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[slide 1-3] [ introduce group and topic]

[slide 4] Does anyone here know how many people are there in the world?
It is more than 8B pp on the Earth. And this number has never stopped, even increasing
extremely rapidly. Are there too many pp in the world? Some experts predict global population
may peak as early as 2050 or at the latest by 2100. This is called overpopulation.
[slide 5] Here is the chart showing the population from 1950 to 2021. As we can see, China’s
population in 2021 has more than doubled that of 1950. And ranked right behind is India with a
figure of 1.41B people. So why are there such huge numbers like this?
[slide 6] We think that there are two main causes of population explosion.

[slide 7-8] One is the high fertility rate.

The number of children a woman gives birth to is increasing quite a bit per year. The reason for
this can be described as poverty in contraception. Although there are many advanced
technologies, users still use these contraceptions incorrectly also leads to this situation.
The lack of knowledge in family planning also be a reason. I believe that many families don’t
know how to control the ability to have children and the number of children in the family.
Especially young families. They don’t have enough knowledge to manage their childbirth plan

[slide 9-10]One more cause of P.E is the declining mortality rate.

If rising birth rates are one of the reasons contributing to population growth, so is falling death
rates. It can be easily seen that when the world war ended, the death rate decreased significantly.
No more people are dying from fighting or poverty.
Besides that, the advancement of technology in medicine as well as more advanced treatment
methods and medications also contributes to reducing this mortality rate.

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