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There are many different possible pets, but

they mostly fall into just a handful of larger
categories of animal. These include
fish,Cats,Dogs, bird.
DOG regardless of their size and type, have
an identical skeletal structure with the
exception of the number of bones in the
tail, although there is significant skeletal
variation between dogs of different types.
The dog’s skeleton is well adapted for
running; the vertebrae on the dog.
CAT autumn in temperate zones and
throughout in equatorial regions, with litter
sizes often ranging from two to five kittens.
Domestic cats are bred and shown at events
as registered pedigreed cats, a hobby known
as cat fancy. Animal population control of cats
may be achieved by spaying and neutering,
but their proliferation and the abandonment
of pets has resulted large numbers of feral
cats worldwide, contributing
and reptile species.
The FISH earliest organisms that can be
classified as fish were soft-
bodied chordates that first appeared during
the Cambrian period. Although they lacked
a true spine, they possessed notochords which
allowed them to be more agile than their
invertebrate counterparts. Fish would
continue to evolve through the Paleozoic era,
diversifying into a wide variety of forms.
Many fish of the Paleozoic developed external
armor that protected them from predators.
The first fish with jaws appeared in
the Silurian period, after which many (such
as sharks) became formidable
marine predators rather than just the prey
of arthropods.
Pet ownership is the most common form of
human–animal interaction, and anecdotally,
pet ownership can lead to improved physical
and mental health for owners. However, scant
research is available validating these claims.
into just a handful of larger Dogs, birds.

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