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Nama : Husna

Course : Language Learning and Teaching

Student ID : 2201005

Routines carried out to train reading skills

Reading is one of the skills that every student who studies English should have. However, the
material used in the reading course does not provide students with the opportunity to carry out
reading exercises that that build reading as a skill. The exercises in the material used emphasized
the questions that must be answered and not how the answer are obtained through reading
The following are activities that can be done for one month to practice reading skill
First week
1. Listen and sing English song that you never heard before.
You can sing the song by looking at the lyrics. This can train fluency in reading and
speaking skill.
2. Practice how to read, by focusing on intonation, vowels and reading rhythm
Second Week
1. Read a news article in English.
Choose a topic that interests you, and note down and study words that you don’t
Third week
1. You can read English novels that you are interested in.
This can help u become interested in reading, because reading something that interests you
means you don’t get bored with what you read
2. Join a reading club or online discussion group to discuss what you’ve read.
The Last Week
1. Reviewing the reading you have done during the month.
2. Evaluate your progress in reading with a comprehension test that covers the main idea,
create an essay or short story.

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