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Identifying Past, Present or Future Verb Tenses Worksheet

Present tense verbs tell what happens now.

Past tense verbs tell about action that already happened.
Future tense verbs tell about action that is going to happen.

Circle the verb or verbs in each sentence below. Then, write whether the
sentence is written in present, past or future tense on the line provided.

Sam walked to the park near his home.

Past Tense

1. I looked over the fence for my soccer ball.

2. Jennifer will run the marathon in the month of March.

3. The girl is preparing for her mid-term examination.

4. The team will attend the movie together as a group.

5. We went shopping at the mall over the weekend.

6. John and Henry will bring food to the potluck.

7. The carpenter is working on building a coffee table.

Identifying Past, Present and Future Verb Tenses Worksheet

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