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A. Noun: Kata Benda (termasuk orang dan tempat)

1. Concrete Noun: table, bag, sky, father, son, daughter, candle, house.
2. Abstract Noun: happiness, sadness, peace, boredom, growth, intelligence,
development, religion, love.
3. Collective Noun: family, team, class, staff, crew, crowd, pack of dogs/wolves, flock of
4. Proper Noun: Joko Widodo, The White House, Mount Everest, Amazon River, Tuesday,
December, Borobudur.
5. Regular Plural Noun: books, tables, chairs, houses, papers, woods.
6. Irregular Plural Noun: child - children, mouse - mice, goose – geese foot - feet, tooth -
teeth, woman - women, man - men, person - people.
7. Compound nouns: haircut, fireman, bus stop, toothbrush, airplane, sunflower, rainfall
8. Countable noun: book; one book, two books, three books, student; one student, two
students, three students, person; one person, two people, three people.
9. Uncountable noun: tea, sugar, water, air, rice, knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love,
money, research, safety, evidence, sand, news, measles, food, soap, information,
economics, physics, meat, mathematics, politics, homework.
one glass of milk, two glasses of milk, …
a lot of research
a great deal of advice
some information
much sugar
1 cup of water, 300g of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, …

B. Adjective: Kata Sifat

Adjective adalah kata sifat untuk menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan kata
ganti (pronoun) atau kata benda (noun).
1. The cute little bunny was hopping around in our garden.
2. Our American friends are coming for a short visit.
3. Alison was embarrassed when her elderly aunt shouted loudly.
4. My bruises are turning yellow and purple now.
5. When you are crossing a busy street, you must be really careful.
6. The huge orangutan and the tiny kitten made a curious pair.
7. We have wonderful news!
8. Adjectives are useful because they tell you more about nouns.

C. Verb: Kata Kerja

adalah bentuk kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan tindakan atau keadaan secara
langsung atau tidak langsung, terlihat atau tidak terlihat.
1. Action verb: swim, run, sing, work, walk, speak.
2. Stative verb: Love, want, know, dislike, think.
3. Regular verb: jumped, cried, walked, borrowed, talked.
4. Irregular verb: eat (verb 1) menjadi ate (verb 2), dan eaten (verb 3).
5. Auxiliary verb: am, is, are, was, were, been, being, do, does, did, done, have, has, had,
should, would, might, may, must, can
D. Adverb: Kata Keterangan

E. Preposition
adalah kata depan yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan hubungan ruang atau waktu antara satu
benda dengan yang lain. Contoh: above, behind, below, from, inside, at, during, in, on, between,

F. Conjunction: Kata hubung

berfungsi untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat atau lebih untuk dijadikan satu kalimat. Contoh:
and, or, but, so, because, if, while, when, before, after

G. Pronoun: Kata Ganti

adalah kata yang bertugas untuk menggantikan noun guna menghindari adanya repetisi atau

H. Interjection
kata untuk mengungkapkan emosi seseorang terhadap suatu keadaan atau tindakan.
Contoh: wow, hey, oops, oh no!, ugh, whoa, congratulations!

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