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Date: 15 Feb 2024

To: All Employees

From: Joseph Puthenpurayil, HR Manager

Subject: Employee Wellness Program

The company has decided to launch the Employee Wellness Program effective 15th March 2024. We
have been evaluating the personal wellness of all our employees through several internal surveys.
The results from these surveys led the management to the need to introduce an Employee Wellness

The Employee Wellness Program focuses on the overall improvement in the health and well-being of
all our employees. As part of this program, we will be having a series of events as mentioned below.

1. Fitness challenges on every Monday

2. Mental Health workshops on every Thursday
3. Yoga sessions on every Friday
4. Flexibility to choose your working hours.

The program will help our employees in the betterment of their health by allowing them more
quality time to spend with their families and loved ones. They can also get additional time for their
hobbies. It would also foster a positive and healthy lifestyle among all employees.

However, to make this program successful without compromising on the overall business of the
company, we would be implementing the below regulations.

1. Reduction in the lunch break from 60 minutes to 30 minutes.

2. All employees need to increase their average productivity from 10 sales leads to 15 sales

We are arranging a town hall meeting for all the employees on 9th March 2024. Everyone would be
able to clear all the queries during the meeting. a chance would be given for any open suggestions to
make this program a success. To accommodate any suggestions from the employees, it is important
to attend this meeting.

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