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To Whom It May Concern:

I have known Eileen Tarin for the past 6 months. We both were introduced to each other
in the fast-food industry. I serve as her assistant manager at Little Caesars.

Eileen is both an amazing person and worker. She always comes into work when we
needed a helping hand. With this I can say she is very reliable, and I can definitely
count on her. She puts a lot of effort into what she does and is always working very
hard. Eileen was able to adapt to a fast-working environment. Whether it is taking
orders, or making orders, she is always on go mode.

Throughout the 6 months of working with Eileen we have built a good bond as
coworkers. She is always in a positive mood and someone you can easily approach.
Eileen is able to manage school, work, and her personal life. With this I can say that she
is a very strong and talented woman.

To conclude this letter, I’d like to state my recommendation for Eileen Tarin. If you have
any further questions regarding Eileen’s ability to receive this letter don’t hesitate to
contact me.

Victor Lara Escarpita

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