions usually and the Xangô (Ribeiro 1952, pp. 76-77), but in these sects he is asked to
assume his role as intermediary with the deities and bring them to dance.
C show the greatest interest in ritual detail, As was pointed out in
6. The Batuque's date for St. Benedict is probably an “anniversary” date
Chapter VII, the prospective leader must demonstratê “his knowl- of a prominent cult leader that has come to be generally accepted in the
E; edge and his orthodoxy in ceremonial matters in order to attract cult as the proper time to honor the saint and Averekete. In folk Catholi-
a following and a clientele. A leader continues to compete after cism ini Amazonia, several days in December are celebrated as St, Benedict's
( he is established, and the more elaborate and well-ordered the feast days.
7. The conception that the head is the. part.of the body where the deity is
( ceremonies he is able to hold, the greater his reputation among localized is found in all of the conservative cults, as well as in the Batuque.
his colleagues and among prospective clients. 8. The baptism of the encantado is also an important rite in the Yoruban-
The rituals of the Batuque thus continue to serve a number of derived sects in São Luís, although there it occurs'as the culmination of à
= important functions. Although they are now defined largely in somewhat more complex initiation (Eduardo 1948, p. 75)
à individual terms—they are held ostensibly to allow mediums to 9. In anthropology there is currently an interest in discovering what
rituals “mean.” To do this on an overt level requires many painstaking
be possessed, or be baptized, or carry out obligations, orºhave a
( hours of interviewing to determine what connotations informants attach
good time-—it is clear that they are the major occasions for group to specific ritual acts. To uncover “unconscious” meanings requires pri-
( interaction and sources of whatever group solidarity may exist. marily a lively imagination. We did not have enough interest in ritual to
ga They also -certify to-the larger society that the Batuque is in adopt the first approach, and we are not sure that the second is worthwhile.
fact a religion and not simply a group of individuals who go “mw
into trance and carry on. When Batuque rituals are contrasted
with those of the more conservative Afro-Brazilian sects, they
- Seem few and simple, but they still constitutea vital part of the
Mein e MR Wirdre ces ese
"- Batuque religion.
( Ss ter



1. The term “medium” is not used in the conservative groups. In the

' Casa das Minas the Dahomean word vodunsi is used for women mediums
( (men do not receive the spirits) (Eduardo 1948, p. 69). In the Candomblé
arid Xangô filha and filho de santo are general terms. Special terms are used

( to “indicate individuals who have reached different stages of initiation

( (Ramos 1951, pp. 58-61; Ribeiro 1952, pp. 42-43).
2. The best sources in English on the conservative cults are Eduardo
( (1948) on the Casa das Minas and Pierson (1967) and Herskovits ( 1953,
c 1955, 1958) on the Candomblé. There is no material in English on the

Conclusions 317
dolphin Bôto Tucuxí. In the days that followed, as we continued
Chapter X to collect names of spirifs completely foreign to any African
pantheon, as we were confronted with orixás who acted silly and
drank rum, and especially as we came to know some of the
rank-and-file members and began to understand their concep-
" tions of the religion, we came to realize that most of our precon-
ceptions were quite wrong. The Batuque was not the Candomblé,
Conclusions and it was not a watered-down version of the
seemed instead to be quite a different religion. We began again,
Candomblé; it

from the beginning, to try and find out what it was all about.
Our initial assumption that the Batuque would be similar to
the Candomblé was based on -our-knowledge of the literature,
which seemed to suggest that all Afro-Brazilian religions were in
many ways alike. The reason for this apparent homogeneity,
however, was simply that only certain kinds of Afro-Brazilian
X religions had been studied intensively. Practically all of the stu-
i n o am dents of these religions had been primarily interested in studying
Eae D
We went to Belém to study the g the “Negro” in the New World, and they had consequently chosen
assumptions. We" suppõse a
woul d be much like A si | those religions for study that seemed most African. The Can-
a ini enco unte r there

for a anão as - domblé, the Casa das .Minas, the Xangô were all well. known
domblé of Bahia. We were prepared because they all had retained many African features. With a few

to syncretism, o
in the pantheon, to be ascribed ai notable exceptions,! no one had paid much attention to those
es on an earlier trip we e
had seen three ceremoni religions, like the Batuque, that had diverged most from their
tially we expect
ritual was somewhat different. But essen

a VR
O a
ot.Primarily Afri At,
cana ancestry origins, and even when these religions were investigated, they
Beléém «we would find peoplele of.p
Bel were found to be so “syncretized” and “disorganized” or such
ps, 8
organized into tightly knit terreiro grou

pale imitations of the conservative sects that they were not con-
et were the sidered of much interest.
o first Batuque members we mm
é and As we became familiar with the Batuque, it seemed clear that
and the most
read do
best na e inclined a admire the Candombl
ough they never delib erately far from being some kind of imperfect copy of the Candomblé,
the other conservative cults. Alth inue supp osing it was in fact an independent, coherent religious system that
t us cont

i illing
deserved recognition in its own right. Its ultimate African origin
SRBatuque was not emall thao fire ; We went to our first
when was" obvious, but the extent to which it had become “Brazilian-
o at Antônio's
Ex pecting to see ce Yoruban orixás, and dd
batuque SUPp ized” attracted more and more of our attention. Not only had
i red espada went into trance, we the membership been broadened to include people of all physical
“are” j red and white). ;
It was
must be a
Ds O gô's
Xangô ô (Xan lors
o E colors
ceremony with Antônio, types, but the pantheon was composed mostly of spirits with
several days later, when discussing. the
Antônio was quite Brazilian names, the hierarchy in the pantheon reflected the
nd the façade.
that we had our first glimpse behi Xangô, and, after Brazilian class system, most of the songs were in Portuguese,
ession by
puzzled by our reference to a poss had been fa many Catholic rituals had been incorporated—the list seemed
mediums who
inquiring of several of the other was probably endless. Whatever questions we might ask about the Batuque,
t in question

he finally suggested that the spiri
318 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Conclusions 319

they would “clearly be different questions from those asked by around the turn of the century. At the time it was exported,
most earlier students. the religion had probably already incorporated a number of ideas
It did not seem particularly useful, for example, to emphasize, and practices of folk Catholicism and certain themes from Bra-
as Herskovits2 and his students? had done, what came to be zilian and Iberian folklore and history, as well as certain ideas
called “Africanisms.” Since Herskovits was interested in the ac- from the Catimbó cult of northeastern Brazil and the pajelança
culturation of the Negro in the New World, his approach was to' -of Pará. The move of Dona Doca (or some other mãe de santo

trace not only traits that. had been preserved intact by the. de- like her) to Belém occurred during the height of the rubber boom,
scendants of African slaves, but also those traits that had been a time when there was a sizeable migration of people from the
“reinterpreted.” The concept of “reinterpretation,” as applied to northeastern states into Pará. Many of the migrants were un-
New World Negroes, referred either to those traits of African doubtedly familiar with Catimbó. The first major change that
origin that had been modified to fit new circumstances (e.g., occurred in the Batuque, once it was transplanted to Belém,
polygyny became serial monogamy) or to those borrowed traits was the deepening and strengthening..of both the Catimbó and
of foreign origin that had been modified to fit the traditional pajelança elements already present in it. This meant not only
belief system (e.g. the Catholic saints were “identified wi o the addition of new spirits and new songs to the ones brought
African deities). Ultimately Herskovits hoped to explain why some from São Luís, but a greater emphasis on curing (prominent in
groups of Negroes had preserved much more of their traditional Catimbó as well as in pajelança) and perhaps increased in-
culture than others. The first step was to determine how much dividualism; with every medium becoming an incipient pajé,
each group had actually preserved, and it was for this reason" the cohesion of the terreiro would naturally be reduced.
that he and his students were oriented toward finding “retentions” Within the last generation the most obvious change in the
and “Africanisms” in“the Afro-Brazilian religions that they stud- Batuque has been the incorporation of spirits and rituals of the
Umbanda cult of southern Brazil, and, to a much lesser extent

From our perspective, a major difficulty with this approach (and partially through Umbanda), of some ideas of the Brazilian

was that the members of the Batuque could not in any meaningful spiritualist movement. The borrowing of religious themes from
way be considered “Negroes.” Even if they were racially homogene- Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo reflects the increasing mobility of

ous, however, the drawback of concentrating ón the process of rein- the Brazilian population and the great improvement in national
terpretation was that there was an inevitablé stress on the past, communication that has occurred since World War II. It is highly
on the “old forms” that have been given new meanings.* Tt probable that the relative weight of Umbanda elements within
would have been possible in our account of the Batuque to have the Batuque will increase in the future.
stressed the odds and ends of “Africanisms” that remained— As to how any of these changes came about, we can of course
Averekete, amasin, animal sacrifice—but the result would have only speculate. But on the basis of our knowledge of a few
been a quite distorted picture of what the modern Batuque was recent changes, we can assume that in every case some individual

like. Our approach to the history of the Batuque reflected our mãesor pai de santo decided, in or out of trance, that a new
interest in understanding the varied sources that had contrib- ritual or a new belief would enhance his position vis-à-vis his

uted to its modern form, of which the African was only one, followers or his competitors.As was indicated in Chapter VII,
and also an interest in the remarkable creativity that had gone changes in the Batuque tenid to be resisted by the developed

into their amalgamation into a single religious system. mediums, so that in every case this conservatism would have to

There seems to be little record of the early history of the be overcome. Once adopted by the members of one terreiro,
Batuque, but a rough outline of its development is readily dis- the change would probably be at first scorned by all others,
cernible. The religion was brought to Belém from São Luís " then eventually adopted by most. It would presumably be this
DEEP Conclusions 321
new creativitity of Batuque mediums, their ingenuity in adapting new
relatively -slow process of adoption that would allow the themes to fit a given
iently be incorpo rated into ideological framework, and their skill in
belief or ritual to be modified suffic
still many only partiall y devising new songs and rituals are all the more remarkable if
the existing system. Even so, there are one considers the underprivileged status of most cult members
and it should be admitted that, in discussing
assimilated. items,
and the grinding struggle for basic necessities that absorbs most
the behavior and beliefs of Batuque members, we have some- of their time and attention. The culture of poverty may in-
help the
times ignored ambiguities and inconsistencies in order to delibly mark the personality of those caught in it but, in Brazil
exposition. The Batuque today is far from being a “completely at any rate, it does not extinguish creativity.
systematized body of beliefs, and, at the rate it is still changin

seem Besides asking historical questions about the Batuque, we also
this condition seems likely to continue. Batuque members asked a number of questions that were essentially sociological
of a highly rationa lized theolog y,
rarely to be troubled by the lack in that they sought to establish the place of the Batuque in the
ic rather than philosop hical.
since their interest is usually pragmat larger Brazilian society. In part owr interest in the social specifica-
The lack of philosophical coherence may limit the tions of Batuque members was inspired by Herskovits (1955)
but of course
appeal to individuals with intellectual pretensions, who, in addition to dealing with historical problems, also sug-
of its theology
the very looseness and lack of rigid systematization gested that most early accounts of Afro-Brazilian religions had
provides onê explanation for the ease with which new dealt almost exclusively with the beliefs and rituals and had
are absorbed. 4 ighored the membership. We found, as he had for the Can-

features, the
The origin of one of the Batuque's most distinctive domblé, that most Batuque mediums were poor, minimally edu-
carousing caboclo, remains obscure. The conception that cated,” and female. There were some indications, however, that
having fun but that they also
spirits not only enjoy drinking and the number of male participants and of middle-class converts may

these activiti es as part of their
demand that their mediums engage in be increasing. a
other Afro-Bra-
religious obligation has not been described for any Race seemed to have no significance as far as membership

imagine that such an
zilian religion. However, although it is hard to was concerned. Most participants were aware that the Batuque
ked, it would
- umusual and striking set of ideas could be overloo was oncê a religion of dark-skinned descendants of slaves, but
be unwise to suppose that the fun-loving spirits were invented today, as in the recent past, it is clear that “a melliutidade não
by members of the Batuque. There” are hints in the escolha a côr [mediums are not chosen by their color],” as one
the so-called

that spirits with similar characteristics are found in informant put it. In fact, considering the modern pantheon, the
Bahia, and we know from some of members of which are practically all conceptualized as bráricos
Candomblés de caboclo of
gh it
our informants that they are prominent in São Luís. Althou Amerindians, or racially mixed caboclos, it would seem that ie
we have
is impossible to guess when these ideas developed, African origin of the Batuque has been all but forgotten. It might
of the farrista was be pointed out that the Pretos Velhos, the spirits conceptualized
suggested elsewhere' that the prototype
das Minas, or as former black slaves, are most popular in those centers that are
probably the tabosa, child spirits found in the Casa
most influenced by Umbanda, where the membership tends to be
perhaps the éré spirits of the Candomblé.
There have thus been many creative modifications of the
the most well-to-do and the lightest in skin color.
Iwo of our findings were unanticipated. We were surprised

e from so
old and new that have been brought into the Batuqu
“syncre tism,” usually employed that there were so few migrants from rural areas in the Batu-
mâny varied sources. The term
s like the Batuque , fails que, in view of Camargo's (1961) finding that in São Paulo
to describe the development of religion
process involved, since it suggests migrants made up a large part of the membership of the
to do justice to the creative
bringing together of disparate ideas. The Umbanda centers he studied. His contention, later supported by
a rather mechanical

s22 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Conclusions 323

Willems (1966), that Sects like Umbanda served as important rein to express his desires, his frustrations, and his hostility to
means of integrating rural migrants into urban environments, the domination of the upper classes. |
seemed to have little relevance for the Batuque. We have already objected to this analysis once, in Chapter IV,
We also had not expected to find that half of Batuque mediums on the grounds that Bastide overstresses the racial aspect of the
were converts, or that so few children of mediums followed their im newer religions. But even if there is no “colored class” in Belém,
mothers into the sect. On the basis of the literature, we had it is worth considering the possibility that the Batuque does in
supposed that most mediums would be recruited from. within the | fact serve the function of allowing the expression of protest,
religion, and especially that daughters would follow their mothers in this case not of a racial group but of an impoverished lower
in receiving the spirits.º However, in the Batuque no one took class. Conceivably the poor and downtrodden might find in a
mediumship for granted, and it was generally accepted that only * non-comformist sect such as the Batuque an outlet or a vehicle
a few of a medium's children were likely to become mediums. for the expression of feelings of resentment toward the Establish-
Young girls often resisted because they thought they looked ugly ment. We found no evidence, however, that the Batuque is a
when possessed or because “boys don't like mediums.” Sons of protest movement of any kind. In the ideology of the religion
mediums were inhibited by the stigma of effeminacy attached to there seem to be very few overt or covert expressions of hostility
the role of male medium, although they often served as drum- toward any racial or social elite, nor is there the “symbolic
mers when young. It seemed clear that, in the Batuque, trance subversion of the traditional power structure” that Willems (1966,
was not perceived as a simple, normal act that anyonê might pp: 226-30) seemed to find among Pentecostalists. One exception
experience as a matter of course. Being a medium was regarded was noted in the discussion of the Batuque pantheon, when it
as requiring not only divine selection, but also commitment and was suggested that perhaps the high esteem in which the turcos
natural “aptitude on the part of the individual. Only a few of a are held may represent an identification of the slaves with the
medium's children were expected to meet all three requirements; Moors, antagonists of their European masters. On the other hand,
the rest were expected to rêmain essentially passive members of one of the more striking features of the Batuque pantheon is the
the religion, attending and perhaps participating to a limited identification of the major encantados with the upper classes.
extent in ceremonies, but never receiving the encantados.
i and ihe
Not only are these spirits called senhores, brancos, and gente fina,
Hs Batuque
“in examining lhe ieláriônship betwea all terms used for members of the upper class, but they are
other institutions of it difficult to
Brazilian society, we found always treated with respect and deference. In some respects, the
accept Bastide's interpretation (1960, pp. 522-26) that religions attitude of the mediums toward the upper-class spirits seems to
like Umbanda and the Batuque represent a “Negroes” be modeled on the patron-client relationship that is still prominent
or a “colored class” against their lower-class status. According in rural Amazonia. One of our informants, who was rather dark
to Bastide's analysis, after the Brazilian slaves were freed they and sometimes referred to herself as a preta (black woman),
found security by isolating themselves and maintaining mostly: always called her chief encantado “minha branca” (my white,
African values and practicing African religions. As the isolation upper-class lady). The context of her remarks when speaking
of these communities has broken down in recent years, and as. about her branca often gave the impression that she was speaking
the descendants of the slaves have adopted more and more of a revered upper-class patron from whom she might expect
Brazilian values, their religions have changed dramatically. Rather favors.
than the group-oriented religions such as the Candomblé and The lower-class spirits, the caboclos, are conceived of as both
the Casa das Minas, the “colored class” has developed “sects of inferior to, and subservient to, the senhores. They come later
imitation” such as Umbanda, in which the individual has free at ceremonies, they quickly retire if confronted by a senhor,
Conclusions 325
324 — .. SPIRITS OF .PHE DEEP in his candidacy, and after the .election it was difficult to find
encantado of their me-
they are expected to defer to the chief role, but
anyone who was even aware that he had lost.
Sometimes a caboclo complains of its secondary Bastide (1960, p. 326) suggests that in the more conservative
d the laughter that we Afro-Brazilian sects, members support whatever political party is
this is always treated as a good joke-—an
Batu que ideology seems to in power, in exchange for freedom from persecution. This cer-
heard seemed genuine. In short,
strata , but a society tainly seemed to be the case in Belém. Being in the good graces.
reflect not only a society divided into two
and keep s to tt. of the government was especially important in the 1920s, when
in which the lower class knows its place
Batuq ue- members are the Batuque was actively persecuted, but even today, although
This is not to imply, of course, that
their living condi tions, nor constitution ensures freedom of worship,
not often bitterly discontented with the present Brazilian
of the upper class es who it would be relatively easy for a hostile administration legally to
that they do not resent those members
responsible. In 1962, when the rate of in- curtail Batuque activities. All-night ceremonies could be banned
could be considered
were frequent shortages as a public nuisance-—both because of the noise and the fights
flation exceeded 50 per cent, when there
price -controlled, when the that sometimes occur among drunken spectators—or the police
of the basic foods that were supposedly
r the streets, and when could enforce the law against curing rituals, with a drastic effect
city government failed to clean or repai of Afro-Brazilian Cults
were from four to eight on terreiro income. If the new Federation
both the city and the state governments becomes a viable institution, it may help to insulate the terreiros
y schedules of their em-
months in arrears in meeting the salar from direct interference from local authorities, but as long as the
expressed “acute dis-
ployees, a number of Batuque members terreiros remain as vulnerable as they are today, the leaders are
was felt, were robbing
satisfaction with the politicians who, it likely to support whatever party controls the police.
military government
and ruining the country. In 1965 the new In the past only a few politicians made a favorable impression
since the streets were much
was considered an improvement,
ied, and government on Batuque members, A number of the older mediums speak
better kept, the markets were better suppl with reverence of Getúlio Vargas, President-dictator of Brazil
thele ss, the new govern-
salaries were usually paid on time. Never from 1930 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1954. Magalhães
enthusiasm. “Olha, a vida do pobre
ment did not provoke much Barata, who entered state politics as Vargas” interventor in 1930
man never changes),
“não mude”. (Well, the. life of the poor and who later served as 'senator and as governor of Pará, is
an opinion about
shrugged one informant, when asked to give remembered as a patron and friend of the Batuque, who ended
the change in government. the pattern of official harassment of the cult. In recent years
majority of Batuque
As far as we could determine, the vast the only politician to arouse much enthusiasm was Jânio Quadros,
in politics. There was
members are normally quite uninterested who resigned the presidency in 1961. We did not inquire into
al elect ions held in 1962.
very little interest shown in the gener how widespread this enthusiasm was; it was brought to our at-
gaine d the support of Dona
A candidate for the state legislature tention because one of our informants proudly recited to us a
front of her RETRO
Ana, who put his campaign sign up in song for Quadros that her lencantado had composed during a
f durin public cere-
and made several speeches on his behal batuque. This song, most notable perhaps for its complete lack
ted appearances at
monies. During the campaign he made repea of any real political. content, was composed by the carousing
to receive passes from Dona Aria, some- f
the terreiro, sometimes encantado Mariana: K
d the upkeep of the
times to make large contributions towar
athy for his party,. Jânio Quadros é meu homem; "Jânio Quadros is my man;
terreiro. Dona Ana did have some symp Jânio Quadros é que se quer. Jânio Quadros is what is wanted.
the party of the poor
which she identified in her speeches as Eu vou me embora pra Brasília; Im going of to Brasília;
as just another client. No
man, but she treated him primarily Lá eu bebo o que quiser. There Pl drink whatever 1 wish.
any interest at all
one else who frequented the terreiro showed
Conclusions 327
dh Es

não avoa, And cabocla Mariana won't fty, as to the opposite extreme and considered trance to be simply a
E a caboca Mariana
cultural phenomenon. He argued that since trance was defined

Vai a pé. Shell go on foot.

Vai chegar até Brasília, Shell get as far as Brasília, as “normal” by the members of the Candomblé, it was those
Bebe tudo o que dé. She'll drink everything offered. individuals who were unable to enter trance who were the least
“adjusted.” . 5
Since we never heard this doutrina sung during any of the

ceremonies that we attended, it was obviously forgotten as rapidly In most cases-students of Afro-Brazilian sects who have offered
. an opinion about the “normality” of those who frequently enter
as was the President it was meant to immortalize.
the trance state have had very little systematic information about
From the perspective of the members, the appeal of the
the individuals involved. Very few students have used psycho-
Batugue is not that it promises to change the world in which
logical tests to obtain data on the personality characteristics

the members live, but that it will help them to survive in that

of cult members. One outstanding exception was Ribeiro (1959),

world. Every medium knows that there are manifest inequities in
who used the Rorschach test in an attempt to gain more data
life, that he is desperately poor, and that many other people are

rich. Ordinarily, however, this situation is taken as on some of his informants in the Xangô. After showing the
Rorschach inkblots to a number of mediums, both in and out
being in the nature of things. There is no recognized political

procedure for changing the way things are, and there is no of trance, and interpreting the responses, Ribeiro concluded that
conception that any of the supernatural beings man can contact the individuals involved were able to resolve a number of their

personality problems through the trance experience, One of the


have any control over the nature of the world. The awfúl prob-
lems that the poor must face are part of that world, and the only women, for example, had problems with aggression, which she

hope man has is to gain supernatural support in coping with could keep under control by being aggressive while in trance.

them. Pis cs ; Another used the occasion of trance to indulge in regressive

behavior. But whatever their problems, these tended to be within
In addition to considering the history and sociology of the
the normal range, and Ribeiro concluded that all of the women
Batuque, we also attempted to deal with a series of funda-
he tested were reasonably well adjusted.
mental (and very difficult) psychological problems. Many of

In light of these conclusions, and the impressions of the other


these problems centered around the trance experience that Batuque

members interpreted as possessión. The"first crucial question we students of Afro-Brazilian religions, we began our study of Batuque

mediums with the assumption that they were reasonably normal

asked about the trance state was--whether or not it was a

people. Since we did not do any psychological testing, our basis

pathological condition and whether only individuals who were
for assessing the mental health of our informants was similar
psychologically abnormal could have the experience. Every student
to that of most other students—day-to-day interaction. This

who has studied the Afro-Brazilian religions for any length of,
produced a firm conviction that most of our informants were
time has asked the same question, and each has concluded that |
j as well adjusted as the non-mediums we knew. When a few
trance is not necessarily a sign of pathology. Rodrigues E e
mediums described what seemed to be psychotic episodes in
pp. 109-16), who studied the Candomblé before the tu j 1 f o

their pasts and when others claimed to have been in mental

the century, concluded that in most cases possession was much

(1951, pp. 214-45),. hospitals, we accepted the apparent fact that some mediums

like “somnambulism” or hypnosis. Ramos

very complex phenomenon : - were not “normal” by any definition. However, we concluded
argued that trance was actually a
saw many similarities with that for most mediums, at least, the trance experience was not
and that in certain cases at least he

did not suggest that trarice dependent on any psychological abnormality.


forms of hysteria. But even Ramos

The most unusual position The second problem related to trance was how to explain
was limited to abnormal individuals.

went the great variability in trance behavior that was apparent during

on this point was taken by Herskovits (1948, p. 67), who

Conclusions 329
head of a terreiro, or both. This leaves to one side the hedonistic
any public ceremony. Clearly some mediums were far elements of the religion, which are too obvious to need much
of superna tural beings.
to others in their enactment of the roles elaboration. For those mediums who become proficient in taking
that there was a strong
The simplest explanation seemed to be the role of a carousing caboclo, the dancing, smoking, drinking
medium s who took
learning component involved and that those and horseplay provide major sources of recreation and enjoy-
the role of the encantado best were those with the most experi-
-ment. Even for those individuals who are unable to take this
ence. This hypothesis was attractive in part because. i role, the color and excitement of the public ceremony are enough
Howeve r, althoug h |-
acceptable to the Batuque members themselves. in themselves to encourage participation.
simple relation -
learning was obviously important, there was no K is quite possible that participation as a medium enables
ship between experience and proficiency; in many cases, me-
some individuals to resolve personality problems of various kinds
diums with the same amount of experience showed quite although on the basis of our data we cannot really .say inch
beings. There
ferent proficiency in behaving as supernatural about such matters.” Some of our informants who had presum-
would not
seemed to be an irreducible psychological factor that ably been mentally ill did insist that their symptoms were much
it. The
go away, no matter how hard we tried to circumvent improved after they became mediums.
simple fact was that some individuals found the trance In addition, the Batuque offers its members at least some of
more congenial than others and were able to learn to the fellowship and sense of group communion with the super-
-on the
as an encantado much more rapidly. Some individuals, natural that most religions provide. Throughout this study we
either could not enter trance at all or weré unable
other hand, have emphasized the rampant individualism found in the Batuque,
of trying.
to behave properly while in trance even after years but we have also tried to show that social controls are obvious
in the Batuqu e is as closely related to
W trance as it occurs and pervasive, and that there are definite limits beyond which
hypnosis as we suppose it to be, then we could expect individualism may not be carried, Even the trance experience
a good
some of the same personality traits would characterize presumably completely. private, must conform to a standard pat-
skillful medium . Our data are much too
hypnotic subject and a tern if it is to be accepted as possession by the spirits. Conse-
carry this argume nt any further .
incomplete, however, to quently, even though there are few group goals in the Batuque,
g and why
- Jn considering why the Batuque is now thrivin there are. still congrégations of mediums that under the right
religions like it are growing in popularity throughout Brazil, it circumstances may be quite cohesive groups.
offer their
is obvious that these religions have"a great deal to Beginning as a religion that gave hope and comfort to the
dly stressed , the Batuqu e is an
members. As we have repeate slaves, the Batuque has become a religion that appeals most
, and in many respect s it seems
extremely instrumental religion to the poor and disadvantaged. Our interpretation has stressed
the needs of the people who
almost perfectly designed to serve the continuing instrumental nature of the Batuque as the reason
difficul t enviro nment, confron ted
participate in it. Living in a very for its popularity. The test of our interpretation will come when
earlier, a mediu m finds in the
with all the problems described the poor of Belém come to have a more secure existence—when
direct, immedi ate, day-to- day
Batuque a religion that promises they have more income, better health services, some sort of
te skills and
support. For those individuals who have the requisi welfare program. For the forseeable future, however, no such
the Batugu e may provide
adequate motivation, participation in test is likely to occur, since the standard of living of the poor
of financia l, health, and
not only the promise of a resolution people of Belém is improving at an agonizingly slow rate. It
of status both within
family problems, but also an enhancement seems perfectly safe “to predict that the drums will sound, the
and friends. For some
the religious group and with neighbors medium dance and sing, and clients seek out their favorite
with the super-
mediums, a reputation as an expert intermediary encantados for many years to come.
a positio n as
natural can be converted “into economic reward,
aVR cao



Appendix A


1. Eduardo (1948) studied the less traditional sects in Maranhão: as well

as the Casa das Minas. Ramos (1951, pp. 88-161) described the macumba
found in Rio de Janeiro and other cities of the south. Carneiro (1937;
Songs of the Batuque

1961, pp. 57-60, 86-88, 99-102, 128-31) devoted some attention to the
less traditional sects in Bahia, but never studied them very éystematically.

The best summary is by Bastide (1960, pp. 241-65, 298-305, 422-75).

2. The most important of Herskovits' works on the Afro-Brazilian
out in

ligions are listed in the bibliograp hy. His theoretical position is spelled
Man and His Works (1948, pp. 542-60, 612-16).
3. Ribeiro, who studied the Xangô of Recife, and Eduardo, who studied
the sects of Maranhão, were both students of Herskovits.
4. See Ribeiro (1955) for a good example of the result of this approach.
5. For example, the Bahian spirit Martim-Pescador, described by, Carneiro "The songs given below represent a small sample of the doutrinas
(1961, pp. 88-89), sounds like a Batuque farrista. Í
of the Batuque; mediums and drummers memorize an astonish-
6. See Leacock (1964b).
ing number of songs. The folklore research team headed by
C 7. Our data on formal education are very poor; most mediums had less
than five ycars of schooling. af e sons OA the
ae enseÉ Rê rip Mago some
( 8. For example see Eduardo (1948, p. 71). The same conclusion is at MS 1 1938, and a few songs
que CIC: nO. (São.
( least implied by Bastide's (1960, p. 520) contention that trance is “cultural, from Belém, recorded in 1931, are included in Andrade's Música
normal, and obligatory” in “Negro societies.”
da feitiçaria no Brasil (1963, pp. 105, 233-34, 264). Many
(O . 9. An interpretation that would equate the medium's chief encantado with
aà his superego and his farrista with his id will surely appeal to any reader e of these doutrinas, in substantially the same form, are still being
- a urei no Re interpretation will be found in sung in Belém more than à generation later.
| é ae We heard all of the songs recorded below on more than one
O occasion and in more than one cult center. In a ceremonial
É | setting, with the drums and ganzá going full blast, it is difficult
4 : É to distinguish all of the words in a song. In most cases, informants
( f - á repeated the words for us later on. The songs are primarily in
— Portuguese, but include a sprinkling of non-Portuguese words that
/ are «said to be Nagô (Yoruban). These non-Portuguese words
( are meaningless to most Batuque mediums, and, although some
O Batuque leaders would, if asked, reel off a Portuguese translation
6 ti of Nagô phrases, one had the strong-impression that they were
e , ; improvising. Most mediums do not think of Nagô as an African
E language but rather conceive of it as a sacred language that is
used by all of the spirits, including the American Indians, the
La ; '
Ro É dolphins, and the Turks. In the songs given below, Nagô words
Songs of the Batuque 333
2. Ó Barabô-Tiriri, Nana,
or phrases are spelled as they would be spelled by a Portuguese Barabô-ti. '
speaker and no attempt is made to translate them. Ó Barabô-Tiriri, Nana,
All of the doutrinas sung during a public ceremony follow a Barabô-ti.
solo-chorus pattern; during curing rituals the curer sings a number
of songs that do not require a resposta (response). The chorus Oh, Legba is no vodun,
3. Oh, Legba não é vodun,
usually repeats the words sung by the solo at the end. of each

Kerê, kerê-ê, Kerê, kerê-ê,
stanza. In cases where the chorus sings a substantially different Oh, Legba não é vodun, Oh, Legba is no vodun,
response, we have indented the words sung by the chorus. Each Kerê, kerê. Kerê, kerê.
song is sung through at least twice, but may be repeated over Ogun mandou levar Exu Ogun ordered Exu removed
For a kerê, kerê.
and over again for much longer periods, depending on the lead
Para um kerê, kerê.
Oh, Legba não é vodun, Oh, Legba is no vodun,
of the solo. After the song is sung through once, a certain Kerê, kerê. — Kerê, kerê.
flexibility is often allowed the solo, who may choose to repeat
certain lines more often than others and may even improvise 4. Exu-Malê, Exu-Malê,
new lines. Ô la ê la.
Exu-Malê, Exu-Malê,
Ô la ê la.
A. Opening 'songs. 4
With the permission aiê, with the

5. Com licenç-ai-ll, com licença
The initial songs sung during a batuque are considered ex- ê-a, permission ê-a,
tremely important by cult members. Unless the ceremony is Com licença de dono da casa, With the permission of the owner of
“opened” correctly, few encantados will descend. Each leader the house," vs ir
Com licença de ogan-ai-a. With the permission of the ogan-ai-a.
tends to develop his own repertoire of correct opening songs. (Chorus repeats)
It seems likely that the five doutrinas given here were formerly Com licenç-ai-lêl, com licença With the permission ai-ê, with the

used in most terreiros to open a ceremony, but at present only ê-a, permission ê-a,
a few leaders continue to open with these songs. All five are Com licença de todos voduns, With the permission of all the
designed to salute the Exus and to send them away from the Com licença de ogan-ai-a. With
the permission of the ogan-
premises. E ai-a.
(Chorus repeats first stanza)
1. Baraba-ô oji, Baraba-a i aná, Com licenç-ai-li, com licença With the permission ai-ê, with the

Baraba-ô i an. ; ê-a, permission ê-a,
Quem mandou colicô coria-na Com licença de caboclo da rua, With the permission of the caboclo
Ô bogiba igori ana of the street [Exu],

Fara ai-no-glê, ojan di nai, ai- Com licença de ogan-ai-a. With the permission of the ogan-
no-glê, R (Chorus repeats first stanza) ai-a.
Ai-no-glê, ai-no-glê.
Fara loçun,- .,.

Ai-ma. B. Songs for specific encantados.
Todo fé, .
Aima. - ) The songs in this section are used both to call the spirit
Fara loçun. named and to identify a spirit that has possessed a medium. The
Ai-ma. songs are given more or less in the order in which they might
Todo fé,
be sung during a batuque. There are no rigid rules about the

Songs of the Batuque 335
5. (Rainha Barba-Inhaçan)
and in any
sequence in which spirits are to be called, however, Barba Sueira, Barba Sueira,
to the leader
actual ceremony songs will be sun g as'they occur Barba Sueira, Maria-a.
trance. The spirit featur ed in each song
or as mediums enter 6. (Rainha Barba-Inhaçan)
is indicated in parenthesis. Maria Barba junta pedras no Maria Barba gathers stones by the
z mar. Sea.

1. (Averekete) Hoje é dia de folga, senhor. Today is a day of, sir.

Ó Dom, Dom Ja, é Dom, Dom O Dom, Dom Ja, O Dom, Dom Ja,
Ja, 7. (Rainha Barba-Inhaçan)
Verekete, Verekete, Verekete, Verekete, Eram duas ventarolas, duas There were two fans, two fans
Ó Dom, Dom Ja! O Dom, Dom Jat * ventarolas
Averekete puxa guia, Averekete brings spirits, Que vieram lá do mar. That came from the sea there.
Ó Dom, Dom Ja! O Dom, Dom Ja! Eram duas ventarolas, duas There were two fans, two fans
Averekete é mina d'ouro, Averekete is a gold mine, ventarolas ps
Ó Dom, Dom Ja! O Dom, Dom Ja! Que vieram lá do mar. That came from the sea there.
Averekete é nossa guia, Averekete is our guide,
Ó Dom, Dom Ja! O Dom, Dom Ja! Uma era d'Inhaçan, o a lê lê, One was Inhaçan's, o a lê Tê,

E a outra era d'Imanjá. And the other was Imanjá's.

Uma era d'Inhaçan, o a lê lê, One was Inhaçan's, o a lê lê,
2. (Averekete) 7 a

E a outra era d'Imanjá. And the other was Imanjá's.

O que sá, que sá, o que sá lá, He who is, who is, he who is there,
Verekete é da Mina, que sá lá. Verekete, who is there, is of Mina.
8. (Rainha Barba-Inhaçan) a

(Chorus repeats) Inhaçan, orixá na Umbanda, Inhaçan, orixá in Umbanda,

He who is, who is, he who is there,
O que sá, que sá,'O que sá lá,

is of Rainha de nossa gongá, Queen of our sanctuary,

Rei Turquia é da Mina, King
que sá Turquia, who is there,
Saravá Inhaçan m Hail Inhaçan
lá. Mina.
.) Lá na Ruanda e parê, parê! There in Ruanda and parê, parê!
(Any other encantado may “be named in additional stanzas Inhaçan vence demanda. Inhaçan wins the batile.

He who is, who is, he who is

O que sá, que sá, o que sá lá, Mina.
Everyone who is there is of
- Tado. lá.mundo é da Mina,equeri sá RE NETOS Inhaçan, saravá com Xangô; Inhaçan, salute her and Xangô;

No céu trovão roncou, In the sky thunder rumbled,

E lá na mata o leão badou. And in the forest the lion [roared?).
Saravá Inhaçan! Saravá Xangô! Hail Inhaçan! Hail Xangô!
3. (Averekete)
Chama Averekete! Call Averekete!
Averé! 9. (Badé-Xangô)

Chama Averekete! Call Averekete! Cravê oço, Badé sorou,

Averé! Averé!
Hum, hum, hum! 10. (Badé-Xangô)
Hum, hum, hum!
Averé! “Ô Badé sorou gama, gama-ô.

Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum!

Averé! 11. (Badé-Xangô)
Tu não vais, Badé? Eu vou. Aren't you going, Badé? I'm going.

Tambor te chama. Eu vou. The drum is calling you. Em going.

4. (Rainha Barba-Inhaçan)
There comes Barba ón the sea
Lá vem Barba nas ondas do 12. (Badé-Xangô)
mar; waves; Badé chama povo do céu. Badé is calling spirits from the sky.

Barba comes rolling on the rolling

Barba vem rolando no rôlo do É o dia de folga, senhor. Its our day of, sir.
mar. sea.
336 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Songs of the Batuque 337

13. (BadéXangô) 20. (Imanjá)

A—ê, aê, Veio do céu, Imanjá, veio do She came from heaven, Imanjá,
A-ê, a, came from heaven;
beleza, Xangô is a beauty, céu;
Xangô é uma Came from heaven—u,
Aê. Veio do céu—u.
Aê. Veio do céu, Imanjá de Deus, She came from heaven, Imanjá of
14. (Badé-Xangô) Veio do céu. She came from heaven.
Xangô bami o pema Ogun,
Veio do céu—u. Came from heaven—u.
Xangô bami o pema Ogun-ô,
21. (Imanjá)
15. (Badé-Xangô) Samba colê, missa Ô la ô,
Aiolêolio lê, É Manjá, é Manjá.
Aioclolêo lá, Ô ô ló dê,
Aiolêo li Xangô, Samba colê, missa ô la ô,
Aiolêolêo lá. É Manjá, é Manjá.

16. (Dom João Sueira) 22. (Imanjá)

O lé lé Dom João, É de lá, é d'Imanjá;
Para vodun e dou, Olha um que kerê flori fofi
Aguas bela. js ô lou ô dou,
É de lá, é d'Imanjá.
17. (Dom João Sueira) Olha um que kerê flori fofi
A di mi, a di mina, ô lou ô dou,
Aguas bela. " É de lá, é d'Imanjá.
18. (Dom João Sueira) 23. (Jamaina)
Dom João Sueira, horseman of sea
Dom João Sueira, cavalheiro do Ela é sereia, serei-i-ar, She is a mermaid, mermaid-ing,
and sky, She is a mermaid, queen of the sea.
mar e céu, Ela é sereia, rainha do mar.
Dom João Sueira, horseman of sea
Dom João Sueira, cavalheiro do. - (Chorus repeats)
mar e céu, “= andosky, Oh, Jamaina is a royal princess;
Oh, Jamaina é princesa real;
para -Possess someone, if only to dance. She is enchanted in the coral snake.
Desce nalguma, somente Ela é encantada na cobra-coral.
O Sueira, dweller by the sea,
ÔÓ Sueira, beirão do mar, 24. (Jamaina)
O Sueira, dweller by the sea.
Ó Sueira, beirão do mar. E agô, Badé;
E agô, sereia do mar.
19. (Dom João Sueira)
Ó Sueira, beirão do mar, O Sueira, dweller by the sea,
25. (Oxossi)
O sueira, dweller by the sea,
Ó Sueira, beirão do mar, Oxossi beliquê, beli-ou,
O Sueira, dweller by the sea,
Ó Sueira, beirão do mar, the Beli, beli-uá.
do Dom João Sueira, dweller by
Dom João Sueira, beirão
mar. 26. (Oxossi)
Oxossi é, Oxossi é, Oxossi is, Oxossi is,
Oxossi é a luz que alumeia. Oxossi is the light that is shining.
(Chorus repeats)
Oxossi é, Oxossi é, Oxossi is, Oxossi is,
Oxossi é a estrêla que aluméia. Oxossi is the star that is shining.

SPIRITS OF Hm DEEP Songs of the Batuque 339
27. (Oxossi) 34. (Ogun)
I saw rain and lightning, Olha, Ogun está' lá afora! Look, Ogun is outside there!
Eu vi chover e relampear,
But at the same time the sky was Stá, stá! He is, he is!
Mas assim mesmo o céu estava
blue. , Olha, Ogun está lá afora! Look, Ogun is outside there!
Base your ponto on the jurema leaf. Stá, stá! He is, he is!
Firma seu ponto na folha da
Olha, Ogun vem de Umbanda! Look, Ogun comes from Umbanda!
Oxossi is good there in. Aracajú. Vem, vem! He comes, comes!
Oxossi é bom lá na Aracajú.
Olha, Ogun vem de Umbanda! Look, Ogun comes from Umbanda!
Vem, vem! He comes, comes!
28. (Jurema)
Aruandê, Aruandá, Aruandê, Aruandá, Ê
The Indians of Pema | 35. (Oxun)

Os caboclos de Pema Ai-ê-ê, ai-ê&-ê Mamãe

Vem da Jurema Come from Jurema
Para trabalhar. In order to work.
Ai-ê-ê, ai-ê-ê Mamãe

29. (Jurema) Ai-ê-—ê, Mamãe Oxun, ai—ê

Filho da Jurema, A son of Jurema, —ê, Oxun-marê,

Im going to Jurema,
a ss

Eu vou para Jurema, Ai—ê-—ê, Mamãe Oxun, ai—ê

Juremê, Juremá. Juremê, Juremá. —ê, Oxun-marê.

30. (Jurema) 36. (Japetequara)

Na sua aldeia tem seus caboclos, In your village are your Indians, Grande tremor deu na aldeia, 4 great tremor struck the village,
Na sua mata cachoeiri nha, É In your forest there is a waterfall, Aldeia balanceou. The village rocked.
No seu saiote tem rendas dou- On your petticoat there is gold lace, Foi o nosso rei dos indios kt was our Indian king
radas, Quando na Jurema entrou. When he entered Jurema,
Seu capacete brilha na alvorada. Your helmet gleams in the dawn. Foi o nosso rei dos indios It was our Indian king
Quando na Jurema entrou. When he entered Jurema.

31. (Jurema) 37. (Japetequara)

A-ê, ela é filha da Jurema.” “A-ê;-she is Jureme's daughter.
. Pernambuco is mine; ; Ê ii, ê-i—a, E, éê—i—a,
Pernambuco é meu; Japetequara is Brazils Old Man
T passed through Alagoas, Japetequara é Jindio velho
Eu passei por Alagoas, Indian.
Whoever saw me, ran. brasileiro.
Quem me viu, correu. He possessed one of Seu Tranqueiro's
Desceu nalgum arreador do
Seu Tranqueiro. mediums.
32. (Zezinho) Desceu nalgum arreador do He possessed one of Seu Tran-
Salve Deus! Salve a patria! Salve Hail God! Hail the fatherland! Hail Seu Tranqueiro. queiro's medium.
mankind! A po
os homens!
Salve todos que estão aqui! A salute to everyone here!
- 38. (Japetequara)
Salve Deus! Salve a patria! Hail God! Hail the fatherland! Imba fora, Surupira! Get out, Surupira!
Salve os homens! Hail mankind! 1
Imba fora, Guerreiro! Get out, Guerreiro!
.»7 Salve os caboclos do Brasil! A salute to the caboclos of..Brazill Imba fora, Surupira! Get out, Surupira!
Imba fora, Guerreiro! Get out, Guerreiro!
33. (Ogun) a : Ó Caboclo Velho O Old Man Indian
Ogun, vai arrear seu cavalo Ogun, go harness your “horse Da Barra do Carirí. From the Barra do Cariri.
Para terreiro girar. To make the terreiro spin.
Ogun vai, Ogun vem, Ogun vai, Ogun goes, Ogun comes, Ogun g0€5,
Ele torna a voltar. He returns again.
340 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Songs of the Batuque 341
The large lake dried up, 41. (Rompe Mato) .
Lagõã grande secou, Seu Rompe Mato tem a côr
Al died and I did not. Mr. Rompe Mato has a brunette
Todos morreram e eu
morena; ' ) complexion;
não morri.
An Indian went by here, Éle é caçador da nossa Jurema. He is hunter for our Jurema.
Por aqui passou caboclo,
Indian of Canindé. Éle jurou, tornou a jurar He swore and swore again
Caboclo de Canindé.
I bring my bow and I bring arrows, Seguir os conselhos que Jurema To follow the. ra Jurema gives
Trago meu arco e trago flecha,
My candle on my, foot.- lhe dar. * him.
Minha candeia no pé.
Na sua aldeia, onde êle é In his village; where he is caboclo,
39. (Japetequara) caboclo,
Olha, caboclo é nagô e canga, Look, the caboclo is Nagô and Éle é Rompe Mato, Seu Arran- He is Rompe Mato, Mr. Bully.
E-—ê-—a, Canga, a catoco.
E-—t—a, Na sua aldeia, lá na Jurema, In his village, there in Jurema,
Caboclo Velho é nagô e canga, Old Man Indian is Nagô and Canga, Não se faz nada sem ordem Nothing is done without orders from
E-ê-—a. E—ê—a. suprema. — — above.
Olha, vodun é nagô e canga, Look, the vodun is Nagô and
E-—ê—a, Canga, 42. (Exu Tranca Rua)
E—ê—a, Exu Tranca Rua é homem, Exu Tranca Rua is a man,
Japetequara é nagô e canga, Japetequara is Nagô and miga, * Exu Tranca Rua é homem Exu Tranca Rua is a man
“""E-ê—a. E—ê—a. Na linha de Umbanda. In the Umbanda line.
Todo vodun é nagô e canga, Every vodun is Nagôsand Canga, Exu Tranca Rue é homem. Exu Tranca Rua is a man:
E-—ê-—a, E—ê—a,
Olha, caboclo é nagô e canga, Look, the caboclo is Nagô and 43. (Exu Tranca Rua)
E—ê-—a.. Canga, “Seu Tranca Rua é homem Mr. Tranca Rua is a man
E—ê—a. De nome. Of fame.
Na encruzilhada 1 At crossroads
40. (Japetequara) + É êle que manda. He gives the orders.
Ô pai a pema, Chico Pema, pai Com seu chicote With his whip
a pema, Ninguem se meta. No one meddles.
Ô pai a pema, Chico Pema, pai | Seu Tranca Rua na Mr. Tranca Rua
a pema. Vence demanda. Wins the battle.
Pai a pema, Guerreiro,
pai a pema, 44. (Exu Pomba Gira)
Pai a pema, Guerreiro, É de Pomba Gira, de Pomba It is Pomba Gira, Pomba Gira,
pai a pema. Gira, meu pai. Father.
Olha pema, Chico Pema, olha É de Pomba ;Gira, de Pomba KH is Pomba Gira, Pomba Gira,
pema, Gira, meu pai.» Father.
Olha pema, Chico Pema, olha
pema. . 45 (Exu Pomba ira)
Olha pema, Guerreiro, Ó Gira, Gira, (Gira!
olha pema, Ó Gira, Gira, igêl!
Olha pema, Guerreiro, Ó Gira, Gira, fgiral
olha pema. Ó Gira, Gira, Gê! -
Songs of the Batuque . 343
E 52. (Tapinaré)
46. (Jandira) Onde tu vais, Madalena, - Wherever you are going, Madalena,
Sou Jandira, sou rainha do mar. I am Jandira, I am queen of the sea.
Na cidade de com que, In whatever city,
Quem quer me, vê no céu; Whoever wants me, look in the sky;
Whoever wants me, look in the sea. Se passar lá na Turquia, If you pass through Turkey,
Quem quer me, vê no mar. Lembranças para Tapinaré. Give my regards to Tapinaré.
Eu sou a india Jandira, I am the Indian Jandira,
Sou rainha do mar. I am queen of the sea. Tapinaré é uma flor Tapinaré is a flower
Que brilha no rompé do dia. That blooms at the break of day.
47. (Ita) . Viva o caboclo guerreiro, Long live the warrior caboclo,
Ita, companheira Ita, Ita, comrade Ita, Filho do Rei da Turquia. Son of the King of Turkey.
Ó Ita, vamos pelejar. O Ita, lets go to batile.
53. (Tabajara)
48. (Guerreiro) Meu navio está no porto, My ship is in port,
Guerreiro de Alexandria Guerreiro of Alexandria Tranqueiro. Tranqueiro.
É um caboclo bonito. Is a handsome caboclo. Oh, mar e céu, mar é céu, —0Oh, sea and sky, sea and sky,
Filho do Rei da Turquia Caboclo Guerreiro is Eu só vejo mar e céu. 1 see only sea and sky.
É caboclo Guerreiro. Son of the King of Turkey.
Vem de aguardente, He comes with rum, 54. (Tabajara)
É um caboclo bonito, He's a handsome caboclo, Alumiou e alumiou; It shone and shone;
Filho do Rei da Turquia. Son of the King of Turkey. Seu Tabajara está no porto, Mr. Tabajara is in port,
Alumiou—S. It shone—ô.
49. (Mariana)
Lá fora tem dois navios Out there are two ships, 55. (Pedro Angaço)

No meio tem um--farol. In between there is à Deacon, ciscigm, Ó Senhor Angaço, O Mr. Angaço,
É uma esquadra da marinha -J?s a squadron of the Brazilian Ó Angaçozinho, O Angaçozinho,

Brasileira. Mariana Navy. Mariana Da licença dm Give your permission

Lá na praia do Lençol. “ There on Lençol Beach.

Dançar um bocadinho. For a little dancing.


50. (Mariana) 56. (Pedro Angaço)

Eu sou cabocia, 1 am q cabocla, Olha a familia do Pedro Lock at íhe family of Pedro

Vem da ilha, meu pai. Who comes from the island, Father. Angaço! Angaço!
My name is Mariana,

Eu me chama Mariana, O mundo inteiro é seu, The entire world is yours,

I live on the waves of the sea.
Moro nas ondas do mar. Vem chegando, vem arriando, Come right now, come on down,
My name is Mariana,

Eu me chama Mariana, Vem da luz, aqui não tem. Come from the light, which is lack-
I live on the waves of the sea.
Moro nas ondas do mar. ing here.
A-—i-—céu, no mundo de Ten- A-—iheaven, in the world of
51. (Mariana) tarem. Tentarem.
Ela é Dona Mariana; She is Dona Mariana;
É sim a dona She is really the lady - 57. (Bombeiro)
Da vila da Canindé. Of the town of Canindé, Lá na minha terra In my country

Meu vestido se molhou My dress got wet Tem colinas e montanhas, There are hills and mountains.
No passar igarapé. In crossing the creek. Eu sou Bombeirino, 1 am Bombeirino,
Escorreguei mas não caí; I slipped but didn't fall; Filho de Dom Pedro Angaço. Son of Dom Pedro Angaço.
Isso é queda da mulher. That's the way of a woman.
Songs of the Batuque 345
I've lost, lost,
C. Closing songs.
Eu perdi, perdi,
Lost my way.
Perdi meu canal.
If you have a drink, give me some, Just as each cult leader develops his own set of opening songs,
Se tem bebida, me dei,
Eu não posso demorar.
I can't stay. so all devise their own closings. The following songs are used in
some of the more conservative terreiros.
58. (Manoelzinho)
Eu venho de longe, “ I come from far away, .. Oh, God ordered the orixá to turn
1. Oh, Deus mandou orixá virar,
From the seashore.
Cheguei da beira do mar. around,
I am Manoel, It's Solomon's seal.
Sou eu Manoel, É de signo Salomão.

Son of Legua, x Oh, Deus mandou orixá virar, Oh, God ordered the orixá to turn
Filho de Legua,

Boa. around,
Pm wicked, É de signo Salomão. Its Solomon's seal.
Sou perverso,
Boa. Oh, Deus mandou orixá virar, Oh, God ordered the orixá to turn

Pm a sorcerer, “around,
Sou feiticeiro,
Boa. É de signo Salomão. Its Solomon's seal.

Pm cruel, Deus mandou virar para Roma, God ordered a turn towards Rome,
Sou malvado,
Boa. É de signo Salomão. Its Solomon's seal.
Em a bold one,
Sou atrevido,

Boa. % - 2, Eu vim mandar, eu vim mandar, I came to order, 1 came to order,
Boa. a
My father is Legua, (Chorus repeats each line after solo)
Meu pai é Legua,
Boa. Boa. Eu vim mandar, eu vim mandar, 1 came to order, 1 came to order,
Eu vim mandar fechar na Guma; I came to order the closing of Guma;
59. (Manoelzinho) “Eu vim mandar fechar terreiro. I came to order the closing of the
Cheguei na minha barquinha; 1 came in my little boat; “ u
PIL turn around in it.
Nela mesma vou virar. ”
Sou filho de Legua Bogi, Pm the son of Legua Bogi, 3. Oilaila,
Eu sou Manoelzinho Boa. I am Manoelzinho Boa. A la má-—a!
=» Oilaila
60. (Manoelzinho) A la má-a!
Codó é minha terra “Codó is my country
Aonde eu nasci. Where 1 was born. 4. Eu vou levar meus voduns, Pm going to take my voduns away,
My name is Manoel, Já nô kerê kerê-—ê, Já nô kerê kerê-—s,
Eu me chama Manoel,
Son of Legua Bogi. Vou levar meus voduns, Fm going to take away my voduns,
Filho de Legua Bogi.
Já nô kerê kerê. Já nô kerê kerê.
61. (Barão de Goré)
Tu não me chama pajé. Don't you call me shaman.
Tu não me chama pajé. Don't you call me shaman. D. “Have mercy” songs. (
Meu pai é Rei de Mina, My father is King of Mina,
Eu sou Barão de Goré. I am Barão de Goré. Some leaders include a misericórdia song in their series of (
closing songs. These doutrinas are also used in a crisis situation, (
62. (Barão de Goré)
Oh shark, whale fish, such as when a medium falls into a coma, and to mark especially
O tubarão, peixe baleia,
Oh shark, whale fish, “holy” occasions, such as during Holy Week. The following
O tubarão, peixe baleia,
Virou navio do mar. He capsized an ocean liner. two misericórdia doutrinas seem to be the most frequently sung. (
Capsized, capsized,
Virou, virou,

Virou navio do mar. He capsized an ocean liner.

346 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Songs of the Batuque 347

1. Agô ê lei, mamãe, 4 ê la. such as those for Japetequara, Ogun, and Rompe Mato. Others,
Agô ê lei, Nana-Burucô, agô however, are more general: and are used for any encantado.
ê la.
Ô ô, Nana, agô ê lei; ô ô, Nana, 1. Eu vou embora, Maria, I'm going away, Maria,
agô ê la. Eu vou embora para Bahia. I'm going away to Bahia.
Vai embora, Maria, Go away, Maria,
Dom José, agô ê lei; Dom José, Vai embora para Bahia. Go away to Bahia. E
agô ê la.
Averekete, agô ê lei; Averekete, 2. Meu pai me chama My father is calling me
agô é la. Lá no alto mar; Out there on the high seas;
Toi Aduçu, agô ê lei; Toi Ê Eu vou me embora I am leaving
Aduçu, agô ê la. No som dêste abatá. With the sound of this drum.
(Any other spirit can be added. Chorus repeats first stanza after each

three named.) 3. Vou embora, aleluia! Tm leaving, hallelujah!

A-ê, a—ê, aleluiê! A—ê, a—ê, hallelujay!
Oh, have mercy, our Father,

2. Oh, misericórdia, nosso pai,

* Socorro do céu! Heaven help us! 4. Tambor me chama lá dentro; The drum is calling me inside there;
Misericórdia, nossa mãe, Have mercy, our Mother, Tambor me chama lá, The drum is calling me there.
: * Socorro do céu! Heaven help us! Eu vou lá dentro do pegí; Em going there inside the altar;

Pelo de Deus, eu peço

amor For the love of God, I “beg — Tambor me chama lá. The drum is calling me there.
Socorro do céu! Heaven help us!

Aye, your children are repentant, - 5. Adê—vô, adê—vá, Adê—vô, adê—vá,

Ai, seus filhos estão arrependido,
Socorro do céu! Heaven help us! Adeus, terreiro, Good-by terreiro,

E afastar de nós a peste, And deliver us from disease, Já vou pro mar. Em leaving for the sea.
Socorro do céu! Heaven help us!
E afastar de nós a pena, And deliver us from sorrow, 6. (Rompe Mato also used for

Socorro do céu! Heaven help us! Exu Tranca Rua)

E afaster de nós a fome, And deliver us from hunger, Rompe Mato, vai embora, Rompe Mato, go away,

Stá chegando sua hora.


ã Socorro do céu! | Heaven help us! Your time is about up... .

Ai, pelo amor de Deus, eu 4ye, for the love of God, I beg Rompe Mato, vai embora, Rompe Mato, go away, -

peço “am Stá chegando sua hora. Your time is about up.
Socorro do céu! Heaven help us! Vai à mata virgem Go to the virgin forest
Ai, todos nós estão arrependido, Aye, all of us are repentant, Com Deus e Nossa Senhora, With God and Our Lady.
Socorro do céu! Heaven help us! Vai à mata virgem Go to the virgin forest
Oh, misericórdia, nosso pai, Oh, have mercy, our Father, Com Deus e Nossa Senhora. With God and Our Lad).
Socorro do céu! Heaven help us!
Oh, misericórdia, nossa mãe, Oh, have mercy, our Mother, 7. (Japetequara)
Socorro do céu! Heaven help us! Olha, olha, três com que, Look, look, three with que,
Olha, olha, três com ca. Look, look, three with ca.
Olha, olha, três com que, Look, look, three with 'que,
E. Farewell songs. Olha, olha, três com ca. Look, look, three with ca. Re.
a Olha, olha, verde mar, Look, look, green sea;
During the course of a batugue a number of encantados will Olha, olha, verde mar, Look, look, green: sea,
signal their intentions of leaving the mediums they are possessing Olha, olha, verde mar. Look, look, green -sea.

by singing one of the farewell songs. There are some farewell

songs that are considered appropriate only for specific encantados,
Songs of the Batuque 349
away to the green sea. 3. Oxalá mandou, Oxalá ordered,
embora pára verde Im going
Eu voi me Oxalá mandou, , Oxalá ordered,
mar. Mandou busçar Ordered the bringing of
Olha, olha, verde mar. Look, look, green sea.
green sea. Os caboclos da Ruanda. The caboclos of Ruanda.
Eu vou me embora para verde Em going away to the
mar. 4. Caboclo é brabo e zangado. The caboclo is wild and angry.
olha, verde mar, Look, look, green sea,
olha, verde mar, Look, look, green sea,
Olha, 5. Meu pai é brasileiro, My father is Brazilian,
olha, verde mar. Look, look, green sea.
Olha, Eu também sou brasileiro. Pm Brazilian too.
Meu caboclo é brasileiro, My caboclo is Brazilian,
8. (Ogun) Eu também sou brasileiro. Pm Brazilian too.
Ogun já vai, Ogun is leaving already,
Já vai pra Ruanda. Leaving for Ruanda.
6. Porque eu cheguei, Because Ive come,
Ogun já vai, Ogun is leaving already,
Guamaré, guamaré. Guamaré, guamaré.
Já vai pra Ruanda. Leaving for Ruanda.
Good-by, comrades, (This song is not strictly a “filler” simce it signals the arrival of a
Adeus, meus companheiros, band. farrista. I is non-specific, however, and might be sung by any encantado
Ogun vai a outra banda. Ogun is going to another
who is possessing a medium in order to drink and have fun.)

F. Fillers.
are moments, after a batuque has been
in prógress for G. Songs sung during curing rituals.
the medi ums in tranc e have any '
several ho urs, when none of Most of the songs sung by curers are identical, or nearly
when the pai de santo or mãe
songs they want to lead, and identical, with those sung during a batuque, except that the
about what encantado
pequena have temporarily no inspiration chorus is often omitted, K is possible that the songs given below
a “filler ” song, which is usually
to call. The leader then resorts to are also sung during public ceremonies, and that we simply did
d any specific spirit.
short, simple, and not directed towar not happen to hear them at the batugues we attended. The first
My father is a flower, four songs were used by two curers to “open” their sessions.
“1. Meu pai é flor, Flower of the sea.
) ; “Flor do mar. =»
João da Mata é flor, João da Mata is a flower, 1. Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Our Lady of Conception,
Flower of the sea. Venha abrir a minha mesa, Come open my session,
Flor do mar.
Jarina is a flower, A Mãe de Deus, Mother of God,
Jarina é flor,
Flower of the sea. Nesta ocasião. This time.
Flor do mar.
Curupira é flor, Curupira is a flower,
Flower of the sea. 2. Vale me Deus Help me, God,
Flor do mar.
Assistência é flor, The audience is a flower, E viva Jesus. And long live Jesus.
Flower of the sea. E a flor da noite; He is the flower of the night;
Flor do mar.
The terreiro is a flower, É da vera cruz. He is of the true cross.
Terreiro é flor.
Flor do mar. Flower of the sea.
3. Dona Pequaquara Dona Pequaquara ;
(Any additional encantado or thing can be added)
É a senhora do mundo; Is the lady of the world;
Vem abrir a minha mesa Come open my session
2. Bolí, bolê, ganga, With spirits of the deep.
Com povo do fundo.
Bolí, bolê, ganga.

350 SPIRITS OF: THE DEEP Songs of the Batuque 351
Juruparí, . Alguma coisa eu vou contar. One thing I am going to tell.
4. Juruparí, ad
Come now, Olha, Tango do Pará! Look, Tango do Pará!
Chega agora,
Throw our enemies (At one curing session the curer then made comments in verse to most
Bota inimigo
Out the door. of the clients present. To the American observer, he sang the next stanza
A porta pra fora.
to rhyme with the couplet above.)
5. (Pena Verde)
Em coming, Pm coming, Meu branco, nêste mundo The gentleman 'is going to
Sou vindo, sou vindo,
Caboclo of Pena Real, Pouco tempo vai viajar. Travel abroad very soon.
Caboclo de Pena Real,
Pena Verde, your master, has Olha, Tango do Pará! Look, Tango do Pará!
Aqui chegou Pena Verde, seu
dono, arrived, Cê
Pena de arara-real. Feather of the arara-real.

Ó indio, ó indio, O Indian, O Indian,

Tu fazes o que eu te mandar. You do whatever I tell you to do.
Vai buscar minha conta verde, Go get my green bead,
Vai botar na minha maracá. Go put it in my ratile.

6. (Açulão)
Sou passarinho, Pm a little bird,
Sou Açulão. I am Açulão.
De baixo de agua Under the water
Sou mergulhão. m a diving bird.

“7. Eu quero meu nome, | I want to keep my name,

Eu não posso lhe dizer. | --I can't tell it to you.
Eu mora em Santa Rita, I live in Santa Rita,
E muito gente quer me vêr. And a lot of people want to see me.

8. (Tartaruga da SRA
a Gs “Pena; é pena! . ad to É Ag = O feather, O feather!

É pena arara. Its an arara feather.


Sou cabocla, sou cabocla, Iám a cabocla, a cabocla,

Tartaruga da Amazonas. Tartaruga da Amazonas,

Cobra Grande do meio do rio, Giant Snake from the middle of the

Quem vem beirando do mar, Who comes -skirting the sea,

Ela é bela princesa, She is) a beautiful princess,

Foi quem me ensinar curar. She was the one who taught me how
to cure.


9. (Tango do Pará) Wo."

Graças a Deus, já cheguei Thanks to'God, I've come here
Olha, Tango do Pará! Look, Tango do Pará!
Da Borbaleta, onde eu moro. From Borbaleta, where Í live.
Olha, Tango do Pará! Look, Tango do Pará!
Alguma coisa nêste mundo, There is one thing in this world,
Life History of a Batuque Medium 353

“old, physically a stout, dark-complexioned (number 5 on our
Appendix B x
“color scale, see page 110 above) woman with European facial
features and with kinky hair, which she always wore combed
tightly back in a neat bun. Clara was a native-born inhabitant
of Belém and, in fact, had lived most of her life in the same
- Pedreira neighborhood. She was.born on April 19, 1912, in a

Life History j house that stood only six blocks from the location of her home
in 1962. Clara's mother, Florina, had also grown up in that

of a Batuque Medium
neighborhood, having been brought to Belém from the state of
Piauí by her parents when she was a small child. Clara never

learned to know her father, who came from Maranhão, since
he died when she was three months old. She does not remember
any of her grandparents nor any relatives on her father's side.
The size of her mother's family compensated for the lack of
paternal kin, and Clara grew up, as many Brazilians do, as a
member of a large family in which kinship is not exclusively
Although Clara did not become our informant for sevezal “based on blood or marriage ties. Florina and her three brothers
first batuqu e we attende d. Accord ing to and one sister had grown up very close to the children of a
we noticed her at the
ny, relativ ely few partic ipants entered neighboring family that had two boys and two girls. A marriage,
our notes of the ceremo
” did; then follow ed
trance until a “heavy-set, middle -aged woman as well as the childhood association, eventually linked the two
We noticed Clara again the families: Florina's oldest brother, Bento, married Clotilde, one
“a feverish flurry of possessions.”
rating a mãe
“next week when we attended a ceremony inaugu of the neighbor's two girls. Clara grew up making no distinction
number of other cult leaders and
de santo's new pavilion. A between her mother's siblings and the siblings of Clotilde—all
were struck by the deference
mediums had been invited. We were uncles or aunts to her and she considered all of their off-
most of the
shown to-Clara; she «received more attention than "spring her cousins. In addition to this troop of aunts, uncles,
of the ajurá
other mediums and was asked to take charge and cousins, Clara had a brother, Rudolfo, four years older
ed compos ure and a firm
ceremony. She did so with a dignif than herself, and three half-brothers and a half-sister younger
le knowle dge of correct
dispatch that suggested incontrovertib than herself. Florina had remarried a year or so after her first
in leading ceremo nies.
procedure and considerable experience husband died.
and authoritative
As we discovered later, Clara's self-assurance When Clara was born, her mother and a number of her uncles
She ran her
manner extended beyond the ceremonial setting. and aunts were deeply involved in the Batuque. Both Florina
neighb ors and friends
houschold and dispensed advice to her and Clotilde, as well as their respective sisters, were active
imposi ng traits were
with the same alert decisiveness. These mediums. Clotilde's two brothers, Danico and Caetano, had both
a warm sympathy
tempered by a lively sense of humor and become pais de santo, with terreiros located only about a block
natural ly gregari ous,
for others. Clara was“obviously intelligent, apart. None of Florina's own three brothers became actively
gossip and a natural
interested in many things, with an ear for involved, however, and one of them, Bento, was bitterly hostile
not only an excellent
flair for story telling. She was, in short, “- to the cult and everything about it.
e person.
informant, but a remarkable and very likeabl After first “developing” in another terreiro, Florina switched
she was fifty years
When we first-got to know Clara in 1962, to that of her “brother” Danico. She continued to attend public
354 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Life History of a Batuque Medium 355

ceremohies at Danico's even after she had her varanda enlarged and be cured overnight, to the chagrin and rage of the first.
and began holding curing sessions every Wednesday and Satur- Florina was also' involved in family-cult squabbles and, in fact,
day. This occurred when Clara was four or five years old. Clara was even arrested once in consequence. She had developed a
remembers that theré were often patients living with the family deep antipathy for the encantado Barão de Goré, especially
for short periods. In addition, the mediums that her mother was when the spirit possessed Caetano. On one occasion when Barão
preparing in the linha de cura were frequent visitors. - de Goré, possessing Caetano, quarreled with Florina, she picked
In those days (1915-1930) the Batuque was a much more. up a machete and attacked him. She was restrained, arrested,
persecuted sect than it is today. Clara recalls thatrin 1923, for and detained long enough to cool off.
example, all terreiros in the city were closed by. order of the Danico, Caetano, and Florina were not always so antagonistic,
governor of Pará, and all ceremonies had to be held secretly however, and Clara can remember them all in trance, sitting and
outside the city until official vigilance relaxed. Curing was always conversing amicably as encantados. On one occasion, for exam-
prohibited, as it still is today, and when the official heat was on, ple, Guapindaia, possessing Caetano, reminded Tapinaré, the
it was the cult leaders caught treating patients who were most encantado possessing Danico, of the time Tapinaré had visited
likely to be arrested. The curing activities of Clara's mother es- hell, fallen in love with an Exu, and stayed for three years.
caped detection, but Caetano was once arrested. Actually, on this Tapinaré's father, Seu Turquia, had finally sent Guapindaia
occasion, Clara's uncle Bento had acted as informer. After a down to hell to bring back his brother.
quarrel with Caetano, Bento had gone to the policê and “Clara thus grew up in an atmosphere steeped with Batuque
them that his brother-in-law was holding a curing session. The lore. She learned the laws of the sect by listening to the en-
police raided the terreiro, arrested Caetano, and confiscated bot- cantados themselves, she is fond of pointing out, not having to
tles of banhos and the druíns. However, the: officer caríying the rely on books or phonograph records as some leaders today seem
bottles to the station was sympathetic to the Batuque; he "managed to do. Clara feels that the encantado Japetequara, one of her
to drop and break the bottles en route. Caetano was soon mother's principal spirits, practically brought her up. Claras birth-
leased for lack of evidence. day was the same as her mother's and, as a result, a little more
Bento never-acted as informer again, but he made no secret of a special day in the family than were the other children's
of his hostility to the cult. When in the right mood, he composed birtndays. Japetequara oíten possessed hei mother as soon as she
songs ridiculing the encantados:that his relatives received got up in the morning on that day. He then would call Clara
top of
then went to their houses to sing his compositions at the over, review her conduct for the past year, lecture her, and
his lungs to a Batuque beat. Clara can still remember some administer needed discipline by swatting her hand with the pal-
Bento's take-ofis on the sacred songs of the Batuque. matório. When Clara was about nine years old, Japetequara-Flo-
The relatives whá were cult believers and mediums did not rina gave her older brother and herself each three contas (beads)
always get along in peace and harmony either. The Batuque to swallow. Clara could not believe that the contas would remain
was apparently as marked by personal rivalry, competition, and in her body and watched to see if they would be eliminated.
conflict a generation ago as today, and ordinary family friction Much later she discovered that they had found a resting place
was exacerbated “by doctrinal disputes. Clara remembers on her kneecaps. Sometimes she can feel them there between the
uncles Danico and Caetano as always ready to “swallow ” each skin and bone. One of the contas swallowed by Rudolfo came to
one another with sorcery. Quarrels over rest in one of his ear lobes, and for a while the lobe was
other, i.e., tô attack
clients precipitated some of their more spectacular fights. One inflamed and swollen. Clara's have never given her any trouble.
of them might treat a patient for months without any In retrospect, the cult activities of her mother, uncles, and
results; the client, discouraged, might then go to the other brother aunts provided the most interest and color to Claras childhood.

DEEP Life History of a Batuque Medium 357
naged to pull Maria out even though she fought to stay under
In other "respects hei Tite was very ordinary. Like other: girls
water. She had been possessed by the mãe d'agua (water mother)
she had to help with the housework, take care of her younger
that owned that stretch of the creek, and Caetano had to baptize
siblings, run errands, and go out and gather firewood. Clara re-
the spirit before Maria could be calmed down.
members the Pedreira district of her childhood as “mostly woods
As a girl Clara attended school rather briefly and learned the
with just a house here and there.” What is now Cururu (a street
. Tudiments of reading and writing. It was a school run by nuns,
built on fill and lined with houses on stilts) “was all swamp with
not the public school. She did not begin until she was ten years
enormous trees.” Life was a little easier in those days. “There .
old. She remembers this because one day the teacher asked how
were various creeks that had good fishing, and you could gather
old each child was, in order to find out who was ready for
firewood in the forest, burn it to make charcoal, and then sell
first communion. Clara did not know her own age and was sent
the charcoal. Now there is no forest left. There are some empty'
home to ask her mother. She never completed the second year,
lots, but they all have owners, and they are putting people in
for her mother died that year, and Clara's childhood come to an
the water to live. You have to go as far as Bem Fica [a small
abrupt end.
town about twenty miles from Belém] to find any forest and
even then it is all owned.” In recounting the story of her mother's death, Clara still gets
cold chills. Like so many other events in her life, this personal
It was all quite different in Clara's childhood when the forest
tragedy was shrouded in supernatural mystery and prefaced by
was all around and seemed to belong to no one but the forest
ambiguous omens that no one interpreted correctly. Clara remem-
spirits. Clara recalls several childhood encounters with "these
bers it all very clearly. She was twelve years old and she, her
supernaturals. On one occasion she and one of her younger half-
older brother, her half-sister, and a younger half-brother were
brothers were on an errand in the Guamá district of the city,
then, like Pedreira, largely wooded. The children lost sitting in the varanda at two o'clock in the. afternoon of the
which was
Wednesday before Easter, watching their mother “close” for Holy
their bearings and were looking for someone to direct them when
Week. Clara's stepfather was asleep in his hammock in the next
they saw a very small girl on the path in front of them. They
room. Japetequara descended as Florina was performing her
called to her, asking where her mother was. The little girl said
closing rituals and possessed her. When Clara went up to greet
nothing, but turned off the path into the woods. They followed,
the spirit he told her to téll her mother that this body. (her
thinking her house miist be nearby. After theyshad gone .deeper
mother's) would be on the obituary list within a week. “I didn't
in the woods and become more-completely lost, the little girl
vanished. Then, of course, the children realized they believe it,” said Clara, “and so I said nothing to my mother.
seen and followed a Curupira—the mischievous forest This is the one regret I have, that I said nothing. But I did
o say to Rudolfo that we must be careful not to annoy Mama since
spirit that likes to trick people into losing their way.
“Clara had an encounter with a more frightening forest spirit she only had a week left.”
Clara's skepticism appeared justifed when the week passed
when she was about sixteen years old. She and a friend, Maria,
without incident. The next Wednesday Florina reopened her
«went down to the creek that is now a street named 9 de, J aneiro

varanda for a curing session, but not a .single encantado de-
to take a bath. Clara has a habit of blessing herself in the water
scended. Puzzled and upset, Florina spent the night in front of her
before bathing, but Maria plunged right in as soon as she. had

altar. On Saturday, the day of her next scheduled ceremony, she
undressed. Clara waited for her friend to come up before jumping
woke up with a terrible headache and never got out of her
in herself, but Maria did not emerge. Finally Clara saw her head
hammock. As the pain appeared to get worse, she sent Clara
bob up a long way off, then Maria dived under again: Clara
to get her uncle Caetano to come over and “bless” her head.
screamed for help, and neighbors came running. Caetano's
called him. They man- - Still later in the day, Clara asked her mother's permission to go
terreiro was located nearby, and someone

Life History of a Batuque Medium 359
always sent out to work, and Clara was placed wi
= out in the woods to cóflect firewood. Florina moaned something family to work as a maid. Rebellious and a ni pa sam pen
that Clara took to be dismissal. Out in the woods Clara saw a away from that job and took refuge in the woods near her
goat wandering around (possibly a spirit, since Exus take this childhood home. For three days she hid out while the police
fotm) and began to chase it. Then she heard her brother calling looked for her, then, hungry and tired of hiding, turned herself
her to come back. Her mother had had an “attack” and was be- “im. This time the judge turned her over to her uncle Bento, her
ing taken to the hospital. o
mother's brother, making him her legal guardian.
That night Dom João (one of the encantados her, mother re- Clara remained in the custody of her uncle for over four years,
ceived) possessed Danico and announced that he wanted Florina from age fifteen to nineteen. He assumed responsibility for her
' buried in the Batuque costume designated as his. Early the next conduct, but he had his own family to support, and Clara was
morning, Caetano came over and told the children their mother still expected to carn her own way. She found a new job as
had died. She was thirty-five. Clara then tearfully told her uncle servant, but this time instead of serving in the house, she worked
what Japetequara had said the week before. Caetano said it was most of the time in the stable, taking care of the cows the
a pity she had not mentioned it sooner, since a trocar de cabeças family kept, going out to cut grass for them, and cleaning the
(exchange of heads) might have been arranged-—either one of stable. She received no salary, only food,'lodging, and clothing,
the filhas Florina was preparing in cura or one of her own and remembers these employers as being particularly brutal; they
- children might have died in her place. seized on the slightest pretext to thrash her. She was so miserably
The sudden death of their mother left Rudolfo and Clara or- unhappy at this time that she frequently went off by herself,
phans. Until this time, Clara's stepfather had played a minor knelt down in the grass, and prayed to Japetequara to take her
role in her life, since her mother had dominated and run the
away. “How I called on him to take me away from there. I
family. The stepfather now decided that both Rudolfo and Clara called and I called. After all, he had always helped my mother,
should leave home and go to work. Clara was sent to live with and he had raised me.” But Japetequara did not answer and she
a family in another section of the city, earning her keep and a continued to work as a stable girl for two years.
very small salary by serving as nursemaid to the family's small
as well as When Clara was seventeen one of her cousins got her a job
children.It was her first separation from her family in a button factory, and her life at once improved. A factory
her ft job RES
job meant a private life apart from her employers and much
Clara found the adjustment to the-changed circumstances of her greater opportunities for socializing. She worked with many other
life very difficult. Her adolescence was a joyless period of hard girls during the day and had the company of her cousins at
work and harsh discipline. She stayed on the nursemaid job for her uncle Bento's house at night. Once again she managed to
over a year, then quit when the man of the house made advances attend Batuque ceremonies. Her uncle, who still disliked the cult,
to her. By this time Clara's stepfather had sold their old house, forbade her to go, but Clara occasionally sneaked out, leaving a
remarried, and moved to the house of his new wife. Clara moved
log in her hammock. She danced in Caetano's ceremonies and
in with them and almost at once was embroiled in quarrels with enjoyed them very much, but at this time never felt any approx-
her new stepmother. One day when the stepmother was whipping imation of trance.
«one of Claras younger half-brothers, Clara intervened to The button factory closed down, and Clara worked in a Brazil
barred the door and began to beat Clara.
her. The stepmother nut-packaging plant for a while. When laid off there, she had
Neighbors heard Claras screams, broke down the door, and to return to domestic employment, finding a job .as a live-in
with the problems of juveniles . The
Clara to the court that dealt washerwoman. Since her duties were specific and limited and her
from the custody of her stepfathe r
judge officially removed her employer kindhearted, Clara did not mind this job, though she
court. Orphans of her age were
and made her a ward of the
360 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Life History of a Batuque Medium 361

as work of much higher washing to supplement Nonato's earnings. By this time she al-
still thinks of her factory employment

ready had given birth to three children and buried one of them;
status. it died at two months of “that children's disease that they now call
While at the button factory, Clara met her future husband.
gastroenteritis.” Also, by this time Clara had become a medium.
did not work there, but his brother was one of the fore-

and she and Nonato had had their first big fight.
men of the factory, and Nonato came every day to lunch with
Apparently in deference to Nonato's dislike of the Batuque,
his brother. All of the factory personnel ate in the same Junch-

Clara did not participate in any cult activities the first year and
room, and here Nonato met Clara and began courting her. Until
a half of their marriage. Although she had always enjoyed
this time Clara had never had a boy friend. Nonátó continued

Batuque ceremonies, she felt no obligation to participate; no
to see Clara even after the button factory closed and even though
spirit had ever claimed her, and even though many mediums in

his family objected to the liaison. “His family objected because I
color,” Clara told us. They also trance had whirled her in an effort to induce trance, she had
and he was your

was black,
never felt a thing. When Japetequara possessed Clara for the first
felt that she was beneath them because she worked in the fac-

time on July 24, 1933, another decisive turning point in her life
tory and because they suspected that she danced in batuques;
had been reached.
Nonato's brother had heard her leading her co-workers in singing

Japetequara descended without being called, not in a terreiro
doutrinas. When Nonato told her he was very annoyed to hear
but in Clara's house, a short time after she had “saved a life.”
that she was involved “with that batuque business,” Clara
On the evening of that day Clara had gone to get some açaí
blithely denied that she ever went near terreiros and suggested

(juice of a palm tree fruit). She had to cross the 9 de Janeiro
he ask her uncle Bento if he did not believe her. Bento, unaware
assured Nonato that though creek. A narrow boardwalk provided passage. She was returning
that she sneaked off to batugues,
involved in the cult, Clara with the açaí when she met a woman, carrying a baby, lingering
most of the rest of the family were

at the creek. It was a dark night, just beginning to rain, and
was not. The marriage-—a civil, not a church ceremony—took
place in December 1931. since the woman was unfamiliar with the crosswalk, she was
waiting for someone to lead the way. Following Clara, the woman
When we became acquainted with Clara and her family in
was nearly across when she lost her footing, fell into the creek,
. 1962, Clar clearly the head of the household, making the
and: dropped her baby. Clára threw down her jug of-açaí and
decisions for the family. Her husband, then still alive, played a

jumped into the creek to help find the infant. When she found
somewhat vaguely defined role in-the background. Clara de-

it she held it up by the ankles to empty it of water, then hurried
scribed him as “good-looking but not worth much” and com-
the woman and child to her own house to dry off and warm up
plained that he was undependable and lazy and would not exert

before continuing on their way. Clara was ministering to the res-
himself even to the extent of doing necessary repairs around the
cued child when Japetequara possessed her. Even though she had
house. She also complained that she had'to “be the man of the
never been in trance before, she behaved correctly as a medium—
house” and make all of the purchases “and handle all business
the other hand, it seemed obvious that a role as i.e.; the encantado sang a song identifying himself. He also asked
matters. On
silent and submissive wife would never have suited Clara. for a cigar.
from When Japetequara descended a second time, two months later

Her evaluation of her husband at that time was made
at a tambor for Cosme and Damião at Caetano's terreiro, he
the vantage point of thirty years of married life, and it is unlikely
made it clear that he intended to possess her regularly and de-
that she began married life with so dow an opinion of her spouse.
manded that she assume the obligations of a medium. Lacking

Nonato had become a house painter and in the beginning earned
a Batuque costume, Clara had attended wearing a street dress.
enough to support them. Clara did not have to resume working
“Japetequara sang,” Clara recalis. “Then he said he wanted proper
for four years after her marriage. Then she began taking in

Life History of a Batuque Medium 363
but in other respects her life was quite routine. In an eighteen-
clothes, à skirt, and he ripped off my dress, leaving me in my year period, from 1932 to 1950, she gave birth to twelve
children, including one pair of twins. One child, born pre-
When Nonato learned of what had happened he was furious.
maturely, was stillborn. Four others did not survive the hazards
He did not want his wife to be a medium at all, much less to
of infancy. The others, four girls and three boys, had reached
expose herself in public. They had an inconclusive fight. Several
adulthood or adolescence when we became acquainted in 1962.
days later Japetequara possessed Clara at six o'clock in the eve-
One of the children, the youngest boy (the tenth child) had
ning, shortly after Nonato had come home from work. He gave
been given an encantado as a godparent. This was arranged
Nonato a long lecture in which he warned that if “Clara were
somewhat accidentally before the baby was born. At the time
not allowed to continue her “mission” he (Japetequara) would
d Clara was concerned about her ninth child, then an infant of
take her away, since he had brought her up and she belonge
encanta do Guapind aia possess ed less than a year, who was ill. Seeing a neighbor, Rita, passing
to him. The next week the
further by and knowing that the woman “worked” in the line of cura,
Clara's uncle Caetano and came over to lecture Nonato
ed that Clara must Clara asked her to come in and give the baby a passe. Clara
on the subject. Guapindaia-Caetano explain
her spirits in public cere- did not know that Rita was in trance at the time, possessed by
develop as a medium and must receive
the encantado Mariana. Mariana-Rita told Clara that she was
monies, not only in the privacy of the home.
made a pregnant again, that the baby was a boy, and that she (Mariana)
After protracted quarreling, Clara and Nonato finally would like to have it. Clara did not believe that she was preg-
bargain. He would allow her to dance in batugue s, and she would
dances. “For years nant again, but to humor the woman agreed to give her the
allow him to go out to parties and social
l for a baby if it were a boy. To Clara, “giving” the baby meant asking
whenever there was a batuque we both left the house—
home and the woman to serve as godmother. At the time of the baby's
terreiro and he for some festa. He refused to stay
losing baptism Rita went to the church “pure” but while there was
take care of the children—he didn't want to be on the
died dancing. ” possessed by Mariana, “who took her place as godmother. Since
end of our contract. He always went dancing; he that time Mariana, when possessing various mediums (including
however , and
The bargain did not solve all of their difficulties,
Clara's. participation in the cult remained a source of friction be-s
Clara), has shown great interest in the boy. We observed him
being lectured by the encantado on a-number of occasions.
tween them. Clara's batuques always lasted longer than Nonaio'
for In raising her children, Clara had some help from other women.
festas; he got home first and became very irritated waiting
terreiro to look for her and became During the early years of her marriage her half-sister, Clorinda,
her, or he went to the
He was lived with them. By the time Clorinda married and left, Clara's
jealous when he saw male mediums embracing his wife. oldest child, a daughter, was able to help with the younger
refused to have sexual relation s with
always angry when she children. In 1954 Isabel, a medium from São Luís, came to
a batuque . “No matter how often I
him for three days before Claras home as a visitor and is still there as an adopted mem-
cult to him, he always insisted that I
explained the law of the
to.” Althoug h he appeare d to ber. of the family. Isabel is not related to Clara and did not
wouldn't because I didn't want know her before coming to Belém, but she found life with Claras
convers ing with him when he
respect Japetequara and to enjoy family so congenial that she gave up any thought of returning
Nonato always remaine d meio
possessed Clara in their home, to her own relatives in São “Luís, “For her part, Clara stated that
discrente (only half convinced) about the encantados. Isabel had been a great help to her. She not only contributed
of her spirits, he would ask
Clara would light a candle for one to household expenses from her salary as cleaning woman in a
for. “He had no respect
brusquely what that was supposed to be school, but also helped with the housework and the care of the
for the light,” complained Clara. younger children. As Clara's own children grew up and were
ted her life,
Once she became a medium, cult activities highligh

SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Life History of a Batuque Medium 365

able to care for themselves, new children had been added to Clara concurred with this reasoning: Dom João had been her
the household. In 1965 Clara was rearing two small boys who mother's chefe also. Nevertheless she continued to receive
had been given to her by their mother and had also assumed Japetequara much more frequently than Dom João, who only
responsibility for the four illegitimate children of her second came once or twice a year, and it was Japetequara who main-
oldest daughter. Although Clara spoke occasionally (not very tained a constant surveillance of her conduct and well-being.
convincingly) of thtowing out her promiscuous daughter, she had ' Both Dom João and Japetequara were very serious spirits;
no intention of parting with her grandchildren. Mb neither drank nor engaged in the horseplay that seemed to de-
While all of her own children were young, Clara had little light many other encantados. Clara had no carouser spirit until
time for Batuque activities, since most of the time not spent in she received Mariana in 1943, ten years after she had begun her
running the household was taken up with washing” and ironing career as medium. With the arrival of Mariana, who was very
clothes for others. As the size of their family increased, Clara”s insistent about attending ceremonies, Clara became more active
earnings as washerwoman were absolutely essential. Nonato was in the cult. |
no hustler and, although he was never out of work for any Her uncle Caetano died in 1946, Her other pai de santo
extended period, employment as a painter did fluctuate and gen- uncle, Danico, had died some years previously. Caetano's

erally halted completely during rainy periods. terreiro was closed for the traditional year of mourning; then it
Clara's meager earnings had to be stretched to meet her obli- was reopened by Rudolfo, Clara's older brother. Rudolfo was an

gations to her encantados. She attended ceremonies at her uncle unusual figure in the Batuque-—a man who assumed a leader-
ship role without ever experiencing trance. But he, like his sister,
Caetano's terreiro whenever she could manage to get away. She

never underwent any type of jnitiation beyond having her head had been fascinated with the cult ever since childhood. When he
was a teen-ager, Rudolfo began to serve as drummer and, as such,
“washed” by Caetano, or rather by Dom José possessing Caetano.

Clara feels that she needed no other preparation to be a medium learned all of the doutrinas of the Batuque. Just by hanging
since her mother had already given her contas, and J apetequara around the terreiros of' his uncles, he acquired as thorough a
himself left prescriptions for appropriate baths of purification. knowledge of cult lore and ritual as any medium. He knew how

A few years after receiving Japetequara, Clara was possessed to send away the Exus, what oflerings to place before the
by another» of. her «mother's encantados, Dom João. On that oc- terreiro's altar, how to open-and close ceremonies, how to direct

casion she was sitting in the audience at a ceremony. Caetano obrigações such as the afurá ceremony. After he reopened Cae-
had prescribed pink costumes for that particular batuque, and tano's terreiro, Rudolfo even dabbled in curing, prescribing
she had not been able to afford one. Suddenly she heard a remedies by “intuition.” He did not rely on curing for financial
noise as though the roof of the pavilion were falling. She leaned support, however. He was married, had a family to support,
forward and put her hands over her head to shield herself from and kept his full time job as dock worker. Nevertheless he
falling timbers. She felt a great weight press down on the nape found the time, with Claras assistance and the support of many
of her neck and lost consciousness. When she came to, she was of his deceased uncle's mediums, to fete some of the more impor-
seated in the terreiro's chapel and was told the Dom João had tant Batuque spirits. Clara was always ready to lead the singing
descended and sung at once. Her shoulders ached for some time and dancing or direct any ritual that required a medium in
afterward. They still do after she is possessed by Dom João, trance. She in effect became her brother's mãe pequena.
Clara's experience of running a terreiro did not last long. Five
who is obviously a very large and heavy encantado. Since Dom
was a noble, Caetano decided that he, not Japetequara, years after he had assumed the role of cult leader, Rudolfo died.
must be Clara's senhor. Japetequara was very serious and dig- He was ill for some time before his death, and the family was
nified, but he was an Indian and of lower rank than Dom João.. given supernatural warning of the probable outcome of his ill-
366 SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Life History of a Batuque Medium 367

ness. At a spiritualist .séance held in the neighborhood, the spirit Clara also began working in the line of curing shortly after
of their uncle Caetano came back to earth and took possession she began receiving Mariana, but ina much more limited way

of a medium. Caetano warned that Rudolfo would soon die, than that attempted by Laurinho. She began holding chamadas
and he asked that when this occurred, Caetano”s stone for Oxalá, once every two weeks, in response, she says, to the direct in
which was still in the chapel of the terreiro, be thrown into the structions of Japetequara, “who descended and ordered that I pre-
Bay of Guajará. This was done: Since Clara could not afford pare my altar, light a candle, and receive the spirits as mother
to run the terreiro by herself, it was closed sua the) Tot and did.” At these chamadas in her home a number of new spirits
buildings sold. began to put in an appearance: José Tupinambá, Goiabeira,
The year before the death of Rudolfo, Clara's younger half- Princesa Flora, Guapindaia, and an unidentified child spirit.
brother Laurinho had died under çircumstances suggesting super- As a result of her experience in running her brother's terreiro,
natural intervention. Laurinho, like Rudolfo, had begun serving Clara's reputation for knowledge of ritual and ability to lead cere-
as drummer when still a teen-ager. At the age of eighteen, while monies was securely established. Not only was she personally
beating the drum at a ceremony, he was possessed by the en- invited to attend ceremonies in Terreiros throughout the city, but
cantado Mariana. Still later Dom João also claimed him as a clients from various parts of the city began to seek her out. Clara
filho. Unlike Clara, Laurinho never received Japetequara, the other insists that Japetequara has thus far refused'to give her permission
major encantado of their mother. to charge for the passes and advice that she dispenses during
Laurinho was apparently an insouciant, happy-go-lucky indi- chamadas. “One must practice charity,” Clara remarked, without
vidual, a philanderer who “left me many nephews and nieces.” He much enthusiasm. “One just has to bear it until the encantados
was careless about obeying ritual law and consequently attracted give permission to charge a fee. I myself have no luck at all.” She
the displeasure of..his encantados. “Laurinho received many told a story to illustrate the personal costs of practicing charity. At
thrashings from the encantados,” Clara recalled. “There are many one of her chamadas a man appeared who was unemployed and
kinds of punishment; there is unemployment, sickness. He passed very depressed. Marianá “advised him to take a series of nine
through all of that.” He did not mend his ways, however, and banhos, starting the next Tuesday. He was to come to Clara's
finally, Clara believes, the encantado Mariana killed him. The house each day to get the infusion for that day. Clara assumed
cffense that .provoked. Mariana . to such ..drastic action was that the man would purchase the necessary herbs and bring them
Laurinho?s medica in curing. Laurinho was interested in being to her house to prepare or would give her the money to buy
prepared in this line and became the regular assistant of the what was needed. But, as the day approached and he did not
pai de santo Martins. While Laurinho was still learning the skills appear with either the herbs or the money, she was inclined to
of curer, Martins went off on an extended visit to Manaus. In his forget the whole thing. On Monday Clara was paid for a washing
absence Laurinho borrowed his curing paraphernalia and took off and went down to the Ver-o-pêso market to buy fish. While she
on his own tour of the interior, “deceiving the backwoodsmen was standing in line to get her fish, Mariana possessed her, left
and making money.” In doing this, he committed offenses that the fish stall, took her to another part of the market and pur-
Mariana would not tolerate: he drank rum before entering trance, chased all of the herbs she had prescribed for the client's banhos.
he pretended to be possessed, and he prescribed remedies that he Mariana then put Clara back in the fish line and left her. As
had made up himself in the name “of Mariana and other encantados. Clara returned to her senses, the fish vendor was asking how
Laurinho was returning home one morning after “working” in cura many kilos she wanted. She stood there with her arms full ok
the entire night, when his canoe tipped over and he 'drowned. herbs and not enough money left to buy fish. When the client
It seemed clear that Mariana was responsible. arrived the next day, his banho was ready, as it was on the
SPIRITS OF THE DEEP Life History of a Batuque Medium 369
The man never gave Clara a cent or'even much, or uses “bad” language. She deserves chastisement for such
succeeding eight days.
said thank you. faults and Japetequara and José Tupinambá see to it that she gets
it. Sometimes even her farrista, Mariana, takes a hand in keeping
Most clients are not that ungrateful, however, and voluntarily
Clara in line, by possessing her and then confessing to the family
make donations to Clara or to her encantados. In addition, al-
though Japetequara has refused to let Clara charge for passes and whatever misdeeds Clara is trying to conceal from them. For exam-
Thus, ple, one of Clara's former weaknesses was squandering money
consultations, Mariana shamelessly asks clients for presents,
playing jôgo do bicho—a type of numbers game. One day Clara
in spite of her refusal to charge, Clara's chamadas, have often
é wanted to bet because she had a strong hunch about some animal-
brought welcome additions to her income.
another, ever since he first possessed her, Clara number combination, but she had no money. Her husband had a
In one way or
with looking after her. She has often been large and beautiful rooster that he had raised from a chick and
credits Japetequara
expense s and obtain essentia ls, but Japete- - was very proud of. Determined to bet on her hunch, Clara sold her
at wit's end to meet
up somethi ng, and no one in the house husband's rooster, meaning to buy it back after she won. Un-
quara has always turned
charge fortunately, o bicho não deu (the animal-number combination
has ever had to go hungry for long. In addition, he takes
she is nervous and upset he some- she bet on did not win). When it was time for her husband to
of her in other ways. When
her down, as he did the time her altar come home, Clara picked up a machete and went out into the
times possesses her to calm
to accomp any her friend Isabel street and began hacking here and there in the tall grass. Nonato
caught on fire. When she wanted
prosperous appeared and asked what in the world she was up to now. She
on a trip to São Luís, Japetequara motivated one
the passage to Maranh ão, and said she couldn't imagine what had happened to his rooster, she
client to give her money for
with no money, moved another hadn't seen it for hours, perhaps it was sick or had died; she was
after she was stranded there
for a return passage . looking for its body. Nonato joined in the futile search, then sat
cult member to send her: money
guara around for a long time brooding over the loss of his rooster,
Whenever Clara disobeys or disregards ritual law, Japete
she fails to place the offering s hypothesizing that some thief had taken it. Years later, Mariana,
is quick to discipline her. If
e, or refuses to possessing Clara at one of her chamadas, turned to Nonato and
under the altar at the required times, for exampl
wants to attend, said, “Remember that beautiful rooster you used to have?” She
go to a batuque that Japetequara has indicated he
“to her'b
“or if she eats alligator inéat -(ta o e Japetequara A
ecaus then told him exactly what Clara had done with it. “I-can never
e becaus keep anything secret,” Clara said. “She [Mariana] always finds
is an alligator) or any bird of the-parrot family (taboo
is likely to punish her either out and sooner or later tells everyone.”
Mariana is a macaw) Japetequara
down violen tly or by re- The encantado Mariana herself, however, is far from being a
by possessing her and throwing her
amend s. He usual ly sends very moral or proper being. On the contrary, she is impulsive,
fusing to come at all until she makes
ster discipline in self-indulgent, completely hedonistic, and the encantado's. im-
another encantado, José Tupinambá, to admini
her to kneel h
the traditional form of possessing her and forcing
proper speech, rudeness, and generally immoderate conduct re-
arms. After it is overo peatedly cause Clara embarrassment. For example, Mariana not
and beat the floor with her hands and
posses ses her and f only continually demands new clothes from. clients, but also self-
and she is bruised and aching, Japetequara 4
o ishly resists sharing them with other spirits; on occasion she un-
consoles her:
administers such! fastens Clara's skirts at ceremonies so that they fall off her as
José Tupinambá, with Japetequara's approval,
comin gs as well «
punishment for various sins and personal short
Mariana takes her leave. As far as Clara is concerned, Marianas
that she has many *- worst fault is her fondness for drink. Formerly she began look-
as for infractions of ritual law. Clara admits
example, and ing for something to drink as soon as she possessed Clara and,
faults. She used to like to drink too much, for
, gossips too though she preferred cachaça, would drink anything she could
sometimes she associates with “bad” companions
370 SPIRITS or aa DEEP Life History of a Batuque Medium 371
find. On: one occasion Pie she possessed Clara at home, de- Clara, wept, and acted so out of character that Isabel says “she
manded something to drink, and Nonato refused to provide any- did not recognize him. He sang a new song that no one had
thing, Mariana drank some gasoline. Such excesses of course left heard before:
Clara quite sick and, in addition, increased family discord, since
Eu atirei minha flecha 1 shot my arrow
Nonato hated Mariana especially for her drinking.
E não errei a pontaria. And did not miss my target.
Clara felt that she was at an impasse. Japetequara and José Eu sou aquêle môço I am that young man
Tupinambá might discipline her when she drank, but neither had Lá da Barra de Ararí. From the Barra de Ararí.
any authority over Mariana and could not intervene to stop Lagoa grande secou, The large lake dried up,
Mariana's use of Clara's body for excessive tippling. Clara finally Todos morreram e não eu. All died and I did not.
consulted her chief encantado, Dom João, when he possessed a Then he abruptly left. Not a single Curupira descended, and
friend of hers. She told Dom João that she did not want to usually a number of them come when Japetequara does. Mariana
receive Mariana any more. Mariana not only drank too much possessed Clara later on and remarked-that she had heard that
and had a bad reputation, but she had killed Clara's brother. the “Old Man” was weeping. She added that Clara would have
Dom João told Clara to take a bottle of guaraná, pour out one a surprise the next day. Since the next day was Mother's Day,
half of it into a glass and set the glass under her altar. The Clara assumed that this meant that her oldest son, who lives in
half-empty bottle should be filled with dendê oil and honey and Amapá, was sending her some money.
the cap replaced. She should then send her husband at?night to In spite of these supernatural messages, nothing much hap-
throw the bottle into the Bay of Guajará, after first calling pened the next day. The ceremony was a two-day afiair and
Mariana's name three times. Isabel stayed over at the terreiro. Clara, however, went home
Clara” prepared the bottle as instructed,-but;- with his usual early in the morning of May 12 to prepare dinner for her hus-
non-co-operation, Nonato refused to take it down to the bay. band. Nonato, as usual, grumbled over the fact that she was

Clara lit a large candle that would burn before her altar until going back to the terreiro that evening. He had no party to go to
she was able to return, wrapped up her bottle, and took a bus himself, but was planning on going to one the next night. The
downtown. “There was a strong wind blowing as I came near the

“rest of the day passed without incident.

shore,” she recalis. “I called her. I asked im the name of Dom The last time Clara saw her husband alive was when he left
João, Oxalá, and all the other encantados that she come as a for his festa the next evening. He dropped dead while dancing

young lady. Then I threw the bottle. Just as it hit the water, at the party. Clara is convinced that Japetequara killed him be-
Mariana seized me, took me back home, and promised never cause he had refused to help Clara meet her obligations to the
to drink anything stronger than Gancia [a sweet vermouth] when encantados. Just the year before one wall of the house was fall-
“possessing me.” Except for occasional backsliding, Mariana has ing down when the time came for Clara to hold her annual-
kept her promise and is in general much less wild when possessing ladainha for Japetequara's saint, to mark the anniversary of.
Clara today than she used to be. Japetequara's first possession of her. Nonato refused to undertake
Clara believes that Mariana killed her brother; she believes the necessary repairs, saying he saw no sense in fixing up the
that Japetequara killed her husband. Again there were mysterious house and painting everything just so she could pray. For) over:
signs and portents preceding his death in May 1963. Both Japete- thirty years Japetequara had been patient and tried to educaté!
quara and Mariana issued warnings, but since Nonato was not Nonato but had finally decided that he was a hopeless case.
in the least sick, no one in the family got the message. Clara The sudden death of Nonato removed the principal family
and Isabel went to a ceremony at the terreiro of Dona Marina breadwinner, but in 1965 Clara reported that the family had not
two days before Nonato died. Japetequara descended, possessed suffered particularly. In fact, she gave the impression that her
Life History of a Batuque Medium 373
life had-become casier'since her husband's death. She was doing ber of the entire family who is a medium. None of her nieces
only two washings a week, whereas before Nonato died she had

nephews, or cousins becamé actively involved in the cult. Once
always done four or five. Her improved financial situation was a neighbor came running to get Clara with a report that one of
due to increased help from her children. Clara's cousins was in trance. Clara hurried over to talk to the
In reviewing her life for our benefit, Clara neither indulged in spirit possessing-her cousin. The spirit claimed to be Guapindaia
much self-pity nor in self-recrimination over lost opportunities. but Clara saw at once that it was really the soul of her úncie
On the contrary, she seemed to find satisfaction in the “story of Bento, come back to earth and pretending to be one of the
her life, to feel that, on the whole, she had not done so badly. encantados that he had never believed in. This cousin never
Of course, it had all been and still was an uphill and difficult entered trance again, nor did her uncle's spirit ever return.
struggle, but so was life for most of the women that she knew. Clara thinks that one or two of her four daughters will sooner
And she had achieved certain things that many others never or later become a medium and perhaps receive the same en-
achieved. She owned her own home. She had traveled, once to cantados that she receives. “If I-am the daughter of Dom João
São Luís via steamship and once by plane to Amapá to visit her they are his granddaughters and he will decide when they will
son and his family. She had achieved a position of some em- receive.” She thinks the next to the youngest daughter was on the
inence in Batuque circles; throughout the city she was known verge of entering trance several years ago when she was only
and respected for her knowledge of ritual and her skill as a twelve. On that occasion, Clara intervened to stop a medium
medium. Of course, there were certain costs that wenf with the in'trance from whirling her daughter, since she felt the girl was

deference generally shown her-—costs in terms of the jealousy too young to begin with the Batuque. Sometimes Clara says
and envy of less successful mediums. Clara appears to accept that she would not care if none of her children become active
“such hostility as -proof of her own superiority. In the conflict-

in the cult, “because it is a heavy cross to bear.” On the other
ridden world of the Batuque, envy and antagonism are taken hand, she insists that only the aid of the encantados has kept
for granted. Clara is fully prepared to give as good as she gets. her going and enabled her to rear her family.

If one of her favorite expressions is “There are maiy eyes Clara does not give much thought to the afterlife. She believes
watching me,” another is “He (or she) doesn't know a thing.” that her soul will be taken to the encantaria of Japetequara or
o wames
-<She is also-fond -of characterizing most cult leaders as perhaps to that of Dom João. She does not look forward to this

“of yesterday” in contrast to her. own “ffty years of Mina.”

ion of definite ly know- prospect, however. “When I am tired and have trouble with the
In most matters Clara gives the impress family,” Clara said, “Japetequara comes and wants to take me

ing her own mind, but there are two things that she is away. But I don't want to go. It's ugly there, there is no food
she would like a
about. For one, she is not sure whether or not it's like a prison.” Clara knows what an encantaria is like de-
the in-
terreiro of her own. Sometimes she is so exasperated by cause she once paid a brief visit to the encantaria of Rompe
she frequen ts that
correct way things are done in the terreiros Mato. She was attending a curing session when Rompe Mato

other times she
she dreams of opening her own center, but at posséssing the curer, offered to take anyone who wanted to Se
recognizes that the problems and costs of even holding for a brief visit to his encantaria. She volunteered. He put his
in her varanda would probably be too much for her. hand on her head and her body fell asleep. Her spirit flew away
not she
Another thing Clara is uncertain about is whether or and entered Rompe Mato's virgin forest. Àt first she thought
her seven
wants her children to become mediums. None of it was just like entering her own back yard, but then she saw
althoug her
children has thus far shown any mediumíistic ability, that it was a forest with enormous trees, all of which had brightly
the children
oldest daughter is married to a curer, and all of colored leaves. The colors may have been pretty, but the forest
only mem-
regularly attend ceremonies. At present, Clara is the was absolutely empty, still, devoid of life, and Clara was fright-



ened. Suddenly she spotted an enormous alligator staring at her,

and she woke up from fright. Later she realized that the alli-
gator was really Japetequara, who had come to take her soul

back to the curing session.

To the outsider, Clara's world may seem dreary and drab, and

it is obviously short on food, health, and comfort. But for Clara
it is a world that hás an unseen supernatural dimension of |
extraordinary richness and dramatic interest to ofisêt the visible
bleakness of poverty. It is a difficult world, but with the help
of her encantados, she is determined to make the best of it.

Her religion is vague on life after death, but it is very clear

on how to continue living here and now.

abatá: The drum used in Batuque ceremonies.

abatazeiro: Batuque drummer.
afurá: A slightly fermented drink made of coconut milk, rice flour,
and sugar. It is regarded as a sacred food and, on occasion, is
served with great solemnity to all participants in a batuque.
amast or amasin: A herbal infusion that is poured over the head of
a medium by a cult leader in rites of purification or of develop-
arara: The macaw, a bird of the parrot family. The tail feathers of
the scarlet macaw are used in Batuque curirig.
atuado: adj. Possessed by a spirit.
atuar-se: v. To become possessed.
banho: Any infusion of herbs or other plant material, designed to be
poured over the body. The intent is to heal, purify, or bring
success in some undertaking.
barraca: A small house, usually with earthen walls and thatched roof.
batuque: The principal public ceremony of the Batuque religion.
“Syn.: tambor.
branco: 1. An encantado with high status. Syn.: orixá, senhor, vodun.
2. Any person who is considered to be upper class. 3. Any
“white,” a person who appears to be primarily of European
caboclo: 1. An Indian spirit. 2. Any lower-status encantado. 3. An
Indian or an uneducated backwoodsman of mixed ancestry,
cachaça: Brazilian rum, the preferred beverage of most carouser
spirits. Also used extensively as an offering.
376 GLOSSARY *: )
center before ceremonies begin, intended to induce the Exus to .
camarinha: A small room at a cult center in which novices are stay away from the ceremony. 2. An offering to the Exus de-
isolated as part of the initiation rites.
signed to incite the demons to attack someone; left at street
Candomblé: The Afro-Brazilian sect of Bahia, especially the more intersections, in cemeteries, or on the doorstep of the intended
conservative Yoruban terreiros of Salvador. The less consensalis victim.
Bahian sects are usually termed “Candomblé de caboclo.” “Dona: Mrs. or Miss, a term of address.
carnaval: Brazil's major holiday period—the festivities (usually three doutrina: A song designed to call or to salute an encantado or to

or four days) prior to Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. identify a possessing spirit.
Casa das Minas: An exclusive and conservative sect in -São Luís, the
encantado: The most important supernaturals in the Batuque; any of
most Dahomean of any of the Afro-Brazilian sects.. a special category of spirits who are believed to possess human
Catimbó: A religious sect of the northeastern states—Piauí, Ceará, beings. Syn.: guia, invisivel, santo.
Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba. Primarily of European and encantaria: The dwelling place of an encantado family or tribe, lo-
Amerindian origin, the sect emphasizes curing rituals. cated under the earth or sea or in-the depths of virgin forest.
chamada: A curing ceremony in which a medium's principal encantado espada: A ritual scarf, the color of which is believed to be pleasing
is called to grant consultations to clients.
to a specific encantado; it is thrown over a medium's shoulders
chefe: The chief or principal spirit received by a medium. Syn.: when he is in trance.
dono (owner), senhor (lord).
farrista: A carouser spirit, an encantado who likes to drink and be
cheque-chegue: An elongated metal cylinder, partially filled with - merry.
lead shot; one of the musical instruments of the Batuque. Syn.: * feiticeiro: Sorcerer.
ganzá. feitiço: Sorcery.
conta: A small bead given by some Batuque leaders to their mediums. feito: adj. “Made,” ie. a medium who has gone through the full
The bead is swallowed and is believed to remain it initiation ritual.
somewhere in the body. festa: 1, A major ceremony in honor of an encantado, usually in-
contra-guia: A male medium who holds the position of second-in- cluding at least two public ceremonies on successive nights. 2.
command at a cult center. Any religious or secular celebration; a festival.
cuia: A bowl made from a half-gourd. A common kitchen utensil figa: A good luck amulet, usually made of wood or metal, shaped as
-jn the Amazonarea, but also-believed to be-the drinking bowl a clenched human fist with the thumb protruding between the
preferred by the encantados. Sms index and the middle fingers. As a charm to ward off evil, the
cura: “Curing,” rituals directed toward the resolution of various
figa is popular. throughout Brazil—it is not limited to the Afro-
types of problems, including illness, through an appeal to the Brazilian cults. -
encantados. Specifically, the lengthiest and most involved of the filha de santo: A female medium. Syn.: média.
curing rituals. filho de santo: A male medium. Syn.: médium.
curandeiro: The independent curer who works alone or with an ganzá: Am elongated metal cylinder, partially filled with lead shot;
assistant. Also, any leader with a very: limited following. one of the musical instruments of the Batuque. Syn.: cheque-
defumação: A fumigation produced by placing a mixture of dried | cheque.
herbs, leaves, and incense over burning charcoal. The smoke is guaraná: A soft drink flavored with an extract of the guaraná fruit,
believed to purify the premises.. Such fumigations are regularly the'préferred drink of child spirits.
carried out before a ceremony or curing ritual begins and are guia: Literally, “guide.” Syn.: encantado, invisivel, santo.
often repeated at intervals while the ceremony is in progress. invisivel: Literally, “invisible.” Syn.: encantado, guia, santo.
dendê: The African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), which is also grown jogada: 1. The throwing down of a medium by his encantado when
in Brazil. The oil extracted from the fruit is regarded as one of the spirit is possessing or taking leave of the medium; a form of
the favorite foods .of the encantados.
corporal punishment administered by encantados. 2. The state of
despacho: 1. An offering placed before the Exu shrine at a cult


coma that mediums occasionally enter after a trance experience; prayer, with the intention of driving away disease or evil in-
interpreted as another form of punishment administered by en- fluences from the body of the recipient.
cantados. pegí: Altar.
jurema: 1. Two trees of the mimosa family that are regarded as ponto: 1. Any design drawn on the wall or floor of a cult center or

sacred trees for a group of encantados. The bark and leaves of any arrangement of sacred objects that has ritual significance.
the jurema branca (Pithecolobium diversifolium Bent.) and, less 2. Infrequently, a synonym for doutrina.
frequently, the jurema preta (Mimosa nigra Hub.) are used in preto: Any “black,” a person who appears to be primarily of African
ritual baths and teas. 2. The name of an encantaria inhabited ancestry.

by a group of encantados called the “Linha de Jurema.” puro: Not in trance, in a “pure” or unpossessed state.
Kardecismo: A Brazilian spiritualist movement based on the writings santo: 1. A Christian saint. 2. A synonym for encantado, guia,
of Allan Kardec. invisivel.
ladainha: A prayer service to the saints, often held before a batuque seara: A cult center in which no musical instruments are used during
begins. ceremonies. Syn.: tenda.
macumba: The popular term for any Afro-Brazilian religion any- senhor: 1. The chief spirit received by a Batuque medium. Syn.:
where in Brazil; originally, the Afro-Brazilian sect found in Rio
chefe, dono. 2. Any encantado that has high status. Syn.: branco,
de Janeiro. orixá, vodun. 3. Mr., a term of address. |
macumbeiro: 'The term used by outsiders for a member of any Afro-
sessão: One type of Batuque curing ceremony, during which a cult
Brazilian sect. %
leader and a number of his mediums each receive their principal
mãe de santo: Female Batuque leader.
mãe pequena: A female medium who holds the position of second-in- encantados in order to treat patients.
sombriado: The condition of being “shaded” by an encantado; a a cult .center... ;
is used as a state of superficial or partial trance.
maracá: A rattle made from a aii A large maracá
much smaller tambor: 1. The principal public ceremony of the Batuque. Syn.:
musical instrument during public ceremonies and a
version is used in curing rituals. batuque. 2. A drum.
matança: The sacrifice of an animal to one of the encantados. tambor de chôro: A mourning ceremony held in a cult center after
mesa-de espiritismo:A spiritualist séançe. . ... the death of one of its members.

ncia ppp
Mina-Nagô: The Afro-Brazilian sect that-was brought to Belém tauari: The bark of the Amazonian iree of the same name, used as
a wrapper for the cigarettes that curers smoke while treating
from São Luís; also called simply “Mina” or simply “Nagô.”
moreno: 1. Any person with moderately dark skin color. 2. A bru-
nette. tenda: A cult center in which no musical instruments are used during
ceremonies. Syn.: seara,
obrigação: An “obligation,” i.e., any food, drink, or ritual act that a
medium owes to his encantado. terreiro: A cult center; specifically, the pavilion in which the cere-
ogan: The general caretaker of a cult center. monies are held.

orixá: 1. An encantado with high status. Syn.: branco, senhor, vodun. toalha: A large, white, embroidered shawl that is placed around the
2. The Yoruban term for deity. shoulders or waist of a medium possessed by a high-ranking
pai de santo: Male Batuque leader. encantado.
pajé: Amazonian shaman, primarily a curer. trabalho: A work -of black magic, sorcery,
pajelança: Amazonian shamanism. trocar de cabeças: An “exchange of heads”; the death of a follower
passagem: A curing ritual during which the curer invites his spirits to in place of the leader, a substitution believed to be carried out
“pass through” or possess him, even though there may be no by leaders who have been forewarned of their own imminent
patients present. death.
passe: The laying-on of hands by a medium, accompanied by a Umbanda: An Afro-Brazilian sect that originated in Rio de Janeiro

in the 1920s, conste a fusion of macumba with spiritualism.

Today found in urban areas throughout Brazil.
varanda: A large room toward the rear of the house, ordinarily
used as a dining-family room and often converted into a cere-
monial room by the beginning leader.
vodun: 1. An encantado with high status. Syn.: branco, orixá, neh.
2. The Dahomean term for deity.
Xangô: 1. A high-ranking"spirit (also called Badé) who is believed
to have control over thunderstorms and is credited with sending
the sacred stones that are used by encantados as; “seats” in
terreiros and the homes of mediums. 2. The Afro-Brazilian sect
of Pernambuco and Alagoas.

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aa (Batuque ceremonial drum), 163, 164-65, 167, 323 (see also
37 Amerindians; specific aspects, peo-
iguala (Batuque drummer), ne, places); and curing, 251, 281-
Aculão (spirit), 350 Amerindians, influence on Batuque
-Adoration (adoring) of saints and religious cult of, 2, 5, 45, 49,
spirits, Batuque religious cult and, 53, 108, 111, 112, 126, 128,
126, 141, 145 132, 134-35, 142, 157-58, 164-
nas (spirit), 157, 160, 161, 65, 167-68, 321; and cult curing,
251, 261, 281-82; and deities,
Adultery, 74 53, 168; and shamanism, 43, 48
Africa (African influences), and (see also Pajelança)
Batuque religious cult, 1-2, 31, Amnesia, Batuque mediums in
32, 43-45, 52, 93, 98, 1034, trance and, 207-12, 215
108, 130, 158, 168-69, 171, -Ana;- Dona (medium), 107, 121,
284ff., 316ff. See also Afro- 218, 223, 230, 231, 233, 236,
Brazilian religious groups 238, 239, 240, 242, 245, 268,
Afro-Brazilian religious groups, vii, 305, 308, 324
viii, 1-2, 31ff., 43-45, 47-50, 61, ESTA Senhora (spirit), 156, 305,
83, 85, 87, 94, 164 (see also
specific aspects, groups); con- Andersen, Milton L., 214
servative sects contrasted with Andrade, Mario de, 331
Batuque, 284ff., 310, 314, 316ff. Anesthesia, Batuque mediums in
Afterlife (afterworld), Batuque be- trance and, 215
liefs concerning, 87-92, 156. See Angaço, Pedro; Dom (spirit), 130-
also specific aspects 32, 140, 177, 302, 343
asas ceremony, 293, 295, 299, Angels, 52, 88, 156
7 Animal sacrifice, 247, 273, 276,
Aguiar, Dona Maria de (mãe de 286, 288-89, 295-98, 318, 378
santo), 48-49, 159-61, 166, Animals, household and neighbor-
247-48 hood, 41
Ailments (see also Disease; IIl-
Animal spirits, 135, 168, 251, 252.
ness): Batuque cult healing and, See also specific kinds, spirits
279-82 (see also Curing)
Akosa-Sapata (spirit), 140 “Anita (medium), 194-95
Akossi-Sapata (encantado), 78, Ann, St., 145, 302
138, 157, 161, 168 “Anniversary” ceremonies, 240,
Alcoholic beverages (liquor), use 244, 304, 310
of, 18-20, 28, 61, 63, 66, 69, Anointment with blood, Batuque
75, 203-4, 240, 241 (see also ritual and, 286, 288-89
Drinking; Drunkenness); and Anthony, St. 153-55
Batuque curing ritual, 259-60, Antonio (pai de santo), 5-6, 10-
266, 270; spirit world and use 17, 27-30, 78, 187, 197, 203,
of, 28, 55, 63, 66, 69, 180, 208, 307, 316; and curing and
203=4, 309, 369-70 sorcery, 268, 272, 274, 275-76;
Alligators, 142, 168, 368, 374 and festival processions, 301-2;
Altars, 4-5, 62, 63, 86, 126, 233, and terreiro organization, 218,
241, 242 sue, 222-23, 237, 238, 241,
Alva, Princesa d'; 129, 135, 169 2
Alvarenga, Oneyda, 49, 331 Aparelha (apparatus), use of term
Amast (amasin), 306, 318, 375 e é designate cult member, 97,
Amazonas, Brazil, 37 1
Amazon region (Amazonia), in- “Apparatus,” human, spirits and
fluence on Batuque religious cult use of, 97, 166
of, 32-50, 134, 135, 142, 162, Aquela tontura, 200


ers); life history of a medium 102, 103, 113-14, 121, 321f. cults, people, places

Araras (macaws), 134-35, 149,

in, 352-74; mediums in (see Me- (see also Economic aspects); Brenman, Margaret, 213
150, 168, 173, 259, 350, 375 Brothels, Batuque cult and, 267-
diums); possession by spirits in, estimated number of, 98; and

Arnaldo (medium), 117

170-217 (see also Possession; initiation ritual, 285. 298, 68. See also Prostitutes (pros-
Arrows, 128 305f.; migration (rural-urban) titution)
Averekete (encantado), 7, 8, 78, Trance); predominance of women


in, 103-8, 123, 321; songs and and, 113-15, 123, 321ff.; mixed Business problems, Batuque cult
83, 118, 129-30, 135-36, 168,
class and racial. composition of, curing and, 267-68

177, 191, 292, 302, 318, 334 singing in, 331-51 (see also
. 108-13, 321f.; occupational status

Axheads, 157-58 Songs); and spirit world, 51-92,

125ff. (see also Spirits); terreiros, and income of, 98-102; personal Cabanagem uprising, 45

organization of, 218-49 (see also problems and conversion, 115- aê Nobre (encantado), 131,
Babassuê, 50 -
Terreiros) 23; predominance of women as,
Badé (spirit), 130, 156-58, 168, Caboclos, 112, 156-65, 177, 180,

Batuques, 1-30, 32-50, 216. (see- 103-8, 123, 321; and rituals,
292, 302, 335-36 1-30, 284-315 (see also Ba- 188, 203, 289, 292-93, 320, 321,
Bahia, Brazil, 45, 97, 103-4, 161, also Ceremonies, priyate; Cere-

tuques; Ritual); terreiro organiza- 323-24, 329, 340, 375 (see also
bro Pesa

162, 284, 287, 320 monies, public; Ritual); Belém,


Brazil as setting for, 32-50; tion and, 222ff. specific kinds, spirits); and cur-
Banhos (baths), Batuque ritual,
defined, 375; innovation and in- Bell ringing, and entry into trance ing and sorcery, 262, 263, 277;
o 262, 267, 268, 309, 367-68,
dividualism in, 284-314 passim; state, 192, 193 . defined, 375; listed, 157; songs
37 Ben Boçu da Cana Verde (encan- — t0; 340, 342, 343, 350

Baptism, 61, 82, 84, 191, 298-99, mediums and, 2-3, 5-20 (see
also Mediums); possession and tado), 157, 161, 168 Cachaca (rum drink), 18, 375
308: of encantados and mediums,
Caetano (medium), 353-55, 356-
da Sa poor

(see Possession: Trance); Te- Benedict, St., 54, 83, 87, 129,
61, 82, 307-12, 314, 315; of in-
pps ana

58, 359,: 362, 364, 365, 366


fants (see Infant baptism) gional differences in, 31, 284ff.; 302, 315

Benedita (medium), 122 Calamities. See Misfortunes (calam-

Barão de Goré (encantado) 120, ritual and, 284-315 (see also

145, 146, 168, 344, 355 Ritual); terreiros and, 3-20 (see Benedito, Pai, 155-56 ities)
Barba, Maria (encantado), 127, also Terreiros) 4 Bettencourt, Gastão de, 154 Calling of spirits, 7-8, 18, 23, 188

Bela de pão, 302 i Bigamy, 74 (see also Chamadas; Entry into

128. See also Barba, Rainha
Belém, Brazil, Batugue religious Birds, 134-35, 149, 150, 168, 350 trance); songs for, 332ff. (see
(Inhaçan) e (see also specific kinds); sacri- also under Songs)

Barba, Rainha (Inhaçan), encan- cult in, viii, 1-30, 32-50, 316-
130, 157, 158, 29 (see also Batuque religious fice of, 288 (see also Sacrifice) - Calmon, Pedro, 34, 44
tado, 8, 128, Blood sacrifice, 286, 288-89, 295- Camargo, Candido P. F. de, 113,
168, 169, 292, 302, -332-33; cult); architecture, homes and
334-35. See also Barbara, St. streets of, 37-41; batuques in, 98. See also Animal sacrifice 321-22
Barbara, St., 50, 85, 126-28, 130, vii, viii, 3-30, 32-50, 94-124 Body movement and behavior, Ba- Camarinha, 376
158, 240-41, 302 e (see also Batugues); Caixa tuque mediums in trance “state Candles (candle-lighting), and Ba-
Barba Sueira (spirit), 50, 128, 177. d'Agua, 37-38; Cidade Velhala, and, 171ff., 189. See also tuque rituals, 58, 60, 65, 150,
See also Barbara, St. 37, 40; cult rituals and, 1-30, Trance; specific aspects, body 215, 293; touching flame to body,
Barking, possession of medium by 284-315; economy of, 34, 35-37; movements, kinds of behavior 26-27 :
Curupira encantados and, 142, SGrande=-Hote!,.-37; Guama, 42- Boiadeiro da Visaura (Cowboy of Candomblé, 284, 285-86, 290, 305,

43; history of, 34ff., 318ff.; life Visaura), encantado, 157, 161 314, 315, 316-17, 320, 322, 326-
189 Boi-bumbá festa, 80
Barracas, 40, 41, 43; defined, 375 history of a medium in, 352- 27, 376 ,
74; number and types of cult Bombeiro (encantado), 69, 140, Candomblés de caboclo (Bahia),
Basilio Bom (encantado), 136, 203 141, 344-45
Bastide, Roger, 111-12, 285, 286, centers in, 45-50; Pedreira, 42- 320, 376
287, 306, 330 43: ruralurban migration and Bôto Branco (dolphin spirit), 144 Cardoso, João, 245
Baths, ritual. See Banhos (baths), growth of mediumistic cults in, Bôto Tucuxi (dolphin spirit), 144, Carlito (medium), 118
ritual 35-36, 113-15, 301-23; as set- 209, 217 Carlos (medium), 164, 180, 193,
Batuque religious cult, vii-viii, 316- ting for batuques, 32-50; slay- Bourguignon, Erika, 103 215, 236-37, 240-41, 242, 249,
29; batuques and (see Batuques); ery and, 44-45; terreiro organ- Bow-and-arrow motif, 128
256, 293-95, 305, 307, 309
ization in, 218-49; Ver-o-peso Bowls, use in cult ceremonies of,
Belém as setting for, 32-50 (see 5, 293, 376
Carlos, Dom (encantado), 148
also Belém, Brazil); belief system (open air market), 37 Carnaval, 78, 376
(theology) of, 51-92; believers Belief system (theology), Batuque Brancos (white) skin color cate-
316f.; gory, 109-13, 132, 321, 323; Carneiro, Edison, 104, 330
(adherents, members), character- religious cult, 51-92, Carolina (medium), 102
defined, 375; encantados and,
istics of, 93-124; ceremonies of, . changes and innovations in, 284-
156ff.; 164-65 . Carouser encantados, 28, 29, 66-
2-30, 284-315 (see also Ceres. 314f.; homogeneity of, 246-49 70, 81-82, 165, 177, 180, 198,
monies, private; Ceremonies, pub- Believers (adherents; members), Brasília, 35
Batuque religious cult, character- Brazil (Brazilian influence), and 203, 213, 320 (see also Cabo-
lic; Ritual); and curing, 250-83 clos; Farristas); and curing, 252,
(see also Curing); history and istics of, 93-124, 321ff.: age Batuque and other religious cults,
origin of, 1ff., 318ff. (see also data, 102-3, 107, 116-20, 123; 31ff., 126, 127, 132-33, 136f., 264
batuques and (see Batuques); 167-68, 317ff., 324-26. See also “Carrying” an encantado, use of
specific aspects): innovation and
birth versus conversion and, 115- Afro-Brazilian religious groups; term, 97
changes in, 319ff.; leaders in, 93- Casa das Minas, 48, 129, 140, 161,
95, 98, 103-8 (see also Cult lead- 23; economic aspects of, 98- Amazon region; specific aspects,

eo 284ff.; "287, 305, Ed 317, 43, 52-55, 74, 75, 82-92, 132- Contas, 275-76, 376 Dahomey (Dahomean influence),
37 33. See also Catholicism; specific “Contracts” between cult members and religious cults, 31, 47-48,
Cascudo, Luís da Câmara, 292, aspects and encantados, .mediumship of 52, 128, 156, “161, 162, 168,
382 Christopher, St., 308 children and, 82, 119 287. See also specific aspects,
Castelo Branco, Francisco Caldeira Church, 83-92. See also Catholi- Contra-guia, 229, 230, 376 cults
de, 34 cism; Christianity saint, 52, 58-59. Damãe (encantado), 128
Catholicism (Catholic influence), Cigar smoking, and curing ritual, Contractual relation, man and Damian, St., 126-28, 302
and Batuque cult, 45, 48, 52, 259, 260, 261-62, 263 Converts (conversion), Batuque Damião (child spirit), 70, 302
58-59, 82-92, 126ff., 141, 158, Círio, 304 amE - cult membership and, 115-23, Dance (dancing), Batuque cult
241, 292, 298, 317, 319. (see Clara (medium), 64, 69-72,. 78, 182, 321ff. See also under Be- and, 3, 8-13, 16, 17, 19-20,
84, 112-13, 189, 204, -209, di lievers 27-28, 29-30, 'ss, 102, 103, 154;
also specific aspects); prayers, 7
(see also Prayers); saints, 1, 5, 23, 22425, 247, 307, 309; and Corre-Beirado, Antonio Luiz (en- 295, 302; in curing, 260; in pos-
52-55, 58-59 (see also Saints) curing, 265, 367-71; Jife history cantado), 157, 162, 261 session, characteristic, 174, 175,
Catimbó cult, 50, 146, 147, 162, of, 352-74 Cosmas, St., 126-28, 302 177, 178, 183-85, 186, 187, 191,
Classes (class system, rank), Ba- Cosme (encantado), 70, 128, 302 194, 200, 202, 209: terreiro or-
319, 376
Cavalo (horse), use of term to tuque cult and: cult membership Costumes, Batuque ceremonial, 6- ganization and, 244, 245
designate a medium, 97 and, 38-43, 45, 101-2, 108-13, 7, 26, 55, 61-63; colors and, 6, Danico (medium), 353-55
114, 321ff.; and organization of 26, 61, 177, 180, 219, 285, 286, -—Death-. (the dead), Batuque cult
Celia (medium), 272 291; male mediums and, 106
Ceremonies, private, Batuque cult, spirit families, 156, 163-65 beliefs concerning, 52, 87-92,
Eles also Status) Cowrie shells, use in divination of, 124 (see also Ásterlife; Soul,
62, 63, 198, 199, 231-39, 304ff.
Cleansing rituals, 6, 251, 268. See 270, 274, 287-88 the); curing and, 257, 271-72;
See also Mediums; specific cere-
also Purification rituals, specific Cuia, 293, 376 punishment by spirits and, 80;
Ceremonies, public, Batuque cult, kinds Cult centers. See Searas; Terreiros Ro and, 271-72, 274, 275-
2-30, 284-315 (see also Ba- Clergy, Catholic, 85, 272-73, 274 Cult leaders, Batuque, 93-95, 98,
tuques; Ritual; specific aspects, Clients (clientele), Batuqué me- +11, 166-67 (see also Mães de Defumação, 6,'251, 268, 292, 376
diums in consultations and, 191- santo; Mediums; Pais de santo); Deities. See Gods (deities)
kinds); belief system and, 51,
60f.; believers and, 93f.; eco- 92, 198ff., 231-32, 237, 242-
attainment of leadership, 228ff., Demon encantados (Exus), 22-25,
nomic aspects, 239-44; and Exus 43, 244, 314; and curing, 251- 285ff.; by birth or conversion, 30, 58, 146, 147, 150-55. See
(demon spirits), 150-55 (see also .82 passim (see also Consulta- 115-23; competition and rivalry also Exus
Exus); male versus female par- tions; Curing) among, 218-19ff.; and curing, Deride palm oil, 5, 376
ticipation in, 103-8; mediums Cloth: and ceremonial costumes, 257-82 passim (see also. Cur- “Descending” of encantados, 22-
and, 2-30 (see also Mediums); 60, 61, 63; as gifts, 265 ing); as informants, 93-94: and 25, 65, 66, 127-28, 135, 153
regional differences in, 31; songs Clotilde (medium), 353-55 initiation ritual, 285ff.; and men- Desertion, marital, 80, 121; and
in, 331-51 (see also Songs): Cobra Grande da Lagoa (spirit), tal stability, 120, 207, 212-17, cult curing, 96, 121, 266, 270
spectators and, 2-30 (see also 142-44, 159, 168, 350. See also 326-27, 329; and naming of Despacho, 276-77, 292, 376-77
Spectators); spirits and, .125-69. Rosalina, Dona (spirit) spirits, 137, 159-61; and organ- Development .Of mediums, Batuque
(see also Spirits); terreiro or- Cocoa plantations, 45 ization Of terreiros, "D18-49; and cult “and, 285, 286f.: and cult
ganization and, 219, 223ff., 239- Coffee,-36, 45, 97 possession (trance experience), leadership, 230-39, 285fr., 305ff.,
47 Colaço, Manoel, 245, 249 180, 285ff. (see also Possession, 328; and curing, 256, 264: and
Chamadas (curing rituals), 251-55, Coleman, George, vili-ix spirit); predominance of women initiation, 285ff,, 298, 305-14;
256, 266, 367, 376 Colored class, 108-13, 316f., among, 103-8; qualities and per- life history of a medium and,
Chapels, 4-5, 20, 22, 233, 234, 323. See also Negroes; Slaves sonalities of, 232ff.; and ritual, 352-74; and posséssion (trance
235. See also Altars; 'Shrines and slavery 284-315 passim (see also Rit- state), 173-83f., 194ff.; 216-17,
Chefe, 60, 63, 376 Color of skin, Batuque cult mem- ual); skin color and, 111 221, 285f.; and ritual, 285, 286f.,
heheh 3, 8, 10, 30, 376 bership and, 108-13, 321-24 Cura (curing), Batuque cult and, 305-14 |
Chica (medium), 119-20 Coming out of trance (departure 242-43, 250-83, 376. See also Dico (medium), 122
Chickens (roosters), sacrifice of, of spirits), 176, 184, 185, 195- Curing Dietary restrictions, 61, 220, 368;
288-89, 290, 295-98 98, 211, 213-14 ir cadtis 232, 258, 277, 282, and curing, 251, 262-63, 268
Childbirth, 87 “Concentration,” and entry by Discipline, “supernatural. See Pun-
Children, 63; baptism of, 84, 191, mein into trance state, 191, Curing, Batuque cult and, 98, 108 ishment, supernatural
298-99; conversion and entry 1 117-18, 119, 129, 134-35, 205, Disease, 40,/65-66, 134 (see also
into Batuque cult of, 115-23; as Constantino (Leather Hat), encan- 206, 232, 250-83, 319, 332, (see Iliness; specific aspects, diseases);
encantados (spirits), 68, 70, 162- tado, 157, 161 also Clients; Consultations, spe- Batuque cult curing and, 250f.,
63; and festivals. 303-4; and Consultations, mediums and; 181, cific aspects, ceremonies, individ- 268-69, 279-82
mediumship, 82, 83, 103, 115- 191, 198ff., 231-39 (see also uals); songs and, 134-35, 148, Dissociation, mediums in trance
23, 182, 186 Clients; Mediums):; and curing, 332, 349-51 and, 207
Christianity (Christian influence), 237, 242-43, 244, 251-82 pas- Curupiras (encantados), 142, 168, Divination, 270, 274, 287-89, 311,
and Batuque religious cult, 1, 2, sim 177, 188, 348, 356, 371 See also Prediction
394 INDEX Es INDEX 395
- Doca, Dona (mãe de santo), 43, ship and problems of, 35-36, Falange de Bôtos (Phalanx of Dol- Folk medicine, 268, 283. 5
55, 96, 98-102. See also Un- phins), encantados, 144-45 Medicine (medical practices) a
Doctrine (law), Batuque cult mem- employment Falling over backwards, entry “and Food (see also Dietary restric-
bership and, 75, 76, 93-124 Encantados, Batuque religious cult departure of spirits in posses- tions): Batuque ceremonies and
passim. See also Belief system and, 52ff., 125ff., 316ff. (see also sion and, 10, 18-21 passim, 175, 61, 220, 241, 251, 262-63, 276.
(theology) Spirits); and aid in personal 176, 195-98 286, 292-95, 296, 298 ;
Doctrine songs (doutrinas), 8-9, problems, 96, 102; baptism of, El of spirits, 125, 129f., “Force,” mediums and spirit pos-
13, 16, 30, 127-28, 188-89, 190- - 61, 82, 307-12, 314, 315; be- session and, 19, 189, 190-91;
91, 331-51, 377 (see also Songs; lievers (members) and, 96-97f., Family problems. See Marital and and curing, 260, 265-66
specific kinds); and curing,. 134- 124; and curing, 96, 102, 250-83 family problems Forests, 42-43, 57, 168, 356; and
35, 148, 332, 349-51 (see also Curing); defined, 377;' Farewell songs to spirits, 20, 21, spirits, 57, 148, 150, 356 (see
Dog barking and behavior, pos- families, lines, and classification 29, 30, 195-96, 264, 285, 346-48. also individual spirits)
session of mediums by Curupiras of, 125, 129f.; mediums and See also Songs; individual spirits Foster, George M., 58
and, 142, 189 . possession by, 170-217, 224f., Farristas (carouser spirits), 29, France and the French, influence
Dolphins (dolphin spirits), 144- names (naming) of, 128ff., 156ff., 66-70, 81-82, 146, 165, 330, nos 32, 159-60
45, 159, 164, 168, 177, 209, 316ff.; origin of, 125ff.; physical 349 (see also individual spirits); umigation, curing ritual and, 6
317 appearance of, 132; ritual and, defined, 377 147, 251, 268, 292, 376 o
Drinking (see also Alcoholic bev- 284-315 (see also Ritual); songs Fasting, and cult curing, 251
erages; Drunkenness; specific and, 331-51; terreiro organiza- Federation of Afro-Brazilian Cults, se Ganzá (gourd musical instrument),
drinks): and curing ritual, 259- tion and, 224ff. 83, 94, 98, 325; establishment in 8, 10, 26, 46, 97, 331, 377
60, 266, 270; and ritual, 293- Encantarias, 53, 89, 373, 377 Belém of, 245-46; Ritual Coun- Gêges cult, 47, 48
95, 302, 309; spirits and, 28, Entry into trance, 184, 186, 187,
cil, 246 Gente fina, 323 .
55, 63, 66, 69, 180, 203-4, 309, Feitiço, defined, 377 George, St., 85, 86, 150, 302
188-95, 200-1, 213, 214. See
-» 320, 369-70; 376 Feito, 286, 305, 306, 310, 311; ue a :
also Possession, spirit; Trance; -defined, 377
Drums (drummers, drumming), iant Snake of the Lake
Receiving the spirits; Seizure by
Batuque cult ritual and, 1, 2, 3,
Festivals (festas), 59, 72, 78, 85, 159, 168, 350 e
4, 6, 8, 10, 18, 23-24, 28, 29, 161, 295, 298, 377; calendar of, Gifts (see also Income, Obliga-
Eowa, Rainha (encantado), 145-46, 302; and entry into trance, 188; tions; Offerings; Presents; specific
97, 195, 198, 240, 304, 312;
head drummers- and terreiro or- 162, . 302 and rituals, 295, 298, 299-304; aspects, kinds): income of cult
ganization, 220; and songs, 331- Erasmus, Charles J., 280 Saints" Day, 299-304 leaders and, 242-43
51 (see also Songs); status hier- Éré spirits, 320 Figa, defined, 377 Gill, Merton M., 213, 383
archy and, 225-28, 232 2 Ernesto (medium), 205, 234-35 Filariasis, 40 E Gira dos Exus, 151-53
Drunkenness, 75, 203-4. See also Espadas (ritual scarves), 6, 18, Filhas de santo (daughters of the Glossary of terms, 375-80
Alcoholic beverages; Drinking 19, 29, 61, 187, 193, 295, 311, saint), 60, 97, 102-3, 122, 184, God, 52, 53, 88, 126, 156. See
“Dyadic contract,” men and saints, 377; use in curing ritual, 256, 314, 377: (see also Mediums); also Gods (deities); Jesus Christ
ha 58-59. Firasie 67 bi njoje, “= ataçÃad 2209: and ritual, 286-87f., 314; and Godparents, infant baptism and en-
" Eternity, Batuque beliefs concern- terreiro organization, 219, 241 cantados as, 84, 298-99, 363
Economic aspects, Batuque reli- ing, 87-92. See also Afterlife; Filhos de santo (sons of the saint), Gods (deities), Batuque religious
gious cult and, 34, 35-37, 38-48, Death; Soul, the 60, 97, 286-87, 314, 377 (see cult and, 1-2, 52-55f., 130.
170, 308 (see also Gifts; In- Evil influences: Batuque cult cur- also Mediums); and ritual, 286- 156ff., 164f., 168f., 316. (see
come; Obligations; Poverty; Per- ing and, 256-57, 267, 270-79, 87f., 314; and terreiro organiza- also God; Saints; specific deities,
sonal problems); and cult mem- 282 (see also Curing; specific tion, 219 paint) > ritual and, 285-315 pas-
bership, 35-36, 38-43, 45, 51, 55, aspects); “passes” for withdrawal Filler songs, 26, 348-49 sim
-63-65, 96, 98-102, 103, 113-14, of, 64, 91, 256-57, 261, 262, Fina Joia (encantado), 136, 137 Goiabeira (encantado), 79, 130,
“121, 242-43, 321ff., 328-29; and 264, 267; sorcery and, 270-79 131, 168, 367
Financial assistance, encantados
'curing, 250-51, 255, 266-68, (see also Sorcery) Gourd rattles, 8, 10. See also
and, 64-65. See also Economic
278-719, 367-68; and encantados Expeditus, St., 241, 299, 301-2, Ganzá; Maracâs; Rattle-shaking,
«aspects and curing
(spirits), 63-65; and terreiro or- 304 Fireworks, and festivals, 299-300
ganization, 218, 225. 230, 231f., Greeting .of spirits, possession and,
Exus (demon spirits), 22-25, 30, Flora, Princesa (encantado, 131,
« «236, 239-44, 245, 246 13-16, 18, 23, 27, 28, 188ff,
58, 136, 146, 147, 150-55, 177, 264, 367 226, 227, 332. See also under
Ecstasy, possession and, 214-15
198, 315 (see also individual Floriano, Rei (Dom José), en- ongs :
Edna (medium), 80
Edson (medium), 119 spirits); cult curing and sorcery cantado, 145, 146 Guajará, Bay of, 32, 34, 37
Eduardo, Octavio da Costa; 48, and, 259-60, 263, 270, 273, 274, Florina (medium), 353-55, 357-58 Guamá River, 34
285, 287, 306, 315, 329 276, 277, 279, 282; line of, 146, Floripe (encantado), 131, 133 Guapindaia (encantado), 131, 135,
Education (formal 'schooling), 147, 150-55; offerings to, Folk Catholicism, Batuque cult and, iii 187, 301, 355, 362, 367,
mediums and, 321, 330 290-92, 297; songs to, 23, 292, 319. See also Catholicism; spe-
Employment, Batuque cult member- 332-33f. cific aspects à Guaraná, defined, 377

Guerreiro (spirit), 342 225, 236, 239-44, 255, 265, 268, by spirits), 76-78, 79, 204-6, London, Perry, 213
Guides (guias), spirit, 52, 88, 377 328-29. (see also Economic as- 377-78 Louis IX, King of France, 159-60
Guinea coast, África, 44, pects) John, St., 72, 302 j Louis XVI, King of France, 159-
Gunpowder, use in Batuque cere- Indians, American. See Amerindians . John of Matha, St., 302 É 60, 166
monies of, 23-25, 57, 150, 152, Inês (medium) 65, 219, 223 dodgina, Dona (medium), 231, 233, Lourdes (medium), 81
153, 215 Infant baptism, 84, 191, 298-99. Dom (encantado), 157, 159-
See also: Baptism José, Dom (Rei Floriano), encan-
Hand clapping, at batuques, 46 Inhaçan (êncantado), 128, 302, See. tado, 145-46, 302 Lulu (medium), 200, 308-9
Hands, clasping by medium and also Barba, Rainha (Inhaçan:) “Joseph, St., 302
entry into trance state, 190-91 Initiation ritual, mediums and, Juizes (judges), at Batuque cere- Macaws (macaw spirits), 134-35,
monies, 241-42 149, 150, 168, See also Araras

Hangers-on, and batuques, 97, 187. 285ft., 298, 305-12 ..

See also Spectators (audiences) Insanity, 120-23 (see also Mental Julia, Dona (medium), 239, 309 (macaws)

Haroldo (medium), 205 stability); cult healing and, 269 Jurema (encantado), 97, 98, 108, Mr ideal, cult membership and,
ren E een Un

“Have mercy” (misericórdia) songs, Invisivel, 52, 377 , 146-50, 168, 338, 341, 378; fam-
no eae none PESE

Tone (medium), 166 ily of, 146-50 Macumba, 49, 50, 85, 96, 120,
Head squeezing, and forcing out Irene, Dona (medium), 119 Jurema tree, 147-48, 378 378; defined, 378

of trance, 196-98 Isabel (medium), 203, 363, 368, Jurema Valha (encantado), 147 Macumbeiros, 120, 378
Head washing ritual, 61, 286, 302, 371 Juremeia (spirit), 291 Madalena (medium), 192-93
Jureminha (encantado), 147 Mae pequena, 219, 220, 229-30;
e nacetr tatas

306, 315 Isolda (medium), 79

Healing. See Curing Ita (spirit), 131, 342 Juruparí (spirit), 350 defined, 378
Health problems, Batuque cult Justina (medium), 66, 69, 75, 80 Mães de santo, 43, 45, 60, 72,
membership and, 113-14, 117-18, Jaguarema (encantado), 187 97, 99, 103-8, .287ff. (see also
119-23. See also Curing Taguars (jaguar spirits), 135, 168 Kardec, Allan, 378 Cult leaders); conflict among,
Heaven, Batuque cult beliefs con- Jamaina (mermaid spirit), 71, 157; * Kardecismo, 49, 378 218-19,. 221-49 passim; and cur-
cerning, 87-92 -.. ' 158, 337 : Kevioso (Badé), spirit family, 130. ing, 258, 260, 268, 272, 277;
Hell, Batuque cult beliefs con- Jandina (spirit), 342 See also Badé (spirit) defined, 378; and possession,
cerning, 87-92 Japetequara (encantado), 64, 69, Kloppenburg, Boaventura, 274, 282 180ff., 191ff., 196-202, 203, 205,
Herb baths and infusions, 60, 65, 71, 72, 78, 84, 89, 141, 164, 206, 208, 308ff.; and . ritual,
"96, 253, 260, 262, 269, 276, --190-91, 222, 224-25, 355; Clara Ladainhas, 95-96, 292, 302, 378. 287ff., and terreiro organization,
"306, 367-68. See also Banhos (medium) and, 61, 72, 222, 224- See also Prayers (praying) 218-49 passim, 287.
(baths), ritual 25, 315, 357, 358, 361-62, 365, Lampião, 161-62 ] Magda (medium), 231
Heron, Rei (caboclo), 162 f 366, 368-69, 370-71, 374; and Laying on of hands, curing and, Maija (food offering), 293-95
aa (encantado), 157, 162, curing, -265; family of spirits 256, 378. See also Passes Malaria, 40
of, 141ff., 148-50; songs to, 71, Lazarus, St., 78, 161 Manaus, Brazil, 37, 114
163 Leaders, cult. See Cult leaders
Herskovits, Melville J., 103, 286, 190-91, 339-40, 347-48 Manoelzinho (encantado), 203, 344
287, 318;321,:326-27 *-- = Jarina. -(carauser spirit), 79, 105, Learning (see also Development Maracâs, 8, 10, 26, 97, 378
Holy Trinity, 140-41 139, 140, 348; and curing, 256, of mediums): attainment of cult - “Marajó, Bay of, 32
leadership and, 230-39, 285ff.; - Marajó, island, 34
Homosexuality, male members of 274
Batuque cult and, 74-75, 104-5 Jerome, St., 302 mediumship and trance state and, Macao; Mestre (encantado), 157,
Horse (cavalo), use of term to Jeronimo, Pai (spirit), 156 Mato 183f., 194f., 216-17, 285,
designate a medium, 97 Jesuit missionaries, 43 Maranhão, Brazil, 31, 32, 34, 43,
Hypnosis, trance behavior con- Le Cron, Leslie M., 213 44, 45, 48, 103, 127, 129, 138,
Jesus Christ, 23, 52, 53, 54, 64, 89, Legal aspects, Batuque religious
trasted with, 212-17, 326 | 127, 161, 349 : 140, 161, 166-67, 247
cult and, 256-257, 272, 282, Marcuse, F. L., 213, 215
Joana (medium), 78 325; and sorcery, 272
Ilness (ill-health), 40, 65-66, 81, Jóana, Pipiri (medium), 89 Maria Barba (encantado), 127, 128,
96, 113-14 (see also Disease; Legba (spirit), 140, 333 335. See also Barba, Rainha (In-
João (medium), 83 Legua Bogi da Trinidade (Seu
Health problems; Mental stabil- João de Mata (Rei da Bandeira), haçan)
ity); and conversion, 117-18, Legua), encantado, 16, 140-41,
encantado, 145, 146, 148, 177, 168, 277, 282, 295, 301, 304, Maria de Aguiar, Dona (medium),
119-23; cult curing and, 59, ' 302, 308, 364-65 48-49, 159-61, 166, 247-48
252ff., 268-82 passim (see also 344
João “Súeira, Dom (encantado), 13, Lightning stones, 158 Maria José (medium), 120-21
Curing); sorcery and, 270-79 (see 16, 72, 136-37, 164, 302; 307, Maria Mineira de Luz (spirit),
since of spirits, 125, 129ff., 146-
aiso Sorcery) 336, 348, 358, 364-65, 370, 373 157, 207
Imanjá (mermaid spirit), 158-59, Mariana. (carouser encantado), 67,
168, 169, 302, 317 Joãozinho (encantado), 27-28, 78, Linha de cura, 251, 257 a
102, 208, 237 Linha de Jurema (curing), 97, 98, 69, 107, 140, 164, 180, 192-93,
Incense, use of smoke from, 6 224, 294, 363, 366-67, 371; and
Income (fees), Batuque cult mem- Joãozinho Boa da Trinidade (en- 108, 378. See also Jurema (en-
cantado), 141 cantado) curing, 134, 254-55, 261, 265,
bership and: curing-and, 255,
265, 268, 367-68; mediums and, Jogada (throwing down of humans Linha de tambores, 251 367-70; popularity of, 133-35,


150, 247-48;--songs to, 3423/apirit solving, 3, 55-57, 58-59, 96, Nite Gerais, Brazil, 34, 45, 136- Obligations, Batuque cult, spirit be-
family of, 131, 133-35 250-83 (see also Clients; Con-
sultations; Curing; specific as- liefs and practices and, 5, 51,
Mariano (encantado), 131, 135 Minas-Mahys, 47 e 52, 58fT., 60f., 74, 95, 293.
Mariazinha (medium), 202 pects); development and learn- danca de Luz, Maria (spirit),

(see also Gifts; Offerings; Pres-

Marina, Dona (medium), 72, 83, ing in, 173f., 183, 194f,,
216-17, 284314 passim; diffi- ents); and curing, 251-55, 259-
191, 206, 307, 370 Mirací (encantado), 147 : 60, 263-64, 265, 276-717; and
Marital and family problems, Ba- culties in role behavior of, 200- Miracles: Batuque cult curing and,
Titual, 293f., 314
tugue cult membership and cur- 7; economic rewards and, 225, 280-82 (see also Curing); en- Obrigação, 293-95, 302, 314, 378.

ing of, 55, 63-64, 65, 69-72, 236, 239-44, 255, 265, 328-29' pa a. 55-57, 59 E See also Obligations
80, 96, 121, 250, 266, 270, 278, (see also Economic aspects; In- isericórdia (“have mercy”) songs, Occupational status, Batuque cult
280. See aiso specific kinds, e.g., come); history of Batuque cult 345-46 E , membership and, 98-102
Desertion and, 316ff.; and innovation and Misfortunes (calamities): Batuque Offerings, 147-48, 150, 286 (see
Marriage between Xangô cult mem- changes, 247-48; and leader cult curing and, 250-83 (see also also Gifts; Obligations; Presents);
bers, spirit approval and, 289 status, 228-49, 328-29; life his- Curing); supernatural as cause of, and curing, 251-55, 259-60, 263—-
Martim-Pescado (spirit), 330 tory of, 352-74; male homo- 57, 73-82 É Eu 2ba, 276-77; and ritual, 291-
Masks, prohibition against wearing sexuality and, 104-6; predomi- Moors, 130, 132-33, 138, 169, 323
of, 78 nance of women as, 103-8; rela- Morality (immorality), Batuque Ogans (general caretakers of ter-
Mass, Catholic, 85 tionship among, 218-49 pas- cult and, 74ff.; 156; and curing, -— reiros), 99, 104, 219-20, 243,
Mass spirit possession, 188-89, 194 sim; role-playing in possession Ei trance experience and, 215- nar a 7
Matanças, 296-98, 378 behavior, 171ff., 199f., 216-17, gun, Yoruban god of war, 1
Maué Indians, 283 285f., 327f.; ruralurban mi- Morenos (brunette) skin color cate- 154-55, 289, 338-39 M
Mauvina (medium), 86-87, 118, gration and, 113-15; and singing, gory, 109-13, 378 Ogun cult, 136, 146, 147, 150,
204-5 2 331-51 (see also Songs); and “Mothers” of waters, 158-59, 357 154-55, 168, 289, 292, 302; songs
Medicine (medical practices) Ba- sorcery, 270-79; and spirit pos- Mouriscas, 130, 132-33, 138, 169 and, 338-39, 347, 348
tuque cult curing and, 253, 257, session and trance, 170-213, Mourning ceremony, 304, 379 Ogun-iara (encantado), 147
260, 262, 268-69, 279-82, 283. 224ff., 285ff., 327-29 (see also Music (musical instruments), 8, 10, Oliveira, Joãs Fernandes de, 137
See also Curing; Shamanism Possession; Trance); and terreiro 26, 46-47, 97. See also Dance; Open-eyed stare, in mediums during
Médium (see also Filhos de santo): ErRAghAton, 218f.; use of term, Drums; Songs; specific kinds, in- trance state, 177, 178, 204
use of term, 97, 377 ) struments Ordeals, “conflict over simultaneous
Médium consciente (conscious medi- Members, Batúque cuit. See Believ- Música de feitiçaria no Brasil (An- Possession in mediums and use
ums), 210 ers (adherents, members), Ba- drade), 331 of, 224
Merenda religions, growth of, tuque cult, characteristics of !
w Orixás (encantados), 52, 156-65
11 Mental illness (see also Insanity; Nagô sect, 20, 47-48, 50, 331-32, passim, 307, 316-17, 345; de-
Mediums, Batuque religious cult, Mental stability): cult healing 340, 378. See also Mina-Nagô fined, 278
2-3, 5-30, 285ff. (see also Cult and, 269; cult leaders and, 120 Names (naming) of spirits, 128- Os três santos de junho no folclore
leaders: Filhas de santo; Filhos de Mental stability (psychological as- 29fF., 156fF., 316ff. brasílico (Bettencourt), 154
pects), Batuque religious cuii and sec
santo; Mães de santo; Pais de Nana Durocô (encantado), 150, Our Lady, 52, 53, 59 es
santo; specific individuals); age (see also Insanity; Mental ill- 157, 302 j Si 928% of Conception, 87, 302,
of, 102-3 107; approximate num- ness): mediums and, 120, 207, Navéroaim (encantado), 87, 145-
ber in Belém of, 98; awareness 212-17, 326-27, 329; member- 46, 302 Our Lady of Nazareth, 59, 304'
and recall of trance experience ship conversions and, 119-22 Negroes: African-derived religious ati 156, 158, 166, 307, 349,
in, 206-12, 214-17; baptism and Mermaid spirits, 158-59, 177 cults and, 43-45, 101, 108-13,
initiation of, 61, 82, 285ff., 298, Mesas de espiritismo (spiritual sé- 316ff. (see also Africa; Afro- Oxossi (encantado), 128, 146, 147,

308-12, 314, 315; behavior in ances), 90-92, 124 Brazilian religious groups; Colored 148-50, 168, 302, 337-38
trance of, 171-217, 285ff., 327ff. Michael, St., 88, 89 class; Slaves and slavery); Ba- Oxun, 168, 289, 339
(see also Trance; specific as- Migrants (migration), and Batuque tugue cult and, 318,.3211 +. Oyá, Rainha (encantado), 128
pects); and belief system and cult membership, 35-36, 50, 113- nte (encantado), 157, 161,
spirit world, 51-52, 59ff. (see 15, 321-22 Pagador de Promessas (The Given
also Belief system; Spirits, spe- Miguelzinho Boa da Trinidade (en- Word, motion picture), 85
cantado), 141 Nonato (husband of medium Clara),
cific aspects); believers (member- 72, 360-72 passim; death . of, Pais de santo, 7, 11, 16, 18, 20, 22,
ship) and, 9, 94, 95, 97ff. (see Mina cult, 20, 47-48, 50, 136, 26, 28, 29-30, 59, 60, 97, 100,
334, 378. See also Mina-Nagô 72, 370-72 g E SE
also Clients); by birth and con- 104-8, 287f., 308F.- (see also
Mina-Nagô, 20, 26, 47-48, 50, 98, Nossa Senhora da Conceição, 87, Cult leaders; Mediums); conflict
version, 115-23; and ceremon'es
and rituals, 2-3, 5-32, 284-314 114, 128, 130, 157, 159,. 166-67, 302, 349 $ among, 218-19, 221-49 passim;
passim (see also Ceremonies, pri- 331-32, 334, 378 Nossa Senhora de Batalha, 133 and curing, 257-82: passim; de-
vate; Ceremonies, public; Ritual); Minas-Cavallos cult, 47 Nossa Senhora de Belém (Our Lady fined, 378; and possession, 180ff,,
class and racial origin of, 108- Minas-Fulupas, 47 of Bethlehem), 34 191ff., 196, 202, 203, 205, 208,
13; and curing and problem- Minas-Gêges, 47-48, 49 Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, 59, 304 215, 308ff.; and ritual, 287f.;
da Ã
and terreira--organization, 218-49 285ff., 327-28 (see also specific Prostitutes (prostitution), B
passim, 287" aspects, kinds); belief system and, of mediums in trance and, 2f.
cult and, 75, 99, DA 26788 171f., 199f., 207, 216-17, 328
Pajé (shaman), 260, 282, 319, 378. 55, 57ff., 94ff.; conflict between Punishment, supernatural, 57, 74-
See also Pajelança mediums and, 224ff.; control in 29"
82, 89, 238, 366, 368-71: cult
Pajelança, 43, 45, 134-35, 251, 256, mediums and, 170ff., 204-7 (see Roman Catholics. See Catholicism
healing, sorcery, and, 269-79;
258, 259-60, 261-62, 281-82, also Mediums):; and curing, 252- Rompe Mato (spirit), 24, 70, 86,
logar as, 205-6 (see also Jog-
312, 319; defined, 378 82 passim; defined, 217; ending, 89, 121, 150, 177, 178, 179, 204,
Pará, Brazil, 32, 43, 44, 45, 114, 176, 184, 185, 195-98, 211, 213- Punishment stones, 76 Si 302, 373; songs and, 341
141-45, 167, 319 14; entry into, 184, 186, 188-95,. Purification rituals, 61, 68, 292, Rosa (medium), 80
Pará River, 32 200-1, 213, 214; and hypnosis 294, 300, 306, 307. See also Rosalina, Dona (spirit),
Pardos (brown) skin color “cate- compared, 212-17, 326; life -his- 13, 16, 66,
Banhos (baths), ritual; Cleansing 75, 80, 141, 142-44, 295.
gory, 109-13 tory of a medium and, 352-74 See
ritual; Fumigation, and curing ea NR Grande da
Passagem, 257; defined, 378 passim; membership and, 93-124; “Puro” (“pure,” unpossessed) state, Lagoa
Passes (withdrawal of evil influ- mental stability and, 212-17, 326- Batuque mediums in, 57, 101, Rudolfo (medium), 265-66
ences), 64, 91, 256, 261, 262, 27; and ritual, 285ff., 306ff.; si- 175, 379 Rum, use of, 18, 20, 150, 292, 309,
264, 298, 378-79 multaneous, 224; and songs, 331- “Putting the spirit (encantado) in' 375 (see .also Alcoholic bever-
Patriarchal family structure, Ama- 51 (see also Songs); spirits and, the head” ceremonies, 306-9 ages); curing ritual and, 259-60
zonian, as basis of organization 1-3, 8-30, 126-27, 150-55 (see -—Ruralurban migration, Batuque
of encantados in Batuque cult, also Spirits) Quadros, Jânio, 325-26 membership and, 35-36, 50 —
162-63 Poverty (the poor), Batuque cult 15, 321-23 e
Pedro Angaço, Dom (encantado), membership and, 38-48, 51, 55, Race (racial aspects), Batuque cult
130-32 140; 177, 302, 343 63-65, 112, 113, 321ff. (see also membership and, 108-13, 321 Sacred Heart of Jesus, 64
a (see also Altars); defined, Classes; Economic aspects; spe- Raimunda (medium), 194-95 Sacred stones. See Stones, sacred
79 ã cific aspects); curing and, 250-51, Rainha Barba. See Barba, Rainha Sacrifice, “animal, 247, 273, 276,
Pena Verde (spirit), 83, 103, 149, 280-82 4 Inhaçan) 286, o 290, 295-98, 311, -
150, 350 Prayers (praying), 7, 53, 58, 59, Ramos, Arthur, 45, 326 318, =
Pentecostalism, 114, 323 ; 85, 86-87, 95-96, 234, 292. See Rattle-shaking, and curing, 8, 10, aints, Catholic, Batuque cult an
Pequaquara, Dona (spirit), 349 also Ladainhas 26, 97, 251, 259, 260, 378. See 5, 7, 30, 52-55, SB 63, g3"09º
Pequenino (encantado), 145, 146 Prediction, encantados and, 55, also specific instruments 95-96, 124-29ff., 141, 153-55,
Personal problems, Batuque cult 287-89. See also Divination Receiving the spirits, 51, 97ff., 156, 158, 292, 379 (see also
membership and, 96, 199, 250- Presents (see also Gifts; Income; 170f., 200-1, 312. See also Entry Catholicism; individual
83 passim (see also Misfo-tunes; Offerings; specific aspects, saints);
into trance; Seizure by' spirits E dead for, tc
specific aspects, kinds); and con- kinds): and Batuque cult curing, Recife, Brazil, 34, 284ff., 287f. ain ay celebrations, 299-3
version, 117-23; and curing, 250- ao 259, 263-64, 265, 276-77, Reincarnation, Batuque belief in, Ro Brazil, 34, 284ff.
83 passim (see also Curing) e
49, 88, 90, 160 alvar o terreiro (doctrin
Peter, St., 302
“Pierson, Donald; “103-4'
Pretence (pretending); behavior of Religions africaines au Brésil, Les 150-51 f a ads
meédiums-ifi trarice state and ques- (Bastide), 111-12 ' Santo (saint), 52, 55, 379. See also
Pipiri, Joana (medium), 89 tion of, 216-17. See also Role- Remedios, and curing of illnesses, Saints
Plaving cards, use in divination taking 262-63 ;
Santo milagroso, 59
of, 270 Pretos (black) skin color category, Resguardos (dietary restrictions), São Luís, Brazil, 32, 34, 44, 48,
Podi-Bogi (spirit), 140 109-13, 379 and curing, 262-63, 268, 368 “4, 140, 159, 287, 318-19, 320
Poisons, and sorcery, 276 Pretos Velhos (Old Blacks), spirit Ribéiro, René, 249, 286, 288, 327, a Paolo, Brazil, 113, 319, 321-
Politics, national, Batuque cult and, line, 155-56, 321 à
324-26 Priests, Catholic (see also Clergy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 31, 34, 38, Sara (medium), 186-87
Pomba Gira (spirit), 341 Catholic); cult sorcery and, 272- 45, 49, 50, 113, 146, 319 Sarbin, Theodore R., 214-15
Pombal, Marquis of, 44 73, 374 Ritual (ritual activities), Batuque Satiro (pai de santo), 49 ú
Ponto, defined, 379 Problems (problem-solving), Ba- cult and, 60f., 93f., 284315 Scarves, ritual. See Espadas (ritual
Poor, the. See Poverty (the poor) (seé aiso Batuques; Ceremonies, scarves) j
tuque cult beliefs and practices
Portuguese “influence, 5, 32, 34, 44, private; Ceremonies, public; spe- Séances, spiritualist, 90-92, 124 |
and, 3, 55-57, 58-59, 96, 250-
Possession, spirit, Batuque cult and, cific aspects, individuals, kinds); Searas (cult centers), 46-47, 48,
126, 130, 132-33, 137-40, 317, 83 (see also Clients; Curing; Mar- believers and, 93-95f.; curing
ital and family problems; . Mis- 98, 99, 106; opening and organi;
319, 331 and, 251-82 passim; individualism zation of, 232, 233, 235, 236
1-3, 8-30, 54, S7f., 117-23, fortunes; Personal problems; spe- nu javovations in, 284ff., 290fr.,
cific aspects, kinds); and conver- ao King of Portugal, 138-
170-217 (see also Spirits; Trance;
specific aspects, spirits); awareness
and recall of experience by me-
sion to membership, 117-23
Processions, Batuque ceremonies
Rodrigues, R. N. 326
Role-taking (role-playing, roles and Sebastian, St., 86-87, 126-30, 137º -
diums, 206-12, 214-17, behavior and, 95-96, 299--304 subroles), 289, 328-29: Batuque Sebastião, Rei (encantado), 128,
of medium in, 1-3, 830, 171ff,, Promessas (vows), 58-59, 60 cult curing and, 258; behavior 137-40, 302 ' à
«Sects Of imitation” 112, 322/23 168, 350. See also individual
vidual spirits and famili ship) and 94-124 passim; Bel
Seizure by spirits, 60, 118, 173, lines); number of, 125; CE
176. See also Entry into trance; Solomon's seal with a cross (re- ton of, 125ff.; physical appear-
Brazil as setting for, 32-50; py
lígious symbol), 62, 345 - petition and conflict within, 218-
Possession: Receiving the spirits ance of, 132; possession and, 1-3
Sombriado (shaded) state of pos- 830, 170216, 285 (see also 19, 221-49 passim; and curing
Self-hypnosis, trance experience and, session, 190, 202, 329 250-83 passim; defined, 379; doc-
213-17 g ssession; Trance); solitary (un- trine songs to, 150-53ff.; estab-
Song of Roland, 133
Senhores, 156-65, 177, 180, 188, (singing, singers), Batuque
qa so e A lishment of,- 232: organization
210, 277, 289 (see also individual religious cult: and spirits and, gs);
153,5, theolo, ey
51592 ( eliefs ) and, of, 218-49; possession (trance
encantados); and curing, 253, 254; experience) and, 170-217 passim;
379; listed, 157; and 7-8, 13, 17, 30, 52, 97, 285, Spirits of light,” 88, 91
defined, 292-93, 331-51; closing (fare- regional differences in, 31; ritual
rituals, 289, 292-93 e Spiritualism (spiritualist | move- and,
Serviços, 306, 310 well), 20, 21, 29, 30,. 195-96, ments), 49, 90, 114, 117, 124
284315 passim; songs
264, 311, 345-48; curing and, Sana esa 331-51 (see also
Sessãoes (sessions), curing rituals, Spiritualist séances, 90-92, 124
255-56, 379 ; 134-35, 148, 332, 34951; dou- Status (prestige), Batuque religious
ias ade
> Spirits an d (see Spirits);
trinas, 8-9, 13, 16," 127-28,
Seu Jurema (encantado), 146, 147 150f., 188-91, 331ff., 371; en-
cult and (see also Classes; specific Ie o of mediums by
Seu Legua. See Legua Bogi da try into trance and, 188-89, aspects): of mediums, 18-19, 20, s (jogadas), —
Trinidade (Seu Legua), encan-
190-91, 192, 195; fillers, 26, 348-
218-49 passim, 286ff., 328-29; of 204-6, 37178 E
tado members, 108-13, 321ff., 328-29; —Thunder, 156, 158
(encantado), 130fr., 49; “have mercy” (misericórdia), of spirits, 156ff., 163-65, 323-24;
Seu Turquia 345-46; invitation to spirits to Tijuco, Brazil, 136-37
142, 164 terreiro organization and, 218-49 edu), 79
descend, 8-9, 127-28, 333. (see
Sexual behavior, deviant, Batuque also individual spirits); opening
passim, 328-29 oalha, 11, 12, 13, 16, 300
membership -and, 74-75, 104-5. (greeting), 8-9, 13, 16, 23, 27,
Stones, lightning, 158 Tobacco smoke, use in curing, so
See also Homosexuality 28, 128, 150-53, 332ff.; political,
pronta, pin men 76 260, 26162, 379. Seo also
sea0 restrictions; and taboos, 61, ones, sacred, 5, 63, 86, 5 —
325-26; and possession, 173, 175, 58, 289, 297, 380 E
-blowing; i
183, 187-92 passim, 195, 201-2, apatia 32 ERR
Shamanism (shamans) 43, 45, 48, 332f.; status and, 225-28 E Stowe, Harriet Beecher, and Uncle É oiOde Aducu, Teo
Rei (encantado), 157,
134-35, 168, 251, 256, 261-62 , Tom's Cabin, 155-56
Sorcery, Batuque cult beliefs and Sueira (Suleira), Dom João (en-
281-82 practices and, 57, 229-30, 245, omas, Pai (spirit), 155-56
Shells, use in divination of. See | 397 --(see...also. specific aspects,
cantado), 13, 16, 72, 136, 137 ;Trabalhos
o És (black
paro agic workings),
magi i
Cowrie shells r
spirits); basic kinds, 276; cur-
l6á, 336, 348, 358, 364-65, 370,
Shrines, 63, 86, 126, 153, 286,
ing and, 257-58, 270-79 rança ua (encant —
290. See also Altars
Soul, the, Batuque cult beliefs con-
Suffering souls (ghosts), 91º « 79, 153, Fai Sa a
Sickness (and disease). See Disease; cerning, 87-92, 124, 156. See Sa A beings (supernatural- Trance (trance - state, trance ex-
Illness (ill-health) Afterlife; Death; specific ism). See Spirits; specific perience), Batuque religious cult
also * individual kinds, ano Re
Silva, Chica da, 137 and, 2-3, 10-20, 81, 95, 97, 102,
. 125, 128, 170-317. 32628 (se;
possess ion, 246 . Syncretism, use of term to describe
Simultaneous Speaking as encantados, mediums ia
Singing. See Songs (singing, sine ; Baiuque reii- also Possession): behavior
sia) color, and, pectatorors””
sreist s (audiences),
(audience s), Batatuque dt, 320- mediums
32628 ( in, 171-217, Ê 285f,
Skin cult membership Tabai
|. au e 2-30, 95-97, 98, see also Mediums);
108-13, 321-24, See also Negroes; q paes jara (encantado), 65, 343 compared to hypnosis, 212-17
and slavery; specific skin Spirits (spirit world, supernatural Taboos, dietary and sexual, 61, 220
Si , 326; control in mediums and,
so a aver 1, 5, beings), Batuque religious cult 251, 262-63, 268, 368
Tabosa (child spirits), 320 170ff., 204-7, 216-17; and con-
4345 41-48 156 318. 321 Seê d, 125-69, 316ff. (see also version, 117, 118, 119-23; and
Encantados; specific aspects, spir- Tambor (tambores), 50, 251; de- curing, 252-82 passim; defined
, E? , , É fined, 379 ê
also Negroes its); believers (membership) at
g): ceremonies and, 1f., 95., 284ff.; Tambor de chôro, 304, 379 217; entry into and departure
Smoke-blowing (see also Smokina 331. Tango do Pará (encantado), 135, from, 184, 186, 187, 188-98
and curing, a calling of, 7-8, 18, 23, 200-1, 213, 2 pi Ê
Songs); cere- 168; 350-51
263; and purification, 6, , , (see also under cult of, 322 o o iumsm
monies and rituals and, 284- Tapinaré (encantado), 63, 131, 135 , dv ac e
300, / : 27, 309, 343
Smoking (see also Smoke-blowing) : 315 (see also Batuques; Cere- 206-12, 214-17; ment a ne
Tartaruga da Amazonas, 168, 350
fumigation ritual and (see Fumi- monies, private; Ceremonies, pub-
Tauari cigarettes, and curing ritual, in mediums and, 212- Ea EI,
gation, and curing); use of to- Jic; Ritual); creation of new, 259, 261, 379 ds Roleta TE media at
bacco, 6695, 259, 260, 261-62, 166; curing and, 250-83 (see also Tendas, 46, 319, See alto Serás ATMEDDOS 228;ana pano
379 Curing); families and lines of, 126, 127, 128 152- 55 o
125, 129-56ff.; mediums and (see Terms, glossary of, 375-80 Re ao
Smugglers (smuggling), 36-37, 75,
Terreiros (cult centers), Batugue Spirits) ; Tor
26 7 Mediums); names and naming Tree spirits, 147-48, 168
159, of, 125ff., 156. (see also indi- religio
67; us cult
adhere nts and, 3-20, 55, 166-
(believers, member- Trinity, Holy, 140-41 "
Snakes (snake spirits), 142-44,
Trocar de cabeças (exchange/ of Voduns, 52, 162, 166-67, 168; de-
heads), 229; defined, 379 fined, 380 - :
Tupí Indians, 168, 251 Vodunsa, 97
Tupinambá, José (encantado), 157, Vodunsi, 314
159, 164, 215, 367, 368-69, 370
Tupinambá Indians, 34 Wagley, Charles, 165 sá
Turcos (Turks), 130ff., 164, 323 Washing of head ritual, 61, 286,
Turquiã, Rei (King Turkey), spirit 302, 306, 315
aco of, 130ff., 142, 164, 334, Water spirits, 158-59,: 177, 357
Whirling: in curing ritual, - 260;
Turquia, Seu (encantado), 164 - trance state induced by, 185,
es (turtle spirits), 159, 168 190, 191, 200, 201 mis
“White masks,” 1 ;
Ubirajara (encantado), 80 Willems, Emilio, 94, 113, 322, 323
Ubiratan, José (medium), 222, 238 Withdrawal of evil influences, 256-
Umbanda cult, 47-49, 50,.75, 87, 57, 267. See also Curing; Passes
91, 98, 106, 112, 128, 146, 148- “Working in the star current” (cor-
50, 155, 158, 159, 167, 206, 210, rente astral), 91

230-31, 232, 273, 379; Batuque “World Distribution and Patterns
cult borrowing from, 319, 321- of - Possession States” (Bourgui-
23 (see also specific aspects) gnon), 103
Unemployment, Batugue cult mem-
bership and, 80, 121 (see also Xangô, 156-58, 168, 284ff., 302,
- Employment); cult curing and, 314, 315, 316, 317, 327, 335-
266, 270, 280 36; defined, 380 ;
Utinga, Lake, 143 Xapanan (encantado), 137, 138
Yorubans, 47-48, 49, 52, 156-58,

Varanda ceremonies, Batuque cult,
231-32, 233, 380 a 164, 168-69, 315, 316-17,
Vargas, Getúlio, 325 .... 1.
Varnhagen, Francisco “Adolfo de,
34 Zélia (medium), 117-18
Verekete (deity), 130. See also Zezinho (encantado), 103, 145,
Averekete (spirit) 295, 338
Visaura, Cowboy of (encantado), Zuzu (medium), 63, 87, 88, 192,
157, 161 3 220-21, 275-76, 278 .

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