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Salam Sejahtera!
From us 2 Alpha
If you don’t mind,
We would like you to lend us your ears,
Your time,
And also, your attention
To listen about the UTMOST TASTY NUTRITION FOOD in Malaysia

Nutrition Food???


Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ( solo – girl)

Guys, health is important. ( 3 boys)

We should know what is balanced diet in order to get good nutrition food.


Health is wealth


Nutrition is….. eating healthy and having good balanced diet.

Knock knock! ( solo- Boy)

Yes… (the whole class)

Healthy balanced diet? ( Solo- girl)

Ouh my.. I like to eat Nasi lemak ( Solo- girl)

Me!! I love roti Canai( Solo- boy)

Gosh… I really like Char keoy Teow( Solo- girl)

Yummmy .( the whole class)


You should know your food pyramid.

Eat 3 balanced meals everyday + 2 healthy snacks

And….. don’t forget your fruit too.

Then how about nasi lemak, roti canai and Char keoy teow? ( Solo- girl)

……., haiya you don’t know?? Aahhhh

Nasi lemak and char keoy teow are consider as one of the world’s top
10 healthy breakfast choices

Chili in nasi lemak is for sambal

It works as metabolism booster where it helps to burn calorie

Protein and Carbs in the nasi lemak helps you to perform better and
feel more energized the whole day (poetry) – (few boys and girls)

Wahhhhhhhhhhhh ( Solo- girl)

Char keoy teow has element of complete meal. You will have egg, flat rice
noodle and prawn.

All acts as a healthy meal

Yabadabedu!! ( Solo- boy)

LAKSA… this superb dish is liked by everyone

The gravy itself contain high protein and fibre,

It is also contain variety of vegetables which is high in fibre too

And works as prostitute

See, Malaysian Food is actually a healthy food.

Thumbs up for the nutrition food to eat

Thumbs down for food to sweet

Eat smart not sweet

Nasi lemak thumbs up

Candy Bar thumbs down

Roti Canai thumbs up

Lollipops thumbs down

Char keoy teow thumbs up

Eat Smart not Sweet

See now , we are hungry,

Lets head to the canteen… byeee everyone

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