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Answer the following questions:

Q1. What does the moonbeam do when it comes into the room?

Ans. When the moonbeam enters the room, it flies over your bed to check if you are asleep.

Q2. What is clasped within the moonbeam’s hand?

Ans. A pinch of gold and some fairy sand is clasped within the moonbeam’s hand.

Q3. What does ‘a pinch of gold and some fairy sand’ refer to?

Ans. ‘A pinch of gold and some fairy sand’ refers to the colour of the moonlight.

Reference to Context:

I. “And if by chance
You’re not asleep,
It comes tip-toe on gentle feet.”

a. Who does ‘it’ refer to in the above lines?

Ans. In the above lines, ‘it’ refers to the moonbeam.

b. What will ‘it’ do if it finds you awake?

Ans. If ‘it’ finds you awake, the moonbeam will touch your eyes with its golden beams and take
you to the land of dreams. Thus, it would put you to sleep.

c. Why does ‘it’ tip- toe on gentle feet?

Ans. The moonbeam tip toes gently so as not to awake you from your sleep.

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Practice Questions:

Q1. Why is it important to sleep on time? Give reasons.

Q2. Imagine you are up at night worrying about your upcoming exams. You might hear the
chirping of crickets and the croaking of frogs. Will you be scared? Write a paragraph
describing the sleepless night.

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