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First exams in 2025

IB Style Test – SL/HL Topic D3.1 Reproduction

Theme D: Continuity and change Level of Organisation: Organisms

Name ________________Time allowed: 20 mins SL / 30 mins HL Mark: / 21(SL) 30 (HL)

Mark scheme
Multiple choice questions (4 marks)

1. The following table illustrates the relative advantages of sexual and asexual reproduction in
terms of variety and adaptation to habitat. Which is the correct combination of relative

Type of Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

Type of Gene This is an Gene This is an
advantage combinations adaptation combinations adaptation
towards towards
A New Changing New Existing
environment environment
B Identical to Existing New Changing
parent environment environment
C New Existing Identical to Changing
environment parent environment
D Identical to Changing Identical to Changing
parent environment parent environment

2. The diagram is of a ban (Vicia faba) seed in the early stage of germination. In which area of
the seed would there be enzymic hydrolysis of starch?

A. Plumule.
B. Cotyledon.
C. Hypocotyl.
D. Micropyle.

© Richard Scarr & David Faure, InThinking

First exams in 2025
IB Style Test – SL/HL Topic D3.1 Reproduction
Theme D: Continuity and change Level of Organisation: Organisms

3. Why are artificial doses of hormones administered to women before the harvesting of egg-
cells for in-vitro fertilisation?
I. To suspend the normal menstrual cycle.
II. Because the woman is unable to produce egg-cells.
III. To cause superovulation.
IV. To prevent pregnancy before IVF treatment.

A. All of the above

B. II and III only
C. I and III only
D. I, III and IV only

4. The diagram is of the female reproductive system. Match the event in human reproduction
with the correct label.

Event in reproduction
1 2 3 4
A Normal site of Normal site of Contains corpus Contracts in
fertilisation implantation luteum in early response to
pregnancy oxytocin
B Contracts in Contains corpus Normal site of Normal site of
response to luteum in early fertilisation implantation
oxytocin pregnancy
C Normal site of Contains corpus Normal site of Contracts in
fertilisation luteum in early implantation response to
pregnancy oxytocin
D Normal site of Normal site of Contracts in Contains corpus
implantation fertilisation response to luteum in early
oxytocin pregnancy

© Richard Scarr & David Faure, InThinking

First exams in 2025
IB Style Test – SL/HL Topic D3.1 Reproduction
Theme D: Continuity and change Level of Organisation: Organisms

Structured answer questions. (5 marks)

5. The diagram represents an insect pollinated flower,

Match the letter on the diagram to an event occurring in the sexual reproduction of a flowering
plant. (5 marks)
F Mitotic growth to form the fruit.
D Meiosis to produce male gametes.
A Pollination.
E Growth to result in fertilisation.
C Phytopigments to attract mutualistic pollinators.

Extended response questions (7 marks)

6. Explain the importance of self-incompatibility methods in pollination and fertilisation which
achieve greater genetic diversity within a species of flowering plant. (3 marks)

Self-pollination is likely in many plants, as they produce large numbers of flowers on a single
plant / pollinators may visit several flower on the same plant.

Self pollination reduces genetic diversity in offspring. / it is a form of inbreeding.

Genetic diversity is increased by cross pollination/pollination between different plants.

Self-incompatibility methods are genetic mechanisms which prevent self-pollination

/promote cross pollination.

As pollen landing on the stigma does not grow a pollen tube, leaving non-self pollen to
fertilize ovules.

© Richard Scarr & David Faure, InThinking

First exams in 2025
IB Style Test – SL/HL Topic D3.1 Reproduction
Theme D: Continuity and change Level of Organisation: Organisms

7. The image shows the concentration of hormones of the ovarian and uterine parts of the
menstrual cycle over the 28-day cycle.

Using the diagram explain one example of positive and one example of negative feedback in
the menstrual cycle. (4 marks)
Positive feedback
Positive feedback is when a stimulus causes a response which increases the stimulus
e.g. As oestradiol reaches higher levels positive feedback causes an increase in FSH & LH
levels. Increased release of FSH causes further development of the follicle and increased
Negative feedback example:
Negative feedback is when a stimulus causes a response which reduces the stimulus.
e.g. Low levels of oestradiol from a developing follicle exert negative feedback to reduce LH
& FSH production by the pituitary. This reduces the stimulus for follicles to develop and
release oestradiol.
e.g. Progesterone and some oestradiol released by corpus luteum after ovulation, inhibits
the production of FSH and LH by the pituitary, which reduces the development of the corpus
e.g. Growth of endometrium followed by maintenance.

© Richard Scarr & David Faure, InThinking

First exams in 2025
IB Style Test – SL/HL Topic D3.1 Reproduction
Theme D: Continuity and change Level of Organisation: Organisms

Additional Higher level only

8. Which hormone in the urine is detected by the use of bound monoclonal antibodies?
A. Progesterone.
B. hCG.
C. Oestradiol.
D. LH.

Structured answer questions - HL only- (4 marks)

9. There are a series of events in gametogenesis. Outline one reason for the following events in
the production of sperm and egg-cells. (4 marks)
I. Mitosis.
Maintain the germ line.
Produce gamete mother cells.
Maintain sufficient cells for meiosis.
II. Two divisions in meiosis.
Meiosis is reduction division.
Meiosis reduces chromosome number /
Meiosis makes haploid cells from a diploid cell.
III. Unequal cytokinesis in oogenesis.
Occurs only in production of female gamete.
Only one gamete is produced in meiosis.
Ensures sufficient cytoplasm/organelles for the egg cell.
The cytoplasm of the egg cell is used by the dividing zygote.
IV. Differentiation in spermatogenesis.
Develops needed organelles.
Example of organelle such as acrosome/mitochondria (in middle piece)

Extended response - Additional Higher Level only. (5 marks)

10. Discuss the roles of progesterone and oxytocin during pregnancy and childbirth. (5 marks)
Progesterone maintains the uterine lining during pregnancy.
Progesterone inhibits FSH/suspends ovarian cycle.
Progesterone inhibits oxytocin/inhibits uterine contractions.
Near childbirth, progesterone levels drop.
Oxytocin release increases.
Oxytocin promotes uterine contractions for childbirth.
(and through more contractions) Oxytocin release causes more release of oxytocin/positive

© Richard Scarr & David Faure, InThinking


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