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A few decades ago the average

Hungarian family consisted of a husband and
wife and at least three children. The father was
the breadwinner and the head of the family, the
mother was a housewife and brought up the
children. Nowadays most women want to work.
Even if they have small children they just send
them to a crèche and go back to work as soon as
possible. Women are responsible for at least three
jobs. Their profession is the first one. Moreover,
they have to be excellent mothers as well.
Finally, it is also important that they are very
good housewives at the same time. It is usually very hard to keep a good balance between the
family and the career.
In order to fulfil the gender role for women they must be feminine. To be feminine
means being pretty, neat and charming. For generations, there has been a stereotype that
women need to be “perfect”. In order for men to fulfil their gender role, they need to be
masculine. To be masculine means being strong, powerful and handsome.
Men are usually good at decorating the flat and repairing household devices. Men can
fix a dripping tap or replace light bulbs easily. They symbolise the power in the family, and
women feel that their partner can protect her and their children in case of emergency. Men
often earn more money than women and work more hours as well. That is why they can’t pay
as much attention to their home and family as women.
Traditional women’s jobs are being a nurse, a secretary, a teacher or a dress-maker.
Pilots, doctors, fire-fighters and lawyers are mainly men. Nowadays, these roles can be
fulfilled by both sex. There isn’t a huge gap between men and women concerning professions.
At home it is ideal if the husband and wife can share household chores. Typical male
responsibilities are D.I.Y and looking after the car, while women usually do the ironing,
cooking and washing.
All in all, we are humans, but of course there has always been difference between the
two genders. For me, the most recognisable difference is the wonder of giving birth to a child.
Only women can do this!

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