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48 Laws of Power

Timestamp: 1 hour 54 minutes

Keep those above you comfortable of your presence so they do not see your acquisition of power if you
tip those in power off they can rip away everything you have before you have the chance to strike its
like getting a gun pointed at you. They’re trigger finger is always faster than whatever technique you

The pursuit of power is not entirely malicious so to wear multiple mask day by day is not malicious
deception but normal human emotion

Intent does not matter but the consequences and effects for it does not matter if it is good or bad its
what happens to you or what happened due to their choices in the game that matters not the intent
because people will try to cover up intent with justification regardless if the effect is good or bad

The value of everything is the time spent or the price you do time is your money so never waste your
resources on thinking about what others are doing

To be a player one must be a psychologist to be able to see through the mist of other people’s intent
even IF they are very complex

Always take the indirect route, if deception cannot be traced back to you it is all the better to hide your
pursuit to power like a poker face to be able to hide what you actually plan on doing by being indirect
and maybe even look as though you are not a part of it at all That way you can look decent and moral
while having all the strings under your control

Law 1

Trying to outdo your superior could end up costing you because they have the power to end you
because of insecurity or fear that you could out match them in other people’s eyes but you can always
rub their ego like gallileo did to cosimo the 2nd by making the master look better than other people so
you must look like you’re giving them more power give them glory not insecurity do not outshine the
master make the master outshine all others

Insecurity is everywhere but the insecurity of your master is the most dangerous of all
because they can replace you and will replace you if they feel you are better than them and they WILL
find ample justification to get rid of you and don’t expect that just cuz your master loves you means
you can do whatever you want just like all people they have their ends so don’t push what you’re given
Law 2

A friend can be trusted but not trusted with everything cuz if you give your friend everything what is
stopping them from using what you’ve given them against you? An enemy will be more frugal with
what you give him to earn your trust and favor but a friend who already has it has free reign to ask for
whatever so don’t bet on any trust or gratitude friend have for you not to try and over throw you so
don’t give them a taste of power that they may want MORE power and soon over throw you and if you
give him the tools so easily whats stopping him from asking more and simply cutting out you the
middle man?

You can trust your friends but they know how to hurt you worse than your enemies|

If you have enemies who could very easily kill you yet also find themselves in your position in lack of
security and constant fear if you give them a way out that is secure and would make them far away
from fear that gives you power

and if you find enemies wanting mercy and you control all the mercy to NOT kill them then your
enemy becomes your most loyal friend for they want to try and earn your trust and if you can find a
way that one of your enemies have been conspiring against you and you knew all that time and still
spared him they will realize your power and that they are less useful dead and more useful alive and
docile so they should just retire their ambition in order to keep their life

“A man suddenly spared the

guillotine is a grateful man indeed, and will go to the ends of the earth for
the man who has pardoned him. In time, these former enemies became
Sung’ s most trusted friends.”

Sometimes mutual interest are stronger than friendships the pursuit of power is a job not a friendship
you can keep your enemies working for you if it means both have something to gain and both lives are
on the line but they’re need to prove that you till need them can move mountains and is more important
than friendship because giving gives to friends hits their ego and insecurity and it works better when
you can spare your enemy and they feel as though they owe you for their life

Someone who disagrees with you is better than friends who will uplift you because enemies sharpen
your ideas by breaking them down over and over again

Your enemy’s enemies are you friend so you can use your enemies to weaken your others and snatch
them up

You must let your enemies break you to become stronger

and if you have an enemy you have something to rally against and you can use this to strengthen you
cause to normal people

Its better to REALLY know who your enemies are than not

Your closes friends make the best scapegoats because the public would not believe you’d ever send
your friends to do your dirty work or take the fall and your friends will trust you more than your
enemies to do the job

You’ll understand your shortcomings faster with enemies than with friends
Law 3

Throw off people off your scent like seduction

hide your true intentions by doing things that would look the opposite of what you do to simply use it
as a stepping stone should others fall for your trap and give you that power

then you can do what you want with it

Being truthful and honest to show sincerity is actually a lot harder than it may seem as others may just
hate you even more

so tell people what they want to hear so that they can back you and if you want power you must be able
to conceal your intentions
cuz if the first instinct of people is to not doubt appearances then give them something not to doubt or
even consider doubting you

don’t look secretive look the opposite

so if one looks TOO honest then one could be dishonest in another avenue

one can use this by seeming so compassionate about the opposite and publically advocating that truth is
up the utmost importance so that people see that you are a man of truth they will not suspect you being
dishonest on your opinion

use a smoke screen don’t use tall tales and extregant lies but familiar things what they expect so to hide
what you want something JUST believable enough that it puts them into a false sense of security if they
FOCUS on your smoke screen you can more easily lead them into a trap by using patterns as well
if you can make them expect that you will do the same move they will be non the wiser when you
change up the formula

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