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Essential Questions

1. What is the purpose and significance of recreational activities?

2. How do recreational activities contribute to personal growth and well-being?
3. In what ways do recreational activities differ from professional sports?
4. How do amateur sports differ from recreational activities?
5. What are some examples of amateur sports and how do they impact individuals and communities?
6. What are the key characteristics and values of the amateur sports field?

Learning Objectives
1. Recognize examples of federative sports, such as organized sports leagues and regional competitions
2. Understand the characteristics of recreational physical activities, including non-competitiveness and
emphasis on well-being
3. Identify examples of recreational physical activities, such as group hiking and dance classes
4. Understand the characteristics of high-performance sports, including training and dedication towards
achieving maximum performance in elite competitions
5. Recognize examples of amateur sports, such as local football tournaments and amateur leagues
6. Define amateur sports as a practice with a higher level of commitment than recreational activities
7. Define high-performance sports as training and dedication towards achieving maximum performance in
elite competitions
8. Understand the characteristics of amateur sports, including local competitiveness and passion-driven
9. Recognize examples of high-performance sports, such as participation in the Olympic Games and
professional athletes in international leagues
10. Understand the characteristics of federative sports, including formality and affiliation to federations
11. Define recreational physical activity as a form of entertainment and enjoyment
12. Define federative sports as participation in official competitions under established rules and structures

1. Which of the following is NOT an example of federative sports?
A. Participation in the Olympic Games
B. Local football tournaments
C. Organized sports leagues
D. Regional competitions
○ Correct answer: B. Local football tournaments

2. What is a characteristic of recreational physical activities?

A. Passion-driven participation
B. Competitiveness
C. Formality
D. Emphasis on well-being
○ Correct answer: D. Emphasis on well-being

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of recreational physical activities?

A. Informal team games in the park
B. Group hiking
C. Dance classes
D. Local football tournaments
○ Correct answer: D. Local football tournaments

4. What is a characteristic of high-performance sports?

A. Emphasis on well-being
B. Professional commitment and full-time dedication
C. Participation for fun and enjoyment
D. Low level of specialization and training
○ Correct answer: B. Professional commitment and full-time dedication

5. Which of the following is NOT an example of amateur sports?

A. Club amateur of athletics
B. Amateur leagues
C. Participation in the Olympic Games
D. Local football tournaments
○ Correct answer: C. Participation in the Olympic Games

6. How does amateur sports differ from recreational activities?

A. It is focused on well-being
B. It is less structured
C. It is more competitive
D. It requires a higher level of commitment
○ Correct answer: D. It requires a higher level of commitment

7. What is the main focus of high-performance sports?

A. To achieve maximum performance in elite competitions
B. To compete in official competitions under established rules and structures
C. To enjoy movement and have fun
D. To train and dedicate towards achieving maximum performance
○ Correct answer: A. To achieve maximum performance in elite competitions

8. What is a characteristic of amateur sports?

A. Local competitiveness
B. Professional dedication
C. Formality
D. Affiliation to federations
○ Correct answer: A. Local competitiveness

9. Which of the following is NOT an example of high-performance sports?

A. Professional athletes in international leagues
B. Participation in regional competitions
C. Local football tournaments
D. Participation in the Olympic Games
○ Correct answer: C. Local football tournaments

10. What is a characteristic of federative sports?

A. Passion-driven participation
B. Formality
C. Non-competitiveness
D. Emphasis on well-being
○ Correct answer: B. Formality

11. What is the main focus of recreational physical activities?

A. To train and dedicate towards achieving maximum performance
B. To achieve maximum performance in elite competitions
C. To enjoy movement and have fun
D. To compete in official competitions under established rules and structures
○ Correct answer: C. To enjoy movement and have fun

12. What is the main focus of federative sports?

A. To compete in official competitions under established rules and structures
B. To train and dedicate towards achieving maximum performance
C. To enjoy movement and have fun
D. To achieve maximum performance in elite competitions
○ Correct answer: A. To compete in official competitions under established rules and

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