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Activity 1: You are going to watch a Tedtalk by Russel Foster called Why do we sleep?

to the first 7.30 minutes and complete the sentences below.

The most important behavioural experience that we have is usually interrupted by the
The way sleep was perceived had changed 2___________ years after Shakespeare and Dekker’s
In the 21st century, we use the 3___________________ as a way of staying awake for longer
periods of time.
Sleep is even perceived as an 4________________ that needs a sort of cure.
However, 5__________________ are starting to explain why sleep is an incredibly important part of
our biology.
This is because some areas of the brain are actually more active during
The first theory that tries to explain why we sleep is the 7_____________________ idea.
There are a whole range of 8________________ associated with metabolic pathways that turn on
only during sleep.
The second theory, the energy conservation one, poses that we sleep to
However, the amount of calories saved while sleeping is only 10_____________, so this doesn’t
seem to be so convincing.
The third and most attractive theory is the one of brain processing and

Activity 2: Explain the following quotation in your own words:

“The critical thing to realize is that if you don’t sleep, you don’t fly.”

Activity 3: Explain, again in your own words, what the connection between the following
graph and the concept next to it is.


Link to Tedtalk: (up to minute


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