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Explain briefly any two of the following varieties of English

Nigeria English
American English

The Hausa are a native ethnic group in West Africa. They speak the Hausa language,
which is the second most spoken language after Arabic in the Afro-Asiatic ..

Igbo has two main tones: high and low, just like English has rising and falling
tone. The high tone is usually marked with an acute accent (´) and the low tone

Yoruba vocabulary is also used in the Afro-Brazilian religion known as Candomblé,

in the Caribbean religion of Santería in the form of the liturgical Lucumí language
and in various Afro-American religions of North America. Practitioners of these
religions in the Americas no longer speak or understand the Yoruba language, rather
they use remnants of Yoruba language for singing songs that for them are shrouded
in mystery. Usage of a lexicon of Yoruba words and short phrases during ritual is
also common, but they have gone through changes due to the fact that Yoruba is no
longer a vernacular for them and fluency is not required.


New England English is famous for non-rhoticity, meaning it drops the r sound
everywhere except before a vowel: thus, in words like car, card, fear, and chowder
( listen).

southern accent is defined by its particular phonology. Typical non-southerners

describe the accent as slower, especially compared to the North, and lazy because
words are often combined in sentences; “let me” becomes “lemme” and “I am going to”
becomes “imma.”

American English dialect sometimes called United States English or U.S. English, is
the set of varieties of the English language native to the United States. English
is the most widely spoken language in the United States and in most circumstances
is the de facto common language used in government, education and commerce

Questions 2

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Discuss any five of these semantic concepts with appropriate examples

onceptual, connotative, social, affective and collocative.

onceptual For example, in a study of stress in students during a university

semester, a conceptual definition would describe what is meant by 'stress'. An
operational definition would describe how the 'stress' would be measured.

connotative Connotation describes the primary word and it does not need to be a
part of the meaning of word or phrase. It generally has an emotional connection
which can be positive or negative. For example, I am feeling very blue today. Here
blue refers to sad.

social relating to activities in which you meet and spend time with other people
and that happen during the time when you are not working: I had an active social
life when I was at college. I'm a social drinker - I only drink when I'm with other
people. Most schools organize social events for the students
Affective”: Definition and examples
It is especially used in the field of psychology. Here are some examples of
affective in a sentence: Harry sang to Sally about how much he loved her, causing
her to cry with happiness. Harry's music caused a long-awaited affective reaction

collocative. is 'a predictable combination of words' for example we can say heavy
rain but not strong rain because it does not sound right' likewise, we can say 'do
exercise' but not 'make exercise'. Collocations can be made up of any kinds of
words such as verbs, nouns, adverbs and adjectives.

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