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Sunlight Success & Positivity

Water Emotions
Mountain Stability
Dog Well Wishers
Printed Cloth Creative & Childish
Red Cloth Name & Fame
White Cloth Loyal & Honest
Greenery on top Celebrations
Upward Greenery Growth
Flowers Fruitful Outcome
Moon Feelings
Brown Cloth Patience
Armor Prepared & Action
Blackish Cloth Self Doubt
Keys Solution
Angel Divine Blessings
Building Assets

Stick Support
Sword Decision
Cow Buttering
Lion Dominance
Golden Snake Wealth
Eagle Cunning
Skeleton Past Issues
Triangle Heart Compassionate
Devil Toxic Bond
Blown Crown Disgrace
Naked Real Face
Stars Opportunity
Bird Messenger
Lobster Third Party
Ice Stone Hearted
White Beard Experienced
Globe Foreign Related

These are major keywords using which you will

be able to interpret tarot cards at basic level and
help your friends & family take best decisions
for their life.

For advanced interpretation of meanings and

predict future happening of events you must
complete professional certification course which
will enable to you establish yourself as a pro
reader as well as help strangers to guide the
true pathway towards success and happiness !

Make a promise to yourself that you will always

use this knowledge to help others only and
would never try to interfere in somebody's
personal life.

If you ever feel lost or very low, you're always

welcome. I'll always be there for you ! PRANAM !!

~ Kartik Mukherjee

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