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Hello everyone, as we know, there are many factors result to climate change, but in
general, there are 2 main causes such as greenhouse gases and human activities. Until
now, greenhouse gases have played a crucial role in regulating Earth’s temperature.
They exist in the atmostphere like carbondioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, act like
a blanket. They allow sunlight to pass through and reach Earth ‘s surface, but they trap
some of the heat that radiates back out from the Earth. However, human activities are
causing a rise in greenhouse gases levels, primarily carbon dioxide from burning fossil
fuels and methan from agriculture. This disrupts the natural balance, leading to gobal

Next to learn about its effects, let Hang represent for my group to talk about it.


OK, climate change leads to many negative effects such as: rising sea levels, more
extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity and impact on human health. Rising sea
levels threaten coastal cities and ecosystems. We are experiences more extreme
weather events like floods, droughts and heatwaves. These changes disrupt natural
habitats and lead to the loss of plant and animal species. Moreover, climate change is a
major public health threat, it causes some diseases as respiratory illnesses, heatstroke,
diseases carried by insects and water.


And now, it’s time to act, we nees have some solutions to reduce and improve this
situation. To do this thing, we need to work together to transtion to renewable energy
effect sources like solar and wind power. This reduces as dependent on fossil fuels and
lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, using energy effectent appliances and
practices at home and work helps. Protecting forests is crucial too. Trees act as natural
carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the air.

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