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Importance and Application of Agricultural Biotechnology

Objective: To understand the Importance and applications of Agricultural Biotechnology through

individual research and reflection.

Materials Needed:

 Internet access or reference materials on agricultural biotechnology

 Paper or digital document for note-taking
 Pen or digital device for writing


1. Introduction: Start by briefly explaining what agricultural biotechnology is and its significance in
modern agriculture. Highlight that it involves the use of scientific techniques to manipulate and
enhance the genetic makeup of crops and livestock.
2. Research:
 Use the internet or reference materials to research the following aspects of agricultural
a. Importance: Why agricultural biotechnology important? What challenges does it address in the
field of agriculture?
b. Applications: What are the various applications of agricultural biotechnology? Examples could
include genetically modified (GM) crops, marker-assisted breeding, gene editing, and more.
c. Benefits: What are the potential benefits of these applications? This could involve increased
yield, improved nutritional content, pest resistance, and more.
d. Controversies: Are there any controversies or ethical concerns related to agricultural
biotechnology? What are the arguments for and against its use?
 Students should take notes during their research, summarizing key points and examples.

3. Reflection:

 After completing their research, student reflect on what they’ve learned. They should
consider how the applications of agricultural biotechnology align with their prior
understanding of agriculture and the potential impact on food production and sustainability.
 Students can jot down their thoughts on the benefits and potential drawbacks.

4. Individual Write-up:

 Student must write a short paragraph (around 100-150 words) summarizing the
importance and applications of agricultural biotechnology based on their research and
 Emphasize that the write-up should be in their own words, and they should avoid
copying directly from their sources.

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