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Unit3 – lesson 3

In which year did World War I begin?

Answer: b) 1914

Which event triggered the outbreak of World War I?

Answer: a) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Which countries made up the Central Powers in World War I?

Answer: a) Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire

Which famous ocean liner was sunk by a German U-boat in 1915, leading to the loss of many civilian

Answer: b) Lusitania

Which country withdrew from World War I following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917?

Answer: c) Russia

Which battle is often considered one of the bloodiest in human history, with heavy casualties on both

Answer: a) Battle of the Somme

Which treaty officially ended World War I?

Answer: a) Treaty of Versailles

Which country experienced a revolution in 1917, leading to its withdrawal from World War I?

Answer: d) Russia

Which new weapon of war was introduced during World War I and had a significant impact on trench

Answer: a) Tanks
Which country switched sides and joined the Allied Powers in 1915?

Answer: a) Italy

Which prominent leader was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia, sparking the beginning of World War I?

Answer: a) Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Which country suffered the most civilian casualties during World War I?

Answer: d) Belgium

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