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Applied Subject
SY 2021 - 2022


Understanding the Nature of Inquiry, Research and Ways to Systematically Collect Data

Name: Date:

Section: Teacher:

Note: Write your answer/s and/or response/s on the space provided below. You may exceed on
the allotted space provided for each task.

Activity 3: Research Topic Development (Mini Performance Task 1 - Part 1)

Directions: Think of a broad topic for a possible research study (e.g. technology, behavior,
games). Breakdown what have you conceptualized into smaller details following the guide
questions below. Write legibly and avoid erasures.


What is the current issue you want to find out about your topic?

Who is/are involved specifically in your proposed study?

What significant contributions it might bring?

Specify the possible advantages and disadvantages.

What is the specific place you want to test your study?

To what extent (time-frame) you will accomplish it?

Combine your answers to narrow down your topic.

Specific Topic

Activity 4: Research Topic Proposal (Mini Performance Task 1 - Part 2)

Directions: From the specific topic you created in the previous part, conceptualize a statement
of the problem and list down at least three (3) specific research problems. You can use the
format and style indicated in the previous sample researches. Write legibly and avoid erasures.
Be guided by the rubric below for scoring your work. (You may add research questions if
Applied Subject
SY 2021 - 2022

Statement of the Problem/Purpose (General Problem)

Furthermore, this study aims to accomplish and answer the following:

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