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Once upon a time, the Hare and the Hyena were good friends. One day, they were
walking in the forest, telling stories and laughing. It was getting dark and the hare was very
hungry. The Hyena turned to the hare and said, Mr. Hare, I feel too lazy to hunt. I must eat
you. The hare was scared, but he did not show it. He smiled and laughed and said, Okay, Mr.
Hyena, you can eat me in a short while. But first, I had an appointment with Mrs. Lioness.
She had sent me to bring you here so that both of you can race and see who is faster. If she
catches you, she will eat you. The Hyena growled. I had to let you know so that the lioness
does not catch you off guard. The hare continued. The hyena was very tense and started
shaking. The hare drew a line on the ground using his claws and called out, Lioness, the
hyena is ready. The hyena bolted away, running for his life and leaving behind a big cloud of

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