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Aerial surveying offers several advantages:
1. Fast Capture Speed: Aerial surveys can quickly capture data over large
areas, often in a single flyover3.
2. Great Visualization: They provide high-resolution, detailed
visualizations of the terrain3.
3. Reduced Costs: Compared to traditional surveying methods, aerial
surveys can be more cost-effective3.
4. High Resolution: They can survey in high resolution and detect and
map any irregularities or errors in the ground 1.
5. Access to Difficult Areas: Aerial surveys are especially useful for
topographical surveys in locations that are hard to reach by foot 2.
6. Safety: They can significantly reduce the health and safety risks
associated with ground-based surveying4.
7. Increased Survey Speed: Aerial surveys can significantly increase the
speed of data collection compared to traditional methods 4.
8. Versatility: They can be used for a variety of applications, including
property assessment, mapping, and planning 1.
Different types of aerial surveys like drone photogrammetry, helicopter-
mounted camera photogrammetry, and plane-mounted camera
photogrammetry offer unique advantages depending on the needs of the
project1. They can provide accurate representations of the terrain being
surveyed, capturing close-up details of the site, plus the surrounding land 2.
Using high-resolution cameras and other specialized instruments, surveyors
can obtain precise measurements of distances, angles, and elevations 2.

1. What Are The Advantages Of Aerial Surveying? - Kapcher
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Aerial Surveying - Civil Stuff
3. The Advantages of Using Aerial Surveys for Land Development
4. The Benefits Of Aerial Surveys - ScanTech Digital

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