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Approaching the Passages

There's no quick and easy shortcut

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As you begin the Reading Comprehension section, search for passages with interesting
or appealing subject matter. If all else is equal, choose the passage with the greatest
number of questions. Also keep in mind that on a number of occasions the last passage
has been the easiest passage.
Be sure to read each passage at your normal reading speed. Reading too slowly will
prevent you from having adequate time to answer all of the questions. Reading too
quickly will cause you to miss much of the detailed information presented in the passage
and will force you to reread most of the passage, something that will also prevent you
from answering all the questions. Do not skim the paragraphs. Skimming will not
effectively prepare you to answer all the questions.
Your primary goal while reading is to find the main point of the passage. Although in the
majority of passages the main point is stated in the first paragraph, it is not always the
case that the main point appears in the first or second sentence. The main point of many
passages has appeared in the final sentence of the first paragraph or in the first
sentence of the second paragraph. On average, about 30% of the questions deal directly
with the main idea.
As you read, attempt to identify the underlying logical structure of the passage. This will
help you quickly find information once you begin to answer the questions. For example,
many passages open by stating the background of a thesis that will be challenged later
in the passage. In the following paragraphs the author will present an alternative
viewpoint to the thesis and perhaps specific counterexamples which provide support for
the alternative view. Awareness of this general structure will allow you to reduce the time
you spend searching for information when you need to refer back to the passage.
Keep in mind that it is neither possible nor necessary for you to know every detail of a
passage. For many questions you should return to the passage to confirm what you
remember from your first reading of the passage.
Once you have finished reading the passage, take a moment to focus on the main point
and the arguments that support the main point. Many students get so caught up in
absorbing the information presented in a passage that they fail to take the time to
mentally organize that information. If you are having difficulty remembering the main
point of the passage, take a moment after reading the passage to write down the main
point in a short, simple sentence.
Refrain from heavily underlining or marking up the passage. This will waste entirely too
much time. Limit what you write to noting where the author makes a major point or
changes the course of his or her argument.
Pay attention to the language the author uses in the passage. The following word lists
can help identify the direction the author is taking with his or her argument:
Continuing the same Introducing a new
idea idea

furthermore however
moreover but
additionally still
similarly yet
in fact although
indeed in contrast
for example nevertheless
Your state of mind when approaching these passages is extremely important. Make sure
that you take a positive, energetic attitude to the passages. Many passages in the
Reading Comprehension section discuss conflicts between different viewpoints and this
makes the reading inherently more interesting. Getting involved in the argument will
make the passage more enjoyable for you and will also allow you to focus more clearly
on the material.

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