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Questionnaire: Assessing Sustainability Practices in [Furniture Store Name]

Introduction: Thank you for participating in our survey. Your insights are crucial for our
research on sustainability practices in furniture stores. Please answer the following questions
honestly, using the multiple-choice options provided and offering additional details where

Section 1: Demographics

1.1. Gender:

 Male

 Female

 Prefer not to say

 Other (please specify)

1.2. Age:

 18-24

 25-34

 35-44

 45-54

 55-64

 65+

1.3. Occupation:

 Student

 Employed (full-time/part-time)

 Self-employed
 Unemployed

 Retired

 Other (please specify)

Section 2: Awareness and Perception of Sustainability Practices

2.1. Are you aware that [Furniture Store Name] has sustainability practices in place?

 Yes

 No

 Not sure

2.2. If yes, please briefly describe what sustainability practices you are aware of.

2.3. How important are sustainability practices when considering purchasing furniture?

 Very important

 Somewhat important

 Neutral

 Not very important

 Not important at all

Section 3: Experience with the Hire Purchase Model

3.1. Have you ever utilized the hire purchase system at [Furniture Store Name]?

 Yes

 No

 Not sure
3.2. If yes, please share your experience. How satisfied are you with the hire purchase

Section 4: Identifying Areas for Improvement

4.1. Which specific sustainability practices do you think [Furniture Store Name] can
improve upon?

4.2. In your opinion, how can the hire purchase model at [Furniture Store Name] be
made more sustainable?

Section 5: Overall Impact Assessment

5.1. How do you believe sustainability practices at [Furniture Store Name] impact the

5.2. Do you think the hire purchase model affects the affordability of furniture for

 Yes, positively

 Yes, negatively

 No impact
 Not sure

Section 6: Additional Comments

6.1. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding sustainability

practices and the hire purchase system at [Furniture Store Name]?

Thank you for your participation! Your input is invaluable for our research on
enhancing sustainability practices in furniture retail.

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