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The Horn of Nimraug

Part I - Fire and Ice

The journey north

Copyright ©1999 Craig Pay

Edited for The Guild Companion by Joe Mandala, August 2000

The Journey North

The PCs travel North through Arthedain, then on to the

shores of the Bay of Forochel.

Roll random encounters throughout this journey (p. 219 Arnor: the Land
sourcebook) and use Strategic Movement rules (p. 66 MERP rulebook).

From Bree to Rood

110 miles Road terrain, roll Northern Arthedain


Alaric leads the PCs North from Bree along the Greenway, then off
Northwest along a lesser roadway to the village of Rood.

In Rood Alaric books rooms for everyone at a dreary looking Inn called the
Midge and Maggot. That evening he is befriended by Ynarri (a rather
disreputable looking Dunlending) who says he knows a good short cut
through the Hills of Evendim (Emyn Uial) that will shorten their journey by
a day or two as well as help them avoid the orc-infested lands around
ancient Angmar.

From Rood to the Ruins of Annúminas

50 miles Road terrain, roll Arthedain Frontier encounters.

Ynarri leads the PCs West from Rood to the shores of Lake Evendim (the
Nenuial), then South across a ford to the Ruins of Annúminas, which they
may choose to investigate.

If the PCs camp near the Ruins of Annúminas then that night they hear
moans and cries for help coming from the ruins. Should they decide to
investigate during the hours of darkness, they will by attacked by a Minor
Wight. If the PCs have trouble with this Wight then Linyuilë, the spirit of
the Nenuial, comes to their rescue (p.159 Arnor: the People and p.71-73
Arnor: the Land sourcebook).

From the Ruins of Annúminas across the Hills of Evendim

(Emyn Uial) then on to the village of Mulkan

40 miles Open terrain around the Southern tip of Lake

Evendim (the Nenuial), roll Arthedain Frontier encounters.

Then 160 miles Rough terrain across the Hills of Evendim

(Emyn Uial) - roll Arthedain Frontier encounters.

Finally another 120 miles Open terrain to the village of

Mulkan, roll Forochel encounters.

Ynarri leads the PCs South for a short distance around the southern tip of
Lake Evendim (the Nenuial), then onwards North-Northwest for a long slog
across the Hills of Evendim. Every few hours Ynarri leads the party away
from the track they are following to slog cross-country for a while, only then
to rejoin another track (or is it the same one?) some time later. Some of the
PCs may start to have their doubts about his ability as a guide. To make
things worse, as they start to descend from the hills a light slow begins to

Upon leaving the Hills of Evendim, Ynarri now leads the party to rejoin a
track leading to the Northwest. From here they have a long cold walk north
as heavy snow now starts to fall and the track fades from sight. After 60
miles or so after leaving the Hills, the track is no longer visible and a thick
blanket of snow covers the ground. The PCs may also now start to wonder
why this trip couldn’t have been organized earlier in the year.
As the temperature starts to drop and the snow falls heavier the PCs may
start to suffer from the effects of the cold (see p.149 Northern Wastes

The PCs finally arrive at the Lossoth village of Mulkan to a suspicious


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