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If you use alternate pathing, add a '0' onto the end of your tape name in the de

vice parameter above.

Define at the Client

The Storage Agent is usually found in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/StorageAgent/bin/ for

TSM 6.1 clients and above, and /usr/tivoli/tsm/StorageAgent/bin/ in TSM 5.5 clie
nts and below. A Storage Agent is basically just a cutdown version of a TSM serv
er with a reduced command set. It needs a dsmsta.opt options file just like a re
al server and typical values could be as follows.

Commmethod tcpip
Devconfig devconfig.sta
txngroupmax 512
enable3590library yes
commtimeout 7200
idletimeout 120
tcpport 1510

You need to work out what timeout parameters are best for your site. Commtimeout
is in seconds and idletimeout in minutes, so they are both set here to two hour
s. If you are backing up Oracle databases with incremental RMAN, then Oracle can
spend some time searching its catalog to workout what needs to be backed up. Wi
thout high timeout values the backup could fail, so the numbers above could be r
easonable. However this does mean that if you hit a problem you are locking out
tape drives for a long time, so smaller values could be more appropriate for sta
ndard backups.

Once you have an options file you create the storage agent with the command

dsmsta setstorageserver myname=nnnn mypasswordpppp myhladdress=nnn

servername=TSM1 serverpassword=pppp hla=nnn lla=mmmm

This will create a file called devcongif.sta that contains the above details, wi
th the passwords encrypted. The parameters in the command are

myname is the name you call your storage agent, the same one you used to define
the agent to the TSM server above.
mypassword is the password for the storage agent and must match the password use
d when you defined the agent to the server.
myhladdress is the TCPIP address of the client that is hosting this storage agen
servername is the name of the TSM server
serverpassword is the password for the TSM server
hla is the tcpip address that you use to get to the TSM server, the same one tha
t you use in the dsm.sys file
lla is the port name that you use to access the TSM server, the tcpport paramete
r in the dsm.sys file

Next you need to start your storage agent, which you can do by simply typing ech
o "dsmsta" from the command line. To stop the storage agent, you can log into it
using 'dsmadmc -se=storageagentname then typing halt from the command line. Alt
ernatively, just use the UNIX kill command.

Changes to dsm.sys

To use LAN free backups you need to make a few changes to the dsm.sys file. Firs
t you need to add a stanza for the storage agent like this, which is used to con
nect to the storage agent with the dsmadmc command. The node name must not be th
e one you use for normal backups.

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