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Script for constructive digital footprint

1st – What is a digital footprint?

The information about a particular person that exists on the internet due to their online activity.

- Transition

2nd - What does it mean to leave a digital footprint?

All of the information you've shared online can frequently be accessible by others and used in various
ways. A simple Google search of your name returns anything from your LinkedIn profile to articles
you've written or been featured in, as well as photos you've uploaded. It's critical to remember that
anyone, including friends and family, coworkers, and possible employers, could view all of this.

Editing: can insert elements that can be an illustration for the things that you are doing

Add: screen recording in uploading posts in shakefrost

Add: searching in google from 3rd point of view

Editing: while talking from "all of the info," insert vids of "add:."

- Transition

3rd – Factors affecting my decisions and actions in promoting a constructive digital footprint to showcase
my purpose in life.

Will it be effective for the marketing of our family business?

Posting images of a product is quite challenging because you have to consider many different aspects of
the product, which is especially difficult given that we are selling shakes.

Will it have positive feedback from the future customers of our family business?

This is an important consideration, as it can impact sales. In addition to the post, it's essential to keep an
eye on the company's financial situation. The reputation of a business and its owners and employees can
be damaged by posting photos and captions on social media.

Is it well presented for the marketing of the family business?

The display of our items might entice customers if we do an excellent job of introducing them. Because
they were pleased with the presentation and the business's service, they can take advantage of it on a
pretty regular basis.

4th – promoting constructive digital footprint to showcase my purpose in life.

In summary, reading and practicing different marketing strategies can help me in improving the skills
that I have right now because marketing strategy assists in identifying the parts of the organization that
are being affected by expansion and, as a result, in developing an organizational plan to meet the needs
of the customers. It aids in determining the right price for an organization's goods and services based on
information gathered from market research. I can also read different studies about customers and their
possible feedback, like what I said in the factors affecting my decisions and actions.

5th - As a Christ-centered Paulinian,

As a Christ-centered Paulinian, I can promote one's life purpose in cyberspace by using it as a platform,
taking advantage of the usage because not all people can have an opportunity to have social media in
helping to make a living because of cyberspace. I know that my purpose in life is in the business industry,
especially since my family is into that right now, so I'll make sure that I will use it right, keeping the
dignity and reputation of our family and giving the best products with the best quality to our dear

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