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To :

Subject: applying for junior FrontEnd developer at Google.

Dear Mr.manager

I’m thrilled to apply for the junior FrontEnd developer at Google which I found
on I am very interested to occupy this job . I am a fresh
graduate of bachelor of network engineering cybersecurity . private institute
of economical techniques and informatique (ITEIP). I had some practical
experiences during my college as part of our curriculum in our school . I have
acquainted myself with a range of skills that would allow me to blend with
your corporation the chance to enhance my English language additionally of
my English bachelor in English studies which adopted in University sidi
Mohamed ben Abdullah says . From your advertisement I can see that you are
looking for candidates who have excellent skills such as communication
especially in English as an international language used.

I appreciate your time reviewing my application and it will be a pleasure for

me to attend an interview with you and your convenient time.

Your sincerely

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