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Stages in the
Life Span

Prenatal Period
The stage of a child's growth and development prior to birth is known as the
prenatal period. This symbol represents of what a mother’s love can do to her
child in this stage by simply sacrificing all the difficulties that may happen in
her life. The child is completely dependent on his or her mother for all its
nutritional needs during this cycle. During the prenatal period, vital organs like
the heart, brain, and spinal cord are forming. Without the necessary vitamins
and minerals from the mother, the baby's organs will not develop in an orderly
manner. Without proper care, birth defects may occur during this time.
However, the baby may be affected by more than just a lack of food. Because
the child draws on all the mother's sources of vitamins and minerals to meet
his or her own needs, the mother may experience negative effects.
Consequently, it may result in low energy levels, gestational diabetes, and
toxemia during pregnancy due to mother's stress. Using high-quality minerals
and vitamins in their food supply can also help women avoid a lot of the issues
that come with being pregnant.

A child who
is not yet one year old is in the infancy stage of
the life cycle. Infancy refers to the period between the baby's birth and first
birthday. This symbol represents of how important the responsibilities of each
parent especially in this stage. At this point, the first bonds and attachments to
primary caregivers are formed. Independence is increased during infancy's
rapid development, which includes rolling over, crawling, and eventually
walking. When a child is young, they are heavily dependent on their primary
caregivers. A developing sense of self-identity is the result of this as infancy
progresses and the body develops. The infant grows quickly and begins to
demonstrate an increasing level of language skills, comprehension of
instructions, and playful play. One of the most well-known theories about how
stages of the life cycle develop is that of Sigmund Freud. Freud believed a
person's personality develops through a series of childhood stages in which the
id's pleasure-seeking energies focus on areas.

Babyhood is the next
significant stage in a person's life after infancy. This symbol represents that
babies can create or build their knowledge step-by-step in every experience
they can go through. This stage, which occurs within the first two years of life
following infancy, will be discussed under the headings "characteristics,"
"pattern of development," and "hazards in infanthood. “Because many behavior
patterns, attitudes, and emotional experiences are being formed during this
time, babyhood is the true foundation age. Unfavorable childhood experiences
are found to be the cause of personality problems in adulthood. Providing a
rich social life for a child between the ages of twelve and fifteen months is the
best thing you can do to guarantee a good mind, as the first two years are
crucial in establishing the pattern for personal and social adjustment.

Early Childhood
From the ages of two to six, the developmental period known as early childhood
occurs. The play years are a common name for these years. This symbol
represents of how free we are on this stage to discover new things in a simple
way but with the guidance of our parents (dove-freedom, hand-guidance). Play
flourishes and supports all life stages during this time. Numerous physical
changes occur during early childhood, including body development, brain
development, and motor development. During this time both gross and fine
coordinated movements grow decisively. Children can ride a tricycle, walk
upstairs on alternate feet, and even catch a ball with their hands. They can
also feed themselves, put on and take off basic clothing, and draw their first
pictures of people.

Late Childhood
A person's late childhood lasts from the age of six until the time they are
sexually mature. This symbol represents on how we should manage or balance
the occurrences in this stage (always let positivity to uphold than negativity).
Conditions that have a significant impact on a child's personal and social
adjustment occur during this time. The child's life takes a significant turn
when he/ she starts school. The mastery of developmental tasks is now the
responsibility of teachers and, to a lesser extent, the peer group, as opposed to
the parents. This is a time when the mind grows quickly. The child takes pride
in his/ her increased knowledge and develops a new interest in academics.
His/ her interests have also expanded, and he enjoys meeting new people and
having conversations with them about a wide range of topics. He/ she
naturally grows mentally because of this. Piaget believed that concrete
operations began in late childhood. He/ she asserts that children begin to
comprehend the conservation principle as soon as they reach the end of the
pre-operational stage. The ability to recognize that an object's fundamental
characteristics, like its number or weight, remain the same regardless of the
object's appearance is known as conservation.

Preadolescence or Puberty
There are psychological and social effects of adolescence and puberty. The most
significant of these is the pursuit of improved cognitive abilities and self-
identity. This symbol represents on each teen upon entering a new chapter of
their lives with the changes and new challenges. The development of strong
opinions and mentalities are examples of psychological changes. Self-
awareness and maintaining one's identity in one's community are two aspects
of social change. A person's teenage years typically represent a time of self-
discovery, confusion, and stress. To survive the adolescent years, a person
investigates his or her capacity for independent thought and action during this
time. These are the years that, based on a person's psychological and
behavioral traits, determine how they will develop in the future. During this
time, they are exposed to both positive and negative influences. Some
adolescents choose the wrong path, while others are unable to withstand
mental stress or social phobias.

The definition of "adolescence" in the dictionary is "the stage of youth; “or
adulthood. This symbol represents all about exploring and still learning on
every aspect in this stage. However, if you really give it some thought, that
definition only scratches the surface. Because it has such a significant impact
on one's development as a person, adolescence is the phase of one's life that
they will never forget. It is possible to observe decreased emotional stability and
self-control at this stage. When discussing the emotional and psychological
development of children at this age, it is necessary to point out that they need
to acquire a sense of mastery and accomplishment, which frequently comes
with a certain disorganization and forgetfulness. It is also important to note
that children still place a high value on their parents at this age, and that while
children's involvement in making decisions about themselves gradually
increased as they got older, it remained relatively low. The latter is basically
what happens when puberty starts.

Early Adulthood
"The era of greatest energy, abundance, and contradiction, as well as stress, is
early adulthood"cited in Seal 1997 as Levinson:72). This symbol represents on
fulfilling the knowledge of maturity to use this in handling all difficult
situations or challenges. The most pressing issue in early adulthood is
separating from one's parents, which is one of the two main obstacles. Since
independence comes with maturity, separating from parents should be the first
major obstacle faced in early adulthood. This refers to young adults who leave
their parents physically and begin their own lives.This is a significant challenge
because the child learns to mature into an adult through this process. As Seal
explains (1997:71), the young adult would be able to financially and
emotionally support himself if he or she succeeds in this first challenge. As the
young adult assumes responsibility for his own actions and is no longer
dependent on his parents for support in making decisions and forming new
commitments, he will first establish emotional and social independence.The
individual would then demonstrate the capacity to support themselves and be
financially secure.

Middle Adulthood
Middle adulthood is a complicated time that necessitates a multidimensional
perspective to comprehend all the happenings and transformations. This
symbol represents on how to manage all the different changes in a wise way
especially in this stage that has a lot of responsibilities to deal and challenges.
Physical, cognitive, and social differences are among the many changes that
take place during middle adulthood. Understanding how to deal with anxiety is
important because many of these changes cause significant stress.
Mindfulness and developing a sense of self-efficacy and mastery are two
common coping strategies. During middle adulthood, there are numerous
changes that may necessitate stress management strategies and interventions.
Physical and biological changes become apparent in middle age.

Late Adulthood or Senescence (Old Age)

The final phase of a person's development is late adulthood. A developmental
stage occurs between the ages of 55 and 65 before death. This symbol
represents that on every drop of the sand, time became more precious that we
could not take back again, and every moment is important on this last stage.
Integrity versus despair is the theme here. Due to their accomplishments and
contributions to life, many people who live to late adulthood are typically
content and happy. Wisdom acquired through one's experiences is the
fundamental strength of late adulthood. However, in late adulthood, some
individuals experience despair. Projects or apparent failures can contribute to
this sense of despair. As a result, a lot of people who are depressed in their late
twenties often worry about dying because they are still trying to figure out what
their purpose in life is. However, it is essential to keep in mind that death and
late adulthood are both natural life stages. Being optimistic about the changes,
maintaining proper nutrition and physical fitness, and remaining hopeful are
all necessary to lead a fulfilling life into old age. In later life, it's also important
to keep up relationships and social interactions

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