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Not Rated

Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings

Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Winter Soldier (Comics)

James "Bucky" Barnes/Bucky Bear

James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
James "Bucky" Barnes & Reader
sam Wilson/ reader
Bucky Barnes/ Original Female Character
Bucky Barnes/ You
James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader
James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov

Winter Soldier
James "Bucky" Barnes
Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Avengers Team

Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Spoilers

Domestic Avengers
Protective Avengers
Bucky Barnes Feels
Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug
Protective Bucky Barnes
Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes
POV Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm
The Falcon (IT)
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Trailers
Sebastian Stan - Freeform
Anthony Mackie - Freeform
Fan Comics
Hydra (Marvel)
Marvel Universe
Marvel Comics - Freeform
Bucky barnes x reader - Freeform
Fluff and Smut
bucky barnes smut
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Spoilers
Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie)
Captain America Sam Wilson
Captain America Bucky Barnes
Oral Sex
Vaginal Sex
Rough Sex
Public Sex
Shower Sex
Dom Bucky Barnes
English Bucky Barns X Reader

Start Again/ Bucky X Reader



After calling in sick to work due to a massive hangover the last person you expect to see at your
door is the Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
After learning some grim news things continue to spiral and you find your life in danger. Teaming up
with the two Avengers you and Bucky find you have much in common, things get intense when it seems
neither of you can run from your past.
Bucky X Reader


Hi, so I just wanted to post an intro to settle timeline and universe settings as well as just make any
kind of general announcements.

1.) This is after Endgame, so no Tony or Steve :(

2.)Timeline is in the MCU, however I did base this partly off the comic "Falcon and Winter Soldier
Vol. 1" this will not follow the story line or the canon in that comic
3.) My writings are not canon but since we are in MCU the actors that play these respective
characters are who they are written about.
4.) I do not own Marvel's characters but please be respectful of my original characters and my
story, this is not canon and some things may fall out of past canon to carry the story.
5.) This will have 18+ content, smut smut smut
So I am a little nervous about this story but I am also super excited. I want to be creative and this
seems like a fun way to write and it not be too serious. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1 ( : Start Here

An alarm blaring at 6:00 AM felt like a bullet shooting through your brain. You lifted your hand
momentarily to push snooze but decided to turn the whole thing off instead. There was no way in hell you
were going to be able to get your ass out of bed. You managed to look at your phone long enough to open
your email app, thank God for the talk to text feature. Work was going to have to decipher anything Siri
may have misheard because you sent your homesick email without proofreading. In your state, they were
lucky they got that much out of you.
Tossing your phone away from you, you rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Ignoring your
cottonmouth and the splitting headache that was starting to overwhelm your senses. Every time you
closed your eyes the entire room started spinning and you could feel your stomach rocking like a sailboat.
Your body was desperate for recovery but your symptoms were no longer numb making it impossible to
get comfortable.
5 shots of tequila, 4 beers, and 9 hours ago you were getting ready for a date, and this one was
exciting. You had been chatting with Harvey for 2 weeks now and this was the first time your schedules
alined. It was hard getting excited to meet up with a tinder date but after two weeks of trying and failing
to meet up, you felt as if you had established at least a little bit of a relationship, which made it all the
more disappointing when you were sitting at the bar alone 2 hours after you were supposed to meet. You
texted him 3 times and called him once before the first tequila shot and by the 5th your number had been
Another jackass who put up with you long enough to get a picture of your tits before passing over to
be one of the ghosts of fuck boys past. Harvey was a douche name anyway. You held your breath as
nausea started to creep up in hopes that it would dissipate, much to your dismay, you found yourself
scrambling out of bed and making a beeline for the bathroom. Just in time you buried your head around
your arms and emptied your stomach.
You felt gross and you could feel yourself sweating out the alcohol making your pores feel sticky.
You started a hot shower to help sweat out the toxic liquid from your body and relaxed your muscles
under the warm stream. Washing your hair of the hairspray and the smell of cigarette smoke you could
feel last night rinsing down the drain.
When you got out you grabbed a pair of yoga pants, a sports bra, and an oversized t-shirt. Comfort
was key. You brushed your teeth slammed 4 Tylenol and a bottle of water before sitting on your couch
that would be acting as your hospital bed for the day. Flipping on the television you stopped on the reruns
of the 90's sitcom you'd watched a million times in your childhood. Refusing to use your brain was going
to be the best way to heal it from the torturous episode you inflicted upon yourself last night.
You could feel yourself dozing as the headache started to subside, the Tylenol was taking effect.
Sleep had started to overcome you and you let yourself fall into the sweet darkness under your eyelids.

You heard a knock on your door. It only felt like moments later but you were unsure how much time
had passed at that moment. You ignored it at first, thinking it was an unwanted solicitor that would think
the house was empty and leave. The second knock was louder, but you stayed still, the third sounded like
it was going to break through the wood of your front door. It wasn't until you heard whoever was on the
other side of the door called your name, that you realized they weren't going away and they were not here
You stood and walked to the entryway, looking through the peephole you could have sworn you were
dreaming. You pulled your face back and laughed at the trick your mind must have been playing on you.
You heard your name again coming from the other side of the door, followed by the man's loud voice
saying, "We can hear you laughing."
You opened the door and recognized the faces staring back at you. "Are you Y/N?" Bucky asked as
he rounded the corner.
You shook your head yes in response. Without invitation or explanation, they pushed past you and
walked into the living room. Sam reached your couch before grabbing the remote and turning off your tv.
You stood in shock, the Falcon just turned off your fucking tv.
You were standing staring as Sam turned back to look at you, that you almost missed the shadow of
the Winter Soldier walking into your kitchen. "What the hell is going on?!" You yelled sounding unsure,
you didn't know if you were supposed to be mad or confused by their presence.
Sam looked over at you, "I need you to calm down."
You heard Bucky yell from the other room a second later, "clear in here."
He stormed out of your kitchen and turned to walk into your bedroom, you decided to follow him
this time to figure out what exactly he was clearing.
"Hello? Metalman, what the fuck are you doing?"
He looked at you and just yelled, "Sam" before you could say anything else Sam was pulling your
arm and leading you back into the living room. You turned out the door of your bedroom just before you
saw Bucky walking into your bathroom, this was mortifying, you threw up in there this morning.
You pulled your arm trying to get Sam to release his grip but he had a good hold on you. You
continued squirming and this time with fury behind your voice you yelled, "What. THE. FUCK. is
Sam looked at you with a sorrow look and your stomach dropped again and you knew something
was wrong, really wrong. Bucky rejoined you both and looked at Sam shaking his head indicating that he
didn't find whatever the hell it was that he was looking for. Bucky turned his head to look at you, he
looked mad and you found yourself taking a step back in Sam's direction. Your confidence was fading as
fear began to spike in your gut.
"Do you want to explain why you didn't show up to work this morning?"
You laughed at his question. You worked a government job so the idea that the Winter Soldier and
the Falcon were used as assets by the United States government to report your truancy seemed like a
pretty good joke.
Your laughter, however, subsided when Bucky's brow furrowed and lips pierced showing that he was
unamused. You backed up a bit more and he took a step towards you.
"Everyone at your office was found dead, you're the only one that wasn't there, no blood on your
desk. So, care to explain?" he asked in a low growl.
"Wait, all of them? They're all dead?"
He shook his head answering your question and you pulled your hand to your mouth before actually
taking off for the bathroom again. Your stomach turning at his words, everyone in the office is gone just
like that. What the fuck?
(Falcon & Winter Soldier issue #1)
Emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet for the second time that morning became
violent. Your body started to convulse when your stomach had nothing else to let out but your esophagus
continued to spasm. You rolled your hair to the side as you pulled your head back from the seat and
leaned against the wall catching your breath. Luckily neither of your house guests had followed after you,
you were grateful as you wiped the tears from your eyes before standing and sorting yourself back out.
You head a loud crash from the living room and you felt your blood boil. That insufferable iron
motherfucker was tearing your shit up looking for what? Your secret evil lair? With a grunt, you started
marching out of your bathroom back into your bedroom. When you reached the door frame of your
bedroom you looked out to see Sam's body flying backward in the air and smashing into the car window
in your kitchen. You froze as Bucky was struggling to stand against the couch. Some fucking 12 years old
was in your living room throwing these men around like rag dolls.
Part of you wanted to run and hide but you saw Sam pick himself up, face bleeding as he walked
back in the direction of the kid. This boy was no taller than 5'5" he was blonde and was wearing shorts
and a sweater vest over a button-down shirt for christ sake. He looked like he just got home from prep-
school, only he was throwing a super-soldier into your couch with ease.
He yelled something to Bucky about Hydra and your eyes went wide. You backed up from the
doorframe and retreated to your room to grab.....Something. You didn't know what but your mind was
running a million miles an hour and you were desperate to get this kid to calm the fuck down. You looked
around for a blunt object, something sharp, anything. As you scrambled you heard the front door open
and close. The commotion went quiet and Sam yelled out your name. You start to walk back to the
doorframe slowly, only to see the two former Avengers.
You took a moment to grab your chest and try to slow your heart rate. Your adrenaline was pumping
and you could no longer control your emotions as your breaths become quick and shallow. Taking gulping
breaths you doubled over and begin to hyperventilate before falling on your knees.
Noticing your heightened state a battered Bucky made his way over to you and grabbed your
shoulders. You're feeling has gone numb and you cannot feel his hands rubbing up down your arms as he
tried to get you to pace your breathing out.
"Look at me, Doll." he said quietly, "look at me right here."
He ducked his head slightly to make eye contact with you keeping his hands moving in the gentle
calming strokes.
"Take a deep breath in and let it out slow for me okay." You stared into his icy blue eyes his
demeanor is surprisingly calm for someone who just got the absolute shit beat out of him, but you were
thankful for it.
"You're doing so good, keep going just like that." he continues coaching you out of your panic attack
and you feel the tightening in your chest start to slowly relax.
It was like he flipped a switch in him, his anger turning into care. It took you a moment but once you
started to calm yourself Sam gave you a glass of water and Bucky encouraged you to drink it, still giving
you small reassurances and praise as you sipped slowly on the glass.
Looking around you noticed this glass looked like the only thing in your house that wasn't broken.
Having two full-grown men, one of them being practically indestructible, thrown around your homemade
quite the mess.
You could feel your panic start to set back in when the distress crawled its way back up your spine,
who was that boy, how did he get in here, and how was he taking down these two? Bucky noticed your
eyes go wide as you started looking and he quickly grabbed either side of your face and made you look at
him. This time you could feel the cold metal of his hand on your cheek and he shushed you until your
tears slowed.
"It's okay, you're going to be fine but you can't stay here do you understand me?" He asked you
calmly. You didn't want to, how on earth could you ever feel safe in this place again? You nodded your
head and swallowed a lump in your throat. Your mouth was dry again so you took another sip feeling the
cool water splash into your empty stomach.
Bucky stood up and went back into your bedroom for a few minutes, you heard him rustling around
but you stayed still staring off at nothing. Staying on the knees you had collapsed on your feet started to
tingle, indicating they were being cut off from blood circulation. Sam stood beside you making sure your
breath was staying consistent. When Bucky returned he had a duffle bag from your closet. He looked
down at you and grabbed your arm helping you stand.
"I grabbed the basics but is there anything you want to bring? Something you can't replace?" He
asked in a soft voice while maintaining the urgency he had to get the hell out of there. You shook your
head no. You had long lost anything that had sentimental value. You had the locket on your neck, but that
never came off and everything else in your world could be rebought.
Just like that Bucky was pulling you out the door, his motorcycle was parked on the street in front
and he grabbed his helmet and gave it to you. He slung the duffle around your body letting it rest behind
you. He pulled himself onto the bike and then reached his hand to you helping you balance before he
situated himself completely.
Giving a nod to Sam, because apparently these men never verbally communicate, Sam's arms flew
out to his sides, and with it, his electric wings extended and he jumped up before flying through the air.
Bucky started his motorcycle the roar startled you at first until he grabbed your arms and pulled them
to his waist. He patted the top of your hands, "hold on tight" He yelled so you could hear him. He pulled
away from your house and the air whipped around your bodies as the ground flew beneath you.
You didn't know where you were going, what was happening, or why this was your reality but
holding on to the Winter Soldier was a lot better than getting drinks with some douche named Harvey.

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