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TLE 8 ST2: Baking Ingredients 1st Q

Name __________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Score _____________

I. Identify the following.

______________1. The cheapest ingredient for baked product. ______________6. The other term for all purpose-flour
______________2. The sweet covering of cakes. ______________7. The other term for hard flour.
______________3. The primary ingredient of baked product. ______________8. The most commonly used sugar.
______________4. Low gluten content flour is known as ______. ______________9. A chemical agent.
______________5. Use to roll the flatten dough. ______________10. A flour mixture that is rolled and kneaded.
II. Determine whether it is a function of sugar (a), fat (b), leavening agent (c), milk (d), or eggs (e).
___1. It contributes to texture and flavor. ___8. It increases the volume of bread
___2. They serve as emulsifiers of fat and liquid. ___9. They make cakes light.
___3. They make bread more palatable. ___10. They give color to the crust.
___4. It makes baked products tender, moist, and rich. ___11. It provides the golden brown colors of cakes and bread.
___5. It serves as food for the yeast. ___12. It lessens the acidity of the dough.
___6. It aids in foaming of eggs. ___13. It adds sweetness to baked products.
___7. It gives nutritive value to breads. ___14. It makes baked products fine and tender.
III. Complete the table below.
Procedure Description Tools/Equipment Need (at least two)
1. Cut and fold

2. Knead

3. Frost

4. Sift

5. Glaze

6. Cream

7. Stir

8. Beat

9. Icing

10. Fold in

IV. Provide the proper procedures on how to measure these baking ingredients:
a. flour b. brown sugar c. liquid ingredients

V. Answer the following profoundly.

1. An absence of flour in baking may result to…

2. What is the use of Riboflavin to the body?

3. What is the basic function of a yeast to baked products?

4. Provide four other examples that make cakes more flavorful.

5. Differentiate frost from icing.

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