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Honorable members of the United Nations Security Council,

Japan addresses the urgent matter of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine,
recognizing the need for comprehensive and decisive action. Japan proposes the
following eight solutions to address the crisis and pave the way for a peaceful

1. Immediate Ceasefire: Call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire by

all parties involved to halt the ongoing violence and create a conducive
environment for diplomatic efforts.
2. Diplomatic Dialogue: Encourage all parties to engage in inclusive and
constructive diplomatic dialogue, facilitated by international mediators, to
address the root causes of the conflict and find a lasting resolution.
3. UN-Mandated Peacekeeping Mission: Consider the deployment of a UN-
mandated peacekeeping mission to monitor the ceasefire, protect civilians,
and create stability in the affected regions.
4. Humanitarian Access: Ensure unimpeded and safe access for humanitarian
aid to reach affected populations, addressing the urgent needs of civilians
caught in the conflict.
5. International Mediation: Advocate for increased international mediation
efforts, involving neutral and experienced mediators, to facilitate productive
negotiations and bridge gaps between conflicting parties.
6. Sanctions: Explore targeted and calibrated sanctions against individuals or
entities contributing to the escalation of the conflict, with a focus on
encouraging compliance with international norms.
7. International Fact-Finding Mission: Establish an independent international
fact-finding mission to investigate alleged violations of international law,
ensuring accountability and justice for affected populations.
8. Support for Reconstruction: Mobilize international support and resources
for post-conflict reconstruction efforts, focusing on rebuilding infrastructure,
restoring essential services, and facilitating the return of displaced

Japan believes that these eight solutions, when implemented collectively, can
contribute to de-escalating tensions, promoting stability, and fostering a sustainable
and peaceful resolution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Thank you.

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