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Part 1: Greeting (1/2’)(1m)

Giới thiệu bản thân
+ Tên (my name is………………..)
+ Quê Quán ( I’m from ………………province/city / Mekong Delta)
+ Đang học ngành gì?
+ làm việc ở đâu
+ sở thích?
+ dự định trong tương lai ( sau khi tốt nghiệp sẽ làm gì?)

Part 2: Read a text aloud ( 3ms)

Are you a global company needing to deal with many foreign
currencies? Do you find your bank’s exchange rates too low, and
their service fees too high? Then take your business to Rapid
Exchange. We’ll satisfy all your foreign exchange requirements
with our one-to-one service combined with our always available
online web page that includes instant rate quotes. We even pick-
up a deliver your checks and drafts. Give us a call today!
Part 3. Describe the Following Picture (3ms)

The picture presents a group of young people having

great time at the beach in a beautiful sunny day. Many
people are playing volleyball. Some of people are having
sunbathing. In the background, there are three big cargo
ships in the ocean. It is a cloudy and sunny morning with
little wind because the wave is not very strong.
1. Answer 03 questions about the pictures (3ms)
(đây là 3 câu mẫu thôi nha, các bạn tự suy nghĩ câu hỏi
và câu trả lời thêm)
1. What’s the weather like in the picture?

2. What sport are the people playing?

3. Are there any children at the beach?

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