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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the degree of


University Roll no: 12021002026025, 12021002026054

University Registration no: 204202100200193, 204202100200222





Approval Certificate

This is to certify that the project report entitled “VIRTUAL ASSISTANT (OPTIMUS)”
submitted by NILESH KUMAR, ANKIT KUMAR (Roll:12021002026025,

12021002026054) in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of

Technology in Computer Science & Engineering from University of Engineering and
Management, Jaipur was carried out in a systematic and procedural manner to the best of our
knowledge. It is a bona fide work of the candidate and was carried out under our supervision and
guidance during the academic session of 2011-2015.



Project Guide, Assistant Professor (CSE)

_______________________ ______________________

Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar Prof. A Mukherjee

HOD (CSE) Dean
The endless thanks go to Lord Almighty for all the blessings he has showered onto me, which has
enabled me to write this last note in my research work. During the period of my research, as in the
rest of my life, I have been blessed by Almighty with some extraordinary people who have spun a
web of support around me. Words can never be enough in expressing how grateful I am to those
incredible people in my life who made this thesis possible. I would like an attempt to thank them
for making my time during my research in the Institute a period I will treasure. I am deeply
indebted to my research supervisor, Professor Guide Name me such an interesting thesis topic.
Each meeting with him added in valuable aspects to the implementation and broadened my
perspective. He has guided me with his invaluable suggestions, lightened up the way in my darkest
times and encouraged me a lot in the academic life.

The provided Python script constitutes a voice-controlled virtual assistant named "Optimus,"
integrating speech recognition and text-to-speech capabilities. Optimus offers diverse
functionalities, including web browsing with the ability to open and close various websites,
control over Microsoft Office applications, media playback of music and videos, information
retrieval from Wikipedia, access to news headlines, system performance monitoring, internet
speed checking, and location-based weather information. Optimus engages in conversational
interactions, executes utility commands, and responds to user queries, contributing to a
comprehensive voice-activated assistant for a variety of ta
Table Of Content

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 1

Lists of Figures .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1. CHAPTER ......................................................................................................................................... 3-4
ITNRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
1.1 Virtual Assistant ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. CHAPTER ......................................................................................................................................... 5-6
LANGUAGE AND SOFTWARE USED .......................................................................................5
2.1 OOPS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Python .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 PyCharm ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. CHAPTER ......................................................................................................................................... 7-9
LIBRARIES USED .......................................................................................................................7
3.1 webbrowser .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 time ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 wikipedia ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 speech_recongnition ............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.5 random ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.6 requests ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4. CHAPTER .......................................................................................................................................... 10
BASIC ARCHITECTURE AND PROPOSED SYSTEM .......................................................... 10-11
5. CHAPTER ..................................................................................................................................... 12-13
LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................. 12-13
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................................... 14-16

FUTURE SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 17

CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 18
BIBLOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................... 19

Lists of Figure

Figure 1:KUBH .................................................................................................................................................

Figure 2: Output .......................................................................................................................................... 13

This Python script serves as a voice-controlled virtual assistant, named Optimus. It utilizes various
libraries and APIs to perform a range of tasks based on user voice commands. The assistant can
perform functions like searching Wikipedia, opening and closing web browsers for popular
websites, managing Microsoft Office applications, controlling media playback, providing weather
updates, checking system performance, fetching the latest news headlines, and more. The script
integrates speech recognition using the Speech Recognition library, text-to-speech conversion
using the pyttsx3 and gTTS libraries, web browsing with web browser, and data retrieval from
Wikipedia, AccuWeather, and News API. Additionally, it includes commands for handling local
media files and system utilities. The script offers a comprehensive set of features, making it a
versatile virtual assistant for everyday tasks.

1.1 Virtual Assistant

In addition to the existing functionalities, consider enhancing your virtual assistant by integrating
advanced features like sentiment analysis to understand and respond to user emotions, setting
location-based reminders for specific places, incorporating a natural language processing module
for better command interpretation, and implementing a voice-controlled smart home system for
tasks like turning lights on/off or adjusting the thermostat. Additionally, you can include a learning
mechanism, enabling the assistant to adapt and improve its responses over time based on user
interactions. This adaptive learning approach could involve storing user preferences, refining
search results, or personalizing responses for a more tailored user experience. Regularly updating
the assistant's knowledge base with the latest information and expanding its capabilities will
contribute to a more sophisticated and versatile virtual assistant.

1.2 Objectives

The provided code aims to create a voice-activated virtual assistant, named Optimus, capable of
performing diverse tasks through natural language commands. The assistant utilizes several
Python libraries and modules, including speech_recognition for voice recognition, pyttsx3 for text-
to-speech synthesis, and wikipedia for retrieving information from Wikipedia. The assistant can

open and close various websites and applications, from popular search engines and social media
platforms to Microsoft Office tools and entertainment services. Additionally, it can play music,
videos, and display photos, offering a multimedia experience. System monitoring features include
checking CPU and RAM usage, as well as reporting the laptop's battery percentage. The assistant
provides real-time information by fetching news headlines using the News API and retrieving
weather updates from AccuWeather. Overall, the code combines a range of functionalities to
deliver a versatile and interactive virtual assistant, enhancing user convenience and accessibility.

1.3 Scope

The objective of this code is to create a versatile and interactive voice-activated virtual assistant,
named Optimus, capable of performing a range of tasks based on user commands. The primary
goal is to enhance user convenience by enabling hands-free control of various applications,
websites, and system functions through natural language processing. The code leverages speech
recognition, web scraping, and web automation to facilitate seamless interaction. By integrating
with external APIs, such as Wikipedia for information retrieval and a news API for real-time news
updates, the virtual assistant provides valuable and up-to-date content. The code also includes
features for multimedia control, system monitoring, and internet speed testing, showcasing its
potential as a comprehensive utility tool. The modular structure allows for easy expansion and
customization, empowering users to tailor the assistant to their specific needs. The objective is to
create an efficient and user-friendly virtual assistant that simplifies daily tasks and enhances the
overall computing experience.

1.1 OOPS

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes code into objects,
each representing an instance of a class. It revolves around the four principles of encapsulation,
abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. Encapsulation bundles data and methods into a single
unit, promoting data security and code organization. Abstraction hides complex implementation
details, allowing developers to focus on essential features. Inheritance establishes a hierarchy,
enabling a class to inherit properties and behaviors from another class, fostering code reuse.
Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common base class,
enhancing flexibility. OOP promotes modular, reusable, and maintainable code, making it a
powerful approach for software development. It enhances code organization, scalability, and
collaboration in large projects by providing a clear structure and promoting the separation of
concerns. OOP is widely used in various programming languages, including Java, Python, and

2.2 Python

Python is a versatile and high-level programming language known for its simplicity and
readability. Created by Guido van Rossum, Python emphasizes code readability and allows
developers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than languages like C++ or Java. It supports
multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional
programming. Python's extensive standard library and a vibrant community contribute to its
popularity. It is widely used in various domains such as web development, data science, artificial
intelligence, and automation. Python's interpreted nature makes it suitable for rapid development
and prototyping. The language's syntax promotes clean and logical code, making it accessible for
beginners while providing advanced features for experienced developers. Its dynamic typing and
automatic memory management simplify the coding process, allowing developers to focus on
problem-solving rather than intricate details. Overall, Python's versatility, readability, and
extensive ecosystem contribute to its widespread adoption in the software development landscape.

2.3 PyCharm

PyCharm is a robust integrated development environment (IDE) designed specifically for Python
development. Developed by JetBrains, PyCharm offers a comprehensive set of tools and features
to enhance the coding experience. It provides intelligent code completion, error highlighting, and
powerful navigation capabilities, aiding developers in writing clean and efficient Python code. The

IDE supports various frameworks, including Django, Flask, and others, streamlining the
development of web applications. PyCharm also integrates with popular version control systems,
such as Git, and offers advanced debugging and testing tools to ensure code reliability. PyCharm's
user-friendly interface and customizable workflows cater to both beginners and experienced
developers. It promotes best practices, facilitates project management, and enhances productivity
through features like integrated terminal, database tools, and support for popular Python libraries.
With its robust set of features, PyCharm stands as a go-to choose for Python developers seeking a
powerful and efficient development environment.


3.1 webbrowser

The `webbrowser` library in Python serves as a valuable tool for facilitating web interactions
within Python scripts. Its primary functionality revolves around the seamless opening and display
of web-based content, enhancing the script's capabilities to integrate with online resources. With
a straightforward interface, the library allows developers to launch default web browsers with
specified URLs, enabling the presentation of relevant information to users. Additionally, the ability
to choose a specific browser provides a level of customization, accommodating diverse user
preferences. Moreover, the library extends its utility to opening local HTML files, broadening its
scope for both online and offline web content access. Overall, the `webbrowser` library streamlines
the integration of web-based functionalities into Python applications, offering a convenient means
to interact with and present online information effortlessly.

3.2 time

The `time` library in Python is a fundamental module that provides various time-related functions
to handle time-based operations in programs. It offers functionalities for measuring time intervals,
managing delays, and working with the system clock. One of the primary features of the `time`
module is the ability to retrieve the current time in seconds since the epoch, allowing for precise
time tracking. The `time.sleep()` function is widely used to introduce delays in program execution,
providing a simple way to control timing. Additionally, the module includes functions for
formatting and parsing time strings, making it versatile for handling time in different formats. The
`time` library is also crucial for benchmarking and profiling code, enabling developers to measure
the execution time of specific code blocks. Overall, the `time` library is a valuable resource for
Python developers, offering essential tools for managing time-related aspects in their applications,
from basic time tracking to more complex time-sensitive operations.

3.3 wikipedia

The Wikipedia library in Python provides a convenient and user-friendly interface for accessing
information from Wikipedia, one of the largest online knowledge repositories. This library allows
developers to programmatically retrieve and parse data from Wikipedia pages, making it a
valuable tool for applications requiring access to vast amounts of encyclopedic information.
Using the Wikipedia library, developers can easily fetch content, summaries, and even full articles
from Wikipedia. The library abstracts the complexities of interacting with Wikipedia's web

services, providing a simplified and consistent interface. It supports a wide range of languages
and is customizable to suit different information retrieval needs. With the Wikipedia library,
developers can integrate Wikipedia data seamlessly into their Python projects, enabling the
creation of applications that leverage the wealth of information available on Wikipedia. Whether
for educational purposes, research, or general knowledge exploration, the Wikipedia library in
Python serves as a powerful resource for accessing and utilizing Wikipedia's extensive content.

3.4 speech_recongnition

The speech_recognition library in Python is a versatile and user-friendly tool that enables
developers to incorporate speech recognition capabilities into their applications effortlessly. Built
on well-established APIs like Google Web Speech API, Sphinx, and, this library provides a
high-level interface to access these services. One of its key features is the ability to recognize
speech from various sources, including microphones and audio files, making it adaptable for
different scenarios. The library supports multiple recognition engines, allowing developers to
choose the one that best fits their requirements. Its integration with Google Web Speech API
makes it particularly powerful for real-time speech-to-text conversion. The simplicity of the
library's API makes it accessible for developers at all levels of expertise, and its compatibility with
different platforms enhances its usability. Whether used for voice commands, transcription
services, or interactive voice response systems, the speech_recognition library simplifies the
implementation of speech recognition in Python applications.

3.5 random

The `random` library in Python is a versatile module that provides functionalities for generating
pseudo-random numbers. It is a fundamental tool for introducing randomness in various
applications, from simulations and games to cryptographic systems. The library includes functions
for generating random integers, floating-point numbers, and sequences, allowing developers to
create unpredictable and dynamic behavior in their programs. One of the key features of the
`random` library is its ability to produce reproducible random sequences by using a seed value.
This ensures that the same sequence of random numbers can be generated, making debugging and
testing more manageable. Additionally, the library offers functions for shuffling sequences,
selecting random elements, and even simulating probabilistic events. Whether it's for creating
unpredictable game scenarios, conducting statistical simulations, or enhancing the security of
cryptographic algorithms, the `random` library plays a crucial role in introducing controlled
randomness to Python programs. Its ease of use and flexibility make it a valuable tool for a wide
range of applications in the Python programming language.

3.6 requests

The `requests` library in Python is a versatile and widely-used tool for making HTTP requests. It
simplifies the process of sending HTTP requests and handling responses, making it an essential
component for web development, data retrieval, and API integration in Python applications. With
a clean and user-friendly API, developers can easily incorporate HTTP functionality into their
projects.`requests` supports various HTTP methods, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE,
allowing developers to interact with web services and APIs seamlessly. It provides features like
automatic content decoding, session management, and cookie handling, enhancing the overall
HTTP request experience. The library's popularity is attributed to its simplicity and effectiveness
in handling common web-related tasks, making it a preferred choice for developers working on
projects that involve data fetching, authentication, or communication with RESTful APIs. Overall,
the `requests` library significantly simplifies the complexities of working with HTTP in Python,
contributing to its widespread adoption in the developer community.


Basic Architecture and Proposed system

Figure 1:KUBH

The basic architecture of the virtual assistant involves several key components:
1. Speech Recognition Module: This module utilizes the speech recognition library to
convert spoken language into text. It captures audio input from the user through the
microphone and passes it to the speech recognition engine.
2. Text-to-Speech Module: The pyttsx3 library is used for text-to-speech conversion,
allowing the assistant to respond audibly to the user's queries.
3. Command Processing Module: The assistant interprets user commands through a series
of conditional statements. Depending on the recognized command, it triggers specific
actions such as opening applications, searching the web, or providing information.
4. Web Interaction Module: The web browser library facilitates opening specific websites
based on user commands.

5. External Application Control: The assistant can open and close various applications
(e.g., browsers, Microsoft Office programs) using the OS library.
6. Information Retrieval Module: The assistant leverages the Wikipedia library for
retrieving information from Wikipedia based on user queries.
7. Media Control Module: The assistant can play music, videos, and display photos using
the OS library to interact with the file system.
8. System Monitoring Module: The assistant utilizes the psutil library to check system
performance, including CPU and RAM usage, as well as battery percentage.
9. News Headlines Retrieval: The assistant fetches the latest news headlines from the News
API using the requests library.

The proposed model aims to extend the assistant's capabilities by integrating:

1. Location-Based Services: Adding functionality to provide location-specific information,

such as weather updates, local news, or nearby points of interest.
2. Personalized Recommendation System: Incorporating a recommendation engine based
on user preferences to suggest music, movies, or news articles.
3. IOT Integration: Enabling control of smart home devices through voice commands.
4. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Implementing an NLP model to enhance the
assistant's understanding of natural language queries and context for more sophisticated
5. Multi-Modal Capabilities: Integrating models for image or object recognition to enable
visual inputs, expanding the assistant's interaction beyond voice commands.

This architecture and proposed model provide a foundation for a more advanced and versatile
virtual assistant with improved user experience and broader functionality.



The additions and improvements you made to your virtual assistant script:

1. Location-Based Services:
• Weather Command: You added a new command, 'tell me the weather,' which prompts
the user to specify a city. The assistant then fetches and displays the weather information
for that city using the AccuWeather website.
• Location Awareness: While not explicitly mentioned, your script implicitly demonstrates
location awareness. For example, when telling the weather, the script assumes the location
is related to the user or a city they specify.

2. System Performance and Internet Speed:

• System Performance Command: You added a command, 'check system performance,'

which reports the current CPU and RAM usage using the psutil library.
• Internet Speed Command: Added a command, 'check internet speed,' to assess the
internet speed using the 'speed test-cli.' However, it seems there might be an issue with the
execution of 'speed test-cli,' and you may need to troubleshoot it.

3. News Headlines:

• News Command: Implemented a 'read news' command to fetch the latest news headlines
using the News API. The assistant then reads out the headlines to the user.
• API Key: Ensure that you have a valid API key for the News API and consider handling
potential API request errors more gracefully.

4. Minor Improvements:

• Interactive Google Search: Improved the 'search on Google' command to make it more
interactive. The assistant now asks the user what they want to search for, enhancing user

5. Bug Fixes:

• Imported Libraries: You addressed the 'speed test-cli' and 'requests' issues by importing
the necessary libraries at the beginning of the script. This is a good practice to ensure that
all dependencies are available.


Figure 2: Output

The provided code is a basic implementation of a voice-controlled virtual assistant. Here's a

summary of its functionality:

1. Greeting: The assistant greets the user based on the time of day (Good Morning, Good
Afternoon, Good Evening).
2. Commands: The assistant listens for user commands through speech recognition.
3. Web Browsing: It can open and close various websites like YouTube, Google, Stack
Overflow, Instagram, WhatsApp, Trading View, iemcrp, Delhi Metro site, Excel, Word,

PowerPoint, Outlook, Spotify, Facebook, ChatGPT, Twitter, Aaj Tak, Hungama, IRCTC,
Amazon Prime, Jio Cinema, Hot star, Netflix, and more.
4. Media Control: The assistant can play and stop music, play and stop videos, and show
5. Information Retrieval: It can search Wikipedia for information.
6. Utility Commands: It can tell the time, open Visual Studio Code, shutdown or restart the
laptop, check the battery percentage, pause for a specified duration, check system
performance, check internet speed, and read news headlines.
7. Weather Information: It can show the weather (though the actual weather information is
not fetched correctly in the provided code).
8. Google Search: It can perform a Google search based on user input.
9. Stop Command: The assistant can be stopped by saying "stop."

The provided Python script implements a versatile voice-activated virtual assistant capable of
performing a diverse set of tasks. Upon execution, the assistant greets the user and enters a loop,
awaiting voice commands. The program leverages various libraries and modules, including
pyttsx3 for text-to-speech conversion, speech_recognition for voice recognition, Wikipedia for
fetching information from Wikipedia, and psutil for monitoring system performance. The
assistant exhibits control over web browsers, enabling the user to open and close specific
websites. Furthermore, it manages applications such as Microsoft Office tools, media players,
and social media platforms. The assistant extends its functionality to media playback, allowing
users to play music, videos, and display photos. It checks system performance, internet speed,
and provides the latest news headlines, showcasing its versatility. The incorporation of location-
based services for weather updates and dynamic interaction with the user through natural
language processing contributes to a more interactive and user-friendly experience. Despite its
extensive capabilities, further improvements, error handling, and security measures could
enhance its robustness in real-world scenarios.


1. Strengths:
➢ The assistant covers a variety of tasks, demonstrating versatility.
➢ It integrates with external services like Wikipedia and a news API for real-time
➢ The code structure is relatively straightforward, making it accessible for beginners.

2. Areas for Improvement:

➢ Modularization: The code could benefit from breaking down tasks into smaller functions,
improving readability.
➢ Error Handling: Adding robust error handling would enhance the reliability of the
➢ Dynamic Interaction: Integrating more dynamic and natural language-based interactions
could improve user experience.

3. Future Enhancements:
➢ Natural Language Processing: Implementing more advanced natural language processing
could make the assistant understand a broader range of user inputs.
➢ Location-Based Services: Completing the location-based services functionality could
provide more personalized information.
➢ Enhanced User Feedback: Providing more informative and context-aware feedback to the
user would improve the overall interaction.

4. Considerations:
➢ Privacy and Security: Ensure that user data, especially sensitive information like location
or API keys, is handled securely and responsibly.
➢ Continuous Testing: Regularly test the assistant under various conditions to identify and
address potential issues.
➢ User-Centric Approach: Consider incorporating user feedback to tailor the assistant's
functionalities based on user needs.

5. Model and Library Usage:

➢ The code uses libraries like pyttsx3, speech_recognition, and psutil. It's unclear which
specific speech recognition or NLP models are employed. Providing this information in the
documentation would be beneficial.

The provided virtual assistant code presents a functional foundation for voice-activated
interactions, but several considerations and opportunities for improvement arise upon closer
examination. One notable strength lies in its versatility, encompassing tasks from web browsing
to checking system performance. The integration with external services, such as Wikipedia and a
news API, adds real-time information capabilities. However, the code could benefit from
modularization to enhance readability, and the incorporation of robust error handling
mechanisms would improve overall reliability. Future enhancements could include the
implementation of advanced natural language processing for more dynamic interactions and the
completion of location-based services for personalized information. Additionally, user-centric
improvements, such as more informative feedback and tailored functionalities based on user
feedback, could elevate the user experience. Considerations for privacy and security are crucial,
ensuring responsible handling of user data, especially sensitive information. While the code
effectively employs libraries like pyttsx3 and speech_recognition, specific details regarding the
speech recognition or NLP models utilized would be valuable for comprehensive documentation.
In conclusion, the virtual assistant serves as a commendable starting point, but ongoing iterations
and refinements are essential for a more sophisticated and user-friendly experience.


The presented code demonstrates a functional virtual assistant capable of performing a variety of
tasks, such as web browsing, media control, and system information retrieval. Its future scope lies
in potential enhancements and expansions to incorporate more advanced natural language
processing (NLP) capabilities for improved user interactions. Integrating machine learning
algorithms could enhance the assistant's ability to understand user intent and context, enabling
more accurate and context-aware responses. Additionally, integrating with emerging technologies
like voice and facial recognition could further personalize the user experience. Further
development might involve incorporating more sophisticated APIs for real-time data retrieval,
enabling the assistant to provide up-to-date information on news, weather, and other dynamic
content. Improving the assistant's multitasking abilities and extending its compatibility with a
broader range of applications would contribute to its versatility and utility. The future evolution of
this code could transform it into a more intelligent, adaptive, and indispensable virtual assistant
for users across diverse domains.


In conclusion, the presented virtual assistant code offers a functional and versatile solution for
voice-activated interactions, showcasing a range of capabilities from web browsing to checking
system performance and fetching real-time information. The inclusion of external services like
Wikipedia and news APIs adds valuable features, enhancing the assistant's utility. However,
opportunities for improvement exist, such as modularization for code readability, robust error
handling for increased reliability, and the integration of more advanced natural language
processing for dynamic interactions. The consideration of user feedback and the implementation
of personalized features could significantly enhance the user experience. Privacy and security
should remain paramount in future developments to ensure responsible data handling. While the
code effectively utilizes various libraries, additional details on the underlying models, especially
in speech recognition and natural language processing, would contribute to a more comprehensive
understanding. Overall, the virtual assistant serves as a solid foundation, but ongoing refinement
is crucial for a more sophisticated, user-centric, and secure experience.

Karande, Pramod, Shubham Borchate, Bhavesh Chaudhary, and Prof Deveshree
Wankhede. "Virtual Desktop Assistant." International Journal for Research in Applied
Science and Engineering Technology

Voice Assistants are becoming immensely popular feature that has changed the way user interact
with devices. Voice assistants are used in many devices like mobile phones, laptops. These voice
assistants are based on Artificial-Intelligence and Natural Language Processing. They take human
voices as input and give output in integrated voices. This voice assistant takes voice through
microphone, we have used libraries like pyttsx3 to convert text-to-speech. Keywords: Voice
Assistant, python, pyttsx3, Artificial Intelligence, Speech Recognition

Faiz, Zeeshan, Vedika Srivastava, and Suchitra Khoje. "Virtual Voice Assistant for Smart
High tech industries like, Google have publicized voice-based search that is, especially, a bonanza
for many like senior citizens who are not comfortable using the keypad/keyboard. Any voice-based
assistant works on two pivotal functions namely - listening to(detecting) commands and
responding to the given commands given by user. Along with these two base functions, we need
customized directive that will define the functionality of the voice assistant.


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