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Realice un cuadro comparativo de las características que existen para diferenciar

nematodos machos de hembras.

Machos Hembras
Tamaño Menor tamaño Mayor tamaño
Espículas Espículas copulatorias No posee espículas
Extremo Curvado No curvado

1, 2}

2. Elabore un cuadro comparativo con los diferentes tipos de aparatos excretores que

existen en los pseudocelomados.

Rotífera Nematoda Nematomorfa Kinorrincos

Túbulos Células renales Protonefridios
Células flamígeras células flamígeras
Descargan a Poro excretor No posee sistema nefridioporos
vesícula común excretor
Cloaca Ano, cuticula Ano


3. Dibuje el ciclo biológico de los siguientes nematodos:

Ascaris suum

Trichuris vulpis
Mecistocirrus digitatus

Mecistocirrus digitatus has a direct life cycle, i.e. there are no intermediate hosts involved.
Adult females lay eggs in the stomach of the host that are shed with the feces. Once in the
environment the eggs release the L1-larvae that complete development to infective L3-larvae in
about 2 weeks, depending on temperature and humidity. Such infective larvae can remain
infective in the environment for months.

Livestock become infected after ingesting such larvae while grazing. Ingested larvae complete
development to adults inside the stomach (abomasum in ruminants) in about 6 to 10 weeks.
Some larvae penetrate into the gastric pits (i.e. the entrance to the gastric glands) or into the
lining of the abomasum (in ruminants), but most larvae remain in the stomach lumen. Adults
attach to the stomach lining and feed on blood that flows out of the small injuries they cause
with their teeth.

4. Dibuje el ciclo biológico del siguiente acantocéfalo:

Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus

5. Dibuje los ciclos de Toxocara canis y Ancylostoma caninum y describa su asociación

1 Hickman, C. (2023). Integrated Principles of Zoology (19.a ed.). McGraw Hill.

2 Drago, F. (2017a). Macroparásitos. Diversidad y Biología. Editorial de la Universidad

Nacional de La Plata (EDULP).

3 Ruppert, E. E., Fox, R. S.,

& Barnes, R. D. (2004). Invertebrate zoology: A Functional Evolutionary Approach.

Cengage Learning.

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