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MR/PE/ES 451: Research Methods and Ethics in Science

Research Methods

Individual Assignment 2 (10 Marks)

Literature Review
Assignment Objective: To develop the student’s ability to conduct a
comprehensive literature review on a selected topic in their respective field.

a. Select a topic of interest in your respective field. The topic should be

narrow enough to be covered in a literature review, but broad enough
to allow for the use of not less than 10 journal articles.

b. Conduct a thorough search for relevant literature using academic

databases and other sources (i.e. Science Direct, Google Scholar,
Sage, Emerald, Taylor and Francis etc).

c. Review 10 selected journal articles on your topic using the literature

review table sample provided. Ensure to fill in all columns in the table

d. Selected journal articles must have been published within the last
decade and not beyond (i.e. From 2013 to 2023)

e. Select one of the articles and outline the following:

f. Provide the full referencing using the UMaT Referencing Style (guide will
be provided accordingly)

Further Instructions
• Submission Date: 7th March. 2023, via VLE
• Font: Times New Roman | Font size: 12,
• Spacing: 1.5 |Alignment: Justified.
• Use the provided template and save as PDF before submission.

Plagiarism will be severely punished (0 Marks)

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