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EMDR Resourcing Development and Installation

1. Identify a mildly stressful situation: _____________________________________________

2. When you think about that situation, how disturbing does it feel to you now on a scale of 0
to 10? SUD: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. What skill or resource would it take for you to be able to handle that situation, to deal with it
appropriately? (saying no, feeling calm, etc.) ______________________________________
4. Can you think of ANOTHER time in the past where you have successfully used that skill
before? ____________________________________________________________________
5. Picture that situation, what image comes up? ______________________________________
6. When that image comes up, where do you feel that in your body? When you bring up that
image, imagine using that skill & scan your body from head to toe. What do you notice?
**Difficulty with body scan or tapping into body sensations can be due to dissociation. If this happens, stop, and assess for

7. Good, notice that feeling in your body & follow the dot (or tap that in, slow taps). Short eye
movement, do 4 to 6 passes. What do you notice now? ______________________________
**If the sensation is getting stronger or the positive experience is getting stronger, do another set.

8. So now, when you think of using that skill and the sensation you feel in your body, can you
think of a word or phrase that goes with this memory or goes with this skill that you were
able to use successfully? ______________________________________________________
9. Now I’d like you to think of that image, think of that skill, notice where you felt that positive
sensation in your body, say that phrase to yourself, and follow the dot again. (Do 4 to 6 more
short passes or tap it in).
10.Okay, now I’d like you to go back to that first upsetting event you told me about. I want you
to think of that situation again, this time with the positive experience that you’re feeling in
your body. When you think of that disturbing situation, just notice what happens in your
body. Now, say that word or phrase to yourself. What do you notice? ___________________
**If client reports the positive sensation returning when they say the word or phrase say: Okay, notice that positive feeling and
follow the dot again. (4 to 6 short passes or tap in).

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