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*The final instalment of our Ready-to-Run Angle campaign brings a climactic

showdown with the forces of Angmar.


to the
Copyright ©2000 Phillip
Edited for The Guild The vale of Brethil
Companion by Joe The ruins
Mandala, October 2000 The Hillman camp
Master NPC and Military Forces Tables
Editor's Note

Please refer to previous installments of this campaign in earlier issues of

The Guild Companion for additional maps, notes, NPC statistics, and other
aids. You can find these issues here. This is the last installment of this

The story

Immediately after the execution of Amrill/Uzathor and his cohorts an

emergency meeting of the town council is convened. The PC's and several
other important town members are invited to sit in and observe. The
meeting's purpose is twofold. First, to swear in the newest member of the
council from the Weaver's Guild, Jonatia. The second is to determine the
next course of action. With the information obtained from Amrill's
townhouse, the council is aware of the dire circumstances the region is in.

The council has been advised that Ermegil Stonearm has regrouped his
forces and apparently is in the process of moving south again. However, this
time the King of Rhudaur is joined by his Hillmen allies and Orcish
mercenaries. There is also a chance of a second army from Angmar linking
up with Stonearm. Allied reports have mass troop movements along several
fronts occurring. Luckily, several mercenary groups have arrived in Fennas
Drunin recently along with more of the militia from the Cantons of Feotar.
These will serve as the reserve forces for the troops already posted on the
border. In case of defeat along the border, these forces will defend Fennas
Drunin itself. Already the refugees from the outlying settlements within the
Angle have been conscripted to repair and strengthen the walls of the town.
Shipments of foodstuffs from the Cantons and beyond are arriving daily and
filling the old empty warehouses along the riverfront.

The largest problem, though, is the Angmarean expedition located at Minas

Brethil in the Haunted Vale. The word "tunnel" in one of the messages has
the council members frightened. If their worst fears are realized and the
armies from the north are able to bypass Fennas Drunin and the well-
defended ferry located there, they would be cut off from relief and the
Cantons of Feotar would be at Stonearm's mercy. This would be a disaster
of the worst kind. Countering it has immediately become the first priority of
the council, but the means of countering it is in debate. Knowing that
shifting troops over to the western section of the Angle would seriously
hamper the overall defense of the Angle, the council members are split on
what they should do. Some feel that a large force should be sent into the
eastern section of the Cantons to attempt to deter any entry from under the
river. Others feel that there is no time for that and that the Witch-king has
surely prepared for such a move (in fact a force of 100 Easterling horsemen
are currently encamped on the other side of the river to defend the tunnel
exit). These council members believe that a small but powerful force should
be sent to Minas Brethil itself to reconnoiter the Angmarean forces there
and perhaps even stop the excavation. Since time is at a premium these
forces will have to come from Fennas Drunin itself.

In the middle of the meeting Paetric stands up and the rest of the council
members fall quiet. He looks over to where the PC's are sitting and states:
We are grateful for the assistance you have provided us these past few weeks, yet it saddens me to
say that once again we are in need of your help. It seems that our future is in doubt and we have no
other allies that we can turn to for aid. If it pleases you we would like to procure your services this
one last time. We need to find out what is happening in the abandoned citadel and halt it if possible.
Our coffers are empty yet we still have goods we could offer in return. Land we have aplenty and
would happily give to you as payment, but the question is will the land be ours to give in a few
weeks. Unfortunately I cannot say for sure. I know not what will happen in the near future, but
suffice it to say that we will not give up without a fight. If we are victorious you will be heroes and
wealthy men. If not, you will be lucky to escape with the fate of a slave in the pits of Carn Dum. This
mission will definitely be the most difficult you have endured so far and thus the recompense will be
commensurate to that difficulty. What say you? Will you accept this charge?

After giving their affirmation, Paetric dismisses the council and the PC's are
invited back to his house to discuss terms. Much like the previous
negotiation, Paetric is willing to give up large parcels of land for the services
of the PC's. He offers escorts of mounted levy members or mercenaries to
and from the area and promises to advise Aldurin and his Red Lances of the
situation. They may be of some help to the PC's. In addition, he promises
property rights to absolutely everything found within the old castle. Part of
the requirements for the characters is that if they are able to bring to a halt
the tunneling they must remain to secure the castle until reinforcements
arrive. Aldurin will undoubtedly send a significant force to help as soon as
he gets word of the expedition. If the PC's are able to destroy the tunnel
then they have no need to remain and should travel back to Fennas Drunin
as soon as possible. After negotiations are complete Paetric tells the PC's
that all of the supplies they will need will be awaiting them at Feagwin's
stables with their horses tomorrow morning. Any escorts or retainers
acquired will also be ready in the morning as well as a guide to get them to
the area as quickly as possible.

After leaving Fennas Drunin, the party will ride directly north to the vale.
Use the (*) encounter table until you get within 10 miles of Minas Brethil
then switch to the Vale of Brethil Encounter Table.

Possible Resolutions

No matter the abilities of the PC's the excavation will not be able to succeed.
Whether the characters eliminate the workers or are repulsed by the
defenders of Minas Brethil, the history of Middle-earth never records a
significant offensive campaign by the forces of Rhudaur and/or Angmar
during this time period. If the PC's fail in their attempt, then either the
resident Rangers of Arthedain or elves hailing from Rivendell (perhaps both
working in conjunction) will finish the job.

Whichever way the Angmarim working underneath Minas Brethil are

destroyed the appearance of an advance party of Rhudaurim mounted
troops will occur. This will happen a day or so after the PC's or their saviors
complete the eradication of the Angmarim. The cavalry has the mission of
liaising with the workers and helping to secure the area for the upcoming
army. This force consists of 30-40 mixed mounted troops. They are
somewhat off-guard due to the fact that they believe their allies are located
within the castle walls. It is possible they could be ambushed as they come
towards the castle. This encounter could also expand into a greater conflict
as Red Lances move into support the PC's. This will, however, be the last
obstacle for the PC's to overcome. After this advance element of Rhudaurim
are eliminated or routed the PC's will have completed the adventure

If the players decide to attempt to destroy the excavation so that it will be

useless to the warriors of Ermegil Stonearm they will have their work cut
out for them. This would entail the weakening of the supports so that the
roof would collapse in any of the sections recently excavated. This would be
exceedingly hazardous and should be handled accordingly. If this were to
occur successfully then the player characters would have no need of
remaining to secure the premises and would be free to travel back to Fennas
Drunin to accept their rewards.


The ride back to Fennas Drunin, probably accompanied by a mounted

retinue of Red Lances or levy, will be uneventful. The armies of Rhudaur
and Angmar, upon hearing of the fall of Minas Brethil to the Free Peoples'
dwelling in the Angle, will turn back to their respective countries. They are
not prepared to launch an expensive and long-term assault on the town of
Fennas Drunin, having no siege weapons or sizeable supplies of foodstuffs.
Heads will roll for this debacle in Angmar as the Witch-king has no stomach
for failure.

Once in town the characters will be showered with praise from the citizens
of the Angle. Crowds will surround them as they make their way to the
Town Hall. There they will meet with Paetric and the remainder of the town
council and inform them of the events that occurred at Minas Brethil. After
the meeting there will be a huge celebration for the characters as the
townsfolk rejoice that the armies of Rhudaur have once again been turned
away. This will last several days and the PC's will have many opportunities
to drink and be merry.

Many days later Paetric will summon the characters to discuss payment. If
the players choose to take the money later he will make a note and promise
to provide it as soon as the coffers of the town are refilled. If the players
choose to take land instead then Paetric will inquire of the characters which
area of the Angle they desire to have the land in. If the characters do not
suggest the Minas Brethil area then Paetric will do so. He will even propose
that the characters rebuild the castle and move in there. Paetric is leader of
the town council for a good reason. He is a wise man. He knows that by
offering the land to the characters they will probably make a home here in
the region. That strengthens the region in many ways. For one, there will be
another defensive structure between the border and Fennas Drunin. In
addition, the presence of the hero PC's will raise morale in the area. To
convince the characters of the wisdom of settling in Minas Brethil, Paetric
will politely remind the characters that they have almost single-handedly
foiled one of Ermegil Stonearm's plots. This will undoubtedly cause the
characters to be marked men and some sort of vengeance from the king of
Rhudaur is a possibility. In actuality, it was one of the Witch-king's plots
and the PC's are definitely now among some of the most wanted men in
Eriador. Retaliation is not a possibility it is a definite. Now the safest place
for the characters is on the road or behind some solid walls (this may even
allow GM's to spice up future adventures with random assassination
attempts by agents of the Witch-king!).

If the PC's choose to rebuild Minas Brethil they will have many advantages
going for them. Their friendship with the dwarves will provide them with
superior building skills and their hero status within the Angle will supply a
ready source of young lads willing to train and serve as guards.
Exceptionally talented PC's may even notice the merchant vacuum and take
over Amrill's now-defunct merchant operation. Running caravans over the
Misty Mountains to Rhovanion would be highly lucrative and exciting
possibly leading to several adventures. To determine the profit from each
caravan you may use some of the rules from I.C.E.'s River Running
adventure module. These were created to deal solely with the business of
wine exportation, however many of the tables may be used with generic

Once the meeting with Paetric is finished the adventure is over and the PC's
are free to move on to the next exciting exploit.

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