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Lesson No 1

Important Points

1. **Environmental Hazard:** Plastic is a non-biodegradable material, leading to pollution,

clogged drains, and degradation of land. Its chemical composition makes it resistant to
decomposition, causing long-lasting damage to the environment.

2. **Excessive Consumption:** Humans consume vast amounts of plastic, contributing

significantly to pollution. Disposable culture and overuse of packaging contribute to this issue.

3. **Practical Alternatives:** Emphasizes the need for alternatives like cloth bags, reusable
containers, and reducing reliance on disposable goods.

4. **Individual Responsibility:** Urges individuals to take responsibility by using alternatives to

plastic, reducing consumption, and promoting recycling.

The text ultimately advocates for a shift in mindset towards responsible consumption and
disposal habits to mitigate the harmful effects of plastic on the environment.

Short Answers:-
a) Plastic material found on streets includes discarded plastic packets, bottles, packaging, and
various items like milk sachets, grocery bags, and containers, mostly made of
non-biodegradable materials.

b) Plastic poses an environmental hazard due to its non-biodegradable nature, persisting for
millions of years. It leads to pollution, clogs drains, degrades land, harms ecosystems, and
adversely affects wildlife due to its resistance to decomposition.

c) Indians consume about 3 kg of plastic per person yearly, significantly less than Europeans
(60 kg) and Americans (80 kg). Despite lower individual consumption, India's large population
escalates the overall plastic usage, exacerbating environmental concerns.

d) Goa and Ooty maintain a plastic-free environment through strict local bans, using alternatives
like newspaper bags for packaging. The communities enforce these bans collectively, ensuring
compliance and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.

e) Measures to avoid using plastic bags include carrying reusable shopping bags, opting for
reusable containers, avoiding bottled water, leaving excessive packaging at the shop for
recycling, and promoting responsible consumption.

Long Answers:-
1) Plastics wreak havoc on the sea by endangering marine life through ingestion or
entanglement, disrupting ecosystems, harming aquatic creatures, polluting coastlines, and
posing a significant threat to marine biodiversity and food chains.

2) Plastics degrade land by clogging drainage systems, littering streets and landscapes,
reducing soil fertility, contaminating water sources, and causing landfills. This degradation
impacts ecosystems, alters habitats, and poses threats to both flora and fauna, leading to
ecological imbalances.
Lesson No 2

Important Points

The central idea from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's interview:

- Dreams, goals, and missions are crucial for success; his upbringing in a spiritually rich
environment shaped his commitment to converting goals into success despite challenges.
- Success often involves elements of failure; encountering and responding to failures is an
integral part of achieving great success.
- The integration of real-life work with academia is essential; the gap between education and
practical application in industries needs to be bridged for employability.
- The importance of teaching entrepreneurship and skills alongside formal education to prepare
individuals for the job market.
- Four essential qualities for success: a clear aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work with devotion
towards the mission, and perseverance.
- Focusing on one goal while facing and defeating challenges is crucial for success; multitasking
may dilute efforts.

Dr. Kalam emphasizes thinking big, aiming high, and transforming thoughts into actions with
perseverance and devotion for achieving success. His final word to the new generation is to
cultivate great thoughts, set ambitious aims, and translate thoughts into actions, leading to
inevitable success.

Short Answers:-
a) Dr. Kalam believes dreams are synonymous with goals or life missions; he stresses the
importance of converting dreams into success despite obstacles.

b) He sees failures as integral to achieving great success; encountering and responding to

failures constructively is a part of the success journey.

c) Dr. Kalam attributes the problem of unemployment among India's engineering graduates to
the lack of integration between academic learning and real-life industry experience.

d) The incident where Prof. Srinivasan set a challenging project to design a low-level attack
fighter aircraft taught Dr. Kalam the value of planning, teamwork, and time.

e) According to Dr. Kalam, the four essential qualities for success in life are a clear aim,
acquiring knowledge, hard work with devotion, and perseverance.

f) Dr. Kalam advises the new generation to think ambitiously, have lofty aims, and transform
thoughts into actions with perseverance and dedication for assured success.

g) He emphasizes the importance of acquiring usable skills alongside formal education to

enhance employability and adaptability in the job market.

Long Answers:-
i) Dr. Kalam's success story serves as a beacon for the new generation by showcasing how
dedication, hard work, and perseverance, coupled with a clear vision and the ability to learn
from failures, can lead to extraordinary accomplishments against all odds. His journey inspires
youth to dream big and work relentlessly towards their goals.

ii) The successful person I know embodies qualities like resilience, adaptability, dedication, and
a strong work ethic. Their achievements include notable leadership roles in their profession,
continuous learning and growth, and a positive impact on their community through various
initiatives and mentoring programs.

Important Points

This lesson emphasizes the importance of clarity in defining your goals and success. It outlines
seven key components: peace of mind, health and energy, loving relationships, financial
freedom, worthy goals, self-knowledge, and personal fulfillment. Each of these elements acts as
a target for your life, enabling you to measure progress and make necessary changes.
Achieving success involves understanding what each of these means to you personally and
actively working towards them.

1. **Clarity of Goals**: Define what success means to you as it acts as a guiding force in your

2. **Seven Keys to Success**:

- **Peace of Mind**: Free yourself from negative emotions for inner peace.
- **Health and Energy**: Your body naturally inclines towards health; maintain it by envisioning
a healthy lifestyle.
- **Loving Relationships**: Measure the quality of relationships by laughter; design ideal
relationships consciously.
- **Financial Freedom**: Aim for a state where money worries don't dominate your thoughts;
plan your financial goals clearly.
- **Worthy Goals and Ideals**: Find meaning and purpose in life by pursuing valuable ideals.
- **Self-Knowledge and Awareness**: Understand yourself deeply to move forward effectively
in life.
- **Personal Fulfillment**: Strive to achieve your full potential and maintain a positive attitude.

3. **Targets for Success**: These seven components serve as targets or benchmarks to aim for
in life, helping unlock hidden potential and achieve success.

Short Answer:-
i) To experience happiness and peace, one should be free from destructive emotions like fear,
anger, doubt, guilt, resentment, and worry. Inner peace and happiness naturally arise when
these negative emotions are minimized or eliminated.

ii) Laughter is crucial for long-lasting relationships as it's a measure of happiness and harmony.
When people laugh together, it signifies a healthy, positive connection. Conversely, the absence
of laughter often signals problems in the relationship.

iii) The "greed for money" can lead to various negative effects. It might cause stress, anxiety,
and strain on relationships. Additionally, it can lead to a constant dissatisfaction where material
possessions become the sole focus, often at the expense of other important aspects of life.

iv) The seven keys to success are:

- Peace of Mind
- Health and Energy
- Loving Relationships
- Financial Freedom
- Worthy Goals and Ideals
- Self-Knowledge and Self-Awareness
- Personal Fulfillment

v) Self-awareness is understanding oneself deeply, including the influences shaping one's

character from childhood, reactions to situations, and knowing why one thinks and feels the way
they do.

vi) Achieving a mature and integrated personality involves steps like self-reflection, learning
from experiences, accepting oneself fully, understanding personal reactions, and continually
working towards self-improvement.

Long Answer:-
i) My aim in life is to strive for personal fulfillment by making meaningful contributions to society
through my profession. To achieve this, I've set clear goals aligned with my values, continuously
learn and adapt, and seek opportunities to positively impact others' lives through my work.

ii) A person with a positive attitude can significantly contribute to society by spreading optimism,
fostering a supportive environment, inspiring others through their resilience, and initiating
positive changes. Their upbeat perspective can motivate and encourage others to tackle
challenges constructively, ultimately enhancing the community's well-being.
Lesson 4

Important Points

The lesson here revolves around success beyond academic achievement, emphasizing the
need for a broader skill set. Here are the key points highlighted:

1. **Academic Success ≠ Overall Success:** Scoring good marks is not the sole determinant of
success in life.

2. **Distinguishing Factors:** Being different from others involves developing qualities beyond
academic prowess.

3. **Purpose of Education:** Studying isn't just for securing life or a career; it's about acquiring
skills like IQ, EQ (Emotional Quotient), and SQ (Situational Intelligence Quotient).

4. **Employability Traits:** Organizations now seek problem-solving abilities (IQ), emotional

stability (EQ), and the capacity to handle unpredictable situations (SQ) in candidates.

5. **Teamwork Importance:** Great teamwork is essential; individuals can't accomplish

everything alone.

6. **Situational Intelligence:** Making decisions under pressure and in critical situations requires
self-belief, emotional control, positivity, problem-solving, and well-thought-out choices.

7. **Life's Challenges:** Life's challenges are like tests; emerging victorious makes you a
premium product.

8. **'Remarkable' Life:** Beyond marks, being 'remarkable' involves having exceptional qualities
(IQ, EQ, SQ) and truly believing in oneself.

9. **Continuous Growth:** Strive to constantly improve IQ, EQ, and SQ alongside academic
studies for a remarkable life.

10. **Believe in Yourself:** Self-belief is crucial; everyone has the potential to live a remarkable
life by developing their skills and qualities.

Ultimately, it's a message of holistic development, emphasizing that success in life requires a
blend of academic excellence and a broader skill set encompassing emotional intelligence,
adaptability, problem-solving, and belief in oneself.

1. **a) Full Forms of Abbreviations:**

- **IQ:** Stands for Intelligence Quotient, which is a measure of a person's cognitive abilities
and problem-solving skills.
- **EQ:** Represents Emotional Quotient, indicating a person's emotional intelligence,
including self-awareness, empathy, and managing emotions.
- **SQ:** Denotes Situational Intelligence Quotient, assessing an individual's capability to
make effective decisions in unexpected or challenging situations.

2. **b) Meaning of 'Remarkable':**

The term 'Remarkable', according to the author, encompasses more than just achieving high
marks or success in academics. It signifies being exceptionally capable, possessing high IQ,
EQ, and SQ, and having the ability to make wise decisions and face challenges confidently.

3. **c) Qualities of Emotionally Stable People:**

Emotionally stable individuals exhibit qualities such as resilience, adaptability, self-control,
empathy, effective communication, the ability to handle stress or pressure, and maintaining a
balanced emotional state in various situations.

4. **d) HR Department Expectations:**

HR departments now seek candidates who demonstrate problem-solving abilities (IQ),
emotional stability (EQ), and the capacity to make informed and thoughtful decisions in
unforeseen or challenging circumstances (SQ), rather than solely relying on academic
achievements or test scores.

5. **e) 'Solve' Rather Than 'Remember':**

This phrase highlights the importance of practical application and critical thinking skills over
rote memorization. It suggests that being able to understand and solve problems, applying
knowledge in real-life situations, is more valuable than merely recalling information.

2. **a) Suggestions for a Remarkable Life:**

The author suggests excelling academically while also focusing on developing
problem-solving skills (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), and the ability to make well-thought-out
decisions in challenging situations (SQ). Additionally, fostering self-belief, positivity, and
continuous self-improvement are key aspects.

6. **b) Action Plan for Developing EQ, IQ, and SQ:**

To enhance EQ, one could engage in activities fostering self-awareness, empathy, and stress
management. For IQ, continuous learning, problem-solving exercises, and critical thinking
practices would be beneficial. For SQ, practicing decision-making in uncertain situations and
exposure to diverse experiences are recommended.
7. **c) Situations Testing IQ, EQ, and SQ:**
IQ is tested in scenarios requiring problem-solving, logical reasoning, and critical thinking. EQ
is evaluated during emotional challenges, conflicts, or situations requiring empathy and social
interaction. SQ is examined in moments requiring quick and effective decision-making under
pressure or uncertainty.

8. **d) Action Plan for Becoming Remarkable:**

The action plan involves a balanced approach: excelling academically while simultaneously
developing emotional intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and the capability to make
thoughtful decisions under pressure. Continuous learning, self-reflection, and belief in oneself
are essential aspects.

9. **e) Explanation of EQ, IQ, SQ:**

EQ measures emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and managing
emotions effectively. IQ assesses cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and logical
reasoning. SQ evaluates an individual's capacity to make sound decisions in unpredictable or
critical situations.

10. **f) 'Remarkable is More Than Mark':**

This statement emphasizes that being 'remarkable' extends beyond academic marks or
achievements. It encompasses possessing exceptional qualities such as high IQ, EQ, and SQ,
along with self-belief, resilience, and the ability to make impactful decisions in various life
situations, leading to overall success and fulfillment.
Lesson No 5

Important Points

**Summary of Arunima Sinha's Biography:**

Arunima Sinha, the first Indian amputee to conquer Mount Everest, faced a life-altering tragedy
when attacked by robbers, resulting in the amputation of her leg. Despite this, she resolved to
climb Everest after reading about it in the hospital.

Driven by determination and inspired by those who overcame adversity, she swiftly adapted to
her artificial leg and set her sights on Everest. She received support from few, but her resolve
never wavered. Facing immense physical and mental challenges during the climb, she
persevered and reached the summit on 21st May 2013.

Her conquest didn't end there. Arunima has since climbed six of the seven highest peaks on
each continent. Through these feats, she's learned resilience, confidence, leadership, and

Her aspirations extend beyond personal triumphs; she's established an academy for
underprivileged disabled children, channeling her prize money into providing them with
top-notch sports facilities.

Key Points:
- Arunima faced adversity after losing her leg due to a train incident.
- She resolved to climb Everest while in the hospital, inspired by her inner strength.
- Despite skepticism and challenges, she trained rigorously and conquered Everest in 2013.
- Her subsequent climbs across continents have taught her vital life lessons.
- Beyond personal achievements, Arunima is dedicated to empowering disabled children
through her academy.

a) Arunima Sinha established the Shahid Chandrashekhar Azad Viklang Khel Academy
(Freedom Fighter Chandrashekahr Azad Sports Academy for disabled children) with a motto to
provide top-notch sports facilities to underprivileged handicapped children.

b) Arunima Sinha was awarded the Padma Shri in 2015, the fourth highest civilian award in

c) Two achievements of Arunima Sinha are:

1. Conquering Mount Everest in 2013 as the first Indian amputee.
2. Climbing six of the seven highest peaks on each continent.

d) Arunima Sinha responded to the tragedy in her life with resilience and determination. She
decided to defy the limitations imposed by the incident, choosing to climb Mount Everest as a
testament to her strength and resilience.

e) Arunima Sinha has climbed the following peaks:

- Mount Everest in Asia (2013)
- Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa (2014)
- Mount Elbrus in Europe (2014)
- Mount Kosciuszko in Australia (2015)
- Mount Aconcagua in South America (2015)
- Mount Carstensz in Oceania (2016)

f) Arunima Sinha dreams of conquering the highest peaks from each of the seven continents
and aims to establish a full-fledged academy for underprivileged handicapped children.

g) The qualities of Arunima Sinha that touched my heart are her unwavering determination,
resilience in the face of adversity, and her commitment to empowering and uplifting the lives of
underprivileged disabled children through her academy.
Lesson No 5

Important Points

This lesson, "Roses of Gratitude," revolves around Ajay Prasad's heartfelt connection with his
teacher, Mrs. Sheila Kumar. It emphasizes the significance of gratitude and the impact of acts of

Key points:
1. **Gratitude:** Ajay deeply appreciates Mrs. Kumar's support and guidance throughout his life,
especially during challenging times.
2. **Acts of Kindness:** Mrs. Kumar's selfless acts - buying Ajay shoes, clothes, and tea -
despite his financial struggles, showcase her care and kindness.
3. **Unforgettable Moments:** Despite the passage of time, Ajay remains grateful and
remembers Mrs. Kumar's generosity. His determination to express his gratitude leads him to
reconnect with her after many years.
4. **Closure and Reunion:** The story beautifully culminates in Ajay visiting Mrs. Kumar after
decades, presenting her with roses as a symbol of his enduring gratitude.

Overall, the lesson highlights the enduring power of gratitude and the significance of
acknowledging acts of kindness, showcasing how a small gesture of generosity can resonate
throughout a person's life.

Short Answers:-
i) According to Ajay, Mrs. Kumar normally wore a serene smile on her face, and he cherished
the serene look she often had.
ii) Pleasing Mrs. Kumar became the most important thing in Ajay's life after she encouraged and
supported him in solving a problem in front of the class, boosting his confidence and sense of
iii) Ajay's teacher helped him by buying him a pair of shoes, clothes, and sharing tea, showing
immense kindness and support despite his financial struggles.
iv) Ajay thanked his teacher by visiting her after many years, presenting her with a bouquet of
long-stemmed roses as a token of his enduring gratitude.
v) Ajay recalled his teacher while lying in a hospital bed after suffering a massive heart attack,
realizing he had unfinished business expressing gratitude to her.
vi) Ajay contacted Mrs. Kumar by writing a letter to his old school, eventually getting her contact
information from her son.

Long Answers:-
i) Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping a student's life by imparting knowledge, instilling
values, providing guidance, and fostering confidence. They serve as mentors, motivators, and
role models, influencing students not just academically but also emotionally and morally.
ii) At the end, Ajay expressed his gratitude towards his teacher by visiting her in person after
many years, bringing a bouquet of long-stemmed roses as a heartfelt token of appreciation. His
action showcased the enduring impact of her kindness and support in his life.

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