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Rainfall - Navya

Several types of rainfall occur regularly in the atmosphere of Earth. Rainfall is a form of precipitation that
occurs due to the condensation of atmospheric water vapour that falls from the clouds with gravitational
attraction. It is considered the most common form of precipitation and plays an essential role in Earth’s
water cycle. The three types of rainfall are conventional, orographic, and cyclonic rainfall.
Rain is a significant contributor to the sustainability of life on Earth. Three types of rainfall in India support
the ecosystem, and the significant amount of freshwater deposits on Earth happens only due to rainfall. The
main reason behind the production of rain is atmospheric moisture.

Introduction to Rain and its types – Vedant

Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapour. Rain is an
important factor in the water cycle. It handles most of the freshwater deposited on earth. Rain provides
conditions for many ecosystems to co-exist in a habitat. It powers our hydroelectric plants. It is also used in
crop irrigation.
There are three rainfall types:
1. Convectional rainfall
2. Orographic or relief rainfall
3. Cyclonic or frontal rainfall

Types of Rainfall: Basic Differences – Nirmay , Kartik

The three types of rainfall differ on various bases like region, temperature, and other weather conditions.
Major differences between the three types of rainfall are listed below:
Cyclonic Rainfall
Occur when there is a rise in the temperature of the earth’s surface, thus causing the vapour to rise, and
because of this, a saturation point is reached in the atmosphere, causing condensation and then precipitation.
Occur in mountainous regions with consistent winds where the air is forced up to reach from low elevation
to high elevation on the mountainside, thus creating a saturation point in the atmosphere and causing
condensation and precipitation.
Occur in weather disturbances where air masses of different densities and less dense or warmer ones
override the colder to high denser air. Under the right conditions, condensation occurs, followed by

Occurs in the region of the tropics where the temperature is usually high.
Occur during the summer in the hotter part of the day.
Occur in the mountain region with a moist climate due to persistent wind at the side of the mountain.
Occur in low-pressure areas.
Occurs for a shorter period of time
Occur for a consistent and notable period of time
Duration cannot be determined
Also, know the difference between Rain and Precipitation here.
Types of Rainfall Based on Humidity - Viha
Apart from the various types of rainfall we experience, we can also classify them based on humidity levels.
Based on the extent of humidity, rainfall can be classified into the following three types:
Light Rainfall – If the humidity rate ranges between 0 – 2.5 millimeters, it is called ‘light rainfall’.
Moderate Rainfall – In this type of rainfall, the humidity falls in the range of 2.6 – 7.6 millimeters.
Heavy Rainfall – The type of rainfall can be called ‘heavy’ when the humidity reaches above 7.6

Convectional rainfall -Sanvi

Convectional rainfall forms convection currents. It occurs when the earth’s surface becomes more heated
than its surroundings. Convectional rainfall happens in an unstable or moist atmosphere. As the temperature
gets high, the warmer air rises up. This is called evaporation. As it reaches a certain height, the air cools
down and expands. Thus, clouds are formed. The clouds formed are called cumulus clouds. This rainfall
type falls with changing intensity in its initial stages.
There are 4 stages in convectional rainfall
1. The heat of the sun makes the surface of the earth hot. Due to this, the warm air rises up.
2. As the warm air rises, it starts to cool down. The water vapour then condenses to form clouds.
3. There is a certain condensation point to be reached. Here clouds are formed.
4. Heavy rainfall starts which include lightning and thunderstorms. Lightning occurs due to an electrical
charge between the clouds.
Convectional rainfall-type occurs in equatorial regions. Rainfall is heavy and there can be some lightning or
thunder. Convectional rainfall does not last long. This rainfall type occurs in the summer or during the
warmer part of the day. This is the most common rainfall type experienced in the world. Convectional
rainfall can also be seen in some parts of the northern hemisphere.
Convectional rainfall can be termed convective rain. It is a form of light precipitation. This type of rainfall
results in convective clouds for example cumulus congestus or cumulonimbus.

Orographic or relief rainfall – Safreen

Relief rainfall occurs when moist air is lifted near a mountain range. The moist air goes over the mountain
range. As it moves further, the air cools down. Due to this orographic clouds are formed which are the
source of the rainfall. This rainfall-type falls with the wind on the other side of the mountain range. Some
amount of rainfall is on a short distance of the ridge called a spillover. Relief rainfall occurs in mountainous
There are 4 stages in convectional rainfall
1. The warm air rises up due to the height of the mountains
2. It rises to a certain level and cools down. Due to this, the clouds form
3. The dry air descends
4. As warm air descends, there is little rainfall on one side of the mountain.
There are two factors responsible for this rainfall-type
1. Humid atmospheric conditions
2. The inclination of the mountain
Due to the one-sided rainfall, relief rainfall causes floods and hurricanes. This rainfall-type is uncontrollable
as it falls rapidly. The side where the wind goes experiences heavy rainfall. The other side is often dry.
The term ‘rain shadow’ area is associated with relief rainfall. As heavy rainfall occurs on only one side of
the mountain, the other side experiences low rain. This area that has low rainfall is called the rain shadow
area. As a result, the area in the rain shadow is dry. The relief rainfall removes all the moisture from the rain
shadow area.

Cyclonic or frontal rainfall - Shashwat

Frontal rainfall-
This type occurs due to cyclonic activity. A cyclone is a large air mass that rotates along a strong center of
atmospheric pressure. It moves clockwise in the southern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the northern
hemisphere. Cyclonic rainfall is also called frontal rainfall because it occurs along the fronts of a cyclone.
Frontal rainfall occurs when warm air and cool air meet each other. Warm air is lighter than cool air. So, the
warm air rises above the cool air. The air rises to a point where it saturates and heavy rainfall occurs.
There are 4 stages in convectional rainfall
1. Warm air meets cool air.
2. Warm air rises above the cool air.
3. Warm air is cooled and it condenses.
4. Clouds start forming, and rainfall occurs.
The effect of cyclones causes heavy rain, large storms, strong wind, landfalls and tornadoes. Frontal rainfall
can cause mass destruction due to its nature. It also causes mass soil erosion. Frontal rainfall occurs in the
coastal parts.

Conclusion - Rishi
In conclusion, we may say that rain is essential for maintaining the balance of the water cycle and the
ecosystem on earth. The three types of rainfall types occur due to different reasons and through different
phases. It is important to learn them in detail to understand their significance.

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