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The American Psychonauts

When hunters crossed the Beringian Bridge 30,000

years ago into Alaska and headed south, they found
a chemical cornucopia.
Here, hunters discovered tobacco, coca and mate.
But for some reason, Native Americans were
especially fascinated with psychedelics.
American psychedelics included peyote, San Pedro
cactus, morning glory, datura, sage, anadenanthera,
ayahuasca, and more than 20 species of
psychoactive mushrooms.
It was quite a pre-Columbian festival. Native
Americans also invented the nasal administration of
tobacco and hallucinogens.
They were the first to snort drugs, a practice later
borrowed by Europeans.
This American psychedelic culture is old.
Peyote buttons subjected to carbon dating show an
age of 4,000 BC. C., while Mexican mushroom
statues suggest the use of Psilocybe, a mushroom,
as early as 500 BC. c.
A 1,000-year-old cache found in Bolivia contained
cocaine, Anadenanthera and ayahuasca, and it must
have been an incredible trip.
The invention of alcohol
A great step in the evolution of debauchery was the
invention of agriculture, because it made alcohol
It created a surplus of sugars and starches that,
crushed and left to ferment, were magically
transformed into potent concoctions.
Humans independently invented alcoholic
beverages. The oldest dates back to 7,000 BC. C., in
Wine was fermented in the Caucasus in 6000 BC.
C.; The Sumerians brewed beer in 3000 BC. c.

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