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Importance of fish as a healthy food

Many animal species, including
humans, eat fish as food. It has long
been a staple of human diets in almost
every country on the planet. Animal
proteins are generally superior to plant
proteins, and fish is one of the most
affordable sources of animal proteins,
with better availability and affordability
than other animal protein sources. Fish
serves as a healthy food for the affluent world owing to the fish oils which are rich in
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), at the same time, it is a healthy food for the people in
the other extreme of the nutrition scale owing to its proteins, oils, vitamins and minerals and
the benefits associated with the consumption of small indigenous fishes. In developing and
underdeveloped countries, malnutrition, starvation, and the resulting mortality are major
issues. There are two types of malnourished children. World health problems include
‘Marasmus' (chronic calorie deficiency) and ‘Kwashiorkor' (chronic protein deficiency),
which frequently occur together. Fish, as one of the cheapest sources of animal protein, plays
an important role in this context.
Fish nutrient profiling shows that they are superior nutrients, and a slew of health benefits are
thought to be linked to regular fish consumption. Fish, particularly saltwater fish, is high in
heart-healthy omega -3 fatty acids, and nutritionists recommend eating fish on a regular basis.
Fish is also beneficial to the skin. Fish should be eaten at least 2-3 times per week, according
to nutritionists. The health benefits of eating fish are becoming more widely recognized. Oily
fish is said to aid in the prevention of a variety of other health issues, including mental illness
and blindness.

Nutritional overview of fish consumption

In general, all types of fish are beneficial to
our health. They're high in a variety of
nutrients that millions of individuals don't get
enough of. This includes high-quality protein,
iodine, various vitamins and minerals.
However, some fish are considered to be
healthier than others, with fatty fish being the
healthiest. This is due to the fact that fatty fish
(such as salmon, trout, sardines, tuna, and
mackerel) contain more fat-based nutrients. This includes fat-soluble vitamin D, which is
deficient in the majority of the population. It works in the body like a steroid hormone.

Health benefits of eating fish
Fish is one of the world's healthiest foods. It's filled with essential nutrients like protein and
vitamin D. Fish is also the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are critical for the health
of our brains and bodies. Fish is one of the best dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids and
vitamin D.
Here are some health benefits of eating fish.
1. Lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
2. Contains nutrients that are crucial during development.
3. Increase grey matter in the brain and protect it from age-related
4. Help to prevent and treat depression.
5. Good dietary source of vitamin D.
6. Reduced risk of autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes.
7. Help to prevent asthma in children.
8. Protect our vision in old age.
9. Improve sleep quality.

1. Lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes

The two leading causes of death in the world are heart attacks and strokes. Fish is generally
considered to be among the best foods can eat for a healthy heart. Many large observational
studies have found that people who eat fish regularly have a lower risk of heart attacks,
strokes, and heart-related death.
Because of their high content of omega-3 fatty acids, researchers believe that fatty fish are
even better for heart health.

2. Contains nutrients that are crucial during development

Omega-3 fatty acids are required for proper growth and development. DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid) is an omega-3 fatty acid that is found in abundance in the human
brain, cerebral cortex, skin, and retina. Because it accumulates in the developing brain and
eye, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is particularly important. As a result, it is frequently
recommended that pregnant and nursing mothers consume adequate amounts of omega-3
fatty acids.
There is one caveat, however, when it comes to recommending fish to expectant mothers.
Mercury levels in some fish are high, which has been linked to developmental issues in the
brain. As a result, pregnant women should limit their fish intake to 12 ounces (340 grams) per
week and only eat fish that are low on the food chain (salmon, sardines, trout, etc.). Raw and
uncooked fish (including sushi) should be avoided by pregnant women because it may
contain microorganisms that can harm the fetus.

3. Increase grey matter in the brain and protect it from age-related deterioration
One of the most common side effects of aging is a decline in brain function (referred to as
age-related cognitive decline). In many cases, this is normal, but there are also serious
neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Many observational studies have found that people who consume more fish have a slower
rate of cognitive decline. One mechanism could be linked to the brain's grey matter. Grey
matter is the brain's main functional tissue, containing the neurons that process information
and store memories.
People who eat fish on a weekly basis have more grey matter in the brain centers that regulate
emotion and memory, according to studies.

4. Help to prevent and treat depression

Depression is a serious but all-too-common mental illness. It is characterized by low mood,
sadness, decreased energy and loss of interest in life and activities. Depression is one of the
world's most serious health problems, despite the fact that it isn't discussed nearly as much as
heart disease or obesity.
People who eat fish regularly are less likely to become depressed. Omega-3 fatty acids also
have been found to be beneficial against depression and to significantly increase the
effectiveness of antidepressant medications in numerous controlled trials. Fish and omega-3
fatty acids may also help with other mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder.

5. Good dietary source of vitamin D

Vitamin D has received a lot of mainstream attention in recent years. This important vitamin
functions like a steroid hormone in the body. Fish and fish products are the best dietary
sources of vitamin D, by far. Fatty fish like salmon and herring contain the highest amounts.
A single four-ounce (113-gram) serving of cooked salmon provides nearly 100% of the daily
vitamin D requirement. Some fish oils, such as cod liver oil, are also high in vitamin D, with
a single tablespoon providing more than 200% of the recommended daily allowance.

6. Reduced risk of autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes

When the immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissues by mistake, this is known
as autoimmune disease. Type 1 diabetes, for example, is caused by the immune system
attacking the pancreas' insulin-producing cells. Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids or fish
oil has been linked to a lower risk of type 1 diabetes in children and an autoimmune disease
in adults.
Some believe that eating fish reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis,
but the evidence is currently inconclusive.

7. Help to prevent asthma in children

Asthma is a common condition marked by chronic inflammation of the airways. Regular fish
consumption has been linked to a 24% lower risk of asthma in children, but there has been no
significant effect in adults.

8. Protect our vision in old age

Macular degeneration is a common cause of vision loss and blindness that most affects the
elderly. Fish and omega-3 fatty acids may provide some protection against this disease,
according to some evidence. In one study, women who ate fish regularly had a 42% lower

risk of macular degeneration. Another study discovered that eating fatty fish once a week
reduced the risk of neovascular ("wet") macular degeneration by 53%.

9. Improve sleep quality

Sleep disorders have become extremely common all over the world. There are a variety of
reasons for this (including increased blue light exposure), but some researchers believe that
vitamin D deficiency may also be a factor. eating fatty fish like salmon may lead to improved

Fish is high in many important nutrients,
including high-quality protein, iodine, various
vitamins and minerals. Fatty types of fish are also
high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Eating
at least one serving of fish per week has been
linked to reduced risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are
essential for the development of the brain and
eyes. People who eat fish regularly also have
more grey matter in the brain centers that control
memory and emotion. Omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial against depression. Eating fish
has been linked to reduced risk of type 1 diabetes and several other autoimmune diseases.
People who eat more fish have a much lower risk of developing macular degeneration, a
leading cause of vision impairment and blindness. There is preliminary evidence that eating
fatty fish like salmon may lead to improved sleep.
So, it is advisable to have fish as healthy food to become healthy persons.

Subject: Food processing ІІ

Assignment No: 01
Name: B.M.N.N Balasooriya
Registration No: GAM/ FT/ 2019/ F/ 0078

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