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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017, pp. 642–650 Article ID: IJCIET_08_02_066

Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


R. Sridhar
Research Scholor (VTU), Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagara, India and
Sr. Associate professor, Civil Engineering Department, Nagarjuna college of Engineering &
Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Most noteworthy property of cohesionless soil (granular soil) is relative density where with
respect to durable soil is consistency. Relative density is the list property of a cohesionless soil.
The designing properties of a mass of cohesionless soil depend to a substantial degree on its
relative density (Dr). Relative density is a term for the most part used to depict the level of
compaction of coarse-grained soils. From the various reviewed investigations, it is learnt that
the connection of relative density of granular soils have not been endeavored in the research
facility with the index property like grain size. In this way, a relationship can be built up in the
research facility with emax, emin and mean grain estimate. Correspondingly the relative
density at specific compactive effort can be associated with mean grain size of the granular
Key words: Compaction, Compactive effort, Cohesionless soil and Relative density.
Cite this Article: R. Sridhar, Review on Relative Density and Relative Compaction of
Cohesionless Soil. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(2), 2017, pp.

Compaction is a technique for mechanical soil change and it is by a long shot the most regularly
utilized routine of soil stabilization. Compaction is utilized to change the designing properties of a soil
for a particular application, for example, supporting an pavement area, building establishment, or
extension projection and so forth. Density measurements are utilized as a part of the field in a
roundabout way to gage the viability of the compaction procedure with a point of enhancing soil
conduct for the planned application. Compaction test is one of the tests that ought to be completed
before alternate works began. The quality of soils is for the most part subject to sorts of soils, its
density and its moisture content which can be acquired from compaction tests. The adequacy of a
compaction relies on upon few elements out of which compactive effort (type of device, weight of
device, vibration, number of passes) is one of the components that influence the compaction
subjectively. The primary goal of the review is to discover the impacts on various compaction vitality
of the soil compaction parameters. Field compaction of sands as a rule includes distinctive types of
gear with the compaction vitality fluctuating essentially. By looking at the changed compaction
vitality, the standard Proctor and modified Proctor tests had been utilized to demonstrate the 642

R. Sridhar

examinations. A few exercises have been distinguished to accomplish the targets, i.e., literature
survey, leading tests in the lab, and examining the outcomes got from the research center tests. The
Maximum Dry Density of soils increments when there is an expansion in the compaction vitality yet
the Optimum Moisture Content esteem diminishes with expanding compaction vitality/endeavors. For
cohesionless soils containing next to no or no fines the water content has impact on the compacted
density. At low water substance and especially under a low compactive exertion, density may diminish
contrasted with that created by the same compactive exertion for air dried or oven dried soil. This
decline in density is because of the fine pressure which is not completely balanced by compactive
exertion and which holds the molecule in a loose state opposing compaction. Density achieves most
extreme when a cohesionless soil is fully saturated. Once more, this greatest density may not be
particularly higher than that comparing to the air or oven dried condition. Accomplishment of greatest
density at fully saturated ought not be considered as because of the greasing up activity of water yet
rather because of the decrease of powerful weight between soil particles by hydrostatic weight. Thus
the compaction qualities (most extreme dry unit weight and ideal moisture content) should be acquired
at various compaction energies. For cohesionless soil like sand it is ideal to express compaction
conduct as far as relative thickness. Most noteworthy property of cohesionless soil (granular soil) is
relative density where with respect to durable soil is consistency. Relative density is the list property
of a cohesionless soil. The designing properties of a mass of cohesionless soil depend to a substantial
degree on its relative density (Dr). Relative density is a term for the most part used to depict the level
of compaction of coarse-grained soils.

The relative density (Dr) of granular soils might be a superior marker for finished result compaction
particulars than relative compaction. Along these lines learning of relative densities of sands at various
compaction energies expect extraordinary significance from the perspective of reasonable centrality.
Restrain thickness estimations of sands ought to be viewed as imperative properties as the coefficient
of uniformity (Cu), coefficient of curvature (Cc), mean particle size (D50), and particle shape, among
others, while giving an intensive depiction of sand. Density limits help to all the more totally portray
the material under thought and are required while assessing relative density of insitu soils. The greatest
and least (point of confinement) density values speak to the hypothetical upper and lower thickness
limits for a given soil specimen (Holtz 1973). White and Walton (1937) contemplated on particle
arrangement and particle shape. Relative densities, most extreme and least void proportion estimations
of sand are incredibly influenced by particle shapes, sizes and their arrangement. sphere-shaped
particles of equivalent size hypothetically might be stuffed in five distinctive ways, e.g. cubical with a
hypothetical void space of 47.64%, single-amazed or cubical tetrahedral with a hypothetical void
space of 39.55%, twofold stumbled with a hypothetical void space of 30.20%, pyramidal, and
tetrahedral; the void spaces in the last two are indistinguishable, 25.95%. Optional, ternary,
quaternary, and quinary circles every set littler than its ancestor, might be fitted into the voids in this
last sort of pressing and the voids diminished hypothetically to 14.9%. The utilization of fine filler in
the rest of the voids will then diminish the voids hypothetically to 3.9%. The utilization of particles of
spherical shape does not seem to diminish the porosity, but rather round and hollow molded particles,
if legitimately orchestrated, would decrease the porosity. The useful utilization of these hypothetical
strategies for pressing was contemplated. Burmister (1948) offered a similarity with respect to farthest
point densities for sands. Restrict density estimations of sands ought to be viewed as critical in those
capacity properties as the coefficient of uniformity (Cu), coefficient of curvature (Cc), the mean
particle size (D50), and particle shape, among others, while giving an exhaustive depiction of sand.
Density (or void proportion) limits help to more totally portray the material under thought and are
required while assessing relative density of set up soils. Lee and Suedkamp (1972) contemplated on
the compaction of granular soils and discovered compaction curve can be unpredictable if compaction
tests are completed utilizing a bigger number of tests focuses and scope of dampness substance 643

Review on Relative Density and Relative Compaction of Cohesionless Soil

developing towards zero. Correct type of the bend relies on upon the sort of the material. They
discovered four sorts of compaction curve, for example, chime molded (30 < wL< 70), one and one-
half pinnacle (wL< 30), twofold pinnacle (wL< 30 or wL< 70 ) and odd formed (wL> 70). Selig and
Ladd (1973) displayed assessment of relative density estimations and applications. The source and
kind of blunders in relative density are surveyed. In light of detailed estimations of greatest, least, and
density mistakes, expected blunders in relative density are resolved. These qualities might be utilized
as a reason for setting certainty confines on the aftereffects of studies including relative density.
Designing utilizations of the relative density parameter are talked about, and other options to relative
thickness are given. Components impacting the most extreme and least densities utilized as a part of
ascertaining relative thickness are abridged. Involvement in corresponding relative thickness to blow
check and quality of cohesionless materials is audited. At long last, in light of the majority of the data
assembled in the symposium, a progression of suggestions is given for alterations to the ASTM test
methods and for required new techniques. Townsend (1973) exhibited correlations of vibrated
thickness and standard compaction tests on sands with shifting measures of fines. The impacts of
degree, rate and versatility of fines, and dampness on vibratory and effect compaction of granular soils
were explored by including measured rates of low plasticity (ML) and medium plasticity (CL) fines to
an poorly graded (SP) and about well graded (SW-SP) sand. Comes about demonstrated that more
fines can be added to uniform sand and that uniform sand densities by vibration more viably than very
much evaluated sand. Similar densities are created by effect and vibratory compaction at higher rate of
fines added to the all around reviewed sand contrasted with the percent fines added to the uniform
sand. Dampness and pliancy are interrelated variables which incredibly influence compaction.
Immersion encouraged vibratory compaction of low versatility blends; in any case, for more plastic
blends, bond of the fines to the sand grains limited vibratory densification. Current compaction test
choice criteria, which disregard pliancy and dampness impacts by looking at vibratory densities of
stove dry materials with those, dictated by standard compaction, can prompt to the untenable
conclusion that vibratory compaction ought to be utilized for sands containing in abundance of 20
percent fines. Holubec and D'Appolonia (1973) concentrated the impact of molecule shape on the
building properties of granular soils. The utilization of relative thickness relationships in view of a
normal sand to anticipate soil conduct without considering the molecule shape can bring about poor or
deceiving forecasts. Test information demonstrated that the molecule shape pronouncedly affects all
building properties. Rakishness of the particles builds the most extreme void proportion, quality, and
deformability of cohesionless soils. Varieties in building properties because of molecule shape can be
as huge as varieties related with substantial contrasts in relative thickness. Infiltration tests in little
holders with little bars propose that the Standard Penetration Test is affected by both the rakishness
and thickness of cohesionless soils. Youd (1973) concentrated the components controlling greatest and
least densities of sands. Greatest and least thickness tests, led on an assortment of clean sands, found
that the base and most extreme void-proportion points of confinement are controlled principally by
molecule shape, molecule estimate range, and changes in the gradational-bend shape, and that the
impact of molecule size is immaterial. Bends were created for assessing least and greatest void
proportions from gradational and molecule shape parameters. Gauges for a few normal and
industrially evaluated sands concur well with least and greatest void proportions measured in the lab.
Least densities (greatest void proportions) were controlled by the standard American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM), least thickness test strategy (Test for Relative Density of Cohesionless
Soils (D 2049-69)), with the exception of that littler molds were utilized. Most extreme densities (least
void proportions) were controlled by rehashed straining in straightforward shear, a strategy which has
been appeared to give more noteworthy densities than standard vibratory strategies. Dickin (1973)
concentrated the impact of grain shape and size upon the constraining porosities of sands. The
condition of pressing of a mass of sand grains is portrayed by its relative porosity which characterizes
the pressing with respect to most extreme and least porosities of the material. These restricting
porosities depend thus upon the physical qualities of the grains themselves. The impact of grain shape 644

R. Sridhar

and size upon the restricting porosities of quartz sands and glass ballotini was examined. The most
extreme porosities were dictated by statement of the example through water as recommended by
Kolbuszewski (1948) while least porosities were acquired by vibration submerged. Shape parameters
for the sands were resolved from a relationship between are the season of stream of a 0.5-kg specimen
and the sphericity measured by examination of individual grains. Both most extreme and least
porosities diminished with expanding sphericity while tests on glass ballotini demonstrated that the
impact of grain size was insignificant. The porosity interim was roughly 12.5 percent for every one of
the sands and 11 percent for round ballotini. Blends of sand and ballotini gave sensible concurrence
with the pattern appeared by the different materials. Johnston (1973) introduced research center
investigations of greatest and least dry densities of cohesionless soils. A portion of the distinctions in
aftereffects of tests for the most extreme and least dry densities of cohesionless soils were analyzed.
He researched the reproducibility of consequences of most extreme and least densities for two sorts of
sands by a similar test program and recommended an experimental relationship for the consistency
coefficient versus greatest and least densities. He gave examination between the Providence Vibrated
Density technique and the vibratory table strategy. The outcomes demonstrated that one of the vital
factors in deciding the most extreme density of cohesionless soils utilizing the vibratory table strategy
was the amplitude of the vibrating mould. Walter et al. (1982) decided the most extreme void
proportion of uniform cohesionless soils. A testing project was directed to assess a few strategies for
deciding the greatest void proportion of cohesionless soils. Preparatory test outcomes demonstrated
that another methodology called the tube strategy was steady in accomplishing dependable most
extreme void proportions. In playing out the tube technique, a long restricted tube or chamber opened
at both finishes was set upright in a shape of known volume. An amount of dry sand adequate to fill
the form was set in the tube and after that the tube was gradually extricated to permit sand to stream
into the shape until the shape floods. The sand was then screeded level with the highest point of the
shape and the void proportion was computed from measured masses and volumes and the particular
gravity of the sand. To assess different strategies for deciding greatest void proportions, a test
arrangement was completed by utilizing eight diverse test methodology on four sands. Measurable
examinations of the information showed that the tube strategy yielded higher estimations of most
extreme void proportion than did alternate methodology. Also, a testing 15 program including nine
unpracticed administrators exhibited that by utilizing the tube technique an individual administrator
could repeat comes about reliably and the administrators could imitate each other's outcomes well
inside breaking points commanded by viable applications. Aberg (1992) exhibited void proportion of
non strong soils and comparable materials. Another approach was introduced to the point of numerical
portrayal of void qualities of noncohesive soils and comparative granular materials. Based upon a
basic stochastic model of the void structure and void sizes, hypothetical conditions were inferred by
method for which the void proportion of dirt can be ascertained from its grain-measure appropriation.
Masih (2000) built up a scientific equation to get fancied soil density. He utilized factual parameters of
the dirt grains circulation to foresee the dirt most extreme dry thickness and after that connected the
fine biasness coefficient to anticipate the new density of the soil in the wake of blending any measure
of fine particles with the first soil. Lab testing results were contrasted and the consequences of the
expectation. They were observed to be in absolute assention, and the room for mistakes was observed
to be very low. Barton et al. (2001) measured the impact of blended evaluating on the most extreme
dry density of sands. Amid cut and fill operations, compaction utilizing sands from various sources
might be completed. The subsequent blended sand will have distinctive compaction qualities than
those of the parent sands. An expansion in dry thickness will come about as the reviewing moves
towards more perfect qualities for thick pressing. Research center compaction tests utilizing pluviation
and the vibrating hammer technique have been completed to gauge this expansion in dry density. The
subsequent esteem was for the most part essentially more noteworthy than the outcome anticipated by
taking the mean estimation of dry density given by the parent sands. Cubrinovski and Ishihara (2002)
concentrated the most extreme and least void proportions qualities of sands. Qualities of the greatest 645

Review on Relative Density and Relative Compaction of Cohesionless Soil

and least void proportions of sands and their conceivable use for material portrayal have been
researched in this review. Information of more than 300 characteristic sandy soils including clean
sands, sands with fines and sands containing little measure of claysize particles have been utilized to
look at the impact of fines, grain-estimate organization and molecule shape on emax, emin and void
proportion go (emax - emin). An arrangement of experimental relationships were displayed which
unmistakably show the connection between these void proportions and material properties of sands.
The key preferred standpoint of (emax - emin) over traditional material parameters, for example, Fc
and D50 is that (emax - emin) was demonstrative of the general grain-estimate creation and molecule
qualities of a given sand and found the consolidated impact of important material variables. The void
proportion extend demonstrated a general reason for relative assessment of material properties over
the whole scope of cohesionless soils. Three particularstraight connections were found to exist
amongst emax and emin for clean sands, sands with 5-15% fines and sands with 15-30% fines
separately, along these lines showed that the standard JGS strategies for least and greatest densities of
sands can give sensibly predictable emax and emin values for sands with fines substance of up to 30%.
Omar et al. (2003) researched the compaction attributes of granular soils in United Arab Emirates. A
review was attempted to evaluate the compaction qualities of such soils and to build up the overseeing
prescient conditions. For the reasons for this review, 311 soil tests were gathered from different areas
in the United Arab Emirates and tried for different including grain-measure circulation, fluid breaking
point, versatility list, particular gravity of soil solids, most extreme dry thickness of compaction, and
ideal dampness content after ASTM D 1557-91 standard method C. Another arrangement of 43 soil
tests were gathered and their compaction results were utilized to test the legitimacy of prescient model.
The scope of factors for these soil were as per the following: percent held on US sieve #4 (R#4): 0–68;
Percent passing US sifter #200 (P#200): 1–26; Liquid farthest point: 0–56; Plasticity file: 0–28;
Specific gravity of soil solids: 2.55–2.8. In view of the compaction tests comes about, numerous
relapse investigations were led to create scientific models and nomographic answers for foresee the
compaction properties of soils. The outcomes showed that the nomographs could anticipate well the
most extreme dry thickness inside ±5% certainty interim and the ideal dampness content inside ±3%.
Itabashi et al. (2003) concentrated the grain shape and pressing property of bound together coarse
granular materials. Molecule shape examination and irregular pressing encounters were done utilized
by bound together stainless ball and five normal granular materials which were created under various
indigenous habitats. They found that three molecule shape parameters (frame unevenness FU, arrange
number Mi and fractal measurement FD) of six granular materials much contrast from each other, and
these could assess the distinction of extreme porosity. Hatanaka and Feng (2006) evaluated relative
thickness of sandy soils from SPT-N esteem. The relevance of three past observational connections
proposed for assessing relative thickness of sandy soils in view of the SPT N-esteem, powerful
overburden stress and soil degree attributes was explored utilizing an information base of relative
thickness got from fantastic undisturbed examples of fine to medium sand with Fc ≤ 20%, D50 ≤ 1.0
mm and Dmax ≤ 4.75 mm. Every single undisturbed specimen were recuperated by in-situ solidifying
technique. The relative thickness assessed by Meyerhof′s strategy (1957) was in the scope of
+15%~-45% of the deliberate 18 values. Meyerhof′s technique (1957) was changed by Tokimatsu
and Yoshimi (1983) by considering the impact of fines substance on the SPT N-esteem. The relative
thickness assessed by Tokimatsu and Yoshimi′s strategy (1983) was in the scope of +25%~-20%
of the deliberate qualities. The underestimation of relative thickness of Meyerhof′s technique (1957)
was changed. In actuality, the overestimation of relative thickness was more huge than Meyerhof′s
technique. The relative thickness assessed by the technique proposed by Kokusho et al. (1983) was in
the scope of +20% to -35% of the deliberate values notwithstanding for thick sand with a relative
thickness bigger than 60%. Meyerhof′s technique (1957) and the strategy proposed by Kokusho et al.
(1983) have a typical hindrance that they will to a great degree think little of the relative thickness of
fine to medium sand for SPT N-esteem lower than around 8. A straightforward exact relationship was 646

R. Sridhar

proposed to appraise the relative thickness of fine to medium sand in light of the standardized SPT
Nvalue, N1. The relative thickness assessed by the proposed technique was in the scope of + 15% to
-30% of the deliberate qualities for N1 in the range in the vicinity of 0 and 50. All in all, the
proposed technique was less in blunders for assessing relative thickness contrasted and those evaluated
by Meyerhof′s strategy (1957) and the technique proposed by Kokusho et al. (1983). In light of an
information base of undisturbed specimens with information of fines substance got from the SPT
spoon tests, the technique proposed was again contrasted and the three past strategies The relative
thickness evaluated by the proposed technique in view of the above information base is in the scope of
+15% to -10% of the deliberate qualities. Among four strategies, all in all, the proposed technique
observed to be minimal blunders in estimation of relative thickness. The proposed technique was
additionally adjusted by assessing the impact of fines substance of SPT tests. The relative density
evaluated by the altered strategy in view of the fines substance is practically in the scope of +10% to
- 10% of the deliberate qualities. Two observational relationships proposed were less in mistakes of
evaluating relative density contrasted and three past strategies. The scope of relative density evaluated
was steady with the scope of the deliberate qualities (40% to 90%). The exact relationships proposed
in the review ought to be connected to fine to medium sand with Fc ≤ 20%, D50 ≤ 1.0 mm and Dmax
≤ 4.75 mm. Cho et al. (2006) concentrated the molecule shape consequences for packing density,
stiffness and quality for natural and crushed sands. The trial information and results from distributed
reviews were assembled into two databases to investigate the impacts of particle shape on packing
density and on the little to-vast strain mechanical properties of sandy soils. In concurrence with past
reviews, this information affirmed that expansion in rakishness or capriciousness creates an increment
in emax and emin. In this way, particle shape rose as a noteworthy soil record property that should be
legitimately portrayed and archived, especially in clean sands and rock. Muszynski (2006) decided the
most extreme and least densities of inadequately evaluated sands utilizing a streamlined technique..
Sinha and Wang (2008) created Artificial Neural Network (ANN) forecast models for soil compaction
and permeability. The ANN expectation models were produced from the aftereffects of order,
compaction and permeability tests, and factual investigations. The test soils were set up from four soil
parts, to be specific, bentonite, limestone clean, sand and rock. These four parts were mixed in various
extents to shape 55 distinctive blends. The standard Proctor compaction tests were embraced, and both
the falling and consistent head test strategies were utilized as a part of the penetrability tests. The
penetrability, MDD and ideal dampness content (OMC) information were prepared with the soil
characterization properties by utilizing an accessible ANN programming bundle. Three arrangements
of ANN expectation models were produced, one each for the MDD, OMC and penetrability (PMC). A
joined ANN model was additionally created to foresee the estimations of MDD, OMC, and PMC. A
correlation with the test information show that expectations inside 95% certainty interim can be gotten
from the ANN models created. Abdel-Rahman (2008) anticipated the compaction of cohesionless soils
utilizing ANN. An artificial neural system (ANN) model was produced to foresee the two primary
compaction parameters: the most extreme dry unit weight (γd)max and the optimum moisture content
(omc). The review was performed in light of the aftereffects of altered Proctor tests (ASTM D 1557).
In view of the ANN show, exact conditions were created to foresee the compaction attributes of
reviewed cohesionless soils. The anticipated qualities utilizing the ANN demonstrate and the exact
conditions were 20 contrasted and an arrangement of lab estimations.

A parametric review on the created conditions was performed to show the control parameters that set
the estimations of (γd) max and OMC. Gunaydın (2008) assessed the soil compaction parameters by
utilizing measurable examinations and manufactured neural systems. The information gathered from
the dams in a few ranges of Nigde (Turkey) was utilized for the estimation of soil compaction
parameters. Relapse investigation and counterfeit neural system estimation demonstrated solid 647

Review on Relative Density and Relative Compaction of Cohesionless Soil

connections (r 2 = 0.70–0.95) between the compaction parameters and soil characterization properties.
It has been demonstrated that the relationship conditions acquired therefore of relapse investigations
are in acceptable concurrence with the test outcomes. From the audit of writing accessible, it is seen
that enough work has been done on the void proportion, precision, grain shape, grain measure and
their packing arrangement of different sorts of soil. Different testing strategies for deciding least and
greatest voids proportion of sand, ANN models and nomographs for anticipating most extreme dry
thickness (MDD), ideal dampness content (OMC) of soil have been exhibited by a few examiners. In
any case, exact assurance of compaction parameters, for example, MDD and OMC of sand is
troublesome. In many determinations for earthwork, the temporary worker is told to accomplish a
compacted field dry unit weight of 95 to 98% of the maximum dry unit weight decided in the research
facility by either the standard or altered Proctor test. For the compaction of granular soils, particulars
are in some cases written as far as the required relative thickness. Exact relationships have been made
by before examiners in foreseeing relative density of sandy soils from SPT test information in the
field. It is accounted for in writing that the most extreme and least voids proportion diminish with
increment in the maximum dry density (D50). Least and most extreme voids proportions run (emax –
emin) of sandy soils or soils with low fine substance are a component of maximum dry density (D50).
From the accessible writing, it is learnt that the connection of relative density of granular soils have
not been endeavored in the research facility with the index property like grain size. In this way, a
relationship can be built up in the research facility with emax, emin and mean grain estimate.
Correspondingly the relative density at specific compactive effort can be associated with mean grain
size of the granular soils.

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