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Bella: Well.. hello people welcome back with me Jumilla Arabella Nur Azizah.

on this occasion
we will have a special guest and they are from Muria Kudus University. and during this section,
we will talk deeply about his education background, experiences, and the advantages of a
campus that has superior accreditation

Bella: Assalamualaikum all

Fikri: Waalaikumsallam.

Vitra: Waalaikumsalam

Nida: Waalaikumsalam

Bella: By the way what is your complete name? and how do I call you?

Vitra: My complete name is Vitra Anugrah Buana and usually my friend call me vitra

Bella: okay, and you?

Fikri: My complete name is Fikri Maulana Irkhas and you can call me fikri

Bella: and now it's your turn to introduce yourself last

Nida: My full name is Salsabilla Nida and you can call me nida

Bella: First, Fikri I heard that you are from Kudus aren’t you?

Fikri: Ummm yup I'm originally from kudus, I live with my parents and my annoying sister hehe.
And now, I am a second semester student at Muria Kudus University

Vitra: He really struggled to get into Muria Kudus University because yesterday there was a big
flood at the Kudus draw

Nida: Yes, he also used to get bullied a lot because of his bad grades. but we are always there
for him

Vitra: Yes, we always give him motivation, enthusiasm and encouragement so that he is not
insecure and is able to compete with others

Bella: I know it must be hard, right?

Fikri: Yes, I always try harder so that I can and with the motivation of my parents, myself and
friends, I can finally get through that period.

Vitra: Yes friends, we are always here whatever and whenever you need us

Nida: Yes, because we are members of Muria Kudus University, we can definitely do it because
our campus has superior accreditation
Bela: Oh yes? What major are you majoring in and is it true that Muria Kudus University has
received superior accreditation?

Nida: Yes, Muria Kudus University has superior accreditation and we are very proud to major in
English education

Fikri: That's right, because we also have many advantages. Superior accreditation can be a
target for the government to provide education funding

Vitra: Yes, many of us receive the benefits, apart from that, once we graduate with our diploma,
we will have advantages because of superior accreditation.

Bella: So accreditation can make it easier to find work, is that true?

Fikri: Yes, that's right, you become a superior graduate because your lecturers are also superior

Nida: That's right, we are taught English starting from grammar, speaking, reading listening and
many more with great patience

Vitra: I think I am proud to be a student of Muria Kudus University

Fikri: me, too.

Bella: So in conclusion, Muria Kudus University has superior accreditation and that has many
benefits for the campus and for students who take this superior major.

Nida: Yes that's right

Bella: So what are your hopes for Muria Kudus University?

Fikri: I hope that Muria Kudus University will continue with its superior accreditation, and as it
becomes more advanced, the facilities and infrastructure will also become more developed and

Nida: And I hope that Muria Kudus University can become the city's proud university. Apart from
that, it can graduate graduate candidates who have high knowledge

Vitra: and also useful for other humans because we are qualified graduate candidates, taught by
quality lecturers and studying on a quality campus

Bella: that is a very good hope, hopefully Muria Kudus University will always be the proud
university of the holy city. Before this event ends, I would like to thank you very much for your

Fikri: You're welcome, I hope this isn't the last time we meet...

Nida: hehe yeah, hopefully next time we can chat more

Vitra: nice to meet and chat with you. may you always be healthy

Bella: Yes, thank you, nice to meet you too. I hope you enjoy today bye..

fikri,nida,vitra: bye bella

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