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HSC NCTB Textbook Solve

The storm and stress at Adolescence

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Unit-6; Lesson-1 (Old Book)
Unit-4; Lesson-1 (New Book)

The storm and stress at Adolescence

1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.

Children must pass through several stages in their lives to become adults. For most people,
there are four or five such stages of growth where they learn certain things: infancy (birth to
age 2), early childhood (3 to 8 years), later childhood (9 to 12 years) and adolescence (13 to
18 years). Persons 18 and over are considered adults in our society. Of course, there are some
who will try to act older than their years. But, for the most part, most individuals have to go
through these stages irrespective of their economic or social status.

World Health Organisation (WHO) identifies adolescence as the period in human growth and
development that occurs after childhood and before adulthood. This phase represents one of
the critical transitions in one’s life span and is characterised by fast paced growth and change
which are second only to those at infancy. Biological processes drive many aspects of this
growth and development with the onset of puberty marking the passage from childhood to
adolescence. The biological determinants of adolescence are fairly universal; however, the
duration and defining characteristics of this period may vary across time, cultures, and socio-
economic situations. This period has seen many changes over the past century-puberty for
example, comes earlier than before, people marry late, and their sexual attitudes and
behaviours are different from their grandparents, or even parents. Among the factors
responsible for the change are education, urbanization and spread of global communication.

The time of adolescence is a period of preparation for adulthood during which one experiences
several key developments. Besides physical and sexual maturation, these experiences include
movement toward social and economic independence, development of identity, the acquisition
of skills needed to carry out adult relationships and roles and the capacity for abstract
reasoning. While adolescence is a time of tremendous growth and potential, it is also a time of
considerable risks during which social contexts exert powerful influences.

Many adolescents face pressure to use alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs and to initiate sexual
relationships putting themselves at high risk for intentional and unintentional injuries,
unintended pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Many also experience a wide range of adjustment and mental
health problems.

Adolescents are different both from young children and adults. Specifically, adolescents are
not fully capable of understanding complex concepts, or the relationship between behaviour
and consequences, or the degree of control they have or can have over health decision-making,
including that related to sexual behaviour. This inability may make them particularly

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vulnerable to sexual exploitation and high-risk behaviours. Laws, customs, and practices may
also affect adolescents differently than adults. For example, laws and policies often restrict
adolescents' access to reproductive health information and services, especially when they are
unmarried. In addition, even when services do exist, provider attitudes about adolescents often
pose a significant barrier to the use of those services.

Adolescents depend on their families, their communities, schools, health services and their
workplaces to learn a wide range of skills that can help them to cope with the pressures they
face and make a successful transition from childhood to adulthood. Parents, members of the
community, service providers, and social institutions have the responsibility to both promote
adolescent development and adjustment and to intervene effectively when problems arise.

অনু বাদ: শিশুদদর প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক হদে োদদর জীবদন কশেপয় স্তর অশেক্রম করদে হয়। অশিকাাংি বযশির ক্ষেদে ক্ষবদ়ে ওঠার
চার বা পাাঁচশি এরূপ স্তর হদে: শিশুকাল (জন্ম ক্ষেদক বয়স-২), প্রােশমক শিিব (৩ ক্ষেদক ৮ বছর), ক্ষিষ শদদকর শিিব
(৯ ক্ষেদক ১২ বছর) এবাং শকদিার (১৩ ক্ষেদক ১৮ বছর) রদয়দছ ক্ষেখাদন োরা কশেপয় শবষয় শিদখ োদক। ১৮ এবাং
েদু র্ধ্ব বযশিদদর আমাদদর সমাদজ প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক িরা হয়। অবিযই, এমন শকছু ক্ষলাক রদয়দছ োরা োদদর বয়দসর েুলনায়
ব়েদদর মদো কাজ করদে ক্ষচষ্টা কদর। শকন্তু অশিকাাংি ক্ষেদে, অশিকাাংি বযশিদকই, োদদর অেবননশেক বা সামাশজক
অবস্থা শবদবচনায় না শনদয় এসব স্তর অশেক্রম করদে হয়।

শবশ্বস্বাস্থয সাংস্থা (ডশিউএইচও) শকদিারদক শিিদবর পদর এবাং বয়়ঃপ্রাশপ্তর পূ দবব মানব বৃ শি ও উন্নয়দনর সময় শহদসদব
শচশিে কদরদছ। এই সময়শি কারও জীবদনর অনযেম জশিল পিপশরবেবন শহদসদব পশরশচে এবাং শুিু শিশুকাদলর শঠক
পদরই দ্রুে বৃ শি ও পশরবেবন দ্বারা শবশিষ্টযমশিে। শজশবক প্রশক্রয়া শিিব ক্ষেদক শকদিাদর উত্তরদের সময়দক সু শচে কদর
বয়়ঃসশির শুরুদে এই বৃ শি ও শবকাদি অদনক শদকদক োশ়েে কদর। শকদিাদরর শজশবক শনিবারকগুদলা হদলা সম্পূ েব
সাববজনীন; োহাদক এই সমদয়র বযাশপ্ত এবাং শনিবারেকারী শবশিষ্টযসমূ হ সময়, সাংস্কৃশে এবাং আেব-সামাশজক পশরশস্থশে
অনু োয়ী শিন্নের হদে পাদর। এই সময়শি গে িোব্দী জুদ়ে অদনক পশরবেবন ক্ষদদখদছ- উদাহরেস্বরূপ, বয়়ঃসশি পূ দববর
ক্ষচদয় আদগই চদল আদস, মানু দষর ক্ষদশরদে শববাহ এবাং োদদর ক্ষেৌন দৃ শষ্টিশি ও আচরে োদদর দাদাদাশদ অেবা এমনশক
শপোমাোর ক্ষেদকও শিন্ন। এই পশরবেবদনর জনয ক্ষেসব শবষয় দায়ী ো হদলা শিো, নগরায়ন এবাং শবশশ্বক ক্ষোগাদোদগর

শকদিার কাল হদে বয়়ঃপ্রাশপ্তর প্রস্তুশেকাল েখন একজন বযশি কশেপয় গুরুত্বপূ েব পশরবেবদনর মিয শদদয় োয়। িারীশরক
ও ক্ষেৌন । পূ েে
ব াপ্রাশপ্ত ছা়োও, এসব অশিজ্ঞোর মদিয রদয়দছ সামাশজক ও অেবননশেক স্বািীনোর শদদক অগ্রসরো,
বযশিসত্তার শবকাি, প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক কাদলর সম্পকব ও িূ শমকা পালদন প্রদয়াজনীয় শনপুেয অজবন এবাং শবমূ েব েু শি প্রদিবদনর
সেমো। ক্ষেখাদন শকিাদ র সু প্রচুর বৃ শি ও সম্ভাবনার সময় ক্ষসখাদন এশি শবদবচয ঝুাঁশকরও সময় েখন সামাশজক
ক্ষপ্রোপিসমূ হ িশিিালী প্রিাব শবস্তাদর সদচষ্ট হয়।

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অদনক শকদিার মদ, শসগাদরি অেবা অনযানয মাদক দ্রবয বযবহাদর এবাং অশিদপ্রে ও অনশিদপ্রে েশে, অনশিদপ্রে
গিবাবস্থা, এবাং এইচআইশিসহ ক্ষেৌনিাদব সঞ্চাশরে সাংক্রমদের মদো মারাত্মক ঝুাঁশকর মদিয শনদজদদর ক্ষেদল শদদয় ক্ষেৌন
সম্পকব করদে চাদপর সম্মু খীন হয়। অদনদকই খুব ক্ষবশি পশরমাদে মাশনদয় চলদে হয়। ও মানশসক স্বাস্থয সমসযায়ও িুদগ

শকদিাররা ক্ষছাি শিশু ও প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক উিয়দদর ক্ষেদক শিন্ন হদয় োদক। শবদিষ কদর, শকদিার-শকদিারীরা জশিল িারো,
অেবা আচরে ও েলােদলর মদিয সম্পকব, অেবা ক্ষেৌন আচরদের সাদে সম্পৃ ি শবষয়সহ স্বাস্থযশবষদয় শসিান্ত ক্ষনওয়া বা
শনদে পারার শনয়ন্ত্রে মাো বু ঝদে সম্পূ েব সেম নয়। এই অেমো োদদরদক শবদিষ কদর ক্ষেৌন ক্ষিাষে ও উচ্চ ঝুাঁশকপূ েব
আচরদের শিকাদর পশরেে করদে পাদর। আইন, প্রো ও ক্ষরওয়াজ প্রাপ্তবয়স্কদদর েুলনায় শকদিারদদর শিন্নিাদব প্রিাশবে
করদে পাদর। উদাহরেস্বরূপ, আইন ও নীশেসমূ হ প্রায়ই প্রজনন স্বাস্থয েেয ও ক্ষসবার অশিকার অজবদন শকদিারদদর বািা
ক্ষদয়, শবদিষ কদর েখন োরা অশববাশহে হয় । উপরন্তু, েখন ক্ষসবা শবদযমান োদক, শকদিারদদর প্রশে ক্ষসবা প্রদানকারীর
দৃ শষ্টিশি প্রায়ই এসব ক্ষসবা পাওয়ার ক্ষেদে োৎপেবপূেব প্রশেবিকো সৃ শষ্ট কদর।

শকদিাররা বযাপক দেো অজবদন োদদর পশরবার, োদদর সম্প্রদায়, স্কুল, স্বাস্থযদসবা এবাং কমবস্থাদনর ওপর শনিবর কদর ো
োদদরদক চাপ ক্ষমাকাদবলায় এবাং শিশুকাল ক্ষেদক বয়়ঃপ্রাশপ্তর সেল পশরবেবদন সাহােয করদে পাদর। শপোমাো, সমাদজর
বযশিবগব, ক্ষসবা প্রদানকারী এবাং সামাশজক প্রশেষ্ঠানসমূ দহর দাশয়ত্ব হদলা শকদিারদদর শবকাি ও সমন্বয় ত্বরাশন্বে করা এবাং
সমসযা ক্ষদখা শদদল কােবকরিাদব ক্ষসখাদন মিযস্থো করা।

Word Meaning Bangla Synonym Synonym Antonym

Infancy The time when শিশুকাল babyhood adulthood

n. someone is a

Adolescence The period of বয়়ঃসশি puberty adulthood,

n. time when a infancy
person develops
puberty into an

Individual A single person বযশি person group, united


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Irrespective Without শবদবচনা করা হয় না regardless -
adj. considering

Transition A change from পশরবেবন, স্থানান্তরে change, preservation

n. one form or type transfer,exc
to another hange

Lifespan The length of জীবনকাল lifetime -

n. time for which a
person, animal,
or lifetime thing

Characterize To mark or শচশিে করা define,identi confuse,mix up

v. distinguish as a fy

Biological Connected with জীবোশিক organic, -

adj. the natural biologic,
processes of elemental
living things

Puberty The period বয়়ঃসশি, ক্ষেৌবনারম্ভ adolescence adult

n. during which a
person becomes
able to have

Determinant Something that শনিবারক factor -

n. controls or
affects what
happens in a

Fairly More than ক্ষমািামুটি moderately completely

adv. average, but less
than very

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Factor A fact or ক্ষে ঘিনা, পশরশস্থশে, cause -
n. situation
প্রিৃশে ক্ষকাদনা েল বা
moderately that
influences the পশরেশের কারে
result of

Urbanization The process by নগরায়ন - -

n. which more and
more people
leave the
countryside to
live in cities

Maturation The action or পূ েবো advancement, decline

n. process of development,
maturing improvement

Acquisition The process of অজবন attainment loss


Abstract Dealing with িাবমূ লক hypothetical, factual, material

adj. ideas rather than unreal

Reasoning The act or েু শি analysis, reality, truth

n. process of a interpretation
person who

Tremendous Extraordinary in অসািারে amazing, ordinary, plain

adj. excellence astounding

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Potential adj. Capable of being সম্ভাবনাময় likely, unlikely,
or becoming possible

Exert To apply or bring প্রদয়াগ করা apply, ignore

v. to bear utilize

Initiate To begin, set আরম্ভ করা commence, cease, conclude

v. going, or introduce,
originated start

Transmit Cause হস্তান্তশরে করা spread hide

v. (something) to
pass on from one
person or spread,
place to another

Avoidance The act of পশরহার avert embrace

n. avoiding
something or

Abstain Restrain oneself শবরে োকা refrain consume

v. from doing

Long-lasting Enduring for a দীঘবস্থায়ী long-term short-term

adj. long period of

Specifically For a particular সু শনশদবষ্টিাদব distinctively generally

adv. reason, purpose,

Concept A general notion িারো perception, reality, proof

n. or idea theory

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Consequence A result of a পশরোম outcome cause
n. particular action
or situation

Inability Lack of ability to অেমো incapability ability

n. do something

Vulnerable Exposed to the সু রশেে নয় এমন exposed invulnerable

adj. possibility of
being exposed
attacked or
harmed, either
physically or

Exploitation The action of ক্ষিাষে abuse -

n. making use of
and benefiting
from resources

Differently In a way that is শিন্নিাদব another way similarly

adv. not The same as
another or as

Restrict To put a limit on সীমাবি করা limit free


Reproductive Relating to the বাংিবৃ শি বা প্রজনন- regenerative -

adj. process of

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Pose To Cause জজবশরে করা cause hide
v. something,
especially a
problem or

Cope To deal মাশনদয় ক্ষনয়া manage, retreat

v. successfully with adjust
a difficult

Transition The process or a ক্রাশন্তকাল evolution, decline,

period of progression stagnation
changing from
one state or
condition to

Promote To further the উন্নীে করা raise, uphold demote

v. progress of

Intervene To intentionally হস্তদেপ করা interfere, leave alone

become involved mediate
in a difficult
situation in order
to improve it or
prevent it from
getting worse

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A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:
1. What is the correct meaning of the word ‘certain' in the passage?
i) sure
ii) positive
iii) hesitant
iv) particular

Answer: iv) particular

2. What does the word ‘vary' mean in the passage?

i) same
ii) to a great extent
iii) to a large extent
iv) differ

Answer: iv) differ

3. Which of the following is the closest meaning of the phrase ‘for

i) that is
ii) as if
iii) instead of
iv) for instance

Answer: iv) for instance

4. Which of the following is the correct meaning of 'maturation'?

i) decline
ii) reduction
iii) development
iv) retreat

Answer: iii) development

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5. “During adolescence, an adolescent experience several key
developments.” Which of the following is one of the key developments?

i) Social and economic independence

ii) Sexual maturity
iii) Physical growth
iv) all of them

Answer: iv) all of them

6. Most people learn certain things —.

i) in childhood
ii) in adolescence
iii) at various stages of growth
iv) when they get maturity

Answer: iii) at various stages of growth

7. Who is an adult?

i) A person who is in later childhood

ii) A person who is in the process of physical maturation
iii) A person who is 18 or above
iv) A person who has developed a tremendous growth

Answer: iii) A person who is 18 or above

8. Which of the following statements is not true?

i) The characteristics of adolescence may vary across time to

ii) WHO is an organization
iii) Adolescence is the time when a child experiences childhood
iv) A person who is 19 years old can be considered as an adult

Answer: iii) Adolescence is the time when a child experiences childhood

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9. The best synonym of 'infancy' is —

i) babyhood
ii) juvenility
iii) youth
iv) boyhood

Answer: i) babyhood

10. What does the phrase 'key' mean in the passage?

i. solution
ii. answer
iii. crucial
iv. source

Answer: iii) crucial

11. What could be the closest meaning for ‘transition’?

i. translation
ii. occurrence
iii. stage
iv. change-over

Answer: iv) change-over

12. The word ‘considered’ refers to-

i. consideration
ii. to consider
iii. treated
iv. treatment

Answer: iii) treated

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13. ‘Individuals’ could be best replaced by-

i. individuality
ii. individualise
iii. independent
iv. persons

Answer: iv) persons

14. After passing a certain period, children become-

i. grow
ii. old
iii. man
iv. grown-up

Answer: iv) grown-up

15. Puberty is a ______ period in a person’s life.

i. good
ii. critical
iii. well
iv. simple

Answer: ii) critical

16. Which of the following is the closest meaning of 'as a result’?

i. consequently
ii. in spite of
iii. instead of
iv. in addition

Answer: i) consequently

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17. What does the word 'vulnerable' mean?
i. unmovable
ii. solid
iii. unprotected
iv. frozen

Answer: iii) unprotected

18. What could be the closest meaning of 'use' in the passage?

i. employ
ii. utilization
iii. apply
iv. habit

Answer: iii) apply

19. The word 'long-lasting' stands for -

i. continuing for a long period of time
ii. the length of something
iii. the last thing of something
iv. none of the above

Answer: i) continuing for a long period of time

20. Which of the following can help adolescents transit from childhood to
adulthood successfully?
i) adolescents
ii) laws and policies
iii) schools, families etc.
iv) children and adults

Answer: iii) schools, families etc.

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21. Which of the following is positive development of an adolescent?
i) consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs
ii) initiation of sexual relationship
iii) development of skills
iv) experience of physical and mental problems

Answer: iii) development of skills

22. Adolescents are in danger of -

i) drugs
ii) sexual exploitation
iii) HIV
iv) all of them

Answer: iv) all of them

23. The boys and girls face pressure to use alcohol, cigarettes or other
drugs during -
i) adolescence
ii) infancy
iii) early childhood
iv) adulthood

Answer: i) adolescence

24. What does ‘unintended' mean?

i) not deliberate
ii) premeditated
iii) on purpose
iv) planned

Answer: i) not deliberate

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25. What does the word 'wide' mean in the passage?
i) tiny
ii) small
iii) close
iv) varied

Answer: iv) varied

26. Adolescence is ______ preparation for adulthood.

i. a section of
ii. the time of
iii. a difficult thing
iv. an external time of

Answer: ii) the time of

27. The best synonym of ‘phase’ is-

i. phrase
ii. stage
iii. time
iv. situation

Answer: ii) stage

28. The word ‘concept’ refers to-

i. conception
ii. context
iii. idea
iv. knowledge

Answer: iii) idea

29. The word ‘adjustment’ stands for-

i. adjusted
ii. adjoining
iii. similarity
iv. coping up with a new situation

Answer: iv) coping up with a new situation

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30. HIV is a kind of virus that is caused by-
i. cold
ii. fever
iii. pregnancies
iv. sexual relationship

Answer: iv) sexual relationship

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B. Answer the following questions.

a. How does World Health Organization (WHO) identify adolescence?

Model Answer:

World Health organisation (WHO) identifies adolescence as the period in

human growth and development that takes places between childhood and

b. “The biological determinants of adolescence are fairly universal.”-

Explain it in 2/3 sentences.

Model Answer:
The biological determining factors of adolescence are pretty much the same
across countries, cultures, time, socio-economic conditions. However, the
duration of this period and the defining characteristics may very across time,
cultures and socio-economic situations. For instance, adolescence has
undergone a lot of changes over the time.

c. Who are treated adults in our country?

Model Answer:
People who are 18 years old and above are considered adults in our country.

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d. What are adolescents not capable of?

Model Answer:

Adolescence are not fully capable of understanding complex concepts, or

the relationship between behaviour and consequences, or the degree of
control they have or can have over health decision-making, including that
related to sexual behaviour.

e. What is STIs?

Model Answer:

STIs stands for Sexually Transmitted Infections. These infections transmit

from one person
to another through unprotected sexual relationship.

Page 19 of 21
2. Read the above text and make a flow chart showing the traits of
adolescence. (One is done for you)

1. The period in 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
human growth
and development

Page 20 of 21
Model Answer:

A flow chart showing the traits of adolescence:

1. The period in human growth and development

2. Occurring after childhood and before adulthood

3. Representing one of the critical transitions in one’s life span

4. Characterised by fast paced growth and change

5. Driven by biological process

6. Having fairly universal biological determinants

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