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I want to talk about the topic: Where is it better for children to grow up: in

urban or rural areas?

In my personal opinion, both are beneficial for the development of children, however,
I still think children should grow up in the countryside more than in the city.
I have 3 things supporting my idea
First, children who grow up in rural areas will develop mentally and physically,
especially in mental health. Because rural areas are often peaceful and the children can
be in touch with nature
Secondly. Children in rural often have better health than children in urban. Because
urban areas are very polluted, typically air pollution, noise pollution of water
Finally, children in rural are active and positive because they are free to play outside
and rarely use a smartphone, instead of those in a city after they finish for study at
shool they are can only stay indoors and often use smartphones or computers, at least
who can go out and play on the weekends
However, at rural schools are often of low quality and limit the development of their
talents, but society is developing so I think that will improve in the furture.

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