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Today, in the digital age, people often accept ideas without much thought as accessing

information on the internet has become incredibly easy. However, if individuals pause for a
moment and utilize the art of questioning, they can uncover numerous new possibilities. The art
of questioning involves skillfully asking thoughtful, insightful, and purposeful questions to gather
information and enhance understanding (Rauch, 2022).

The art of questioning is not merely about asking any question. Rather, it entails asking the right
questions at the appropriate time, using suitable questioning techniques, and actively listening to
understand the context and facilitate the exchange of ideas. According to Jenkins (2023),
open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, and Socratic questioning are types of
questioning techniques. Open-ended questions are designed to elicit detailed and thoughtful
responses, encouraging an open and unrestricted discussion. Typically beginning with words like
"what," "how," "why," or "describe," these questions allow respondents to freely express their
thoughts and opinions more deeply compared to closed-ended questions. On the other hand,
closed-ended questions offer a limited set of possible answers, such as "yes" or "no," "true" or
"false," or multiple-choice options. They are useful for obtaining specific information or assessing
someone's knowledge. Socratic questioning, however, involves a systematic and contemplative
approach to questioning that stimulates critical thinking and profound reflection. It encompasses
techniques like seeking clarification, analyzing, challenging assumptions, considering different
perspectives, and exploring the consequences or implications of ideas. Jenkins (2023) provides
examples of Socratic questions, such as: What evidence supports your claim? What might be the
consequences of that decision? Can you explain the reasoning behind your opinion?

In essence, effective questioning plays a crucial role in fostering deep comprehension. It

empowers students to think critically rather than passively accepting information presented to
them. Particularly with high-order questioning techniques like Socratic questioning, students can
develop their critical thinking skills by analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information rather
than merely recalling it.


Jenkins, P. (2023). Importance of Questioning: Unlocking Critical Thinking Skills.
Rauch, C. (2022). The Art of Questioning. Evidence Based Education.

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