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It seems like you're looking to prepare a test on ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
for the workplace, worth 35 marks. To help you with that, here's a breakdown of topics and questions
you could include:

- Explain the difference between data and information.

- Describe the components of a computer system.

- Identify and explain the functions of major hardware components (CPU, RAM, hard drive, etc.).

- Discuss the importance of peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, and external drives.

3. **Computer Software (8 marks)**:

- Differentiate between system software and application software.

- Provide examples of commonly used productivity software (word processors, spreadsheets,

presentation software).

- Discuss the importance of software updates and security patches.

4. **Networking and Internet (7 marks)**:

- Explain the concept of a computer network and its benefits for businesses.

- Describe different types of networks (LAN, WAN, WLAN).

- Discuss internet protocols (HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP) and their significance.

5. **Information Security (8 marks)**:

- Define cybersecurity and its importance in the workplace.

- Identify common cybersecurity threats (viruses, malware, phishing).

- Discuss strategies for preventing and mitigating cybersecurity risks (firewalls, encryption, password
- Explain how ICT enhances business communication (email, video conferencing, VoIP).

- Discuss the role of ICT in data management and decision-making.

- Describe the benefits of using ICT for marketing and e-commerce.

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