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Life Skills Questions and Answers - Grade 7 End Term 1 Exams 2023
Set 1

1. Mention any three dimensions of a human being. (3 marks)

2. Write the difference between a talent and ability. (2 marks)
3. Malik asked his leaners to state why identifying talents and abilities can promote self-fulfillment.
Which two reasons would they give? (2 marks)
4. What is self-esteem? (1 mark)
5. Mention two ways in which Peter, a Grade 7 learner, can improve his self-esteem. (2 marks)
6. Outline two factors that may lead to low self-esteem. (2 marks)
7. Suggest three ways of boosting our self- esteem. (3 marks)
8. Mukisa was overjoyed when he learnt that he had been selected to represent his school in the
regional sports competitions. Which type of emotions did Mukisa display? (2 marks)
9. Susan has lost her best friend through a road accident. Identify two ways in which she can manage
her emotions positively.
(2 marks)
10. Write two benefits of managing our emotions in our day-to-day life. (2 marks)
11. State two ways of dealing with stressful situations in our lives. (2 marks)
12. After losing her uncle in a road accident, Sharif became stressed and could not even eat.
a. Apart from losing a loved one, mention two other causes of stress in life. (2mks)
b. Write two negative effects of stress to Sharif. (2 marks)
13. Grade 7 learners of Hekima School were taught ways of managing stress during their guiding and
counseling session. Mention two ways of managing stress they are likely to have learnt. (2 marks)
14. Give two reasons that show the importance of managing stressful situations in our day- to-day
lives. (2 marks)
15. Whenever Conrad is stressed, he goes out to play basketball with his friends. Mention two other
ways Conrad can manage his stress. (2 marks)
16. Grade 7 learners were asked by their teacher to state the meaning of the following terms. Write
the meaning of each term they were expected to give. (2 marks)
a. Project implementation
b. Community service learning
17. List two benefits of carrying out Community Service Learning. (2 marks)
18. Joy is designing a community service project in their village. Outline the procedure that she will use
to deliver the project.
(3 marks)
19. We need to build healthy relationships with the people around us. List two benefits of healthy
relationships. (2 marks)

Judy drew the following diagram to represent her circles of relationship. Use Judy's diagram to
answer questions.
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20. Which letter represents Judy's relationship with her family members? (1 mark)
21. Identify the letter that represents Judy's relationship with strangers. (1 mark)
22. Who are acquaintances? (1 mark)
23. Mention two skills necessary for building healthy relationships. (2 marks)
24. What is effective communication? (1 mark)
25. Write two characteristics of effective communication. (2 marks)


1. The physical dimension, The social dimension, The spiritual dimension

2. A talent is a natural ability of a person to do something well.
Ablity is possession of necessary skills or power to do something. It is a skill you acquire after
putting your time and effort to develop it.
a. practising them for fun
b. by using them to make an income.
4. It is feeling good about yourself, having self-worth or self-confidence.
a. Being with people who treat him well.
b. Having a positive attitude
6. A person's lack of sense of belonging. Social or economic background of a person.
a. Focusing on strengths more than weaknesses.
b. Making and maintaining friendships or bereavement.
c. People's positive reaction towards you.
8. Joy, surprise, excitement, delight, happiness
9. Being with people who can comfort her, Accepting the Irreversible situation, Practicing self-control.
a. Helps in using time well.
b. Allows us to maintain friendships.
11. Changing the environment, Proper time management
a. Unresolved disagreements, illnesses, poor preparation for examinations, changes in
environment, death of loved ones, bullying, insecurity, emotional and physical abuse,
Interpersonal conflicts, peer pressure, loss of valued items, lack of basic needs and divorce
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or separation of parents.
b. Inability to concentrate, fatigue, anxiety, anger, having stomach problems, inability to
sleep, lack of concentration and apathy
a. Proper use of time
b. Engaging in postive leisure activities d) Getting enough time to rest
a. Saves time
b. Helps in coping with the situation
c. The experiences help us handle similar or related situations in future better
15. Eating a healthy diet, Getting enough sleep, Sharing with friends
a. This is carrying out planned activities. It is the process of putting a decision or a plan into
effect or action.
b. This is a type of experiential learning that combines classroom leaming and community
service, giving leamers the opportunity to work with community members to solve local
a. Provides leamers with opportunities to enhance their interpersonal skills
b. Enables learners to gain Important experience while working with members of their
18. Identifying the problem, Planning to solve. the problem
a. Reduces stress or helps in coping with stress
b. Leads to healthier behaviour
c. Creates a great sense of purpose in life
20. Circle A
21. Letter D
22. The people we do not know very well. They are not our close friends.
a. Accepting and appreciating differences in others
b. Listening effectively
c. Good negotiation skills
24. Effective communication Involves exchanging Information in the best way possible to be
understood by the receiver.
25. Clarity, Conciseness, Correctness, Completeness, Coherence, Consideration

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